The Boy and The Snake

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The Boy and The Snake

Scene No.: 1
Location: Farms Near a pond - EXT
Time: Day (Noon)
The modest reen !arms in the co"ntryside o! #r"nacha$ %radesh. The !arm consists o! one sma$$ h"t& a
pond on the o"tskirt !e' oats and co's spread a(o"t.
Dadi is sittin on a sma$$ soi$ p$atea" ho$din a thin stick& 'atchin the anima$s ra)in.
Shee$a& *a+" and ,-- other kids are p$ayin hide and seek near the pond. Shee$a is co"ntin a $oca$
!o$k$ore (re$ated to this ame.seeker) start !or seekin the kids hidden. She asks $o"d$y& /#aa"n../. #
(oy rep$ies hidin (ehind a tree&/nahi..../ . #s the (oy !inishes hidin& *a+" hidin (ehind other tree&
sho"ts&/#a +aao.../. Shee$a takes a start seekin !or the chi$dren& s$o' and a$ert. # (oy tries to
/Dhappa/ her& ("t she sa0es her on time and made t'o /1"t/. They are makin a $itt$e noise as the t"rn
is on its pick no' in the ame.
Dadi $ooks o0er her sho"$der and see chi$dren en+oyin the ame. She 'ipes s'eats o!! her cr"m($ed
!ace and takes (ack 'atchin the anima$s ra)in. (can sa0e the crops keep !$yin the (irds in
S"dden$y 2e hear Shee$a screamin& / Snake.. snake/ . Dadi $ooks o0er her sho"$der and see Shee$a
screamin and come r"nnin pointin to'ards the pond. 1ther chi$dren are !o$$o'in Shee$a&
!rihtened and rest$ess. #$$ they ather aro"nd Dadi& pantin and comp$ainin a(o"t the snake. Dadi
make them ca$mer a $itt$e& says&/Don3t (e so 'orried kids& its as norma$ in !arms& specia$$y near ponds
and hi$$s& $et them do his +o(& +"st (e a$ert& o p$ay/. 4ids are sti$$ !rihtened and hesitates to o to'ards
pond side te$$in& /No 'e sha$$ not o that side.... 'e are a!raid/.
Dadi $ook at them and p$ays a trick. Smi$in mischie0o"s$y& she te$$s & /1.4 .. i! yo" are a!raid& don3t
o. Sit here /. 5hi$dren sits there !or a 'hi$e& $ookin at the anima$s& !arms& the ($"e sky& hi$$s. B"t a!ter
6"ite a 'hi$e 'e can start readin (oredom on their !aces. Dadi is h"mmin any !o$k$ore& ("sy in !$yin
the (irds 'ith the stick in her hand. She takes a stro$$ aro"nd the !arms& !$yin the peckin (irds. She
has 'a$ked "p to a distance 'hen !ina$$y Shee$a (reaks the si$ence and p$eads $o"d$y&/dadi.. dadi .. koi
kahaani s"nao na.../.
Dadi doesn3t i0e a notice. Shee$a $ooks at the other chi$dren to aree 'ith her and p$ead 'ith dadi to
te$$ a story. #$$ the kids start makin noise& /Dadi kahani... Dadi kahaani.. Dadi kahaani/.
Dadi comes stro$$in near the kids& arees te$$in&/1.4.. 1.k ... stop makin noise... o.k kids. o.k 'hich
story 7/
Shee$a 6"ick$y rep$ies& /Story o! Snake / 888 1ther kids $ook at Shee$a !irst and than are $ookin at Dadi
'ith e9pectation.
Dadi thinks !or a 'hi$e and nods& /1.4 .. $isten the story o! /The Boy and The Snake/.
# kid e9presses c"riosity& /....a snake 8 /.
Dadi&/ yes ... a snake. No' $isten& once "pon a time& in a 0i$$ae near the Lohit ri0er& there $i0ed a thin&
smart (oy named& :;#NTE . <e $ost his parents 'hen he 'as 6"ite yo"n& so he 'as $i0in a$one in
his h"t& at the o"tskirt o! 0i$$ae& near the ri0er. E0en he don3t ha0e any re$ati0es. 2itho"t !ami$y&
!riends and re$ati0es he $i0ed a $one$y $i!e. For his s"r0i0a$& he "sed to 'ork in others !arms d"rin crop
season. D"rin no 'ork& he "sed to o !or !ish in the ri0er and streams e0eryday. 1ne day& in his ho"se&
he 'as $ookin !or somethin to cook ......
Scene: =
Location: :"ante3s h"t - >NT
Time: Day (mornin)
S$ides o! sketches starts.
2e see :"ante $ookin !or edi($es in his ho"se and !ind nothin. <e ets a $itt$e disappointed& oes to
the pitcher and sits near it to drink a $ot o! 'ater. <e stands "p& thinks !or a 'hi$e $ookin aro"nd in his
h"t& picks "p his !ishin net and starts !or !ishin.
Dadi contin"es& /... 'hen he doesn3t !ind anythin to eat at home& 'hat e$se $e!t to do !or him... o
!ishin 88 :"ante oes to =-? streams in the +"n$e near hi$$s & +"des it and !inds that there is no m"ch
!ishes in there. Fina$$y he oes to the ri0er. <e thro's the net in the 'ater and sits on a stone& 'aitin
!or the !ishes to ca"ht in the net. <e ets (ored keepin a 'atch on the net "nder 'ater& stands "p&
stro$$s aro"nd $ookin at the net in (et'een&e9pectin any stirs in the 'ater& ("t !or ettin
disappointed on$y. Fina$$y he sits near the smoothen stones o! ri0er(ed and start tryin to (a$ance one
"pon one.
#!ter a 'hi$e& he notices stirs makin in the 'ater. <e r"ns and starts p"$$in the net !rom the ri0er. <e
!e$t that the net is hea0ier than "s"a$. <e (ecomes happy& p"$$in the net 'ith a$$ his miht& thinkin
that he has ca"ht a (i !ish today. <e !inishes p"$$in the net and see it 'ith s"rprise.. yo" kno'
to (e contin"e..
Scene No.: ?
Location: Farms Near a pond - EXT
Time: Day (Noon)
#$$ the chi$dren are mesmeri)ed 'ith the story. Dadi is $ookin at the chi$dren 'ith 6"estion in her
eyes&/...'hat has he ca"ht7/
5hi$dren $ooks to each-other thinkin the ans'er.
*a+" rep$ies hesitant$y& /..a (i !ish ?88/
Dadi smi$es 'ith a secret in her eyes and say& /# B>@ snake.../
5hidren e9c$aims& /...snake... ho' (i 'as that7/. E0ery(ody is c"rio"s and $itt$e !rihtened.
Dadi& / 0ery (i/.
/Than 'hat happened7/& asks *a+".
Dadi contin"es 'ith the story& /:"ante sees that a (i snake is ca"ht in the net and tryin to et !ree
'ith a$$ his miht. B"t the net 'as 6"ite stron. :"ante keep $ookin at the str"$in snake !or a
'hi$e& thinkin somethin...
to (e contin"e....
Scene No.: A
Location: *i0er Bank - EXT
Time: Day (Noon)
<e 'as e9pectin a (i !ish instead he ca"ht a (i snake& so he tho"ht that there is nothin to eat at
home and he has not ca"ht a !ish e0en& so he 'i$$ cook the snake today& and he started 'rappin the
S"ddene$y he sees that a (e"ti!"$ ir$ is comin to'ards him !rom the ri0erside. The ir$ comes near
:"ante and re6"ests to set !ree the snake. S"rprised 'ith her (ea"ty and s"dden presnce& :"ante asks
her&/ 'ho are yo" and 'here does yo" come !rom./.
The (ea"ti!"$& yo"n ir$ rep$ies that she is a snake ir$& $i0es in the ri0er 'ith her !ather& 'ho has (een
ca"ht in his !ishin-net and she (es that p$ease set !ree his !ather. :"ante says that he can3t (eca"se
he has nothin to eat today at home& so he 'i$$ cook the snake !or his mea$ today. The ir$ keep (ein
("t in 0ain. :"ante doesn3t mo0es. Finna$$y the ir$ keeps an o!!er& 'hich :"ante& a$ready impressed
'ith ir$3s (ea"ty& !ind di!!ic"$t to re!"se.
to (e contin"e
Scene No.: ,
Location: Farms Near a pond - EXT
Time: Day (Noon)
Dadi asks& / yo" kno' 'hat..7 /
1ne o! the chi$dren rep$ies& /'ea$th7888/
Dadi says no.
#nother chi$dren&/Land 7887/
# (ea"ti!"$ <"t78887
Shee$a is thinkin deep$y& she rep$ies hesitant$y&/mariae888 /
Dadi smi$es and says&/ yes 888 she o!!ered to et married 'ith him& i! he set !ree her !ather. /
Scene No.: -
Location: *i0er Bank - EXT
Time: Day (Noon)
1n her promise& :"ante set the snake !ree. #!ter ettin !ree !rom the net the snake stood hih. <e 'as
too (i than :"ante. The snake ir$ to$d her !ather that she has proposed to et married 'ith the man.
The snake et anry $istenin it& opposin the proposa$ that a snake ir$ can not marry a man. <e !orced
the ir$ to ret"rn home 'ith him. The ir$ and the snake et a'ay in the 'ater. :"ante co"$dn3t do any
thin ("t to see them disappearin in the 'ater and t"rn to o home. <e 'as ret"rnin home empty
hand repentin on himse$!& thinkin deep$y a(o"t the ir$.
to (e contin"e...
Scene No.: B
Location: Farms Near a pond - EXT
Time: Day (Noon)
Dadi takes a sih. 5hi$dren are $ookin mesmerised.
Shee$a&/ the ir$ didn3t married :"ante777 /
Dadi&/ No8/
Shee$a&/ than 'hat a(o"t the promise& the ir$ made to :"ante as condition o! settin his !ather !ree77
2hat happened to the snake& 'ho has not kept the promise./
Dadi&/ 2hat to happen.. the snake ca"ht in :"ante3s net once aain& a!ter sometime& one day./
5hi$dren c$aps on Dadi3s 0erse and asks&/ 'o'.... than 'hat happened77 the ir$ came aain..7
Dadi smi$es on chi$dren3s e9citation& says&/... yes... the ir$ came once aain and start (ein to set her
!ather. :"ante has not i0en an ear to her. 2hen she (eed aain and aain than :"ante to$d that yo"
ha0e not kept yo"r promise $ast time& yo" m"st (e p"nished this time& > am not oin to set him !ree on
any acco"nt. The snakeir$ to$d that this time she 'i$$ marry him de!inate$y& i! he $ea0es her !ather.
#!ter the ir$3s $ots o! p$eadin and promise& :"ante set !ree her !ather. This time the snake didn3t
oppose his da"hter marryin the (oy. The (oy married the ir$ and start $i0in in his h"t toether.
They 'ere $i0in happi$y toether "nti$$.....
*a+"&/.. 'hat "nti$$ Dadi maa& 'hat happened than77
Dadi& / .. "nti$$ the 0i$$aers didn3t kno' that the ir$ is a snake ir$. B"t one day someho' some o! the
0i$$aers ot to kno' the tr"th. They 'ere shocked and 0ery anry.
to (e contin"ed....
Scene No.: C
Location: 0i$$ae - EXT
Time: Day (Noon)
>mmediate$y they 'ent to the 0i$$ae chie! comp$ainin the (oys marriae 'ith a snake. The chie!
heard 'hat the 0i$$aers had to say. The chie! ordered to (ro"ht the (oy (e!ore him. :"ante 'as
accordin$y (ro"ht to the chie!3s co"rt. The chie! asked him& 'hether he married a snake. :"ante
rep$ied in a!!irmati0e. <earin this& the chie! ordered& /# !iht (et'een yo"r do and my do 'i$$ (e
arraned tomorro'. >! my do (eats yo"r do& yo" 'i$$ (e ki$$ed& i! my do is de!eated& > sha$$ (e
The co"rt ha$ted on chie!3s order.
:"ante came (ack his h"t 0ery sad. <e did not ha0e a ood do. <e !e$t that he 'o"$d (e ki$$ed
tomorro' !or s"re. Seein his h"s(and sad& the snake ir$ asked the reason. 2hen :"ante to$d the
reason& she smi$ed and said& / Don3t yo" 'orry. > sha$$ et a stron do tomorro./
She immediate$y $e!t !or her !ather3s pa$ce and came (ack ne9t mornin 'ith a (i& hea$thy do.
:"ante 'as 0ery happy to see the do. <e 'ent to the chie!3s ho"se on time and the !iht (et'een his
and chie!3s do (ean. Both !o"ht !ierce$y& ("t :"ante3s do 'as 0ery sharp and stron. Finna$y he
de!eated chie!3s do.
B"t the chie! didn3t keep his promise. >nstead& he said&>ts a mere chance that yo"r do de!eated my do.
> sha$$ arrane !or one more test. Tomorro' yo"r ("$$ 'i$$ !iht 'ith my ("$$. >! yo"r ("$$ de!eats mine&
> 'i$$ (e ki$$ed& e$se yo" 'i$$ (e ki$$ed./
%oor :"ante co"$dn3t protest and had to accept the cha$$ene. #ain he ret"rned home sad and 'orried&
!or he did not ha0e a ("$$. The ir$ asked the (oy that he don3t ha0e to (e 'orried. She ran to her
!ather3s !o"se and ret"rned 'ith a sto"t and stron ("$$. Ne9t day 'hen the !iht (ean& the (oy3s ("$$
made s"ch a !"rio"s attackthat chie!3s ("$$ has to r"n !or his $i!e.
:"ante said&/ 1 chie!8 Do"r ("$$ has (een de!eated. So& > sha$$ ki$$ yo" and sit on yo"r chair as the
The 'ic+ked chie! 'o"$d not aree. 1n the other hand he ordered that there sho"$d (e a !ina$ test.
/Both o! "s sha$$ try to di0ert the Lohit ri0er(y makin a damn./2hoe0er s"cceeds 'i$$ 'in the tes and
can ki$$ the other./
:"ante 'as rea$$y !rihtened. <e h"rried (ack home and to$d his 'i!eE
/The 'icked chie! has ca$$ed !or yet another test& 'hich > am s"re >3$$ !ai$./ Than he to$d her e0erythin.
<e "s"a$& his 'i!ecom!orted him (y sayin& / Don3t (e scared. E0erythin 'i$$ (e a$$ riht. :y !ather
'i$$ do the +o(./
She 'ent to her !ather and came (ack 'ith a o$den (asket. She a0e it to her h"s(and and said&
/#sk the chie! to di0ert the ri0er !irst. 2hen he !ai$s& yo" p"t this (asket into the ri0er. Do" 'i$$ see
'hat happens./
Ne9t day& the (oy prayed to the chie! to et on 'ith the +o( !irst. The chie! areed& and ordered
h"ndreds o! peop$e to ("i$d a damn on the ri0er. B"t a$ their e!!orts 'ere in 0ain. They !ai$ed to do
anythin. The hea0y 'ater c"rrent s'ept a$$ the earth and stone p"t (y the men. The men 'ere tired and
!ina$$y a0e "p.
Then the (oy 'ent near the 'ater and care!"$$y p"t the o$den (asket in midstream. #nd $o and (eho$d.
The !$o' o! 'ater stopped. Ne9t moment the ri0er chaned its co"rse.
E0en a!ter this the chie! 'o"$d not keep his 'ords.
/The test is not o0er yet. Let "s !iht. 2hoe0er 'ins 'i$$ ki$$ the other./ he anno"nced.
2itho"t $osin a moment :"nate3s 'i!e& the snake ir$& +"mped in to the 'ater and 'ent "nder the
'ater. $itt$e $ater she came "p 'ith a o$den dr"m and t'o si$0er sticks. #s soon as the chie!3s so$dier
ad0anced to'ards the (oy !or a !iht& she (ean (eatin the dr"m 'ith the si$0er sticks. #t once a$$
o(+ects in the p$ace- the trees& the rass& the ho"ses& the so$diers and e0en the chie! himse$! (ean to
dance $ike mad men. 2ithin a short time the so$diers and the chie! re' tired.
The (oy& 'ho 'as 'atchin the scene& thre' his net o0er the chie! and his so$diers. #$$ o! them 'ere
ca"ht and then ki$$ed& The (oy (ecame the chie!& and $i0ed happi$y therea!ter 'ith his snake-'i!e.
Scene No.: B
Location: Farms Near a pond - EXT
Time: Day (Noon)
Dadi asks the chi$dren& / So chi$dren ho' did yo" $iked the story./
5hi$dren rep$ies toether&/ Fery 0ery ood/
Dadi&/ 'hat ha0e yo" $earnt !rom this story7/
5hi$dren thinks !or a 'hi$e than rep$ies&/ Don3t think (ad !or any(ody e0er7/
Dadi&/ Des and d"rin pro($em& don3t $oose yo"r heart and co"rae. >! yo" are consio"s yo" can think a
'ayo"t !rom the pro($em. >ts time to o (ack home so (e!ore that sin 'ith me../
They sin in cor"s& the !o$k$ore (credit son o! the seria$).

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