Some People Prefer To Work For Themselves or Own A Business...
Some People Prefer To Work For Themselves or Own A Business...
Some People Prefer To Work For Themselves or Own A Business...
In our crowded world, people basically have to compete against each other in order to obtain
fundamental necessities and material comforts for living. Generally, there are two main types of
working conditions including working for a company and working for ourselves. Mostly, people
usually dream of having their own business due to many reasons. From my point of view, I
would work for a renowned company rather than running my own business. I will set forth my
reasons why I don't need to own a business like others.
First of all, we need to take some key factors into consideration prior to working for
ourselves. Running our own business requires various skills such as technical skill, financial
skill, management skills and much more. Accordingly, although we are expert in certain fields of
knowledge, it does not mean that we can run your own company and it is not like a linear
equation that you think you have an in-depth knowledge of software design and programming
hence you can establish a great software company and make it success like Microsoft.
Furthermore, most of all entrepreneurs have to spend most of their time developing their new-
born business at the expense of their time for taking care of their family and their own health. To
put it another way, it is not easy to find enough projects for a new-born company in order to
guarantee steady incomes and make it survive. Accordingly, it seems to me that having our own
business is a strenuous and grueling task which causes a lot of stress.
On the other hand, working for a big company will be beneficial for us in many ways. First,
we can assure ourselves of a regular income not like owning a company. Furthermore, we have
to work for a specific period of time which is usually eight hours a day. Hence, we can set aside
our time for other important things in our lives such as our family and our health. Furthermore, if
we have an opportunity to work for a multinational company, you will learn a great deal from
there due to great training facilities and knowledgeable people. Admittedly, running my own
business is a dream of mine, however, I still insist that working for a big company will be
beneficial for me and many crucial skills from which I learned will pave the way for high-paying
career opportunities.
Furthermore, if you are really desperate for owning a company, owning its stocks as a
shareholder is another alternative to be a part of it. Even though you may argue that it has very
high risk, investing in stocks is considered to be a well-returned investment rather than any other
investment vehicles in the long run. Furthermore, there are considerable competitive durable
companies which are full of human resources, experiences and expertise out there in the stock
market. You may need only business and stock analysis skills in order to comprehensively
understand companies which you are going to own and to improve your stock selection skills
which will reduce a lot of risk. Anyway, if a business you bought do not perform as analyzed, or
to put it another way, it makes a loss, you can leave by selling them. Obviously, the owners
cannot leave their companies as soon as you can, even though they really need to do so.
Consequently, you can own great companies without having various skills to carry it and it
means that you still can work for a company and owning a business via its stocks at the same
time. It is great to have two channels of income, isn't it?
All in all, owning a business may be a dream for many people. Overall, if we take many
factors into account, we will find that working for a company is easier than working for
ourselves. From my point of view, buying stocks is an alternative to owning a company. Hence,
we can work for a company along with owning great companies. Finally, we may find that we
have more time for other interesting aspects our lives.