The document contains a list of Indonesian slang words and their English meanings. It also includes common Indonesian phrases and their English translations. Finally, it lists the menus of various Indonesian restaurants and street food vendors.
The document contains a list of Indonesian slang words and their English meanings. It also includes common Indonesian phrases and their English translations. Finally, it lists the menus of various Indonesian restaurants and street food vendors.
Original Description:
bahasa yang sering digunakan oleh anak muda dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
The document contains a list of Indonesian slang words and their English meanings. It also includes common Indonesian phrases and their English translations. Finally, it lists the menus of various Indonesian restaurants and street food vendors.
The document contains a list of Indonesian slang words and their English meanings. It also includes common Indonesian phrases and their English translations. Finally, it lists the menus of various Indonesian restaurants and street food vendors.
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Sinting = A crazy, nutty person
Cinta buta = Love is blind
Serak-serak basah = Throaty, husky voice Genit = Flirtatious Sok = Arrogance angan kapok !ain ke sini, yach" = #lease co!e visit again $tika !usli!ah berpakaian = %usli! &o!en's dress nor!s (giler = To stir )ro! sleep *ekasih gelap = Secret lover %engecil = To shrink +asar ka!u nich = ,t is no surprise, it is e-pected o) you #ikiran kosong = %y !ind &ent blank .rakan = /o&dy0unke!pt (orak = Tacky0in bad taste Ge-er = 1ig-headed0egotistical 1ingung = 2ang on, are you telling !e33" *ena batunya = 4ou had it co!ing Lari seperti dike5ar setan = /un as i) chased by a ghost 2anyut = +ro&ning %untah0!uak = Fed up Aduh a!it-a!it = God )orbid Gagu = %ute *utilan = 6art %encurigakan = Slang-sketchy Tidak begitu, ngga 5uga = (ot so !uch 1uyar = Lapse in concentration Sok tahu = S!art aleck, %r3*no&-it-All .leg-uleg = #estle %elotot = 1ug-eyed (ongkrong = To sit around doing nothing angan sok puitis deh ka!u = 2ey you, cut the silly nonsense (gos-ngosan = 7ut o) breath $kono!i ngos-ngosan = $cono!ic slu!p 1ayar sendiri-sendiri = To go dutch
*antong ke!pes0tongpes = Flat broke Lu!ayan )atal = near )atal !istake %e5eng = See and be seen Gaul = 8ery social0 social butter)ly *uper = 6ink0)lirt Gokil = Grazy %elirik = Stare0)lirt /u!it0bingung = Con)ound #lin-plan = 6ishy-&ashy 1er!ulut !anis = Lip service, s&eet-talk A!buradul = Chaotic, disorganized Lesehan = Lay do&n Latah = #arroting9copycat #e!i!pi, #engela!un = 2ead in the clouds, drea!er Bullshit: Omong kosong. Cmon guys, dont be mad. Im just kidding: Ayolah teman, jangan marah. Aku cuma bercanda. Dont have kittens: angan gugu!. Dont scre" u! on this stu!id issue: angan meributkan soal kecil se!erti ini. Dro! it: #udahlah, lu!akan saja. $at shit and die, man:%utu! mulut. &et the dri't(: )engerti( &et out o' it: #udahlah, lu!akan saja. &et o'' my ass *sangat kasar+, &et o'' my back, &et o'' my case: #udahlah, jangan menggangguku. ,e is cra-y about her, ,e is stuck on her: Dia tergila.gila !adanya. ,es such a 'uckhead: Dia memuakkan. Im scre"ed, Im sucked: #aya benar.benar kacau. I catch u! to you: /anti aku menyusul. Im in dee! shit, Im in hot "ater, Im in trouble: Aku sedang kesulitan. Im scared shitless: Aku takut sekali. Im sticking my neck out 'or nothing: Aku berhara! terlalu muluk. It has really !issed me out, get on my case: Benar.benar menjengkelkan. 0i'e is a bitch, 0i'e sucks and then you die: ,idu! memang tidak mudah. )ake your o"n sand"ich: )asa bodoh. )ust have got u! on the "rong side o' bed: )im!i a!a semalam. /o hassle: %idak a!a.a!a. #he drives me cra-y: Dia membuat ku gila. #!it it out: Ce!at katakan. %he shit is going to hit the 'an: Bakal jadi rame nih. %oasted: #angat mabuk 1I2: 1ery Im!ortant 2erson. 3asted: Drunk 2issed: )abuk *karena minuman+. 3uss: 2engecut 4 !enakut. 5ouve got your just dessert: 6amu sudah menerima balasanmu. 5ou look like shit: 6amu kusut sekali. 5ou gotta kick the habit: 6amu harus menghentikan kebiasaan itu Daftar menu\\ Pizza hut / lele lela / dcost / ayam bakar mas mono / angkringan / bubur barito / ayam bakar christen / warung steak and shake / super sambal / warung pasta / bamboo dimsum / sushi miyabi / roti bakar edy / surabi enhay / mie aceh / soto ngawi / pempek pak raden / daeng naba seafood resto / solaria / kfc / food court / mang kabayan / mang engking / bakso wigno / mie ayam berkat / warung sate gajah / steak moen moen / mie ramen