30RH & 32RH Automatic Transmission
30RH & 32RH Automatic Transmission
30RH & 32RH Automatic Transmission
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General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Torque Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 66
Parts Interchangeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Transmission Application . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 66
Recommended Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Transmission Controls and Components .. . . . . . 66
Specifications and Band Adjustments .. . . . . . . . 66 Transmission Identification . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 66
The front/rear clutch pistons and servo pistons are
actuated by line pressure. When line pressure is re-
moved, the pistons are released by spring tension.
On 2-3 upshifts, the front servo piston is released
by spring tension and hydraulic pressure. The accu-
mulator controls hydraulic pressure on the apply side
of the front servo during 1-2 upshifts and at all
throttle openings.
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Air Pressure Test . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 73 Gearshift Linkage . . . . . . ..... ......... . . . . 70
Analyzing the Road Test . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 70 General Information . . . . . ..... ......... . . . . 69
Converter Housing Leak Diagnosis .. . . . . . . . . . 73 Hydraulic Pressure Test . ..... ......... . . . . 71
Converter Stall Test .......... ... . . . . . . . . . 72 Preliminary Diagnosis . . . ..... ......... . . . . 69
Diagnosis Guides and Charts . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 76 Road Test . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ......... . . . . 70
Fluid Level and Condition . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 69 Transmission Throttle Valve Cable Adjustment . . 70
(8) Check fluid condition. Fluid should be dark to Operate the transmission in all gear ranges. Check
light red in color and free of dirt or debris. for slippage and shift variations. Note whether the
(9) If fluid is discolored or smells burned but trans- shifts are harsh, spongy, delayed, early, or if part
mission operation was OK, check cooler flow, flush throttle downshifts are sensitive.
cooler and lines and change fluid and filter. Then Watch closely for slippage or engine flare which
road test again to confirm proper operation. usually indicates clutch, band or overrunning clutch
(10) If fluid is black or dark brown, burned/turned problems. If the condition is advanced, an overhaul
to sludge, contains large quantities of metal or fric- may be necessary to restore normal operation.
tion material particles, transmission will need over- A slipping clutch or band can often be determined
haul. Especially if problems were evident during by comparing which internal units are applied in the
road test and preliminary diagnosis. Fluid cooler various gear ranges. The Clutch and Band Applica-
should also be flow tested and flushed if necessary. tion chart (Fig. 3) provides a basis for analyzing road
test results.
A low fluid level allows the pump to take in air
along with the fluid. Air in the fluid will cause fluid
pressures to be low and develop slower than normal.
If the transmission is overfilled, the gears churn
the fluid into foam. This aerates the fluid causing
the same conditions that occur with a low level.
In either case, air bubbles cause fluid overheating,
oxidation and varnish buildup which interferes with
valve, clutch and servo operation. Foaming also
causes fluid expansion which can result in fluid over-
flow from the transmission vent or fill tube. Fluid
overflow can easily be mistaken for a leak if inspec-
tion is not careful.
(5) Line pressure should be 54-60 psi (372-414 (4) Slowly increase engine speed and observe
kPa) with throttle lever forward and gradually in- speedometer and pressure test gauge. Governor pres-
crease to 90-96 psi (620-662 kPa) as lever is moved sure should increase in proportion to vehicle speed
rearward. (approximately 1 psi for every 1 mph shown on
Test Three-Transmission In D Range (5) Governor pressure rise should be smooth and
This test checks pressure regulation and con- drop back to 0 to 1-1/2 psi when throttle is closed
dition of the front and rear clutch circuits. and wheels are stopped.
Both test gauges are required for this test. (6) Compare results of pressure tests with analysis
(1) Connect one test gauge to line pressure port
chart (Fig. 7).
and other gauge to front servo pressure port (Fig. 4).
Either gauge can be used at either port.
(2) Start and run engine at 1600 rpm.
(3) Move selector lever two detents rearward from
full forward position. This is D range.
(4) Read pressures on both gauges as transmission
throttle lever is moved from full forward to full rear-
ward position.
(5) Line pressure should be 54-60 psi (372-414
kPa) with throttle lever forward and gradually in-
crease as lever is moved rearward.
(6) Front servo is pressurized only in D range and
should be same as line pressure within 3 psi (21
kPa), up to downshift point.
Some suspected converter housing fluid leaks may (7) If the probe upper surface is dry, the converter
not be leaks at all. Residual fluid in the housing, or and seal are not at fault. A path of fluid across the
excess fluid spilled during factory fill or refill after probe upper surface indicates a converter or seal
repair can be mistaken for a leak. In addition, a rear leak. Fluid leaking under the probe is coming from
main seal leak can also be mistaken for a pump seal the pump housing area (Fig. 11).
leak if care is exercised. (8) Fluid leaking under the probe could be from
Converter housing leaks have several potential the: pump seal and/or bushing, pump vent, kickdown
sources. Through careful observation, a leak source lever shaft access plug, pump bolts, or porous spots
can be identified before removing the transmission in the pump body or transmission case (Fig. 11).
for repair. (9) If porous spots in the transmission case or
Pump seal leaks tend to move along the drive hub pump body are the suspected leak source, pressurize
and onto the rear of the converter. Pump O-ring or the transmission as described in Leak Testing With
pump body leaks follow the same path as a seal leak Air Pressure.
(Fig. 9).
Pump vent or pump attaching bolt leaks are gener-
ally deposited on the inside of the converter housing
and not on the converter itself (Fig. 9).
Pump seal or gasket leaks usually travel down the
inside of the converter housing.
Front band lever pin plug leaks are generally de-
posited on the housing and not on the converter.
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Checking Fluid Level and Condition . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Servicing Transmission Cooler Lines and Fittings . 106
Front Band Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Shift Cable Adjustment (XJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Gearshift Linkage Adjustment (YJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Speedometer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Governor and Park Gear Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Transmission Cooler Flow Testing . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Oil Filter Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Transmission Cooler Reverse Flushing . . . . . . . 105
Park Interlock Cable Adjustment (XJ) . . . . . . . . . 97 Transmission Throttle Cable Adjustment (XJ/YJ) . 98
Park Lock Component Replacement . . . . . . . . . 102
Park/Neutral Position Switch Service . . . . . . . . . 103 Valve Body Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Rear Band Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Valve Body Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Recommended Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Valve Body Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
THROTTLE CABLE ADJUSTMENT Mopar spray lube or petroleum jelly. Be sure screw
PROCEDURE turns freely in case. This is necessary for accurate
Cable adjustment is performed entirely in the adjustment.
engine compartment. It is not necessary to raise (4) Tighten band adjusting screw to 8 Nzm (72 in.
the vehicle for access to any other components. lbs.) torque with inch-pound torque wrench. If
(1) Shift transmission into Park and shut engine Adapter Extension C-3705 is needed in order to
off. reach adjusting screw, tighten screw to only 5-6
(2) Press cable release button (Fig. 5). Nzm (47-50 in. lbs.) torque (Fig. 7).
(5) Back off front band adjusting screw as follows:
• On 30RH (2.5L), back adjusting screw off
2-1/2 turns
• On 32RH (4.0L), back adjusting screw off
2-1/4 turns
(6) Hold adjuster screw in position and tighten
locknut to 41 Nzm (30 ft. lbs.) torque.
(7) Lower vehicle.
(1) Align and install park gear/governor assembly
on output shaft.
(2) Align valve shaft bore in governor body with
bore in output shaft. Be sure hole in output shaft
for governor valve shaft is aligned with gover-
nor valve bore in governor body. Valve shaft
will bind if misalignment occurs. Remove and
reposition governor body if necessary.
(3) Install governor valve and shaft. Be sure shaft
slides freely in bore before installing E-clip on shaft.
(4) Install governor valve on shaft and in governor
body. Then install remaining shaft retaining snap
(5) Install components that retain governor body
and park gear on output shaft as follows:
(a) On models with single snap ring, install snap
ring (Fig. 12). Be sure ring is seated in shaft.
Fig. 13 Governor Components (b) On models with thrust washer and two snap
rings, install thin snap ring first. Then install
thrust washer second and thick snap ring last (Fig.
Thoroughly clean all the governor parts in a suit-
able cleaning solution but do not use any type of
16(c) Verify correct position of snap rings. Be
caustic cleaning agents. sure flat side of each snap ring is toward gov-
The weights and valves should fall freely in their ernor body.
bores when clean and dry. Minor surface scratches (6) Tighten governor-to-park gear bolts to 11 Nzm
and burrs can be removed with crocus cloth. (95 in. lbs.).
Inspect the governor weight spring for distortion. (7) Install adapter and gasket on transmission.
Replace the spring, if damaged. Clean the filter in Tighten adapter bolts to 32 Nzm (24 ft. lbs.).
solvent and dry it with compressed air. Replace the (8) Install transfer case and rear crossmember.
filter, if damaged. Inspect the park gear for chipped (9) Connect speedometer cable, or vehicle speed
or worn gear teeth or damaged ring grooves. Replace sensor wires exhaust pipe brackets and brake cable,
the gear, if damaged. if removed.
(10) Align and connect propeller shafts. Tighten
GOVERNOR ASSEMBLY clamp bolts to 19 Nzm (14 ft. lbs.) torque.
The governor valve used in 30RH/31RH/32RH (11) Remove supports and lower vehicle.
transmissions built since the 1992 model year, is (12) Check and adjust transmission fluid level.
made of aluminum. In addition, the output shaft
has been spotfaced to accept the new aluminum PARK LOCK COMPONENT REPLACEMENT
valve. The aluminum valve must not be used in
previous transmissions. The valve can only be COMPONENT REMOVAL
used with an output shaft that has been spot- (1) Raise vehicle and remove transfer case and
faced for valve end clearance. In addition, the adapter housing from transmission.
condenser. The auxiliary cooler is a serviceable com- Cooler flow is checked by measuring the amount of
ponent and can be repaired if necessary. fluid flow through the cooler in a 20 second time pe-
The main and auxiliary coolers should be thor- riod. The test is performed with the engine running
oughly reverse flushed if a transmission failure and transmission in neutral. Fluid is then pumped
contaminates the fluid. Reverse flushing the cooler through the cooler by the transmission oil pump.
and lines will prevent sludge and particles from (1) Disconnect cooler inlet line at transmission fitting.
flowing back into the transmission after repair. (2) Securely attach hose to end of inlet line and po-
The same flushing procedure is used for main and sition line in a one quart test container.
auxiliary coolers. Pressure equipment is preferred for (3) Add extra quart of fluid to transmission.
reverse flushing. However, reverse flushing can be (4) Use stopwatch to check flow test time.
performed using hand operated equipment as de-
(5) Shift transmission into neutral and set parking
scribed in the following procedure.
REVERSE FLUSHING PROCEDURE (6) Start and run engine at curb idle speed and im-
(1) Disconnect cooler lines at transmission. Refer mediately note cooler flow. Approximately one quart of
to Figure 21 for cooler line fitting identification. fluid should flow into test container in 20 second period.
Front fitting is outlet to cooler and rear fitting is in- (7) If cooler flow is intermittent, flows less than
let from cooler. one quart in 20 seconds, or does not flow at all,
cooler is faulty and must be replaced.
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Converter—Pump Seal—Drive Plate Service . . . 109 Transmission and Converter Removal . . . . . . . . 108
Transmission and Converter Installation . . . . . . . 109
CONVERTER—PUMP SEAL—DRIVE PLATE SERVICE The oil pump seal is accessible and can be replaced af-
ter the transmission and torque converter are removed.
Drive Plate Use Remover Tool C-3981B to remove the seal
The drive plate can be replaced or removed for service (Fig. 3). To use the tool, first start the tool into the
access after the transmission is out of the vehicle (Fig. 2). seal by hand. Next, thread the tool into the seal as
far as it will go. Use a wrench on the tool hex to turn
CAUTION: On YJ models with a 2.5L engine and the tool. Continue tightening until all the tool
30RH transmission, special bolts are used to attach threads firmly grip the metal part of the seal. Then
the driveplate to the crankshaft. These bolts have a tighten the tool puller screw to withdraw the seal
smaller hex head for torque converter clearance. from the pump body.
DO NOT interchange these bolts with similar size
bolts for any reason.
Torque Converter
The torque converter can be replaced or removed
for service access after the transmission has been re-
moved (Fig. 2).
CAUTION: Clearance between the sensor pickup (a) Remove any remaining fragments of original
face and driveplate ring gear must be correctly es- cardboard spacer from sensor pickup face.
tablished before engine startup. A cardboard
spacer, attached to the sensor face, is used for this
(b) Align and install new spacer on sensor (12) Position support stand under transmission
pickup face. Spacer has adhesive backing so it will and remove transmission jack.
adhere to sensor face. (13) Install transfer case on transmission adapter.
(c) Insert sensor into housing until it just Tighten attaching nuts to 41 Nzm (30 ft. lbs.) torque.
touches ring gear teeth. Then install and tighten (14) Install rear crossmember and attach transmis-
sensor attaching bolt. Correct clearance is estab- sion rear support to crossmember.
(15) Connect vehicle speed sensor wires.
lished when spacer is peeled off by ring gear dur-
(16) Install inspection cover on converter housing.
ing engine startup.
(17) Install exhaust pipes and support brackets, if
(10) Install transmission fill tube and O-ring (Fig. removed.
6). (18) Install starter motor.
(11) Connect transmission cooler lines to fittings. (19) Connect wires to park/neutral position switch.
Refer to Figure 7 for cooler line identification. (20) Connect gearshift and linkage and throttle ca-
(21) Connect transfer case shift linkage.
(22) Connect propeller shafts to transfer case
(23) Connect front exhaust pipes and catalytic con-
verter support bracket bolts (if removed).
(24) Install skid plate, rear cushion and bracket, if
(25) Fill transfer case to bottom edge of fill plug
hole with Mopar Dexron II.
(26) Lower vehicle and fill transmission to correct
level with ATF Plus, type 7176 fluid.
Fig. 7 Transmission Cooler Line Location And (27) Install fan shroud and bolts (if removed).
Identification (28) Check and adjust gearshift linkage if neces-
sary. Then check and adjust throttle cable if neces-
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Adapter Housing and Park Lock Component Rear Clutch Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Rear Servo and Band Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Front Clutch Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Transmission Assembly and Adjustment
Front Servo and Band Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 146
Governor and Park Gear Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . 121 Transmission Assembly Tips . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 146
Oil Pump Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Transmission Case Cleaning and Inspection .. . 118
Overhaul Service Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Transmission Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 112
Overrunning Clutch—Low-Reverse Drum—Rear Valve Body Assembly and Adjustment . . . . ... . 144
Support Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Valve Body Disassembly and Inspection . . ... . 138
Planetary Gear Train Overhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
(1) Clean transmission exterior with steam gun or
with solvent. Wear eye protection during cleaning
(2) Remove throttle and shift levers from valve
body manual shaft and throttle lever shaft.
(3) Mount transmission in repair stand C-3750-B
(Fig. 1).
(8) Remove oil pan bolts and remove pan and gas-
ket (Fig. 4).
Fig. 5 Valve Body Attaching Bolt Locations (Typical) Fig. 8 Removing/Installing Accumulator Piston And
(10) Disconnect solenoid wire from case connector
(Fig. 6). (13) Remove front band pivot pin access plug (Fig.
9). Plug is accessible through converter housing. Use
1/4 inch drive extension to remove plug as shown.
before final assembly, install cam only as de- Compress the reaction plug spring clip only
scribed in Transmission Assembly And Adjust- enough to remove or install it. The clip is easily
ment section. Clutch cam must be properly distorted if overcompressed. Replace the clip if
indexed in case to fit and operate properly. it becomes bent or distorted. Do not straighten
and reuse the clip if this occurs.
Be sure a replacement sprag is installed so the
sprag locking lug will face the park gear. Also be
sure the spring is correctly positioned as shown (Fig.
38). The sprag may not retract if the spring is
improperly installed.
Fig. 82 Installing Rear Planetary Front Thrust Fig. 85 Installing Driving Shell Rear Thrust Plate
Inspect the valves and plugs for scratches, burrs, place the valve body if any bores are distorted or
nicks, or scores. Also inspect the coating on the alu- scored. Inspect all of the valve body springs. The
minum valves and plugs (Fig. 114). If the coating is springs must be free of distortion, warpage or broken
damaged or worn through, the valve (or valve body) coils.
should be replaced. Trial fit each valve and plug in its bore to check
Aluminum valves and plugs should not be sanded
freedom of operation. When clean and dry, the valves
or polished under any circumstances. However, mi-
and plugs should drop freely into the bores. Valve
nor burrs or scratches on steel valves and plugs can
body bores do not change dimensionally with use. If
be removed with crocus cloth but do not round off the
valve or plug edges. Squareness of these edges is vi- the valve body functioned correctly when new, it will
tally important. These edges prevent foreign matter continue to operate properly after cleaning and in-
from lodging between the valves, plugs and bore. spection. It should not be necessary to replace a
Inspect all the valve and plug bores in the valve valve body assembly unless it is damaged in han-
body. Use a penlight to view the bore interiors. Re- dling.
21 - 143
Fig. 135 Aligning/Seating Rear Planetary In Low- Fig. 136 Governor Valve And Output Shaft Spotface
Reverse Drum Alignment
(1) Lubricate governor components and park gear
seal rings with transmission fluid.
(2) Install governor filter in park gear and install
governor body on gear. Align governor body on gear
using marks made at disassembly.
(3) Install new seal rings on hub of park gear if
necessary. Be sure ring (or rings) with hooked ends
are properly connected.
(4) Install governor weight assembly in governor
body. Be sure governor weight snap rings are se-
curely seated.
(5) Align and install governor/park gear assembly
on output shaft as follows:
(a) Note that output shaft in current trans-
mission is spotfaced for governor valve end
clearance (Fig. 136). Shaft must be indexed so Fig. 137 Installing Governor Body And Park Gear
that small end of governor valve will seat in in valve and in output shaft. If valve shaft binds,
this spotface. Install governor body and park
governor/park gear is misaligned.
as follows to ensure proper alignment and op-
(b) Rotate output shaft until spotface (at gover-
nor valve shaft hole) is facing upward (Fig. 136).
(c) Position valve bore in governor body over
spotface on output shaft. Then align valve shaft
holes in governor body and output shaft.
(d) Align splines in output shaft and park gear
(e) Carefully push assembly into place in rear
support (Fig. 137).
(f) Verify that governor valve shaft holes in out-
put shaft and governor body are still in alignment.
Reposition governor body and park gear if align-
ment is not correct.
(g) Tighten bolts attaching governor body to park
gear to 11 Nzm (95 in. lbs.) torque.
(6) Install first E-clip on governor valve shaft. Fig. 138 Installing Governor Valve And Shaft
Then install governor valve and shaft in governor
body (Fig. 138). Be sure valve shaft moves freely
(5) Coat output shaft thrust washer with petro- annulus gear. Verify that front clutch drive lugs are
leum jelly. Then install washer in rear clutch hub fully engaged in slots of driving shell after installa-
(Fig. 144). Use enough petroleum jelly to hold tion.
washer in place. Be sure grooved side of washer
faces rearward (toward output shaft) as shown.
Also note that washer only fits one way in
clutch hub.