Ps Class Syllabus

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Mrs. Hafer

Welcome to7
grade Science! The main goal of 7
grade science is to instill a variety of scientific
processing skills along with hands-on opportunities that allow students to internalize abstract
concepts. All students are expected to take an active role in classroom activities and help maintain a
positive learning environment. This will require frequent participation, appropriate classroom
behavior/conduct and respect for everything and everyone in the science room. Students must adhere
to all school and classroom rules and safety procedures.

COURSE TOPICS: Nature of Science, Chemical Interactions, Motion, Forces, and
Energy, Sound and Light, Electricity and Magnetism, Astronomy

GRADING All grades will be calculated using cumulative points. Throughout each
marking period, students can earn points from a variety of assessment opportunities
including tests, quizzes, projects, lab reports, lab & classwork, homework, etc.
Students and parents are able to track student progress using the online grade book
which can be accessed through the district website. Mrs. Hafer will provide mid-
marking period progress reports upon request or if a student is in danger of failing.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS Formative assessments (also known as Quick
Checks) are given periodically throughout each unit. Quick Checks consist of 2-3
questions which focus on the main ideas that have been taught so far in the unit. A
2-3 point grade on correctness will be recorded for the Quick Check. Quick Checks
are used to assess student knowledge of the new content. Those students who have
successfully learned the material will be given enrichment activities and students
who have not will be provided with supplemental activities and additional one-on-one
attention with Mrs. Hafer.

TESTING and STUDY GUIDES All tests and big quizzes will be given with a
minimum of one weeks notice. Test and quiz dates will be posted on the homework
board and students will copy the date into their assignment book. Test and quiz
dates will also be posted on the online calendar (accessible through Mrs. Hafers
webpage). Students will be provided with a study guide containing all relevant
material at the start of each unit. Students are required to complete the study guide
and turn it in on the day of the unit test in order to earn 5 participation points. The
study guide will only be accepted on the day of the test. Smaller quizzes will be given
periodically to check for student understanding. Small quizzes will be given with at
least one days notice. All tests and quizzes will require a parent/guardian signature.

ASSIGNMENTS Homework and projects are an important part of this science
course that are designed to enrich classroom activities and reinforce learning.
Students can expect review homework several nights each week and should complete
each assignment on time with neatness and effort.

**Assignment, project, quiz, and test dates will be written on the homework
board every day. Due dates are also posted on the online calendar (accessible
through Mrs. Hafers webpage). Students are expected to write their
assignments in their assignment book on a daily basis.

**Students will not receive full credit for any late/copied/incomplete work. If
work is not turned in on time, Mrs. Hafer will place a zero in the grade book
until the assignment has been turned in. Late assignments will lose 10% of
the total points for each day late, with a maximum loss of 50%. Any
assignments which are turned in late will be recorded as such in the grade book
and comments will be recorded if late points were deducted.

Reviewing classroom notes and vocabulary on a daily basis is strongly
encouraged! If homework is not assigned, it is strongly recommended that
students review any notes, vocabulary, and new material.

ABSENTEES When a student is absent from school, it is his/her responsibility to
check the WHILE YOU WERE OUT folder during homeroom for missed
assignments. All make-up work should be received by the teacher in a timely
manner (one extra day for each day of absence); all projects, tests and quizzes are
to be completed upon a students return. If class is missed for activities (band,
sports, early dismissal, etc.), all work is due as assigned.

SUPPLIES Students must bring all necessary materials to class each day! Daily
supplies include: a - 1 inch science binder, loose-leaf lined paper, assignment
book, highlighter, colored pencils, a pen and several pencils. Science binders must
allow papers to be easily inserted into the rings. Students should also have a
calculator for use in solving science equations. Students are required to write in
pencil unless otherwise stated. Failure to bring the necessary supplies could
negatively affect a students grade.

TEXTBOOK - Science Explorer, Prentice Hall
Students will use various content related textbooks throughout this school year.
Textbooks will not be issued to the students unless requested by a parent/guardian.
If issued a textbook, the student will return his/her textbook at the end of each unit
of study. In order to receive the next textbook in the series, students MUST return
the previously issued textbook. Students will be charged for any damage or failure to
return the textbook.

All textbooks are available on-line for student use throughout the school year. The
website is, username: Fugett2013 and password:
Science2013. The online textbook can also be accessed through a link on Mrs.
Hafers webpage.
On task.
Complete assignments on time.
Be quiet and attentive.
Respect others and yourself.

DISCIPLINE If any of the 4 Classroom Rules are broken,
disciplinary action will take place.
offense: student conference
offense: contact parents/guardians via email
offense: office referral written and given to grade level principal

For severe issues, I will contact parents/guardians immediately or write
an office referral.

LAB EXPECTATIONS All students are to be on their best behavior while a lab is in
progress. All lab policies must be followed at all times, even if the lab is an easy one.
Failure to comply will result in the suspension of class labs for students in question
until the student proves he/she knows proper lab procedures and behaviors. Lab
safety is a priority and if students are not practicing the necessary precautions when
lab is in progress, they will lose lab privileges. Students will not be able to conduct
any labs unless a signed lab safety contract is on file with Mrs. Hafer.

EXTRA HELP - I am always available to assist students with difficult concepts, test
preparation, lab work, etc. Students should seek extra help as soon as possible. Ask
early and ask often!

MARKING PERIOD CHANGES TO PROCEDUREAs a way of preparing students
for 7
grade, the following procedural changes will occur:
Assignments will no longer be accepted more than 1 day past the due date.
Handing in an assignment late will still result in a loss of 10% of the total

Following these guidelines will ensure that all students have a successful year
in science. Please read this information carefully. Initial each section and sign
on the line below on both copies of this syllabus. Keep the colored copy in the
front of your science binder and return the white copy to Mrs. Hafer.
I have read and agree to follow the information stated in Mrs. Hafers science
class expectation handout. I understand that if I do not follow the rules there
will be consequences.

STUDENT NAME _________________________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE _________________________________

PARENT NAME _________________________________

PARENT SIGNATURE _________________________________

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