Bullshit: Omong Kosong

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Sinting = A crazy, nutty person

Cinta buta = Love is blind

Serak-serak basah = Throaty, husky voice
Genit = Flirtatious
Sok = Arrogance
angan kapok !ain ke sini, yach" = #lease co!e visit again
$tika !usli!ah berpakaian = %usli! &o!en's dress nor!s
(giler = To stir )ro! sleep
*ekasih gelap = Secret lover
%engecil = To shrink
+asar ka!u nich = ,t is no surprise, it is e-pected o) you
#ikiran kosong = %y !ind &ent blank
.rakan = /o&dy0unke!pt
(orak = Tacky0in bad taste
Ge-er = 1ig-headed0egotistical
1ingung = 2ang on, are you telling !e33"
*ena batunya = 4ou had it co!ing
Lari seperti dike5ar setan = /un as i) chased by a ghost
2anyut = +ro&ning
%untah0!uak = Fed up
Aduh a!it-a!it = God )orbid
Gagu = %ute
*utilan = 6art
%encurigakan = Slang-sketchy
Tidak begitu, ngga 5uga = (ot so !uch
1uyar = Lapse in concentration
Sok tahu = S!art aleck, %r3*no&-it-All
.leg-uleg = #estle
%elotot = 1ug-eyed
(ongkrong = To sit around doing nothing
angan sok puitis deh ka!u = 2ey you, cut the silly nonsense
(gos-ngosan = 7ut o) breath
$kono!i ngos-ngosan = $cono!ic slu!p
1ayar sendiri-sendiri = To go dutch

*antong ke!pes0tongpes = Flat broke
Lu!ayan )atal = near )atal !istake
%e5eng = See and be seen
Gaul = 8ery social0 social butter)ly
*uper = 6ink0)lirt
Gokil = Grazy
%elirik = Stare0)lirt
/u!it0bingung = Con)ound
#lin-plan = 6ishy-&ashy
1er!ulut !anis = Lip service, s&eet-talk
A!buradul = Chaotic, disorganized
Lesehan = Lay do&n
Latah = #arroting9copycat
#e!i!pi, #engela!un = 2ead in the clouds, drea!er
Bullshit: Omong kosong.
Cmon guys, dont be mad. Im just kidding: Ayolah teman, jangan marah. Aku cuma bercanda.
Dont have kittens: angan gugu!.
Dont scre" u! on this stu!id issue: angan meributkan soal kecil se!erti ini.
Dro! it: #udahlah, lu!akan saja.
$at shit and die, man:%utu! mulut.
&et the dri't(: )engerti(
&et out o' it: #udahlah, lu!akan saja.
&et o'' my ass *sangat kasar+, &et o'' my back, &et o'' my case: #udahlah, jangan
,e is cra-y about her, ,e is stuck on her: Dia tergila.gila !adanya.
,es such a 'uckhead: Dia memuakkan.
Im scre"ed, Im sucked: #aya benar.benar kacau.
I catch u! to you: /anti aku menyusul.
Im in dee! shit, Im in hot "ater, Im in trouble: Aku sedang kesulitan.
Im scared shitless: Aku takut sekali.
Im sticking my neck out 'or nothing: Aku berhara! terlalu muluk.
It has really !issed me out, get on my case: Benar.benar menjengkelkan.
0i'e is a bitch, 0i'e sucks and then you die: ,idu! memang tidak mudah.
)ake your o"n sand"ich: )asa bodoh.
)ust have got u! on the "rong side o' bed: )im!i a!a semalam.
/o hassle: %idak a!a.a!a.
#he drives me cra-y: Dia membuat ku gila.
#!it it out: Ce!at katakan.
%he shit is going to hit the 'an: Bakal jadi rame nih.
%oasted: #angat mabuk
1I2: 1ery Im!ortant 2erson.
3asted: Drunk
2issed: )abuk *karena minuman+.
3uss: 2engecut 4 !enakut.
5ouve got your just dessert: 6amu sudah menerima balasanmu.
5ou look like shit: 6amu kusut sekali.
5ou gotta kick the habit: 6amu harus menghentikan kebiasaan itu
Daftar menu\\
Pizza hut / lele lela / dcost / ayam bakar mas mono / angkringan / bubur barito / ayam bakar
christen / warung steak and shake / super sambal / warung pasta / bamboo dimsum / sushi
miyabi / roti bakar edy / surabi enhay / mie aceh / soto ngawi / pempek pak raden / daeng naba
seafood resto / solaria / kfc / food court / mang kabayan / mang engking / bakso wigno / mie
ayam berkat / warung sate gajah / steak moen moen / mie ramen

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