30RH & 32RH Automatic Transmission

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page page
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Torque Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 66
Parts Interchangeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Transmission Application . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 66
Recommended Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Transmission Controls and Components .. . . . . . 66
Specifications and Band Adjustments .. . . . . . . . 66 Transmission Identification . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 66


Service specifications and torque values are located
TRANSMISSION APPLICATION at the end of this group. Refer to the specifications
Chrysler 30RH and 32RH automatic transmissions during service operations.
are used in XJ/YJ models. Both transmissions are The band adjustment specifications for 1994
three speed, automatics with a gear-type oil pump, transmissions are different. Refer to the front
two clutches and bands and a planetary gear system and rear band adjustment procedures in the In-
(Fig. 1). The 30RH is used with 2.5L engines and the Vehicle Service section for details.
32RH is used with 4.0L engines.
TORQUE CONVERTER The 1994 version of the 30RH (A904) transmission
A three element, torque converter is used for all is similar to previous models in appearance only. The
applications. The converter consists of the impeller, current 30RH is quite different and interchanging
stator, and turbine. new/old parts is definitely not recommended. Differ-
The converter used with all 30RH/32RH transmis- ent component dimensions, fluid passages, input/out-
sions is equipped with a converter clutch. The clutch put shafts, cases, bands, valve bodies and governor
is engaged by an electrical solenoid and mechanical assemblies are just a few of the changed items. The
clutch module on the valve body. The solenoid is op- 32RH transmission is also different from previous
erated by the powertrain control module. models and the same recommendations apply here as
The impeller is connected to the engine crankshaft well.
through the front cover which is welded to the impel-
ler. The turbine is splined to the transmission input CAUTION: On YJ models with a 2.5L engine and
shaft and the stator is splined to the transmission re- 30RH transmission, special bolts are used to attach
action shaft. the driveplate to the crankshaft. These bolts have a
smaller hex head for torque converter clearance.
The torque converter is a welded assembly and is
DO NOT interchange these bolts with similar size
not a repairable component. The converter is serviced
bolts for any reason.
as an assembly.


The recommended (and preferred) fluid for 30RH/ The transmission hydraulic control system per-
32RH transmissions is Mopar ATF Plus, Type 7176. forms five basic functions, which are:
Mopar Dexron II can be used but only if ATF Plus • pressure supply
is not available. • pressure regulation
Transmission fluid capacity is approximately 17 • flow control
pints (7.9 liters). This is the approximate amount of • clutch/band apply and release
fluid required to fill the transmission and torque con- • lubrication
verter after overhaul.
Pressure Supply And Regulation
TRANSMISSION IDENTIFICATION The oil pump generates the fluid working pressure
The transmission identification numbers are needed for operation and lubrication. The pump is
stamped on the left side of the case just above the oil driven by the torque converter. The converter is con-
pan gasket surface (Fig. 2). The first set of numbers nected to the engine crankshaft through the drive-
is the transmission part number. The next set of code plate.
numbers set is the date of build. The final set of code The pressure regulator valve maintains operating
numbers represents the transmission serial number. (line) pressure. The regulator valve is located in the
valve body. The amount of line pressure developed is

Fig. 1 30RH/32RH Automatic Transmission


The shuttle valve has two functions. First is fast

front band release and smooth engagement during
lift-foot 2-3 upshifts. The second is to regulate front
clutch and band application during 3-2 downshifts.

The front/rear clutch pistons and servo pistons are
actuated by line pressure. When line pressure is re-
moved, the pistons are released by spring tension.
On 2-3 upshifts, the front servo piston is released
by spring tension and hydraulic pressure. The accu-
mulator controls hydraulic pressure on the apply side
of the front servo during 1-2 upshifts and at all
throttle openings.

Converter Clutch Controls

Fig. 2 Transmission Identification Converter clutch operation is controlled by the
power train control module, and by the solenoid and
controlled by throttle pressure, which is dependent
clutch module on the valve body. The solenoid is op-
on the degree of throttle opening.
erated by a relay on the engine compartment side of
The governor valve is operated by the transmission the dash panel.
output shaft. Governor pressure increases in propor- Activating the solenoid opens a vent allowing fluid
tion to vehicle speed. to flow into the clutch module. When line pressure
The throttle valve determines line pressure and exceeds tension of the module valve springs, the
shift speed. The throttle valve also controls upshift module valves open. This allows fluid to be chan-
and downshift speeds by regulating pressure in con- neled to the converter clutch through the reaction
junction with throttle position. shaft support and transmission shaft.

Shift Valves Gearshift And Parking Lock Controls

The manual valve is operated by the gearshift link- The gearshift lever provides six operating posi-
age and provides the operating range selected by the tions: Park (P), Reverse (R), Neutral (N), and the D,
2 and 1 forward drive ranges.
Manual 1 position provides first gear only. Overrun
The 1-2 shift valve provides automatic 1-2 or 2-1
braking occurs in 1 range when the throttle is re-
shifts and the 2-3 shift valve provides automatic 2-3 leased. Upshifts are not provided in 1 range.
or 3-2 shifts. The kickdown valve provides forced 3-2 Manual 2 range provides first and second gear. A
or 3-1 downshifts depending on vehicle speed. Down- 1-2 upshift will take place but a 2-3 upshift will not
shifts occur when the throttle is opened beyond occur.
downshift detent position which is just before wide D position provides 1-2, 2-3 upshifts and 3-2 and
open throttle. 3-1 downshifts.
The 2-3 valve throttle pressure plug provides 3-2 Park position allows the park rod to move the park
downshifts with varying throttle openings and de- pawl into engagement with the park gear. This pre-
pending on vehicle speed. The 1-2 shift control valve vents rotation of the transmission output shaft. The
transmits 1-2 shift pressure to the accumulator pis- park lock mechanism is only engaged when the shift
lever is in the Park detent.
ton to control kickdown band capacity on 1-2 upshifts
A park/neutral position switch controls engine
and 3-2 downshifts.
starting. The switch is designed to allow engine
starts only in park or neutral positions.


page page
Air Pressure Test . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 73 Gearshift Linkage . . . . . . ..... ......... . . . . 70
Analyzing the Road Test . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 70 General Information . . . . . ..... ......... . . . . 69
Converter Housing Leak Diagnosis .. . . . . . . . . . 73 Hydraulic Pressure Test . ..... ......... . . . . 71
Converter Stall Test .......... ... . . . . . . . . . 72 Preliminary Diagnosis . . . ..... ......... . . . . 69
Diagnosis Guides and Charts . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 76 Road Test . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ......... . . . . 70
Fluid Level and Condition . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 69 Transmission Throttle Valve Cable Adjustment . . 70

GENERAL INFORMATION (6) Perform air pressure test to check clutch-band

Automatic transmission problems are generally the operation.
result of:
• poor engine performance Vehicle Is Disabled
• incorrect fluid level (1) Check fluid level and condition.
• incorrect cable/linkage adjustment (2) Check for broken, disconnected throttle link-
• incorrect band adjustment age.
• incorrect hydraulic control pressure adjustments (3) Check for cracked, leaking cooler lines, or
• hydraulic component malfunctions loose, missing pressure port plugs.
• mechanical component malfunctions. (4) Raise vehicle, start engine, shift transmission
Begin diagnosis by checking the easily accessible into gear and note following:
items such as fluid level, fluid condition and control (a) If propeller shafts turn but wheels do not,
linkage adjustment. A road test will determine if fur- problem is with differential or axle shafts.
ther diagnosis is necessary. (b) If propeller shafts do not turn and transmis-
Procedures outlined in this section should be per- sion is noisy, stop engine. Remove oil pan, and
formed in the following sequence to realize the most check for debris. If pan is clear, remove transmis-
accurate results: sion and check for damaged drive plate, converter,
• Preliminary diagnosis oil pump or input shaft.
• Check fluid Level and condition (c) If propeller shafts do not turn and transmis-
• Check control linkage Adjustment sion is not noisy, perform hydraulic pressure test to
• Road test determine if problem is a hydraulic or mechanical.
• Stall test
• Hydraulic pressure test FLUID LEVEL AND CONDITION
• Air pressure tests (1) Position vehicle on level surface. This is impor-
• Leak Tests tant in obtaining an accurate fluid level check.
• Analyze test results and consult diagnosis charts (2) To avoid false readings, which could produce
under or over fill condition, do not check level until
PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSIS fluid is at normal operating temperature.
Two basic procedures are required. One procedure (3) Shift transmission into Neutral.
for vehicles that are driveable and an alternate pro- (4) Apply parking brakes.
cedure for disabled vehicles (will not back up or (5) Operate engine at curb idle speed.
move forward).
(1) Check fluid level and condition. YOUR HANDS WELL AWAY FROM HOT OR ROTAT-
(2) Adjust throttle cable and gearshift linkage if ING ENGINE COMPONENTS. DO NOT WEAR
complaint was based on delayed, erratic, or harsh LOOSE ARTICLES OF CLOTHING WHICH COULD
(3) Road test vehicle and note transmission operat- OR ACCESSORIES.
ing characteristics.
(4) Perform stall test if complaint is based on slug- (6) Clean dipstick filler cap and tube before remov-
gish, low speed acceleration or abnormal throttle ing dipstick.
opening needed to maintain normal speeds with (7) Remove dipstick and inspect fluid level.
properly tuned engine. • Correct level is to FULL mark
(5) Perform hydraulic pressure tests. • Acceptable level is between ADD and FULL marks

(8) Check fluid condition. Fluid should be dark to Operate the transmission in all gear ranges. Check
light red in color and free of dirt or debris. for slippage and shift variations. Note whether the
(9) If fluid is discolored or smells burned but trans- shifts are harsh, spongy, delayed, early, or if part
mission operation was OK, check cooler flow, flush throttle downshifts are sensitive.
cooler and lines and change fluid and filter. Then Watch closely for slippage or engine flare which
road test again to confirm proper operation. usually indicates clutch, band or overrunning clutch
(10) If fluid is black or dark brown, burned/turned problems. If the condition is advanced, an overhaul
to sludge, contains large quantities of metal or fric- may be necessary to restore normal operation.
tion material particles, transmission will need over- A slipping clutch or band can often be determined
haul. Especially if problems were evident during by comparing which internal units are applied in the
road test and preliminary diagnosis. Fluid cooler various gear ranges. The Clutch and Band Applica-
should also be flow tested and flushed if necessary. tion chart (Fig. 3) provides a basis for analyzing road
test results.
A low fluid level allows the pump to take in air
along with the fluid. Air in the fluid will cause fluid
pressures to be low and develop slower than normal.
If the transmission is overfilled, the gears churn
the fluid into foam. This aerates the fluid causing
the same conditions that occur with a low level.
In either case, air bubbles cause fluid overheating,
oxidation and varnish buildup which interferes with
valve, clutch and servo operation. Foaming also
causes fluid expansion which can result in fluid over-
flow from the transmission vent or fill tube. Fluid
overflow can easily be mistaken for a leak if inspec-
tion is not careful.


Throttle cable adjustment is important to proper
operation. This adjustment positions the throttle
valve which controls shift speed, quality and part
throttle downshift sensitivity.
If cable adjustment setting is too short, early shifts Fig. 3 Clutch And Band Application Chart
and slippage between shifts may occur. If the setting
is too long, shifts may be delayed and part throttle ANALYZING THE ROAD TEST
downshifts may be very sensitive. Refer to the In-Ve- Refer to the Clutch and Band Application chart
hicle Service section for adjustment procedure. (Fig. 3) and note which elements are in use in the
various gear ranges.
GEARSHIFT LINKAGE The rear clutch is applied in all forward ranges (D,
Gearshift linkage adjustment is important because 2, 1). The overrunning clutch is applied in first gear
it positions the valve body manual valve. Incorrect (D and 2 range only). The rear band is applied in 1
adjustment will cause creeping in Neutral, prema- and R range only.
ture clutch wear, delayed engagement in any gear, or For example: If slippage occurs in first gear in D
a no-start in Park or Neutral position. and 2 range but not in 1 range, the overrunning
Proper operation of the neutral start switch will clutch is slipping. Similarly, if slippage occurs in any
provide a quick check of linkage adjustment. Refer to two forward gears, the rear clutch is slipping.
the In-Vehicle Service section for adjustment proce- Applying the same method of analysis, note that
dure. both clutches are applied in D range third gear only.
If the transmission slips in third gear, either the
ROAD TEST front clutch or the rear clutch is slipping. By select-
Before road testing, be sure the fluid level and all ing another gear which does not use one of these
linkage adjustments have been checked and adjusted units, the slipping clutch can be determined.
if necessary. Although road test analysis will help determine
Observe engine performance during the road test. the slipping unit, the actual cause of a malfunction
A poorly tuned engine will not allow an accurate may not be determined until hydraulic and air pres-
analysis of transmission operation. sure tests are performed. Practically any condition

can be caused by leaking hydraulic circuits or stick-

ing valves. Unless the problem is an obvious one, do
not remove and disassemble the transmission until
hydraulic and air pressure tests have been per-


Hydraulic test pressures range from a low of one
psi (6.895 kPa) governor pressure, to 300 psi (2068.5
kPa) at the rear servo pressure port in reverse.
Use 100 psi Pressure Gauge C-3292 to check pres-
sure at the accumulator, front servo, governor and
Fig. 6 Governor Pressure Test Port (4 x 4
fluid cooler line. Use 300 psi Gauge C-3293 to check
pressure at the rear servo. The 300 psi gauge can be
used at any other port when more than one gauge is PRESSURE TEST PROCEDURE
required for testing. Connect a tachometer to the engine. Position the
tachometer so it can be observed from under the ve-
PRESSURE TEST PORT LOCATIONS hicle. Raise the vehicle on hoist that will allow the
There are pressure test ports at the accumulator, wheels to rotate freely.
front servo, rear servo and governor.
Line pressure is checked at the accumulator port Test One-Transmission In 1 Range
on the right side of the case (Fig. 4). The front servo This test checks pump output, pressure regula-
release pressure port is at the right side of the case tion, and condition of the rear clutch and rear
just behind the filler tube opening (Fig. 4). servo circuits. Use 300 psi Test Gauge C-3293 for
The rear servo pressure port is at the right rear of this test
the transmission case (Fig. 5). (1) Connect test gauges to line pressure and rear
On 4 x 2 models, the governor pressure port is at servo ports (Figs. 4-6). Be sure pressure test gauge
the left side of case at the transmission rear (Fig. 5). is connected to rear servo port.
On 4 x 4 transmissions, the test port is in the driver (2) Disconnect throttle and gearshift rods at trans-
side of the adapter housing (Fig. 6). mission.
(3) Start and run engine at 1000 rpm.
(4) Move valve body selector lever forward into 1
(5) Read pressures on both gauges as transmission
throttle lever is moved from full forward to full rear-
ward position.
(6) Line pressure should be 54-60 psi (372-414
kPa) with throttle lever forward and gradually in-
crease to 90-96 psi (620-662 kPa) as lever is moved
(7) Rear servo pressure should be same as line
pressure within 3 psi.
Fig. 4 Front Servo And Line Pressure Test Ports
Test Two-Transmission In 2 Range
This test checks pump output and pressure
regulation. Use 100 psi Test Gauge C-3292 for
this test.
(1) Connect test gauge to line pressure port (Fig.
(2) Start and run engine at 1000 rpm.
(3) Move valve body selector lever one detent rear-
ward from full forward position. This is 2 range.
(4) Move transmission throttle lever from full for-
ward to full rearward position and read pressure at
Fig. 5 Rear Servo And Governor Pressure Test both gauges.
Ports (4 x 2 Transmission)

(5) Line pressure should be 54-60 psi (372-414 (4) Slowly increase engine speed and observe
kPa) with throttle lever forward and gradually in- speedometer and pressure test gauge. Governor pres-
crease to 90-96 psi (620-662 kPa) as lever is moved sure should increase in proportion to vehicle speed
rearward. (approximately 1 psi for every 1 mph shown on
Test Three-Transmission In D Range (5) Governor pressure rise should be smooth and
This test checks pressure regulation and con- drop back to 0 to 1-1/2 psi when throttle is closed
dition of the front and rear clutch circuits. and wheels are stopped.
Both test gauges are required for this test. (6) Compare results of pressure tests with analysis
(1) Connect one test gauge to line pressure port
chart (Fig. 7).
and other gauge to front servo pressure port (Fig. 4).
Either gauge can be used at either port.
(2) Start and run engine at 1600 rpm.
(3) Move selector lever two detents rearward from
full forward position. This is D range.
(4) Read pressures on both gauges as transmission
throttle lever is moved from full forward to full rear-
ward position.
(5) Line pressure should be 54-60 psi (372-414
kPa) with throttle lever forward and gradually in-
crease as lever is moved rearward.
(6) Front servo is pressurized only in D range and
should be same as line pressure within 3 psi (21
kPa), up to downshift point.

Test Four-Transmission In Reverse

This test checks pump output, pressure regu-
lation and the front clutch and rear servo cir-
cuits. Use 300 psi Pressure Test Gauge C-3293
for this test.
(1) Connect pressure test gauge to rear servo port
(Fig. 5).
(2) Start and run engine at 1600 rpm for test.
(3) Move valve body selector lever four detents
rearward from full forward position. This is Reverse
(4) Move throttle lever all way forward then all the
way rearward and note gauge readings.
(5) Pressure should be 145 - 175 psi (1000-1207
kPa) with lever forward and increase to 230 - 280 psi Fig. 7 Pressure Test Analysis Chart
(1586-1931 kPa) as lever is moved rearward.
Test Five-Governor Pressure Stall testing involves determining maximum engine
This test checks governor operation by mea- rpm obtainable at full throttle with the rear wheels
suring governor pressure response to changes locked and the transmission in D range. This test
in engine speed. It is usually not necessary to checks the holding ability of the converter overrun-
check governor operation unless shift speeds ning clutch and both of the transmission clutches.
are incorrect or if the transmission will not When stall testing is completed, refer to the Stall
shift up or down. Use 100 psi Pressure Test Speed Specifications chart and Stall Speed Diagnosis
Gauge C-3292 for this test. guides.
(1) Connect test gauge to governor pressure port
(2) Move selector lever to D range. FRONT OF THE VEHICLE DURING A STALL TEST.
(3) Apply service brakes. Start and run engine at ALWAYS BLOCK THE FRONT WHEELS AND APPLY
curb idle speed and note pressure. At idle and with THE SERVICE AND PARKING BRAKES DURING THE
wheels stopped, pressure should be zero to 1-1/2 psi TEST.
maximum. If pressure exceeds this figure, governor
valve or weights are sticking open.


(1) Connect tachometer to engine. Air pressure testing can be used to check clutch
(2) Check and adjust transmission fluid level. and band operation with the transmission either in
(3) Start and run engine until transmission fluid the vehicle, or on the work bench as a final check af-
reaches normal operating temperature. ter overhaul.
(4) Block front wheels. Air pressure testing requires that the oil pan and
(5) Fully apply service and parking brakes. valve body be removed from the transmission.
(6) Open throttle completely for no more than five The servo and clutch apply passages are shown in
seconds and record maximum engine rpm registered Figure 8.
on tachometer.

CAUTION: Stall testing causes a rapid increase in

transmission fluid temperature. Do not hold the
throttle open any longer than five seconds. If more
than one stall test is required, run the engine at
1000 rpm with the transmission in Neutral for at
least 20 seconds to cool the fluid.

(7) If engine speed exceeds maximum shown in

stall speed chart, release accelerator immediately.
This indicates that transmission clutch slippage is
(8) Shift transmission into Neutral. Run engine for
20 seconds to cool fluid. Then stop engine, shift
transmission into Park and release brakes.
(9) Stall speeds should be in 1700-2000 rpm range.
(10) Refer to Stall Test Diagnosis.


Stall Speed Too High

Fig. 8 Air Pressure Test Passages
If the stall speed exceeds specifications by more
than 200 rpm, transmission clutch slippage is indi- Air Test Procedure
cated. (1) Place one or two fingers on the clutch housing
and apply air pressure through front clutch apply
Stall Speed Too Low passage (Fig. 8). Piston movement can be felt and a
Low stall speeds with a properly tuned engine in- soft thud heard as the clutch applies.
dicate a torque converter overrunning clutch prob- (2) Place one or two fingers on the clutch housing
lem. The condition should be confirmed by road and apply air pressure through rear clutch apply pas-
testing prior to converter replacement. sage (Fig. 8). Piston movement can be felt and a soft
The converter overrunning clutch is slipping when thud heard as the clutch applies.
stall speeds are 250 to 350 rpm below specified min- (3) Apply air pressure to the front servo apply pas-
imum. And when the vehicle operates properly at sage. The servo rod should extend and cause the
highway speeds but has poor low speed acceleration. band to tighten around the drum. Spring tension
should release the servo when air pressure is re-
Stall Speed Normal moved.
If stall speeds are normal but abnormal throttle (4) Apply air pressure to the rear servo apply pas-
opening is required to maintain highway speeds, the sage. The servo rod should extend and cause the
converter overrunning clutch is seized and the torque band to tighten around the drum. Spring tension
converter must be replaced. should release the servo when air pressure is re-
Converter Noise During Test
A whining noise caused by fluid flow is normal CONVERTER HOUSING LEAK DIAGNOSIS
during a stall test. However, loud metallic noises in- Two items must be established when diagnosing
dicate a damaged converter. To confirm that noise is leaks from the converter housing area. First, it must
originating from the converter, operate the vehicle at be verified that a leak condition actually exists. And
light throttle in Drive and Neutral on a hoist and lis- second, the true source of the leak must be deter-
ten for noise coming from the converter housing. mined.

Some suspected converter housing fluid leaks may (7) If the probe upper surface is dry, the converter
not be leaks at all. Residual fluid in the housing, or and seal are not at fault. A path of fluid across the
excess fluid spilled during factory fill or refill after probe upper surface indicates a converter or seal
repair can be mistaken for a leak. In addition, a rear leak. Fluid leaking under the probe is coming from
main seal leak can also be mistaken for a pump seal the pump housing area (Fig. 11).
leak if care is exercised. (8) Fluid leaking under the probe could be from
Converter housing leaks have several potential the: pump seal and/or bushing, pump vent, kickdown
sources. Through careful observation, a leak source lever shaft access plug, pump bolts, or porous spots
can be identified before removing the transmission in the pump body or transmission case (Fig. 11).
for repair. (9) If porous spots in the transmission case or
Pump seal leaks tend to move along the drive hub pump body are the suspected leak source, pressurize
and onto the rear of the converter. Pump O-ring or the transmission as described in Leak Testing With
pump body leaks follow the same path as a seal leak Air Pressure.
(Fig. 9).
Pump vent or pump attaching bolt leaks are gener-
ally deposited on the inside of the converter housing
and not on the converter itself (Fig. 9).
Pump seal or gasket leaks usually travel down the
inside of the converter housing.
Front band lever pin plug leaks are generally de-
posited on the housing and not on the converter.

Fig. 10 Leak Test Probe

Fig. 9 Typical Converter Housing Leak Paths

(1) Raise the rear of the vehicle and allow accumu-
lated fluid to drain out of the converter housing.
(2) Check and adjust the transmission fluid level.
(3) Raise the vehicle. Remove the converter hous-
Fig. 11 Pump Area Inspection Points
ing dust cover and wipe as much fluid as possible
from the converter housing. LEAK TESTING WITH AIR PRESSURE
(4) Fabricate a test probe (Fig. 10). Then attach This test involves closing off the transmission
the probe to the converter housing with one of the openings and pressurizing the transmission to 8 psi
dust shield bolts (Fig. 10). with Air Pump Tool 7700. A soapy water solution is
(5) Have a helper run the engine at 2500 rpm applied to suspected leak points before and during
(with the transmission in Neutral) for two minutes; the pressure test. Leaks will be indicated by the
then stop the engine. presence of air bubbles coming through the solution.
(6) Inspect the test probe and converter housing. If Some transmission openings such as the fill tube
a leak is evident, note the color of the fluid. Trans- and front cooler line fitting can be closed off with a
mission fluid is red. Engine oil ranges in color from rubber plug or similar device. Plugs can secured with
brown to green, or to black when the oil is dirty. wire or duct tape.

The transmission rear output shaft opening is

closed off simply by leaving the transfer case bolted
in place. However, if the transfer case has been re-
moved, a shipping plug can used to close off this
The torque converter hub opening in the pump and
the pump vent require special tools to close them off.
The converter hub seal cap is made from thin wall
tube and a 3 mm (1/8 in.) thick disc (Fig. 12). A re-
taining strap is needed to secure the seal cup for
testing. The strap can be made from 32 mm (1-1/4
in.) wide stock (Fig. 13). The strap attaching hole po-
sitions are approximate only. Measure hole position
on the converter housing before drilling.
The pump vent tool is made from 6 mm (1/4 in.)
rod and 5 mm (3/16 in.) plate (Fig. 14). The fabri- Fig. 14 Pump Vent Plug
cated tools can all be made from mild steel or alumi-
num stock. (2) Close off remaining transmission openings with
rubber plugs, or stoppers. Do not close off rear
cooler line fitting. Air pump will be attached to
this fitting.
(3) Attach Air Pump 7700 to rear cooler line fit-
ting. Connect length of copper tube to fitting. Then
attach air pump hose to tube with hose clamp (Fig.
(4) Apply thick soapy water solution to suspected
leak areas.

CAUTION: The recommended test pressure is 8

psi. The maximum allowable test pressure is 10 psi.
Do not exceed specified test pressure.

(5) Pressurize transmission to 8 psi with air pump.

(6) Observe suspected leak areas. Air bubbles ap-
pearing in soapy water solution indicate leak points.
Fig. 12 Converter Hub Seal Cup
(7) Remove test tools and plugs after test comple-
tion and make necessary repairs as described in Leak
Correction procedure.

Fig. 13 Seal Cup Retaining Strap

(1) Install vent plug, converter hub seal cup and Fig. 15 Vent Plug And Hub Seal Cup Installation
cup retaining strap (Fig. 15).

(4) Inspect pump bushing and converter hub. If

bushing is scored, replace it. If converter hub is
scored, either polish it with crocus cloth or replace
converter if scoring is severe.
(5) Install new pump seal, O-ring, gasket, bushing.
Replace oil pump if cracked, porous or damaged in
any way.
(6) Loosen kickdown lever pin plug two turns. Ap-
ply Permatex No. 2 or equivalent to plug threads and
tighten plug to 17 Nzm (150 in-lbs) torque.
(7) Adjust front band.
(8) Lubricate pump seal and converter hub with
transmission fluid or petroleum jelly and install con-
(9) Install transmission.
Fig. 16 Pressurizing Transmission (10) Install converter housing dust shield and
lower vehicle.
(1) Remove converter. The diagnosis charts provide additional reference
(2) Tighten front band adjusting screw until band for transmission diagnosis.
is tight around clutch retainer. This prevents The hydraulic flow charts outline fluid flow and hy-
clutches from coming out when oil pump is removed. draulic circuitry. Circuit operation is provided for all
(3) Remove oil pump and seal. Inspect pump hous- gear ranges. Normal working pressures are also sup-
ing drainback and vent holes for obstructions. Clear
plied for each of the various gear ranges.
holes with solvent and wire.


















21 - 86
21 - 90
21 - 91
21 - 92
21 - 93
21 - 94


page page
Checking Fluid Level and Condition . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Servicing Transmission Cooler Lines and Fittings . 106
Front Band Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Shift Cable Adjustment (XJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Gearshift Linkage Adjustment (YJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Speedometer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Governor and Park Gear Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Transmission Cooler Flow Testing . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Oil Filter Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Transmission Cooler Reverse Flushing . . . . . . . 105
Park Interlock Cable Adjustment (XJ) . . . . . . . . . 97 Transmission Throttle Cable Adjustment (XJ/YJ) . 98
Park Lock Component Replacement . . . . . . . . . 102
Park/Neutral Position Switch Service . . . . . . . . . 103 Valve Body Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Rear Band Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Valve Body Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Recommended Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Valve Body Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

RECOMMENDED FLUID (11) If fluid is black or dark brown, burned/turned

The recommended and preferred fluid for 30RH/ to sludge, contains large quantities of metal or fric-
32RH transmissions is Mopar ATF Plus, Type 7176. tion material particles, transmission will need over-
Mopar Dexron II is acceptable but should only be haul. Especially if problems were evident during
used when ATF Plus is not available. road test and preliminary diagnosis. Fluid cooler
Transmission fluid capacity is approximately 17 should also be flow tested and flushed if necessary.
pints (7.9 liters). This is the approximate amount of
fluid required to fill the transmission and torque con- GEARSHIFT LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT (YJ)
verter after overhaul. (1) Check linkage adjustment by starting engine in
Park and Neutral.
CHECKING FLUID LEVEL AND CONDITION (2) Adjustment is OK if engine starts only in park
(1) Position vehicle on flat, level surface. This is and Neutral. Adjustment is incorrect if engine starts
important in obtaining an accurate fluid level check. in one but not both positions.
(2) To avoid false readings, which could produce (3) If engine starts in any position other than Park
under or over fill condition, do not check level until or Neutral, or if engine will not start at all, park/
fluid is at normal operating temperature. neutral position switch may be faulty.
(3) Shift transmission into Neutral. (4) Shift transmission into Park.
(4) Apply parking brakes. (5) Raise vehicle.
(5) Operate engine at curb idle speed. (6) Check condition of shift rods, bellcrank, bell-
crank brackets and linkage bushings/grommets (Fig.
WARNING: WHEN PERFORMING UNDERHOOD OP- 1). Tighten, repair, replace worn, damaged parts. Do
ERATIONS WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING, KEEP not attempt adjustment if linkage components are
ING ENGINE COMPONENTS. DO NOT WEAR (7) Loosen shift rod trunnion lock bolt or nut. Be
LOOSE ARTICLES OF CLOTHING WHICH COULD sure upper shift rod slides freely in trunnion (Fig. 1).
BECOME ENTANGLED IN ENGINE COMPONENTS Also be sure shift rods and bellcrank rotate freely
OR ACCESSORIES. and do not bind at any point.
(8) Verify that manual lever is in Park detent
(6) Shift transmission through all gear ranges and
(Fig. 1). Move lever all the way rearward to be sure
back to Neutral (leave engine running).
it is in Park.
(7) Clean exterior of dipstick cap and fill tube be-
(9) Check for positive engagement of park lock by
fore removing transmission dipstick.
attempting to rotate propeller shaft. Shaft will not
(8) Remove dipstick and inspect fluid level.
turn when park pawl is engaged.
• Correct level is to FULL mark
(10) Adjust shift rod trunnion to a obtain free pin
• Acceptable level is between ADD and FULL marks
fit in bellcrank arm and tighten trunnion lock bolt or
(9) Check fluid condition. Fluid should be dark to
nut. Prevent shift rod from turning while tightening
light red in color and free of dirt or debris.
bolt or nut. Gearshift linkage lash must be elimi-
(10) If fluid is discolored or smells burned but
nated to obtain proper adjustment. Eliminate lash by
transmission operation was OK, check cooler flow,
flush cooler and lines and change fluid and filter. pulling downward on shift rod and pressing upward
Then road test again to confirm proper operation. on bellcrank.

Fig. 1 Gearshift Linkage (YJ)

(11) Confirm proper adjustment by starting engine
in Park and Neutral. Engine should start in these
positions only. If engine starts in any position
other than Park or Neutral, adjustment is incor-
rect or neutral switch is faulty.
(12) Lower vehicle and verify that steering lock op-
erates correctly.


(1) Shift transmission into Park.
(2) Raise vehicle.
(3) Release cable adjuster clamp to unlock cable
(Figs. 2 and 3). Clamp is at transmission end of ca-
(4) Unsnap cable from transmission cable bracket
(Figs. 2 and 3).
(5) Move transmission shift lever fully rearward to
Park detent. Lever is on manual valve shaft at
driver side of case.
(6) Verify positive engagement of park lock by at-
tempting to rotate propeller shaft. Shaft will not ro-
tate when park lock is engaged.
Fig. 2 Shift Cable (XJ)
(7) Snap cable into cable bracket.
(8) Lock shift cable by pressing cable adjuster PARK INTERLOCK CABLE ADJUSTMENT (XJ)
clamp down until it snaps into place. (1) Shift transmission into Park.
(9) Check engine starting. Engine should start (2) Turn ignition switch to Lock position.
only in Park and Neutral. (3) Remove shift lever bezel and console screws.
(10) Lower vehicle. Raise bezel and console for access to cable.

(4) Pull cable lock button up to release cable (Fig.

(5) Pull cable forward. Then release cable and
press cable lock button down until it snaps in place.
(6) Check adjustment as follows:
(a) Check movement of release shift handle but-
ton (floor shift) or release lever (column shift). You
should not be able to press button inward or move
column lever.
(b) Turn ignition switch to On position.
(c) Press floor shift lever release button or move
column lever. Then shift into Neutral. If cable ad-
justment is correct, ignition switch can not be
turned to Lock position. Perform same check with
transmission in D range.
(7) Move shift lever back to Park and check igni- Fig. 3 Park Lock Cable Attachment (XJ)
tion switch operation. You should be able to turn quality and shift speeds will be unsatisfactory.
switch to Lock position and shift lever release but-
ton/lever should not move.


A cable is used to control throttle pressure and
kickdown on 30RH/32RH transmissions (Fig. 4).
Correct cable adjustment is important to proper op-
eration. The cable positions the throttle valve which
controls shift speed, shift quality and part throttle
downshift sensitivity. If the setting is incorrect, shift

Fig. 4 Transmission Throttle Valve (Kickdown) Cable


THROTTLE CABLE ADJUSTMENT Mopar spray lube or petroleum jelly. Be sure screw
PROCEDURE turns freely in case. This is necessary for accurate
Cable adjustment is performed entirely in the adjustment.
engine compartment. It is not necessary to raise (4) Tighten band adjusting screw to 8 Nzm (72 in.
the vehicle for access to any other components. lbs.) torque with inch-pound torque wrench. If
(1) Shift transmission into Park and shut engine Adapter Extension C-3705 is needed in order to
off. reach adjusting screw, tighten screw to only 5-6
(2) Press cable release button (Fig. 5). Nzm (47-50 in. lbs.) torque (Fig. 7).
(5) Back off front band adjusting screw as follows:
• On 30RH (2.5L), back adjusting screw off
2-1/2 turns
• On 32RH (4.0L), back adjusting screw off
2-1/4 turns
(6) Hold adjuster screw in position and tighten
locknut to 41 Nzm (30 ft. lbs.) torque.
(7) Lower vehicle.

Fig. 5 Throttle Valve Cable Components

(3) Push cable conduit back into cable adjuster
body as far as possible (Fig. 6).
(4) Rotate throttle body lever to wide open throttle
position. Cable will ratchet to correct adjustment
point as lever is rotated (Fig. 6).

Fig. 7 Front Band Adjustment

The transmission oil pan must be removed for ac-
cess to the rear (low-reverse) band adjusting screw.
(1) Raise vehicle.
(2) Remove transmission oil pan and drain fluid.
(3) Loosen band adjusting screw locknut 5-6 turns.
Be sure adjusting screw turns freely in lever.
(4) Tighten adjusting screw as follows: On 32Rh
transmission, tighten screw to 8 Nzm (72 in. lbs.)
torque. On 30RH transmission, tighten adjusting
screw to 5 Nzm (41 in. lbs.) torque (Fig. 8).
(5) Back off rear band adjusting screw as follows:
• On 30RH (2.5L), back adjusting screw off 7
Fig. 6 Throttle Valve Cable Adjustment turns
FRONT BAND ADJUSTMENT • On 32RH (4.0L), back adjusting screw off 4
The front band adjusting screw is located on the turns
left side of the transmission case above the manual (6) Hold adjusting screw in place and tighten lock-
valve and throttle valve levers. nut to 34 Nzm (25 ft. lbs.) torque.
(1) Raise vehicle. (7) Position new gasket on oil pan and install pan
(2) Loosen band adjusting screw locknut. Then on transmission. Tighten pan bolts to 17 Nzm (150 in.
back locknut off 4-5 turns. lbs.) torque.
(3) Clean adjusting screw threads with Mopar rust (8) Lower vehicle and refill transmission with rec-
penetrant if necessary. Then lubricate threads with ommended fluid.

Fig. 9 Oil Filter Screw Locations

(7) Remove valve body attaching screws. Lower
valve body slightly and remove accumulator piston
and spring (Fig. 10). Rotate valve body down and
away from case. Pull it forward to disengage park
rod and remove valve body.
Fig. 8 Rear Band Lever And Adjusting Screw (8) Position valve body on bench or on repair stand
Location for disassembly, cleaning and inspection (Fig. 11).
(1) Raise vehicle.
(2) Remove oil pan and drain fluid.
(3) Remove filter screws and remove oil filter (Fig.
(4) Position new filter on valve body and install fil-
ter screws finger tight.
(5) Tighten filter screws to 4 Nzm (35 in. lbs.) with
inch pound torque wrench.
(6) Position new gasket on oil pan and install pan Fig. 10 Accumulator Piston And Spring
on transmission. Tighten pan bolts to 17 Nzm (150 in. VALVE BODY SERVICE
lbs.) torque. The valve body can be disassembled for cleaning
(7) Lower vehicle. and inspection of the individual components. Valve
(8) Refill transmission with Mopar ATF Plus, Type body service procedures are detailed in the overhaul
7176. Mopar Dexron II can be used if ATF Plus is not section.
readily available. The only serviceable valve body components are:
• park lock rod and E-clip
VALVE BODY REMOVAL • switch valve and spring
(1) Raise vehicle. • pressure adjusting screw bracket
(2) Remove oil pan and drain fluid. • throttle valve lever
(3) Disconnect gearshift and throttle linkage at • manual lever
transmission levers. • manual lever shaft seal, washer, E-clip and detent
(4) Loosen clamp bolts and remove throttle and ball
manual valve levers from manual valve shaft. • fluid filter
(5) Disconnect park/neutral position switch wires • converter clutch solenoid
and remove switch and switch seal. The remaining valve body components are serviced
(6) Remove valve body oil filter. only as part of a complete valve body assembly.

(15) Lower vehicle.

(16) Fill transmission with Mopar ATF Plus, Type
7176 fluid.
(17) Adjust gearshift linkage and throttle valve
(kickdown) cable if necessary.


(1) Raise vehicle.
(2) Mark both propeller shaft yokes for assembly
reference and disconnect propeller shafts at transfer
(3) Disconnect speedometer cable.
(4) Position support stand under transmission con-
verter housing.
(5) Remove rear crossmember.
(6) Disconnect parking brake cable at equalizer
and disconnect exhaust pipe support brackets, if nec-
(7) Support transfer case with jack.
(8) Remove bolts attaching transfer case to trans-
Fig. 11 Valve Body Assembly
mission adapter housing and remove transfer case.
VALVE BODY INSTALLATION (9) Remove bolts attaching adapter, or extension
(1) Place valve body manual lever in low (1 posi- housing to transmission and remove housing.
tion) so park lock rod can be installed in sprag. (10) Rotate transmission output shaft until gover-
(2) Position park sprag with screwdriver to ease nor valve shaft E-clip faces downward (Fig. 12).
lock rod installation and engagement. (11) Remove E-clip from one end of governor valve
(3) Install new seals on accumulator piston if nec- shaft (Fig. 12).
essary and install piston in case. A small amount of (12) Remove governor valve and shaft from gover-
petroleum jelly can be used to hold piston in place. nor body.
(4) Lubricate shaft of manual lever and lip of shaft (13) Remove snap ring that retains governor body-
seal with petroleum jelly. park gear assembly on output shaft (Fig. 12).
(5) Raise valve body and align park rod with case (14) Remove governor body-park gear assembly
opening and park sprag. Then push rod end through from output shaft.
opening and past sprag. Rotate propeller shaft if nec-
(6) Position accumulator spring on transfer plate.
(7) Align valve body and seat it on case. Be sure
manual lever shaft and accumulator spring are prop-
erly seated.
(8) Hold valve body in position and install one or
two attaching bolts to hold valve body in place.
(9) Install remaining valve body bolts. Tighten all
bolts evenly in a diagonal pattern to 12 Nzm (105 in-
lbs) torque.
(10) Install new oil filter and tighten filter screws
to 4 Nzm (35 in. lbs.) torque.
(11) Connect converter solenoid wire to case con-
(12) Install manual and throttle levers on throttle
lever shaft. Tighten lever clamp screws and check for
free operation. Shaft and levers must operate freely
without any bind.
(13) Install oil pan and new gasket. Tighten pan
bolts to 17 Nzm (13 ft. lbs.) torque.
(14) Install seal on neutral switch, install switch in
case, and connect switch wires. Fig. 12 Governor E-clips And Attaching Bolts

GOVERNOR DISASSEMBLY governor body and output shaft must be prop-

(1) Remove governor weights and spring from body erly indexed during reassembly. Be sure to in-
(Fig. 13). dex these components as described in the
(2) Remove snap ring and separate inner weight Transmission Assembly and Adjustment proce-
and outer weight and spring (Fig 13). dures.
(3) Remove bolts attaching governor to park gear (1) Install filter screen in park gear.
(Fig. 13). (2) Assemble governor body and park gear. Be sure
(4) Remove park gear from governor body. oil passages in body and gear are aligned.
(5) Remove filter screen from park gear or gover- (3) Install governor-to-park gear bolts finger tight
nor body (Fig. 13). only at this time.
(4) Install governor weight snap ring in governor
body. Then install governor weight and spring assem-
bly in governor body.

(1) Align and install park gear/governor assembly
on output shaft.
(2) Align valve shaft bore in governor body with
bore in output shaft. Be sure hole in output shaft
for governor valve shaft is aligned with gover-
nor valve bore in governor body. Valve shaft
will bind if misalignment occurs. Remove and
reposition governor body if necessary.
(3) Install governor valve and shaft. Be sure shaft
slides freely in bore before installing E-clip on shaft.
(4) Install governor valve on shaft and in governor
body. Then install remaining shaft retaining snap
(5) Install components that retain governor body
and park gear on output shaft as follows:
(a) On models with single snap ring, install snap
ring (Fig. 12). Be sure ring is seated in shaft.
Fig. 13 Governor Components (b) On models with thrust washer and two snap
rings, install thin snap ring first. Then install
thrust washer second and thick snap ring last (Fig.
Thoroughly clean all the governor parts in a suit-
able cleaning solution but do not use any type of
16(c) Verify correct position of snap rings. Be
caustic cleaning agents. sure flat side of each snap ring is toward gov-
The weights and valves should fall freely in their ernor body.
bores when clean and dry. Minor surface scratches (6) Tighten governor-to-park gear bolts to 11 Nzm
and burrs can be removed with crocus cloth. (95 in. lbs.).
Inspect the governor weight spring for distortion. (7) Install adapter and gasket on transmission.
Replace the spring, if damaged. Clean the filter in Tighten adapter bolts to 32 Nzm (24 ft. lbs.).
solvent and dry it with compressed air. Replace the (8) Install transfer case and rear crossmember.
filter, if damaged. Inspect the park gear for chipped (9) Connect speedometer cable, or vehicle speed
or worn gear teeth or damaged ring grooves. Replace sensor wires exhaust pipe brackets and brake cable,
the gear, if damaged. if removed.
(10) Align and connect propeller shafts. Tighten
GOVERNOR ASSEMBLY clamp bolts to 19 Nzm (14 ft. lbs.) torque.
The governor valve used in 30RH/31RH/32RH (11) Remove supports and lower vehicle.
transmissions built since the 1992 model year, is (12) Check and adjust transmission fluid level.
made of aluminum. In addition, the output shaft
has been spotfaced to accept the new aluminum PARK LOCK COMPONENT REPLACEMENT
valve. The aluminum valve must not be used in
previous transmissions. The valve can only be COMPONENT REMOVAL
used with an output shaft that has been spot- (1) Raise vehicle and remove transfer case and
faced for valve end clearance. In addition, the adapter housing from transmission.

(2) Slide sprag shaft out of adapter housing and re-

move park sprag and spring (Fig. 14).
(3) Remove snap ring and slide plug and pin as-
sembly out of housing (Fig. 14).
(4) If park rod must be serviced, remove valve
body and remove rod.

Fig. 15 Park/Neutral Position Switch And Manual

(1) Remove wiring connector from switch.
(2) Test continuity between switch center terminal
and transmission case. Continuity should exist only
Fig. 14 Park Lock Components when transmission is in Park or Neutral. Replace
Inspection switch if continuity occurs in any gear other than
Park or Neutral.
Check the sprag shaft for scores and for free move-
(3) Shift into reverse and test continuity between
ment in the housing and sprag.
two outside terminals on switch. Continuity should
Check the sprag and control rod springs for loss of
tension or distortion. Check the square lug on the exist only when transmission is in reverse.
sprag for broken edges. Check the lugs on the gover- (4) Leave transmission in reverse and test continu-
nor support (park gear) for broken edges. ity between each switch outer terminal and transmis-
Check the knob on the end of the control rod for sion case. Continuity should not exist between either
nicks, burrs and free turning. pin and case in reverse.
Replace any park lock components that are worn or (5) If switch tests OK, check gearshift linkage ad-
damaged. justment or backup light circuit. Replace switch if it
The park lock rods used in Chrysler 3-speed trans- fails continuity tests.
missions are different lengths. If the rod must be re-
placed, be sure to install the correct length and SWITCH REPLACEMENT
shape rod. (1) Position drain pan under neutral switch.
(2) Disconnect switch wires.
COMPONENT INSTALLATION (3) Remove switch from transmission.
(1) Install park lock rod on valve body. (4) Move shift lever to Park and Neutral positions.
(2) Install reaction plug and pin assembly in the Inspect manual lever fingers, lever and shaft for
housing and install the snap ring. proper alignment with switch opening in case. Re-
(3) Position sprag and spring in housing and in- place lever if worn or bent. Do not attempt to
stall sprag shaft. Be sure square lug on sprag is fac- straighten the lever.
ing park gear and that spring is positioned so it (5) Install new switch and seal in case. Tighten
moves sprag away from park gear. switch to 33 Nzm (24 ft. lbs.) torque.
(4) Install valve body. (6) Adjust transmission fluid level as required.
(5) Install adapter housing and transfer case.
(7) Verify switch operation.
The starter feed circuit of the switch is through the
Rear axle gear ratio and tire size determine speedom-
switch center terminal (Fig. 15). It provides a ground
eter pinion requirements. If the pinion must be re-
for the starter solenoid circuit through the gearshift
lever in park and neutral only. placed, refer to the parts catalogue information for the
The two outer terminals of the park/neutral posi- correct part. It is important for speedometer accuracy
tion switch are for the backup lamp switch circuit. that the pinion have the correct number of teeth.

Fig. 16 Speedometer Components (With Unit Style Sensor)

The speedometer assembly used in XJ models is the (4) Install vehicle speed sensor in speedometer
new unit type (one-piece) speed sensor (Fig. 16). How- adapter. Tighten sensor attaching screw to 2-3 Nzm
ever, YJ models may be equipped with either the new (15-27 in. lbs.) torque.
unit style, or the older style that has a two-piece speed (5) Install speedometer pinion in adapter.
sensor and a metal adapter (Fig. 16). Service procedures (6) Count number of teeth on speedometer pinion.
for both styles are described in the following procedures. Do this before installing assembly in housing. Then
lubricate pinion teeth with transmission fluid.
SPEEDOMETER ASSEMBLY REMOVAL (WITH (7) Note index numbers on adapter body (Fig. 17).
UNIT STYLE SENSOR) These numbers will correspond to number of teeth on
(1) Raise vehicle. pinion.
(2) Disconnect wires from vehicle speed sensor.
(3) Remove adapter clamp and screw (Fig. 16).
(4) Remove speed sensor and speedometer adapter
as assembly.
(5) Remove speed sensor retaining screw and re-
move sensor from adapter.
(6) Remove speedometer pinion from adapter.
(7) Inspect sensor and adapter O-rings (Fig. 16).
Remove and discard O-rings if worn or damaged.
(8) Inspect terminal pins in vehicle speed sensor.
Clean pins with Mopar electrical spray cleaner if
dirty or oxidized. Replace sensor if faulty, or pins are
loose, severely corroded, or damaged.


(1) Thoroughly clean adapter flange and adapter
mounting surface in housing. Surfaces must be clean Fig. 17 Location Of Index Numbers On Speedometer
for proper adapter alignment and speedometer oper- Adapter (Unit Style Sensor)
(8) Install speedometer assembly in housing.
(2) Install new O-rings on speed sensor and speed-
(9) Rotate adapter until required range numbers
ometer adapter if necessary (Fig. 17).
(3) Lubricate sensor and adapter O-rings with are at 6 o-clock position. Be sure range index num-
transmission fluid. bers correspond to number of teeth on pinion gear.

(10) Install speedometer adapter clamp and retain-

ing screw. Tighten clamp screw to 10-12 Nzm (90-110
in. lbs.) torque.
(11) Connect wires to vehicle speed sensor.
(12) Lower vehicle and top off transmission fluid
level if necessary.


(1) Raise vehicle.
(2) Disconnect speed sensor wires. Fig. 19 Installing Speedometer Adapter Seal (With
(3) Remove bolt attaching vehicle speed sensor to Two-Piece Sensor And Metal Adapter)
sensor adapter. Then slide sensor out of adapter. (5) Count number of teeth on speedometer pinion.
(4) Inspect speed sensor mounting area in sensor Do this before installing pinion and adapter.
adapter. If transmission fluid is found in this area, (6) Note range numbers on face of speedometer
oil seal in metal speedometer adapter is leaking and adapter (Fig. 20). These numbers correspond to num-
will have to be replaced. ber of teeth on speedometer pinion.
(5) Remove speedometer adapter clamp bolt and (7) Install pinion in adapter and install assembled
remove clamp (Fig. 18). pinion and adapter in transmission or transfer case.
(6) Remove speedometer adapter, sensor adapter (8) Rotate speedometer adapter until required
and speedometer pinion as assembly. range numbers are at 6 o’clock position (Fig. 20).
Verify that range numbers correspond to num-
AND INDEXING (TWO-PIECE SENSOR) (9) Push speedometer adapter into place until seated.
(1) Replace speedometer O-ring if cut, torn, or worn. (10) Install speedometer adapter clamp and bolt.
(2) If oil seal in metal speedometer adapter needs Tighten bolt to 11 Nzm (100 in. lbs.) torque.
replacement, remove old seal with pointed tool. Then (11) Install sensor adapter on speedometer adapter
install new seal with Special Tool C-4004. Push seal (Fig. 18). Tighten sensor adapter coupling nut to 17
into place with tool until tool bottoms (Fig. 19). Nzm (150 in. lbs.) torque.
(12) Carefully align and insert vehicle speed sensor
into sensor adapter.
(13) Install bolt that attaches speed sensor to
adapter. Tighten bolt to 5-8 Nzm (48-72 in. lbs.)
(14) Connect wires to speed sensor.
(15) Lower vehicle.
(16) Check top off transmission fluid level if necessary.

Fig. 20 Indexing Speedometer Adapter (With Two-

Piece Sensor)
Fig. 18 Speedometer Components (With Two-Piece The transmission main cooler is located in the ra-
Sensor) diator lower tank. The cooler is not a serviceable
component. If the cooler is damaged in any way, the
(3) Clean speedometer adapter mounting surface of radiator will have to be replaced.
transmission, or transfer case thoroughly. On models with an auxiliary cooler, the cooler is
(4) Lubricate adapter seals with transmission fluid. mounted in front of the radiator or air conditioning

condenser. The auxiliary cooler is a serviceable com- Cooler flow is checked by measuring the amount of
ponent and can be repaired if necessary. fluid flow through the cooler in a 20 second time pe-
The main and auxiliary coolers should be thor- riod. The test is performed with the engine running
oughly reverse flushed if a transmission failure and transmission in neutral. Fluid is then pumped
contaminates the fluid. Reverse flushing the cooler through the cooler by the transmission oil pump.
and lines will prevent sludge and particles from (1) Disconnect cooler inlet line at transmission fitting.
flowing back into the transmission after repair. (2) Securely attach hose to end of inlet line and po-
The same flushing procedure is used for main and sition line in a one quart test container.
auxiliary coolers. Pressure equipment is preferred for (3) Add extra quart of fluid to transmission.
reverse flushing. However, reverse flushing can be (4) Use stopwatch to check flow test time.
performed using hand operated equipment as de-
(5) Shift transmission into neutral and set parking
scribed in the following procedure.
REVERSE FLUSHING PROCEDURE (6) Start and run engine at curb idle speed and im-
(1) Disconnect cooler lines at transmission. Refer mediately note cooler flow. Approximately one quart of
to Figure 21 for cooler line fitting identification. fluid should flow into test container in 20 second period.
Front fitting is outlet to cooler and rear fitting is in- (7) If cooler flow is intermittent, flows less than
let from cooler. one quart in 20 seconds, or does not flow at all,
cooler is faulty and must be replaced.


Fitting Types
The transmission cooler lines are attached with
quick disconnect fittings.
A flange on the cooler line serves as the sealing
mechanism. The wire retainer clip (Fig. 22), secures
the cooler line in the fitting by this flange. The clip
fits behind the flange to hold the line in place.
Fig. 21 Identifying Transmission Cooler Lines Three different fitting styles may be used. Type 1
(2) Position drain pan under cooler outlet line to fittings have the retainer clip exposed (Fig. 22). Type
material flushed through cooler and lines. 2 fittings have the retainer clip and fitting body en-
(3) Reverse flush cooler using hand operated suc- cased in a shrink wrap material (Fig. 23). Type 3 fit-
tion gun filled with mineral spirits. Insert gun nozzle tings have the retainer clip encased in a metal sleeve
(or hose) into cooler inlet (return) line. Then force crimped onto the fitting body (Fig. 24).
mineral spirits through Line and cooler.
(4) Continue reverse flushing until fluid exiting in-
let (pressure) line is clear and free of debris/residue.
Replace radiator if fluid cannot be pumped
through cooler.
(5) Clear flushing materials from cooler and lines
with short pulses of compressed air. Insert air gun
nozzle into cooler inlet (return) line and continue
short pulses of air until all fluid is cleared from
cooler and lines.
(6) Pump one quart of fresh automatic transmis-
sion fluid through cooler and lines before reconnect-
ing cooler lines. Fig. 22 Type 1 Quick Disconnect Fitting
Fitting Release Tool
The transmission main and auxiliary coolers A release tool is required to disconnect each of the
should be flow tested whenever a fluid overheat con- fitting types. A plastic tool is clipped directly to one
dition is suspected. An overheat condition is indi- of the cooler lines on models with the type 2 and 3
cated when the fluid changes from the normal red, to fittings. This tool can also be used to disconnect type
a dark orange, or brown color. 1 fittings. The tool is needed to spread the wire re-
The same method of flow testing is used for both tainer clip in each fitting. The clip must be opened in
coolers. order to release the cooler line from the fitting.


(1) If fitting and cooler line are encrusted with
dirt, mud, or grease, clean fitting and cooler line
with Mopar spray type carburetor or brake cleaner.
Plastic release tool will not fit into retainer clip if fit-
ting is full of foreign material.
(2) Slide small plastic release tool into fitting until
tool bottoms against flange on cooler line (Fig. 26).
(3) Push and turn tool to spread retainer clip and
pull cooler line out of fitting (Fig. 26).

Fig. 23 Type 2 Quick Disconnect fitting

Fig. 26 Disconnecting Cooler Line With Release

Fig. 24 Type 3 Quick Disconnect fitting Tool (Type 2 Fitting Shown)
Fitting And Cooler Line Service (4) Cover open ends of cooler lines and fittings to
The cooler lines and quick disconnect fittings are prevent dirt entry.
(5) Inspect condition of fitting. Replace transmis-
NOT serviceable. Damaged fittings or cooler lines
sion fitting as an assembly if fitting body or retainer
are to be replaced as assemblies.
clip is damaged. Replace cooler line as assembly, if
Fittings swedged into cooler line hoses (Fig. 25) are fitting swedged into cooler line hose, is damaged.
serviced only as part of the entire cooler line.
(1) If transmission or radiator fittings require re-
placement, apply Mopar Lock N’ Seal, or Loctite 242
to fitting threads before installation.
(2) Wipe off cooler line and fitting with clean, dry
(3) Insert cooler line into fitting. Then push line
inward until retainer clip secures line. A snap or
click sound will be heard and felt through the line
when the retainer clip seats behind the cooler line
(4) Pull outward on cooler lines to verify that
they are properly secured.

CAUTION: The wire retainer clips must secure the

Fig. 25 Transmission And Cooler Line Fitting Placement cooler lines in the fittings. If the clips are deformed, or
distorted, normal fluid pressure could unseat the cooler
lines resulting in fluid loss and transmission damage.
Be very sure the cooler lines are firmly secured by the
retainer clip as described in step (4) above.


page page
Converter—Pump Seal—Drive Plate Service . . . 109 Transmission and Converter Removal . . . . . . . . 108
Transmission and Converter Installation . . . . . . . 109


(1) Remove fan shroud attaching bolts.
(2) Disconnect transmission fill tube at upper
(3) Raise vehicle.
(4) Remove inspection cover from converter hous-
ing and remove skid plate for access, if necessary.
(5) Remove transmission fill tube and fill tube
(6) Remove starter motor.
(7) Mark propeller shafts and axle yokes for align-
ment reference.
(8) Disconnect propeller shafts at yokes. Secure
shafts to frame rails with wire.
(9) Disconnect exhaust pipes at exhaust manifolds,
if necessary.
(10) Drain transfer case lubricant.
(11) Disconnect vehicle speed sensor wires.
(12) Disconnect transfer case shift linkage.
(13) Disconnect gearshift linkage and throttle ca-
ble at transmission levers.
(14) Disconnect park/neutral position switch wires.
(15) Disconnect and remove crankshaft position
sensor. Retain sensor bolt for reinstallation.

CAUTION: The crankshaft position sensor can be

damaged during transmission removal (or installa-
tion) if the sensor is still bolted to the engine block. Fig. 1 Transmission Rear Mount
To avoid damage, remove the sensor before remov- (23) Remove bolts attaching transmission to en-
ing the transmission. gine.
(24) Move transmission and converter rearward
(16) Remove converter housing access cover and
until clear of crankshaft.
mark drive plate and converter for alignment refer-
(25) Hold converter in position and lower transmis-
sion until converter housing clears engine.
(17) Remove bolts attaching converter to drive
(26) Remove converter from transmission.
(27) Remove transfer case from transmission.
(18) Support engine with support stand.
(28) If necessary, following components can now be
(19) Support transmission-transfer case assembly
with transmission jack. Secure transmission to jack
• torque converter
with safety chain.
• torque converter drive plate
(20) Remove bolts/nuts attaching cushion and
• oil pump seal
torque arm bracket to skid plate (Fig. 1).
• engine rear core hole plugs
(21) Remove skid plate, or rear crossmember, if
• engine rear oil galley plugs
(22) Lower transmission slightly and disconnect
cooler lines at transmission. Refer to In-Vehicle
Service section for procedures.

CONVERTER—PUMP SEAL—DRIVE PLATE SERVICE The oil pump seal is accessible and can be replaced af-
ter the transmission and torque converter are removed.
Drive Plate Use Remover Tool C-3981B to remove the seal
The drive plate can be replaced or removed for service (Fig. 3). To use the tool, first start the tool into the
access after the transmission is out of the vehicle (Fig. 2). seal by hand. Next, thread the tool into the seal as
far as it will go. Use a wrench on the tool hex to turn
CAUTION: On YJ models with a 2.5L engine and the tool. Continue tightening until all the tool
30RH transmission, special bolts are used to attach threads firmly grip the metal part of the seal. Then
the driveplate to the crankshaft. These bolts have a tighten the tool puller screw to withdraw the seal
smaller hex head for torque converter clearance. from the pump body.
DO NOT interchange these bolts with similar size
bolts for any reason.

Torque Converter
The torque converter can be replaced or removed
for service access after the transmission has been re-
moved (Fig. 2).

Fig. 3 Pump Seal Removal

Use Installer Tool C-4193 to install and seat the
seal (Fig. 4).
Be sure to lubricate the pump seal and converter
hub with transmission fluid before installation.

Fig. 2 Typical Converter And Drive Plate

The torque converter is not a serviceable part. If
the converter is contaminated or damaged in any
way, it must be replaced as an assembly. Do not at-
tempt to flush a converter contaminated by Fig. 4 Pump Seal Installation
metal or clutch facing particles. Flushing will TRANSMISSION AND CONVERTER INSTALLATION
not remove these contaminants.
A new torque converter and oil pump are used in CAUTION: The transmission oil cooler and lines
30RH/32RH transmissions built after the 1993 must be reverse flushed if repair corrected a prob-
model year. The new converter has a different lem that generated sludge and/or debris. Sludge
style drive hub. The hub was changed to accept and metal or friction particles from a gear or clutch
the new design drive flats on the oil pump inner pack failure must be removed before reinstalling
gear. The drive flats replace the square lugs used the transmission. This is necessary to avoid re-con-
previously. If converter replacement should be- taminating the repaired transmission. Failure to re-
come necessary, be sure to use the new style con- move sludge or debris from the cooler and lines
verter. The new converter and oil pump are not will result in a repeat failure and shop comeback.
interchangeable with previous style parts.

(1) Lubricate converter drive hub and pump seal

with Mopar ATF Plus, or Dexron II transmission
fluid. Then install converter. Turn converter back
and forth to align drive slots in converter hub with
pump gear lugs. Be sure converter is fully seated in
pump (Fig. 5).
(2) Temporarily secure converter with C-clamp or
metal strap attached across converter housing.
(3) Position transmission on jack and secure it
with safety chains.
(4) Raise transmission and align converter with
drive plate.
(5) Move transmission forward. Then raise, lower
or tilt transmission to align converter housing with
engine block dowels.
(6) Install two converter housing lower attaching
bolts and tighten bolts to draw housing toward en-
(7) Install and tighten converter attaching bolts.
Fig. 5 Checking Torque Converter Seating
(8) Install and tighten bolts that attach transmis-
sion to engine (Fig. 6). purpose. Failure to establish correct clearance will
(9) Install crankshaft position sensor as follows: result in sensor breakage.

CAUTION: Clearance between the sensor pickup (a) Remove any remaining fragments of original
face and driveplate ring gear must be correctly es- cardboard spacer from sensor pickup face.
tablished before engine startup. A cardboard
spacer, attached to the sensor face, is used for this

Fig. 6 Transmission Attachment


(b) Align and install new spacer on sensor (12) Position support stand under transmission
pickup face. Spacer has adhesive backing so it will and remove transmission jack.
adhere to sensor face. (13) Install transfer case on transmission adapter.
(c) Insert sensor into housing until it just Tighten attaching nuts to 41 Nzm (30 ft. lbs.) torque.
touches ring gear teeth. Then install and tighten (14) Install rear crossmember and attach transmis-
sensor attaching bolt. Correct clearance is estab- sion rear support to crossmember.
(15) Connect vehicle speed sensor wires.
lished when spacer is peeled off by ring gear dur-
(16) Install inspection cover on converter housing.
ing engine startup.
(17) Install exhaust pipes and support brackets, if
(10) Install transmission fill tube and O-ring (Fig. removed.
6). (18) Install starter motor.
(11) Connect transmission cooler lines to fittings. (19) Connect wires to park/neutral position switch.
Refer to Figure 7 for cooler line identification. (20) Connect gearshift and linkage and throttle ca-
(21) Connect transfer case shift linkage.
(22) Connect propeller shafts to transfer case
(23) Connect front exhaust pipes and catalytic con-
verter support bracket bolts (if removed).
(24) Install skid plate, rear cushion and bracket, if
(25) Fill transfer case to bottom edge of fill plug
hole with Mopar Dexron II.
(26) Lower vehicle and fill transmission to correct
level with ATF Plus, type 7176 fluid.
Fig. 7 Transmission Cooler Line Location And (27) Install fan shroud and bolts (if removed).
Identification (28) Check and adjust gearshift linkage if neces-
sary. Then check and adjust throttle cable if neces-


page page
Adapter Housing and Park Lock Component Rear Clutch Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Rear Servo and Band Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Front Clutch Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Transmission Assembly and Adjustment
Front Servo and Band Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 146
Governor and Park Gear Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . 121 Transmission Assembly Tips . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 146
Oil Pump Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Transmission Case Cleaning and Inspection .. . 118
Overhaul Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Transmission Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 112
Overrunning Clutch—Low-Reverse Drum—Rear Valve Body Assembly and Adjustment . . . . ... . 144
Support Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Valve Body Disassembly and Inspection . . ... . 138
Planetary Gear Train Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

(1) Clean transmission exterior with steam gun or
with solvent. Wear eye protection during cleaning
(2) Remove throttle and shift levers from valve
body manual shaft and throttle lever shaft.
(3) Mount transmission in repair stand C-3750-B
(Fig. 1).

Fig. 2 Adapter Housing Removal/Installation (4 x 4


Fig. 1 Transmission Mounted On Typical Repair

(4) Remove nuts attaching adapter, or extension
housing to transmission case.
(5) Remove adapter/extension housing and gasket Fig. 3 Park/Neutral Position Switch Removal/
(Fig. 2). Installation
(6) Remove rear bearing and snap ring, if
(7) Remove park/neutral position switch and seal
(Fig. 3).

(8) Remove oil pan bolts and remove pan and gas-
ket (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Oil Pan Removal/Installation

(9) Remove hex head valve body attaching bolts Fig. 7 Valve Body Removal/Installation
(Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Valve Body Attaching Bolt Locations (Typical) Fig. 8 Removing/Installing Accumulator Piston And
(10) Disconnect solenoid wire from case connector
(Fig. 6). (13) Remove front band pivot pin access plug (Fig.
9). Plug is accessible through converter housing. Use
1/4 inch drive extension to remove plug as shown.

Fig. 9 Removing/Installing Front Band Pivot Pin

Access Plug
Fig. 6 Solenoid Wire Connection (14) Loosen front band adjusting screw locknut 4-5
(11) Lift valve body upward, guide park rod out of turns. Then tighten band adjusting screw until band
case opening and remove valve body (Fig. 7). is tight around front clutch retainer. This prevents
(12) Remove accumulator spring and piston (Fig. front/rear clutches from coming out with pump and
8). possibly damaging clutch or pump components.

(15) Remove oil pump bolts.

(16) Thread bolts of Slide Hammer Tools C-3752
into threaded holes in pump body flange (Fig. 10).
(17) Bump slide hammer weights outward to re-
move pump and reaction shaft support assembly from
case (Fig. 10).

Fig. 12 Removing Front Band Reaction Pin

Fig. 10 Removing Oil Pump/Reaction Shaft Support

(18) Loosen front band adjusting screw until band
is completely loose.
(19) Squeeze front band together and remove band
strut (Fig. 11).

Fig. 13 Removing/Installing Front Band Lever

Fig. 11 Removing/Installing Front Band Strut

(20) Remove front band reaction pin with pencil
magnet. Pin is accessible from converter housing side
of case (Fig. 12).
(21) Remove front band lever (Fig. 13)
(22) Slide front band rearward and onto driving
shell. Band will not be removed until after front/rear
clutch removal. Fig. 14 Removing Front/Rear Clutch Assemblies
(23) Remove front and rear clutch units as assem- (24) Lift front clutch off rear clutch (Fig. 15). Set
bly. Grasp input shaft, hold clutch units together and clutch units aside for disassembly, cleaning and over-
remove them from case (Fig. 14). haul.

Fig. 17 Front Band Removal/Installation

Fig. 15 Separating Front/Rear Clutch Assemblies

(25) Remove output shaft thrust washer from out-
put shaft (or from rear clutch hub).
(26) Remove output shaft thrust plate from output
shaft hub (Fig. 16).

Fig. 18 Removing Governor Valve And Shaft

Fig. 16 Removing/Installing Output Shaft Thrust

(27) Slide front band off driving shell (Fig. 17) and
remove band from case.
(28) Remove E-clip from one end of governor valve
shaft and remove valve and shaft from governor body
(Fig. 19). Reinstall E-clip on shaft to avoid losing it.
(29) Remove thick snap, thrust washer and thin
snap ring that retain governor body and park gear
on shaft (Fig. 19). Fig. 19 Governor Body/Park Gear Attachment
(30) Loosen bolts attaching governor body to park (31) Mark position of governor body on park gear
gear. with center punch or scriber.

(32) Remove governor body and park gear as as-

sembly (Fig. 20). Work park gear out of rear support
and slide assembly off output shaft.

Fig. 22 Removing Low-Reverse Drum Snap Ring

(b) On 32RH transmission, rear band has two
pins. Remove pivot pin and reaction pin with par-
Fig. 20 Removing/Installing Governor Body And allel jaw snap ring pliers (Fig. 24).
Park Gear
(33) Remove planetary geartrain as assembly (Fig.
21). Support geartrain with both hands during re-
moval. Do not allow machined surfaces on output
shaft to become nicked or scratched.

Fig. 23 Removing Rear Band Lever Pivot Pin (30RH)

(37) Remove rear band lever, link and strut.
(38) Mark position of rear support for assembly
reference (Fig. 25). Use scriber or center punch to
mark case and support.
(39) Remove rear support bolts and remove support
from low-reverse drum and case (Fig. 26). Keep rear
support bolts together for assembly reference.
Fig. 21 Planetary Geartrain Removal (40) Remove bolts attaching overrunning clutch
cam to case (Fig. 27).
(34) Loosen rear band adjusting screw until band (41) Remove low-reverse drum and overrunning
is fully released and does not grip low reverse drum. clutch as assembly. Slide drum and clutch through
(35) Remove snap ring that secures low-reverse rear band and out of case. Set drum and clutch as-
drum to rear support (Fig. 22). sembly aside for cleaning and inspection.
(36) Remove rear band lever pins as follows: (42) Remove rear band and link from case.
(a) On 30RH transmission, rear band has only (43) Compress front servo rod guide about 3 mm
one pivot pin. Remove pin with parallel jaw snap (1/8 in.) with Valve Spring Compressor Tool
ring pliers (Fig. 23). Spread plier jaws in pin bore C-3422-B (Fig. 28). A C-clamp and tool C-4470 can
to grip pin. Then remove pin with a twist and pull also be used to compress rod guide.

Fig. 26 Removing Rear Support

Fig. 24 Removing Rear Band Pivot And Reaction

Pins (32RH)

Fig. 27 Overrunning Clutch Cam Bolt Locations

Fig. 25 Marking Rear Support For Assembly

(44) Remove front servo rod guide snap ring (Fig.
28). Exercise caution when removing snap ring.
Servo bore can be scratched or nicked if care is
not exercised.
(45) Remove compressor tools and remove front
servo rod guide, spring and servo piston.
(46) Compress rear servo spring retainer about 1.5
mm (1/16 in.) with C-clamp and Tool C-4470 or SP-
5560 (Fig. 29). Valve Spring Compressor C-3422-B
can also be used to compress spring retainer.
(47) Remove rear servo spring retainer snap ring.
Then remove compressor tools and remove rear servo
spring and piston. Fig. 28 Compressing Front Servo Rod Guide

Use petroleum jelly to hold parts like thrust wash-

ers in place during assembly. Use Ru-Glyde, Door
Eze, or similar products to lubricate piston seals and
O-rings to ease installation. Petroleum jelly can also
be used to prelubricate parts during reassembly if de-


Clean the case in a solvent tank. Flush the case
bores and fluid passages thoroughly with solvent.
Dry the case and all fluid passages with compressed
air. Be sure all solvent is removed from the case and
that all fluid passages are clear.
Do not use shop towels or rags to dry the case
(or any other transmission component) unless
they are made from lint-free materials. Lint will
readily adhere to case surfaces and transmission
components and will circulate throughout the
Fig. 29 Compressing Rear Servo Spring transmission after assembly. A sufficient quan-
OVERHAUL SERVICE INFORMATION tity of lint can block fluid passages and interfere
Inspect the transmission bushings during overhaul. with valve body operation.
Bushing condition is important as severely worn, or Inspect the case for cracks, porous spots, worn
scored bushings contribute to low pressures, clutch bores, or damaged threads. Damaged threads can be
slip and accelerated wear of other components. How- repaired with Helicoil thread inserts. However, the
ever, do not replace bushings as a matter of case will have to be replaced if it exhibits any type of
course. Replace bushings only when they are damage or wear.
actually worn, or scored. Lubricate the front band adjusting screw threads
Use recommended tools to replace bushings. The with petroleum jelly and thread the screw part-way
tools are sized and designed to remove, install and into the case. Be sure the screw turns freely.
seat bushings correctly. The bushing replacement Remount the case in a repair stand after cleaning
tools are included in Bushing Tool Set C-3887-B. The and inspection.
tool set is manufactured by Miller Tool Co. and is
available through the dealer tool program. OVERRUNNING CLUTCH—LOW-REVERSE
Pre-sized service bushings are available for replace- DRUM—REAR SUPPORT OVERHAUL
ment purposes. Only the sun gear bushings are not
serviced. Low cost of the sun gear assembly makes it DISASSEMBLING OVERRUNNING CLUTCH/
easier to simply replace the gear and bushings as an LOW-REVERSE DRUM
assembly. If the clutch assembly came out with the low-re-
Heli-Coil inserts are recommended for repairing verse drum, thread two clutch cam bolts into the
damaged, stripped or worn threads in aluminum cam. Then lift the cam out of the drum with the bolts
(Fig. 30). Rotate the cam back and forth to ease re-
parts. These inserts are available from most automo-
moval if necessary. Remove the clutch roller and
tive jobbers. Stainless steel inserts are preferred.
spring assembly from the race afterward.
The use of crocus cloth is permissible where neces-
sary. When used on valves, use care to avoid round- CLEANING AND INSPECTION
ing off sharp edges. Sharp edges are vital as they Clean the overrunning clutch assembly, clutch
prevent foreign matter from getting between the cam, low-reverse drum and rear support in solvent.
valve and valve bore. Dry them with compressed air after cleaning.
Do not reuse oil seals, gaskets, seal rings, or O- Inspect condition of each clutch part after cleaning.
rings during overhaul. Replace these parts as a mat- Replace the overrunning clutch roller and spring as-
ter of course. Also do not reuse snap rings or E-clips sembly if any rollers or springs are worn or dam-
that are bent or distorted. Replace these parts as aged, or if the roller cage is distorted, or damaged.
well. Replace the cam if worn, cracked or damaged.
Lubricate transmission parts with Mopar ATF Replace the low-reverse drum if the clutch race,
Plus, Type 7176 transmission fluid during overhaul roller surface or inside diameter is scored, worn or
and assembly. damaged. Do not remove the clutch race from the

Fig. 30 Removing Overrunning Clutch From Low-

Reverse Drum
low-reverse drum under any circumstances. Re- Fig. 32 Assembling Overrunning Clutch And Cam
place the drum and race as an assembly if either
component is damaged. (c) Install drum-clutch assembly in case and in-
Examine the rear support carefully for wear, stall clutch cam bolts.
cracks, scoring or other damage. Be sure the support (d) Install rear support and support attaching
hub is a snug fit in the case and drum. Replace the bolts.
support if worn or damaged. (e) Check low-reverse drum rotation. Drum
should rotate freely in clockwise direction and
ASSEMBLING OVERRUNNING CLUTCH/LOW- lock when turned in counterclockwise direc-
REVERSE DRUM tion (as viewed from front of case).
(1) Assemble clutch rollers and springs in retainer
if necessary (Fig. 31).

Fig. 31 Overrunning Clutch Rollers, Springs,

Fig. 33 Temporary Assembly Of Clutch And Drum
To Check Operation
(2) Install overrunning clutch roller, spring and re-
(4) Note component position for assembly refer-
tainer assembly in clutch cam (Fig. 32).
ence. Bolt holes in clutch cam are countersunk on
(3) Temporarily assemble and check overrunning
one side, Be sure this side of cam will face rearward
clutch operation as follows:
when installed (Fig. 34).
(a) Assemble cam and clutch.
(5) Remove rear support, overrunning clutch and
(b) Install clutch assembly on low-reverse drum
low-reverse drum. Set components aside for final as-
with twisting motion (Fig. 33). sembly. If overrunning clutch will be installed

before final assembly, install cam only as de- Compress the reaction plug spring clip only
scribed in Transmission Assembly And Adjust- enough to remove or install it. The clip is easily
ment section. Clutch cam must be properly distorted if overcompressed. Replace the clip if
indexed in case to fit and operate properly. it becomes bent or distorted. Do not straighten
and reuse the clip if this occurs.
Be sure a replacement sprag is installed so the
sprag locking lug will face the park gear. Also be
sure the spring is correctly positioned as shown (Fig.
38). The sprag may not retract if the spring is
improperly installed.

Fig. 34 Assembled Overrunning Clutch Components

Clean the housing and park lock components in
solvent and dry them with compressed air.
Inspect the output shaft bearing in the housing Fig. 36 Park Sprag, Shaft And Spring Removal
(Fig. 35). Replace the bearing if worn, damaged, or

Fig. 35 Adapter Housing Bearing (4 x 4 Models)

Examine the park lock components in the housing.
If replacement is necessary, remove the shaft with
parallel jaw snap ring pliers (Fig. 36) and remove the
sprag and spring. Then remove the spring clip and Fig. 37 Park Sprag Reaction Plug And Spring
reaction plug (Fig. 37). Location

aluminum valve (Fig. 39). The aluminum valve

must not be used in prior transmissions. The
valve can only be used with an output shaft that
has been spotfaced for valve end clearance. In
addition, the governor body and output shaft
must be properly indexed during reassembly. Be
sure to index these components as described in
the Transmission Assembly and Adjustment pro-
Check condition of the park gear seal rings, ring
grooves and gear teeth (Fig. 40). Replace the gear as
an assembly if the teeth or ring grooves are worn, or
Replace the park gear front and rear seal rings if
cracked, or worn. The production style front ring is a
plain type and the rear ring is a hook style. If re-
placement rings are both hook-style, be sure the ring
ends are properly hooked together.

Fig. 38 Correct Position Of Sprag And Spring

(1) Loosen bolts attaching governor to park gear.
(2) Remove governor snap ring and locating snap
ring from output shaft (Fig. 39).
(3) Remove E-clip securing governor valve shaft
and remove shaft and valve from governor body.
(4) Slide governor and park gear off output shaft.
(5) Remove governor retaining bolts and separate
governor from park gear.
(6) Remove governor filter from park gear. Keep
filter with governor body.
(7) Remove governor weight snap ring and remove
weight assembly from governor body. Remove inner
snap ring and separate governor weights.


INSPECTION Fig. 39 Governor Components
Clean the governor and park gear components in ASSEMBLING GOVERNOR AND PARK GEAR
solvent and dry with compressed air. (1) Coat governor body bores and valves with
Examine the governor components carefully (Fig. transmission fluid.
39). Discard any snap rings or E-clips if distorted, or (2) Assemble governor weights and springs. Then
worn. Be sure the governor weights operate freely in install weight assembly in governor body but do not
the bores and do not bind. Also verify that the gov- install valve and shaft at this time. These parts are
ernor valve slides freely on the shaft and in the bore. not installed until after governor and park gear are
Minor scratches, or burrs on governor components
in place on output shaft.
can be cleaned up with oil-soaked crocus cloth. How-
(3) Install new seal rings on park gear if neces-
ever, do not attempt to salvage components that are
severely worn or scored.
(4) Insert filter screen in park gear and position
The governor valve used in 30RH/32RH trans-
missions built starting with the 1992 model year, governor body on park gear.
is now made of aluminum. In addition, the out-
put shaft has been spotfaced to accept the new

Fig. 42 Loosening Pump Support Bolts

(4) Remove pump-to-support bolts and separate
support from pump housing (Fig. 43).

Fig. 43 Separating Pump Housing From Reaction

Fig. 40 Park Gear And Seal Rings Shaft Support
(5) Tighten governor body attaching bolts finger (5) Remove inner and outer gears from reaction
tight only. Bolts will not be final tightened until af- shaft support (Fig. 44).
ter governor and park gear are mounted on output


(1) Remove seal ring from housing and reaction
shaft support (Fig. 41).

Fig. 44 Pump Gear Removal

(6) If pump seal was not removed during transmis-
sion disassembly, remove seal with punch and ham-
(7) Remove front clutch thrust washer from sup-
port hub (Fig. 45).


Fig. 41 Removing Pump Seal Ring
Clean pump and reaction shaft support components
(2) Mark pump housing and support assembly for with solvent and dry them with compressed air.
alignment reference.
(3) Loosen bolts that attach pump body to support
(Fig. 42).

Fig. 45 Oil Pump And Reaction Shaft Support Components (All)

Inspect the pump housing and support components.
Replace the housing or support if the seal ring
grooves or machined surfaces are worn, scored, pit-
ted, or damaged.
Replace the pump gears if pitted, worn chipped, or
damaged. Inspect the thrust washer for wear or dam-
age. Replace the washer if necessary. Note that the
inner gear used in 1993 and later 30RH/32RH oil
pumps has a new design drive lug. The new de-
sign incorporates tapered drive flats instead of
the square lug used previously. The torque con-
verter hub has also been redesigned to accept Fig. 46 Measuring Pump Gear End Clearance
the new drive flats. If pump gear replacement is measure clearance (Fig. 48). Clearance should be
necessary, be very sure to order and install the 0.08 - 0.19 mm (0.0035 - 0.0075 in.).
correct style gears.
Inspect the pump and reaction shaft support bush- OIL PUMP BUSHING REPLACEMENT
ings. Minor bushing wear is acceptable. Replace the (1) Remove pump bushing with Tool Handle
bushings only if scored, or severely worn. C-4171 and Bushing Remover SP-3551 (Fig. 49).
Install the gears in the pump housing and measure (2) Install new pump bushing with Tool Handle
end clearance with a feeler gauge and straightedge C-4171 and Bushing Installer SP-5117 (Fig. 49).
(Fig. 46). Clearance should be 0.010 - 0.06 mm Bushing should be flush with pump housing bore.
(0.0004 - 0.0025 in.). (3) Stake new pump bushing in two places with
Measure clearance between the outer gear and the blunt punch (Fig. 50). Remove burrs from stake
pump body (Fig. 47). Clearance should be 0.08 - 0.19 points with knife blade afterward.
mm (0.0035 - 0.0075 in.).
Measure gear tooth clearance with a feeler gauge.
Align one tooth of the outer gear in inner gear and
(1) Assemble Bushing Remover Tools SP-1191,

Fig. 47 Measuring Pump Housing-To-Inner Gear


Fig. 50 Staking Oil Pump Bushing

(3) Turn remover tool hex nut down against re-
mover cup to pull bushing from shaft. Clean all chips
from shaft after bushing removal.
(4) Lightly grip old bushing in vise or with pliers
and back remover tool out of bushing.
(5) Assemble Bushing Installer Tools C-4171 and
SP-5325 (Fig. 51).
(6) Slide new bushing onto Installer Tool SP-5325.
(7) Position reaction shaft support upright on a
Fig. 48 Measuring Pump Gear Tooth Clearance clean smooth surface.
(8) Align bushing in bore. Then tap bushing into
place until Bushing Installer SP-5325 bottoms.
(9) Clean reaction shaft support thoroughly after
installing bushing.

Fig. 51 Replacing Reaction Shaft Support Bushing

Fig. 49 Removing Oil Pump Bushing
3633 and 5324 (Fig. 51). Do not clamp any part of (1) Lubricate gear bore in pump housing with
reaction shaft or support in vise. transmission fluid.
(2) Hold Cup Tool SP-3633 firmly against reaction (2) Lubricate pump gears with transmission fluid.
shaft and thread remover SP-5324 into bushing as (3) Support pump housing on wood blocks (Fig. 52).
far as possible by hand. Then thread remover tool 3-4 (4) Install outer gear in pump housing (Fig. 52).
additional turns into bushing with a wrench. Gear can be installed either way (it is not a one-way
(5) Install pump inner gear (Fig. 53).

Fig. 54 Hub Seal Ring Position

support until bolt holes in support and pump housing
are all aligned (holes are offset for one-way fit).

Fig. 52 Supporting Pump And Installing Outer Gear

CAUTION: The pump inner gear is a one way fit.
The bore on one side of the gear inside diameter
(I.D.) is chamfered. Be sure the chamfered side
faces forward (to front of pump).

Fig. 55 Assembling Reaction Shaft Support And

Pump Housing
(10) Install all bolts that attach support to pump
housing. Then tighten bolts finger tight.
(11) Tighten support-to-pump bolts to required
torque as follows:
(a) Reverse pump assembly and install it in
transmission case. Position pump so bolts are fac-
ing out and are accessible.
(b) Secure pump assembly in case with 2 or 3
Fig. 53 Pump Inner Gear Installation
bolts, or with pilot studs.
(6) Install new thrust washer on hub of reaction (c) Tighten support-to-pump bolts to 20 Nzm (15
shaft support. Lubricate washer with transmission
ft. lbs.).
fluid or petroleum jelly.
(d) Remove pump assembly from transmission case.
(7) If reaction shaft seal rings are being replaced,
(12) Install new oil seal in pump with Special Tool
install new seal rings on support hub (Fig. 54). Lu-
C-4193 and Tool Handle C-4171 (Fig. 56). Be sure
bricate seal rings with transmission fluid or petro-
leum jelly after installation. Squeeze each ring until seal lip faces inward.
ring ends are securely hooked together. (13) Install new seal ring around pump housing.
Be sure seal is properly seated in groove.
CAUTION: The reaction shaft support seal rings will (14) Lubricate lip of pump oil seal and O-ring seal
break if overspread, or twisted. If new rings are be- with transmission fluid.
ing installed, spread them only enough for installa-
tion. Also be very sure the ring ends are securely FRONT CLUTCH OVERHAUL
hooked together after installation. Otherwise, the
rings will either prevent pump installation, or break FRONT CLUTCH DISASSEMBLY
during installation. (1) Remove waved snap ring and remove pressure
plate, clutch plates and clutch discs (Fig. 57).
(8) Install reaction shaft support on pump housing (2) Compress clutch piston spring with Compressor
(Fig. 55). Tool C-3575-A (Fig. 58). Be sure legs of tool are
(9) Align reaction support on pump housing. Use seated squarely on spring retainer before compress-
alignment marks made at disassembly. Or, rotate ing spring.

Fig. 56 Pump Oil Seal Installation

(3) Remove retainer snap ring and remove com-
pressor tool.
(4) Remove spring retainer and clutch spring. Note
position of retainer on spring for assembly reference.
(5) Remove clutch piston from clutch retainer. Re-
move piston by rotating it up and out of retainer.
(6) Remove seals from clutch piston and clutch re- Fig. 58 Compressing Front Clutch Piston Spring
tainer hub. Discard both seals as they are not reusable. broken. Be sure the driving lugs on the plates are in
good condition. The lugs must not be bent, cracked or
damaged in any way.
Clean the front clutch components in solvent and dry
Replace the clutch spring and spring retainer if ei-
them with compressed air only. Do not use rags or shop
ther is distorted, warped or broken.
towels to dry any of the clutch parts. Lint from such
Check the lug grooves in the clutch retainer. The
materials will adhere to the component surfaces and
steel plates should slide freely in the slots. Replace
could restrict or block fluid passages after assembly.
the retainer if the grooves are worn or damaged.
Replace the clutch discs if warped, worn, scored,
Check action of the check ball in the retainer (Fig.
burned or charred, or if the facing is flaking off. Re-
59). The ball must move freely and not stick.
place the steel plates if heavily scored, warped, or
Inspect the clutch retainer bushings carefully
(Fig. 60). The retainer bushings are not service-

Fig. 57 Front Clutch Components (30RH/32RH)


able. It will be necessary to replace the retainer

if either bushing is scored, or worn.
Inspect the piston and retainer seal surfaces for
nicks or scratches. Minor scratches can be removed
with crocus cloth. However, replace the piston and/or
retainer if the seal surfaces are seriously scored.

Fig. 61 Front Clutch Piston Installation

Fig. 59 Front Clutch Piston Retainer Check Ball Location

Fig. 62 Clutch Piston Spring Installation

(6) Position spring retainer on top of piston spring
(Fig. 63). Make sure retainer is properly in-
stalled. Small raised tabs should be facing up-
ward. Semicircular lugs on underside of retainer
are for positioning retainer in spring.

Fig. 60 Retainer Bushing Locations

(1) Soak clutch discs in transmission fluid while
assembling other clutch parts.
(2) Install new seals on piston and in hub of re-
tainer. Be sure lip of each seal faces interior of clutch
retainer. Fig. 63 Correct Spring Retainer Installed Position
(3) Lubricate lips of piston and retainer seals with (7) Compress piston spring and retainer with Com-
liberal quantity of Door Eze, or petroleum jelly. Then pressor Tool C-3575-A (Fig. 64). Then install new
lubricate retainer hub, bore and piston with trans- snap ring to secure spring retainer and spring.
mission fluid. (8) Install clutch plates and discs (Fig. 57). Install steel
(4) Install clutch piston in retainer (Fig. 61). Use plate then disc until all plates and discs are installed.
twisting motion to seat piston in bottom of retainer. (9) Install pressure plate and waved snap ring
Do not attempt to push the piston straight in. (Fig. 57).
This could fold the seals over causing leakage (10) Check clutch plate clearance (Fig. 64). Clear-
and clutch slip. ance should be 1.70 to 3.40 mm (0.067 to 0.134 in.).
(5) Position spring in clutch piston (Fig. 62). If clearance is incorrect, clutch discs, plates pressure
plates and snap ring may have to be changed.


(1) Remove fiber thrust washer from forward side
of clutch retainer.
(2) Remove selective clutch pack snap ring (Figs.
65 and 66).
(3) Remove top pressure plate, clutch discs, steel
plates, bottom pressure plate and wave spring (Figs.
65 and 66).
(4) Remove clutch piston with rotating motion.
(5) Remove and discard piston seals.
(6) Remove input shaft snap ring (Fig. 67).
(7) Press input shaft out of retainer with shop
press and suitable size press tool (Fig. 68).
(8) Remove input shaft front/rear seal rings.


Clean the clutch components with solvent and dry
them with compressed air. Do not use rags or shop
towels to dry any of the clutch parts. Lint from such
materials will adhere to component surfaces and
could restrict or block fluid passages after assembly.
Replace the clutch discs if warped, worn, scored,
burned/charred, the lugs are damaged, or if the fac-
ing is flaking off. Replace the top and bottom pres- Fig. 64 Measuring Front Clutch Pack Clearance
sure plates if scored, warped, or cracked. Be sure the also in good condition. The lugs must not be bent,
driving lugs on the pressure and clutch plates are cracked or damaged in any way.

Fig. 65 Rear Clutch Components (30RH)


Fig. 66 Rear Clutch Components (32RH)

Fig. 68 Pressing Input Shaft Out Of Rear Clutch

Fig. 67 Removing/Installing Input Shaft Snap Ring
Replace the piston spring and wave spring if either
Inspect the piston and retainer seal surfaces for
part is distorted, warped or broken.
nicks or scratches. Minor scratches can be removed
Check the lug grooves in the clutch retainer. The
with crocus cloth. However, replace the piston and/or
clutch and pressure plates should slide freely in the
retainer if the seal surfaces are seriously scored.
slots. Replace the retainer if the grooves are worn or
Check condition of the fiber thrust washer and
damaged. Also check action of the check balls in the
metal output shaft thrust washer. Replace either
retainer and piston. Each check ball must move
washer if worn or damaged.
freely and not stick.
Check condition of the seal rings on the input shaft
Replace the retainer bushing if worn, scored, or
and clutch retainer hub. Replace the seal rings only
doubt exists about bushing condition.
if worn, distorted, or damaged. The input shaft front

seal ring is teflon with chamfered ends. The rear

ring is metal with interlocking ends.
Check the input shaft for wear, or damage. Replace
the shaft if worn, scored or damaged in any way.


(1) Soak clutch discs in transmission fluid while
assembling other clutch parts.
(2) Install new seal rings on clutch retainer hub
and input shaft if necessary (Fig. 69).
(a) Be sure clutch hub seal ring is fully seated in
groove and is not twisted.
(b) Note that input shaft front seal ring is teflon
and rear seal ring is metal (Fig. 70). Be sure cham-
fered ends of teflon ring are properly joined and
that ends of rear ring are securely hooked together.
Lubricate both rings with transmission fluid after

Fig. 70 Input Shaft Seal Ring Identification

Fig. 69 Rear Clutch Retainer And Input Shaft Seal

Ring Installation
(3) Lubricate splined end of input shaft and clutch
retainer with transmission fluid. Then press input
shaft into retainer (Fig. 71).
(4) Install input shaft snap ring (Figs. 65-66). Fig. 71 Pressing Input Shaft Into Rear Clutch
(5) Install new seals on clutch piston. Be sure lip Retainer
of each seal faces interior of clutch retainer. (8) Install piston spring in retainer and on top of
(6) Lubricate lip of piston seals with Ru-Glyde, piston (Fig. 72). Concave side of spring faces down-
Door Eze, or petroleum jelly. Then lubricate retainer ward (toward piston).
hub and bore with transmission fluid. (9) Install wave spring in retainer (Fig. 72). Be
(7) Install clutch piston in retainer. Use twisting sure spring is completely seated in retainer groove.
motion to seat piston in bottom of retainer. Do not (10) Install bottom pressure plate (Fig. 65). Ridged
attempt to push the piston straight in. This side of plate faces downward (toward piston) and flat
could fold the seals over causing leakage and side toward clutch pack.
clutch slip.

(15) Coat rear clutch fiber thrust washer with pe-

troleum jelly and install washer over input shaft and
into clutch retainer (Fig. 74). Use enough petroleum
jelly to hold washer in place.
(16) Set rear clutch aside for installation during fi-
nal assembly.

Fig. 72 Piston And Wave Spring Position

(11) Install first clutch disc in retainer on top of
bottom pressure plate. Then install a clutch plate fol-
lowed by a clutch disc until entire clutch pack is in-
• 3 discs and 2 plates are used in 30RH (Fig. 65)
• 4 discs and 3 plates are required in 32RH (Fig. Fig. 74 Installing Rear Clutch Thrust Washer
(12) Install top pressure plate (Figs. 65-66).
(13) Install selective snap ring (Figs. 65-66). Be PLANETARY GEARTRAIN DISASSEMBLY
sure snap ring is fully seated in retainer groove. (1) Remove planetary snap ring (Fig. 75).
(14) Measure clutch pack clearance (Fig. 73). (2) Remove front annulus and planetary assembly
Clearance should be 0.64 - 1.14 mm (0.025 - 0.045 from driving shell (Fig. 75).
in.). If clearance is incorrect, steel plates, discs, snap
ring and pressure plates may have to be changed.

Fig. 75 Front Annulus And Planetary Assembly

(3) Remove snap ring that retains front planetary
gear in annulus gear (Fig. 76).
(4) Remove tabbed thrust washer and tabbed
thrust plate from hub of front annulus (Fig. 77).
(5) Separate front annulus and planetary gears
(Fig. 77).
Fig. 73 Typical Method Of Checking Rear Clutch
(6) Remove front planetary gear front thrust
Pack Clearance
washer from annulus gear hub (Fig. 77).

(10) Remove snap ring that retains sun gear in

driving shell. Then remove sun gear, spacer and
thrust plates.


Clean the planetary components in solvent and dry
them with compressed air.
Check sun gear and driving shell condition (Fig.
79). Replace the gear if damaged or if the bushings
are scored or worn. The bushings are not serviceable.
Replace the driving shell if worn, cracked or dam-
Fig. 76 Front Planetary Snap Ring Removal aged.
Replace planetary gear sets if gears, pinion pins, or
carrier are damaged in any way. Replace the annu-
lus gears and supports if either component is worn or
Inspect the geartrain spacers, thrust plates, snap
rings, and thrust washers (Fig. 79). Replace any of
these parts that are worn, distorted or damaged. Do
not attempt to reuse these parts.
The planetary gear thrust washers are different
sizes. The large diameter washers go on the front
planetary and the smaller washers go on the rear
planetary. All the washers have four locating tabs on
them. These tabs fit in the holes or slots provided in
each planetary gear.
Inspect the output shaft carefully. Pay particular
attention to the machined bushing/bearing surfaces
Fig. 77 Front Planetary And Annulus Gear on the shaft and the governor valve shaft bore at the
Disassembly shaft rear.
(7) Remove front planetary rear thrust washer Replace the output shaft if the machined surfaces
from driving shell. are scored, pitted, or damaged in any way. Also re-
(8) Separate and remove driving shell, rear plane- place the shaft if the splines are damaged, or exhib-
tary and rear annulus from output shaft (Fig. 78). its cracks at any location (especially at the governor
valve shaft bore).
The annulus gears can be removed from their sup-
ports if necessary. Just remove the snap rings and
separate the two parts when replacement is neces-
sary. In addition, the annulus gear bushings can be
replaced if severely worn, or scored. However it is
not necessary to replace the bushings if they only ex-
hibit normal wear. Check bushing fit on the output
shaft to be sure.


(1) Lubricate output shaft and planetary compo-
nents with transmission fluid. Use petroleum jelly to
lubricate and hold thrust washers and plates in posi-
(2) Assemble rear annulus gear and support if dis-
assembled. Be sure support snap ring is seated and
Fig. 78 Removing Driving Shell, Rear Planetary And that shoulder-side of support faces rearward (Fig.
Rear Annulus 80).
(9) Remove tabbed thrust washers from rear plan- (3) Install rear thrust washer on rear planetary
etary gear. gear (Fig. 79). Use enough petroleum jelly to hold
washer in place. Also be sure all four washer tabs
are properly engaged in gear slots.

Fig. 79 Planetary Geartrain Components (30RH/32RH)

(4) Install rear annulus over and onto rear plane-
tary gear (Fig. 80).

Fig. 81 Installing Rear Annulus And Planetary On

Output Shaft
Fig. 80 Assembling Rear Annulus And Planetary (7) Install spacer on sun gear (Fig. 83).
Gear (8) Install thrust plate on sun gear (Fig. 84). Note
(5) Install assembled rear planetary and annulus that driving shell thrust plates are interchangeable.
gear on output shaft (Fig. 81). Verify that assembly Use either plate on sun gear and at front/rear of
is fully seated on shaft. shell.
(6) Install front thrust washer on rear planetary (9) Hold sun gear in place and install thrust plate
gear (Fig. 82). Use enough petroleum jelly to hold over sun gear at rear of driving shell (Fig. 85).
washer on gear. Be sure all four washer tabs are (10) Position wood block on bench and support sun
seated in slots. gear on block (Fig. 86). This makes it easier to align

Fig. 82 Installing Rear Planetary Front Thrust Fig. 85 Installing Driving Shell Rear Thrust Plate

Fig. 86 Supporting Sun Gear On Wood Block

Fig. 83 Installing Spacer On Sun Gear
(11) Align rear thrust plate on driving shell and
install sun gear lock ring. Be sure ring is fully
seated in sun gear ring groove (Fig. 87).

Fig. 84 Installing Driving Shell Front Thrust Plate

On Sun Gear
and install sun gear lock ring. Keep wood block Fig. 87 Installing Sun Gear Lock Ring
handy as it will also be used for geartrain end play

(12) Install assembled driving shell and sun gear

on output shaft (Fig. 88).

Fig. 90 Installing Front Planetary And Annulus

Fig. 88 Installing Assembled Sun Gear And Driving
Shell On Output Shaft
(13) Install rear thrust washer on front planetary
gear (Fig. 89). Use enough petroleum jelly to hold
washer in place and be sure all four washer tabs are

Fig. 91 Positioning Thrust Plate On Annulus

(19) Install thrust washer in front annulus (Fig.
92). Align flat on washer with flat on planetary
hub. Also be sure washer tab is facing up.

Fig. 89 Installing Rear Thrust Washer On Front

Planetary Gear
(14) Install front planetary gear on output shaft
and in driving shell (Fig. 90).
(15) Install front thrust washer on front planetary
gear. Use enough petroleum jelly to hold washer in
place and be sure all four washer tabs are seated.
(16) Assemble front annulus gear and support, if
necessary. Be sure support snap ring is seated.
(17) Install front annulus on front planetary (Fig.
90). Fig. 92 Installing Front Annulus Thrust Washer
(18) Position thrust plate on front annulus gear (20) Install front annulus snap ring (Fig. 93). Use
support (Fig. 91). Note that plate has two tabs on snap ring pliers to avoid distorting ring during in-
it. These tabs fit in notches of annulus hub. stallation. Also be sure ring is fully seated.

Fig. 93 Installing Front Annulus Snap Ring

(21) Install planetary selective snap ring with snap
ring pliers (Fig. 94). Be sure ring is fully seated.

Fig. 95 Checking Planetary Geartrain End Play

Clean the servo components with solvent and dry
them with compressed air.
Inspect the servo components. Replace the springs
if collapsed, distorted or broken. Replace the guide,
rod and piston if cracked, bent, or worn. Discard the
servo snap ring if distorted or warped.
Replace the front band if distorted, the lining is
burned or flaking off, or excessively worn.
Check the servo piston bore for wear. Replace the
piston and rod as an assembly if either part is worn
or damaged.
Fig. 94 Installing Planetary Selective Snap Ring Replace any servo component if doubt exists about
its condition. Do not reuse suspect parts.
(22) Turn planetary geartrain assembly over so
driving shell is facing workbench. Then support ASSEMBLING FRONT SERVO PISTON
geartrain on wood block positioned under forward (1) Lubricate servo parts with transmission fluid.
end of output shaft. This allow geartrain components (2) Install new O-ring on servo piston rod.
to move forward for accurate end play check. (3) Install new seal on piston rod guide and install
(23) Check planetary geartrain end play with new seal rings on piston.
feeler gauge (Fig. 95). Gauge goes between shoulder (4) Assemble rod, piston, servo springs and snap
on output shaft and end of rear annulus support. ring (Fig. 96).
(24) Geartrain end play should be 0.12 to 1.22 mm
(0.005 to 0.048 in.). If end play is incorrect, snap ring REAR SERVO AND BAND OVERHAUL
(or thrust washers) may have to be replaced. Snap
ring is available in three different thicknesses for ad- REAR SERVO PISTON DISASSEMBLY
justment purposes. (1) Remove seal from servo piston. Note which way
seal lip faces for assembly reference.
FRONT SERVO AND BAND OVERHAUL (2) Compress cushion spring in vise only enough to
allow piston plug snap ring removal (Fig. 97). Use
FRONT SERVO DISASSEMBLY (FIG. 96) wood block between vise jaws and end of piston plug
(1) Remove small snap ring from servo piston. to keep plug aligned and in position.
(2) Remove piston, rod, springs and guide. (3) Remove snap ring from end of piston plug (Fig. 97).
(3) Remove and discard servo piston rings and (4) Open vise and remove wood block, piston plug,
O-ring. cushion spring and servo piston.

Fig. 98 Rear Band Components (30RH Shown)

or worn. Discard the servo snap ring and spring re-
tainer if distorted or warped.
If doubt exists about the condition of any servo
component, replace it. Do not reuse suspect parts.
Fig. 96 Front Servo Components

Fig. 97 Removing/Installing Servo Piston Plug Snap

Fig. 99 Rear Servo Components
Clean the servo components with solvent and dry
them with compressed air. ASSEMBLING REAR SERVO PISTON
Check rear band condition. Replace the band if dis- (1) Assemble piston plug, cushion spring and pis-
torted, the lining is burned or flaking off, or the lin- ton (Fig. 99).
ing is excessively worn. (2) Compress cushion spring in vise and install pis-
On 30RH models, inspect the rear band link (Fig. ton plug snap ring.
98). Replace the link if bent, or damaged. Check the (3) Install new seal on piston. Be sure seal lip is
band reaction pin. Replace the O-rings if they are toward servo bore (Fig. 100).
cut, or torn. Minor pin scoring can be cleaned up (4) Lubricate piston seal with petroleum jelly. Lu-
with crocus cloth. However, replace the pin if worn, bricate other servo parts with transmission fluid.
severely scored, or cracked.
Inspect the servo components (Fig. 99). Replace the
servo and cushion springs if collapsed, distorted or
broken. Replace the plug or piston if cracked, bent,

Fig. 100 Installing Rear Servo Piston Seal

CAUTION: Do not clamp any part of the valve body as-
Fig. 102 Adjusting Screw Bracket And Spring Removal
sembly (Fig. 101) in a vise. This practice will distort
the valve body and transfer plate resulting in valve
bind. Slide valves and plugs out carefully. Do not use
force at any time. The valves and valve body will be
damaged if force is used. Also tag or mark the valve
body springs for reference as they are removed. Do
not allow them to become intermixed.

Fig. 103 Securing Detent Ball And Spring With

Retainer Tool
(5) Pull manual shaft and park rod assembly upward
out of valve body and off throttle lever (Fig. 104).
(6) Remove Retainer Tool 6583. Then remove and
retain detent ball and spring.
(7) Remove throttle lever (Fig. 104).

Fig. 101 Valve Body Assembly

(1) Remove screws attaching adjusting screw bracket
to valve body and transfer plate. Hold bracket firmly
against spring force while removing last screw.
(2) Remove adjusting screw bracket, line pressure ad-
justing screw, pressure regulator spring and switch
valve spring (Fig. 102). Do not remove throttle pres-
sure adjusting screw from bracket and do not dis-
turb adjusting screw settings during removal.
(3) Secure detent ball and spring in housing with
retainer tool 6583 (Fig. 103). Fig. 104 Removing Manual And Throttle Levers
(4) Remove manual shaft E-clip and washer (Fig. (8) Remove park rod E-clip and separate rod from
104). manual lever (Fig. 105).

Fig. 105 Park Rod Removal

(9) Remove screws attaching converter clutch mod-
ule to valve body and remove module and connecting
tube (Fig. 106).

Fig. 107 Valve Body-To-Transfer Plate Screw


Fig. 106 Clutch Module And Connecting Tube

(10) Turn valve body over so transfer plate is fac-
ing upward (Fig. 107). With valve body in this posi-
tion, valve body check balls will remain in place and
not fall out when transfer plate is removed.
(11) Remove screws attaching transfer plate to
valve body (Fig. 107).
Fig. 108 Transfer Plate Removal/Installation
(12) Remove transfer plate and separator plate
from valve body. Note position of filter and clutch so-
lenoid for reference (Fig. 108).
(13) Position transfer plate on bench so separator
plate, filter and lockup solenoid are facing up. This
will avoid having rear clutch and rear servo check
balls fall out when plates are separated.
(14) Remove screws attaching separator plate to
transfer plate.
(15) Remove converter clutch solenoid from separa-
tor plate (Fig. 109). A T25 torx bit is required to re-
move solenoid attaching screw.
(16) Note position of filter, solenoid and rear Fig. 109 Converter Clutch Solenoid Removal
clutch/rear servo check balls for assembly reference (18) Remove shuttle valve E-clip and remove sec-
(Fig. 110). ondary spring and spring guides from end of valve
(17) Remove shuttle valve end plate (Fig. 111). (Fig. 111).

Fig. 111 Shuttle Valve E-Clip And Secondary Spring

(19) Remove governor valve end plate (Fig. 112).
(20) Remove switch valve and pressure regulator
valve from valve body (Fig. 112).
(21) Remove throttle valve and spring, kickdown
valve and detent and manual valve from valve body
(Fig. 112).
(22) Remove 1-2 and 2-3 shift valve governor plugs
from valve body (Fig. 112).
Fig. 110 Transfer And Separator Plates (23) Remove shuttle valve throttle plug, primary
spring and shuttle valve from valve body (Fig. 112).

Fig. 112 Control Valves And Governor Plugs


Fig. 113 Shift Valves And Pressure Regulator Plugs

(24) Remove 1-2 shift control valve and spring als will adhere to the valve body components.
from valve body (Fig. 113). Lint will interfere with valve operation and may
(25) Remove 2-3 shift valve and spring from valve clog filters and fluid passages.
body (Fig. 113). Inspect the throttle and manual valve levers and
(26) Remove 1-2 shift valve and spring from valve shafts. Do not attempt to straighten a bent shaft or
body (Fig. 113). correct a loose lever. Replace these components if
(27) Remove regulator valve end plate (Fig. 113). worn, bent, loose or damaged in any way.
(28) Remove regulator valve line pressure plug, Inspect all of the valve body mating surfaces for
pressure plug sleeve, throttle pressure plug and scratches, nicks, burrs, or distortion. Use a straight-
spring (Fig. 113). edge to check surface flatness. Minor scratches may
be removed with crocus cloth using only very light
The only serviceable valve body components are: Minor distortion of a valve body mating surface
• park lock rod and E-clip may be corrected by smoothing the surface with cro-
• switch valve and spring cus cloth. The cloth should be in sheet form and be
• pressure adjusting screw bracket positioned on a surface plate, sheet of plate glass, or
• throttle valve lever equally flat surface. However, if distortion is severe
• manual lever or any surfaces are heavily scored, the valve body
• manual lever shaft seal, washer, E-clip and detent will have to be replaced.
• fluid filter CAUTION: The throttle valve, shuttle valve plug, 1-2
• converter clutch solenoid shift valve and 1-2 governor plug are made of
The remaining valve body components are serviced coated aluminum. These components are identified
only as part of a complete valve body assembly. in Figure 114 with the abbreviation (Alum.). Alumi-
Clean the valve body components in a parts clean- num components can be identified by the dark
ing solution only. Do not use gasoline, kerosene, or color of the special coating applied to the surface
any type of caustic solution. Dry the parts with com- (or by testing with a magnet). DO NOT polish or
pressed air. Make sure all passages are clean and sand aluminum valves or plugs with any type of
free from obstructions. material, or under any circumstances. This practice
Do not use rags or shop towels to wipe off might damage the special coating and cause the
valve body components. Lint from these materi- valves and plugs to stick and bind.

Inspect the valves and plugs for scratches, burrs, place the valve body if any bores are distorted or
nicks, or scores. Also inspect the coating on the alu- scored. Inspect all of the valve body springs. The
minum valves and plugs (Fig. 114). If the coating is springs must be free of distortion, warpage or broken
damaged or worn through, the valve (or valve body) coils.
should be replaced. Trial fit each valve and plug in its bore to check
Aluminum valves and plugs should not be sanded
freedom of operation. When clean and dry, the valves
or polished under any circumstances. However, mi-
and plugs should drop freely into the bores. Valve
nor burrs or scratches on steel valves and plugs can
body bores do not change dimensionally with use. If
be removed with crocus cloth but do not round off the
valve or plug edges. Squareness of these edges is vi- the valve body functioned correctly when new, it will
tally important. These edges prevent foreign matter continue to operate properly after cleaning and in-
from lodging between the valves, plugs and bore. spection. It should not be necessary to replace a
Inspect all the valve and plug bores in the valve valve body assembly unless it is damaged in han-
body. Use a penlight to view the bore interiors. Re- dling.
21 - 143

Fig. 114 Valve Body Components (Alum. Indicates Aluminum Part)



CAUTION: Do not force valves or plugs into place
during reassembly. If the valve body bores, valves
and plugs are free of distortion or burrs, the valve
body components should all slide into place easily.
In addition, do not overtighten the transfer plate
and valve body screws during reassembly. Over-
tightening can distort the valve body resulting in
valve sticking, cross leakage and unsatisfactory op-
eration. Tighten valve body screws to recom-
mended torque only.

(1) Lubricate valve body bores, valves and plugs

with ATF Plus, or Dexron II™ transmission fluid.
(2) Insert rear clutch and rear servo check balls in
transfer plate (Fig. 110).
(3) Install filter screen in separator plate (Fig.
(4) Align and install separator plate on transfer
plate. Verify check ball position before installing sep-
arator plate on transfer plate.
Fig. 116 Correct Position Of Valve Body Check Balls
(5) Install new O-ring on converter clutch solenoid
and insert solenoid in separator plate (Fig. 115). (11) Install 1-2 shift control valve and spring (Fig.
Then secure solenoid in position with attaching 113)
screw. Tighten screw to 4 Nzm 35 in. lbs.) torque. (12) Install shuttle valve as follows:
(a) Insert shuttle valve in bore.
(b) Insert plastic guides in shuttle valve second-
ary spring.
(c) Install spring on end of valve.
(d) Hold shuttle valve in place. Then compress
secondary spring and install E-clip in groove at end
of valve.
(e) Verify that spring and E-clip are properly
seated before proceeding.
(13) Install shuttle valve cover plate (Fig. 113).
Tighten end plate screws to 4 Nzm (35 in. lbs.)
Fig. 115 Installing Converter Clutch Solenoid
(14) Install 1-2 and 2-3 valve governor plugs in
(6) Position valve body so internal passages and valve body (Fig. 113). Then install shuttle valve pri-
check ball seats are facing upward. Then install mary spring and throttle plug.
steel/plastic check balls in valve body (Fig. 116). The (15) Align and install governor plug end plate on
one large check ball is approximately 11/32 inch in valve body and install end plate screws. Tighten
diameter. The remaining check balls are approxi- screws to 4 Nzm (35 in. lbs.) torque.
mately 1/4 inch in diameter. (16) Install manual valve (Fig. 112).
(7) Align and install assembled transfer and sepa-
(17) Install throttle valve and spring. Then install
rator plates on valve body. Install and tighten valve
kickdown valve and detent (Fig. 112).
body screws alternately in a diagonal pattern to 4
(18) Install pressure regulator valve and switch
Nzm (35 in. lbs.) torque.
valve in valve body.
(8) Assemble and install clutch module and compo-
nents on valve body (Fig. 117). (19) Install manual lever detent spring in housing.
(9) Assemble regulator valve line pressure plug, Place detent ball on end of spring and push ball and
sleeve, throttle plug and spring (Fig. 108). Insert as- spring into housing. Secure ball and spring with De-
sembly in valve body and install end plate. Tighten tent Retainer 6583 (Fig. 103).
end plate screws to 4 Nzm (35 in. lbs.) torque. (20) Insert line pressure adjusting screw in adjust-
(10) Install 1-2 and 2-3 shift valves and springs ing screw bracket (Fig. 102).
(Fig. 113).

Fig. 117 Converter Clutch Module Components

(21) Install spring on end of line pressure regula-
tor valve.
(22) Install switch valve spring on tang at end of
adjusting screw bracket (Fig. 102).
(23) Position adjusting screw bracket on valve
body. Align valve springs and press bracket into
place. Install short, upper bracket screws first and
long bottom screw last. Verify that valve springs and
bracket are properly aligned. Then tighten all three
bracket screws to 4 Nzm (35 in. lbs.) torque.
(24) Install module and connecting tube. Be sure
long end of tube goes to module (Fig. 106). Tighten
module screws to 4 Nzm (35 in. lbs.) torque.
(25) Install throttle lever in valve body. Then in-
stall manual lever over throttle lever and start man-
ual lever into valve body.
(26) Align manual lever detent with detent ball Fig. 118 Manual And Throttle Lever Alignment
and align lever arm with manual valve. Hold throttle screw settings were moved or changed, readjust as
lever upward. Then press down on manual lever un- described in Valve Body Control Pressure Adjust-
til lever is fully seated. ment procedure.
(27) Install manual lever seal, washer and retain-
(28) Lubricate shaft of manual lever with light ADJUSTMENTS
coat of petroleum jelly. This will help protect seal lip There are two control pressure adjustments on the
when manual shaft seal is installed. valve body which are, line pressure and throttle pres-
(29) Verify that throttle lever is aligned with end sure.
of kickdown valve stem and that manual lever arm is The two pressures are interdependent because each
engaged in manual valve (Fig. 118). affects shift quality and timing. Each pressure ad-
(30) If line pressure and/or throttle pressure ad- justment must be performed properly and in the cor-
justment screw settings were not disturbed, continue
with overhaul or reassembly. However, if adjustment

rect sequence. The correct sequence is line pressure

adjustment first and throttle pressure adjustment

Line Pressure Adjustment

Measure distance from the valve body to the inner
edge of the adjusting screw with an accurate steel
scale (Fig. 119).
Distance should be 33.4 mm (1-5/16 in.).
If adjustment is required, turn the adjusting screw
in, or out, to obtain required distance setting.
The 33.4 mm (1-5/16 in.) setting is an approxi-
mate setting. Because of manufacturing toler-
ances, it may be necessary to vary from this
dimension to obtain desired pressure.
One complete turn of the adjusting screw changes
line pressure approximately 1-2/3 psi (9 kPa). Turn- Fig. 120 Throttle Pressure Adjustment
ing the adjusting screw counterclockwise increases Shop towels used for wiping off your hands and ser-
pressure while turning the screw clockwise decreases vice tools must be made of lint free materials. Lint
pressure. will adhere to transmission parts and could interfere
with valve operation, or even restrict fluid passages.
Lubricate the transmission components with ATF
Plus, or Dexron II™ during reassembly. Use petro-
leum jelly, Door Eze, or Ru-Glyde on seals and
O-rings to ease installation.
Petroleum jelly can also be used to hold thrust
washers and plates in position during assembly oper-
ations. However, do not use chassis grease, bearing
grease, white grease, or similar lubricants on any
transmission part. These types of lubricants can
eventually block or restrict fluid passages and valve
operation. Use petroleum jelly only.
Do not force parts into place. Most of the transmis-
sion components are easily installed by hand when
properly aligned. If a part seems extremely difficult
to install, it is either misaligned or incorrectly as-
Fig. 119 Line Pressure Adjustment
sembled. Also verify that thrust washers, thrust
Throttle Pressure Adjustment plates and seal rings are correctly positioned before
Insert Gauge Tool C-3763 between the throttle le- assembly. These parts can interfere with proper as-
ver cam and the kickdown valve stem (Fig. 120). sembly if mispositioned or ‘‘left out’’ by accident.
Push the gauge tool inward to compress the kick-
down valve against the spring and bottom the throt- TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT
tle valve. PROCEDURES
Maintain pressure against kickdown valve spring.
Turn throttle lever stop screw until the screw head SERVO INSTALLATION
touches throttle lever tang and the throttle lever cam (1) Install rear servo piston, spring and spring re-
touches gauge tool. tainer. Compress rear servo spring and retainer with
The kickdown valve spring must be fully com- Compressor Tool C-3422-B or a large C-clamp.
pressed and the kickdown valve completely (2) Install front servo piston, spring and rod guide.
bottomed to obtain correct adjustment. Compress front servo rod guide with Valve Spring
Compressor C-3422-B and install servo snap ring.
Do not allow dirt, grease, or foreign material to en- OVERRUNNING CLUTCH INSTALLATION
ter the case or transmission components during as- (1) Examine bolt holes in overrunning clutch cam.
sembly. Keep the transmission case and components Note that one hole is not threaded (Fig. 121). This
clean. Also make sure the tools and workbench area hole must align with blank area in clutch cam bolt
used for assembly are equally clean. circle (Fig. 122).

Fig. 121 Location Of Non-Threaded Hole In Clutch


Fig. 123 Overrunning Clutch Cam Alignment

(8) Lubricate overrunning clutch rollers, springs
and cam with ATF Plus transmission fluid.


A different rear band and linkage is used in 30RH
and 32RH transmissions.
The 30RH transmission has a single wrap band,
one pivot pin and a band link to connect the lever
(Fig. 124). The lever adjusting screw is in direct con-
tact with the servo piston. A strut is used to connect
the lever to the band lug.
The 32RH transmission has a double wrap band, a
pivot pin, and a reaction pin (Fig. 125). The band le-
Fig. 122 Location Of Blank Area In Clutch Cam Seat ver pivots against a lug on the band. A strut is not
Of Case used. The reaction pin functions as the stop, or locat-
ing mechanism for the band lower lug.
(2) Mark location of non threaded hole in clutch
cam and blank area of case with paint stripe (Fig. Rear Band Installation Procedure
123). (1) On 32RH transmission, install band compo-
(3) Align and install overrunning clutch cam in nents and low-reverse drum as follows:
case (Fig. 123). Be sure cam is correctly installed. (a) Install reaction pin in case (Fig. 126).
Bolt holes in cam are slightly countersunk on (b) Position band in case and seat band lug
one side. This side of cam faces rearward (to- against reaction pin.
ward rear support). (c) Slide low-reverse drum through band (Fig.
(4) Partially install overrunning clutch in cam 127). Then tilt drum slightly and start clutch race
(Fig. 123). into overrunning clutch rollers.
(5) Verify that non threaded hole in clutch cam is (d) Rotate drum in clockwise direction and push
properly aligned (Fig. 123). Check alignment by drum inward until race is seated in overrunning
threading a clutch cam bolt into each hole. Adjust clutch.
cam position if necessary before proceeding.
(e) Install rear band lever (Fig. 128). Be sure le-
(6) Seat overrunning clutch in clutch cam after
ver pivot pin is fully seated in case afterward.
verifying correct cam alignment.
(2) On 30RH transmission, install band compo-
(7) Install overrunning clutch cam bolts. Clutch
nents and low-reverse drum as follows:
cam bolts are shorter than rear support bolts.
Tighten cam bolts to 17 Nzm (150 in. lbs. or 13 ft.
lbs.) torque.

Fig. 127 Rear Band And Low-Reverse Drum

Installation (32RH)

Fig. 124 Rear Band Components (30RH)

Fig. 128 Rear Band Lever And Pivot Pin Installation

Fig. 125 Rear Band Components (32RH)
131). Then tilt drum slightly and start clutch race
into overrunning clutch rollers.
(d) Rotate drum in clockwise direction and push
drum inward until race is seated in overrunning
(e) Install rear band lever and pivot pin. Be sure
lever pivot pin is fully seated in case afterward.
(3) Hold low-reverse drum in position and install
rear support (Fig. 132)
(4) Align support with punch marks made during
(5) Install and tighten rear support bolts to 17 Nzm
Fig. 126 Rear Band Reaction Pin Installation (32RH) (150 in. lbs.) torque.
(a) Assemble band and link. Be sure that notch
in one side of link is facing band (Fig. 129).
(b) Position band and link in case (Fig. 130).
(c) Slide low-reverse drum through band (Fig.

Fig. 129 Assembling Rear Band And Link (30RH)

Fig. 132 Rear Support Installation

Fig. 130 Rear Band Positioned In Case (30RH)

Fig. 133 Installing Low-Reverse Drum Snap Ring

Fig. 131 Low-Reverse Drum And Band Lever

Installation (30RH)
(6) Install snap ring that retains low-reverse drum
to hub of rear support (Fig. 133).


(1) Lubricate output shaft, rear support bore and
low-reverse drum hub with transmission fluid.
(2) Install assembled output shaft and planetary
geartrain in case (Fig. 134).
(3) Align drive lugs on rear planetary gear with
slots in low-reverse drum (Fig. 135). Then seat plan-
etary assembly in drum.

Fig. 134 Installing Output Shaft And Planetary


Fig. 135 Aligning/Seating Rear Planetary In Low- Fig. 136 Governor Valve And Output Shaft Spotface
Reverse Drum Alignment
(1) Lubricate governor components and park gear
seal rings with transmission fluid.
(2) Install governor filter in park gear and install
governor body on gear. Align governor body on gear
using marks made at disassembly.
(3) Install new seal rings on hub of park gear if
necessary. Be sure ring (or rings) with hooked ends
are properly connected.
(4) Install governor weight assembly in governor
body. Be sure governor weight snap rings are se-
curely seated.
(5) Align and install governor/park gear assembly
on output shaft as follows:
(a) Note that output shaft in current trans-
mission is spotfaced for governor valve end
clearance (Fig. 136). Shaft must be indexed so Fig. 137 Installing Governor Body And Park Gear
that small end of governor valve will seat in in valve and in output shaft. If valve shaft binds,
this spotface. Install governor body and park
governor/park gear is misaligned.
as follows to ensure proper alignment and op-
(b) Rotate output shaft until spotface (at gover-
nor valve shaft hole) is facing upward (Fig. 136).
(c) Position valve bore in governor body over
spotface on output shaft. Then align valve shaft
holes in governor body and output shaft.
(d) Align splines in output shaft and park gear
(e) Carefully push assembly into place in rear
support (Fig. 137).
(f) Verify that governor valve shaft holes in out-
put shaft and governor body are still in alignment.
Reposition governor body and park gear if align-
ment is not correct.
(g) Tighten bolts attaching governor body to park
gear to 11 Nzm (95 in. lbs.) torque.
(6) Install first E-clip on governor valve shaft. Fig. 138 Installing Governor Valve And Shaft
Then install governor valve and shaft in governor
body (Fig. 138). Be sure valve shaft moves freely

(7) Rotate output shaft until opposite end of gover-

nor valve shaft is facing upward. Then install re-
maining E-clip on governor valve shaft (Fig. 139). Be
very sure both E-clips are firmly seated on shaft.

Fig. 141 Installing Output Shaft Thrust Plate

Fig. 139 Securing Governor Valve Shaft With New

(8) Install snap ring that retains governor body on
output shaft (Fig. 140).

Fig. 142 Input Shaft Seal Ring Location

(4) Align clutch discs in front clutch and install
front clutch on rear clutch (Fig. 143). Rotate front
clutch retainer back and forth until completely
seated on rear clutch.

Fig. 140 Installing Governor Body Snap Ring

(1) Install output shaft thrust plate on shaft hub
(Fig. 141). Use petroleum jelly to hold thrust plate in
(2) Check input shaft seal rings (Fig. 142). Verify
that diagonal-cut ends of teflon seal ring are properly
joined and ends of metal ring are correctly hooked to-
gether. Also be sure rings are installed sequence
(3) Check rear clutch thrust washer. Use addi-
tional petroleum jelly to hold washer in place if nec-
Fig. 143 Assembling Front And Rear Clutch Units

(5) Coat output shaft thrust washer with petro- annulus gear. Verify that front clutch drive lugs are
leum jelly. Then install washer in rear clutch hub fully engaged in slots of driving shell after installa-
(Fig. 144). Use enough petroleum jelly to hold tion.
washer in place. Be sure grooved side of washer
faces rearward (toward output shaft) as shown.
Also note that washer only fits one way in
clutch hub.

Fig. 144 Installing Output Shaft Thrust Washer

(6) Align drive teeth on rear clutch discs with
small screwdriver (Fig. 145). This will make installa- Fig. 146 Installing Front/Rear Clutch Assemblies
tion on front planetary easier. FRONT BAND AND OIL PUMP INSTALLATION
(1) Slide front band over front clutch retainer (Fig.
(2) Insert front band reaction pin part way into
case (Fig. 147).

Fig. 145 Aligning Rear Clutch Disc Lugs

(7) Raise front end of transmission upward as far
as possible and support case with wood blocks. Front/
rear clutch and oil pump assemblies are easier to in-
stall if transmission is as close to upright position as Fig. 147 Installing Front Band And Reaction Pin
(3) Install front band lever, strut, lever pin and ad-
(8) Install front and rear clutch units as assembly
justing screw (Fig. 148).
(Fig. 146). Align rear clutch with front annulus gear
and install assembly in driving shell. Be sure out- (4) Tighten front band adjusting screw until band
put shaft thrust washer and thrust plate are not just grips clutch retainer. Verify that front/rear
displaced during installation. clutches are still seated before continuing.
(9) Carefully work assembled clutches back and (5) Coat band lever pin access plug with sealer and
forth to engage and seat rear clutch discs on front install plug in converter housing (Fig. 149).

CAUTION: The thrust washer bore (I.D.), is cham-

fered on one side. Make sure the chamfered side is
installed so it faces the pump.

Fig. 148 Front Band Linkage Installation

Fig. 151 Front Clutch Thrust Washer Installation

(8) Thread two Pilot Stud Tools C-3288-B into bolt
holes in oil pump flange (Fig. 152).
(9) Align and install oil pump gasket (Fig. 152).

Fig. 149 Installing Front Band Pivot Pin Access

(6) Verify that reaction shaft support hub seal
rings are hooked together (Fig. 150).

Fig. 152 Installing Pilot Studs And Oil Pump Gasket

(10) Lubricate oil pump seals with Ru-Glyde, Door
Eze, or transmission fluid.
(11) Install oil pump (Fig. 153). Align and position
pump on pilot studs. Slide pump down studs and
work it into front clutch hub and case by hand. Then
Fig. 150 Reaction Shaft Support Seal Rings install two or three pump bolts to hold pump in
(7) Coat front clutch thrust washer with petroleum place.
jelly to hold it in place. Then install washer over re- (12) Remove pilot stud tools and install remaining
action shaft hub and seat it on pump (Fig. 151). oil pump bolts. Tighten bolts alternately in diagonal
pattern to 20 Nzm (15 ft-lbs).


(1) Measure input shaft end play (Fig. 154).

(4) Install accumulator piston and spring (Fig. 155)

in case.

Fig. 155 Installing Accumulator Piston And Spring

(5) Place valve body manual lever in low to move
park lock rod rearward.
(6) Position valve body on case. Work park rod past
sprag and install valve body-to-case bolts finger
Fig. 153 Installing Oil Pump And Reaction Shaft
(7) Install park/neutral position switch in case.
(2) Attach dial indicator to converter housing. Po- Tighten switch to 34 Nzm (25 ft. lbs.) torque.
sition indicator plunger against input shaft and zero (8) Align valve body on case (Fig. 156).
indicator. (9) Install and tighten valve body-to-case bolts al-
(3) Move input shaft in and out and record read- ternately and evenly to 12 Nzm (105 in. lbs.) torque.
ing. End play should be 0.56 - 2.31 mm (0.022 - 0.091 Start at center and work outward when tightening
in.). bolts. Do not overtighten valve body bolts. This
(4) If end play is incorrect, transmission is incor- could result in distortion and cross leakage af-
rectly assembled, or output shaft thrust washer ter installation..
and/or thrust plate are worn and need to be changed. (10) Connect converter clutch solenoid wire to case
connector (Fig. 156).
(11) Install new filter on valve body (Fig. 157).
Tighten filter screws to 4 Nzm (35 in. lbs.).

Fig. 154 Checking Input Shaft End Play

(1) Install new manual lever shaft seal in case.
Use 15/16 deep well socket to install seal. Fig. 156 Valve Body Installation
(2) Make sure neutral switch has not been in- BAND ADJUSTMENT AND OIL PAN
stalled in case. Remove switch if necessary as it will INSTALLATION
interfere with valve body installation. (1) Adjust front band as follows:
(3) Install new seal rings on accumulator piston (a) Loosen locknut.
(Fig. 155). Lubricate accumulator piston, seals and (b) Tighten adjusting screw to 72 in. lbs. torque.
accumulator bore with transmission fluid.

(3) Install new pan gasket on transmission and in-

stall oil pan. Tighten pan bolts to 17 Nzm (13 ft. lbs.).
(4) Turn transmission over.


(1) Install throttle valve and manual valve levers
on shaft.
(2) Position new extension adapter housing gasket
on transmission case. Use petroleum jelly to hold
gasket in place.
(3) Install new rear seal in extension housing if re-
(4) Install extension/adapter housing on transmis-
sion case. Tighten housing fasteners to 33 Nzm (24 ft.
lbs.). Be sure park lock rod is properly engaged in
Fig. 157 Fluid Filter Installation sprag before tightening fasteners.
(c) Back off front band adjusting screw as fol- (5) Lubricate converter hub with transmission
lows: fluid and carefully install converter. Turn converter
• On 30RH (2.5L), back adjusting screw off 2 back and forth until seated. Be sure converter hub
1/2 turns slots are fully seated in oil pump gear lugs.
• On 32RH (4.0L), back adjusting screw off 2 (6) Secure converter in oil pump before mounting
1/4 turns transmission on jack and before moving transmission
(d) Hold adjusting screw in position and tighten back under vehicle. Use metal strapping, C-clamp, or
locknut to 34 Nzm (25 ft. lbs.). locking pliers to hold converter in place. Attach hold-
(2) Adjust rear band as follows: ing tool to converter housing.
(a) Loosen locknut.
(b) Tighten adjusting screw as follows: On 32RH CAUTION: The transmission cooler and lines must
transmission, tighten screw to 8 Nzm (72 in. lbs). be reverse flushed if overhaul corrected a malfunc-
torque. On 30RH transmission. Tighten screw to 5 tion that generated sludge, metal particles, or
Nzm (41 in. lbs.) torque. clutch friction material. The torque converter should
(c) Back off rear band adjusting screw as follows: also be replaced if contaminated by the same mal-
• On 30RH (2.5L), back adjusting screw off 7 function. Debris and residue not flushed from the
turns cooler and lines will flow back into the transmission
• On 32RH (4.0L), back adjusting screw off 4 and converter. The result could be a repeat failure
and shop comeback.
(d) Hold adjusting screw in place and tighten
locknut to 34 Nzm (25 ft. lbs.) torque.

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