Guide To Progressive Solemnity
Guide To Progressive Solemnity
Guide To Progressive Solemnity
Sunday &
Votive & Ritual
Memorial Weekday
Introductory Rites
Entrance Chant Sung Sung Sung Sung
Greeting Sung (Sung)
Penitential Act / Kyrie Sung Sung (Sung) (Sung)
Gloria Sung Sung
Collect Sung (Sung) (Sung) (Sung)
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading (Sung) (Sung)
Responsorial Psalm Sung Sung Sung (Sung)
Second Reading (Sung) (Sung)
Gospel Acclamation & Verse Sung Sung Sung Sung
Gospel (Sung) (Sung)
Creed (Sung)
Prayer of the Faithful Sung (Sung) (Sung) (Sung)
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Offertory Chant Sung Sung/Instrumental (Instrumental/Choral)
Prayer over the gifts Sung (Sung)
Eucharistic Acclamations1 Sung Sung Sung Sung
Eucharistic Prayer (Sung) (Sung)
Communion Rite
Lords Prayer Sung (Sung)
Rite of Peace (Sung)
Fraction Rite (Agnus Dei) Sung Sung Sung Sung
Communion Chant Sung Sung Sung Sung
Hymn of Praise (Sung) (Sung)
Post-Communion Prayer Sung (Sung) (Sung) (Sung)
Concluding Rite
Greeting/Blessing/Dismissal Sung (Sung)
Hymn/Music after Mass Sung Sung / Instrumental (Instrumental)
Postlude Instrumental (Instrumental)
Ministerial Roles
Deacons (Two) One One One
Acolytes (4) Acolytes (3)(4) Acolytes (2) Acolytes (2) Acolytes
Ritual Aspects
Vestments (Deacons) Dalmatic Dalmatic Dalmatic Dalmatic
Procession & Recession Concelebrants Concelebrants Simple Simple
Gospel Yes (Yes) No No
Offertory (Yes) (Yes) No No
Incense Yes (Yes) No No
Processional Crucifix Yes Yes No No
Processional Candles Yes Yes No No
Altar Candles Six (7 if Bishop) Four Two Two