John Hay PAC vs. Lim

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A. General Principles


CIR v. Cebu Portland Cement Co.
The Court of Tax Appeals ordered the Commission of I nternal Revenue (CI R) to refund to
Cebu Portland Cement Co. about P350k+, w/c represented overpayments of ad valorem
taxes on cement produced and sold by it.
CI R opposed the ruling, claiming that it had a right to apply the overpayment to another tax
liability of Cebu Portland sales tax on a manufactured product (the cement). CI R said that
cement is a manufactured and NOT a mineral product and therefore NOT exempt from
sales taxes. (mineral = exempt; manufactured = not exempt)
On the other hand, Cebu Portland said that it is exempt from sales tax under the Tax Code
because cement is a mineral product and NOT a manufactured product.
Court of Tax Appeals held that the alleged sales tax liability of Cebu Portland was still being
questioned and therefore could not be set-off against the refund.
A petition for review was filed by CI R.
I : W/n CI R must refund the overpayment of the ad valorem tax
R: NO. CI R has the right to apply the overpayment to Cebu Portlands sales tax deficiency.
The sales tax was properly imposed upon the company for the reason that cement has
always been considered a manufactured product and NOT a mineral product. (CI R v
Republic Cement)
o Cement was never considered a mineral product w/in the meaning of the Tax
Code, despite it being composed of 80% mineral, because cement is a PRODUCT
of the manufacturing process.
o Reliance cannot be made on Cebu Portland v CI R saying that cement = mineral
because this case has been overruled.
The argument that the assessment cannot as yet be enforced because it is still being
contested loses sight of the urgency of the need to collect taxes as the lifeblood of the
I f the payment of taxes could be postponed by simply questioning their validity, the
government would be paralyzed.
Thus, the Tax Code provides that no court shall have authority to grant an
injunction or restrain the collection of taxes, except when in the opinion of the Court
of Tax Appeals, the collection by the BI R or the Bureau of Customs may jeopardize the
interest of the Government and/ or the taxpayer.
o I n such a case, the Court, at any stage of the proceeding may suspend the
collection and require the taxpayer to either:
1. deposit the amount claimed OR
2. file a surety bond for not more than double the amount with the
The exception does not apply in this case. I n fact, there is all the more reason to enforce
the rule given that even after crediting of the refund against the tax deficiency, a balance of
more than P4 million was still due from the company.
To require the Commissioner to actually refund to the company the amount of the judgment
debt, which he will later have the right to distrain for payment of its sales tax liability is an
idle ritual.

Esso Standard Eastern Inc. v. CIR
ESSO deducted from its gross income for 1959, as part of its ordinary and necessary
business expenses, the amount it had spent for drilling and exploration of its
petroleum concessions.
The Commissioner on I nternal Revenue (CI R) disallowed the claim on the ground that
the expenses should be capitalized and might be written off as a loss only when a dry
hole should result.
Hence, ESSO filed an amended return where it asked for the refund of P323,270 by
reason of its abandonment, as dry holes, of several of its oil wells. I t also claimed as
ordinary and necessary expenses in the same return amount representing margin fees
it had paid to the Central Bank on its profit remittances to its New York Office.
I : W/n the margin fees are taxes OR necessary expenses which are deductible from its
gross income
R: No, they are neither taxes nor necessary expenses.
1) Margin fees are NOT taxes because they are NOT imposed as a revenue measure
but as a police measure whose proceeds are applied to strengthen the countrys
international reserves. Thus, the fee was imposed by the State in the exercise of its
POLI CE POWER and NOT taxation power.
2) Neither are they necessary and ordinary business expenses.
An expense is considered NECESSARY where the expenditure is helpful in the
development of the taxpayers business.
I t is ORDI NARY when it connotes a payment which is normal in relation to the
business of the taxpayer and the surrounding circumstances. The expenditure being
ordinary and necessary is determined based on its nature the extent and
permanency of the work accomplished by the expenditure.
I n this case, ESSO was unable to show that the remittance to the head office of part
of its profits was made in furtherance of its own trade or business.
I t merely presumed that all corporate expenses are necessary and appropriate in the
absence of a showing that they are illegal or ultra vires; which is erroneous. Claims for
deductions are a matter of legislative grace and do not turn on mere equitable

PAL v. Edu
Under a legislative franchise, Philippine Airlines is exempt from all taxes except for the
payment of 2% of its gross revenue to the National Government.
On the strength of an opinion of the Secretary of J ustice, PAL was determined not to
have been paying motor vehicle registration fees since 1956.
Eventually, the Land Transportation Commissioner required all tax exempt entities,
including PAL, to pay motor vehicle registration fees.
PAL protested.
I : W/n PAL is exempt from the payment of motor vehicle registration fees
R: YES, PAL is exempt.
The motor vehicle registration fee is a tax, to which PAL is exempt.
Taxes are for revenue, while fees are exactions for purposes of regulation and
inspection. Thus, fees are limited in amount to what is necessary to cover the cost of
the services rendered in that connection.
I t is the OBJ ECT of the charge, and NOT the name, that determines whether a charge
is a tax or a fee.
I n this case, the money collected under the Motor Vehicle Law is not intended for the
expenditures of the Motor Vehicle Office but for the construction and maintenance of
public roads, streets and bridges.




Thus, since the said fees are collected NOT for the regulating motor vehicles on public
highways but for providing REVENUE for the gov in order to construct public highways, they
are TAXES, not merely fees.
PAL is exempt from paying such fees, except for the period between 27 J une 1968 to 9 April
1979, where its tax exeption in the franchise was repealed.

Osmea v. Orbos
Pres. Marcos issued PD 1956 creating the Oil Price Stabilization Fund (OPSF), which was
designed to reimburse oil companies for cost increases in crude oil and imported petroleum
products resulting from:
o exchange rate adjustments AND
o increases in the world market prices of crude oil
A portion of the OPSF was taken from collections of ad valorem taxes levied on oil
Subsequently, by virtue of an EO, the OPSF was reclassified into a trust liability account and
ordered released from the NATI ONAL TREASURY to the MI NI STRY of Energy. Said EO also
authorized the investment of the fund in government securities, with the earnings accruing
to the fund.
Aquino then amended PD 1956 by promulgating EO 137, w/c expanded the grounds for
reimbursement to oil companies for possible COST UNDERRECOVERY inccured resulting
from the reduction of domestic prices on petroleum products. The said cost underrecovery
was left to the determination of the Ministry of Finance.
Osmena then questioned the creation of the trust fund, saying that it violates the
This is because the money collected pursuant to PD 1956 is a special fund, and
under the Constitution, if a special tax is collected for a specific purpose, the revenue
generated from it shall be treated as a SPECI AL FUND to be used only for the indicated
purpose. I t must not be channeled to another government objective.
I : W/n the creation of the trust fund is violative of the Constitution
R: NO, creation of the trust fund was valid.
I n order for the funds to fall under the prohibition, it must be shown that they were
collected as TAXES as a form of revenue
While the funds collected may be referred to as taxes, they are exacted in the exercise of
the POLI CE POWER of the State .
The main objective was NOT revenue but to stabilize the price of oil and petroleum.
The OPSF is actually a SPECI AL FUND, as seen from the special treatment given to it by EO
137. I t is segregated from the general fund; and while it is placed in what the law refers to
as a "trust liability account," the fund nonetheless remains subject to the scrutiny and
review of the COA.
These measures thus comply with the constitutional description of a "special fund."
What is here involved is not so much the power of taxation as police power.
For a valid delegation of power, it is essential that the law delegating the power must be:
o 1) complete in itself -- must set forth the policy to be executed by the delegate
o 2) it must fix a standard limits of whichare sufficiently determinate or
determinable to which the delegate must conform.
Such was fulfilled in this case.

Commissioner on Internal Revenue v PLDT
PDLT paid the BI R about P164k+ for equipment and spare parts it imported for its
business. The amount included compensating, advance sales and other internal
revenue taxes. PLDT also paid VAT.
As a franchise holder, PLDT was entitled to a tax exemption privilege under RA7082
(grant of franchise), which provided that the grantee should pay a franchise tax
equivalent to 3% of all gross receipts, and that the said percentage shall be in LI EU of
all taxes on the franchise/ its earnings.
PLDT wrote to the BI R requesting confirmation of its exemption privilege, and BI R
confirmed this, saying that PLDT was liable for the 3% franchise tax and exempt from
VAT on its importation of equipment.
PLDT filed a claim for tax refund of the VAT, compensating taxes, advance sales taxes
and other taxes it had been paying erroneously from October, 1992- December, 1994.
CTA granted the petition (although ruling that a portion from Oct-Dec16, 1992 had
already prescribed and was beyond the 2-yr period allowed by law for refunds),
ordering CI R to REFUND or to I SSUE in favor of petitioner a Tax Credit Certificate in
the reduced amount of about P223k+ representing erroneously paid VAT and other
taxes (compensating, advance sales, importation) from 1992 to 1994.
J udge Saga dissented, saying who clarified that the in lieu of provision of Sec12
refers only to DI RECT taxes and not to indirect taxes such as VAT, compensating tax,
and advance sales tax.
BI R moved for reconsideration and the same was denied. CA also dismissed its appeal.
I : W/n PLDT is exempt from payment of VAT other taxes by virtue of the provision in
its franchise that the 3% franchise tax on its gross receipts shall be in lieu of all taxes
on its franchise / earnings
R: NO, PLDT is not exempt from VAT and other taxes
Court has always ruled that TAXATI ON is the RULE, and exemption is the exception.
Thus, statutes granting tax exemptions must be construed strictly against the taxpayer
and liberally in favor of the taxing authority.
The burden of justfying exemption is imposed on the one who claims a refund.
The clause in lieu of all taxes in Sec 12 of RA 7082 is immediately followed by the
limiting or qualifying clause on this franchise or earnings thereof, suggesting that
the exemption is limited to taxes imposed DI RECTLY on PLDT since taxes pertaining
to PLDTs franchise or earnings are its direct liability.
Thus, indirect taxes, not being taxes on PLDTs franchise or earnings, are OUTSI DE
the purview of the in lieu provision.
The 10% VAT on importation of goods partakes of an excise tax levied on the privilege
of importing articles. I t is NOT a tax on the franchise of a business enterprise, but is
imposed on all taxpayers who import goods whether or not the goods will eventually
be sold, bartered, exchanged or utilized for personal consumption.
The VAT on importation replaces the advance sales tax payable by regular importers
who import articles for sale or as raw materials in the manufacture of finished articles
for sale.
Direct taxes - impositions for which a taxpayer is directly liable on the transaction or
business he is engaged in
I ndirect taxes - those where the liability for the payment of the tax falls on one person
but the burden can be shifted or passed on to another person, such as when the tax is
imposed upon goods before reaching the consumer who ultimately pays for it
o I n this case, advance sales tax has the attributes of an indirect tax because
the tax-paying importer of goods for sale or of raw materials to be
processed into merchandise can shift the tax / lay the economic burden of




the tax on the purchaser, by subsequently adding the tax to the selling price of
the imported article or finished product
o Compensating tax also partakes of the nature of an excise tax payable by all
persons who import articles, whether in the course of business or not. (Purpose:
to place, for tax purposes, persons purchasing from merchants in the Philippines
on a more or less equal basis with those who buy directly from foreign countries)

Planters Products Inc v Fertiphil
Marcos issued LOI 1465, imposing a capital recovery component of Php10.00 per bag of
fertilizer. The levy was to continue until adequate capital was raised to make PPI financially
Fertiphil remitted to the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA), which then remitted said
amount to Far East Bank and Trust Company, the depository bank of PPI . P6k+ was
remitted from 1985 to 1986.
After EDSA, Fertiphil demanded from PPI a refund of the amount it remitted; PPI refused.
Fertiphil filed a complaint for collection and damages, questioning the constitutionality of
LOI 1465.
They claimed it was unjust, unreasonable, oppressive, invalid and an unlawful imposition
that amounted to a denial of due process
FPA on the other hand said that the issuance of LOI 1465 was a valid exercise of police
power of the state in insuring the fertilizer industry, and that Fertiphil did not sustain any
damage because the burden imposed by the levy fell on the ultimate consumer, not the
I : 1. W/m the issuance of LOI 1465 was an exercise of the police power of the state - NO
2. W/n the levy was for a public purpose - NO
1. The imposition of the levy was a exercise of the taxation power of the state.
While it is true that the power to tax can be used as an implement of police power, the
primary purpose of the levy was revenue generation. I f the purpose is primarily revenue, or
if revenue is, at least, one of the real and substantial purposes, then the exaction is
properly called a tax.
I n this case, the imposition of Php10 per bag is too excessive to serve a mere regulatory
Even if it was an exercise of the police power of the state, the LOI would still be invalid as it
did not comply with the test of lawful subjects and lawful means -- specifically, that the
interest of the public, generally, requires its exercise, and that the means employed are
reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly oppressive
upon individuals.
2. LOI 1465 is not for a public purpose.
The purpose for the issuance of LOI 1465 was to support a private company:
o First, it is expressly provided that the levy be imposed to benefit a private
company PPI .
o Second, the levy was conditional and dependent on PPI becoming financially
o Third, the levies were directly remitted and deposited in FEBTC, the bank of PPI ,
which used said remittances to pay of PPI s debts.


SSS v City of Bacolod
The SSS had an office building in Bacolod City. I t failed to pay realty taxes for three
consecutive years. The City levied upon the property and forfeited it in its favor.
SSS protested the forfeiture on the ground that the SSS, being a government owned
and controlled corporation, is exempt from payment of real estate taxes.
The CFI ruled that SSS is NOT covered by the exemption, saying that the exemption
only applies to properties owned by government agencies and instrumentalities
performing governmental/ sovereign functions.
I t excluded from the coverage of the exemption those performing proprietary
functions, such as the SSS. I t relied on the case of NACOCO v. Bacani in which the
Court held that government agencies performing proprietary functions are NOT
exempt from paying legal fees.
I : W/n a GOCC performing proprietary functions like the SSS, is exempt from paying
realty taxes.
R: Yes. The SSS is exempt from paying realty taxes.
The Charter of the City of Bacolod provides that lands and buildings owned by the
government are exempt from realty taxes.
The application of the NACOCO v. Bacani case is incorrect, since that case was
referring to legal fees and NOT to realty taxes.
For purposes of exemptions in the payment of realty taxes, the distinction between
government agencies performing constituent and ministrant function is not important.
What is decisive is merely that the properties possessed by the SSS are in fact owned
by the government of the Philippines. As such, they are exempt from realty taxes.
To make such a distinction would have the effect of taking money from one pocket
and putting it in another pocket. I t would not serve the main purpose of taxation and
would even tend to defeat it, because of the paperwork, time, and expenses that it
would entail.
When public property is involved, exemption is the rule and taxation, the

Tiu v. CA: Equal Protection of the Laws
Congress passed RA 7227 which created the Subic Special Economic Zone, granting
tax and duty incentives (tax and duty-free importations of raw materials, capital and
equipment) to businesses and residents within the area encompassed by the zone.
The law provides that no local and national taxes shall be imposed within the zone. I n
lieu of taxes, 3% of the gross income of enterprises operating within the zone shall be
remitted to the National Government, 1% to the local government units, and 1% to a
development fund to be utilized for the development of municipalities outside
Olangapo and Subic.
Pres. Ramos later issued an EO specifying a secured area area within the zone in
which the privileges were operative.
o EO97
tax and duty-free importations will only apply to raw materials,
capital goods and equipment brought in by business enterprises
into the SSEZ.
Except for import tax and duties, all business are required to pay
the specified taxes in Section 12(c) of RA7227.
o EO97-A the tax incentives are only applicable to business enterprises
and individuals residing within the secured area.
Petitioners outside the secured area challenged the constitutionality of this EO for
allegedly being violative of their right to equal protection of the laws.




They assert that the SSEZ encompasses (1) the City of Olongapo, (2) the Municipality of
Subic in Zambales, and (3) the area formerly occupied by the Subic Naval Base. However,
EO 97-A, according to them, narrowed down the area within which the special privileges
granted to the entire zone would apply to the present fenced-in former Subic Naval Base
only. I t has hereby excluded the residents of the first two components of the zone from
enjoying the benefits granted by the law.
I: W/N the EO confining the application of the privileges under RA 7227 within the secured
area and excluding the residents of the zone outside the secured area violates the equal
protection clause. NO.
R: There are real and substantive distinctions between the circumstances obtaining inside
and outside the Subic Naval base, thereby justifying avalid and reasonable classification.
For a valid classification, the following requisites must be present:
1. it must rest on substantial differences;
2. must be germane to the purpose of the law;
3. must not be limited to existing conditions only; and
4. must apply equally to all members of the same class.
I n this case, the purpose of the law is to accelerate the conversion of military reservations
into productive areas (economic or industrial areas) . Thus, the lands covered under the
Military Bases Agreement are its object.
To achieve purpose, Congress deemed it necessary to extend economic incentives to attract
and encourage investors. I t was thus reasonable for the President to have delimited the
application of some incentives to the confines of the former Subic military base, since it is
this specific area which the government intends to transform and develop into a self-
sustaining industrial and economic zone, particularly for the use of big foreign and local
investors to use as operational bases for their businesses and industries. These big
investors possess the capital necessary to spur economic growth and generate employment
There are substantial differences between the big investors who are being lured to establish
and operate their industries in the so-called secured area and the present business
operators outside the area.

Big investors lured into secured areas Present biz operators outside the are
-billion-peso investments & thousand of new
-national economic impact
-no such magnitude
-only local economic impact
-biz activities outside secured areas are not
likely to have any impact in achieving
purpose of law which is to turn former
military base to productive use for the
benefit of the Phil economy
There is, then, hardly any reasonable basis to extend to them the benefits and incentives
accorded in RA 7227

J ohn Hay Peoples Alternative Coalition v. Lim
RA No. 7227 created the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA), which also
created the Subic Special Economic Zone (Subic SEZ). Aside from granting incentives to
Subic SEZ, RA 7227 also granted the President is an express authority to create other SEZs
in the areas covered respectively by the Clark military reservation, the Wallace Air Station in
San Fernando, La Union, and Camp J ohn Hay through executive proclamations.
BCDA entered into a MOA and Escrow Agreement with TUNTEX and ASI AWORLD,
private corporations under the laws of the British Virgin I slands, preparatory to the
formation of a joint venture for the development of Poro Point La Union and Camp
J ohn Hay as premier tourist destinations and recreation centers.
BCDA, TUNTEX and ASI AWORLD executed a J VA to put up the Baguio I nternational
Development and Management Corporation which would lease areas within Camp
J ohn Hay and Poro Point for the attainment of the tourist and recreation spots in La
Union and Camp J ohn Hay.
President Ramos issued Proclamation No. 420 which established a SEZ on a portion of
Camp J ohn Hay. 2
sentence of Section 3 of said Proclamation provided for national
and local tax exemption within and graned other economic incentives to the J ohn Hay
Special Economic Zone.
Section 3: I nvestment Climate in J ohn Hay Special Economic Zone.- Pursuant to
Section 5(m) and Section 15 of RA No. 7227, the J ohn Hay Poro Point Development
Corporation shall implement all necessary policies, rules, and regulations governing
the zone, including investment incentives, in consultation with pertinent government
departments. Among others, the zone shall have all the applicable incentives
of the Special Economic Zone under Section 12 of Republic Act No. 7227 and
those applicable incentives granted in the Export Processing Zones, the
Omnibus I nvestment Code of 1987, the Foreign I nvestment Act of 1991, and new
investment laws that may hereinafter be enacted.
Petitioners filed this case to enjoin the respondents from implementing Proc. 420. is
unconstitutional on grounds of:
o For being illegal and invalid in so far as it grants tax exemptions thus
amounting to unconstitutional exercise of by the President of power
granted only to legislature
o Limits powers and interferes with the autonomy of the city
o Violates rule that all taxes should be uniform and equitable
I: W/N Proclamation No. 420 is constitutional by providing for national and local tax
exemption within and granting other economic incentives to the J ohn Hay Special
Economic Zone. NO, 2
sentence, Section 3 of said proclamation is unconstitutional.
W/N Proclamation No. 420 is constitutional for limiting or interfering with the local
autonomy of Baguio City. YES
R: The 2
Sentence of SECTION 3 of Proclamation No. 420 is hereby
declared NULL and VOID and is accordingly declared of no legal force and effect.
Public respondents are hereby enjoined from implementing the aforesaid void
provision. Proclamation No. 420, without the invalidated portion, remains valid and
Under Section 12 of RA No. 7227 it is clear that ONLY THE SUBI C SEZ which
was granted by Congress with tax exemption, investment incentives and
PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION No. 420. (Section 12 kept mentioning Subic
Special Economic Zone, specifically) Also found in the deliberations of the
Senate, a confirmation of the exclusivity of the tax and investment
privileges to Subic SEZ. Senator Angara: The Gentleman is absolutely
I t is the legislature, unless limited by a provision of the state constitution that has full
power to exempt any person, corporation or class of property from taxation, its power
to exempt being as broad as its power to tax. Other than the Congress, the




Constitution may itself provide for specific tax exemptions, or local governments may pass
ordinances on exemption only from local taxes. The challenged grant of tax exemption must
have concurrence of a majority of all members of Congress. I n same vein, the other kinds
of privileges extended to the J ohn Hay SEZ are by tradition and usage for Congress to
legislate upon.
Tax exemption cannot be implied as it must be categorically and un mistakably expressed
if it were the intent of the legislature to grant to the J ohn Hay SEZ the same tax exemption
and incentives given to Subic SEZ, it would have so expressly provided in RA 7227.
BCDA, under R.A 7227, is expressly entrusted with broad rights of ownership and
administration over Camp J ohn Hay, as the governing agency of the J ohn Hay SEZ.

RA 7227 was enacted providing for the sound and balanced conversion of the Clark and
Subic military reservations and their extensions into alternative productive uses in the form
of special economic zones.
President Ramos issued EO 80 which declared that Clark (CSEZ) shall have all the applicable
incentives granted to the Subic Special Economic and Free Port Zone (SSEZ) under RA
Petitioners claim that the said E.O as well as RA 7227 are replete with constitutional
infirmities and must be declared invalid and void.
Petitioner assail:
o EO 80 and BCDA Board Resolution: allowing the tax and duty-free sale at retail
of consumer goods imported via clark for consumption outside CSEZ.
o EO 97, EO 97-A: granting $100 monthly and $200 yearly tax-free shopping
privileges to SSEZ residents living outside secured area of SSEZ and to Filipinos
aged 15 and over residing outside SSEZ
Petitioners argue that the Executive Department, by allowing thru questioned issuances the
setting up of tax and duty free shops and the removal of consumer ggoods and items from
the zones without payment of correspondning duties and taxes arbitrarily provided
additional exemptions to the limitations imposed by RA 7227.
I: (other issues: equal protection clause, preferential use of Filipino labor, prohibition
against unfair competition)
W/N assailed issuances amounts to violation of the rule on separation of powers being
executive legislation.
Petitioners claim that the wording of RA 7227 clearly limits the grant of tax incentives to the
importation of raw materials and capital equipment only, hence they claim that assailed
issuances constitute executive legislation for invalidly granting tax incentives in importation
of consumer goods. The court however said that to limit the tax-free importation privilege
of enterprises to those located inside the special zone only to raw materials clearly runs
counter to the intention of the legislature to create a free port where free flow of goods or
capital within, into and out of the zones is insured.
The records of the Senate containing the discussion of the concept of SEZ in Sec 12a RA
7227 show the legislative intent that consumer goods entering the SSEZ which satisfy the
needs of the zone and are consumed there are not subject to duties and taxes in
accordance with Philippine laws. According to Senator Guingona: The SEZ could embrace
the needs of tourism, servicing, financing and other investment aspects.
However with regard to the executive order issued by President Ramos concerning Clark as
being a SEZ (and thus enjoy tax exemptions and incentives) the court declared that such
was an invalid exercise of executive legislation. As was decided in the case of Camp J ohn
J ay, wherein the court held that J ohn Hay was not granted any tax exemption as it
was not anywhere stated in the law. As in this case, RA 7227 expressly provides for
the grant of incentives to the SSEZ it fails to make any similar grant however to the
other economic zones including Clark. Tax and duty free incentives being in the nature
of tax exemptions the basis thereof should be categorically and unmistakably
expressed from the language of the statute.

ABAKADA v Ermita
R.A. 9337 / the EVAT Law was enacted in May 2005. This law:
1) authorized the President, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Finance, to
raise the VAT rate to 12% effective J anuary 1, 2006, if two conditions are
o VAT collection as a percentage of GDP of the previous year exceeds 2 4/5
o National government deficit as a percentage of GDP of the previous year
exceeds 1 %
o maintaining the rate of 10% until the conditions above took place
I t also inserted a provision imposing a 70% limit on the amount of input tax to be
credited against the output tax.
Petitions were thus filed assailing the constitutionality of the law:
o ABAKADA argued that Congress abandoned its exclusive authority to fix
taxes by giving the President the authority upon the Finance Secs
recommendation to raise VAT to 12%
o Sen. Pimentel and Rep. Escudero argued that the law was an undue
delegation of legislative powers and a violation of due process
o Pilipinas Shell dealers argued that the VAT reform was arbitrary, oppressive
and confiscatory.
On the other hand, respondents countered that the law was complete, that it left no
discretion to the President, and that it merely charged the President with carrying out
the rate increase once any of the 2 conditions arise.
I : W/n RA 9337 is constitutional
R: YES, it is valid and constitutional.
1) Law was NOT an undue delegation of legislative power
Congress didnt delegate the power to tax but the mere implementation of the law
the ascertainment of facts contingent on conditions already provided.
I n this case, the legislature made the operation of the 12% rate contingent upon 2
specified conditions. Thus, no discretion would be exercised by the President, and he
would only exercise the ministerial duty of imposing the 12% rate.
Moreover, the President cant alter or modify / nullify / set aside the findings of fact of
the Secretary of Finance, who will ascertain the said conditions because the SoF will
not act as alter ego of President but AGENT of the legislative department.
2) The 12% increase does NOT impose an unfair and unnecessary additional
tax burden.
Because of the countrys gloomy states of economic affairs, it is necessary to raise
revenue to meet government expenditures.
3) The 70% limitation on input tax does NOT violate due process and EPC
I nput tax is NOT a property right but a STATUTORY privilege, w/c may be regulated.
Besides, the unutilized input tax may be credited in the subsequent periods or even
refunded, so it is NOT completely lost.




Neither does it violate EPC w/ regard to the 5% creditable withholding tax imposed on
payments made by the government for TAXABLE TRANSACTI ONS. This is because it is
applied equally to members of the same class. Taxable transactions with the government
are subject to a uniform 5% rate, in contrast to its different rates prior to amendment. I t is
clear that Congress intended to treat differently taxable transactions with the government.
4) The law is consistent w/ Uniformity and Equitability of Taxation
Uniformity of taxation means that all taxable articles/property of the SAME CLASS be taxed
at the SAME RATE.
I n this case, the tax law is uniform as it provides for a standard rate of 10% / 12% on all
goods and services. I t does NOT even make any distinction as to the type of industry /
trade that will bear the 70% limitation on the creditable input tax, 5year amortization of
input tax paid on purchase of capital goods or the 5% final withholding tax by the
The law is also equitable because it is equipped with a threshold marginthe 10/12%
VATE rate will not apply to the sale of goods w/ gross annual sales at P1.5 or below. Small
corner sari-sari stores are consequently exempt from its application.
5) Even if VAT is regressive, it is still constitutional.
The constitution does NOT prohibit the imposition of indirect taxes / a regressive system of
taxation. I t simply provides that Congress shall EVOLVE a progressive system of taxation,
meaning direct taxes must be preferred to indirect taxes.
I n the case of the VAT, the law minimizes the regressive effects of this imposition by
providing for zero rating of certain transactions.

Sison v. Ancheta
BP 135 amended Section 21 of the National I nternal Revenue Code.
The amendment provided a different schedule of tax rates for compensation income and
net income.
I t provided that:
o The tax base for those earning compensation income at fixed rates would be
o The tax base for the income of businesses and professionals would be NET
Sison, as taxpayer, challenged the validity of the amendment on the ground that he would
be unduly discriminated against by the imposition of higher rates of tax upon his income
arising from the exercise of his profession as compared to those which are imposed upon
fixed income or salaried individual taxpayers.
He claims that it amounts to class legislation, in violation of EPC, due process and the rule
on uniformity in taxation.
I : W/n it is violative of EPC, dp and the rule on uniformity in taxation
R: NO!
1) Due process clause may only be invoked where a taxing statute is so arbitrary that it
finds no support in the Constitution. (ie. When it amounts to confiscation of property / not
used for a public purpose)
2) As for EPC, the Constitution does not require things which are different be treated the
same. I t is inherent in the power to tax that a state be free to select the subjects of
taxation and 'inequalities which result from a singling out of one particular class for
taxation, or exemption infringe no constitutional limitation.
*Thus, there was no violation of due process or EPC.
3) There was also no violation of uniformity.
Uniformity does NOT call for perfect equality. I t merely means that all taxable articles
/ property of the same class shall be taxed at the same rate.
The taxing power has the authority to make reasonable and natural classifications for
purposes of taxation.
I n this case, there is a discernible basis of classification, which is the
SUSCEPTIBILITY of the income to the application of generalized rules
removing all deductible items for all taxpayers within the class and fixing a
set of reduced tax rates to be applied to all of them.
Taxpayers who are recipients of compensation income are set apart as a class. As
there is practically no overhead expense, these taxpayers are not entitled to make
deductions for income tax purposes because they are in the same situation more or
On the other hand, in the case of professionals in the practice of their calling and
businessmen, there is no uniformity in the costs or expenses necessary to
produce their income.
I t would not be just to disregard the disparities by giving all of them zero deduction
and indiscriminately impose on all alike the same tax rates on the basis of gross
There is ample justification for the law to adopt gross system of income taxation to
compensation income, while continuing the system of net income taxation as regards
the professional and business income.

British American Tobacco v Camacho
R.A. 8240 was passed recodifying the NI RC where Sec 142 was renumbered Sec 145.
British American Tobacco assailed the validity of Sec. 145 of the NI RC (amended by
RA 8240), arguing that the said provisions are violative of the equal protection and
uniformity clause of the Constitution.
Section 145 provides for a four-tier tax rate based on net retail price per pack of
cigarettes: (1) low-priced, (2) medium-priced, (3) high-priced, and (4) premium-
Section 145 further provides that NEW BRANDS (registered after J anuary 1, 1997) of
cigarettes shall be taxed at their current retail price. I f the current net retail price has
not been established, the suggested net retail price shall be used to determine the
specific tax classification.
On the other hand, old or existing brands (registered before J anuary 1, 1997) shall be
taxed at their net retail price as of October 1, 1996.
o Net retail price = price @ which cigarettes are sold on retail in 20
supermarkets in MM
o Suggested net retail price = net retail price @ which brands of cigarettes
are intended by the manufacturer to be sold
To implement RA 8240, BI R issued a Revenue Regulation (RR No. 1-97) classifying
existing brands of cigarettes as those existing or active (old) brands prior to J anuary 1,
1997, while new brands of cigarettes are those registered after J anuary 1, 1997.
Another Revenue Regulation was issued amending the first (RR No. 9-2003) by
providing BI R with the power to periodically review every two years / earlier the
current net retail price of new brands to ESTABLI SH / UPDATE their tax classification.
I n J une 2001, British American Tobacco introduced the Lucky Strike Filter, Lucky Strike
Lights and Lucky Strike Menthol Lights. Lucky Strike was taxed based on its suggested
gross retail price from the time of its introduction in the market in 2001 until the BI R
market survey in 2003. The brands were sold at P22.54, P22.61 and P21.23 so the




applicable tax rate is P13.44 per pack. BAT now argues that the "classification freeze
provision" violates the equal protection and uniformity of taxation clauses because the
Lucky Strike brands are taxed based on their 1996 net retail prices while new brands are
taxed based on their present day net retail prices. Thus, Lucky Strike suffers from higher
taxes while its competitors pay a lower amount.
BAT further argued that the tobacco excise law was discriminatory because under it, brands
that entered the market after 1996 were imposed taxes based on their current retail prices
while older brands paid taxes based on their 1996 retail prices. Meanwhile, Philip Morris,
Fortune Tobacco, Mighty Corp. and J T I nternational (respodnents-in-intervention) claim that
no inequality exists between cigarettes and that nullification of said annex would bring
about tremendous loss.
I : 1. W/n Sec. 145 of the NI RC violates EPC and uniformity of taxation clauses
W/N the Revenue Regulations are invalid in so far as they empower BI R to reclassify and
update the classification of new brands every two years or earlier
R: Sec 145 NI RC is constitutional but the RRs are invalid for gratning the BI R the power to
reclassify and update the classification.
1) NI RC is constitutional
The classification freeze provision does not violate the equal protection and uniformity of
taxation. I t meets the standards for valid classification: rests on a substantial distinction, is
germane to the purpose of the law, applies to present and future conditions and applies
equally to all those belonging to the same class.
(NOTE: The second condition, however, was not fully satisfied as it failed to promote fair
competition among the players in the industry. However, this does not make the assailed
law unconstitutional)
The classification freeze provision was done in good faith and is germane to the purpose of
the law. I t was inserted for reasons of practicality and expediency.
Since a new brand was not yet in existence at the time of the passage of RA 8240, then
Congress needed a uniform mechanism to fix the tax bracket of a new brand. The current
net retail price, similar to what was used to classify the brands as of October 1, 1996, was
thus the logical and practical choice.
With the amendments introduced by RA 9334, the freezing of the tax classifications now
expressly applies not just to old brands (cigarettes which are taxed on the basis of average
net retail price as of October 1, 1996) but to newer brands introduced after the effectivity of
RA 8240 on J anuary 1, 1997 and any new brand that will be introduced in the future.
Thus, the classification freeze provision could hardly be considered biased towared older
brands over newer brands.
Congress was even willing to delegate the power to periodically adjust the excise tax rate
and tax brackets as well as to periodically resurvey and reclassify the cigarette brands
based on the increase in the consumer price index to the DOF and the BI R.
Thus, the provision was the result of Congresss earnest efforts to improve the efficiency
and effectivity of the tax administration over sin products while trying to balance the same
with other State interests.
On Uniformity: Uniformity of taxation requires that all subjects or objects of taxation,
similarly situated, are to be treated alike both in privileges and liabilities. I n the instant case,
there is no question that the CFP meets the geographical uniformity requirement because
the assailed law applies to ALL CI GARETTE BRANDS n the Philippines.
On Inequitablity and Regressivity: BAT claims that the use of different tax bases for
old brands as against new brands is discriminatory / inequitable, and that the CFP is
regressive in character. This cannot be sustained because the CFP meets the requirements
of the EPC.
On regressivity -- the excise tax imposed on cigarettes is an indirect tax, and thus,
regressive in character. HOWEVER, this does not mean that the law may be declared
unconstitutional because the Constitution does not prohibit the imposition of indirect
taxes but merely provides that Congress shall EVOLVE progressive system of taxation.
2) The BI R RR is invalid because the NI RC does NOT authorize the BI R to update the
tax classification of new brands every 2 years or earlier.
The power to reclassify cigarette brands remains in Congress.
Allowing the periodic reclassification of brands might tempt cigarette manufacturers to
manipulate their brands' price levels or bribe the tax implementers to allow their
brands to be classified as a lower tax bracket.

ABAKADA v Purisima
RA 9335 (Attrition Act of 2005) was enacted to optimize the revenue-generation capability
and collection of the BI R and BOC by providing a system of rewards and sanctions.
This is done through the creation of a Rewards and I ncentives Fund (Fund) and a
Revenue Performance Evaluation Board (Board).
I t covers all officials and employees of the BI R and the BOC with at least six months of
service, regardless of employment status.
The Fund is sourced from the collection of the BI R and the BOC in excess of their revenue
targets for the year. Any incentive or reward is taken from the fund and allocated to
the BI R and the BOC in proportion to their contributions.
Petitioners including ABAKADA, invoking their right as taxpayers, challenged the
constitutionality of RA 9335:
They claimed that limiting the scope of the system of rewards and incentives
only to officials and employees of the BI R and the BOC violates the
constitutional guarantee of equal protection. There is no reason why
such system should NOT apply to OTHER officials and employees of all
other government agencies.
They assert that the law unduly delegates the power to fix revenue
targets to the President as it lacks a sufficient standard on that matter.
I : 1) W/n limiting the scope of the system of rewards and incentives only to
officials and employees of the BIR and the BOC violates the constitutional
guarantee of equal protection
2) Whether or not the law unduly delegates the power to fix revenue targets to
the President.
R: NO, it does not violate EPC and does NOT unduly delegate power to the President
1) The equal protection clause recognizes a valid and reasonable classification.
RA 9335 has an expressed public policy, w/c is the optimization of the revenue-generation
capability and collection of the BI R and the BOC.
Since the subject of the law is the revenue- generation capability and collection of the BI R
and the BOC, the incentives and/or sanctions provided in the law should logically
pertain to the said agencies.
Since the BI R and BOC perform the special function of taxation, such substantial distinction
is germane and intimately related to the purpose of the law. Hence, the classification
and treatment accorded to the BI R and the BOC under RA 9335 fully satisfy the
demands of equal protection.
2. Two tests determine the validity of delegation of legislative power:
1) the completeness test
2) the sufficient standard test




A law is complete when it sets forth therein the policy to be executed and is sufficient when it
provides adequate guidelines or limitations of the delegates authority
RA 9335 adequately states the policy and standards to guide the President in fixing revenue
targets and the implementing agencies in carrying out the provisions of the law.
Revenue targets are based on the original estimated revenue collection expected respectively of
the BI R and the BOC for a given fiscal year as approved by the Development Budget and
Coordinating Committee (DBCC) and submitted by the President to Congress. Thus, the
determination of revenue targets does not rest solely on the President as it also undergoes
the scrutiny of the Development Board
Also, Section 7 specifies the limits of the Boards authority and identifies the conditions under
which officials and employees whose revenue collection falls short of the target by at least
7.5% may be removed from the service.

Meralco v. Province of Laguna: Delegation to LGUs, Impairment
Meralco was granted by several municipalities of the Province of Laguna a franchise to
RA 7160 or the Local Gov Code of 1991 was then issued w/c allowed local government units
to create their own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees and charges consistent w/
the basic policy of autonomy.
Purusant to this, the province of Laguna enacted an ordinance imposing on businesses
enjoying a franchise a franchise tax of 50% of 1% of gross annual receipts.
Meralco paid under protest and sent a formal claim for refund to the Provincial Treasurer
claiming that the franchise tax it had paid to the National Government (pursuant to P.D.
551) already included the franchise tax imposed by the Provincial Tax Ordinance.
Meralco also contended that Lagunas imposition of franchise tax contravened the provisions
of P.D. 551 Section 1 which provided that the franchise tax payable by all grantees of
electric franchises shall be 2% of their gross receipts received from the sale of electric
current and from transactions incident to the generation, distribution and sale of electric
I : W/n the province of Laguna had the power to levy the franchise tax
R: Yes.
Under the present Constitution, where there is neither a grant nor a prohibition by statute,
the tax power must be deemed to exist although Congress may provide statutory limitations
and guidelines.
The reason for this is to safeguard the viability and self-sufficiency of local government units
by directly granting them general and broad tax powers.
The LGC of 1991 explicitly authorizes provincial governments, notwithstanding any
exemption granted by law, to impose a tax on businesses enjoying a franchise.
While the Court has referred to tax exemptions contained in special franchises as being in
the nature of contracts and a part of the inducement for carrying on the franchise, these
exemptions, nevertheless, are far from being STRI CTLY CONTRACTUAL.
However, contractual tax exemptions should not be confused w/ tax exemptions under
Contractual tax exemptions are those agreed to by the taxing authority in contracts, such as
those contained in government bonds, where the government acts in its private capacity
and waives its governmental immunity. Tax exemptions of this kind may NOT be revoked
without impairing the obligations of contracts.
On the other hand, a franchise partakes the nature of a grant which is beyond the purview
of the non-impairment clause of the Constitution.
Art 12 of the Consti provides that no franchise for the operation of a public utility shall
be granted except under the condition that such privilege shall be subject to
amendment, alteration or repeal by Congress as and when the common good so

Cassanovas v. Hord: Impairment Clause
I n 1897, the Spanish Gov granted Cassanovas certain mines in Ambos Camarines.
The I nternal Revenue Act imposes on all mining concessions granted prior to 1899 a
property tax of P100 + an ad valorem tax of 3% of the actual market value of the
output of the mines.
The CI R thus considered Cassanovas to fall under such.
Cassanovas assailed the validity of this provision on the ground that it impairs the
obligations of contracts. Under the decree of the Spanish Government, the mining
claim was subject only to P20 property tax + ad valorem tax of 3%. The decree
provided that no other taxes except those mentioned shall be imposed upon mining
I : W/n there was a violation of the impairment clause
R: Yes. Therefore, the provision is void.
1) There was a contract between the Spanish Government and Cassanovas, the
obligation of which contract was impaired by the I nternal Revenue Law.
A State may by contract based on consideration exempt the property of an individual
or corporation from taxation either for a specified period or permanently.
And it is equally well settled that the exemption is presumed to be on sufficient
consideration, and binds the State if the charter containing it is accepted. Such
contract can be enforced against the State at the instance of the corporation.
2) Also, the provision conflicts with Section 60 of the Act of Congress of 1 J uly 1902,
which indicate that concessions can be cancelled only by reason of I LLEGALI TY in the
procedure by which they were obtained, or for FAI LURE to comply with the conditions
prescribed. The grounds were not shown or claimed in the case.
The important distinction in this case is that there was consideration between both
parties for entering into the contract. From the provisions of the deed, it was not a
unilateral grant of a privilege by the Spanish Government.
Cassanovas undertook to perform some things with respect to the mining claim in
consideration of the privilege. Hence, there was a binding contract with reciprocal
obligations, which the State cannot abrogate.

YMCA is a non-stock, non-profit institution, which conducts various programs and
activities that are beneficial to the public, especially the young people, pursuant to its
religious, educational and charitable objectives.
I n 1980, YMCA, among others, an amount of income (about P700k+) from leasing out
a portion of its premises to small shop owners, like restaurants and canteen operators,
and from parking fees collected from non-members.
The CI R thus issued an assessment to YMCA totaling about P415k+ including
surcharge and interest, for deficiency income tax, deficiency expanded withholding
taxes on rentals and professional fees and deficiency withholding tax on wages.
YMCA protested the assessment and filed a letter. I n reply, the CI R denied the claims
of YMCA.
YMCA thus filed a petition to the CTA to take out the taxes and CTA ruled in favor of




CI R filed a petition with the CA to reverse, but CA affirmed CTA's decision.
I : W/n the income derived from rentals of real property owned by YMCA (established as "a
welfare, educational and charitable non-profit corporation") is subject to income tax under
the NI RC and Constitution
R: YES, the income derived by YMCA from rentals of its real property is subject to income
Under the NI RC: While Section 27 of the NI RC provides that non-profit organizations and
clubs shall not be taxed on their income, it also provides that this exemption will NOT apply
to income derived from 1) properties, real or personal, and 2) any other activities conducted
for profit shall be subject to tax (amended by PD 1457).
Applying the doctrine of strict interpretation of tax exemptions, the phrase "any of their
activities conducted for profit does NOT qualify the word properties. This makes income
from the property of the organization taxable, regardless of how that income is used --
whether for profit or for lofty non-profit purposes.
Under the Constitut ion: Article VI , Section 28 of the Constitution exempts charitable
institutions from the payment not only of taxes. HOWEVER, acdg to consti framers, the
exemption does NOT pertain to income tax but only property taxes.
For the YMCA to be granted the exemption as an educational institution under the Consti
(Art 14 Sec 4), it must prove with substantial evidence that:
a. it falls under the classification non-stock, non-profit educational institution; and
b. the income it seeks to be exempted from taxation is used actually, directly, and
exclusively for educational purposes

However, no evidence was submitted by YMCA to prove that they met the requisites. The
term educational institution or institution of learning has acquired a well-known technical
meaning, of which the members of the Constitutional Commission are deemed cognizant.
Under the Education Act of 1982, such term refers to schools, which is synonymous with
formal education OR a school seminary, college, or educational establishment. The Court,
upon examining the Amended Articles of I ncorporation and By-Laws of the YMCA, but
found nothing in them that even hints that it is a school or an educational institution.
Even if YMCA is an educational institution, the Court also notes that YMCA did not submit
proof of the proportionate amount of the subject income that was actually, directly and
exclusively used for educational purposes.

NOTE (if Sir asks about how this differs with OTHER cases): The cases relied on by YMCA do not
support its cause. YMCA of Manila v. CI R and Abra Valley College, I nc. v. Aquino are not applicable,
because the controversy in both cases involved exemption from the payment of property tax, not
income tax. Hospital de San J uan de Dios, I nc. v. Pasay City is not in point either, because it involves
a claim for exemption from the payment of regulatory fees, specifically electrical inspection fees,
imposed by an ordinance of Pasay City -- an issue not at all related to that involved in a claimed
exemption from the payment if income taxes imposed on property leases. I n J esus Sacred Heart
College v. Com. Of I nternal Revenue, the party therein, which claimed an exemption from the payment
of income tax, was an educational institution which submitted substantial evidence that the income
subject of the controversy had been devoted or used solely for educational purposes. On the other
hand, YMCA in the present case had not given any proof that it is an educational institution, or that of
its rent income is actually, directly and exclusively used for educational purposes.
Lung Center of the Phils v QC
The Lung Center of the Philippines, a non-stock and non-profit entity established by virtue
of PD 1823, was the owner of a parcel of land in QC.
I n the middle of the lot was a hospital known as the Lung Center of the Philippines.
A big space at the ground floor was being leased to private parties, for canteen and
small store spaces, and to medical practitioners who use the same as their private
clinics for their patients whom they charge for their professional services.
Almost of the entire area on the left side of the building along Q Ave was vacant
and idle, while a big portion on the right side, at the corner of Q Ave and Elliptical
Road, was being leased for commercial purposes to a private enterprise known as the
Elliptical Orchids and Garden Center.
The Lung Center accepts paying and non-paying patients. I t also renders medical
services to out-patients, both paying and non-paying. Aside from its income from
paying patients, it also received gov subsidies.
The City Assessor of QC assessed both the land and the hospital building for real
property taxes amounting to about P4M.
Lung Center filed a Claim for exemption from real property taxes saying it was a
charitable institution.
The Lung Centers request was denied, and a petition was, thereafter, filed before the
Local Board of Assessment Appeals of Quezon City (QC-LBAA) for the reversal of the
resolution of the City Assessor.
The Lung Center alleged that under Section 28, paragraph 3 of the 1987 Constitution,
the property is exempt from real property taxes. I t averred that a minimum of 60% of
its hospital beds are exclusively used for charity patients and that the major thrust of
its hospital operation is to serve charity patients.
However, the Local Board held Lung Center liable for real property taxes. Decision was
affirmed by QC Central Board. Petition was elevated to SC.
I : 1)W/n Lung Center is a charitable institution within the context of PD 1823 and
under the Consti - YES
2) W/n the real properties of the Lung Center are exempt from real property taxes-
R: 1) YES, the Lung Center is a charitable institution.
To determine whether an enterprise is a charitable institution, the elements which
should be considered include the statute creating it, its purpose, by-laws, services and
nature/ use of properties.
Under PD 1823, the Lung Center is a non-profit and non-stock corporation which,
subject to the provisions of the decree, is to be administered by the Office of the
President of the Philippines with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Human
Settlements. I t was organized for the welfare and benefit of the Filipino people
principally to help combat the high incidence of lung and pulmonary diseases in the
The Articles of I ncorporation of LC provide that its medical services are to be rendered
to the public in general in any and all walks of life including those who are poor and
the needy without discrimination.
A charitable institution does not lose its character as such and its exemption from
taxes simply because it derives income from paying patients, whether out-patient, or
confined in the hospital, or receives subsidies from the government, so long as the
money received is used for the CHARI TABLE objective it is intended for, and no money
inures to the private benefit of the persons managing or operating the institution.
I n this case, the money received by the Lung Center becomes a part of the trust fund
and must be devoted to public trust purposes and cannot be diverted to private profit
or benefit.




Under PD 1823, the Lung Center is entitled to receive donations. The Lung Center does not
lose its character as a charitable institution simply because of gov subsidies (donation).
2) NO, not all are exempt from real property tax.
The portions of its real property that are leased to private entities are not exempt from real
property taxes as these are not actually, directly and exclusively used for charitable
Since taxation is the rule and exemption is the exception, a claim for exemption from tax
payments must be clearly shown and based on language in the law too plain to be
Under PD 1823, the Lung Center does NOT enjoy any property tax exemption privileges for
its real properties and buildings. I f the intentions were otherwise, the same should have
been among the enumeration of tax exempt privileges under Section 2 thereof.
Under the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions and RA 7160 in order to be entitled to the
exemption of property tax, the Lung Center should prove that a) it is a charitable institution;
and (b) its real properties are ACTUALLY, DI RECTLY and EXCLUSI VELY used for charitable
o I f real property is used for one or more commercial purposes, it is not exclusively
used for the exempted purposes but is subject to taxation. THUS, exclusively
means SOLELY.
o What is meant by actual, direct and exclusive use of the property for charitable
purposes is the DI RECT, I MMEDI ATE, ACTUAL application of the PROPERTY itself
to the purposes for which the charitable institution is organized. I t is NOT the
use of I NCOME of the property w/c is the controlling factor (to exempt).
I n this case, while portions of the hospital are used for the treatment of patients, other
parts are being leased to private individuals for their clinics and a canteen. Further, a
portion of the land is being leased to a private individual for her business enterprise under
the business name "Elliptical Orchids and Garden Center."
Thus, portions of the land leased to private entities and individuals are NOT tax exempt,
while those used for patients, paying and non-paying, are exempt.


Proctor & Gamble v Municipality of J agna
The Municipal Council of J agna, Bohol, enacted Municipal Ordinance 4 w/c imposed
STORAGE FEES on all exportable copra deposited in the bodega w/in the jurisdiction of
J agna, Bohol at the rate of 10 cents PER 100 kilos.
I t also provides that all exportable copra deposited in the bodega within the Municipality
of J agna Bohol, is part of the surveillance and lookout of the Municipal Authorities.
I n this light, P&G, a domestic corp engaged in the manufacture of oil, soap and others, w/c
maintained a bodega in the municipality where it stored COPRA (purchased from the
municipality and shipped for its manufacturing ops), paid storage fees for 6 yrs from 1958
to 1963. The fees totalled P1M+.
P&G then filed a suit in the CFI of Manila, praying:
o to declare Ordinance 5 I NAPPLI CABLE Tto it or, that it be pronounced ultra-vires
and void for being beyond the power of the Municipality to enact and
o that defendant Municipality be ordered to refund to it the amount of P42k+
which it paid under protest; and costs
P&G argues that the tax imposed in the said ordinance is an EXPORT TAX on
EXPORTABLE COPRA and thus, the said levy was inapplicable to their business because they
are store copra for their EXCLUSI VE USE in connection w/ the manufacture of soap, edible
oil, margarine and other similar products, for purposes of profit / revenue.
TC ruled in favour of the Municipality, saying it had the power to enact the Ordinance
under the Revised Admin Code (sec 2238), otherwise known as the General Welfare
Clause. I t also declared P&Gs right of action had prescribed under the 5-year period
provided for by Article 1149 of the Civil Code. Thus, this direct appeal.
I : 1) W/n MO 4 is ultra vires and void- NO, it is VALI D!
2) W/n P&G is entitled for the reimbursement of excess amount paid.-NO!
Ordinance No. 4 is valid as a municipality is authorized to impose 3 kinds of licenses,
pursuant to the broad authority conferred upon municipalities by Commonwealth Act
No. 472:
a license for regulation of useful occupation or enterprises;
license for restriction or regulation of non-useful occupations or enterprises;
license for revenue
I t is thus unnecessary to determine whether the subject storage fee is a tax for
revenue purposes or a license fee to reimburse defendant Municipality for service of
supervision because defendant Municipality is authorized not only to impose a license
fee but also to tax for revenue purposes.
I t has been held that a warehouse used for keeping or storing copra is an
establishment likely to endanger the public safety or likely to give rise to
conflagration because the oil content of the copra when ignited is difficult
to put under control by water and the use of chemicals is necessary to put
out the fire.

And as the Ordinance itself states, all exportable copra deposited within the
municipality is "part of the surveillance and lookout of municipal authorities.
P&G's argument that the imposition of P0.10 per 100 kilos of copra stored in a bodega
within defendant's territory is beyond the cost of regulation and surveillance is not well
taken. As enunciated in the case of Victorias Milling Co. vs. Municipality of Victorias,
supra. Municipal corporations are allowed wide discretion in determining the rates of
imposable license fees even in cases of purely police power measures. I n the case at
bar, appellant has not sufficiently shown that the rate imposed by the questioned
Ordinance is oppressive, excessive and prohibitive.
When the Ordinance itself speaks of "exportable" copra, the meaning conveyed is
NOTexclusively export to a foreign country but shipment out of the municipality. The
storage fee impugned is not a tax on export because it is imposed not only
upon copra to be exported but also upon copra SOLD AND USED for
DOMESTIC PURPOSES if stored in any warehouse in the Municipality and
the weight thereof is 100 kilos or more.
Double taxation has also been defined as taxing the same person twice by the same
jurisdiction for the same thing. I n this case, a tax on P&G's products is different from a
tax on the privilege of storing copra in a bodega situated within the territorial
boundary of defendant municipality.
However, lower court erred in ruling that action had prescribed. I n Municipality of
Opon vs. Caltex Phil: the period for prescription of actions to recover municipal license
taxes is 6 years under Article 1145(2) of the Civil Code. Thus, P&G's action brought
within six years from the time the right of action first accrued in 1958 has not yet

Province of Bulacan v CA




The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Bulacan passed a provincial ordinance which provided for
the imposition of a 10% tax on the fair market value in the locality per cubic meter of
ordinary stones, sand, grave, earth and other quarry resources, extracted from public lands
or other public waters within its territorial jurisdiction.
Thus the provinicial treasurer of Bulacan assessed Republic Cement Corporation for taxes
from several parcels of private land in the province.
Republic paid under protest, claiming that the imposition of such tax is beyond the power of
the taxing authority of Bulacan.
The case was eventually elevated to CA and CA ruled that the Province of Bulacan had NO
authority to impose the tax
I: W/n the Province of Bulacan has the authority to impose such tax.
R: No, they do not have the authority.
Petitioners contend that their authority comes from Section 186 of the LGC w/c provides
that the province may levy taxes and fees not more than 10% of the fair market value per
cubic meter of ordinary stones, sand, gravel etc, extracted from public lands.
However, a perusal of the said law shows that the tax imposed is an excise tax being a tax
upon the performance, carrying on, or exercise of an activity and the LGC provides that
cities, municipalities, and barangays shall NOT extend to excise taxes enumerated under the
The NI RC levies a tax on all quarry resources, regardless of origin, whether extracted from
public or private land.
Thus, a province may not ordinarily impose taxes on stones, sand, gravel, earth and other
quarry resources, as the same are already taxed under the NI RC.
HOWEVER, the province can impose a tax on stones, sand, gravel, earth and other quarry
resources extracted from public land because it is expressly empowered to do so under the
Local Government Code.
As to the quarry resources extracted from PRI VATE LAND, it may not do so due to the
limitations in the LGC (sec 133) in relation to the NI RC (Sec 151).
Finally the petitioners cannot invoke the Regalian Doctrine to extend the coverage to quarry
resources because taxes, being burdens are NOT presumed beyond what the applicable
statute expressly and clearly declares. Tax statutes are construed strictissimi juris against
the government.


Delpher Trades Corp v I AC
Pacheco and his sister owned a parcel of real estate land identified that was registered in
They then leased the land to Construction Components I nc, and providing that during the
existence or after the term of the lease, the lessor (Pacheco,sister) should he decide to sell
the property leased, shall first offer the same to the lessee(Construction) and the lessee has
the priority to buy under similar conditions.
Construction then assigned its rights and obligations to Hydro Pipes w/ the consent of the
A deed of exchange was executed between the Pachecos and Delpher Trades where
Pachecos conveyed to Delpher the leased property together w/ another parcel of land also
located in Malinta Estate, Valenzuela for 2,500 shares of stock of Delpher w/ a total value of
On the ground that it was not given the first option to buy the leased property pursuant to
the proviso in the lease agreement, Hydro Pipes filed an amended complaint for
reconveyance of the subject lot in its favor under conditions similar to those where
Delpher acquired the property from the Pachecos.
The CFI of Bulacan ruled in favor of Hydro Pipes who had the preferential right to
acquire the property (right of first refusal), and Pacheco was ordered to immediately
convey the property to Hydro Pipes.
The I AC affirmed this decision.
Delpher argued that the deed of exchange executed between Pacheco and Delpher
was NOT a contract of sale, so it did not prejudice the right of first refusal in the
contract between Pacheco and Hydro Pipes
I : W/n the deed of exchange was a contract of sale
R: W/n there was a violation of the right of first refusal entitled to Hydro Pipes
R: NO, the deed of exchange was NOT a contract of sale; thus, there was no violation
of the right of first refusal
The "Deed of Exchange" of property between the Pachecos and Delpher Trades
Corporation cannot be considered a contract of sale because there was no transfer of
actual ownership interests by the Pachecos to a third party.
The Pacheco family merely changed their ownership from one form to another. The
ownership remained in the same hands. Hence, Hydro Pipes has no basis for its claim
of a light of first refusal under the lease contract.
I n order to perpetuate their control over the property through the corporation and to
avoid taxes, the two pieces of real estate w/c had been leased to Hydro Pipes, were
transferred to the corporation by virtue of a deed of exchange of property.
I n exchange for these properties, Pelagia and Delfin acquired 2,500 unissued no par
value shares of stock which are equivalent to a 55% majority in the corporation
because the other owners only owned 2,000 shares; they refer to this scheme as
"estate planning."
I n effect, the Delpher Trades Corporation is a business conduit or alter ego of the
Pachecos. What they really did was to invest their properties and change the nature of
their ownership from unincorporated to incorporated form by organizing Delpher
Trades Corporation to take control of their properties and at the same time save on
inheritance taxes.
I ts other advantages are continuous control of the property, tax exemption benefits,
and other inherent benefits in a corporation.
A no-par value share does not purport to represent any stated proportionate interest
in the capital stock measured by value, but only an aliquot part of the whole number
of such shares of the issuing corporation.
The holder of no-par shares may see from the certificate itself that he is only an
aliquot sharer in the assets of the corporation. Thus, by removing the par value of
shares, the attention of persons interested in the financial condition of a corporation is
focused upon the value of assets and the amount of its debts.

CIR v Toda
CI C authorized Benigno Toda, J r., President and owner of 99.991% of its issued and
outstanding capital stock, to sell the Cibeles Building and the two parcels of land on
which the building stands for an amount of not less than P90M.
Toda purportedly sold the property for P100 million to Rafael Altonaga, who, in turn,
sold the same property on the same day to Royal Match for P200M.
For the sale of the property to Royal Match (RMI ), Altonaga paid capital gains tax in
the amount of P10M.




CI C then filed its corporate annual income tax return for the year 1989, declaring, among
other things, its gain from the sale of real property in the amount of about P75k+.
After crediting withholding taxes of P254k+, it paid P26k+ for its net taxable income of
Toda sold his entire shares of stocks in CI C to Choa for P12.5M.
Three and a half years later, Toda died.
Subsequently, the BI R sent an assessment notice and demand letter to the CI C for
deficiency income tax for the year 1989 in the amount of about P79k+.
The new CI C asked for a reconsideration, asserting that the assessment should be directed
against the old CI C, and not against the new CI C, which is owned by an entirely different
set of stockholders; moreover, Toda had undertaken to hold the buyer of his stockholdings
and the CI C free from all tax liabilities for the fiscal years 1987-1989.
The Estate of Toda received a Notice of Assessment from the CI R for deficiency income tax
for the year 1989 in the amount of P79k+.
The Estate thereafter filed a protest, which the CI R dismissed.
The estate filed a Petition for Review before the CTA alleging, among others, that the CI R
erred in holding the estate liable for income tax deficiency. Holding that CTA ruled in favour
of the Estate.
I :W/n CTA erred in holding that Toda committed no fraud with intent to evade the tax on
the sale of the properties of Cibelles I nsurance Corporation
R: YES, CTA erred. Toda committed fraud so his Estate should pay the P79k+ deficiency
income tax for 1989, plus legal interest until the amount is fully paid.
Tax avoidance and tax evasion are the two most common ways used by taxpayers in
escaping from taxation:
Tax avoidance is the tax saving device within the means sanctioned by law. This method
should be used by the taxpayer in good faith and at arms length.
Tax evasion, on the other hand, is a scheme used outside of those lawful means and
when availed of, it usually subjects the taxpayer to further or additional civil or criminal
liabilities. I t connotes the integration of three factors: EBU!
o 1) end to be achieved (payment of < taxes)
o 2) bad faith / evil state of mind
o 3) unlawful course of action / failure of action
All these factors are present in the instant case.
Prior to the purported sale of the Cibeles property by CI C to Altonaga, CI C received P40M
from from RMI , and NOT Altonaga.
The P40M was debited by RMI and reflected in its trial balance as "other inv. Cibeles
Bldg." Another 40M was debited and reflected in RMIs trial balance as "other inv.
Cibeles Bldg."
This shows that the real buyer of the properties was RMI , and NOT Altonaga.
The Estate admitted that the sale was made to Toda as part of the tax planning scheme of
The scheme resorted to by CI C in making it appear that there were two sales of the subject
properties, i.e., from CI C to Altonaga, and then from Altonaga to RMI cannot be considered
a legitimate tax planning. Such scheme is tainted with fraud.
Fraud pertains to acts and omissions for purposes of deception, breach of trust or taking
advantage is taken of another.
I n this case, it is obvious that the objective of the sale to Altonaga was to reduce the
amount of tax to be paid especially that the transfer from him to RMI would then subject
the income to only 5% individual capital gains tax, and NOT the 35% corporate income tax.
Altonagas sole purpose of acquiring and transferring title of the subject properties on
the same day was to create a tax shelter. Altonaga never controlled the property and
did not enjoy the normal benefits and burdens of ownership. The sale to him was
merely a tax ploy, a sham, and without business purpose and economic substance.
To allow a taxpayer to deny tax liability on the ground that the sale was made through
another and distinct entity when it is proved that the latter was merely a conduit is to
sanction a circumvention of our tax laws. Hence, the sale to Altonaga should be
disregarded for income tax purposes. The two sale transactions should be treated as a
single direct sale by CI C to RMI .


Phil Acetylene v CIR
Philippine Acetylene Co. I nc (PAC). is a corporation engaged in the manufacture and
sale of oxygen and acetylene gases.
From 1953 to 1958, it made various sales of its products to the NAPOCOR, a Phil gov
agency, and the VOI CE OF AMERI CA, a US gov agency.
The CI R assessed deficiency sales tax and surcharge on the sales, w/c amounted to
about P12k+, pursuant to the NI RC.
The company denied liability for the payment of the tax on the ground that both
NAPOCOR and the VOA are exempt from taxation.
I t asked for a reconsideration of the assessment and, failing to secure one, appealed
to the CTA.
The CTA ruled that the tax on the sale of articles or goods in section 186 of the Code
is a tax on the MANUFACTURER and NOT the BUYER. PAC, being a manufacturer,
CANNOT claim exemption from the payment of sales tax simply because its buyer,
Napocor, is exempt.
With respect to the sales made to the VOA, CTA held that goods purchased by the
American Government or its agencies from manufacturers or producers are exempt
from the payment of the sales tax under the agreement between the Government of
the Philippines and that of the United States, provided the purchases are supported by
certificates of exemption.
I : W/n PAC should be exempt from sales tax
R: NO. PAC should pay P12k+ deficiency tax.
Statutes which impose a tax on sales, have been described as acts with schizophrenic
symptoms, as they apparently have two faces one that of a vendor tax, the other,
a vendee tax.
HOWEVER, this is clarified by the NI RC W/c provides that the sales tax shall be paid
by the MANUFACTURER or producer, who must make a true and complete return of
the amount of his, her or its gross monthly sales, receipts or earnings or gross value
of output actually removed from the factory or mill warehouse and within
Sec 186, NI RC provides that a tax = to 7% of the gross selling price shall be levied on
articles sold, to be paid by the manufacturer or producer. Sec 183 further provides
that it persons conducting businesses should pay the percentage tax, because
otherwise, the amount of the tax shall be increased by 25%, the increment to be a
part of the tax.
When the economic burden of the tax finally falls on the purchaser, the tax becomes a
part of the price which the purchaser must pay.
I t does not matter that an additional amount is billed as tax to the purchaser. The
method of listing the price and the tax separately and defining taxable gross receipts




as the amount received less the amount of the tax added, merely avoids payment by the
seller of a tax on the amount of the tax.
The effect is still the same, namely, that the purchaser does NOT pay the tax. He pays or
may pay the seller more for the goods because of the sellers obligation, but that is all and
the amount added because of the tax is paid to get the goods and for nothing else.
But the tax burden may not even be shifted to the purchaser at all. A decision to absorb the
burden of the tax is largely a matter of economics. Then it can no longer be contended that
a sales tax is a tax on the purchaser.
The tax imposed by section 186 of the NI RC is a tax on the manufacturer or producer and
NOT a tax on the purchaser except probably in a very remote and inconsequential sense.
Accordingly its levy on the sales made to tax-exempt entities like the NPC is permissible.
The agreement between RP and the US concerning military bases provides tax exemption
for goods that will be used EXCLUSI VELY in the construction, maintenance, operation and
defense of bases. THUS, only SALES to the quartermaster are exempt from taxation.
Hence, the circular of the Bureau of I nternal Revenue w/c gives the tax exemptions in the
Agreement an expansive construction it is void. The sales to the VOA are subject to the
payment of percentage taxes under section 186 of the Code.
HOWEVER, the Napocor enjoys tax exemption by virtue of an act of Congress, in order to
facilitate indebtedness.

CIR v CA and Ateneo de Manila
Ateneo de Manila University, is a non-stock, non-profit educational institution, was
conducting research through an auxiliary unit, the I nstitute of Philippine Culture.
I n 1983, Ateneo received from CI R a demand letter assessing Ateneo of the the sum of
about P170k+ for alleged deficiency contractors tax, and an assessment in the sum of
about P1M+ for alleged deficiency income tax for the fiscal year of March 1978.
Denying said tax liabilities, Ateneo sent CI R a letter-protest contesting the validity of the
CI R rendered a letter-decision canceling the assessment for deficiency income tax but
modified the assessment for deficiency contractors tax by increasing the amount due to
Ateneo requested for a reconsideration or reinvestigation of the modified assessment. At
the same time, it filed in the CTA a petition for review of the said letter-decision.
While the petition was pending before the CTA, CI R issued a final decision reducing the
assessment for deficiency contractors tax from P190k+ to P46k+, exclusive of surcharge
and interest.
CTA canceled the deficiency contractors tax assessment, w/c was affirmed by the CA.
CI R filed a petition for review before the SC.
I : W/n Ateneo should pay the 3% contractors tax under Sec 205 of the Tax Code
R: NO.
1) I n case of doubt, statutes on tax imposition are to be construed strongly against the GOV
and in favor of citizens, because burdens are NOT to be imposed nor presumed beyond
what is expressed.
Ateneos I PC NEVER sold its services for a fee to anyone or was ever engaged in a business
apart from and independently of the academic purposes of the university.
Funds received by Ateneo are technically not a fee. They may however fall as gifts or
donations which are tax-exempt as shown by Ateneos compliance w/ the NI RC
requirement providing for the exemption of such gifts to an educational institution.
2) The term independent contractors include persons whose activity consists essentially of
the sale of all kinds of services for a fee.
The term gross receipts means all amounts received by the prime or principal
contractor as the total contract price, undiminished by amount paid to the
subcontractor, shall be excluded from the taxable gross receipts of the subcontractor.
Ateneos I PC cannot be deemed either as a contract of sale or a contract for a piece of
work. By the contract of sale, one of the contracting parties obligates himself to
transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing, and the other to pay
therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent.
I n the case of a contract for a piece of work, the contractor binds himself to execute a
piece of work for the employer, in consideration of a certain price or compensation.
HOWEVER, it is clear in from the evidence on record that there was no sale either of
objects or services because there was no transfer of ownership over the research data
obtained or the results of research projects undertaken by the I PC.
TO SUM: Ateneo is NOT a contractor selling its services for a fee but an academic
institution conducting these researches pursuant to its commitments to education and,
ultimately, to public service. Education is and NOT profit is the motive for undertaking
the research projects.

National Development Company v CIR
The NDC entered into contracts in Tokyo with several J apanese shipbuilding
companies for the construction of 12 ocean-going vessels.
The purchase price was to come from the proceeds of bonds issued by the Central
I nitial payments were made in cash and through irrevocable letters of credit. 14
promissory notes were signed for the balance by the NDC and, as required by the
shipbuilders, guaranteed by the Republic of the Philippines.
The remaining payments and the interests thereon were remitted in due time by the
NDC to Tokyo.
The vessels were eventually completed and delivered to the NDC in Tokyo.
NDC remitted to the shipbuilders in Tokyo the total amount of about US$4M+ as
interest on the balance of the purchase price. No tax was withheld.
The Commissioner then held the NDC liable on such tax in the total sum of P5k+.
Negotiations followed but failed.
The BI R thereupon served on the NDC a warrant of distraint and levy to enforce
collection of the claimed amount.
The NDC went to the CTA, w/c ruled in favor of the BI R, except for a slight reduction
of the tax deficiency in the sum of P900, representing the compromise penalty.
I : W/n NDC should be held liable for for withholding taxes on the interest remitted to
the J apanese corporation
The interest remitted to the J apanese shipbuilders in J apan on the UNPAI D BALANCE
of the purchase price of the vessels acquired by NDC is interest derived from sources
within the Philippines and therefore subject to income tax under the NI RC.
The law, however, does not speak of activity but of the SOURCE. The Governments
right to levy and collect income tax on interest received by foreign corporations not
engaged in trade or business within the Philippines is NOT based on the condition that
the ACTI VI TY be in the Philippines.
I nstead, it is the RESI DENCE of the obligor who pays the interest that is material in
determining the source of interest. I t is not the physical location of the securities,
bonds or notes or the place of payment.




The law specifies: interest derived from SOURCES within the Philippines and interests on
bonds, notes or other interest bearing obligations of residents, corporate or otherwise.
I n this case, NDC is a Philippine corporation engaged in the business in the Philippines, it is
a domestic corporation and resident of the Philippines. Thus, it is subject to tax.
2) NDC also has no basis for saying that the interest payments were obligations of the
Republic of the Philippines and that the government notes were exempt from taxation.
The law invoked (RA 1407) did NOT state any exemption on said interest on securities.
NDC has not established any tax exemption on the said transaction. The government was
NOT the one who issued the notes but merely guaranteed the said issuances.
Tax exemptions cannot be merely implied but must be categorically and unmistakably
expressed. Any doubt concerning this question must be resolved in favor of the taxing
3) I n suggesting that the NDC is merely an administrator of the funds of the Republic of the
Philippines, the NDC closes its eyes to the nature of the entity as a corporation. As such, it
is governed in its proprietary activities not only by its charter but also by the Corporation
Code and other pertinent laws.
4) Lastly, it must be noted that NDC is NOT the one being taxed. The tax was due on the
interests earned by the J apanese shipbuilders. I t was the income of these companies and
NOT the Republic of the Philippines that was subject to the tax the NDC did not withhold.
I n effect, therefore, the imposition of the deficiency taxes on the NDC is a penalty for its
failure to withhold the same from the J apanese shipbuilders, as imposed by the Tax Code.
LASTLY, the court has stated that in case of the doubt, the one withholding can just the pay
tax and ask for refund later when an error in the payment exists.

Maceda v Macaraig
Since May 27, 1976 (when PD 938 was issued) until J une 11, 1984 when PD 1931 was
promulgated (abolishing the tax exemptions of all GOCCs), oil firms never paid excise or
specific and ad valorem taxes for petroleum products sold and delivered to the NPC. This
non-payment of taxes spanned for 8 years.
The oil companies started to pay specific and ad valorem taxes on their sales of oil products
to NPC only after the promulgation of PD 1931 w/c withdrew all exemptions granted in
favor of GOCCs and empowering the Fiscal I ncentives Review Board (FI RB) to recommend
to the President or to the Minister of Finance the restoration of the exemptions which were
FI RB issued Resolution 10-85 w/c restored the tax exemption privileges of NPC effective
retroactively to J une 11, 1984 up to J une 30, 1985.
Thus, the NPC applied with the BI R for a refund of Specific Taxes paid on petroleum
products in the total amount of about P58k+.
Maceda, Senate member, introduced Resolution 22 w/c was aimed at conducting an inquiry
in aid of legislation in line w/ the reported tax manipulations and evasions by oil companies
(particularly Caltex, Shell and Petrophil) by availing of their non-existing exemption of NPC
from indirect taxes, w/c resulted in obtaining a tax refund totaling P 1.55 Billion from the
Department of Finance
The Blue Ribbon Committee conducted a lengthy formal inquiry on the matter and
recommended that the tax refund to NPC be cancelled, and also to cancel the approval of
deed of Assignment by NPC to Caltex, and collect from Caltex its tax liabilities which were
erroneously treated as paid or settled with the use of the tax credit certificate that NPC
assigned to said firm.
Maceda contended that the exemption of NPC from I NDI RECT TAXATI ON was revoked and
repealed by the latest amendment to the NPC charter by PD 938, by the deletion of the
phrases directly or indirectly and on all petroleum products used by the Corporation
in the generation, transmission, utilization and sale of electric power
The exemption of NPC provided in Section of PD 938 regarding the payments of all
forms of taxes, etc cannot be interpreted to include indirect tax exception since tax
statutes must be strictly construed against the one claiming the exemption must be
strictly construed against the one claiming the exemption
I : W/n NPC is liable for indirect tax
R: NO, NPC is NOT liable for indirect tax
I ndirect taxes are taxes primarily paid by persons who can shift the burden upon
someone else. For example, the excise and ad valorem taxes that oil companies pay to
the BI R upon removal of petroleum products from its refinery can be shifted to its
buyer, like the NPC, by adding them to the cash and/or selling price.
I n interpreting a statute, legislative intent must be ascertained -- the reason for its
enactment should be kept in mind and the statute should be construed with reference
to its intended purpose + the evil sought to be remedied.
I n this case, NPC is a non-profit public corporation created for the general good and
welfare (development of hydroelectric generation of power and production of
electricity from other sources) wholly owned by the government. From the very
beginning of its corporate existence, the NPC enjoyed preferential tax treatment to
enable the Corporation to pay the indebtedness and obligation and in furtherance and
effective implementation of the policy enunciated in Sec 1 of RA 6395. From the
changes made in the NPC charter, the intention to strengthen its preferential tax
treatment is obvious.
I n the earlier law, RA 358 the exemptions was worded in general terms, as to cover
all taxes, duties, fees, imposts, charges, etc However, the amendment under RA
6395 enumerated the details covered by the exemption. Subsequently, PD 380, made
even more specific the details of the exemption of NPC to cover, among others, both
direct and indirect on all petroleum products used in its operation. PD 938 amended
the tax exemption by simplifying the same law in general terms. I t succinctly exempts
NPC from all forms of taxes, duties, fees, imposts as well as costs and service fees
including filing fees, appeal bonds, supersede as bonds, in any court or administrative
The use of the phrase "all forms" of taxes demonstrate the intention of the law to give
NPC all the tax exemptions.
Provisions granting exemptions to government agencies may be construed liberally, in
favor of non-tax liability of such agencies. Thus, the rule that tax exemptions should
be strictly construed is NOT applicable to NPC. The practical effect of an exemption is
merely to reduce the amount of money that has to be handled by government in the
course of its operations.
I n the case of property owned by the state or a city or other public corporations, the
express exemption should not be construed with the same degree of strictness that
applies to exemptions contrary to the policy of the state, since as to such property
"exemption is the rule and taxation the exception."

Maceda v Macaraig MR
Unfazed by the Decision that the SC decision, Maceda filed a motion for
I n the process, a hearing was held on J uly 9, 1992 where all parties presented their
respective arguments.
However, the MR was denied.




1) What kind of tax exemption privileges does NPC have?
Maceda contended that PD 938 repealed the indirect tax exemption of NPC as the phrase
"all forms of taxes etc.," in its section 10, amending Section 13, R.A. No. 6395, as amended
by P.D. No. 380, does not expressly include "indirect taxes."
The SC does not agree with this as a chronological review of the NPC laws will show that it
has been the lawmaker's intention that the NPC was to be completely tax exempt from all
forms of taxes direct and indirect.
NPC's tax exemptions at first applied to the bonds it was authorized to float to finance its
operations upon its creation by virtue of C.A. No. 120.
When the NPC was authorized to contract with the I BRD for foreign financing, any loans
obtained were to be completely tax exempt.
After the NPC was authorized to borrow from other sources of funds aside issuance of
bonds it was again specifically exempted from all types of taxes "to facilitate payment of
its indebtedness."
Even when the ceilings for domestic and foreign borrowings were periodically increased, the
tax exemption privileges of the NPC were maintained.
NPC's tax exemption from real estate taxes was, however, specifically withdrawn by RA 987
but was restored by RA 6396. Moreover, PD 938, which raised its capital stock and USD
borrowing rate, expressly states that the NPC must not only be able to pay its indebtedness
but also to be exempt from ALL forms of taxes if its goal is to be achieved.
2) For what periods in time were these privileges being enjoyed?
I n the case of the tax exemption restoration of NPC, there is no other comparable entity
not even a single public or private corporation whose rights would be violated if NPC's
tax exemption privileges were to be restored.
While there might have been a MERALCO before Martial Law, it is of public knowledge that
the MERALCO generating plants were sold to the NPC in line with the State policy that NPC
was to be the State implementing arm for the electrification of the entire country.
Besides, MERALCO was limited to Manila and its environs. And as of 1984, there was no
more MERALCO as a producer of electricity which could have objected to the
restoration of NPC's tax exemption privileges.
I t should be noted that NPC was not asking to be granted tax exemption privileges for the
first time. I t was just asking that its tax exemption privileges be restored. Thus, NPC had its
tax exemption privileges restored from 1984 to the present.
3) If there are taxes to be paid, who shall pay for these taxes?
The oil companies which supply bunker fuel oil to NPC have to pay the taxes imposed upon
said bunker fuel oil sold to NPC.
By the very nature of indirect taxation, the economic burden of such taxation is expected to
be passed on through the channels of commerce to the user or consumer of the goods sold.
HOWEVER, because NPC has been exempted from both direct and indirect taxation, the
NPC must beheld exempted from absorbing the economic burden of indirect taxation.
This means, on the one hand, that the oil companies which wish to sell to NPC absorb all or
part of the economic burden of the taxes previously paid to BI R, which could they shift to
NPC if NPC did not enjoy exemption from indirect taxes. This means also, on the other
hand, that the NPC may refuse to pay the part of the "normal" purchase price of bunker fuel
oil which represents all or part of the taxes previously paid by the oil companies to BI R.
I f NPC nonetheless purchases such oil from the oil companies because to do so may be
more convenient and ultimately less costly for NPC than NPC itself importing and hauling
and storing the oil from overseas NPC is entitled to be reimbursed by the BI R for that
part of the buying price of NPC which verifiably represents the tax already paid by the oil
company-vendor to the BI R.

A. Chronological review of the relevant NPC laws with respect to tax exemption
1. November 3, 1936- CA 120 was enacted creating the National Power Corporation (NPC) to
develop hydraulic power from all sources in the Philippines with a sum of P250,000 appropriated
from the Philippine Treasury, whose main source of funds shall be exempt from taxation.
2. J une 4, 1949- RA 357 was enacted authorizing the President to guarantee absolutely and
unconditionally as primary obligor the payment of all NPC loans, wherein such loans shall be
exempt from taxes.
3. On the same date, it was authorized for the first time to incur other types of indebtedness
which shall also be exempt from taxation.
4. J anuary 22, 1974- PD 380 was issued to give extra powers to NPC, wherein its capital stock
was raised to P2 billion, and was authorized to borrow a total of USD 1 billion.
5. May 27, 1976- PD 938 was issued, raising its ceiling of indebtedness to P12 billion and its USD
borrowing rate at USD 4 billion.
Several tax laws were enacted that challenged the tax exemptions imposed on NPC. First, in
1976, PD 882 was passed withdrawing the tax exemption of NPC with regard to imports in order
to reduce foreign exchange spending and to protect domestic industries. Second, PD 1177 was
issued as it was the declared policy of the State to formulate and implement a National Budget
that is an instrument of national development and that due to this, all units of government,
including GOCCs, shall pay income taxes, customs duties and other taxes and fees imposed under
revenue laws, provided that organizations otherwise exempted by law from the payment of such
taxes/duties may ask from a SUBSI DY from the General Fund. Third, PD 1931 was passed in
1984, due to the economic morass after the Aquino Association. The Decree expressly repeals
the grant of tax privileges to any GOCCs and all other units of the government. Lastly, in 1986,
EO 93 (S86) was issued with a view to correct presidential restoration or grant of tax exemption
to other government and private entities without benefit of a review by the Fiscal I ncentives
Review Board.

CIR v Gotamco & Sons, Inc.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is an international organization which has a
regional office in Manila.
As an international organization, it enjoys privileges and immunities which are defined
more specifically in the Host Agreement entered into between the Philippines and
the said Organization.
Section 11 of the Agreement provides that the Organization, its assets, income and
other properties shall be: exempt from all direct and indirect taxes. I t is
understood, however, that the Organization will not claim exemption from taxes which
are, in fact, no more than charges for public utility services.
When the WHO decided to construct a building to house its own offices, as well as
other UN offices in Manila, it entered into a further agreement with the Government of
the Philippines which stated that the Organization may import into the country
materials and fixtures required for the construction free from all duties and taxes
and agrees not to utilize any portion of the international reserves of the Government.
I n inviting bids for the construction of the building, the WHO informed the bidders that
the building to be constructed belonged to an international organization with
diplomatic status and thus exempt from the payment of ALL fees, licenses, and taxes.
Thus, their bids "must take this into account and should not include items for such
taxes, licenses and other payments to Government agencies.




The construction contract was awarded to J ohn Gotamco & Sons, Inc. on February 10,
1958 for a price upon completion of P452k+
The CI R imposed a contractors tax and stated that "as the 3% contractor's tax is not a
direct nor an indirect tax on the WHO, but a tax that is primarily due from the
CONTRACTOR, the same is not covered by the Host Agreement.
The CI R sent a letter of demand to Gotamco demanding payment of about P16k+
representing the 3% contractor's tax plus surcharges on the gross receipts it received from
the WHO.
Gotamco appealed the CI R's decision to the CTA, which rendered a decision in favor of
Gotamco and reversed the CI Rs decision.
I : W/n Gotamco should pay 3% contractor's tax under Section 191 of the NI rC from the
construction of the WHO building in Manila
R: NO.
1) CI Rs contention that the contractors tax is an excise tax imposed upon the contactor
(privilege of doing business) with no bearing on the WHO (thus, NOT an indirect tax on
WHO), cannot hold water.
Direct taxes are those that are demanded from the very person who should pay them while
indirect taxes are those that are demanded in from one person in the expectation that he
can shift the burden to someone else.
The contractor's tax is course payable by the contractor but in the last analysis it is the
OWNER of the building that shoulders the burden of the tax because the same is shifted by
the contractor to the owner as a matter of self-preservation.
Thus, it is an indirect tax on WHO because, although it is payable by the petitioner, the
latter can shift its burden on the WHO.
2) CI R claims that in Philippine Acetylene Co. vs. CI R, the 3% contractor's tax fans directly
on Gotamco and cannot be shifted to the WHO.
HOWEVER, the said case is not controlling, since the Host Agreement specifically exempts
the WHO from "indirect taxes."
The Philippine Acetylene case involved a tax on SALES of goods which under the law had to
be paid by the manufacturer or producer; the fact that the manufacturer or producer might
have added the amount of the tax to the price of the goods did not make the sales tax "a
tax on the purchaser."

Republic v I AC
The BI R initiated an action in the CFI of Manila to collect deficiency income taxes from the
Spouses Pastor for the years 1955 to 1959 in the amount of about P17k+ with 5%
surcharge and 1% interest, with costs.
After their Motion to Dismiss was denied, they filed an Answer, admitting that there was an
assessment against them in the aforementioned amount but that they had availed of the
TAX AMNESTY under PD Nos. 23, 213 and 370, paying the corresponding amnesty
taxes to be able to remove their liabilities.
The Government only filed the action against the spouses 10 years after the assessment on
the deficient income taxes were made.
The CFI ruled in favor of the spouses, saying that their tax liabilities were deemed settled
under PD 213 (and not the other PDs) as shown in the Amnesty I ncome Tax Returns
Summary Statement and the Tax Payment Acceptance Order which contain the assessment
for the questioned years.
By accepting payment, the Government has therefore WAIVED ITS RIGHT to recover
further deficiency income taxes under existing assessments against them.
The Gov filed an appeal w/ the I AC, alleging that the spouses were NOT qualified to
avail of the tax amnesty because the benefits could only be availed of by persons
WI THOUT pending assessment against them (according to Revenue Regulations Nos.
8-72 and 7-73).
I AC dismissed the appeal, rulling that RR 7-73 was null and void for being contrary
to/restrictive of PD 213.
I : W/n payment of deficiency income taxes under a tax amnesty law operates to divest
the government of the right to recover against the taxpayer even if there is an existing
assessment against the latter
What was granted under PD 213 is not just an exemption but an amnesty, and the
Government is estopped from collecting the difference between the deficiency tax
assessment and the amount already paid by them as amnesty tax.
Being in the nature of a general pardon/intentional overlooking of the State of its
authority to impose penalties on persons otherwise guilty of evasion or like violations,
it constitutes absolute forgiveness or a waiver by the Government of its right to collect
what would otherwise be due it.
The findings of respondent appellate court that the deficiency income taxes were paid
by the spouses and accepted by the government under PD 213 are entitled the
highest respect. I n case of doubt, tax statutes are to be construed strictly against the
Government and liberally in favor of the taxpayer.

Republic v Caguioa
I n 1992, Congress RA No. 7227 or the BASES CONVERSI ON AND DEVELOPMENT
ACT OF 1992 which, among other things, created the Subic Special Economic and
Freeport Zone (SSEZ) and the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA).
RA No. 7227 provided incentives such as tax and duty-free importations of raw
materials, capital and equipment.
However, exportation from the SSEZ to the other parts of the Philippine territory shall
be subject to customs duties and taxes under the Customs and Tariff Code and other
relevant tax laws.
I t also provided that in lieu of paying taxes, 3% of the gross income earned by all
businesses and enterprises within the SSEZ shall be remitted to the National
Government, 1% each to the local government units affected by the declaration of the
zone in proportion to their population area, and other factors.
I n addition, it established a development fund of 1% of the gross income earned by all
businesses and enterprises within the SSEZ to be utilized for the development of
municipalities outside the City of Olongapo and the Municipality of Subic, and other
municipalities contiguous to be base areas.
Pursuant to the law, respondent companies (I ndigo Distribution, Star Trading, etc)
applied for and were granted Certificates of Registration and Tax Exemption by the
SBMA. The Certificate entitled them to tax and duty-free importation of materials for
use solely within the Subic Bay Freeport Zone.
Congress, however, subsequently passed R.A. No. 9334 w/c stated that the
importation of cigars and cigarettes, distilled spirits, fermented liquors and
wines into the Philippines, even if destined for tax and duty free shops, shall
be subject to all applicable taxes, duties, charges, including excise taxes
due thereon. This shall apply to those brought directly into the freeports of the
SSEZ, under RA No. 7227.




Because of this, SBMA issued a Memorandum directing the departments concerned to
require locators/importers in the SBF to pay the corresponding duties and taxes on their
importations of cigars, cigarettes, liquors, and wines before said items are cleared and
released from the freeport.
I n line w/ this, the NI RC was amended (Sec 1310 w/c also provided that taxes and charges
shall apply to the importation of cigarettes, liquor, wine, etc.
On the basis of the said amendment, SBMA issued a Memorandum declaring that all
importations of cigars, cigarettes, distilled spirits, fermented liquors and wines into the SBF
shall be treated as ordinary importations subject to all applicable taxes, duties and charges,
including excise taxes.
Respondent companies wrote to the Collector of Customs and the SBMA Administrator
requesting for a reconsideration of the directives on the imposition of such.
Despite this, they were not allowed to file any warehousing entry for their shipments. Thus,
they brought the action before the RTC, w/c ruled in their favour.
I : W/n RA 9334 effectively withdrew the tax exemption of respondent companies.
R: YES, the companies are NOT exempt from tax.
Flowing from the basic precept of constitutional law that no law is irrepealable, Congress, in
the legitimate exercise of its lawmaking powers, can enact a law withdrawing a tax
exemption just as efficaciously as it may grant the same under Section 28(4) of Article VI of
the Constitution (There is no vested right in a tax exemption, more so when the latest
expression of legislative intent renders its continuance doubtful.).
THUS, Congress can amend Section 131 of the NI RC in a manner it sees fit, as it did when
it passed R.A. No. 9334.
The rights granted under the Certificates of Registration and Tax Exemption of
private respondents are not absolute and unconditional as to constitute rights in
esse those clearly founded on or granted by law or is enforceable as a matter of law.
These certificates granting private respondents a permit to operate their respective
businesses are in the nature of licenses, which the bulk of jurisprudence considers as
neither a property nor a property right.
The licensee takes his license subject to such conditions as the grantor sees fit to impose,
including its revocation at pleasure. A license can thus be revoked at any time since it does
not confer an absolute right.
While the tax exemption contained in the Certificates of Registration of private respondents
may have been part of the inducement for carrying on their businesses in the SBF, this
exemption, nevertheless, is far from being contractual in nature in the sense that the non-
impairment clause of the Constitution can rightly be invoked.
Lastly, whatever right may have been acquired on the basis of the Certificates of
Registration and Tax Exemption must yield to the States valid exercise of police power.
The said law was passed to curb the practice of taking advantage of tax exemption
privileges to smuggle goods.

Smart Communications, Inc. v City of Davao
The Tax Code of the City of Davao imposes a tax on businesses enjoying a franchise in the
amount of of 1% of the gross annual receipts for the preceding calendar year. This is
based on the income / receipts realized within its territorial jurisdiction, notwithstanding any
exemption granted by any law or other special law.
SMART filed for declaratory relief, contending that:
o I ts telecenter in the aforementioned city was exempted from payment of such
franchise taxes pursuant to its franchise under RA 7294
o RA 7160 (The Local Government Code) only applies to exemptions already
existing at the time of its effectivity and NOT to future exemptions
o The power of the City of Davao to impose a franchise tax is subject to
statutory limitations such as the in lieu of all taxes clause found in Section
9 of R.A. No. 7294
o Such franchise tax imposed by the City of Davao violates the constitutional
provision against impairment of contracts.
The City of Davao opposed, invoking the power granted by the Constitution to local
government units to create their own sources of revenue.
TC ruled against Smart, on the ground that tax laws are strictly construed against the
taxpayer, and that LGUs are empowered to tax by a valid delegation of legislative
power and the direct authority granted to it by the fundamental law, hence not
violative of the non-impairment clause.
I : W/n SMART is liable for franchise tax
R: YES, SMART is liable.
Section 137, in relation to Section 151 of the Local Government Code (RA 7160) allows
local governments to impose franchise taxes, while Section 193 thereof withdrew all
tax exemption privileges granted to franchises prior to its issuance, except local water
districts, cooperatives duly registered under RA No. 6938, non-stock and non-profit
hospitals and educational institutions.
Since Smarts franchise (RA 7294) was granted two months AFTER the issuance of the
Local Government Code, its tax exemption privileges are NOT deemed withdrawn by
the Local Government Code.
However, the phrase in lieu of all taxes in RA 7294 must be construed in the context
of the whole Act granting the franchise to Smart.
Tax statutes, and exemptions granted therein, are construed strictly against the
taxpayer and liberally in favor of the Government.
I n this case, the 3% tax on all gross receipts in lieu of all taxes provision in RA 7294
was NOT clear whether it applies to both national and local taxes.
Thus, this provision must be construed strictly against Smart which claims the
exemption. Smart has the burden of proving that, aside from the imposed 3%
franchise tax, Congress intended it to be exempt from all kinds of franchise taxes -
whether local or national. However, Smart failed in this regard.
The was also no violation of the non-impairment clause of the Constitution. I n fact,
aside from the ambiguous in lieu of all taxes phrase in the franchise, it also has an
express condition that it is subject to amendment, alteration, or repeal.


Hilado v CIR
Emilio Hilado filed his income tax return for 1951 with the treasurer of Bacolod City
wherein he claimed, among other things, the amount of P12k+ as a deductible item
from his gross income pursuant to General Circular V-123 issued by the CI R. (This
circular was issued pursuant to certain rules laid down by the Secretary of Finance.)
On the basis of said return, an assessment notice demanding the payment of P9k+
was sent to Hilado, who paid the tax in monthly installments.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of Finance, through the CI R issued General Circular V-139
which not only revoked and declared void his general Circular V- 123 but laid down the
rule that losses of property which occurred during the period of World War I I from




fires, storms, shipwreck or other casualty, or from robbery, theft, or embezzlement are
deductible in the year of actual loss or destruction of said property.
As a consequence, the amount of P12k+ was disallowed as a deduction from Hilados gross
income for 1951.
Consequently, the CI R demanded from him P3k+ as deficiency income tax for said year.
When the petition for reconsideration filed by Hilado was denied, he filed a petition for
review w/ CTA.
CTA affirmed CI Rs assessment, so Hilado filed an appeal w/ the SC.
I : W/n CI Rs assessment was correct
R: YES, CI R was correct.
1) Assuming that the amount claimed as a loss represents a portion of the 75% of his war
damage claim which was not paid, the same would NOT be deductible as a loss in 1951
because, according to Hilado, the last installment he received from the War Damage
Commission was in 1950. Thus, deduction could only be made from his 1950 gross income.
Also, the amount cannot be considered a business asset which can be deducted as a loss
because its collection is NOT enforceable as a matter of right, but is dependent merely upon
the generosity of the US government.
2) As of the end of 1945, there was absolutely no law under which Hilado could claim
compensation for the destruction of his properties during the battle for the liberation of the
3) Under the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946, the payments of claims by the War
Damage Commission merely depended upon its discretion to be exercised in the manner it
may see fit, but the non-payment of which cannot give rise to any enforceable right.
Also, the second Gen circular, w/c nullified the first is consistent w/ the NI RC (Sec. 30),
which provides that that losses sustained are allowable as deduction only within the
corresponding taxable year.
4) Philippine internal revenue laws are not political in nature and as such were continued in
force during the period of enemy occupation and in effect were actually enforced by the
occupation government. As a matter of fact, income tax returns were filed during that
period and income tax payment were effected and considered valid and legal. Such tax laws
are deemed to be the laws of the occupied territory and not of the occupying enemy.
5) The Secretary of Finance is vested with authority to revoke, repeal or abrogate the acts
or previous rulings of his predecessor in office because the construction of a statute by
those administering it is NOT binding on their successors.
Thus, in the present case, when the Commissioner determined in 1937 that the petitioner
was not exempt and never had been, it was his duty to determine, assess and collect the
tax due for all years not barred by the statutes of limitation. The conclusion reached and
announced by his predecessor in 1924 was NOT binding upon him. I t did not exempt Hilado
from tax.
General Circular V-123, having been issued on a wrong construction of the law, cannot give
rise to a vested right that can be invoked by a taxpayer. A vested right cannot spring from a
wrong interpretation. CivCode also provides that no vested or acquired right can arise from
acts or omissions which are against the law or which infringe upon the rights of others.

Philippine Bank of Communications v CIR
Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCom) filed its quarterly income tax returns for the
first and second quarters of 1985, reported profits, and paid the total income tax of P5M+.
The taxes due were settled by applying PBCom's tax credit memos and accordingly, the BI R
issued Tax Debit Memo for P3M+ and P1M+, respectively.
Subsequently, however, PBCom suffered losses so that when it filed its Annual I ncome
Tax Returns for the year-ended December 31, 1986, it reported a net loss of P14M+
and thus declared no tax payable for the year.
But during these two years (1985 and 1986), PBCom earned rental income from
leased properties.
The lessees withheld and remitted to the BI R withholding creditable taxes for both
1986 and 1986 (about P200k+ for each of those years).
PBCom then requested the CI R, among others, for a tax credit of P5M+ representing
the overpayment of taxes in the first and second quarters of 1985.
3 yrs later, PBCom filed a claim for refund of creditable taxes withheld by their lessees
from property rentals in 1985 and 1986 (the P200k+ each)
Pending CI Rs investigation, PBCom instituted a Petition for Review before the CTA.
CTA denied the request for a tax refund or credit (P5M+) given that it was filed
beyond the 2-year reglementary period provided for by law. The petitioner's claim for
refund in 1986 was likewise denied on the assumption that it was automatically
credited by PBCom against its tax payment in the succeeding year.
PBCom argued that its claims for refund and tax credits are not yet barred by
prescription relying on the applicability of Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 7-85
issued on April 1, 1985.
The RM Circular states that overpaid income taxes are NOT covered by the two-year
prescriptive period under the Tax Code and that taxpayers may claim refund or tax
credits for the excess quarterly income tax with the BI R within ten 10 years under
Article 1144 of the Civil Code.
I : W/n the tax refund should be denied on the ground of prescription, despite PBComs
reliance on RMC No. 7-85, changing the prescriptive period of 2 years to 10 years.
R: No. The relaxation of revenue regulations by RMC 7-85 is not warranted as it
disregards the two-year prescriptive period set by law.
The NI RC states that the taxpayer may file a claim for refund or credit with the CI R
w/in 2 years after payment of tax, before any suit in CTA is commenced.
The 2-year prescriptive period should be computed from the time of filing the
Adjustment Return and final payment of the tax for the year.
Clearly, the prescriptive period of 2 years should commence to run only from the time
that the refund is ascertained, which can only be determined after a final adjustment
return is accomplished.
When the Acting CI R issued RMC 7-85, changing the prescriptive period of 2 years to
10 years on claims of excess quarterly income tax payments, such circular created a
clear inconsistency with the provision of the NI RC.
I n so doing, the BI R did not simply interpret the law; rather it legislated guidelines
contrary to the statute passed by Congress. Rules and regulations issued by
administrative officials to implement a law cannot go beyond the terms and provisions
of the latter.
Art. 8 of the Civil Code recognizes judicial decisions, applying or interpreting statutes
as part of the legal system of the country.
But administrative decisions do not enjoy that level of recognition.
A memorandum-circular of a bureau head could not operate to vest a taxpayer with
shield against judicial action. For there are no vested rights to speak of respecting a
wrong construction of the law by the administrative officials and such wrong
interpretation could not place the Government in estoppel to correct or overrule the




Moreover, the non-retroactivity of rulings by the CI R is not applicable in this case because
the nullity of RMC No. 7-85 was declared by respondent courts and not by the CI R.
Lastly, a claim for refund is in the nature of a claim for exemption and should be construed
in strictissimi juris against the taxpayer.



CIR v Tokyo Shipping Co, Ltd.
Tokyo Shipping is a foreign corporation (represented by Soriamont Steamship Agencies in
the Philippines) which owns and operates tramper vessel M/V Gardenia.
I n December 1980, NASUTRA

chartered M/V Gardenia to load 16,500 metric tons of raw
sugar in the Philippines.

Mr. Edilberto Lising, the operations supervisor of Soriamont Agency,

paid the required
income and common carrier's taxes totalling about P107k+ based on the expected gross
receipts of the vessel.
Upon arriving, however, at Guimaras Port of I loilo, the vessel found no sugar for loading.
NASUTRA and Soriamont mutually agreed to have the vessel sail for J apan without any
Claiming the pre-payment of income and common carrier's taxes as erroneous since no
receipt was realized from the charter agreement, Tokyo Shipping instituted a claim for tax
credit or refund of P107k+ before CI R.
CI R failed to act promptly on the claim, so Tokyo filed a petition for review before CTA. CTA
ruled in favour of Tokyo.
CI R filed a petition contending that Tokyo had the burden of proof to support its claim of
refund, Tokyo failed to prove that it did not realize any receipt from its charter agreement
and it suppressed evidence when it did not present its charter agreement.
I : W/n Tokyo is entitled to a refund or tax credit for amounts representing pre-payment of
income and common carrier's taxes under the NI RC
R: YES. CTA decision affirmed.
Sec24 (b2) of the NI RC provides that a corporation organized under foreign law but doing
business in the Phils shall be taxable upon the total net income derived in the preceding
taxable year from all sources within the Philippines, PROVI DED that international carriers
shall pay a tax of 2 1/ 2% on their gross Philippine billings. ("Gross Philippine
Billings" include gross revenue realized from uplifts anywhere in the world by any
international carrier doing business in the Philippines of passage documents sold therein,
whether for passenger, excess baggage or mail, provided the cargo or mail originates from
the Philippines. The gross revenue realized from the said cargo or mail include the gross
freight charge up to final destination.)
Pursuant to this, a resident foreign corporation engaged in the transport of cargo is liable
for taxes depending on the amount of income it derives from sources within the Philippines.
THUS, before such a tax liability can be enforced, the taxpayer must be shown to have
earned income sourced from the Philippines.
A claim for refund is in the nature of a claim for exemption and should be construed in
strictissimi juris against the taxpayer. The taxpayer has the burden of proof to show that he
is entitled to refund.
I N THI S CASE, there was sufficient evidence shown by Tokyo that it derived no receipt from
its charter agreement with NASUTRA..
Documents presented were the Clearance Vessel to a Foreign Port issued by the
District Collector of Customs, Port of I loilo and the Certification by the Officer-in-
Charge, Export Division of the Bureau of Customs I loilo. The correctness of the
contents of these documents regularly issued by officials of the Bureau of Customs
cannot be doubted as indeed, they have not been contested by the petitioner.
Taxpayers owe honesty to government just as government owes fairness to taxpayers.
The court bewails the unyielding stance taken by the government in refusing to refund
the sum of P107,142.75 erroneously prepaid by private respondent. The
government delayed its refund for 15 years and thus rendered the refund
just worth a damaged nickel. This is not the kind of success the government,
especially the BI R, needs to increase its collection of taxes. Fair deal is expected by
our taxpayers from the BI R and the duty demands that BI R should refund without any
unreasonable delay what it has erroneously collected.
I n Roxas v. CTA, the power of taxation is sometimes called also the power to destroy.
Therefore it should be exercised with caution to minimize injury to the proprietary
rights of a taxpayer. I t must be exercised fairly, equally and uniformly, lest the tax
collector kill the "hen that lays the golden egg." And, in order to maintain the general
public's trust and confidence in the Government this power must be used justly and
not treacherously.

Reyes v Almanzor
J BL, Edmundo and Milagros Reyes are owners of parcels of land in Manila which are
leased and occupied as dwelling sites by tenants for monthly rentals not exceeding
I n 1971, RA 6359 was passed prohibiting an increase of monthly rentals of dwelling
units or of land on which another dwelling is located for one year after effectivity for
rentals not exceeding P300 but allowing an increase of rent thereafter by not more
than 10%.
The Act also suspended the operation of Article 1673 of the Civil Code (ejectment of
PD 20 amended RA 6359 by absolutely prohibiting the increase and indefinitely
suspending Article 1673.
The Reyeses, thus, were precluded from raising the rentals and from ejecting the
I n 1973, the City Assessor of Manila reclassified and reassessed the value of the
properties based on the schedule of market values duly reviewed by the Secretary of
As it entailed an increase of the corresponding tax rates, the Reyeses filed a
memorandum of disagreement with the Board of Tax Assessment Appeals and
averring that the reassessments were excessive, unwarranted, unequitable,
confiscatory and unconstitutional inasmuch as the taxes imposed exceeded the annual
income derived from their properties.
They also argued that the income approach should have been used in determining
land values instead of the comparative sales approach which the assessor adopted.
I : W/n the assessment of the Board was proper
R: NO. SC ruled in favor of Reyeses and board was askesd to make re-assessment.
Taxation is equitable when its burden falls on those better able to pay. Taxation is
progressive when its rate goes up depenfing on the resources of the person affected.
Taxes are uniform when all taxable articles or kinds of property of the same class are
taxed at the same rate.




The taxing power has the authority to make reasonable and natural classification for
purposes of taxation. Laws should operate equally and uniformly, however, on all persons
under similar circumstances.
Under the Real Property Tax Code (PD 464), property must be appraised at its current and
fair market value.
The market value of the properties covered by PD 20, thus cannot be equated with the
market value of properties not so covered. The property covered by PD 20 has naturally a
much lesser market value in view of the rental restrictions.
The factors determinant of the assessed value of the properties under the comparable
sales approach were not presented by the Board/Assessors:
1) that the sale must represent a bonafide arm's length transaction between a willing
seller and a willing buyer
2) the property must be comparable property.
Nothing can justify their view as it is of judicial notice that for properties covered by P.D. 20
especially during the time in question, there were hardly any willing buyers. As a general
rule, there were no takers so that there can be no reasonable basis for the conclusion that
these properties were comparable with other residential properties not burdened by P.D.
Also, although taxes are the lifeblood of the government and should be collected without
unnecessary hindrance, such collection should be made in accordance with law as any
arbitrariness will negate the very reason for government itself.
I n this case, since the Reyeses are burdened by the Rent Freeze Laws (RA 6359 and PD
20), they should not be penalized by the same government by the imposition of excessive
taxes they cannot ill afford and would eventually result in the forfeiture of their properties,
under the principle of social justice.


Philex Mining Corp v CIR
BI R sent a letter to Philex asking it to settle its tax liabilities for 1991 to 1992 .
Philex protested that it has pending claims for VAT input credit/refund for the taxes it paid
for 1989 and that the refund should be applied against the tax liabilities.
BI R replied that the pending claims have NOT yet been established so it follows that no
legal compensation can take place, hence, the reiteration of the demand for payment.
Philex raised the issue to the CTA.
Pending proceeding in CTA, BI R issued a Tax Credit Certificate 13M which, when applied to
the total tax liabilities of Philex of P123M effectively lowered the Philex's tax obligation.
Despite the reduction, CTA denied Philexs petition for review and still ordered Philex to pay
the remaining balance of P110M plus interest, saying that for legal compensation to take
place, both obligations must be liquidated and demandable.
The liquidated debt of the Philex to the government cannot, therefore, be set-off against
the unliquidated claim which Philex conceived to exist in its favour. I t also invoked the
principle that "taxes cannot be subject to set-off on compensation since claim for taxes is
not a debt or contract."
Philex appealed to the CA, which denied such appeal and its MR.
A few days after the denial of MR, Philex obtained its VAT input credit/refund not only for
1989 to 1991 but also for 1992 and 1994.
THUS, Philex contended that the same should off-set its excise tax liabilities since both had
already become "due and demandable, as well as fully liquidated and legal compensation
can properly take place.
I : 1) W/n legal compensation between the VAT input credit/refund and tax liability
could take place- NO
2) W/n the imposition of interest and surcharge is unjustified NO, it is justified
3) W/n BI R violated Section 106 of the NI RC when it gave the refunds only in 1996
1) Taxes cannot be subject to compensation. Government and the taxpayer are
not creditors and debtors of each other. Debts are due to the Government in its
corporate capacity, while taxes are due to the Government in its sovereign capacity.
National Revenue Code of 1939 provided for offsetting but such provision was dropped
in the NI RC of 1997.
2) Imposition of surcharges and interests are justified. The logic of such
imposition is the principle that taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so should
be collected without unnecessary hindrance. Tax is that it is compulsory and does not
depend upon the consent of the taxpayer. Tax Code of 1977: The payment of the
surcharge is mandatory and the BI R is not vested with any authority to waive the
collection thereof.
3) BIR, however, violated Section 106 of the NIRC. BI R violated the NI RC,
which requires the refund of input taxes within 60 days, when it took them 5 YEARS to
grant Philex tax claim for VAT input credit/refund. Once the claimant has submitted all
the required documents it is the function of the BI R to assess these documents with
purposeful dispatch. After all, since taxpayers owe honestly to government it is but
just that government render fair service to the taxpayers.
The power of taxation is sometimes called also the power to destroy. Therefore it
should be exercised with caution to minimize injury to the proprietary rights of a
BUT although it is admission of the lethargic manner by which the BI R handled Philex's
tax claim, the State is not bound by the neglect of its agents and officers.

Anti-Graft League of the Phils v San J uan
President Marcos issued PD No. 674, establishing the Technological Colleges of Rizal.
The PD, among others, directed the Board to provide funds for the purchase of a site
and the construction of the necessary structures thereon.
Acting upon an authority granted by the office of the President, the Province was able
to negotiate with Ortigas & Co., Ltd. (Ortigas) for the acquisition of 4 parcels of land in
Ugong Norte, Pasig.
The projected construction, however, never materialized because of the decimation of
the Province's resources brought about by the creation of the Metro Manila
Commission (MMC) in 1976.
12 yrs later, with the property lying idle and the Province needing funds to propel its
5-years Comprehensive Development Program, the then incumbent Board passed
Resolution No. 87-205 authorizing the Governor to sell the same.
The said property was eventually sold to Valley View Realty Development Corporation
(Valley View) for P135M+, where P30M was given as downpayment.
Because of this, Ortigas filed a case of rescission against the Province because the
Province violated the provisions of their contract which was that the land would be
used for the construction of the Rizal Technological Colleges and Rizal Provincial




New officials then assumed office and the Board adopted Resolution No. 88-65 which
provided for the rescission of the deed of sale between the Province and Valley View on the
ground that the sale price was exceedingly low and, thus, prejudicial to the Province.
Because of this, Valley View then filed a complaint against the Province for specific
performance and damages. (There are now two cases against the board: specific
performance and damages by Valley View and rescission of contract by Ortigas)
The cases against the Province was resolved by entering into compromise agreements. With
Valley View, the Province agreed to return the 30M downpayment. With Ortigas, the
Province agreed to reconvey the 4 parcels of land to Ortigas for at P2,250 / sqm. This
amount is higher than the market values separately determined by Asian Appraisal, I nc. and
the Provincial Appraisal Committee which respectively pegged the price of the subject
properties at P1,800 and P2,200/ sqm.
The Anti-Graft League filed a petition to nullify the agreement as taxpayers with legal
I : W/n this was a taxpayer's suit / Does petitioner possess the legal standing to question
the transaction entered into by the Provincial Board of Rizal with private respondent
To constitute a taxpayer's suit, two requisites must be met:
o 1) that public funds are disbursed by a political subdivision or instrumentality and
in doing so, a law is violated or some irregularity is committed, and
o 2) petitioner is directly affected by the alleged ultra vires act.
I n this case, disbursement of public funds was only made in 1975 when the Province bought
the lands from Ortigas at P110 per square meter in line with the objectives of P.D. 674.
The AGL never referred to such purchase as an illegal disbursement of public funds but
focused on the alleged fraudulent reconveyance of said property to Ortigas because the
price paid was lower than the prevailing market value of neighboring lots. The first
requirement, therefore, which would make this petition a taxpayer's suit is absent.
As to the 2
ground (w/n petitioner is directly affected), undeniably, as a taxpayer, AGL
would somehow be adversely affected by an illegal use of public money.
When, however, no such unlawful spending has been shown, as in the case at bar, AGL,
even as a taxpayer, cannot question the transaction validly executed by and between the
Province and Ortigas for the simple reason that it is not privy to said contract.
I n other words, AGL has absolutely no cause of action, and consequently no locus standi, in
the instant case. The question in standing is whether such parties have "alleged such a
personal stake in the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness
which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the court so largely depends for
illumination of difficult constitutional questions.

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