Green Fashion

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CNU Out stages UP and USC

Cebu Normal University (CNU) championed in the 201 !boiti" #reen $ashion %evolution held
on !ugust & 201 at S' City Cebu (rade )all*
#reen $ashion %evolution is a +ashion sho, contest hosted by the !boiti" $oundation to help
conserve the environment and to e-tract the creativity o+ the students* !boiti" supplied the
materials to be used in the go,ns li.e the tarpaulins& +lour sac.s& paper& and blunt grinder
CNU/s collection is made by the (01 2
year students ,ith the help o+ the )omema.ers/
Club* (he overall chairman o+ the , committee is 'att 'alagar* (he main designers are
%odsel !lcontin& #ether Canillo& and )annah Unabia* Some o+ the seamstresses are !ldrin
(eologo& %enenlyn %asonable& and Cy" Calina,an*
(he go,ns are made in the SS# o++ice during their +ree time ,hich ,ere +rom 2311 pm* (hey
even had t,o all3nighters in the t,o consecutive $ridays prior to the contest day* 4t ,as a real
challenge +or them because the budget as.ed +rom the admin ,as released late& that ,as ,hy
they had to +ish +rom their o,n poc.ets +or meals& snac.s& and other production e-penses*
)o,ever& amidst all the di++iculties& CNU/s Silver3'etallic Collection made by the (01 students
out staged collections +rom +ive other universities* UP $ine !rts placed
,hile USC C!$!
came in 2
& and UC 5anilad ,as 1
!s a champion& CNU received a cash pri"e ,orth Php20& 000*00* (he pri"e ,ill be spent +or the
victory party and the remaining ,ill go to the internal +unds* 6e are also tas.ed to adopt a
barangay ,hich ,ill receive Php70& 000*00 as +inancial support +or their environmental pro8ects*
6hen as.ed o+ his reaction to the ,in& 9an %ey Cabata:a said& Very heartwarming kay we
never expected. Double pa gyud ang kalipay kay last year 2
ra nya karun, champion. Proud
sad kaayu mi sa !"# students kay they did their part well. $alipayun sad mi kay nakada ug
dungug sa school.%

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