Level 10 Antonyms 3
Level 10 Antonyms 3
Level 10 Antonyms 3
A An nt to on ny ym ms s 3 3 Level 10
D Di ir re ec ct ti io on ns s: : Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.
1. AID
A. meander
B. flounder
C. hamper
D. scuttle
E. assist
A. hopeful
B. cynical
C. naive
D. pathetic
E. wicked
A. laxity
B. attraction
C. splendor
D. dispassion
E. obsession
A. scanty
B. dire
C. trivial
D. momentous
E. paltry
A. ruined
B. undermined
C. strengthened
D. enhanced
E. shuffled
A. obscured
B. publicized
C. lessened
D. illuminated
E. eroded
A. scribe
B. author
C. bandit
D. hero
E. rival
A. sterile
B. wintry
C. balmy
D. fertile
E. arid
A. intelligible
B. concise
C. wordy
D. hospitable
E. elegant
A. melancholy
B. unfortunate
C. merry
D. confident
E. imbecilic
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Answers and Explanations
1) C
The word aid means help or provide support. Someone aids another by making things easier for the other person. The
opposite of aid is to make things harder for someone else. Because hamper means hold back or hinder, choice (C) is
(A) is incorrect because meander means wander or ramble. This is not the opposite of aid.
(B) is incorrect because flounder means struggle clumsily. This is not the opposite of aid.
(D) is incorrect because scuttle means deliberately sink, as in a ship. This is not the opposite of aid.
(E) is incorrect because assist means help or give support. This is synonymous with aid, not the opposite of it.
2) B
The word optimistic means tending to expect favorable outcomes. One is optimistic if he or she assumes things will work
out well. The opposite of optimistic is pessimistic or expecting unfavorable outcomes. Because cynical means bitterly
distrusting or pessimistic, choice (B) is correct.
(A) is incorrect because hopeful means full of the feeling that things will turn out for the best. This is synonymous with
optimistic, not the opposite of it.
(C) is incorrect because nave means unsophisticated or unworldly. This is not the opposite of optimistic.
(D) is incorrect because pathetic means pitiable or weak. This is not the opposite of optimistic.
(E) is incorrect because wicked means evil or morally bad. This is not the opposite of optimistic.
3) E
The word indifference means a lack of interest or concern. Someone shows indifference if he or she does not express any
care about something. The opposite of indifference is interest. Because obsession is the act of dwelling or fixating on a
particular subject or idea, choice (E) is correct.
(A) is incorrect because laxity is a looseness or lack of severity. This is not the opposite of indifference.
(B) is incorrect because attraction is allure or the power to draw one to another. This is not the opposite of indifference.
(C) is incorrect because splendor is magnificence. This is not the opposite of indifference.
(D) is incorrect because dispassion is the state or quality of being unemotionally involved. This is practically synonymous
with indifference, not the opposite of it.
4) C
The word consequential means of importance. Something is consequential if it has an impact. The opposite of
consequential is unimportant. Because trivial means of very little importance, choice (C) is correct.
(A) is incorrect because scanty means meager or small in amount. This is not the opposite of consequential.
(B) is incorrect because dire means dreadful or terrible. This is not the opposite of consequential.
(D) is incorrect because momentous means of huge significance. This is synonymous with consequential, not the opposite
of it.
(E) is incorrect because paltry means meager or small in amount. This is not the opposite of consequential.
5) B
The word reinforced means strengthened or made more effective. A building has been reinforced if something has been
added to it that improves its structure. The opposite of reinforced is weakened. Because undermined means weakened by
removing underlying support, choice (B) is correct.
(A) is incorrect because ruined means completely destroyed. This is not the opposite of reinforced because it is too
extreme in meaning.
(C) is incorrect because strengthened means improved in power. This is synonymous with reinforced, not the opposite of
(D) is incorrect because enhanced means intensified or magnified. This is practically synonymous with reinforced, not the
opposite of it.
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(E) is incorrect because shuffled means walked without lifting ones feet. This is not the opposite of reinforced.
6) A
The word revealed means made known or visible. Something is revealed if it was once hidden but now is not hidden. The
opposite of revealed is hidden or not open to view. Because obscured means concealed or hidden, choice (A) is correct.
(B) is incorrect because publicized means advertised or brought notice to. This is practically synonymous with revealed,
not the opposite of it.
(C) is incorrect because lessened means reduced. This is not the opposite of revealed.
(D) is incorrect because illuminated means lit up. This is nearly synonymous with revealed, not the opposite of it.
(E) is incorrect because eroded means eaten up. This is not the opposite of revealed.
7) D
The word antagonist means a person who competes with another, especially the protagonist or main character in a story.
For instance, the antagonist of a horror movie would be the monster. The opposite of antagonist is, then, the main
character or protagonist. Because a hero is the main male character of a story and, generally, a person celebrated for
bravery, choice (D) is correct.
(A) is incorrect because a scribe is a writer. This is not the opposite of antagonist.
(B) is incorrect because an author is a writer. This is not the opposite of antagonist.
(C) is incorrect because a bandit is a robber or outlaw. This is not the opposite of antagonist.
(E) is incorrect because a rival is a person who competes with another for the same prize. This is practically synonymous
with antagonist, not the opposite of it.
8) D
The word barren means unproductive or incapable of creating offspring. Land is barren if it cannot produce fruit or
vegetation. The opposite of barren is being able to create life. Because fertile means capable of producing vegetation or
offspring, choice (D) is correct.
(A) is incorrect because sterile means unproductive or incapable of creating offspring. This is synonymous with barren,
not the opposite of it.
(B) is incorrect because wintry means cold or frosty. This is not the opposite of barren.
(C) is incorrect because balmy means soft and soothing. This is not the opposite of barren.
(E) is incorrect because arid means incredibly dry. This is not the opposite of barren.
9) C
The word succinct means expressed in few words. A statement is succinct if it short in length. The opposite of succinct is
expressed in a lot of words. Because wordy means characterized by the use of too many words, choice (C) is correct.
(A) is incorrect because intelligible means capable of being understood. This is not the opposite of succinct.
(B) is incorrect because concise means expressed in few words. This is synonymous with succinct, not the opposite of it.
(D) is incorrect because hospitable means welcoming or inviting. This is not the opposite of succinct.
(E) is incorrect because elegant means gracefully refined or dignified. This is not the opposite of succinct.
10) A
The word cheery means gay in spirits or happy in disposition. Someone is cheery if he or she shows that he or she is
enjoying him or herself or encouraging others to be happy. The opposite of cheery is something negative such as
depressed or saddened. Because melancholy means sad or gloomy, choice (A) is correct.
(B) is incorrect because unfortunate means unlucky. This is not the opposite of cheery.
(C) is incorrect because merry means joyous or gay. This is synonymous with cheery, not the opposite of it.
(D) is incorrect because confident means self-assured. This is not the opposite of cheery.
(E) is incorrect because imbecilic means silly or stupid. This is not the opposite of cheery.