Renaissance College of Commerce and Management. Business Communication Important Questions
Renaissance College of Commerce and Management. Business Communication Important Questions
Renaissance College of Commerce and Management. Business Communication Important Questions
Important questions
1. Explain Communication and its process.
2. Explain communication model.
3. Describe various types of communication with suitable examples.
4. What are the basic principles of communication ?
5. What is feedback? Explain the importance of feedback in business organization.
6. What is communication channel ?Explain various types of communication channel.
7. Explain dimensions of communication.
8. Communicating through documents proves the authenticity of information-Elaborate .
9. Briefly describe the fundamentals of communication.
10. Assume that Kothari group of companies is inviting resume for the post of marketing head in indore.
To apply in the above organization prepare an impressive resume and cover letter with considering all
essential elements of written communication.
11. What do you mean by business letter? Explain different types of business letters.
12. Explain the essential points kept in mind while we are writing inquiry letter and complaint letter.
13. Differentiate between debate and group discussion.
14. Explain the barriers of communication with remedies to overcome from them.
15. To become a good speaker you should be a good listener -Explain.
Renaissance college of commerce and management.
Important questions
1. Explain the framework of International business.How it differs from domestic business ?
2. Describe Various approaches of International business.
3. Explain Absolute advantage theory and comparative cost theory of IB.
4. What are the different modes to do business across the national boundaries ?
5. Write short notes on
6. Explain the interlinking between GATT & WTO.
7. Put some light on various rounds of WTO.
8. Explain EXIM policy. What are the recent changes in exim policy of india.
9. Explain balance of payments.
10. Explain Various types of L/C.
11. Describe export finance with its methods.
12. Describe regional economic integration and trade blocks with its merits and demerits.
13. Explain the utility of FEMA in world trade.
14. Social responsibility is a major aspect of foreign trade- Elucidate.
15. Write an essay on recent trends in world trade.