Biology 11 Unit 2 Assignment On Adaptation & Evolution Name

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Biology 11

Unit 2 Assignment on Adaptation & Evolution

1. a) Describe the basic structure of DNA. Please use words
diagram (2 marks) in your answer.

(3 marks) and

a labelled


Biology 11

1 of 6

Total: __/37

b) Match up the following bases into correct base pairs: A C G T

(1 mark)

2. Identify and explain the roles of DNA in evolution (what drives evolution). (3

3.a. Define the term variation in the context of evolution. (2 marks)
b.) How does sexual reproduction increase the variation of a species and,
consequently, what role does sex play in evolution? (2 marks)
4. Describe the process of natural selection. (3 marks)

Biology 11

2 of 6

Total: __/32

5.a. Define the Hardy-Weinberg Law (include the 5 conditions from the H-W
Law module you did). (1 mark)
b.) Which of the five conditions is never met (hint: happens in DNA)? (1 mark)
Why not? (1 mark)


Biology 11

3 of 6

Total: __/32

6. Use a comparison-contrast organizer (see Study Skill Technique web site)

to differentiate among convergence, divergence, and speciation. (6 marks)






7. Use a comparison-contrast organizer (see Study Skill Technique web site)

to differentiate between the gradual change model and the punctuated
equilibrium model of evolution. (2 marks)

Model of Evolution


Gradual Change

Biology 11

4 of 6

Total: __/32

Punctuated Equilibrium

Biology 11

5 of 6

Total: __/32

8. Use a 4-Point concept map (see Study Skill Technique web site) to define
extinction and describe the role of extinction in evolution. (5 marks)

Biology 11

6 of 6

Total: __/32

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