LIVELOUD Chords and Lyrics
LIVELOUD Chords and Lyrics
LIVELOUD Chords and Lyrics
Verse 1:
Loving God, You have chosen me
To love You, to serve You
And I can hear Your voice calling out to me
My Father of ae and onder
!re chorus:
You are the holy "ing of everlasting glory
Ta"e me and lead me to Your cross and to eternity
You$re reaching, reaching out to me Lord
I can feel your %resence delling inside of me
I$m see"ing, see"ing ays to &rea" free
From my sins and failures and %raying for Your mercy
Verse 1
'edeemer of all man"ind
(orn in a manger
'aised as a car%enter
)h my *ing, e come to %onder
Verse +
,on of our God, Most -igh
)&eying the Father
.estined to suffer
All of these, e come to %onder
0ho am I, that you should die for my sins1
#ause every day, as I %ray I than" you Lord for saving me2
(eloved ,on of God, )h 3esus, e orshi% You4 5+67
All glory &e to the )ne2 Father, ,%rit, ,on2
)n the cross you said, 80oman, (ehold Your ,on
,on, (ehold Your Mother9
And ith Mary e come to &uild Your
These hands ill declare all the
Greatness of God in me
And my mouth ill %roclaim all the
0onders -e made me see
)h God, reign forever2
)h Lord, consume me no2
Verse +
:o #hrist is the strength of a heart
That once set in the dar"
In -is ho%e I;m made hole, no -is
freedom that saves my soul2
)h God, reign forever2
)h Lord, consume me no
Great is your love oh God in me
Great is your love oh God in me
And I %ray that all the orld ill see, and
*no, and sing Your name alone2
Verse +
:o #hrist is the strength of a heart
That once set in the dar"
In -is ho%e I;m made hole, no -is
freedom that saves my soul2
)h God, reign forever2
)h Lord, consume me no
Great is your love oh God in me
Great is your love oh God in me
And I %ray that all the orld ill see, and
*no, and sing Your name alone2