OBJECTIVES: To obtain an elementary education position and to volunteer my time with extra-curricular activities, especially those involving the arts.
CERTIFICATION: K-6 Level I Instructional, Pennsylvania
EDUCATION: M.Ed., Elementary Education Cedar Crest College, May 2009. GPA: 3.88
B.A., Integrated Art and Communication; Minor in Hispanic and Latino Studies Cedar Crest College, May 2006. GPA: 3.93, Summa Cum Laude.
EXPERIENCE: FIRST GRADE TEACHER: Christ the King/Good Shepherd Catholic School, Diocese of Allentown, PA August 2009 - Present Differentiate instruction for students special needs, including Aspbergers syndrome, ADHD, different physical abilities, and undiagnosed needs. Integrate technology into daily lessons using Intelliboard and eInstruction software. Volunteer with tutoring and drama club.
STUDENT TEACHING EXPERIENCE: SIXTH GRADE STUDENT TEACHER: Whitehall-Coplay Middle School, Whitehall-Coplay S.D., PA March - May 2009 Develop and implement social studies learning centers and unit plan. Select flexible groups for guided reading instruction. Help to implement new mathematics curriculum.
THIRD GRADE STUDENT TEACHER: Muhlenberg Elementary School, Allentown S. D., PA January - March 2009 Help implement and select flexible groups for new guided math program. Design literacy and mathematics learning centers. Integrate movement, music, and art activities into content areas. Plan and implement literacy unit plan, integrating drama and theater with fluency instruction.
OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCE: GROUP SUPERVISOR: Nativity Lutheran Early Childhood Education Center, Allentown, PA April 2008 - Present (summer position) Plan and implement engaging activities for preschool and school-age children. Supervise groups of students for full-day summer program. Differentiate approaches for students of various ages and needs.
SARAH MARIE MAGNER 2502 Garden Court Bethlehem, PA 18017 (570) 764-5236 [email protected]
OTHER RELATED EXPERIENCE (continued): PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR: St. Johns Christian Preschool, Emmaus, PA July 2007 - June 2008 Create standards-driven, developmentally appropriate curricula for three and four-year olds. Develop and maintain positive relationships with parents. Manage tuition payments and enrollment.
LEAD TEACHER, FOUR-YEAR OLDS CLASS: St. Johns Christian Preschool, Emmaus, PA July 2007 - June 2008 Prepare students for Kindergarten by planning and executing lessons and themed units of study. Devise and implement a daily schedule including emergent literacy and mathematics activities. Assess student progress and prepare associated reports.
LEAD TEACHER, THREE-YEAR OLDS CLASS: St. Johns Christian Preschool, Emmaus, PA January 2007 - June 2008 Differentiate instruction for individual students, including English Language Learners. Emphasize fine and gross motor coordination. Focus upon transition from home to the educational setting and positive school experiences.
RELATED ACTIVITIES: TUTORING/INSTRUCTION Peer Tutor of Mathematics and Spanish, 2002 - 2006: Cedar Crest College Assistant Coach, Cedar Crest Forensic Speech Team, 2007 - 2008 Student Instructor of Cedar Crest College Life Course, 2003 - 2006 Instructional Assistant, Art Department, 2004 - 2005: Cedar Crest College
VOLUNTEER WORK/CREATIVE ACTIVITIES Volunteer Teacher, 2009: Hydromania Program for 3 rd and 4 th grade students Volunteer Girl Scout Group Leader, 2003 - 2004: Allentown, PA Volunteer Orientation Assistant, 2003 - 2006: Cedar Crest College Opinions Editor and reporter for The Crestiad campus newspaper, 2004 - 2006 Freelance childrens illustrator and portraitist, 2002 - Present: Bethlehem, PA
ACADEMIC AWARDS, HONORS, AND LEADERSHIP: Summa Cum Laude graduate, 2006 Deans List, all semesters, Fall 2002 - Spring 2006 Member of Delphi, college academic honor society, 2004 - Present Margaret S. Samuels Prize for Ethics, 2004: Cedar Crest College Honors Thesis presentation and publication about childrens literature, 2006 Childrens illustration exhibited in Art 2006 Tompkins College Center Gallery Vice President of Pi Kappa Delta Honor Fraternity, 2005- 2006 Captain of Cedar Crest College Forensic Speech Team, 2005-5006