Credit Mangement Policy by Bangladesh Bank and Its Implementation by Bank Asia Limited

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Credit Mangement Policy by Bangladesh Bank and Its

Implementation by Bank Asia Limited

1. BAckground of the study.
Four years back Bangladesh Bank undertook a project to review the global best practices in the banking
sector and ea!ines in the possibility of introducing these in the banking industry of Bangladesh. Four
"Focus #roups$ were for!ed with participation fro! %ationali&ed Co!!ercial Banks' (rivate Co!!ercial
Banks ) Foreign Banks with representatives fro! the Bangladesh Bank as tea! coordinators to look into
the practices of the best perfor!ing banks both at ho!e and abroad. *hese focus groups identified and
selected five core risk areas and produced a docu!ent that would be a basic risk !anage!ent !odel for
each of the five +core+ risk areas of banking. *he five core risk areas are as follows-
a, Credit -isks.
b, Asset ) /iability 0 Balance 1heet -isks.
c, Foreign 2change -isks.
d, Internal Control ) Co!pliance -isks. and
e, 3oney /aundering -isks.
Bangladesh Bank in one of it$s circular 4B-(5 Circular no.16, advised the co!!ercial banks of Bangladesh
to put in place an effective credit approval and !onitoring syste! by 5ece!ber' 7889 based on the
guidelines sent to the!.
In !y study' I would try to put forward !y findings about the :Credit 3anage!ent (olicy of Bangladesh
Bank' and its i!ple!entation;. *o illustrate !y point' I a! giving the ea!ple of Bank Asia /i!ited.
7. <bjectives of the study.
Broad objective=
*he broad objective is to know the Credit 3anage!ent (olicy of Bangladesh Bank.
*o analy&e its i!ple!entation at Bank Asia /i!ited.
1pecific objective=
In order to reach the broad objective' so!e specific objectives are identified.In this report' I have atte!pted
to give an overview of foreign echange operation of BA/. Following are the !ain objective=
*o fa!iliari&e with the history and operations of Bank Asia /i!ited Bangladesh.
*o show an overview of foreign...

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