Fcaapp Engwales

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Application form

Foster Care Associates is committed to protecting children and young people from harm. FCA staff, anyone else
undertaking work for FCA and FCA foster carers accept and recognise their responsibilities to develop and maintain
an awareness of safer caring. Our duty of care to children and young people is explicitly written into all policy,
procedure and practice material. Our recruitment and selection/assessment procedures for all staff and foster carers
are designed to safeguard children/young people by ensuring that only suitable individuals are appointed/approved.


Post applied for Closing date

Location Reference number

Where did you see

this post advertised?

Details of Candidate (use BLOCK letters)

Surname Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms Other)

First Names

Any previous surname(s)

Current Address Telephone No. (inc. STD code)

Postcode (email address)
Place of birth Do you require a work permit to work in the UK?
Yes  No 
If yes - please ensure the original copies of all necessary documents
are brought to interview if selected.

Do you hold a current valid car driving licence? Yes  No 

Do you have access to a vehicle? Yes  No 

In order for us to comply with the provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, please advise us of any
special requirements you may have when attending an interview.

The purpose of this question is to comply with our duties under the Disability Act 1995.
Do you have any condition or other circumstances that will prevent you from carrying out the duties of the post?

Please ensure the application form is completed fully

and that you demonstrate the skills/experience
clearly against the ‘Essential/Desirable’ criteria
within the person specification.

CV’s will be accepted, but assessment for interview

will be made from the application form.
Employment History
Please provide details in sequence with the most recent first. Where you have had a break in your employment
history please give details.

Name, address and Position held and Dates Reason for leaving and
nature of business main duties (please indicate current salary
(continue on separate month & year)
sheet if necessary) From To

Previous Employers

We may make further enquiries in relation to the above.

Have you ever been involved in any disciplinary proceedings or subject to a disciplinary investigation?
Yes  No 
In addition, please confirm whether there have been any allegations raised against you or any investigations
previously in respect of childcare issues or others matters which may be of relevance if working for an
independent fostering agency.
Yes  No 
If Yes please state the nature of the allegation/investigation/proceeding and outcome.

How much notice does your present employer require?

Education, Training and Qualifications
Please provide details of examination passes, qualifications obtained etc. You will be required to provide proof of
relevant professional qualifications.
Please provide details in sequence with the most recent first. Where you have had a break in your educational history,
please give details.

Secondary schools, colleges, universities attended. Dates Qualifications gained

(Most recent first) (dates, levels, grades etc)
(Continue on separate sheet if necessary) From To

Other relevant training courses (including in house) completed which are relevant to the post.

Organising body and title Brief description of course content, dates attended
and qualification (if applicable)

Details of current membership of professional organisations (grade and date achieved)

If you are a Social Worker, could you please confirm your GSCC registration number.
Skills and Experience
In your own words, please explain why you consider yourself suited to this position outlining what you would
contribute to the post if appointed, by reference to the job description and/or person specification.
(You may, if necessary continue on separate sheets, using no more than 2 additional pages.)
Other Information in Support of your Application
Please describe any leisure or other interests, including voluntary/community work which you may feel relevant to
the post.

Give the names and addresses of two referees, one of whom should be your present or most recent employer.
Please note that references are not accepted from close personal friends or relatives. If you do not wish your
employer to be contacted at this stage please tick the box. 

We reserve the right to contact all previous employers should you be offered this post.

Full name Address and The capacity in which you Period known
and job title telephone number are known/relationship
REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 (Exceptions order 1975 and 1986). This post is exempt
from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. Please provide below details of convictions for any offence (including traffic
convictions, appearances before a court) or formal convictions from the police for any offence (including cautions as
a juvenile), or any bind-overs imposed by any court.

If you have been convicted or cautioned you may still be eligible for appointment depending on the nature and
circumstances of the offence. However, failure to disclose could count against you.

Date Court/Police Station which Offence Result

dealt with the matter

Please give details of any charge or summons at present outstanding against you.

Date of alleged offence Nature of alleged offence Court/Police Station

dealing with the matter

A CRB check may be conducted on applicants depending on the job role.

Please stipulate how many days you have been absent from work in the last 24 months, except for pre-booked
annual leave. Please detail reasons for the absences.

Do you know of anyone currently working for the company? Yes  No 

I declare that all the information I have provided with this application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief,
and that I have not withheld any relevant information. I understand that if I have made any false statements or omitted
any information either on this form or on my pre-employment health questionnaire, I am liable to have my application
rejected, or if appointed, liable to disciplinary action which may result in dismissal on the grounds of dishonesty.
I declare there is no reason why I should not be considered suitable to work with children.

Signature of applicant Date

Personal data supplied on this form will be held on and/or verified by reference to information already held on computer for a period of up to 6
months. In signing this application form you give permission to Foster Care Associates to access, store and process data, some of which will
include ‘sensitive data’. Data Protection Act 1998
Equal Opportunities Questionnaire
The Organisation aims to ensure that no employee or prospective employee is subject to any form of discrimination or harassment
on grounds including sex, marital status, race, religion, belief, colour, ethnic origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, language.

In order to ensure that our practices comply with good equal opportunities, we would be grateful if you would complete and return
the questionnaire below to enable us to assess our performance. This information will be detached from your application form and
will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

Post applied for Vacancy Ref Closing Date

Region/Country Location

Please tick the box that is appropriate to you:

Sex: Male  Female  If you are undergoing gender reassignment please tick the box which applies to your future gender

Sexual Orientation
Prefer not to state  Heterosexual  Gay  Lesbian  Bisexual 
Other*  *Please state

How would you describe your Marital Status:

Prefer not to state  Single  Married  Civil Partnered  Divorced  Widowed 
Other*  *Please state

16-25  26-35  36-45  46-60  61+ 

Do you consider that you have a Disability? Yes  No  Please give details

Ethnic breakdown: What is your ethnic group?

Prefer not to state  Asian Bangladeshi  Asian Indian  Asian Pakistani  Asian Other* 

Black African  Black Caribbean  Black other* 

White English  White Irish  White Northern Irish  White Welsh  White Scottish  White Other* 

Mixed Parentage  White & Black African  White & Black Caribbean  White & Asian 

Any other mixed background*  Other ethnic group*  *If other please state

Religion/Faith: How would you describe your religion/beliefs?

Prefer not to state  Agnostic  Atheist  Baha’i  Buddhist  Catholic  Christian  Hindu 

Jehovah’s Witness  Jewish  Muslim/Islam  Protestant/C of E  Sikh  Other* 

*Please state

Preferred Language:
If you can speak more than one language please place a number next to the box in order of fluency/preference (1 being your most fluent or preferred language).

English  Arabic  Bengali  Deaf Loop  Deaf Sign  Deaf Written  French  German  Hindi 

Italian  Japanese  Javanese  Korean  Mandarin  Marathi  Polish  Portuguese  Punjabi 

Russian  Spanish  Tamil  Telugu  Urdu  Vietnamese  Welsh  Other* 

*Please state

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