Cash Expenditure Oct-Nov - 09 Essar CRM
Cash Expenditure Oct-Nov - 09 Essar CRM
Cash Expenditure Oct-Nov - 09 Essar CRM
30000.00 30000.00
700.00 0.00 29300.00
650.00 0.00 28650.00
700.00 0.00 27950.00
1700.00 0.00 26250.00
700.00 0.00 25550.00
50.00 0.00 25500.00
13550.00 0 1857.00
45.00 0 1812.00
160.00 0 1652.00
18348.00 1652.00 20000.00
Impresed Cas Holder-J L Das,ID No-752,SAP Vendor - 81022212,SAP Cost code - IN48400300,Fin Code - 5532
Amount (Rs.)
Expenditure Balance
0.00 20000.00
35.00 19965.00
9.00 19956.00
342.00 19614.00
40.00 19574.00
35.00 19539.00
35.00 19504.00
35.00 19469.00
700.00 18769.00
700.00 18069.00
700.00 17369.00
5013.00 12356.00
2650.00 9706.00
16200.00 -6494.00
50.00 -6544.00
26544.00 -6544.00
Imprest Cash Holder- J L Das,ID No-752,SAP Vendor - 81022212,SAP Cost code - IN48400300,Fin Code - 5532
Rupees twenty one thousand thirty seven and paise zero only.
Jawharlal Das
Name & Sig of Imprest cash holder
N48400300,Fin Code - 5532
Amount (Rs.)
Expenditure Balance
0.00 26544.00
35.00 26509.00
25.00 26484.00
55.00 26429.00
75.00 26354.00
2500.00 23854.00
40.00 23814.00
700.00 23114.00
200.00 22914.00
700.00 22214.00
700.00 21514.00
35.00 21479.00
500.00 20979.00
500.00 20479.00
2400.00 18079.00
700.00 17379.00
5400.00 11979.00
500.00 11479.00
14.00 11465.00
125.00 11340.00
25.00 11315.00
38.00 11277.00
500.00 10777.00
1900.00 8877.00
700.00 8177.00
35.00 8142.00
700.00 7442.00
700.00 6742.00
700.00 6042.00
500.00 5542.00
35.00 5507.00
21037.00 6112.00
SAP Vendor - 81022212,SAP Cost code - IN48400300,Fin Code - 5532
10/5/2009 Imprest Cash received on 05/10/2009 170000532 20000.00
Sl. No. Bill Date Description Bill no. Amount (Rs.) Total Expenditure
1 7/23/2009 Office stationary for HPL Site (By Vinod) 85 105.00 105.00
2 8/8/2009 Official currier to Devdutta Vaidya A15855145 77.00 182.00
3 9/1/2009 Office stationary for HPL Site (By Vinod) 70 35.00 217.00
4 9/17/2009 Official currier to Anil Swarnakar A16352163 55.00 272.00
5 9/17/2009 Official currier to Tanushree Ghatak A16352164 35.00 307.00
6 9/18/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 48195 500.00 807.00
7 9/21/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 46909 500.00 1307.00
8 9/24/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 39243 500.00 1807.00
9 9/25/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 52425 300.00 2107.00
10 9/29/2009 Courier cover for official use 24222400042 50.00 2157.00
11 9/30/2009 Official currier to Ramu(Pune) G41800664 40.00 2197.00
12 9/30/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 3118 502.00 2699.00
13 10/2/2009 Mobile bill of Mr Satish Narayan Trivedi (Sep 09) OTH0910R0001536 700.00 3399.00
14 10/2/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 54046 500.00 3899.00
15 10/4/2009 Pollcution checked for Co.Car 181/010899 50.00 3949.00
16 10/4/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 78343 300.00 4249.00
17 10/4/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 3405 502.00 4751.00
18 10/7/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.Nirmal S Pathak (Sep'09) 9050910C0003757 700.00 5451.00
19 10/7/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.Shashibhusan Sarma (Sep'09) 9040910C0002545 650.00 6101.00
20 10/7/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 56151 300.00 6401.00
21 10/8/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 56357 100.00 6501.00
22 10/10/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.P Kr. Mintu(Sep09) 9040910C0001350 700.00 7201.00
23 10/10/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.J L Das (Sep'09) 9040910C0003901 1500.00 8701.00
24 10/10/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.T Parida (Sep'09) 9040910C0003901 700.00 9401.00
25 10/11/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 16562 300.00 9701.00
26 10/13/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 20364 500.00 10201.00
27 10/14/2009 Official currier to Arvind Kumar (Accounts) A16695571 35.00 10236.00
28 10/14/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 48756 500.00 10736.00
29 10/15/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 56702 300.00 11036.00
30 10/19/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 5253 500.00 11536.00
31 10/21/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 25913 500.00 12036.00
32 10/22/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 8904 500.00 12536.00
33 10/24/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 27645 300.00 12836.00
Essar Bus Charges for 4 persons of our HSM site@900/Month
34 10/26/2009 per person for three months ,01 10800.00 23636.00
35 10/28/2009 Office stationary for CRM office 11/48153 788.00 24424.00
36 10/28/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 28061 500.00 24924.00
37 10/30/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 58920 300.00 25224.00
38 11/3/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.Shashibhusan Sharma (Oct'09) 9040911C0000771 700.00 25924.00
39 11/3/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 17944 300.00 26224.00
40 11/4/2009 Wiper for roll cleaning and dust bin for office 6702 271.00 26495.00
41 11/4/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 390459 300.00 26795.00
42 11/7/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 17772 500.00 27295.00
43 11/11/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.Nirmal S Pathak (Oct'09) 9040911C0005500 700.00 27995.00
44 11/12/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.P. Kr. Mintu(Oct09) 9040911C0003954 700.00 28695.00
45 11/12/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 50249 500.00 29195.00
46 11/17/2009 Petrol cost for Company car for official use only 15025 300.00 29495.00
47 11/18/2009 Mobile Bill of Mr.Lakhwindar Singh (Oct'09) 9040911G0005840 700.00 30195.00
Essar Bus Charges 8 persons of our CRM/HPL site@900/Month
48 11/18/2009 per person for one months i.e Nov 09) ,02 7200.00 37395.00
49 11/212009 Mobile Bill of Mr.J L Das (Oct'09) 9040911C000 1500.00 38895.00
38895.00 38895.00
Thirty eight thousand eight hundred ninety five and paise zero only
Jawharlal Das
ID No- 752
Name & Sign of Imprest cash holder