Anonymous - Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 6 Cd6 Id59971307 Size75

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A. Well to do Crafters
1. Well to do crafters, who hae the a!"l"t# to $a# for f"%e
wor&'a%sh"$, 'a# !(# o%l# the f"%est art"cles 'ade of s"ler a%d )old.
a. Follow"%) the !el"ef "% the law of co%ta)"o%, the# w"ll set
as"de the"r tools a%d (se the' solel# for the"r 'a)"cal wor&.
*1+ ,a%# hae elet or s"l& coers 'ade for the tools wh"ch
w"ll &ee$ the' %"ce a%d sh"%# w"th a '"%"'(' of $ol"sh"%).
-. .arde% /ar"et# 0"tche% W"tches
1. These $eo$le $lace 'ore al(e o% 'a&"%) the"r ow% tools, ee%
"f the# are %ot the $rett"est to loo& at.
a. The# feel the tools !eco'e char)ed w"th the"r w"ll as the#
are for'ed !# the"r '"%ds a%d ha%ds.
*1+ ,a%# t"'es the tools w"ll do do(!le d(t# "% the &"tche%
a%d "t ta&es so'eo%e who &%ows how the tools are (sed to f")(re o(t
that the# are 'a)"cal.
*a+ Th"s %ecess"tates that the e1("$'e%t !e reco%secrated
each t"'e the# are to !e (sed for 'a)"c r"t(al.
*!+ A d"rect !e%ef"t of th"s "s that #o( )et lots of
$ract"ce "% co%secrat"%) tools. A%d #o( "%2ect a certa"% a'o(%t of
'a)"c "%to #o(r eer#da# l"fe.
A. Cloth"%)
1. The Cere'o%"al Ro!e
a. ,ost trad"t"o%s ado$t a ro!e of a $art"c(lar color.
*1+ Th"s seres the sa'e $(r$ose of )o"%) s&#clad, "% that "t
'a&es eer#o%e 'ore or less e1(al.
*a+ Colors te%d toward s#'!ol"5"%) $(r"t# *wh"te+
"de%t"f#"%) w"th %at(re *)ree%+ or ca'o(fla)e for o(tdoor wor& *!row%
or !lac&+.
!. The ro!e "s (s(all# hooded for o(tdoor (se !(t 'a%# crafters
who o%l# wor& "%s"de (se ro!es of a l")htwe")ht 'ater"al w"th %o hood.
*1+ The ro!e "s s($$osed to !e 'ade of a %at(ral f"!er s(ch as
cotto% a%d sew% !# the ow%ers ow% ha%d.
*a+ So'e w"tches w"ll sa# a !less"%) oer each st"tch wh"ch
hel$s the' co%ce%trate the"r 'a)"cal w"ll o% the $(r$ose of the ro!e
as the# are 'a&"%) "t.
*!+ Ha"%) so'eo%e who "s )ood at sew"%) or (s"%) a sew"%)
'ach"%e to 'a&e the ro!e "s %ot (%&%ow%, altho()h r")"d $(r"sts wo(ld
$ro!a!l# t(r% the"r %oses ($ at the "dea.
c. To e%s(re that the ro!e reta"%s "ts a!"l"t# to tr"))er
s(!l"'"%al res$o%ses "t "s o%l# wor% for r"t(al $(r$oses a%d (s(all#
stored "% a chest set as"de for r"t(al e1("$'e%t whe% %ot !e"%) (sed.
*1+ ,a%# trad"t"o%s ado$t a s$ec"f"c "%ce%se w"th a d"st"%ct
aro'a for the"r r"t(al wor& a%d the ro!e a!sor!s the sce%t.
*a+ The sce%t ca% !e a%other s(!l"'"%al tr"))er.
6. The C"%)(l(' or Cord.
a. Th"s "s a cord, (s(all# !ra"ded, wh"ch "s wor% a!o(t the
wa"st a%d t"ed "% a s"'$le &%ot.
*1+ The c"%)(l(' s#'!ol"5ed the w"tchs7 !o%d to the .oddess
a%d "s (sed "% &%ot 'a)"c a%d !"%d"%) r"t(als.
*a+ It "s (s(all# 'ade of a %at(ral f"!er s(ch as cotto%,
s"l& or wool.
*!+ So'e trad"t"o%s faor o%e color for all 'e'!ers *s(ch
as red+ wh"le other trad"t"o%s $refer a d"ffere%t color for each
*c+ Whe% there are d"ffere%t colors for each de)ree the
h")hest ach"eed "s wor% or all cords ear%ed are wor% !ra"ded
*d+ The le%)th "s trad"t"o%all# t"ed to la#"%) o(t a
t#$"cal c"rcle w"th a %"%e foot d"a'eter. So'e cords are 8 feet lo%)
a%d others are a l"ttle lo%)er tha% 9 1:6 feet lo%).
*e+ To la# o(t a %"%e foot d"a'eter c"rcle w"th the shorter
cord the w"tch wo(ld 'ar& the ce%ter of the c"rcle w"th a st"c& or
athal'e a%d t"e o%e e%d of the cord to "t. She wo(ld the% (se the
other e%d to 'eas(re o(t the c"rc('fere%ce of the c"rcle !# wal&"%)
aro(%d "t w"th the cord held ta(t.
;. The Cloa&
a. Th"s "s a lar)e loose f"tt"%) cloa& or ca$e of hea# 'ater"al
w"th a hood.
*1+ The color "s (s(all# !lac&, dar& !l(e or )re#.
*a+ Th"s "s a totall# f(%ct"o%al $"ece of e1("$'e%t. It was
wor% as a w"tch traelled to the Coe%'eet. It allowed her to !le%d
"%to the shadows of the %")ht.
*!+ Ha"%) the a!"l"t# to d"sa$$ear "%to the s(rro(%d"%)
shadows of a forest at %")ht wh"le wear"%) th"s cloa& led to the
!el"ef that w"tches had the a!"l"t# to t(r% "%"s"!le.
*c+ As %")ht wore "%to daw%, the cloa& was wor% to &ee$
awa# the ch"ll of 'or%"%) o% the ret(r% tr"$. So'et"'es a l"%"%) of a
co''o% color s(ch as !row% was sow% "%to the cloa& so that "t co(ld !e
wor% "%s"de o(t o% the ret(r% d(r"%) da#l")ht.
-. <ewelr#
1. The Nec&lace
a. Al'ost all stat(es of the .oddess fro' a%c"e%t t"'es de$"ct
Her as wear"%) a %ec&lace.
*1+ For th"s reaso% a 'oder% fe'ale w"tch 'a# wear a %ec&lace
as a s")% of her attach'e%t to the .oddess.
*a+ The %ec&lace "s 'ade of a %at(ral s(!sta%ce s(ch as a
stra%d of a'!er !eads alter%at"%) w"th !eads of 2et, or seashells.
*!+ A %ec&lace 'ade of acor%s "%cor$orates the co%%ect"o%
w"th the .oddess, a%d the .od, whose tree "s the oa& a%d the acor% "s
a% a%c"e%t s#'!ol of fert"l"t#.
*c+ Nec&laces w"th s#'!ols that 'a&e the w"tch feel
7w"tch#7 are er# co''o% a%d the# are (s(all# fash"o%ed of s"ler
wh"ch "s the Lad#7s 'etal.
*6+ I% 'ost trad"t"o%s the 'ale w"tch "s %ot re1("red to wear
a %ec&lace, !(t whe% he chooses to "t '")ht !e s"ler "%
"de%t"f"cat"o% w"th the .oddess.
*a+ Or )old "% "de%t"f"cat"o% w"th the .od. 4es")%s co(ld
!e trad"t"o%al, l"&e a torc or $e%ta)ra' or a%#th"%) else that a$$eals
to h"'.
6. The -racelet
a. So'e trad"t"o%s (se !racelets as 'a)"cal a'(lets a%d fe'ale
w"tches, es$ec"all# h")h $r"estesses, w"ll wear co$$er !racelets wh"ch
hel$ the' to "de%t"f# w"th the solar as$ects of the .oddess or the
;. The R"%)
a. I hae %o &%owled)e of a%# trad"t"o% that re1("res "ts
'e'!ers to wear a $art"c(lar r"%).
*1+ ,ost w"tches hae a faor"te 7'a)"c7 r"%) that the# l"&e
to wear d(r"%) r"t(als.
*a+ ,ost 'a)"cal te=ts co%ta"% %('ero(s "%str(ct"o%s o% how
to co%str(ct a%d decorate 'a)"cal r"%)s to !"%d de'o%s, clo(d '"%ds of
$eo$le aro(%d #o(, a%d t(r% #o( "%"s"!le.
*!+ The draw!ac& to these "s that #o( '(st lear% to des")%
a%d cast #o(r ow% 2ewelr#. Not to 'e%t"o% )ett"%) the )old a%d other
$rec"o(s 'etals a%d sto%es re1("red "% the for'(las.
9. The .arter
a. ,ost $ro$erl# a% art"cle of cloth"%), the )arter has co'e to
!e (sed as a !ad)e of off"ce rather tha% a %ecess"t# for hold"%) ($
*1+ There "s a cae $a"%t"%) fro' the $aleol"th"c era show"%)
a 'ale sha'a%, dressed "% h"s ro!es a%d s(rro(%ded !# h"s tr"!e, as
the# $erfor' a 'a)"cal r"t(al a%d, wh"le h"s le)s are !are, a )arter
"s er# $la"%l# show% aro(%d each th")h.
*6+ The )arter 'a# hae !ee% (sed as a tal"s'a% at o%e t"'e,
as %oted a!oe, !(t toda# "t "s (sed to des")%ate stat(s "% the Pa)a%
*a+ A s"ler !(c&le "s added to the )arter whe% eer a
Pr"estess leaes the 'other coe%. The H")h Pr"estess of the 'other
coe% 'a# the% add a !(c&le to her )arter to s#'!ol"5e th"s h""%) off
of a %ew coe%.
*;+ There "s a stor# a!o(t a !all that 0"%) 3dward the Th"rd
of 3%)la%d )ae. 4(r"%) th"s !all the da%c"%) a$$are%tl# )ot $rett#
w"ld a%d o%e of the Lad#7s of the Co(rt lost her .arter.
*a+ The 0"%) $"c&ed "t ($ a%d t"ed "t o% h"s ow% le) a%d
s$o&e the words >Sha'e to h"' who th"%&s "ll of "t.>
*!+ Th"s was the !as"s for the Order of the .arter, wh"ch
"s $erha$s the oldest Order of 0%")hthood "% -r"ta"%. The 0"%)s words
!eca'e the 'otto of the Order?
>Ho%t so"t 1(" 'al # $e%se.>
@. The ,oo% Crow%
a. A%c"e%t stat(es of 4"a%a show her w"th a !a%d a!o(t her head
a%d a cresce%t 'oo% aff"=ed to "t across her forehead, to show her
do'"%"o% oer the 'oo% wh"ch "s her celest"al s$here.
*1+ H")h Pr"estess are crow%ed w"th a ,oo% Crow% d(r"%) the
"%ocat"o% of the .oddess. Th"s seres as a re'"%der that she s$ea&s
for the .oddess a%d ac&%owled)es the H")h Pr"estesses co%%ect"o% w"th
A. The Hor%ed Hel'et
a. The .od "s a Hor%ed .od, a%d whe% He "s "%o&ed "%to the H")h
Pr"est d(r"%) r"t(al the Pr"est "s crow%ed w"th the Hor%ed Hel'et, for
esse%t"all# the sa'e reaso%s.
*1+ Hor%s were the or")"%al for' that crow%s too& as the#
re$rese%ted the "r"l"t# of the leader of the tr"!e wh"ch was
"'$orta%t to "ts s(r"al.
*a+ The words for 7hor%s7 a%d 7crow%7 were the sa'e "%
He!rew, a%d whe% ,"chaela%)elo d"d h"s research for h"s stat(e of
,oses he was (%aware of th"s a%d that "s wh# h"s stat(e shows ,oses
w"th hor%s.
*6+ O%ce tr"!al soc"et# )ae wa# to (r!a% soc"et# crow%s were
fash"o%ed "% the sha$e of !("ld"%)s, w"th a defe%s"e wall aro(%d
*;+ Crow%s d"d %ot start to rese'!le the rel")"o(s crow%s of
the Cathol"c Ch(rch, w"th "ts atte%da%t or!s a%d crosses, (%t"l the
false 4o%at"o% of Co%sta%t"%e was created "% B@9 C3.
*a+ -efore th"s, a 0"%) was chose% !# h"s $eo$le a%d
reco)%"5ed !# the Ch(rch. After the >4o%at"o% of Co%sta%t"%e> the
-"sho$ of Ro'e was reco)%"5ed as the >/"car of Chr"st> a%d ested w"th
the $ower to create 0"%)s a%d 3'$erors.
*!+ It "s fro' the >4o%at"o% of Co%sta%t"%e> that the
s(!se1(e%t $ower of the /at"ca% "% sec(lar affa"rs (lt"'atel# der"es.
C. S"'$les
1. Ca%dles
a. Ca%dles are (sed for the"r l")ht a%d the"r fla'e as the
s#'!ol of the h")hest 'a%"festat"o% of ether o% the 'ater"al $la%e.
*1+ ,ost altar set($s (se two ca%dles for $olar"t#
*a+ The# ca% !oth !e wh"te or o%e wh"te a%d the other red
or !lac&.
*6+ So'e altar set($s (se a s"%)le wh"te ca%dle called the
,a"de%7s Ca%dle.
*a+ Th"s "s the f"rst l"t a%d all other ca%dles, as well as
the "%ce%se (sed, are l"t fro' th"s ca%dle.
*!+ The ,a"de% Ca%dle "s (s(all# &e$t "% a holder that
allows "t to !e $"c&ed ($ a%d 'oed a!o(t the c"rcle w"tho(t da%)er of
s$"ll"%) hot wa=.
*c+ It ca% !e (sed as the s#'!ol of f"re whe% $(r"f#"%) the
c"rcle a%d as a $orta!le l")ht as %eeded.
*;+ ,ost trad"t"o%s (se ca%dles to 'ar& the fo(r 1(arters of
the c"rcle.
*a+ Colored ca%dles to 'atch the 3le'e%ts the# re$rese%t
are so'et"'es (sed "%stead of the trad"t"o%al wh"te.
*!+ So'e $ract"calC'"%ded w"tches, w"th the wherew"thal to
do so, (se $ol#%es"a% &erose%e $owered torches for the"r o(tdoor
c"rcles at the fo(r 1(arters.
6. I%ce%se
a. ,ost trad"t"o%s ado$t a $art"c(lar sce%t that !eco'es a
s(!l"'"%al tr"))er for the'.
*1+ <(st a!o(t a%# "%ce%se w"ll do, as lo%) as "t "s $leasa%t
a%d does %ot $rod(ce too '(ch s'o&e.
*a+ T#$"cal "%ce%ses are Fra%&"%ce%se a%d ,#rrh
co'!"%at"o%s a%d Sa%dlewood.
*6+ I% older t"'es, so'e of the "%ce%ses were co'$o(%ded (s"%)
'"ldl# hall(c"%o)e%"c $la%ts, !(t toda#s "%ce%ses are (sed 'ostl# to
sce%t the a"r.
*a+ Altho()h I hae see% "%ce%ses (sed that were also
$re$ared so as to dr"e awa# %")ht "%sects.
;. A%%o"%t"%) O"ls
a. Used "% a%%o"%t"%)s a%d !less"%)s.
*1+ It ca% !e as s"'$le as a )ood 1(al"t# ol"e o"l or as
co'$le= as a f"%e '"=t(re of rare esse%ce o"ls.
*a+ O%e ada%ta)e of wor&"%) s&#clad "s that #o( do%7t
collect o"l s$lotches o% #o(r ro!e fro' re$eated a%%o"%t"%)s.
*!+ Of co(rse, #o( ca% alwa#s re'oe #o(r ro!e for the
a%%o"%t"%)s, !(t the% "t "s ($ to $erso%al a%d )ro($ d"scret"o%.
4. Wor&"%) Tools
1. Atha'e *athCa#C'e+ or Athal'e *ahCthalC'a#+
a. Th"s "s the w"tches !as"c wor&"%) tool
*1+ It "s a steel !laded &%"fe, (s(all# w"th a% ed)e o% !oth
s"des, a%d a !lac& ha%dle.
*a+ So'e oldCt"'e o%es were 'ade of ch"$$ed fl"%t w"th the
ha%dle 'ade of tw"%e or a s'all ro$e 'ade fro' $la%ts, wh"ch was the%
d"ed !lac& w"th !err# 2("ce.
*!+ So'e 'oder% o%es hae a !o%e ha%dle or a deer hoof for
a ha%dle.
!. The Atha'e "s a $h#s"cal s#'!ol of the w"tch7s 'a)"cal w"ll.
*1+ A &%"fe was $ro!a!l# the f"rst eff"c"e%t c(tt"%) tool
deelo$ed !# h('a%s w"th wh"ch the# co(ld &"ll the"r )a'e.
*a+ <(st as the do) was the f"rst w"ld a%"'al that 'a%&"%d
do'est"cated, the &%"fe was the f"rst tr(l# h('a% $"ece of tech%olo)#.
*!+ It "s (sed "% the c"rcle as a s#'!ol of a(thor"t# a%d a
!ad)e of fa"th.
*c+ -eca(se the steel was for)ed "% f"re, the atha'e "s
t#$"call# ascr"!ed to reso%ate w"th the ele'e%t of F"re.
*d+ Altho()h there are trad"t"o%s that ass")% "t to the
ele'e%t of A"r.
6. The Sword
a. ,ore $o$(lar w"th Cere'o%"al ,a)"c"a%s, the sword ca% !e see%
as a lar)e ers"o% of the atha'e or the atha'e ca% !e "ewed as a
s'all ers"o% of the sword.
*1+ ,ost coe%s $ossess o%l# o%e sword wh"ch "s co''(%"t#
$ro$ert#. It "s rare that a% "%d""d(al w"tch w"ll ow% the"r ow%
*a+ I% earl"er t"'es, eer#o%e was e=$ected to ow% a &%"fe,
"t a%d the s$oo% were the 'a"% eat"%) (te%s"ls !efore the for& was
deelo$ed. O%l# $eo$le of the %o!"l"t# or of h")h ra%& were allowed to
carr# a sword !eca(se "t was co%s"dered a wea$o% of a))ress"o%.
*6+ As w"th the atha'e, the ele'e%t of the sword "s tho()ht to
!e F"re.
!. The sword, "f (sed, ca% !e (sed to cast the c"rcle a%d d(r"%)
the "%"t"at"o% r"t(als.
*1+ So'e $eo$le l"&e to (se a sword "%stead of a% atha'e !(t I
f"%d "t )ets crowded e%o()h w"th th"rtee% $eo$le 2a''ed "%to a %"%e
foot d"a'eter c"rcle, w"tho(t ha"%) so'eo%e sw"%)"%) a sword th"s wa#
a%d that.
;. The -olee% or -ol"%e
a. Th"s "s the w"tches wh"te ha%dled &%"fe, (sed for fash"o%"%)
other tools.
*1+ Yo( 'a# th"%& of "t as a 'a)"cal $oc&et&%"fe, altho()h "t
"s %ot (s(all# a fold"%) &%"fe.
*a+ W"th the lar)e a'o(%t of tools aa"la!le toda#, ra%)"%)
fro' s"'$le ha%dCtools to 4re'el '"%" $owered tools, "t "s %ot er#
co''o% to see a !olee% "% (se toda#.
9. The 0erfa%
a. Th"s "s the trad"t"o%al )olde% s"c&le, wh"ch the 4r("ds were
fo%d of (s"%) to c(t '"stletoe.
*1+ Not 'a%# trad"t"o%s (se a 0erfa% toda#, !(t those w"th a
4r("d"c lea%"%) '")ht faor the'.
@. The Rod or R"d"%) Pole *-roo'st"c&+
a. The Rod sered 'a%# $(r$oses "% the olde% t"'es.
*1+ It was a wal&"%) st"c& "% da#s whe% eer#th"%) was %ot
$aed oer w"th co%crete.
*a+ A%d what w"th the des"re to esca$e the c"t# for
r"t(als, "t st"ll does a $rett# )ood 2o!.
*6+ It (s(all# re$rese%ted a $hall(s a%d the e%d that was %ot
to(ch"%) the )ro(%d was cared to e%ha%ce th"s effect.
*a+ The $ract"ce of (s"%) "t as a r"d"%) $ole d(r"%)
fert"l"t# r"t(als "s selfCe=$la%ator#.
*!+ 4(r"%) the da%ces, the w"tches wo(ld lea$ a'o%)st the
)ra"% "% the f"elds astr"de the"r 7!roo'st"c&s7 to show how h")h the#
wa%ted the cro$s to )row. Th"s led to the !el"ef that w"tches fl# o%
the"r !roo'st"c&s.
*;+ I% add"t"o% to ca'o(fla)"%) the $ole so as %ot to offe%d
o(ts"ders, t#"%) !(%ches of !roo' $la%ts to the e%d of the Rod
$ro"ded a $ract"cal tool for swee$"%) the tw")s a%d leaes fro'
aro(%d the area that the w"tch w"shed for her c"rcle.
*a+ As a s"de %ote, the $eo$le who d"d %ot (%dersta%d the
$(r$ose of the Rod, !(t had see% "t (sed "% da%ces, t(r%ed "t aro(%d
so that the 7!roo'7 $art was )o"%) awa#, !eh"%d the w"tch, as she rode
"t "% the"r "ll(sC trat"o%s.
!. Trad"t"o%all#, the Rod was c(t fro' a tree that was sacred to
the .oddess or the .od.
*1+ Pract"call# a%# )ood hardwood w"ll sere.
A. The ,a)"c Wa%d
a. L"&e the R"d"%) Pole, the 'a)"c wa%d "s reall# a $hall(s,
wh"ch seres as the s#'!ol of the "r"l"t# of "ts w"elder.
*1+ It "s also trad"t"o%all# c(t fro' a tree wh"ch "s sacred
to the .oddess or .od.
*a+ The 0e# of Solo'o% sa#s that the wa%d sho(ld !e c(t
fro' a ha5el or %(t tree, a%d that the tree sho(ld !e "r)"% *%o 'ore
tha% o%e #ears )rowth.+
*!+ The wa%d "s to !e c(t w"th a s"%)le stro&e o% the da#
of ,erc(r# at s(%r"se.
*c+ So'e trad"t"o%s re1("re that "t !e c(t (s"%) a )olde%
s"c&le *&erfa%+.
!. The trad"t"o%al le%)th "s fro' the t"$ of the '"ddle f"%)er
of the r")ht ha%d to the t"$ of the el!ow.
*1+ Th"s 'ade "t eas"er to h"de "% a ro!es sleee.
c. The wa%d "s co%s"dered a tool of $ers(as"o% rather tha%
co''a%d, a%d "% 'ost trad"t"o%s "s ass")%ed the 3le'e%t A"r.
*1+ Altho()h, "% those trad"t"o%s that ass")% A"r to the
atha'e a%d Sword, the ele'e%t F"re "s ass")%ed to the R"d"%) Pole a%d
the Wa%d.
B. The Pe%tacle
a. I% 'a)"c, a $e%tacle "s a 'a%dalla or focal $o"%t for the
wor& "t e%co'$asses.
*1+ ,ost $e%tacles were 'ade of a 'alea!le 'ater"al, s(ch as
wa= or cast "% the 'etal corres$o%d"%) to the astro%o'"cal $la%et that
the ,a)"c"a% was eo&"%) "% h"s:her wor&s.
!. I% 'ost trad"t"o%s of the craft, the $e%tacle "s a% 3arth
$e%tacle "%cor$orat"%) the s#'!ols that are 'ea%"%)f(l to the 'e'!ers
of the trad"t"o%.
*1+ It "s the ce%ter$"ece of the altar, o% wh"ch o!2ects are
co%secrated? the water a%d salt !owls are $laced ($o% "t for !less"%).
c. So'e trad"t"o%s call "t a ,oo% Pe%tacle, a%d the s#'!ols,
wh"le !as"call# the sa'e, are cared "%to a s"ler d"sc.
*1+ The "dea !e"%) that co%secrat"o% a%d !less"%) "s $erfor'ed
"% d"rect co%tact w"th the .oddess.
*a+ The s"ler 'etal of the $e%tacle $ro"d"%) the l"%&
%ecessar# for co%ta)"o%.
d. Whe% the $e%tacle "s a% 3arth $e%tacle, "t "s (s(all# 'ade of
a 'etal s(ch as co$$er.
*1+ It "s %or'all# ro(%d, a%d @CA "%ches "% d"a'eter.
D. The Sco(r)e
a. T#$"call#, a wh"$ 'ade of a ha%dle of %(twood a%d e")ht ta"ls
of cords w"th f"e &%ots t"ed "% each ta"l.
*1+ The sco(r)e has two (ses.
*a+ S#'!ol"c, a s")% of $ower a%d do'"%at"o%.
*!+ A%d for )e%tle, 'o%oto%o(s, se'"Ch#$%ot"c a$$l"cat"o%
to affect the !lood c"rc(lat"o% as a% a"d to 7)a"%"%) the S")ht.7
8. The Ca(ldro%
a. The ca(ldro% was o%e of the 'ost (sef(l "te's "% the
*1+ It was esse%t"al for coo&"%), !rew"%), $rocess"%) 'a%#
&"%ds of food a%d 'ed"c"%es, treat"%) h"des, wash"%), d#e"%), 'a&"%)
ho(sehold "te's l"&e soa$ a%d ca%dles, a%d carr#"%) water or f"re.
*a+ It7s s'all wo%der that the !roo' a%d ca(ldro% !eca'e
the two 'ost w"del# reco)%"5ed s#'!ols of a wo'a%7s do'"%"o% oer
do'est"c 'atters as re$rese%ted !# hearth a%d ho'e.
!. The ca(ldro% "s a% esse%t"al s#'!ol of the Craft a%d e'!od"es
sacred tr(ths that reflect the w"tch7s world "ew.
*1+ See% as a 7coo&"%) $ot7 the ca(ldro% was e%dlessl#
ch(r%"%), t(r%"%), a !o"l"%) 'atr"=, a so($ of ele'e%tal raw 'ater"als
"% the cos'"c wo'!.
*a+ The ca(ldro% re$rese%ts the st(ff of creat"o%, the
,other7s eter%al fl(=.
*!+ The ca(ldro% s#'!ol"5es creat"o%, that occ(rs %ot 2(st
o%ce as "% so'e other rel")"o%s, !(t co%sta%tl#, as lo%) as the
(%"erse lasts.
*6+ -(t the ca(ldro% was %ot o%l# a s#'!ol for the wo'! of the
,other. It was also a s#'!ol of a!(%da%ce.
*a+ <(st a Nat(re oer$rod(ces to ass(re the s(r"al of a
s$ec"es, the ca(ldro% "s see% as a% e%dless so(rce of %o(r"sh'e%t for
the followers of the .oddess.
*!+ The Ca(ldro% of 4a%( &e$t !# the 4a)da.
*;+ The ca(ldro% was also see% as the so(rce of w"sdo',
"%s$"rat"o%, (%dersta%d"%) a%d 'a)"c.
*a+ -oth Wester% a%d 3aster% '#ths "%s"sted that the
as$"r"%) Father .od was o!l")ed to steal h"s $ower a%d:or w"sdo' fro'
so'e ers"o% of the ,other7s essel.
*!+ Od"% 'a%a)ed to dr"%& the W"se -lood fro' the three
ca(ldro%s "% the wo'! of 3arth *3rda+, !# tr"c&"%) the 7)"a%tess7 who
was te%d"%) the', a%d ta&"%) the sacred s(!sta%ce whe% she was%7t
loo&"%). He was also a!le to "lle)all# ac1("re &%owled)e of read"%)
a%d wr"t"%) the r(%es, 'aster# of 'a)"c, sha$eCsh"ft"%) a!"l"t#, a%d
(%dersta%d"%) of cos'"c 'atters wh"ch were for'erl# the .oddess7s
e=cl(s"e $ro$ert#.
*c+ I% I%d"a, the s&# )od I%dra also stole W"se -lood, fro'
Tr"$le 0al"7s three ca(ldro%s.
*d+ The Welsh stor"es of the Tale of .w"o% -ach, a%d the
Tale of Tal"es"% $rese%t Cerr"dwe% as a w"tch who !rews ($ a $ot"o% "%
her ca(ldro% to )"e her so% 'a)"cal a!"l"t"es. The !o# she has
te%d"%) the f"re for a #ear a%d a da# )ets s$lattered a%d !(r%ed o%
the ha%d !# the !rew a%d st"c&s h"s f"%)ers "%to h"s 'o(th. He the%
)oes thro()h so'e d"ff"c(lt t"'es as he sha$eCcha%)es to esca$e the
$(rs("%) Cerr"dwe%, (%t"l f"%all# she catches a%d co%s('es h"', a%d
%"%e 'oths later )"es !"rth to Tal"es"%.
*9+ A worldw"de c#cle of '#ths reeals that the ca(ldro% was
also a s#'!ol of re!"rth.
*a+ ,#ce%aea% 4e'eter 'ade a )od of the sacr"C f"c"al
"ct"' Pelo$s !# res(rrect"%) h"' fro' her 'a)"c ca(ldro%.
*!+ Th"s sort of 'a)"c was st"ll attr"!(ted to the fe'ale
Tr"%"t# of the Fates "% the late Ro'a% 3'$"re.
*c+ Ir"sh Celt"c '#tholo)# s$ea&s of a ca(ldro% ow%ed !#
-ra% wh"ch wo(ld restore dead warr"ors to l"fe.
*d+ Welsh '#tholo)# also has a s"'"lar ca(ldro% &%ow% as
the -lac& Ca(ldro%.
*@+ All oer -r"ta"%, !oth Pa)a%s a%d Chr"st"a%s al"&e
co%t"%(ed to (t"l"5e the a%c"e%t hol# wells a%d s$r"%)s, es$ec"all#
those "% the earthCwo'! caes, or those whose waters !(!!led a%d
!o"led l"&e seeth"%) ca(ldro%s.
*a+ Th"s was !eca(se the"r Pa)a% a%cestors re)arded s(ch
$laces as heal"%) shr"%es. The a%c"e%t $eo$les tho()ht the' earthl#
'a%"festat"o%s of the cos'"c wo'!, where all l"fe co(ld !e e%dlessl#
c. Trad"t"o%all# the ca(ldro% "s 'ade of cast co$$er or cast
"ro%, w"th a !a"l so that "t co(ld !e s(s$e%ded oer a f"re o% a
tr"$od, a%d had three feet or le)s "% re'e'C !ra%ce of the Tr"$le
.oddess whose wo'! "t re$rese%ts.
*1+ It "s %ot (%(s(al toda# to see a f"re &"%dled "%s"de of a
ca(ldro% "% defere%ce to f"re safet#.
3. Altar 31("$'e%t
1. The Altar
a. Us(all# a ta!le or so'e other ha%d# "te', wh"ch "s lar)e
e%o()h to hold all the %ecessar# e1("$'e%t a%d flat e%o()h to &ee$
eer#th"%) fro' roll"%) off.
*1+ So'e trad"t"o%s l"&e to (se a s1(are or c(!e wh"ch
re$rese%ts the 'ater"al world, wh"le others "%s"st that "t !e ro(%d
l"&e the c"rcle.
*a+ S1(are a%d recta%)(lar sha$es are also $o$(lar s"%ce
the# are 'ore co''o% w"th"% the aera)e ho'e.
*!+ As w"th so 'a%# other th"%)s, )o"%) w"th what #o(7e
)ot a%d feel co'forta!le w"th, wor&s 2(st f"%e.
!. So'e trad"t"o%s feel that the altar to$ sho(ld !e 'ade of
slate or so'e other sto%e, wh"le others $refer the l")ht we")ht of
*1+ If "t "s a $er'a%e%t altar o(ts"de #o( '")ht 2(st wa%t to
'a&e "t all o(t of sto%e a%d ce'e%t.
c. So'eth"%) that "s ofte% oerloo&ed "s that the altar sho(ld
!e tall e%o()h %ot to )"e #o( a !ac&ache as #o( wor& oer "t.
d. So'e $eo$le l"&e to (se d"ffere%t colored ta!le r(%%ers or
cloths to coer the altar, wh"le others $refer a 7!are7 altar to$.
*1+ Perso%all#, I $refer r(%%ers a%d cloths that are color
coord"%ated for the seaso% a%d I a' %ot a!oe $lac"%) flowers a%d
fr("ts of the seaso% o% the altar.
6. Ca%dles
a. There sho(ld !e two ca%dles o% the altar for $olar"t#.
*1+ 4e$e%d"%) o% #o(r or"e%tat"o%, #o( w"ll wa%t to (se e"ther
s"ler ca%dlest"c& holders or )old, co$$er or so'e other solar 'etal.
*6+ The ca%dles re$rese%t the $olar"t# of the .oddess a%d the
*a+ The# sho(ld !e e"ther !oth wh"te or o%e wh"te a%d the
other red or !lac&. Wh"te "s for $(r"t# a%d !lac& "s for the shadow.
Red ca% !e s(!st"t(ted for !lac& "f !lac& has too 'a%# %e)at"e
co%%otat"o%s for #o(, s"%ce red re$rese%ts the loe a%d $ass"o% of the
*!+ It has !ee% &%ow% for $eo$le to (se red a%d )ree%
ca%dles, !(t I $refer to (se wh"te o% the altar a%d colored ca%dles
for the fo(r E(arters of the c"rcle.
;. Ce%ser or -owl of I%ce%se
a. A ce%ser ca% !e as ela!orate as those that the Cathol"c
Ch(rch e'$lo#s or as $ract"cal as a s'all ha%)"%) $ot fro' the )arde%
shed that has so'e sa%d "% "t to &ee$ the "%ce%se fro' !(r%"%) the
*1+ I%ce%se !(r%ers fro' c(r"o sho$s are ha%d#, !(t #o( sho(ld
!e a!le to e"ther $"c& the' ($ or $lace st"c&s of "%ce%se "% the'.
*a+ I $refer to (se "%ce%se !(r%ers that hae three le)s "%
accorda%ce w"th the trad"t"o% assoc"ated w"t the ca(ldro%.
9. The -ell
a. The -ell "s (sed to draw the 3le'e%tals, $art"c(larl# the
S#l$hs, to #o(r r"t(als.
*1+ So'e $eo$le $refer !ells w"th cla$$ers wh"le others l"&e
!ells that '(st !e str(c&.
@. The Pe%tacle
a. Altho()h we hae alread# s$o&e% of the Pe%tacle, "t "s
(s(all# tho()ht of as a $"ece of altar e1("$'e%t, a%d so "t "s
'e%t"o%ed "t here.
A. S'all Ca(ldro% or -owl of Water
a. It sho(ld !e halfCf"lled w"th s$r"%) water
*1+ T#$"call#, "t "s $a"%ted !lac& o% the "%s"de "f "t "s to
!e (sed for scr#"%).
B. /essel of Salt
a. S"'$l# a !owl of salt to re$rese%t 3arth.
D. Chal"ce or 4r"%&"%) Hor%
a. Th"s "s the c($ fro' wh"ch #o( w"ll dr"%& a toast to the Lad#
a%d Her Lord.
*1+ It "s a s'aller ers"o% of the ca(ldro% w"th all the
atte%da%t s#'!ol"s'.
*a+ The Arth(r"a% le)e%ds s$ea& of the 1(est for the Hol#
.ra"l, wh"ch was '(ch older tha% Chr"st"a%"t#.
*!+ O%e of the ,#ster"es attached to the .ra"l was that the
0"%) a%d the la%d were o%e. If the &"%) were to )row old a%d fra"l
w"tho(t $ass"%) h"s &"%)do' alo%) to a #o(%)er, 'ore "r"le s(ccessor,
the la%d wo(ld w"ther a%d d"e.
*6+ A 'a2or $ort"o% of a%# r"t(al "%oles the s#'!ol"c 'at"%)
of the Atha'e a%d Chal"ce, "% reco)%"t"o% of the l"fe forces of the
.od a%d .oddess.
*a+ Wh"le 'ost trad"t"o%s hae the Pr"est w"eld"%) the
Atha'e a%d "%sert"%) "t "%to the wo'!Cchal"ce wh"ch "s held !# the
Pr"estess, I feel "t "s 'ore 'ea%"%)f(l to hae the Pr"est a%d
Pr"estess e=cha%)e s#'!ols a%d e%act the r"te as tho()h the# were o%
the Astral Pla%e.
8. Stat(ar# or S#'!ols
a. So'e trad"t"o%s (se stat(ar# of the .oddess a%d:or the .od as
focal $o"%ts for co%ce%trat"o%.
*1+ We do %ot worsh"$ the stat(es as e'!od"'e%ts of the
.oddess a%d the .od, tho()h the# '")ht ta&e o% the $ro$ert"es of !e"%)
a tal"s'a%"c l"%& !etwee% (s a%d the'.
*a+ We do %ot worsh"$ the stat(es. O(r )oal "s to "%o&e
the .oddess a%d the .od "%to o(r hearts a%d '"%ds, %ot "%to "%ert art.
!. Other trad"t"o%s, st"ll afra"d of !e"%) acc(sed of !e"%)
"dolaters, w"ll (se s#'!ols of the .oddess:.od "%stead

*1+ ,oo%sto%es a%d other sto%es w"th holes %at(rall# wor% "%to
the' are sacred to the .oddess.
*a+ So'et"'es sto%es w"ll !e cared w"th occ(lt 'ar&"%)s,
of wh"ch o%l# local "%"t"ates &%ow the 'ea%"%)s. These are ofte%
called 7'aso% 'ar&s7 !# those who do %ot (%dersta%d the 'ea%"%) of the
1F. The Ca%dle S%(ffer
a. Wh"le tech%"call# %ot a tool of r"t(al, th"s "s a carr#oer
fro' Cere'o%"al ,a)"c.
*1+ I% Cere'o%"al ,a)"c, where the world "s see% as a
!attle)ro(%d !etwee% )ood a%d e"l, the l")ht of a ca%dle re$rese%ts
the $(r"t# of the .ood, wh"le dar&%ess "s see% as the e"l of the -ad.
*a+ To allow the $(re fla'e of a ca%dle to !e !low% o(t
s($$osedl# wea&e%s the effect of the fla'e, so Cere'o%"al ,a)"c"a%s
alwa#s s%(ff o(t the ca%dle to show that the# d"d so !# a% act of w"ll
a%d %ot as a "ctor# of the -ad oer the .ood.
!. It ca% !e 'ade of s"ler or !rass, de$e%d"%) o% #o(r
A. Cloth"%)
1. 3ach art"cle of cloth"%) assoc"ated w"th the w"tch has a lo%)
a%d che1(ered h"stor#.
a. -# the 1Bth ce%t(r# 'ost w"tches were !(s# h"d"%) wh"le the
w"tch cra5e ra% ra'$a%t across 'ost of 3(ro$e.
*1+ The 'a2or"t# of stereot#$"cal cloth"%) s($$osedl# wor% !#
a w"tch was 'odeled o% the st#le of cloth"%) wh"ch was 2(st )o"%) o(t
of st#le as the cra5e was )a"%"%) 'o'e%t('.
*a+ Not s(r$r"s"%)l#, the older wo'e% who were tort(red
"%to co%fess"%) that the# were w"tches, te%ded to faor the 'ode of
dress wh"ch was )o"%) o(t of fash"o%.
6. The t#$"cal "'a)e of a w"tch shows a wo'a% wear"%) a co%e
sha$ed hat, wra$$ed "% a ca$e w"th a )"rdle aro(%d her wa"st, )loes
"% ha%d, a%d wear"%) lo%) toed shoes.
a. We shall see that all these "te's were $erfectl# %or'al "te's
of cloth"%), wh"ch wo(ld %ot ra"se a% e#e!row, (%less the o!serer had
a tw"sted '"%d "% the f"rst $lace.
*1+ The co%"cal hatC
*a+ These t#$es of hats hae !ee% "% fash"o% fro' t"'e to
t"'e, w"th a%d w"tho(t a !r"', a%d the# are alwa#s co%de'%ed as !e"%)
d"a!ol"cal !eca(se the# led $eo$le to hae car%al tho()hts whe% the#
real"5e the $hall"c s#'!ol"s' of the hat.
*!+ The !r"' was "% o)(e "% the 1Bth ce%t(r#, !(t we
reco)%"5e "t as the hat of a >$r"%cess "% d"stress> whe% we add the
o!l")ator# scarf a%d cha%)e the color fro' !lac& *'arr"ed or w"dowed+
to a l")hter color.
*c+ The Ch(rch re1("red Heret"cs to wear the co%"cal hat,
wh"le the# were o% $(!l"c d"s$la# for r"d"cle a%d a!(se, as a s#'!ol
of the hor%s of the de"l he was s($$osed to worsh"$.
*6+ The 'a)"c Ca$eC
*a+ ,ore a$$ro$r"atel# the do'a"% of the 'a)"c"a%, loc&ed
awa# "% h"s tower w"th h"s !oo&s, the 'a)"c ca$e, w"th '#st"cal 'oo%s,
stars, a%d other astrolo)"cal s#'!ols sew% or $a"%ted o% "t "s
s($$osedl# wor% !# the w"tch.
*!+ Th"s was s($$osed to 'a&e her "%"s"!le, a%d so'et"'es
to )"e her $ower to fl#.
*c+ A 'ore l"&el# e=$la%at"o% "s that, !ac& the% ca$es were
(sed '(ch as we (se coats for war'th toda#, a%d the 'ar&"%)s were
$ro!a!l# added later 2(st to e%ha%ce the effect of stra%)e%ess.
*;+ The W"tches ."rdleC
*a+ A )"rdle "s s"'$l# a !elt, (sed to hold the wallet (sed
at the t"'e. Ne"ther 'e% %ot wo'e% (sed $oc&ets er# '(ch so the# !oth
wore )"rdles or !elts wh"ch held the"r $o(chCl"&e $(rses.
*!+ The )"rdle was sa"d to co%s"st of 16 or 1; $(ff!alls,
or other decorat"o%s, str(%) to)ether w"th the 'a)"cal $o(ch ha%)"%)
"% the"r '"dst.
*c+ We %ow &%ow that 16 "s a %('!er re$rese%t"%) the 16
s")%s of the 5od"ac, a%d that there are 1; 'oo%s "% a solar #ear, so
the s#'!ol"s' "s %ot s(r$r"s"%). 0ee$"%) "% '"%d that $"c&$oc&ets (sed
to !e called c(t$(rses, "s "t a%# wo%der that a% old wo'a% wo(ld wa%t
to carr# her $(rse ha%)"%) "% fro%t or %ear the fro%t of her )"rdleH
*d+ The $o(ch "s s($$osed to !e 'ade of s&"% a%d to
co%ta"% the w"tchs char's, a'(lets a%d her!s. ,ore l"&el# these were
old co"%s or rel")"o(s 'edals a%d her!s 'ade "%to 'ed"c"%es or
*9+ The .loes
*a+ Whe% )loes are 'e%t"o%ed, the# are sa"d to !e 'ade of
cats&"%, w"th the f(r t(r%ed "%s"de.
*!+ These were s($$osed to )"e her the sw"ft%ess a%d
1("et of a cat "% the %")ht.
*c+ ,ore tha% l"&el# the# &e$t her arthr"t"c ha%ds war'.
*d+ Yo( ca% st"ll !(# )loes w"th the f(r "%s"de "% the
colder $arts of the US.
*@+ The ShoesC
*a+ Pro$erl# called the $o(la"%e, "t was the lo%)Ctoed
*$hall"c+ shoe that was er# $o$(lar "% the 1@th ce%t(r#.
*!+ The# were the or")"%al 7h")h heels7 or 7$latfor'
shoes7, !(t w"th toes so lo%) that so'et"'es the# had to !e t"ed !# a
str"%) lead"%) fro' the toe to 2(st !elow the wearers &%ee.
*c+ It has !ee% sa"d that $la#"%) the )a'e of 7foots"e7
w"th the $erso% o$$os"te of #o( was tho()ht ($ !# so'eo%e wear"%)
these shoes. The se=(al co%%otat"o%s of the $o"%ted toes "s o!"o(s.
-. Ph#s"cal A$$eara%ce
1. Acc(sed w"tches were as ofte% #o(%) a%d se=(all# attract"e as
the# were old a%d ()l#.
a. Whether e=ceed"%)l# !ea(t"f(l or horr"!l# ()l#, she 'e%aces
'e% "% a $atr"archal soc"et#.
*1+ The Ch(rch ta()ht 'e% to fear wo'e%.
*a+ 3ccles"ast"cal wr"t"%)s called wo'a% the 7co%f(s"o% of
'a%7, 7a% "%sat"a!le !east7, 7a co%t"%(o(s a%="et# a%d a da"l# r("%.7
*6+ The "%fa'o(s ,alle(s ,allef"car(' sa"d that w"tchcraft
arose fro' fe'ale car%al"t#.
*a+ A%d 7all w"c&ed%ess "s !(t l"ttle to the w"c&ed%ess of
a wo'a%.7
!. Few atte'$ts to (%dersta%d the real ca(ses of the $ersec(t"o%
of wo'e% hae !ee% 'ade !(t here are a few h")hCl")hts fo(%d !# a 'ale
*1+ ,e% feel a se%se of "%fer"or"t# "% relat"o% to the fe'ale
archt#$e of $ower, wh"ch he draws fro' h"s "%fa%t"le e=$er"e%ce of
total de$e%de%ce o% h"s 'other.
*a+ Ad(lt 'e% tr# to !la'e wo'e% for a%#th"%) or eer#th"%)
that )oes wro%) "% the"r l"es, as a ch"ld '")ht !la'e h"s 'other for
her fa"l(re to a%t"c"$ate h"s eer# %eed.
*6+ Few fe'ale act"o%s aro(se so '(ch 'ale !"tter%ess as what
the ch"ld t#$"call# fears h"s 'other '")ht doI s"'$l# wal& o(t, a%d
ref(se to ret(r% to h"'.
*a+ ,ed"eal rel")"o% d"d %ot allow 'e% to th"%& of the
s"'$le sol(t"o% of st(d#"%) how to $lease the"r wo'e% so the# wo(ld
wa%t to sta# close a%d wo(ld e%2o# !e"%) w"es.
*!+ I%stead, the# were ta()ht to th"%& of the"r wo'e% as
$erso%al slaes.
*;+ The 'ot"e of se=(al 2ealo(s# '(st !e co%s"dered a
co%tr"!(t"%) factor "% the $ersec(t"o% of wo'e%.
*a+ ,e% "% a% "%te%sel# $atr"archal soc"et# are, "%
)e%eral, er# $oor loers, !eca(se the# are %ot ta()ht to $a#
atte%t"o% to the"r $art%ers %eeds or feel"%)s.
*!+ Not see"%) the co%%ect"o% !etwee% the"r ow%
"%se%s"t""t# a%d the d"ssat"sfact"o% of the"r wo'e%, the# ass('ed
that the wo'e% $referred de'o% loers w"th h()e $e%"ses, wh"ch o%l#
fed the"r ow% feel"%)s of "%ade1(ac#.
*9+ ,e%7s h"dde% se=(al "%fer"or"t# co'$le=es the% fostered
'"so)#%e *'"soChate, )#%eCwo'e%+, wh"ch was $ro$$ed ($ !# tales of
wo'e% $referr"%) to ta&e de'o% loers a%d other, less s($er%at(ral !(t
$erha$s 'ore "%t"'"dat"%) loers as r"als to the"r h(s!a%ds.
*a+ ,e'!ers of the 'ale h"erarch# seldo' tr(sted o%e
a%other, "% "ew of the fact that al'ost a%# wo'a% co(ld !e the se=(al
$re# of a%# 'a% of a h")her ra%&.
*@+ Chr"st"a%"t# )ae 'e% the !est of all reaso%s for hat"%)
wo'e% whe% "t la"d dow% "ts doctr"%e of 3e7s res$o%s"!"l"t# for 'e%
ha"%) to d"e.
*a+ 3er s"%ce the earl# tell"%) of th"s doctr"%e, eer#
'a% who feared the a$$roach of death was ta()ht to !la'e wo'e% for "t.
*!+ The l"'"tless feroc"t# of the cler)# toward w"tches
$ro!a!l# ste''ed fro' the fact that the# sered the Ch(rch that
cla"'ed to hae co%1(ered death, #et the# co%t"%(ed to see death all
aro(%d the', es$ec"all# "% the terr"!le ce%t(r# of the $la)(e.
*A+ Wo'e%7s se=(al 'a)%et"s' "s st"ll e=$er"e%ced !# 'ales as
a d"s1("et"%) sort of 'a)"c, st"ll $oorl# (%derC stood, "%fl"ct"%) a
se%se of hel$less%ess.
*a+ Th"s has $ro!a!l# !ee% so eer s"%ce 'e% !e)a% to fear
wo'e%7s (%ca%%# a!"l"t# to force e'!arrass"%) res$o%ses fro' 'ale
)e%"tals, ee% across a d"sta%ce, !# words or )est(res alo%e.
*!+ Ofte% "t was the"r se=(al attract"e%ess that led
wo'e% to !e de%o(%ced "% t"'es whe% s(ch th"%)s as erect"o%s a%d wet
drea's were re$(ted to !e ca(sed !# !ew"tch'e%ts.
*B+ S"%ce the $a)a% r(ler of death was (s(all# the Cro%e "%
the )("se of a% old wo'a%, a%d elder $r"estesses had occ($"ed the
ho%ored $os"t"o%s "% $a)a% te'$les, old wo'e% !eca'e the 'ost fre1(e%t
"ct"'s of w"tch $ersec(t"o%s.
*a+ Wo'e% after 'e%o$a(se %o lo%)er sered the $(r$oses of
the $atr"l"%eal fa'"l# s#ste', wh"ch "ewed wo'e% as !reed"%) 'ach"%es
a%d ee% 'ade 7!arre%%ess7 a le)al reaso% for a 'a% to a!a%do% h"s
*!+ The sa'e Ch(rch hel$ed cod"f# laws that de$r"ed elder
wo'e% of the wealth a%d $ro$ert# the# (sed to co%trol (%der the r(les
of 'otherCr")ht.
*c+ Co%se1(e%tl#, the old wo'a% was a% "deal sca$e)oatI
'ost t"'es too e=$e%da!le to !e '"ssed, too wea& to f")ht !ac& *tho()h
s'e d"d+, a%d too $oor to 'atter.
6. I% so'e se%se, the word >W"tch> "s s#%o%#'o(s "% o(r '"%ds w"th
the word >wo'a%>.
a. Perha$s th"s "s !eca(se we assoc"ate wo'a%7s creat"e $owers
w"th the 'a%"$(lat"o% of ast (%see% forces.
!. Or $erha$s we "%t("t"el# (%dersta%d that d(r"%) the lo%)
ce%t(r"es whe% wo'e% were se'"slaes of soc"et#, the# were %at(rall#
draw% to w"tchcraft as a c(re for the"r $owerless%ess, a 'ea%s of
'a%"$(lat"%) a world that otherw"se $a"%f(ll# 'a%"$(lated the'.
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