This document is an order receipt from Jagran Josh Bookshop for customer Aditi Chachad of Mumbai, India. It details an order placed on June 16, 2014 for a single eBook titled "Current Affairs - May 2014" costing Rs35 with no additional shipping charge. The total order subtotal is Rs35.
This document is an order receipt from Jagran Josh Bookshop for customer Aditi Chachad of Mumbai, India. It details an order placed on June 16, 2014 for a single eBook titled "Current Affairs - May 2014" costing Rs35 with no additional shipping charge. The total order subtotal is Rs35.
This document is an order receipt from Jagran Josh Bookshop for customer Aditi Chachad of Mumbai, India. It details an order placed on June 16, 2014 for a single eBook titled "Current Affairs - May 2014" costing Rs35 with no additional shipping charge. The total order subtotal is Rs35.
This document is an order receipt from Jagran Josh Bookshop for customer Aditi Chachad of Mumbai, India. It details an order placed on June 16, 2014 for a single eBook titled "Current Affairs - May 2014" costing Rs35 with no additional shipping charge. The total order subtotal is Rs35.