This document is a writ of demolition from a Regional Trial Court in the Philippines. It summarizes that the court previously ruled in a case between a plaintiff and defendant, issued a writ of execution, and then granted a motion for a writ of demolition. It orders the sheriff/deputy sheriff to demolish improvements made by the defendant on land belonging to the plaintiff, as the defendant failed to remove the improvements within the period specified by the court.
This document is a writ of demolition from a Regional Trial Court in the Philippines. It summarizes that the court previously ruled in a case between a plaintiff and defendant, issued a writ of execution, and then granted a motion for a writ of demolition. It orders the sheriff/deputy sheriff to demolish improvements made by the defendant on land belonging to the plaintiff, as the defendant failed to remove the improvements within the period specified by the court.
This document is a writ of demolition from a Regional Trial Court in the Philippines. It summarizes that the court previously ruled in a case between a plaintiff and defendant, issued a writ of execution, and then granted a motion for a writ of demolition. It orders the sheriff/deputy sheriff to demolish improvements made by the defendant on land belonging to the plaintiff, as the defendant failed to remove the improvements within the period specified by the court.
This document is a writ of demolition from a Regional Trial Court in the Philippines. It summarizes that the court previously ruled in a case between a plaintiff and defendant, issued a writ of execution, and then granted a motion for a writ of demolition. It orders the sheriff/deputy sheriff to demolish improvements made by the defendant on land belonging to the plaintiff, as the defendant failed to remove the improvements within the period specified by the court.
WHEREAS, on __________________, 20__, this Court rendered decision in the above-entitled case, the dispositive part of which reads as follows:
WHEREAS, on _____________________, 20__, the Court issued a writ of execution in the above-entitled case.
WHEREAS, on _______________________, 20__, plaintiff/s thru counsel filed a motion for the issuance of writ of demolition on the ground that the property subject of the execution contains improvements constructed or planted by the defendant;
WHEREAS, after due hearing, the motion for writ of demolition was granted and defendant was given a reasonable time to remove the improvements pursuant to Section 10(d) of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court;
WHEREAS, defendant failed to remove the improvements within the period fixed by the Court;
NOW THEREFORE, we command you to demolish the improvements erected by the defendant/s, _____________________________________________ on that portion of land belonging to the plaintiff/s located at __________________________________________________.
_____________, __________________, ________, 2014. Civil Case No. ______-G