Syllabus1301 1
Syllabus1301 1
Syllabus1301 1
70 America to 1877
Summer I 2014 June 2 to July 22
rofessor Information!
Dr. Jean Stuntz, Professor of History
Online office hours: M-T, 9:00-11:00, 2!00 to 4!00.
Dr. Stuntz ansers e!ails an" chec#s the "iscussion foru! inter!ittently fro! 9:00 a! to $:00
%! Mon"ay throu&h Thurs"ay. This !eans that if you e!ail a 'uestion (efore 10:00 a!
Mon"ay, you ill %ro(a(ly ha)e an anser (efore noon that sa!e "ay. *f you as# a 'uestion at
+:00 a! ,e"nes"ay, you ill ha)e an anser (efore noon that sa!e "ay. *f you e!ail a
'uestion at !i"ni&ht Thurs"ay, you ill &et an anser (efore noon Mon"ay. -s# 'uestions
early in the ee# an" early in the "ay to &et an early anser. :-.
*f you ish to use the chat feature, Dr. Stuntz ill set that u%.
/!ail: 0stuntz1ta!u.e"u (ut %lease use the course 2o!!unication e!ail so your !essa&e "oes
not &et lost.
"ourse #$er$ie%!
This class co)ers the history of the (e&innin& of this country to 3econstruction. T&is is an
ei'&t(%ee) class. -ll cha%ters an" assi&n!ents are o%en fro! the (e&innin& of class. 4ou are free
to or# ahea" if you #no you ill (e on )acation or otherise occu%ie" "urin& %art of the course.
,hene)er you ha)e 'uestions a(out the class, as# Dr. Stuntz. 4ou can "o this throu&h the
course e!ail, if it is a %ri)ate !atter li#e &ra"es, or use the -s#DrStuntz "iscussion foru! if it is
so!ethin& the hole class !i&ht ant to #no. 2hec# the 5-6 (efore you as# a 'uestion.
4ou ill not ha)e to !e!orize na!es an" "ates. *nstea", you ill (e learnin& a(out %&y this
country is the ay it is an" ho this affects you. ,e ill (e loo#in& at chan&e o)er ti!e: hat cause"
the chan&e, hat effects those chan&es ha" on %eo%le, an" ho in"i)i"uals !a"e a "ifference. ,e
ill also (e loo#in& at continuity 7 hat thin&s staye" the sa!e. ,e ill (e loo#in& for connections
(eteen the e)ents e stu"y an" (eteen the! an" e)ents to"ay. These are the three 2s of history:
"han&e, "ontinuity, an" "onnection.
The "isci%line of history is a(out in)esti&atin& e)ents in their conte8t an" e8%lainin& the! in a
ay that !a#es sense to us to"ay, to hel% us un"erstan" out on li)es (etter. Thin# a(out your on,
%ersonal history. ,hat choices ha)e you !a"e that create" the %erson you are to"ay9 Ho "i" you
&et here9 Those are the sa!e 'uestions e ill (e loo#in& at in this class, (ut e ill (e loo#in& at
our country as ell as oursel)es.
This class is not so !uch a(out attainin& factual #nole"&e as it is a(out t&in)in' a(out facts:
hich facts are i!%ortant, hich ones !atter to you, an" ho to communicate your i"eas a(out the
facts to others. ,e ill (e "oin& critical thin#in& e8ercises each ee# in our "iscussions. ,e ill also
%ractice co!!unicatin& in ritin&.
-nother &oal is for you to learn that there is !ore than one ay to loo# at thin&s, an" e)en
!ore than one correct ay. *n our "iscussions an" your ritin& assi&n!ents, there ill (e no one
correct anser. *nstea", you ill nee" to un"erstan" all of the !aterial to "ra your on conclusions.
4ou ill learn to use e)i"ence fro! the rea"in&s an" )i"eos to !a#e a stron& ar&u!ent for those
conclusions. ,e ill (e learnin& to see (ias in others an" in oursel)es. ,e ill or# on (ein& a(le to
see hat is rele)ant an" hat is not, so you only s%en" ti!e ith rele)ant !aterial hen %re%arin& for
your e8a!s. -ll of these e8ercises ill hel% you thin# !ore clearly. 3e!e!(er, t&ere is no one ri'&t
ans%er to (e foun" in any (oo# :or e(%a&e..
4ou ill nee" to s%en" se)eral hours a ee# %re%arin& for this course. This inclu"es the ti!e it
ta#es each ee# to rea" an" ta#e notes on your te8t (oo#, to rite the ansers to the 'uestions, an"
to %ose res%onses. 4ou ill nee" e)en !ore ti!e to rite the e8a!s. *+,erts say you s&oul- ta)e
20(24 &ours eac& %ee) for your summer time &istory classes. lease sc&e-ule your time so
you are able to com,lete t&e %or). Otherise, you ill %ro(a(ly not (e a(le to !a#e as hi&h a
&ra"e as you ant.
America: A Concise History, )olu!e 1: to 1;<<, 5ifth /"ition, (y Henretta, et al. *S=> 1?-9<;-0-?1+-
@$?+;-<. 4ou can &et this (oo# fro! se)eral online retailers for less than hat the (oo#store ill
char&e (ut you ill nee" to !a#e sure you are &ettin& the correct )olu!e an" e"ition.
6uizzes: /ach cha%ter ill ha)e a tenty-'uestion !ulti%le-choice 'uiz. /ach 'uiz is orth +0 %oints
for a total of ?00 %oints.
Discussion: /ach initial %ost is orth u% to 1A %oints an" the res%onses are orth u% to A %oints for a
total of +0 %oints %er cha%ter, ?00 %oints total.
/8a!s: /ach Part ill ha)e an essay e8a! orth 100 %oints for a total of $00 %oints. The final e8a!
is o)er %art four only.
/ach cha%ter ill ha)e fi)e %oints of e8tra cre"it a)aila(le. :4ou can also earn (onus %oints (y
hel%in& other stu"ents in this class or (y lettin& Dr. Stuntz #no there is a %ro(le! ith ,T2lass..
There are a total of 1000 %oints a)aila(le in this class, not countin& the e8tra cre"it %oints.
.ra-in' olicy!
A :900-1000 %oints. Breatly /8cee"s Stan"ar"s
o -ll !ini!u! re'uire!ents of assi&n!ent !et an" e8cee"e"
o -ll criteria of the assi&n!ent are !et an" e8cee"e"
o ,ritin& shos analytical s#ill as ell as factual #nole"&e
o >o technical errors :&ra!!ar, %unctuation, s%ellin&.
o 2lear ritin& style
/ :;00-;99 %oints. /8cee"s Stan"ar"s
o Mini!u! re'uire!ents of assi&n!ent !et
o The to%ic is %resente" ith "etails an" s%ecific e8a!%les
o The %a%er shos a &oo" co!!an" of facts
o The ritin& is easy to rea", i"eas are clear an" easy to follo
o 5i)e or feer technical errors
o Boo" ritin& style
" :<00-<99 %oints. Meets Stan"ar"s
o ,or# !eets !ost re'uire!ents of assi&n!ent
o To%ic is unclear, no %ur%ose to ritin&
o >o or fe s%ecific e8a!%les use" or use" incorrectly
o So!e factual errors
o More than fi)e technical errors
o Poor ritin& style
0 :@00-@99 %oints. Does >ot Meet -ll Stan"ar"s
o ,or# lac#s se)eral re'uire!ent of assi&n!ent
o >o reference to to%ic or reference so unclear as to (e !eanin&less
o ,ritin& )ery &eneral, no e8a!%les &i)en as e)i"ence
o >o thou&ht a%%arent
o Poor or&anization, se)eral technical errors
o 3e%eate" factual errors
o ,ritin& "ifficult to un"erstan"
1 :=elo @00 %oints. >ot 2olle&e Ce)el ,or#
o ,or# "oes not !eet re'uire!ents
o Su%erficial, &eneral references
o Many technical errors
o Many factual errors
o Poor ritin& style
"lass Sc&e-ule an- 0ue 0ates
Please %ut these "ates into your %ersonal %lanner, %hone, or calen"ar. Cate or# is only acce%te"
ith a "ocu!ente" !e"ical e!er&ency or uni)ersity e8cuse.
art #ne2 c&a,ters 12 22 32 an- 42 June 2(13
M June + 7 5irst class "ay. 3ea" the ,elco!e, the sylla(us, an" co!%lete the Sylla(us -ssi&n!ent
on the ,elco!e %a&e. 3ea" cha%ter 1.
T June ? 7 5irst "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
, June $ 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Th June A 7 3ea" cha%ter +: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
5 June @ 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Sat. an" Sun. 3ea" cha%ters ? an" $
M June 9 7 2ha%ter ?: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
T June 10 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
, June 11 7 2ha%ter $: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Th June 1+ 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
5 June 1? 7 /8a! on Part One "ue (y !i"ni&ht
art T%o2 c&a,ters 32 42 72 an- 82 June 13(27
Sat. an" Sun. 3ea" cha%ters A an" @
M June 1@ 7 cha%ter A: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
T June 1< 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
, June 1; 7 3ea" cha%ter @: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Th June 19 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
5 June +0 7 3ea" cha%ters < an" ;
Sun. June ++: 3ea" cha%ters < an" ;
M June +? 7 3ea" cha%ter <: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
T June +$ 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
, June +A 7 3ea" cha%ter ;: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Th June +@ 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
5 June +< 7 /8a! on Part To "ue (y !i"ni&ht
art T&ree2 c&a,ters 52 102 112 an- 12 June 27(July 11
Sat. an" Sun. 3ea" cha%ters 9 an" 10
M June ?0 7 cha%ter 9: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
T July 1 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
, July + 7 3ea" cha%ter 10: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Th July ? 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
5 July $ 7 >o assi&n!ents "ue (ut (e&in rea"in& the ne8t cha%ters.
Sat. an" Sun. 3ea" 2ha%ters 11 an" 1+
M July < 7 2ha%ter 11: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
T July ; 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
, July 9 7 2ha%ter 1+: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Th July 10 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
5 July 11 7 /8a! on Part Three "ue (y !i"ni&ht
art 1our2 c&a,ters 132 142 an- 132 July 11(22
Sat. an" Sun. 3ea" 2ha%ters 1?, 1$, an" 1A
M July 1$ 7 2ha%ter 1?: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
T July 1A 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
, July 1@ 7 2ha%ter 1$: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Th July 1< 7 -ll "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
5 July 1; 7 2ha%ter 1A: first "iscussion %ost "ue (y noon, 'uiz "ue (y !i"ni&ht
Sat. an" Sun. ,or# on cha%ter 1A an" 5inal e8a!
M July +1 7 all "iscussion res%onses "ue (y !i"ni&ht
5inal /8a! o)er Part 5our
T July ++ 7 5inal /8a! "ue (efore !i"ni&ht
/ach cha%ter ill ha)e a tenty-'uestion !ulti%le-choice 'uiz. 4ou ill ha)e ten !inutes to
ta#e the 'uiz. 4ou !ay ta#e it as !any ti!es as you ish. 4our hi&hest score ill count. /ach 'uiz is
orth +0 %oints for a total of ?00 %oints.
4our "iscussion 'uestions ill co!e fro! the s!all tan inserts in your cha%ters. 5or cha%ter 1
these are foun" on %a&es 1$, 1<, +;, an" ??. The 'uestions for your cha%ter "iscussions liste" on the
lesson %a&e for each cha%ter. Do only the 'uestions on the lesson %a&e. 4ou "o not ha)e to anser
all of the 'uestions.
4ou ill rite out your ansers to these 'uestions an" %ost the! as one !essa&e. Once you
ha)e %oste" your ansers, you ill (e a(le to see hat the others in your tea! ha)e ritten. 4ou ill
res%on" at least tice to these other res%onses. 4our first %ost is "ue (y noon on the "ate in the
sche"ule. 4our res%onses are "ue (y !i"ni&ht the ne8t "ay. If you -o not &a$e all t&ree ,osts
-one on time2 you cannot earn any ,oints for t&e -iscussion for t&at c&a,ter.
/ach initial anser ill (e one ell-constructe" %ara&ra%h. 4ou ill (e&in ith a to%ic
sentence an" use s%ecific e)i"ence fro! the (oo# to su%%ort your assertions. Do not 'uote, thou&h.
Dse your on or"s at all ti!es so you are not &uilty of %la&iaris!.
The initial %ost is orth u% to 1A %oints hile the res%onses are orth u% to fi)e %oints.
Discussion 3u(ric:
0-@0 E @A E <0 E <A E ;0 E ;A E 90 E 9A E 100 E
*nitial Post 7
To%ic sentence
*nitial Post 7
5acts correct
*nitial Post 7
uses s%ecific
*nitial Post 7
Shos critical
3es%onses 7
correct an"
3es%onses 7
shos critical
*ssay *+ams!
There ill (e an essay e8a! on each Part. /ach e8a! ill ha)e to 'uestions. /ach e8a!
'uestion ill as# a(out three relate" to%ics. 5or each 'uestion you ill nee" to ha)e an intro"uctory
%ara&ra%h, at least three %ara&ra%hs each "ealin& in "etail ith one of the to%ics, an" a conclu"in&
%ara&ra%h. Coo# at the ru(ric to see ho the e8a!s ill (e &ra"e". The !ore s%ecific e8a!%les you
use an" the !ore critical thin#in& you sho, the !ore %oints you can earn. Just !o)in& facts fro! the
(oo# to the test "oes not earn !any %oints. 4ou ill nee" to thin# a(out the !aterial an"
co!!unicate your thou&hts clearly to earn enou&h %oints to %ass.
*f you ha)e ne)er (een tau&ht ho to rite an essay, there are se)eral %laces online that can
hel% you. Here are a fe:!FinfoFho-to-rite-a-fi)e-%ara&ra%h-essayF ,
htt%:FFff0h."a)is.#1+.ut.usF%ac#etF%e-.&if, an"!Fi!a&esFa0+F0%FraFconstruct-fi)e-
The e8a! 'uestions are a)aila(le fro! the (e&innin& of class so you can or# on the! ahea"
of ti!e if you ish.
Sa!%le 3u(ric:
0-@0 E @A E <0 E <A E ;0 E ;A E 90 E 9A E 100 E
ith thesis
5irst %oint
Secon" Point
Thir" Point
*+tra "re-it!
Post a 5ace(oo# status u%"ate or re%ly to one as if you ere a %erson fro! this ti!e %erio".
4ou can earn u% to fi)e %oints for each cha%ter. =e s%ecific to earn the !ost %oints. *nclu"e ho you
are, here you are, hen this is ha%%enin&, hat you are "oin&, an" hy this is i!%ortant.
/8a!%le: Pocahontas 7 My father ants !e to !arry John 3olfe to ensure those stran&e ne
%eo%le (eco!e true allies. * a! not sure * ant to !arry a !an ho is "ifferent fro! us. Those
%eo%le ha)e stran&e i"eas a(out hat o!en are su%%ose" to "o.
2o!!ent: 4our father is ise. *f e "o not !a#e a stron& alliance, they ill #ee%
attac#in& us. Only a !arria&e ill !a#e the! #in to us. * "o not en)y you, (ut * "o
encoura&e you to ta#e this ste% for the (etter!ent of all your %eo%le.
1aculty "omments!
This class shoul" not (e e8cessi)ely "ifficult (ut it "oes ta#e a certain a!ount of ti!e to "o the
rea"in& an" to co!%lete the assi&n!ents. Stu"ies sho that stu"ents shoul" s%en" tenty to tenty-
four hours a ee# for this ty%e of class to &et a &oo" &ra"e. Please #ee% trac# of ho !uch ti!e you
s%en" on this an" other classes. To "o ell in this class ta#es "ili&ence, ti!e, an" har" or# as ell
as &oo" stu"y s#ills an" intelli&ence.
This class !o)es 'uic#ly. Stay on to% of your assi&n!ents. lan on lo''in' in eac& -ay of
t&e ei'&t %ee)s of t&is class.
Turn all %or) in on time2 on t&e -ate in-icate- in t&e sc&e-ule. ;ate %or) %ill only be
acce,te- %it& -ocumentation of a ma<or me-ical emer'ency or ,artici,ation in an official
uni$ersity e$ent. *f you #no that you ill (e aay fro! the internet or ca!%us "ue to a uni)ersity
e8cuse, you !ay turn the assi&n!ents in early. 4ou !ay turn in any assi&n!ent early.
0i$ersity Statement
-ll stu"ents ill (e treate" ith res%ect (oth in an" out of this class. Dr. Stuntz "oes not
"iscri!inate a&ainst any stu"ent (ase" on race, color, reli&ion, se8, &en"er, national ori&in, "isa(ility,
a&e, or )eteran status. She stron&ly encoura&es all stu"ents to (e res%ectful as ell.
Aca-emic Inte'rity!
-ll or# !ust (e co!%lete" in"i)i"ually unless otherise state". 2o!!ission of any of the
folloin& acts shall constitute scholastic "ishonesty: ac'uirin& or %ro)i"in& infor!ation for any
assi&ne" or# or e8a!ination fro! any unauthorize" sourceH infor!in& any %erson or %ersons of the
contents of any e8a!ination %rior to the ti!e the e8a! is &i)en in any su(se'uent sections of the
course or as a !a#eu%H %la&iaris!H su(!ission of a %a%er or %ro0ect that is su(stantially the sa!e for
to courses unless e8%ressly authorize" (y the instructor to "o so. 5or !ore infor!ation, see the
2o"e of Stu"ent Cife
-ny )iolation of the rules a(o)e ill result in a failin& &ra"e for this class an" %ossi(le further
"isci%linary action u% to an" inclu"in& e8%ulsion fro! ,T-MD. Stu"ents shoul" (e aare that Dr.
Stuntz is hi&hly traine" in "etectin& cheatin&, %la&iaris!, an" other for!s of aca"e!ic !iscon"uct.
Acce,table Stu-ent /e&a$ior!
2lassroo! (eha)ior shoul" not interfere ith the instructorJs a(ility to con"uct the class or the
a(ility of other stu"ents to learn fro! the instructional %ro&ra! :2o"e of Stu"ent Cife.. Dnacce%ta(le
or "isru%ti)e (eha)ior ill not (e tolerate". Stu"ents en&a&in& in unacce%ta(le (eha)ior !ay (e
instructe" to lea)e the classroo!. *na%%ro%riate (eha)ior !ay result in "isci%linary action or referral
to the Dni)ersityJs =eha)ioral *nter)ention Tea!. This %rohi(ition a%%lies to all instructional foru!s,
inclu"in& electronic, classroo!, la(s, "iscussion &rou%s, fiel" tri%s, etc.
A0A Statement!
,est Te8as -KM Dni)ersity see#s to %ro)i"e reasona(le acco!!o"ations for all 'ualifie"
%ersons ith "isa(ilities. This Dni)ersity ill a"here to all a%%lica(le fe"eral, state an" local las,
re&ulations an" &ui"elines ith res%ect to %ro)i"in& reasona(le acco!!o"ations as re'uire" to affor"
e'ual e"ucational o%%ortunity. *t is the stu"entLs res%onsi(ility to re&ister ith Stu"ent Disa(ility
:SDS. an" to contact faculty !e!(ers in a ti!ely fashion to arran&e for suita(le
acco!!o"ations. 2ontact *nfor!ation: Stu"ent Success 2enter, 22 10@H %hone :;0@. @A1-+??A.
2o%yri&ht +01$. Jean Stuntz. -s to this sylla(us an" all instructional !aterialH !aterials !ay
not (e re%ro"uce" ithout the ritten consent of Jean Stuntz. Stu"ents are %rohi(ite" fro! sellin& :or
(ein& %ai" for ta#in&. notes "urin& this course to or (y any %erson or co!!ercial fir! ithout the
e8%ress ritten %er!ission of Jean Stuntz.
Atten-ance olicy!
Stu"ents ho !iss class or# for reasons of official Dni)ersity (usiness ill (e &i)en the
o%%ortunity to !a#e u% the !isse" or# ithout %enalty. Hoe)er, stu"ents an"For the
s%onsorFcoach of the official Dni)ersity acti)ity !ust infor! in"i)i"ual instructors %rior to a(sence an"
the or# !ust (e !a"e u% on the "ay the stu"ent returns to ca!%us.
Stu"ents ho !iss to or !ore consecuti)e assi&n!ents "ue to illness or e!er&ency shoul"
contact the Office of Stu"ent -ffairs for assistance. D%on recei%t of the "ocu!entation "etailin& the
illness or e!er&ency, Stu"ent -ffairs ill contact in"i)i"ual instructors, in ritin&, e8%lainin& the
nature of the a(sence an" re'uestin& consi"eration in !a#in& u% !isse" or# ithout %enalty. *t ill
(e the stu"entLs res%onsi(ility to follo-u% ith the in"i)i"ual instructor on !isse" or#. Docu!ents
!ay (e sent to Stu"ent Ser)ices at ,T-MD =o8 @0<<A, 2anyon, Te8as <901@ or fa8 to :;0@. @A1-
+9+@. 2all :;0@. @A1-+0A0 for !ore infor!ation.
Stu"ents ho fail to %artici%ate in the class ill (e (loc#e" an" re%orte" to the 5inancial -i"
Office for %ossi(le frau". DO >OT T-M/ TH*S 2C-SS JDST TO B/T 5*>->2*-C -*D.
*$acuation Statement
*f you recei)e notice to e)acuate the (uil"in&, %lease e)acuate %ro!%tly (ut in an or"erly
!anner. /)acuation routes are %oste" in )arious locations in"icatin& all e8its, outsi"e asse!(le area,
location of fire e8tin&uishers, fire alar! %ull stations an" e!er&ency tele%hone nu!(ers :@A1-A000 or
911.. *n the e)ent an e)acuation is necessary: e)acuate i!!e"iately "o not use ele)atorsH ta#e all
%ersonal (elon&in&s ith youH re%ort to outsi"e asse!(ly area an" ait for further infor!ationH
stu"ents nee"in& assistance in the e)acuation %rocess shoul" (rin& this to the attention of the
instructor at the (e&innin& of the se!ester.
Appendix 1 Thinking and Writing Skills
"ritical T&in)in' S)ills:
To hel% you un"erstan" the le)els of critical thin#in& you ill (e usin& in this class, here is one
)ersion of =loo!Js ta8ono!y shoin& the le)els of thin#in&, fro! lo to hi&h.
7ememberin': 3etrie)in&, reco&nizin&, an" recallin& rele)ant #nole"&e fro! lon&-ter!
8n-erstan-in': 2onstructin& !eanin& fro! oral, ritten, an" &ra%hic !essa&es throu&h
inter%retin&, e8e!%lifyin&, classifyin&, su!!arizin&, inferrin&, co!%arin&, an" e8%lainin&.
A,,lyin': 2arryin& out or usin& a %roce"ure throu&h e8ecutin&, or i!%le!entin&.
Analy:in': =rea#in& !aterial into constituent %arts, "eter!inin& ho the %arts relate to one
another an" to an o)erall structure or %ur%ose throu&h "ifferentiatin&, or&anizin&, an"
*$aluatin': Ma#in& 0u"&!ents (ase" on criteria an" stan"ar"s throu&h chec#in& an"
"reatin': Puttin& ele!ents toðer to for! a coherent or functional holeH reor&anizin&
ele!ents into a ne %attern or structure throu&h &eneratin&, %lannin&, or %ro"ucin&. :-n"erson
K Mrathohl, +001, %%. @<-@;.
5or e8a!%le:
7emember: Descri(e here Bol"iloc#s li)e".
8n-erstan-: Su!!arize hat the Bol"iloc#s story as a(out.
A,,ly: 2onstruct a theory as to hy Bol"iloc#s ent into the house.
Analy:e: Differentiate (eteen ho Bol"iloc#s reacte" an" ho you oul" react in each story e)ent.
*$aluate: -ssess hether or not you thin# this really ha%%ene" to Bol"iloc#s.
"reate: 2o!%ose a son&, s#it, %oe!, or ra% to con)ey the Bol"iloc#s story in a ne for!.
*n this class you are assu!e" to (e a(le to re!e!(er hat you rea". 4ou (e as#e" to
un"erstan" the infor!ation so you can a%%ly it, analyze it, e)aluate it, an" create your on ritin&s
fro! it. Just !o)in& infor!ation aroun" "oes not earn !any %oints.
1ormal ;an'ua'e 7e'ister
Dse for!al lan&ua&e at all ti!es in this class. 4our (oo# is ritten in the for!al lan&ua&e re&ister, for
;an'ua'e 7e'isters
There are fi)e lan&ua&e re&isters or styles. /ach le)el has an a%%ro%riate use that is "eter!ine" (y
"ifferin& situations. *t oul" certainly (e ina%%ro%riate to use lan&ua&e an" )oca(ulary reser)e for a
(oyfrien" or &irlfrien" hen s%ea#in& in the classroo!. Thus the a%%ro%riate lan&ua&e re&ister
"e%en"s u%on the au"ience :ho., the to%ic :hat., %ur%ose :hy. an" location :here..
4ou !ust control the use of lan&ua&e re&isters in or"er to en0oy success in e)ery as%ect an" situation
you encounter.
1. Static 7e'ister
This style of co!!unications 3-3/C4 or >/P/3 chan&es. *t is QfrozenR in ti!e an" content. e.&. the
Ple"&e of -lle&iance, the Cor"Js Prayer, the Prea!(le to the DS 2onstitution, the -l!a Mater, a
(i(lio&ra%hic reference, las .
2. 1ormal 7e'ister
This lan&ua&e is use" in for!al settin&s an" is one-ay in nature. This use of lan&ua&e usually
follos a co!!only acce%te" for!at. *t is usually i!%ersonal an" for!al. - co!!on for!at for this
re&ister are s%eeches. e.&. ser!ons, rhetorical state!ents an" 'uestions, s%eeches,
%ronounce!ents !a"e (y 0u"&es, announce!ents.
3. "onsultati$e 7e'ister
This is a stan"ar" for! of co!!unications. Dsers en&a&e in a !utually acce%te" structure of
co!!unications. *t is for!al an" societal e8%ectations acco!%any the users of this s%eech. *t is
%rofessional "iscourse. e.&. hen stran&ers !eet, co!!unications (eteen a su%erior an" a
su(or"inate, "octor K %atient, layer K client, layer K 0u"&e, teacher K stu"ent, counselor K client,
4. "asual 7e'ister
This is infor!al lan&ua&e use" (y %eers an" frien"s. Slan&, )ul&arities an" collo'uialis!s are nor!al.
This is Q&rou%R lan&ua&e. One !ust (e !e!(er to en&a&e in this re&ister. e.&. (u""ies, tea!!ates,
chats an" e!ails, an" (lo&s, an" letters to frien"s.
3. Intimate 7e'ister
This co!!unications is %ri)ate. *t is reser)e" for close fa!ily !e!(ers or inti!ate %eo%le. e.&.
hus(an" K ife, (oyfrien" K &irlfrien", si(lin&s, %arent K chil"ren.
3ule of Can&ua&e Dse:
One can usually transition fro! one lan&ua&e re&ister to an a"0acent one ithout encounterin&
re%ercussions. Hoe)er, s#i%%in& one or !ore le)els is usually consi"ere" ina%%ro%riate an" e)en
Source: Montano-Har!on, M. 3. QDe)elo%in& /n&lish for -ca"e!ic Pur%osesR 2alifornia State
Dni)ersity, 5ullerton.
Appendix 2 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
=TA>8 .*6*7A; ;*A76I6. #8T"#>*S ? ;*A76I6. #/J*"TI@*S
Cearnin& Outco!e: D%on co!%letion of their "e&ree %ro&ra!, stu"ents ill (e a(le to e8%ress i"eas
clearly an" coherently orally, in ritin&, an" electronically to a "i)erse ran&e of au"iences an" interact
ith others in lar&e an" s!all &rou% settin&s.
O(0ecti)es: The stu"ents ill:
Dse !ulti%le for!ats an" technolo&ies to co!!unicate i"eas effecti)ely in lar&e an" s!all
&rou% settin&s.
-%%ly fun"a!ental ritin& strate&ies such as in)ention, "raftin&, re)isin&, an" e"itin& to the
"e)elo%!ent of effecti)e aca"e!icF%rofessional ritten co!!unication.
Deli)er effecti)e oral %resentations in a )ariety of settin&s
De!onstrate the a(ility to incor%orate !ulti%le infor!ational resources in %ro0ects an"For
%a%ers ith a%%ro%riate citations.
ritical Thinking
Cearnin& Outco!e: D%on co!%letion of their "e&ree %ro&ra!, stu"ents ill (e a(le to "e!onstrate
critical thin#in&, inclu"in& the a(ility to e8%lain issuesH fin", analyze, an" select a%%ro%riate e)i"enceH
an" construct a co&ent ar&u!ent that articulates conclusions an" their conse'uences.
O(0ecti)es: The stu"ent ill:
*nter%ret, analyze, an" e)aluate state!ents, &ra%hics, articles, an"For 'uestions (y:
o "iscri!inatin& a!on& "ifferent "e&rees of cre"i(ility, accuracy, an" relia(ility of
inferences "ran fro! "ata
o reco&nizin& assu!%tions in sources
2onstruct ell-su%%orte", clearly articulate", an" sustaine" ar&u!ents
De!onstrate an a(ility to 0ustify conclusions (ase" on e)i"ence
!iscipline Speci"ic #no$ledge
Cearnin& Outco!e: D%on &ra"uation, stu"ents ill "e!onstrate !astery of the "e%th of #nole"&e
re'uire" for their res%ecti)e "e&rees.
O(0ecti)es: The stu"ent ill:
Perfor! satisfactorily on licensure or certification e8a!s necessary for %rofessional status
ithin their chosen careers, here a%%lica(le.
De!onstrate s#ills re'uire" for success in their "isci%line.
*"entify an" %ro%ose solutions to challen&es or %ro(le!s ithin their fiel".
*"entify, analyze, a%%ly an" e)aluate "isci%linary theories an" conce%ts.
%thical !ecision &aking and Social 'esponsibilit(
Cearnin& Outco!e: D%on co!%letion of their "e&ree %ro&ra!, stu"ents ill (e a(le to "e!onstrate an
un"erstan"in& of an" use ethical reasonin& for res%onsi(le %ersonal an" %rofessional "ecision-
!a#in& in a culturally an" ethnically "i)erse orl".
O(0ecti)es: The stu"ents ill:
-rticulate !ulti%le cultural %ers%ecti)es in local, national an" &lo(al co!!unities
*"entify an" analyze social an" ethical challen&es, inclu"in& %ossi(le resolutions
)lobali*ation and ultural !iversit(
Cearnin& Outco!e: D%on co!%letion of their "e&ree %ro&ra!, stu"ents ill (e a(le to analyze the
i!%act of !ulti%le factors on the interconnecte"ness of "i)erse %eo%les in the &lo(al en)iron!ent.
O(0ecti)es: The stu"ents ill:
Dtilize !ulti"isci%linary %ers%ecti)es to e)aluate initiati)es that ha)e (een e!%loye" to a""ress
&lo(al issues
Descri(e the nature of &lo(al inter"e%en"ence an" its i!%acts.
-rticulate an un"erstan"in& of cultural "ifferences fro! "i)erse %ers%ecti)es in s%ecific
+ntegration o" ,road #no$ledge :Dn"er&ra"uate.
Cearnin& Outco!e: D%on co!%letion of their "e&ree %ro&ra!, stu"ents ill (e a(le to synthesize
#nole"&e fro! &eneral an" s%ecialize" stu"ies.
O(0ecti)es: The stu"ents ill:
De!onstrate !astery of the &eneral e"ucation core curriculu!
-%%ly (roa" #nole"&e to aca"e!ic "isci%lines, an" %rofessional or technical fiel"s.
Learning Outcomes "or ore lasses
H*ST 1?01 2ore Cearnin& O(0ecti)es
Stu"ents ill "e!onstrate an un"erstan"in& of course !aterials an" ill analyze an" e)aluate
infor!ation as it relates to %re-2i)il ,ar DS history.
/8a!s ill consist of o(0ecti)e 'uestions, short anser *Ds, an" essay 'uestions that
ill re'uire analytical an" e)aluatory s#ills.
Stu"ents ill "e!onstrate the a(ility to synthesize infor!ation to create ar&u!ents an" in'uiry
ith res%ect to recent -!erican history to%ics.
Stu"ents ill (e re'uire" to "ra u%on %ri!ary an" secon"ary source !aterials to
construct ar&u!entati)e essays for e8a!s an" 'uizzes an" ill %artici%ate in class
"iscussions "esi&ne" to effectuate that %ur%ose.
Stu"ents ill "e!onstrate the a(ility to co!!unicate effecti)ely a(out recent -!erican history
to%ics in ritten for!s.
Stu"ents ill ta#e nu!erous essay 'uizzes an" e8a!s. -""itionally they ill also rite
short %a%ers (ase" u%on source analysis or !useu! e8hi(it %resentations.
Stu"ents ill "e!onstrate the a(ility to co!!unicate effecti)ely a(out recent -!erican history
to%ics in oral an" )isual for!s.
Stu"ents ill (e re'uire" to %artici%ate in class "iscussions an" to %resent an analysis
of %ri!ary sources to their %eers.
Stu"ents ill "e!onstrate a #nole"&e of cultural interactions, sho an un"erstan"in& of ci)ic
res%onsi(ility, an" articulate ho !o"ern -!ericans ha)e en&a&e" an" continue to en&a&e
re&ional, national, an" &lo(al co!!unities.
/arly -!erican history is fille" ith cultural collisions an" interactions (eteen "ifferent
&rou%s of %eo%le at the re&ional, national or international le)els. /ssay 'uestions ill (e
"esi&ne" to e!%hasize these connections.
Stu"ents ill "e!onstrate the a(ility to connect choices, actions, an" conse'uences to ethical
"ecision-!a#in& as they relate to early -!erican history to%ics.
The stu"y of e)ents such as the fra!in& of the 2onstitution an" the "e(ate o)er sla)ery
ill re'uire stu"ents to assess the ethics an" "ecision-!a#in& of the %eo%le en&a&e" in
these early -!erican history "e(ates.
WTA&- .istor( !epartment Learning Objectives
-fter co!%letin& the re'uire" courses in the History %ro&ra!, stu"ents ill "e!onstrate:
-n un"erstan"in& of the connections (eteen the %ast an" the %resent an" an a(ility to locate
(oth self an" others in ti!e an" s%ace (y sur)eyin& the histories of -!erican an" non-
-!erican cultures in the ancient an" !o"ern orl"s.
-n un"erstan"in& of an" the a(ility to a%%ly the fun"a!entals of historical ritin& an" citation.
2ritical thin#in& a(out historical issues (y analyzin& %ri!ary an" secon"ary te8ts, synthesizin&
an" analyzin& the ar&u!ents in !ulti%le te8ts, an" (y "e)elo%in& their on ar&u!ents a(out
historical te8ts.
-n un"erstan"in& of historio&ra%hy :the history of history., "ifferent historio&ra%hical schools,
an" of %hiloso%hical an" ethical issues relatin& to the historical %rofession (y analyzin& "ata on
these su(0ects an" ritin& one or !ore historio&ra%hical essays.
The a(ility to con"uct research usin& (oth %ri!ary an" secon"ary sources (y co!%osin& an"
%resentin& &ra!!atically correct, ell-ar&ue" research %a%ers on historical to%ics.
Texas A/& S(stem Learning Outcomes
Decision-!a#in& an" social res%onsi(ility: Dse of ethical reasonin&
S Bl o ( a l i z a t i o n an" "i)ersity: Dn"erstan" &lo(al sensiti)ities
S S% e c i f i c #nole"&e: De!onstrate su(0ect !atter e8%ertise
S 2o !!u n i c a t i o n : 2lear e8%ression of i"eas to "i)erse au"iences
S * n t e & r a t i o n : -(ility to synthesize #nole"&e fro! their stu"ies
S Pr o ( l e ! Sol)in&: Dtilize 'ualitati)e K 'uantitati)e reasonin&
S 2r i t i c a l Thin#in&: interro&ate issues K articulate conclusions