Anesthesiology 2005; 102:83854 2005 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Pulmonary Atelectasis A Pathogenic Perioperative Entity Michelle Duggan, M.B.,* Brian P. Kavanagh, M.B. This article has been selected for the Anesthesiology CME Program. After reading the article, go to http:// to take the test and apply for Category 1 credit. Complete instructions may be found in the CME section at the back of this issue. Atelectasis occurs in the dependent parts of the lungs of most patients who are anesthetized. Development of atelectasis is associated with decreased lung compliance, impairment of ox- ygenation, increased pulmonary vascular resistance, and devel- opment of lung injury. The adverse effects of atelectasis persist into the postoperative period and can impact patient recovery. This review article focuses on the causes, nature, and diagnosis of atelectasis. The authors discuss the effects and implications of atelectasis in the perioperative period and illustrate how preventive measures may impact outcome. In addition, they examine the impact of atelectasis and its prevention in acute lung injury. IT has been known for decades that in patients with previously normal lungs, general anesthesia is associated with impaired oxygenation. 1 Pulmonary atelectasis was suspected as the major cause, based on the observation of a successive decrease in lung compliance and the partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO 2 ), both of which returned toward normal after deep inations of the lung. 2 Bendixen et al. 2 thus demonstrated their concept of a progressive alveolar collapse during general anes- thesia with mechanical ventilation. It is now known that atelectasis occurs in the most dependent parts of the lung of 90% of patients who are anesthetized and plays an important role in gas exchange abnormalities and reduced static compliance associated with acute lung injury (ALI). 3 This article reviews the causes, nature, and consequences of atelectasis, focusing on the role of atelectasis in development of perioperative morbidity, and illustrates how preventive measures could impact perioperative health. In addition, we discuss the impact of atelectasis and of its prevention in ALI. Etiology and Pathogenesis of Atelectasis Three sets of mechanisms have been proposed that may cause or contribute to the development of atelecta- sis, 4 including compression of lung tissue, absorption of alveolar air, and impairment of surfactant function. This section describes these three underlying physiologic causes of atelectasis; clinical factors that can modulate the development of atelectasis are described in a subse- quent section. Compression Atelectasis Compression atelectasis occurs when the transmural pressure distending the alveolus is reduced to a level that allows the alveolus to collapse. The diaphragm normally separates the intrathoracic and abdominal cavities and, when stimulated, permits differential pressures in the abdomen and chest. After induction of anesthesia, the diaphragm is relaxed and displaced cephalad and is therefore less effective in maintaining distinct pressures in the two cavities. Specically, the pleural pressure increases to the greatest extent in the dependent lung regions (g. 1) and can compress the adjacent lung tissue. This is termed compression atelectasis. 5 Several lines of evidence support a role of the dia- phragm in this setting. Froese and Bryan 6 used cinera- diography to demonstrate a cephalad shift of the dia- phragm during anesthesia and spontaneous breathing, which did not progress after muscle relaxation. How- ever, a difference in the pattern of diaphragmatic move- ment was noted. In supine patients, during spontaneous breathing, the lower, dependent portion of the dia- phragm moved the most, whereas with muscle paralysis, the upper, nondependent part showed the largest dis- placement. Two distinctly different patterns of diaphrag- matic displacement were seen from the same new func- * Clinical Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Departments of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine and the Lung Biology Program, Hospital for Sick Children. Department of Anesthesia and the Interdepartmental Division of Crit- ical Care Medicine, University of Toronto. Received from the Departments of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine and the Lung Biology Program, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and the Department of Anesthesia and the Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Submitted for publication December 30, 2003. Accepted for publication August 20, 2004. Supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and a Premiers Research Excellence Award from the Ontario Ministry of Science and Technology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Address reprint requests to Dr. Kavanagh: Department of Critical Care Medi- cine, Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Can- ada M5G 1X8. Address electronic mail to: [email protected]. Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 838 tional residual capacity (FRC) position. In an anesthetized patient breathing spontaneously, the active tension in the diaphragm is capable of overcoming the weight of the abdominal contents, and the diaphragm moves the most in the lower, dependent portion (be- cause the lower or posterior diaphragm is stretched higher into the chest, it has the smallest radius of curva- ture and therefore contracts most effectively). In addi- tion, the diaphragm is thicker posteriorly than anteriorly, and this may account for the disproportionate move- ment. 7 During paralysis and positive-pressure ventila- tion, the passive diaphragm is displaced by the positive pressure preferentially in the upper, nondependent por- tion (where there is least impedance to diaphragmatic movement). Subsequent studies conrmed these nd- ings and, in addition, documented a reduction in the transverse area of the chest. 8 Using an advanced com- puted tomography (CT) scanner, Krayer et al. 9 demon- strated a reduced thoracic cross-sectional area in anes- thetized subjects but had more variable results regarding shape and position of the diaphragm; some subjects showed a cranial shift of the diaphragm, but in other subjects, part of the diaphragm was unaffected or even moved caudally. Other investigators have also shown results inconsistent with the classic model of regional ventilation 10 ; nevertheless, it can be concluded that FRC is reduced in the anesthetized subject, whether caused by loss of traction of the chest wall or compression of the lung. Loss of intercostal muscle function may also contribute to reduced FRC during anesthesia. Inhalation Fig. 1. (A and B) In normal lungs (A), the alveolar ination and vascular perfusion are associated with low stress and are not injurious. Two separate barriers form the alveolarcapillary barrier, the microvas- cular endothelium, and the alveolar epi- thelium. In contrast, with atelectasis (B), alveolar ination and deation may be heterogeneous, and the resulting airway stress causes epithelial injury. Because the blood vessels are compressed, perfu- sion may be traumatic because of ow- induced disruption of the microvascular endothelium. Both epithelial and endo- thelial injury may initiate or propagate lung injury. This gure depicts the ad- vanced stage of lung injury caused by at- electasis. The initial injury is simple col- lapse of alveoli. However, with time, this leads to an inammatory reaction. As the derecruited lungs cause epithelial injury and loss of epithelial integrity, both type I and type II alveolar cells are damaged. Injury to type II cells disrupts normal epithelial uid transport, impairing the removal of edema uid from the alveolar space. In addition to collapse, dere- cruited lungs also become uid lled. Neutrophils adhere to the injured capil- lary endothelium and migrate through the interstitium into the alveolar air- space. In the airspace, alveolar macro- phages secrete cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1, -6, -8, and -10, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-, which act locally to stim- ulate chemotaxis and activate neutro- phils. IL-1 can also stimulate the produc- tion of extracellular matrix by broblasts. Neutrophils can release oxi- dants, proteases, leukotrienes, and other proinammatory molecules, such as platelet-activating factor (PAF). MIF macrophage inhibitory factor. 839 ATELECTASIS AND LUNG INJURY Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 agents decrease intercostal muscle activity, particularly in children. 11 Hedenstierna et al. 8 also noted an additional source of lung compression in that there was a net shift of central blood volume from the thorax, which seemed to pool in the abdomen, resulting in additional dependent pressure arising from the abdomen and acting on the diaphragm. Finally, the displacement of the diaphragm has been studied under dynamic conditions, whereby increases in diaphragm tension through phrenic nerve stimulation have been shown to reduce the amount of atelectasis at isovolumic conditions in anesthetized patients. 12 Therefore, compression atelectasis occurs during gen- eral anesthesia and is caused by chest geometry, overall cephalad diaphragm displacement, differential regional diaphragmatic changes, shift of thoracic central vascular blood into the abdomen, and altered diaphragmatic dynamics. Gas Resorption Resorption atelectasissometimes called gas atelecta- sis 4 can occur by two mechanisms. After complete airway occlusion, a pocket of trapped gas is created in the lung unit distal to the obstruction. Because gas up- take by the blood continues and gas inow is prevented by blocked airways, the gas pocket collapses. 13 Under these conditions, the rate of absorption of gas from an unventilated lung area increases with elevation of the fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO 2 ). 14 A somewhat different mechanism explains absorption atelectasis in the absence of airway occlusion. In this context, lung zones that have low ventilation relative to perfusion (low ventilation/perfusion [V A /Q] ratio) have a low partial pressure of alveolar oxygen (PAO 2 ) when air is breathed. When the FIO 2 is increased, PAO 2 increases, causing the rate at which oxygen moves from the alve- olar gas to the capillary blood to increase greatly. The oxygen ux may increase so much that the net ow of gas into the blood exceeds the inspired ow of gas, and the lung unit becomes progressively smaller. Collapse is most likely to occur when the FIO 2 (and duration of exposure) is high or where the V A /Q ratio (and mixed venous oxygen content) is low. 15,16 Surfactant Impairment Pulmonary surfactant that covers the large alveolar surface is composed of phospholipids (mostly phos- phatidylcholine), neutral lipids, and surfactant-specic apoproteins (termed surfactant proteins A, B, C, and D). By reducing alveolar surface tension, pulmonary surfac- tant stabilizes the alveoli and prevents alveolar collapse. This stabilizing function of surfactant may be depressed by anesthesia, and such an effect has been conrmed in vitro by Woo et al. 17 The authors evaluated the effect of anesthetic agents on surfactant function using deation pressurevolume curves in excised dog lungs. They found that the reduction in percent maximum lung volume was proportional to the concentration of both chloroform and halothane. 17 Wollmer et al. 18 also used pulmonary clearance of technetium-labeled diethylene- triamine pentaacetic acid to demonstrate that halothane anesthesia, in combination with high oxygen concentra- tion, caused increased permeability of the alveolarcap- illary barrier in rabbit lungs. The authors postulated that the increased rate of pulmonary clearance of techne- tium-labeled diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid during anesthesia with halothane was likely to be caused by combined effects on the pulmonary surfactant or the alveolar epithelium or both. 18 In addition, it is known that the content of alveolar surfactant in isolated lungs is modied by mechanical factors. Hyperventilation by in- creased tidal volume, 19 sequential air inations to total lung capacity, 20 or even a single cycle of increased tidal volume 19 all cause release of surfactant in isolated animal lungs. In rabbits, maintained increases in tidal volume increased the amount of total phospholipids recovered from bronchoalveolar lavages. 21,22 Supporting this is the report that the spontaneous occurrence of large gasping respirations increases the proportion of active forms of alveolar surfactant (phospholipids). Oyarzun et al. 23 ex- amined the ventilatory variables of cats breathing spon- taneously during anesthesia for 4 h. They found that the frequency of large gasps is directly correlated with the concentration of phospholipids in bronchoalveolar la- vage uid. 23 All three mechanismscompression, gas resorption, and surfactant impairmentmay contribute to atelecta- sis formation during general anesthesia (g. 2). How- ever, given the surfactant reserve and the 14-h surfactant turnover time, it may be that primary changes in surface forces are less important; it is not known whether a collapsed alveolus can denature surfactant, and so the 14-h turnover time may not be relevant. Nonetheless, absorption and compression are considered to be the two mechanisms most implicated in perioperative atel- ectasis formation. 24 Fig. 2. This schematic outlines the probable pathogenic mech- anisms underlying the development of atelectasis. FIO 2 frac- tion of inspired oxygen; IV intravenous; V A /Q ventilation/ perfusion ratio. 840 M. DUGGAN AND B. P. KAVANAGH Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 Nature of Atelectasis The following section reviews the characteristics of atelectasis in several clinical contexts and then reviews contemporary concepts regarding the nature of atelectasis. Atelectasis due to Anesthesia. Anesthesia-induced atelectasis is traditionally thought of as collapse of alve- oli. Brismar et al. 5 showed that within 5 min after induc- tion of anesthesia, areas of increased density appeared in the dependent regions of both lungs on CT. The dense areas had an attenuation factor that corresponds to blood and connective tissue and indicates the absence of air. Injection of radiocontrast in the pleural space showed that the densities were located above the pleura, i.e., within the lung. 25 Hedenstierna et al. 26 also found these densities in anesthetized sheep and conrmed his- tologically that the densities were collapsed lung regions and not uid accumulation. Methods to restore normal FRC and various reexpan- sion maneuvers have been suggested. The application of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) has been tested in several studies. Arterial oxygenation does not usually improve markedly, and atelectasis may persist. 27,28 Re- opened units recollapse rapidly after discontinuation of PEEP. However, Rothen et al. 29,30 demonstrated in vol- unteers that peak inspiratory pressures of at least 40 cm H 2 O were needed to fully reverse anesthesia-induced col- lapse of healthy lungs, and most of the reexpanded atelec- tatic lung tissue remains inated for at least 40 min. Direct Visualization of Atelectasis. Using a unique in vivo microscopic technique, Halter et al. 31 viewed alveoli in the living animal in real time during mechanical ventilation. In a surfactant deactivation model of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), they measured alveolar number and stability before, during, and after a recruitment maneuver with ventilation with either de- creased or increased PEEP. They demonstrated that a recruitment maneuver opens atelectatic alveoli and that without adequate PEEP, alveoli are unstable and suscep- tible to derecruitment. Although associated with sam- pling limitations, 32 this elegant study was the rst to directly demonstrate visual evidence of collapse of indi- vidual alveoli reecting atelectasis and stabilization re- ecting recruitment. 32 Cyclic Lung Recruitment. Mechanical ventilation of areas of lung that are atelectatic is associated with repet- itive collapse and reexpansion with each breath, often called cyclic recruitment. A conventional view of the effects of atelectasis on gas exchange conveys an image of mixed venous blood perfusing nonventilated or col- lapsed alveoli, resulting in a consistent and stable pro- portion of the pulmonary venous return that derives from deoxygenated blood. 33 This notional contribution (i.e., deoxygenated blood added to oxygenated blood) is seen as the sum of two constant ow rates, resulting in a shunt fraction (Q s /Q t %) 7 that can be mathematically calculated. However, we now know that the oxygen content of pulmonary venous blood varies signicantly throughout the respiratory cycle as the shunt fraction changes with every breath. Baumgardner et al. 34 tested the hypothesis that cyclic collapse of alveoli in dependent lung regions with every breath should lead to large oscillations in PaO 2 as shunt varies with the respiratory cycle. They placed a partial pressure of oxygen (PO 2 ) probe in the brachiocephalic artery of rabbits after saline lavage. They found a signicant effect of respiratory rate on the mag- nitude of oscillations; as the respiratory rate increased, the amplitude of oscillations became progressively small- er. 32 The higher respiratory rate avoided cyclic recruit- ment; i.e., the shorter expiratory time allowed expiration without collapse. In practice, the benecial effect of higher respiratory rates leading to improved oxygen- ation can be seen when ventilating pediatric patients and in particular neonates. This suggests that the dynamics of mechanical events leading to recruitment and derecruit- ment are important determinants of the amount of lung that is cyclically recruited. 34 A previous study by Wil- liams et al. 35 also showed within-breath arterial PO 2 os- cillations in an animal model of ARDS and conrmed that PaO 2 oscillations occur in the atelectatic lung. The au- thors investigated the effect of PEEP on PaO 2 oscillations. They found that as PEEP was increased, the amplitude of the PaO 2 oscillation decreased and the mean PaO 2 in- creased. 35 Several studies have evaluated the effects of various inspiratory-to-expiratory ratios on gas exchange, lung mechanics, and FRC; the inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio per se was not found to be a signicant factor. 3638 Atelectasis: Volume Loss versus Fluid Filling. More recently, it has been argued that the dependent injured lung is derecruited, not because it is collapsed but because it is lled with uid. 39 Work by Gattinoni et al. 4042 had concluded that dependent portions of the injured lung are exposed to a compressive pressure from the increased weight of edematous lung and are col- lapsed. Such a weight-of-the-lung hypothesis has been studied, and it seems that the weight of the lung ac- counts for only approximately 20% of the vertical gradi- ent in pleural pressure and alveolar volume in normal lungs. 4345 Hubmayr 39 suggests an alternative view of the mechanics of injured lungs based on lung weight, shape matching, interpretation of CT images of the lung, and pressurevolume curves. For example, where edema uid and foam ll dependent regions, high ina- tion pressures are required to inate with air, as opposed to low pressures required for ination with uid. The pressurevolume characteristics of the former more closely display the classic ndings associated with atel- ectasis, including the prominent lower inection point reecting opening pressure. 39 Evidence in support of edema as the source of regional impedance in ARDS 841 ATELECTASIS AND LUNG INJURY Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 include parenchymal marker studies in oleic acidin- jured lungs. 46 The parenchymal marker technique de- scribes the topographic distribution of regional volume and ventilation in laboratory animals. The authors found that oleic acid injury did not produce collapse of depen- dent lung units in this model of ARDS. 46 They proposed an alternative mechanism for the topographic variability in regional impedances and lung expansion after injury, which was liquid or foam in alveoli and conducting airways. 46 Factors Modulating the Formation of Atelectasis It is important for clinicians to understand how atel- ectasis develops or worsens in the clinical context. Sev- eral important clinical events act as modiers that inu- ence the formation of atelectasis (g. 2). Type of Anesthesia. Atelectasis develops with both intravenous and inhalational anesthesia, regardless of whether the patient is breathing spontaneously or is paralyzed and mechanically ventilated. 4749 Ketamine is the only anesthetic that does not produce atelectasis when used alone, although in conjunction with neuro- muscular blockade, it does result in atelectasis. 50 Ventilatory effects of regional anesthesia depend on the type and extension of motor blockade. 4 Neuroaxial blockade that has signicant cephalad extension reduces inspiratory capacity by up to 20%, and expiratory reserve volume approaches zero 51 ; less extensive blockade af- fects pulmonary gas exchange only minimally, and arte- rial oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination are well maintained during most spinal and epidural anesthe- sia. 52,53 Closing capacity and FRC remain unchanged. 54 Impact of Time. The maximum decrease in FRC seems to occur within the rst few minutes of general anesthesia. 5,55 During anesthesia for surgical operations on the limb, FRC is not inuenced further by depth or duration of anesthesia. 55,56 Don et al. 55 studied patients undergoing peripheral limb surgery who were free of cardiac and respiratory disease. Patients were divided into two groups, those breathing halothane in 100% oxygen and those breathing halothane in 30% oxygen in nitrogen. The FRC decreased comparably in both groups after induction of anesthesia, but this did not progress with time. However, other studies have found that dur- ing abdominal or thoracic surgery, pulmonary gas ex- change deteriorates progressively during the course of the operation 57,58 ; these studies were unable to deter- mine the independent impact of time on atelectasis as opposed to surgical manipulation (e.g., surgical packing, tissue retraction). Effects of Position. In adults, changing from the upright to the supine position results in a decrease of 0.5 l in FRC to 1.0 l, even in the awake state. 7 After anesthesia, FRC is reduced by a further 0.5 l to 0.7 l. 49 The Trendelenburg position allows the abdominal con- tents to push the diaphragm further cephalad, resulting in a further decrease in FRC. 59 In the lateral decubitus position, the dependent lung is predisposed to atelecta- sis, whereas the nondependent lung may have an in- creased FRC. The overall result is usually a slight increase in total lung FRC, which, despite the differences in lung size, is independent of whether the right or the left lung is in the dependent position. 60 The prone position may increase FRC slightly, 61 although this may not decrease atelectasis. In fact, distribution of ventilation is more uniform in anesthetized patients in the prone position, in particular where the abdomen is not supported. 62 Prone positioning improves oxygenation in patients with ARDS. 63 Animal models have also demonstrated the benet of prone positioning after oleic acidinduced lung injury as well as a model of lung injury induced solely by mechanical forces. 64,65 Prone positioning causes less extensive histologic injury and alters its distribution. 64,65 Atelectasis is more prominent after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) than after other forms of surgery. Using a porcine model, Magnusson et al. 66 found that atelectasis is produced to a much larger extent after CPB than after anesthesia alone or with sternotomy. Furthermore, the CPB-associated atelectasis accounted for most of the marked post-CPB increase in shunt and hypoxemia. 66 Clinical experience is consis- tent with laboratory reports, and prominent atelectasis has been noted in the dorsal lung regions on the rst postoperative day in cardiac surgery patients. 67 Other causes of gas exchange impairment after sternotomy and CPB have been investigated, including pulmonary endo- thelial permeability. 68 Macnaughton et al. 68 did not nd any increase in pulmonary endothelial permeability, and they hypothesized that the major component of the deterioration in lung function was probably atelectasis occurring during bypass. Numerous studies have shown that a lung recruitment strategy and PEEP improves ox- ygenation in patients after CPB. 69,70 In addition, the application of PEEP of 10 cm H 2 O during CPB to main- tain lung ination has been shown to be benecial. 71 Many anesthetists intentionally inate the patients lungs before coming off CPB and directly visualize equal ex- pansion of the lungs. This simple maneuver may detect signicant obstruction from secretions or blood in the endotracheal tube. Inspired Oxygen. High oxygen concentration has been associated with atelectasis formation, and this is important because use of high FIO 2 (i.e., approaching 1.0) represents standard practice among many anesthe- siologists. 72 Previous studies suggested that inspired ox- ygen concentration may not be an important indepen- dent predictor of anesthesia-associated atelectasis. 5,55 However, one of these studies used the helium-dilution technique to measure FRC, which may not be as sensi- tive as the CT that was used in later studies. 55,73 In the absence of preoxygenation, atelectasis is not seen di- 842 M. DUGGAN AND B. P. KAVANAGH Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 rectly after induction of anesthesia; however, when FIO 2 is increased to 1.0 before intubation, development of atelectasis is a consistent nding. 74,75 Concerns about oxygen-induced atelectasis are not restricted to induc- tion of anesthesia; increasing FIO 2 at the end of surgery to 1.0 before extubation also causes additional atelectasis, which persists into the postoperative period. 76 How- ever, the use of lower FIO 2 may increase the risk of hypoxemia, should airway management subsequently prove difcult and ventilation be threatened. 77 One study investigated how different oxygen concentrations may affect the formation of atelectasis and the decrease in arterial oxygen saturation during apnea. 78 The authors found that during routine induction of general anesthe- sia, 80% oxygen caused minimal atelectasis, but the time margin before desaturation occurred was signicantly shortened compared with that of 100% oxygen. 78 In addition, evidence suggests that administration of sup- plemental oxygen reduces the incidence of wound in- fection and could be benecial during anesthesia and recovery. 79,80 Another possible benet of supplemental oxygen during anesthesia includes a reduced incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting after colorectal surgery, 81 although this was not found in patients under- going gynecologic laparoscopy. 82 The effects of nitrous oxide on lung volumes during anesthesia have also been studied. 8385 There was no difference in the incidence of postoperative atelectasis if nitrous oxide in oxygen was used or if air in oxygen was used as the inspired gas. In treating patients for induction of general anesthesia, anesthesiologists must trade off the very rare possibility of acute hypoxemia in the event of difculty with airway management versus the common and predictablebut generally mildimpact of hyperoxia-induced atelectasis on later intraoperative gas exchange. Therefore, the use of a lower FIO 2 to replace preoxygenation has not been recommended as a new standard in clinical practice. 78 Effects of Age. In adulthood, progressive age is not associated with increased propensity for development of atelectasis. 86 However, in young children (aged 13 yr) atelectasis seems to develop more readily than in adults, 87 possibly because of the far greater thoracic wall compliance resulting in less outwardly directed lung distension forces. 88 In infants, contraction of the dia- phragm may cause paradoxical inward movement of the highly deformable chest wall, resulting in loss of lung traction. The resultant atelectasis could reduce ventila- tory efciency, increase diaphragmatic fatigue, and thereby further increase the tendency for atelectasis de- velopment. In addition, type I and II muscle bers are not fully developed in children who are younger than 2 yr. This makes them prone to respiratory failure and fatigue when there is extra stress put on their respiratory system, not only during general anesthesia 89 but also in the presence of a respiratory tract infection, epiglottitis, or airway obstruction. Closing volume is also greater in young children in whom the elastic supporting structure of the lung is incompletely developed. This puts the infant at greater risk for atelectasis because airway closure can occur even during tidal breathing. 24 The closing volume plus the residual volume constitutes the closing capacity. If FRC is decreased relative to closing capacity, this con- verts normal areas of lung to low V A /Q areas and com- pounds the propensity for development of atelectasis. 90 Body Habitus. Obesity worsens arterial oxygenation through multiple mechanisms, 91 of which development of atelectasis is an important contributor. This is because of a markedly reduced FRC promoting airway closure to a greater extent than in healthy-weight subjects. 92 As the weight of the torso and abdomen make diaphragmatic excursions more difcultespecially when recumbent or supinethe FRC decreases, and this is intensied in the setting of diaphragmatic paralysis associated with neuromuscular blockade. Don et al. 55 further claried the effect of body size on gas exchange and showed that an individual with an increased weight/height ratio (i.e., obese) would be at a particular disadvantage in the supine position because closing volume is increased in relation to FRC. Pelosi et al. 93 also investigated the ef- fects of body mass index on FRC, respiratory mechanics, and gas exchange during general anesthesia. They found that with increasing body mass index (i.e., ratio of body weight/surface area), FRC and lung compliance de- creased, and the oxygenation index (PaO 2 /PAO 2 ) de- creased exponentially. 93 Prone positioning, although dif- cult in obese patients, may improve oxygenation. 63 Consistent with the effects of obesity, the reduced FRC that occurs during pregnancy also potentiates atelectasis. 94 Tidal Volume. The ARDSnet study recommends the use of low tidal volume in patients with ARDS. 95 Lower tidal volume reduces stretch-induced lung injury in pa- tients with ARDS, 96 and this approach is translated into improved patient survival. 95,97 However, extrapolation of the low-tidal-volume approach to patients without lung injury (or ARDS) requires caution for two principal reasons. First, it has been long recognized that low tidal volume increases the development of atelectasis in the absence of lung injury. 2,98100 Therefore, generalized adoption of low tidal volume in patients without preex- isting lung injury (e.g., during general anesthesia) could promote development of atelectasis. Second, in the pres- ence of ARDS, the ARDSnet protocol is specic: The data stipulate 6 ml/kg (vs. 12 ml/kg) in the context of a precise ventilatory management protocol that stipulates many ventilatory parameters, in addition to tidal vol- ume. 95 A recent study has suggested that the specic low-tidal-volume approach used in the ARDSnet study 95 was actually associated with the development of intrinsic PEEP, 97 raising the possibility that recruit- 843 ATELECTASIS AND LUNG INJURY Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 mentnot simply low tidal stretchplayed a protective role in these patients. Therefore, if a low tidal volume strategy is used that does not result in the development of intrinsic PEEP, the propensity for development of atelectasis might be signicant. The use of low tidal volume in the absence of recruitment or PEEP in anes- thetized patients without lung injury may lead to atelec- tasis and is not recommended. Two practical points are important regarding mode of ventilation during general anesthesia. In contrast to vol- ume-controlled ventilation, pressure-controlled ventila- tion results in smaller delivered tidal volumes when respiratory system compliance is decreased (e.g., during surgical retraction or in the presence of abdominal packs). Smaller tidal volumes may lead to atelectasis and may go undiagnosed because there is no change in the peak airway pressure as pressure-controlled ventilation is being used. In addition, fresh gas ow may have an impact because with older volume-controlled ventila- tors, increased fresh gas ow results in increased deliv- ered tidal volume. 101 Preexisting Lung Disease. Smokers and patients with lung disease show more pronounced gas exchange impairment in the awake state than healthy subjects do, and this difference also persists during anesthesia. 102 However, only a small shunt and almost no atelectasis develops in these patients, but they may have severe V A /Q mismatch. Hyperination of the lungs may make them resist collapse. 103 The chronic hyperinated state of the lungs in chronic bronchitis changes the mechan- ical behavior of the lungs and the interaction with the chest wall so that the tendency to collapse is reduced. However, patients with chronic obstructive lung disease may have large regions with low V A /Q ratios that can result, over time, in resorption atelectasis. 4 Effects of Atelectasis Development of atelectasis is associated with the de- velopment of several pathophysiologic effects, including decreased compliance, impairment of oxygenation, in- creased pulmonary vascular resistance, and develop- ment of lung injury. Decreased Compliance. One of the rst articles ex- amining the effects of atelectasis was by Mead and Col- lier 99 in 1959. They noted that when anesthetized dogs were allowed to breathe spontaneously or were para- lyzed and ventilated at tidal volumes of approximately 12.5 ml/kg, pulmonary compliance decreased progres- sively. They found that these changes were immediately reversed after forced inations of the lungs, whereas forced deations caused further compliance reductions. The appearance of the lungs as well as measurement of total and ventilatory lung volumes indicated that the lungs were atelectatic. 99 These laboratory ndings were translated into the peri- operative context with the article by Bendixen et al., 2 which reported that atelectasis caused a decrease in pulmonary compliance in surgical patients and was as- sociated with a worsening in systemic oxygenation. The decreased compliance is conventionally considered to be due to a reduction in lung volume, such that inspira- tionexpiration cycles commencing from a lower FRC are completed on a less efcient section of the notional pressurevolume curve. 104 Therefore, greater energy is consumed because a given change in transpulmonary pressure results in a lesser tidal volume because of the sigmoid shape of the pressurevolume curve. An ana- tomical basis has been suggested for such atelectasis- associated decreased FRC in the context of general an- esthesia (see Compression Atelectasis). 6 The pressurevolume characteristics of the lung deter- mine the work of breathing, and ventilatory work may be analyzed by plotting pressure against volume. 105 In the presence of increased airway resistance or decreased lung compliance, increased transpulmonary pressure is required to achieve a given tidal volume with conse- quent increase in the work of breathing. Although the concept of altered compliance has been well established in the setting of macroatelectasis (e.g., lobar or dependent atelectasis sufciently large to be radiologically apparent), there are no data regarding whether microatelectasis (e.g., after brief exposure to increased FIO 2 during preoxygenation 75 ) has comparable effects on lung mechanics. Impaired Oxygenation. In many situations, the most striking effect of atelectasis is impairment of systemic oxygenation. This was rst identied in the context of general anesthesia 2 where the use of passive hyperina- tions reversed the hypoxemia. 2 Others reported impair- ment of oxygenation during prolonged constant-volume ventilation using small tidal volumes in the absence of intermittent hyperinations. 106108 Atelectasis can occur as a result of hyperoxia. 75,109 If high FIO 2 is continued, the effects may not be noted by observing pulse oximetry, but only if PaO 2 is measured. In this situation, the impaired oxygenation can be ex- pressed in terms of PaO 2 . The cause of the impaired oxygenation has been shown, using the multiple inert gas technique, to result from increased mismatch of ventilation with perfusion. 75 Two approaches have been shown to mitigate against the development of hypoxia. First, as demonstrated orig- inally, intermittent hyperination maneuvers reverse the effect on gas exchange. 2 Maintenance of lung volume from the outset can prevent, as opposed to reverse, development of intraoperative atelectasis. 28 Second, al- though recognized as an issue for decades, the compo- sition of the inspired gases used during induction of general anesthesia has been shown to directly impact the development of microatelectasis in healthy patients undergoing general anesthesia, 75 as well as in patients with lung injury. 110 Rothen et al. 75 found that very little 844 M. DUGGAN AND B. P. KAVANAGH Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 atelectasis occurred after the induction of general anes- thesia in subjects whose lungs were ventilated with 30% oxygen in nitrogen. Furthermore, the increase in the amount of atelectasis was less rapid in the setting of 30% oxygen (in nitrogen) compared with 100% oxygen. This is consistent with the notion that a poorly absorbed gas such as nitrogen might prevent the early formation of atelectasis and, conversely, that use of a highly absorbed gas (e.g., oxygen) would enhance the development of atelectasis. Pulmonary Vascular Resistance. Early studies sug- gested that the pulmonary vascular resistance was min- imal at FRC. Lung volume much above this notional value resulted in alveolar compression due to lung stretch, whereas lung volume falling below the FRC was thought to result in compression of extraalveolar vessels. Therefore, this notion explained the changes in pulmo- nary vascular resistance on the basis of physical alter- ation of the pulmonary blood vessels, either stretching or narrowing caused by increased lung volume or com- pression caused by decreased lung volume. 111113 How- ever, regional hypoxia develops in atelectatic lungs, and it has been shown that the mechanism of increased large vessel pulmonary vascular resistance in the lungs is due to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, due in turn to decreased alveolar and mixed venous oxygen ten- sion. 114116 Recent work by our group has demonstrated that this signicant increase in vascular resistance can occur in previously normal lungs in an experimental setting, resulting in right ventricular dysfunction and increased microvascular leakage. 117 Lung Injury. Extensive evidence has established the importance of maintenance of lung volume in the pre- vention of lung injury. The pivotal publication by Webb and Tierney 118 demonstrated that application of PEEP prevented the development of lung injury induced by extremely high tidal volume. The specic degree of atelectasis responsible for attenuation or prevention of high tidal volumeinduced lung injury was explored by Sandhar et al. 119 and Muscedere et al. 120 using different experimental models over 5- and 2-h time periods, re- spectively. In isolated, nonperfused lungs that are venti- lated with no or low PEEP, reductions in compliance and evidence of morphologically apparent lung injury occur. Permitting such atelectasis in the presence of high tidal volumes is associated with hyaline membrane formation, along with regional inhomogeneity of atelectasis and overdistension. Other articles have also demonstrated that repetitive lung collapse or atelectasis leads to in- creased neutrophil activation in previously injured lungs. 121,122 In addition to lung injury induced by ex- tremely high tidal volumes, ventilation at low lung vol- umes worsens lung injury by repeated small airway clo- sure. 123,124 The concept of permissive hypercapnia developed to avoid lung injury caused by high tidal volumes or high ination pressures. Higher end-tidal carbon dioxide levels may be accepted to reduce vo- lutrauma or barotrauma, particularly in pediatric patients. Potentiation of lung injury by atelectasis has additional implications for inammatory effects in the lung. Trem- blay et al. 125 examined the effect of ventilation strategy on lung inammatory mediators in the presence and absence of lung injury and demonstrated that in the absence of PEEP, an impairment in lung compliance was accompanied by increased cytokine concentrations (e.g., tumor necrosis factor , interleukin 1) that were great- est in the groups pretreated with lipopolysaccharide. 125 These concepts were extended to the in vivo setting, where it was reported that maximal serum cytokine concentrations induced by high tidal volume occurred in the context of zero PEEP. In addition, atelectasis wors- ened the impairment of compliance induced by high tidal volume. 126 Perhaps of greatest concern in that pub- lication was the high mortality (in the absence of cyto- kine alterations) observed in the in vivo combination of low-tidal-volume ventilation in the presence of atelecta- sis. These data suggest that in terms of the most mean- ingful outcome (i.e., survival), the combination of low tidal volume and atelectasis may be the most adverse ventilation strategy and that the increased cytokines ob- served in the high-tidal volume groups may be of less importance. 126 Recent work by our group, wherein rats without lung injury received ventilatory strategies with and without PEEP and recruitment maneuvers, may place these nd- ings into perspective. 117 We found decreased survival in the zero-PEEP group and also demonstrated ultrastruc- tural evidence of microvascular epithelial disruption in those animals. In addition, we demonstrated that right ventricular dysfunction, possibly secondary to increased pulmonary vascular resistance, occurred in the presence of reduced FRC. 117 Clinical Impact of Atelectasis beyond the Operat- ing Room. Development of atelectasis intraoperatively is associated with decreased lung compliance, impair- ment of oxygenation, increased pulmonary vascular re- sistance, and development of lung injury. The adverse effects of atelectasis persist in the postoperative period and can impact patient recovery. Atelectasis can persist for 2 days after major surgery. 127 Often, the lung dys- function is transient, and normal lung function resumes soon after anesthesia and surgery. For example, atelec- tasis resolves within 24 h after laparoscopy in nonobese subjects. 128 Nevertheless, patients experience perioper- ative respiratory complications that may be related to reduction in FRC. 129,130 Some pulmonary complications occur during or imme- diately after anesthesiamainly hypoxemia. In a large study with more than 24,000 patients, 0.9% had a hy- poxemic event in the postanesthesia care unit that ne- cessitated a specic intervention other than only supple- 845 ATELECTASIS AND LUNG INJURY Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 mental oxygen. 131 There is no clear evidence that atelectasis is the cause of all of these postoperative hypoxemic events; respiratory depression from residual anesthetic may be more likely. 24 However, it seems likely that preventing atelectasis formation during the whole perioperative period would increase the pulmo- nary oxygen reserve, potentially reducing the likelihood of late postoperative complications. The characteristic postoperative mechanical respira- tory abnormality after abdominal or thoracic surgery is a restrictive pattern with severely reduced inspiratory ca- pacity, vital capacity, and FRC. 132134 Patients breathe rapidly with small tidal volumes and are unwillingor unableto inspire deeply. Patients in whom postopera- tive pulmonary complications develop have a relatively greater reduction of FRC, vital capacity, and PaO 2 than those who do not. 132,134 The impact of postoperative pain control in preventing postoperative atelectasis has been the focus of much research effort. Although pain and muscle splinting in response to pain are traditionally assumed to be the principal causative factors, total relief of pain after upper abdominal surgeryusing epidural analgesiaresults in only partial restoration of vital ca- pacity and has minimal effect on FRC. 135 However, a recent meta-analysis suggested that postoperative epi- dural opioids signicantly decrease the frequency of atelectasis but not other pulmonary complications when compared with systemic opioids. 136 Other studies have found no difference in the incidence of pulmonary com- plications. Manikian et al. 137 demonstrated that thoracic epidural analgesia in 13 patients undergoing upper ab- dominal surgery caused a signicant increase in forced vital capacity, but the FRC remained unchanged. Spence and Logan 138 reported no signicant impact of postop- erative epidural analgesia on oxygenation when com- pared with patients receiving systemic morphine, and Jayr et al. 139 reported that although the epidural pro- vided superior postoperative analgesia, it did not affect the frequency of postoperative pulmonary complica- tions, regardless of preoperative pulmonary status. Fi- nally, a recent multicenter randomized trial of 915 high- risk surgical patients reported a slight reduction in postoperative pulmonary complicationsbut no impact on mortality or major morbidityattributable to epi- dural versus systemic analgesia, although this study may have been underpowered to examine mortality. 140 Two particular aspects of pulmonary defense mecha- nisms, coughing and removal of particulate matter, are adversely affected by the changes in lung mechanics and breathing pattern 135 ; this may predispose to pulmonary infection. A number of studies examined the effects of halothane and thiopentone on mucociliary clearance and found that these agents may be responsible for reduced mucous clearance in the postoperative peri- od. 141143 A more recent study demonstrated that total intravenous anesthesia with propofol, alfentanil, and ve- curonium depressed mucociliary ow in patients with healthy lungs. 144 Cervin and Lindberg 145 examined the effects of desurane on mucociliary activity in the rabbit maxillary sinus in vivo. Desurane increased mucocili- ary activity, and the authors concluded that desurane is an airway irritating compound. 145 Atelectasis and pneu- monia are often considered together because the changes associated with atelectasis may predispose to pneumonia. 146 Despite a direct lack of evidence of a correlation between atelectasis and pneumonia, reduc- ing or avoiding atelectasis may diminish postoperative pulmonary complications 147 and thus improve outcome; however, this remains to be proven. In a series of adults undergoing elective abdominal surgery, postoperative pulmonary complications oc- curred in 9.6% of cases. 148 Atelectasis and infectious complications account for the majority of reported pul- monary complications, 149 and the consequences include a signicant burden in terms of morbidity 149 and addi- tional healthcare costs. 150 In some series, pulmonary complications account for 24% of deaths within 6 days of surgery, 130,149 although the precise relation to atelectasis is unclear. Experimental Evidence that Atelectasis Causes Lung Injury. The majority of studies examining the interactions of mechanical ventilation and nonventila- tory lung injury have observed the effects of injurious mechanical ventilation strategy on preinjured lungs. However, several experimental studies have examined the effect of preemptive recruitment on the effects of subsequent lung injury. Atelectasis Worsens Lung Injury Caused by Me- chanical Stretch. Multiple studies have convincingly demonstrated that recruitment provides effective protec- tion against lung injury that is either induced 118,151,152 or aggravated 120,125,153,154 by mechanical stretch. This may assume increasing importance as the role of tidal volume and plateau pressures in ARDS is debated. 95,155,156 Atelectasis Worsens Lung Injury Not Caused by Mechanical Stretch. Most patients with severe lung injury require supportive mechanical ventilation. It is clear from multiple laboratory 157,158 and clinical 95,159 studies that stretch can cause or worsen lung injury. However, there is a vast spectrum of causes of ALI, and there are striking similaritiesand few differencesin the pathogenesis, pathophysiologic dysfunction, and his- tologic appearance of ALI or ARDS, whether caused by stretch 158 or other etiologies. 160 Therefore, because re- cruitment is effective in reducing stretch-induced injury and because so many pathogenic and morphologic fea- tures are shared between stretch-induced versus other forms of injury, it may be that the protective effects of recruitment could be applicable to lung injury that is not caused by increased tidal stretch. Additional specic lines of evidence exist. Ination of a lung graft before reimplantation, as opposed to main- 846 M. DUGGAN AND B. P. KAVANAGH Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 tenance of the lung in a deated state, confers increased viability. 161163 The importance of ination in lung pro- tection has been conrmed in in vivo 162,163 and ex vivo 161 models and may be mediated either via reduc- tion in pulmonary vascular resistance 161 (potentially de- creasing endovascular shear injury) or through preven- tion of surfactant inactivation. 163 Finally, early application of mechanical ventilation may, through maintenance of lung volume (FRC), reduce mortality in experimental porcine sepsis 164 and in experimental hemorrhagic shock. 165 Detection of Atelectasis Atelectasis is usually suspected when alterations in lung physiology consistent with the development of atelectasis (e.g., decreased compliance, impaired oxy- genation) occur in a setting where atelectasis is likely. However, conrmation of atelectasis is possible through a variety of means. Conventional Chest Radiography. Lobar or seg- mental atelectasis is classically represented as opacica- tion of the lobe or lobar segment in question. General signs of atelectasis relate to volume loss. The most direct and reliable sign is the displacement of the interlobar ssure. Other signs of volume loss, such as increase of the hemidiaphragm and mediastinal shift, are maximal nearest the point of volume loss. Compensatory overin- ation of the remaining aerated segments in the affected lobe is present, and the collapsed portion of the lung is of increased opacity and often triangular in at least one projection. 166 For example, when atelectasis results from proximal bronchial occlusion, an obstruction may be identiable in the proximal bronchial tree, beyond which the tree is not aerated. If atelectasis results from absorption, the features are similar to consolidation, where the atelectatic lung parenchyma is opacied, and contrasts with the patent bronchial airway. In addition to airway characteristics, other features of atelectasis are important. The silhouette sign allows identication of the lobe or segment of the lung that is affected. It is based on the principle that apposition of densely atelectatic lung with an additional contiguous structure, such as the diaphragm or the heart, results in obliteration of the boundary between the lung and the adjacent structure. For example, opacication of part of an atelectatic lung in conjunction with obliteration of the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm suggests lower lobar atel- ectasis; in contrast, preservation of the hemidiaphragm indicates that the ipsilateral lower lobe is not atelectatic. A cardinal characteristic of atelectasis is volume loss of the affected lobe. This is associated with secondary changes in adjacent structures, in an attempt to ll the gap created by the loss of lung volume, and results in alterations including shift of the mediastinum or the hilum towards the affected area, elevation of the ipsilat- eral hemidiaphragm, and secondary (or compensa- tory) emphysema in the adjacent nonatelectatic lung. There is no doubt that conventional chest radiographs can reveal collapse in a segmental or lobar distribution. However, the ability of chest radiographs to detect atel- ectasis that occurs during general anesthesia or during mechanical ventilation of recumbent critically ill patients is less certain. 167 Computed Tomography. Computed tomography is emerging as the preferred method for imaging the lung because of the widespread availability, resolution, high signal/noise ratio for lung tissue, and speed. From con- ventional CT images, it is possible to measure whole and regional lung volumes, distribution of lung aeration, and recruitment behavior under various clinical conditions and interventions. 168 In the 1980s, atelectasis was shown by CT in anesthetized patients. 5,169 Since then, atelectasis has been studied extensively. Atelectasis on a CT scan has been dened as pixels with attenuation values of 100 to 100 Hounseld units. 3 Hounseld units quantify attenuation or density seen on CT. In this study, Lundquist et al. 3 studied patients un- dergoing elective abdominal surgery with CT of the thorax during anesthesia. Attenuation values in histo- grams of the lung and atelectasis were studied using two methods of calculating the atelectatic area. On the basis of the CT ndings, atelectasis occurs in the most depen- dent parts of the lungs and occurs in almost 90% of patients who are anesthetized. The extent of the atelec- tasis in the dependent regions can be reduced by PEEP. 5 The lung in ARDS is characterized by a marked in- crease in lung tissue and a massive loss of aeration. 170 Gattinoni et al. 40,41,171,172 have extensively investigated the distribution of tidal volume and recruitment in pa- tients with ARDS using CT scans. They concluded that PEEP makes the gas distribution more homogenous in patients with ARDS, stretching the upper levels and recruiting the lower ones, and thereby reduces the at- electatic tissue in dependent regions. Rouby 173 has as- sessed PEEP-induced lung overdistension using CT. Rouby determined the threshold to differentiate PEEP- induced alveolar recruitment from PEEP-induced lung overdistension. The threshold of 900 Hounseld units allows a reliable determination of PEEP-induced alveolar overdistension. A number of human studies have clearly reported the simultaneous onset of alveolar recruitment and lung overination in patients receiving PEEP levels of 10 and 20 cm H 2 O. 174177 These recent approaches have important implications in the diagnosis as well as the management of atelectasis because they point clearly to the propensity for injurious regional overination occurring as a result of efforts to reverse atelectasis (e.g., increased PEEP, recruitment maneuvers) in the setting of ARDS. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging allows three-dimensional imaging without the 847 ATELECTASIS AND LUNG INJURY Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 use of ionizing radiation. Unfortunately, the lung is not well suited to magnetic resonance imaging. On spin- echo images in healthy subjects, little signal is obtained from lung parenchyma. Areas of consolidation and masses can be identied, but the degree to which they can be differentiated has yet to be fully established. This technique has been used in preterm neonates to study pulmonary dysfunction. 178 The authors compared lung water content and distribution between preterm and term infants and concluded that lung water content is higher in preterm infants, consistent with dependent atelectasis. 178 Xenon-enhanced CT is a method for non- invasive measurement of regional pulmonary ventilation, determined from the wash-in and wash-out rates of the radiodense, nonradioactive xenon gas, measured by se- rial CT scans. 179 This may provide a valuable tool for noninvasive measurement of regional lung function and atelectasis in the future. Although magnetic resonance has several advantages over CT (e.g., contrast material is not necessary, possibility for multiple planar imaging), it is not apparent that magnetic resonance offers any dis- tinct advantages over CT in the evaluation of atelectasis at the current time. 180 Ultrasonography. Although more commonly used in assessment of pleural collections or in the context of echocardiography, thoracic ultrasonography has been used in assessment of lung parenchyma. 181 It has been suggested as a useful aid to the rapid diagnosis of atel- ectasis 182 and, in the context of ARDS, seems to be useful for the assessment of regional consolidation. 183 Recently, use of a specic ultrasonographic detection of the cardiac impulse, termed the lung pulse, has been reported to be a highly sensitive early indicator of the presence of atelectasis. 184 The use of ultrasonography may offer signicant advantages for patients in the op- erating room or in the intensive care unit in terms of rapidity and ease of examination, without the disadvan- tages of patient transport and radiation exposure. How- ever, its role in clinical practice remains to be determined. 185 Intravital Microscopy. Intravital microscopy applied to the pleural surface enables experimental visualization of atelectasis and examination of its role in the patho- genesis of lung injury (see Direct Visualization of Atelec- tasis). 31 In addition to access issues, there are limitations to interpretation, 32 including the fact that visualization is restricted to lung tissue that is immediately below the pleural surface, with deeper parenchyma beyond the range of the instrument. Cytokine Prole. There are other methods of detect- ing atelectasis in the preclinical setting, including lung lavage levels of cytokines. 125 Tremblay et al. 125 exam- ined the effect of ventilation strategy on lung inamma- tory mediators in the presence and absence of lung injury using an isolated rat model. Lung lavage cytokine concentrations were greatest in the groups ventilated without PEEP in both the control intravenous lipopo- lysaccharidetreated groups. Zero PEEP in combination with high volume ventilation had a synergistic effect on cytokine concentrations. This nding that atelectasis worsens stretch-induced lung injury resulting in in- creased lung and systemic cytokine concentrations was conrmed by Chiumello et al. 126 However, it is impor- tant to note that experimental atelectasiseven when lethalis not associated with increased cytokines in the absence of high tidal volumes. 126 The measurement of lung lavage levels of cytokines in the clinical situation is impractical. Prevention or Reversal of Atelectasis The factors important in the prevention or reversal of atelectasis differ considerably, depending on whether the lungs are injured or uninjured. Because of the ad- verse pathophysiology associated with the development of atelectasis and the preclinical ndings that recruit- ment of atelectatic lung may reduce the propensity to- ward subsequent injury, 161163 it is important to exam- ine how recruitment may be achieved. Prevention or Reversal of Atelectasis in Healthy Lungs. Progressive pulmonary atelectasis (and the asso- ciated impairment of oxygenation) may occur during constant ventilation whenever periodic hyperination is lacking; it is reversible by passive hyperination (i.e., three successive inations: rst, with a pressure of 20 cm H 2 O for 10 s; second, with a pressure of 30 cm H 2 O for 15 s; and third, with a pressure of 40 cm H 2 O sustained for 15 s). 2 This was taken as evidence that atelectatic alveoli are reopened by the deep breaths, and that con- clusion was supported by the reduction in pulmonary compliance occurring during ventilation and the return of compliance to control values after hyperination. Nunn et al. 107 examined arterial oxygenation in pa- tients during routine anesthesia. They found that arterial oxygenation increased when a pressure of 40 cm H 2 O was maintained for 40 s; lower pressures, even with modest levels of PEEP, were not effective. 107 A more recent study by Tusman et al. 28 examined an alveolar recruitment strategy in healthy lungs during general anesthesia. The authors hypothesized that because atel- ectasis occurs during general anesthesia, an initial in- crease in pressure would be required to open collapsed alveoli, and if this inspiratory recruitment was combined with sufcient end-expiratory pressure, alveoli would remain open. They allocated patients to one of three groups: no PEEP; an initial control period without PEEP followed by PEEP of 5 cm H 2 O; and PEEP of 15 cm H 2 O with high tidal volume (18 ml/kg, or peak inspiratory pressure 40 cm H 2 O) maintained for 10 breaths, fol- lowed by stepwise reduction of PEEP and tidal volume. The third group, receiving the alveolar recruitment strat- egy, had a signicant increase in arterial oxygenation during general anesthesia. Treatment with PEEP of 5 cm 848 M. DUGGAN AND B. P. KAVANAGH Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 H 2 O alone did not have the same effect on oxygenation. The authors concluded that high initial pressures are needed to overcome the anesthesia-induced collapse and that PEEP of 5 cm or more is required to prevent the newly recruited alveoli from collapsing. In addition, there was no evidence of barotrauma or pulmonary complications as a result of the high initial airway pressures. 28 Prevention or Reversal of Atelectasis in Injured Lungs. It has become evident that a number of ventila- tory strategies can produce or worsen lung injury. 157 The use of large tidal volumes, 153 high peak airway pressures, 186 and end-expiratory alveolar collapse with cyclic reopening 120 have all been proposed as deleteri- ous when ventilating injured lungs. Several studies have shown that lung injury secondary to ventilation with large tidal volume is attenuated if end-expiratory volume is maintained by the use of PEEP. 118,126,152 In addition, ventilation at low FRC worsens lung injury, possibly by repeated small airway closure, and PEEP markedly atten- uates this injury. 120,126 Therefore, recruitment of atelec- tatic lung reduces the injurious effects of mechanical ventilation with both low and high tidal volumes and protects against development of ventilator-induced lung injury. The open-lung approach to ventilating patients with ARDS consists of a recruitment maneuver with high sustained airway pressures to open atelectatic alveoli followed by application of PEEP to maintain alveolar patency. This approach was among the interventions performed in a study that showed an improvement in oxygenation and reduced mortality in patients with ARDS. 159 The researchers calculated the inection point from a pressurevolume curve (corresponding to an upward shift in the slope of the curve), and PEEP was preset at 2 cm H 2 O above the inection point in the protective ventilation group. If the inection point could not be determined on the pressurevolume curve, PEEP of 16 cm H 2 O was used. Recruiting maneuvers were frequently used and consisted of continuous positive airway pressures of 3540 cm H 2 O for 40 s followed by a return to previous PEEP levels. 159 Gattinoni et al. 40 also showed that with increasing PEEP from 0 to 20 cm H 2 O, gas distribution became more homogenous in sedated and paralyzed patients with ARDS and reduced the reopeningcollapsing tis- sue. Suter et al. 187 suggested that the optimum end- expiratory pressure in patients with acute respiratory failure was the PEEP level that resulted in the greatest total static compliance. This maximum compliance pro- duced by PEEP resulted in optimum overall cardiopul- monary interaction to ensure maximal global oxygen delivery. In patients with low FRC values at zero end- expiratory pressure, maximum oxygen transport was achieved at higher levels of PEEP than in patients with normal or high FRC values. The timing of recruitment maneuvers was examined by Grasso et al. 188 in patients with ARDS who were ventilated with a lung-protective ventilatory strategy (low tidal volumes of 6 ml/kg). They dened a recruiting maneuver as continuous positive airway pressure of 40 cm H 2 O for 40 s. Measurements of PaO 2 /FIO 2 ratio, volumepressure curve, and respiratory mechanics were obtained 2 and 20 min after application of a recruiting maneuver. The authors classied the patients as respond- ers and nonresponders. Recruitment maneuvers in- creased the PaO 2 /FIO 2 ratio signicantly more in respond- erswho had been ventilated for a longer period of timethan in nonresponders. The authors concluded that application of recruiting maneuvers improves oxy- genation only in patients with early ARDS who do not have impairment of chest wall mechanics and with a large potential for recruitment. 188 Treating Atelectasis in the Postoperative Period. Postoperative pulmonary complications are increasingly recognized as an important perianesthetic issue. 146 De- termination of the frequency and clinical impact of post- operative pulmonary complications is hampered by the lack of a uniform denition of a postoperative pulmo- nary complication among studies. Included in the de- nition are pneumonia, severe respiratory failure (usually dened as the need for mechanical ventilation), bron- chospasm, and atelectasis (often not dened). Most stud- ies referring to postoperative atelectasis do not directly measure FRC. Reversing or preventing atelectasis is possible in many patients in the perioperative period 146,189 and is of proven benet in preventing pulmonary complica- tions. 146 Techniques or devices that either encourage or force patients to inspire deeply are of most clinical importance. 190192 The aim is to produce a large and sustained increase in transpulmonary pressure distend- ing the lung and reexpanding collapsed lung units. Sev- eral methods have been studied, including intermittent positive-pressure breathing, deep-breathing exercises, incentive spirometry, and chest physiotherapy. A meta- analysis suggests that all regimens studied are equally efcacious in reducing the frequency of postoperative pulmonary complications after upper abdominal surgery. 193 The benecial effect on gas exchange of a simple posture change from supine to seated has been demon- strated, both in healthy subjects 90 and after upper ab- dominal surgery. 91 Identication of FRC as the single most important lung volume in postoperative patients provides a specic goal of therapy. 189 FRC can be mea- sured by a number of techniques. Gas dilution tech- niques (e.g., helium equilibration, nitrogen washout) have been used. 93,194 One disadvantage of these meth- ods is that the tracer gas may not mix with all gas in the lungs because of occluded airways; this source of error can be overcome by using body plethysmography. 849 ATELECTASIS AND LUNG INJURY Anesthesiology, V 102, No 4, Apr 2005 Finally, early work reported the use of thoracic or sternal traction 195,196 as well as the use of intravenous aminophylline 197 as successful treatments of atelectasis in a number of case reports, but given the impracticali- ties and adverse effects of these therapies, they have no clinical application today. Recruitment of Atelectatic Lung Is Easier to Achieve in the Absence of Injury. Although the pres- surevolume relation in ARDSand the ability to recruit lungmay depend on the etiology, 171 it is always easier to recruit lung when injury is absent or mild, compared with when signicant injury is established. 42,188,198 This is because the uninjured lung is highly compliant, and its inection point (opening pressure) on the ination pres- surevolume curve is either low or not detectable. In contrast, the inection point is signicantly greater when injury has been established; in fact, elevation of the inection point increases in proportion to the extent of injury. 194 Such impaired compliance (and difculty with recruitment) has a pathophysiologic basis in estab- lished injury. The causes include surfactant dysfunction due to impairment of large aggregate formation, 199 di- rect inhibition by plasma proteins that have exudated into the air space, 200202 and the progression of cellular inltration and edema in the pulmonary interstitium and alveoli. 203,204 Increases in pulmonary vascular resis- tance, which characteristically parallel the progression of the lung injury, 205 may decrease lung compliance further. 206 Finally, when recruitment has been achieved, less airway pressure is required to prevent derecruit- ment than is required to achieve recruitment. 207 Summary and Future Implications In the future, clinicians may be able to predict the subsequent development of ALI. In an optimal setting, this would be after recognition of the identiable etiol- ogy and before its initiation (e.g., before major surgery or before reperfusion during transplantation surgery). Alter- natively, early institution of prophylactic recruitment after identication of an etiologic event, particularly when associated with a worrisome predictive stratica- tion (e.g., pancreatitis with elevated cytokine prole), would be ideal. The eventual prospect of predicting (or early detection of) ALI and ARDS makes prophylactic lung recruitment (to maintain or recover normal resting lung volume) increasingly tenable, and if validated by clinical studies, this could become integrated into the perioperative care of patients who are at risk of devel- oping critical illness. Atelectasis occurs in almost all patients undergoing general anesthesia. We have reviewed the causes, ef- fects, nature, identication, and prevention of atelectasis in the perioperative period. Unless restoration of FRC takes place, atelectasis can have detrimental conse- quences. Current literature indicates that intraoperative and postoperative lung recruitment improves intermedi- ate physiologic outcomes (e.g., oxygenation, work of breathing); however, the benets might have more sig- nicant implications for lung injury and ARDS. Low stretch ventilation can achieve, at best, attenuation of stretch-induced injury; at worst, it can cause loss of lung volume, potentially contributing to or worsening injury. Prophylactic recruitment however, could reduce or pre- vent lung injury that results from a variety of primary etiologies, as well as reducing injury resulting from me- chanical stretch. If proven in the clinical setting, this approach could reduce the development of critical ill- ness in many general medical and surgical patient populations. Note Added in Proof Since acceptance of this manuscript, Squadrone et al. have demonstrated that reversing atelectasis with non- invasive continuous positive airway pressure in high-risk postoperative patients who are hypoxic results in re- duced need for reintubation and a lower incidence of pneumonia and sepsis (Squadrone V, Coha M, Cerutti E, Schellino MM, Biolino P, Occella P, Belloni G, Vilianis G, Fiore G, Cavallo F, Ranieri VM; Piedmont Intensive Care Units Network [PICUN]: Continuous positive airway pressure for treatment of postoperative hypoxemia: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2005; 293:58995). The authors thank Steven Deem, M.D. (Associate Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington), Rolf Hubmayr, M.D. (Professor, Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota), and John Laffey, M.D. (Consultant Anesthetist, University Hospital and National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland), for their expert comments on the manuscript; and Theresa Sakno (Sakno Media, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) for the artwork. References 1. Nunn JF, Payne JP: Hypoxaemia after general anaesthesia. Lancet 1962; 2:6312 2. Bendixen HH, Hedley-Whyte J, Chir B, Laver MB: Impaired oxygenation in surgical patients during general anesthesia with controlled ventilation. N Engl J Med 1963; 269:9916 3. Lundquist H, Hedenstierna G, Strandberg A, Tokics L, Brismar B: CT- assessment of dependent lung densities in man during general anaesthesia. Acta Radiol 1995; 36:62632 4. 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