Ponnusamy & Anor V Nathu Ram - (1959) 1 MLJ
Ponnusamy & Anor V Nathu Ram - (1959) 1 MLJ
Ponnusamy & Anor V Nathu Ram - (1959) 1 MLJ
Page 2
Malayan Law Journal Reports/1959/Volume 1/PONNUSAM ! ANOR " NA#$U RAM % &1959' 1
MLJ () % 2) August 195(
2 pages
&1959' 1 MLJ ()
! A"#"$% 1958
Sale of land -- Transfer executed but not registered -- Purchaser in possession -- Death of
purchaser' -- Action by executors of purchaser for declaration of title and rectification of register --
Whether action for recovery of land -- Limitation -- Period of -- Land ode !"#S ap $%&' --
Limitation (nactment !"#S ap $&' Article )* -- Limitation +rdinance, $)-%, ss . and )
*n August+ 19,,+ respon-ent sol- ./s lan- to Na/na 0o1 w.ose w/ll appellants are t.e e2e3utors4
an- e2e3ute- a trans1er /n statutory 1orm5 Na/na entere- /nto possess/on 6ut -/- not reg/ster t.e
trans1er5 $e -/e- on 7e6ruary 11+ 19,9 an- t.ereupon t.e trans1er 6e3ame unreg/stra6le5 #.e
appellants 6roug.t an a3t/on on 8e3em6er 1+ 195) 3la/m/ng -e3larat/on o1 t/tle to t.e lan- an- an
or-er on t.e reg/ster/ng aut.or/ty to reg/ster appellants as propr/etors5 #.e respon-ent plea-e-
l/m/tat/on as one o1 ./s groun-s o1 -e1en3e w./3. po/nt o1 law was -/spose- o1 6y t.e tr/al Ju-ge
un-er R5S595 195: O5255 #.e tr/al Ju-ge .a"/ng 3ons/-ere- t.e plea-/ngs .el- 0/4 t.at t.e a3t/on
was 1or a -e3larat/on o1 t/tle an- was go"erne- 6y art/3le 9: o1 t.e L/m/tat/on ;na3tment 09ap5
1(4+ 0//4 .a"/ng regar- to t.e -e1en3e+ t.e respon-ent .a- ta<en steps to 3.allenge Na/na=s r/g.ts+
0///4 t.e -ate o1 Na/na=s -eat.+ /5e5 7e6ruary 11+ 19,9+ was t.e 3ru3/al -ate w.en t.e r/g.t to sue
a33rue-+ 6ut+ 6y reason o1 t.e Morator/um+ l/m/tat/on ran 1rom O3to6er 1+ 19,9 w.en /t was l/1te-+
0/"4 t.e a3t/on .a"/ng 6een 3ommen3e- more t.an ) years a1ter t.at -ate+ /t was 6arre- 6y
l/m/tat/on5 #.e appellants appeale-5
H&'( 6y t.e 9ourt o1 Appeal>
1) t.e /ssue o1 l/m/tat/on .a"/ng 6een -/spose- o1 un-er R5S595+ O525+ /t 1ell to 6e -ealt
w/t. on t.e assumpt/on t.at t.e 1a3ts were as state- /n t.e pla/nt?
1) t.e a3t/on was one to re3o"er lan- w/t./n t.e mean/ng o1 se3t/on 9 o1 t.e L/m/tat/on
1) t.e per/o- o1 l/m/tat/on 1or su3. an a3t/on /s 12 years an- t.e present a3t/on was not
C)$&$ *+%&(
/oyes v ra0ley 1@ 9.8 A1
Lala Soni 1am v 2anhaya Lal L1 ,@ *A :,
3olo v 2o4lan, L1 5: *A A25
3achan Singh v #ahinder 2aur 5 ors 0195)4 MLJ 9:
Page A
Lo4e 6e0 v Port S0ettenham 1ubber o 0191A4 A9 ,91
Suppiah hettiar v +ng Pee 2oi 5 anor 019514 MLJ ,9
3ridges v #ees 0195:4 2 All ;R 5::
#ills v 7ay0ood ) 9.8 19)
Abdul 1ahman 2han v Lala Parsotani Das 019A@4 12( *9
3utcher v 1eeves 01(914 2 BC 5@9
3oard of Trade v ayser, 8rvine 5 o Ltd 0192:4 A9 )1@
Pir 3a4sh v #ohamed Tahir LR )1 *A A((? A*R 19A, P9 2A)
7a9i +sman v Saiyed /oor 019524 MLJ A:
:en4atachalam hettiar 5 ors v Arunasalam hettiar 0195A4 MLJ 19? 0195,4 MLJ 2A,
Williams v Thomas 019@94 1 9. :1A
appeal aga/nst t.e -e3/s/on o1 Sye- S.e. Cara<6a. J5
32 Das 0PP Dharmananda w/t. ./m4 1or t.e appellants> Plea o1 l/m/tat/on ta<en as a prel/m/nary
po/nt o1 law+ 6y way o1 -emurrer %% 9ourt must a33ept 1a3ts as state- /n pla/nt as 3orre3t /n
-e3/-/ng t./s po/nt o1 law5 /oyes v ra0ley 1@ 9.8 A15
Art/3le 9: o1 t.e L/m/tat/on ;na3tment+ 09ap5 1(4 -oes not apply5 Ce1ore per/o- un-er art/3le 9:
e2p/re-+ new L/m/tat/on Or-/nan3e No5 , o1 195A 3ame /nto 1or3e5 9ourt must apply statute /n
1or3e at -ate o1 /nst/tut/on o1 a3t/on5 Lala Soni 1am v 2anhaya Lal ,@ *A :,5 Se3t/on A,0a4
L/m/tat/on Or-/nan3e .as retrospe3t/"e e11e3t5
/; Sharma 1or t.e respon-ent %% 3on3e-e new Or-/nan3e appl/es+ 6ut say per/o- /s ) years un-er
se3t/on )0)4+ not 12 years5
8os 03ont/nu/ng4>
R/g.t to sue un-er art/3le 9: a33rues w.en t.ere /s /n1r/ngement o1 or 3lear an- uneDu/"o3al
t.reat to /n1r/nge r/g.t 6y -e1en-ant5 3olo v 2o4lan 5: *A A255 $ere+ none+ unt/l -e1en3e 1/le-5
#./s /s an a3t/on 1or re3t/1/3at/on o1 reg/ster5 Se3t/on 2,@ Lan- 9o-e+ 3achan Singh v #ahinder
2aur 5 ors 0195)4 MLJ 9:? Lo4e 6e0 v Port S0ettenham 1ubber o 0191A4 A9 ,915 *1 l/m/tat/on
appl/es+ t.en 12 years un-er se3t/on 9+ L/m/tat/on Or-/nan3e5
Su6m/t+ respon-ent 6are trustee 1or testator an- appellants? pur3.ase pr/3e pa/-+ possess/on
g/"en5 See -e1/n/t/on o1 EtrustE an- EtrusteeE /n t.e L/m/tat/on
$)-) $ #L< &. at &*
Or-/nan3e an- t.e #rustee Or-/nan3e 0No5 )) o1 19,94+ same as ;ngl/s. #rustee A3t? trust
e2ten-s to /mpl/e- an- 3onstru3t/"e trusts5 Suppiah hettiar v +ng Pee 2oi 019514 MLJ ,9? Lo4e
6e0's case 0191A4 A9 ,915 L/m/tat/on -oes not apply+ not ./t 6y se3t/on 9 o1 new Or-/nan3e5
Re1er to se3t/ons 15+ 12 an- 11 0/4 o1 t.e L/m/tat/on Or-/nan3e 3orrespon-/ng to se3t/ons 1@+ :
an- ) o1 ;ngl/s. L/m/tat/on A3t+ 19A95 Su6m/t+ w.en 6ene1/3/ary /n a-"erse possess/on as aga/nst
trustee+ as /n t./s 3ase5 t/me runs aga/nst trustee an- /n 1a"our o1 6ene1/3/ary5 =nderhill on #rusts
! #rustees+ 1@t. ;-n5+ pp5 2A1%2+ 3ridges v #ees 0195:4 2 All ;R 5::5
No Duest/on o1 la3.es+ as 3ontra3t e2e3ute-+ an- se3t/on )0)4 an- se3t/on A2+ L/m/tat/on
Or-/nan3e+ .a"e no appl/3at/on5 #ills v 7ay0ood ) 9.8 19)5
#./s /s not an a3t/on 1or spe3/1/3 per1orman3e? /n any e"ent+ no e"/-en3e o1 un3on-/t/onal re1usal
Page ,
to per1orm+ t.e onus o1 proo1 6e/ng on respon-ent5 Abdul 1ahman 2han v Lala Parsotani Das
019A@4 12( *95
Sharma> * 3on3e-e plea o1 l/m/tat/on s.oul- .a"e 6een -e3/-e- only on 1a3ts plea-e- /n pla/nt+
-e1en3e s.oul- not .a"e 6een loo<e- at5 *n -eterm/n/ng l/m/tat/on regar- s.oul- 6e .a- to t.e
essen3e o1 t.e su/t+ w./3. /s 1or a -e3laratory -e3ree un-er se3t/on ,1+ Spe3/1/3 Rel/e1 Or-/nan3e+
195@5 Appellants 3la/m/ng eDu/ta6le rel/e1 to w./3. l/m/tat/on appl/es+ se3t/on )0)4 L/m/tat/on
L/m/tat/on Or-/nan3e t.oug. mo-elle- on ;ngl/s. A3t /n some respe3ts "/tally -/11erent+ 3ompare
se3t/on )0)4 w/t. se3t/on 20:4 ;ngl/s. A3t5 $ere se3t/on )014 an- 0)4 appl/es5 Se3t/on 22 not
R/g.t o1 -e3ease-+ an-+ t.ere1ore+ o1 appellants+ rest on 3ontra3t5
9ause o1 a3t/on a33rues on earl/est -ate on w./3. a3t/on 3oul- .a"e 6een 6roug.t? 1eeves v
3utcher 01(914 2 BC 5@9+ 3oard of Trade v ayser 8rvine 5 o Ltd 0192:4 A9 )1@5
#/me woul- .a"e 6egun to run 1rom -ate o1 trans1er+ t.at /s+ August 2,+ 19,,+ 6ut+ 6y reason o1
morator/um+ ran 1rom O3to6er 1+ 19,9 an- 3la/m 6arre- on Septem6er A@+ 19555
On -eat. o1 Na/na+ e2e3utors steppe- /nto ./s s.oes5 *rrele"ant w.en pro6ate e2tra3te-5 On3e
t/me 6eg/ns to run not./ng 3an stop /t5 Se3t/on 1)0/4 L/m/tat/on ;na3tment 09ap5 1(45
Respon-ent not a trustee5 No /nterest passes unt/l reg/strat/on+ se3t/on 9) Lan- 9o-e? =/nterest=
means 6ot. legal an- eDu/ta6le /nterest5 Appellants= 3la/m rests on 3ontra3t5 Pir 3a4sh v
#ohamed Tahir LR )1 *A A((? A*R 19A, P9 2A)5
;"en /1 respon-ent /s regar-e- a trustee+ w./3. * -eny+ 3la/m st/ll 6arre-5 No t/tle 3an 6e a3Du/re-
6y a-"erse possess/on+ se3t/on ,A Lan- 9o-e5 Respon-ent=s t/tle as reg/stere- propr/etor
/n-e1eas/6le+ se3t/on ,2 Lan- 9o-e5 7a9i +sman v Saiyed /oor 019524 MLJ A:5 :en4atachalam
hettiar v Arunasalam hettiar 0195A4 MLJ 19? 0195,4 MLJ 2A,5 Se3t/on 9024064 L/m/tat/on
9la/m 1or rel/e1 un-er se3t/on 2,@+ Lan- 9o-e+ 3onseDuent/al to ma/n rel/e1 1or -e3larat/on5 *1 ma/n
rel/e1 6arre-+ 3onseDuent/al rel/e1 also 6arre-5
Not a su/t 1or re3o"ery o1 lan-5
Das /n reply> #./s /s an a3t/on to re3o"er lan-5 Williams v Thomas 019@94 1 9. :1A5
0-el/"er/ng oral Fu-gment4> * woul- 6r/e1ly pre1a3e w.at * .a"e to say regar-/ng t./s appeal 6y
e2press/ng t.e grat/tu-e an- appre3/at/on o1 t.e 9ourt 1or an- o1 t.e e2tremely .elp1ul an-
t.oroug. an-+ /1 * may say so+ rele"ant arguments to w./3. we .a"e l/stene- 1rom 3ounsel5 *t says
a great -eal 1or t.e t.oroug.ness an- 3are o1 3ounsels= arguments t.at we 1/n- oursel"es /n a
pos/t/on to -/spose o1 t.e appeal .ere an- now5
* s.all 3ome s.ortly to t.e 1ramewor< o1 t.e a3t/on w/t. w./3. we are 3on3erne-+ 6ut 6e1ore -o/ng
so /t /s to 6e o6ser"e- t.at /n /t l/m/tat/on was plea-e- as one o1 se"eral -e1en3es an- t.e tr/al
Ju-ge+ w/t. t.e agreement o1 t.e part/es+ "ery properly -e3/-e- to -/spose o1 t.at /ssue o1
l/m/tat/on /n t.e 1/rst pla3e5 #.e pro3ee-/ngs a33or-/ngly went on un-er t.e pro"/s/ons o1 Or-er
255 *n t.e e"ent t.e learne- Ju-ge 1oun- t.at t.e plea o1 l/m/tat/on su33ee-e- an- .e a33or-/ngly
-/sm/sse- t.e a3t/on w/t. 3osts5 *t /s aga/nst t.at -e3/s/on t.at t.e pla/nt/11s .a"e now appeale-5
As * .a"e sa/-+ t.e matter was -ealt w/t. un-er Or-er 25 w./3. 3onta/ns t.e pro3e-ural
pro"/s/ons w./3. nowa-ays .a"e repla3e- pro3ee-/ngs 6y way o1 -emurrer an- a33or-/ngly /t 1ell
to 6e -ealt w/t. on t.e assumpt/on t.at t.e 1a3ts were as state- /n t.e pla/nt5 So 1ar as t.ey
Page 5
appear to 6e rele"ant t.ese 1a3ts are as 1ollows5
#.e pla/nt/11s 0t.e present appellants4 are t.e e2e3utors o1 t.e estate o1 one Na/na w.o -/e- on
t.e 11t. o1 7e6ruary+ 19,9+ an- t.e -e1en-ant at all mater/al t/mes was an- st/ll /s t.e reg/stere-
propr/etor o1 t.e p/e3e o1 lan- /n t.e towns./p o1 #a/p/ng w./3. 1orme- t.e su6Fe3t matter o1 t.e
a3t/on5 On or a6out 2,t. August+ 19,,+ w./3. /t /s to 6e o6ser"e- was -ur/ng t.e Japanese
o33upat/on+ t.e -e1en-ant sol- t.e lan- /n Duest/on to t.e -e3ease- 1or a sum o1 G1@+@@@+
e2e3ute- a Memoran-um o1 #rans1er /n a33or-an3e w/t. t.e pro"/s/ons o1 t.e Lan- 9o-e an-
.an-e- t./s trans1er toget.er w/t. t.e Hrant to t.e -e3ease-5 7or reasons w./3. are not
altoget.er 3lear+ an- w/t. w./3. /n any e"ent we are not .ere 3on3erne-+ t.e trans1er was not
/mme-/ately presente- 1or reg/strat/on an- a1ter t.e en- o1 t.e war /t 6e3ame /n3apa6le o1 6e/ng
presente- 6y reason o1 t.e leg/slat/on w./3. o33up/e- su3. a great port/on o1 our t/me /n t.ese
9ourts 1or a num6er o1 years re3ently5 #.en t.e pur3.aser -/e-5 #.ere was 3ons/-era6le -elay /n
e2tra3t/ng pro6ate o1 ./s I/ll an- t.e present pro3ee-/ngs were not 3ommen3e- unt/l 2Ar-
No"em6er+ 195)5 Up t/ll t.at -ate t.e -e1en-ant .a- re1use- to -o anyt./ng o1 any sort /n
3onne3t/on w/t. t.e sale o1 t.e lan- to t.e -e3ease- alt.oug. t.e -e3ease- .a- gone /nto an-
rema/ne- /n possess/on5
$)-) $ #L< &. at &&
#.e pla/nt/11s /n t.e/r pla/nt relate- t.e 1a3ts w./3. * .a"e Fust set out an- 3on3lu-e- 6y as</ng /n
t.e 1/rst pla3e 1or a -e3larat/on t.at t.e e2e3utors were ent/tle- to t.e lan- /n Duest/on an- /n t.e
se3on- pla3e 1or an or-er /n terms o1 t.e Lan- 9o-e t.at t.e proper Reg/ster/ng aut.or/ty -o
ma<e su3. memor/als /n t.e Reg/ster an- /ssue 8o3ument o1 #/tle No5 ,(() 1or Lot No5 29( /n t.e
towns./p o1 #a/p/ng as may 6e ne3essary to reg/ster t.e testate 0presuma6ly t.ey mean t.e
-e3ease-4 as t.e propr/etor t.ereo15
#o my m/n- t.e w.ole appeal stan-s or 1alls a33or-/ng to t.e nature o1 t.e 3la/m an- /n my
op/n/on t.e 3la/m 3onst/tutes an a3t/on to re3o"er lan-5
* -o not propose to repeat w.at * .a"e sa/- on pre"/ous o33as/ons regar-/ng t.e lo3al lan- laws
as+ 1or e2ample+ /n t.e 3ase o1 3achan Singh v #ahinder 2aur 5 ors 0195)4 MLJ 9:5 * t./n<+
.owe"er+ t.at /t /s a6un-antly 3lear t.at 6y reason o1 t.e pro"/s/ons o1 t.e Lan- 9o-e an-
part/3ularly 6y reason o1 se3t/ons ,2 an- ,A t.e Duest/on o1 w.et.er t.e -e3ease- e"er .a- any
r/g.ts in rem as -/st/n3t 1rom r/g.ts ad rem -oes not ar/se at t./s stage 1or /t /s 3lear t.at t.e w.ole
r/g.t+ t/tle an- /nterest /n t.e lan- are st/ll /n t.e -e1en-ant 1or t.e reason 0an- /t /s a "ery s/mple
reason4 t.at .e /s t.e reg/stere- propr/etor5 $e /s on t.e reg/ster an- t.ere1ore t.e w.ole r/g.t+
t/tle an- /nterest /n t.e lan- are "este- /n ./m5 As * put /t 3olloDu/ally t./s morn/ng /n t.e 3ourse o1
-/s3uss/on w/t. 3ounsel+ w.at t.e pla/nt/11s are -o/ng /s t./s5 #.ey are 3om/ng to t.e 9ourt an-
say/ng Ewe are ent/tle- to t./s lan- an- we want t./s lan-5E An- /1 t.e 9ourt /s /n agreement w/t.
t.em t.at t.ey are ent/tle- to t.e lan- an- s.oul- 6e g/"en t.e lan-+ one appropr/ate way o1 g/"/ng
/t to t.em+ /n "/ew o1 t.e pro"/s/ons o1 t.e Lan- 9o-e+ /s to ma<e t.e -e3larat/on as<e- 1or an- t.e
3onseDuent/al or-er on t.e reg/ster/ng aut.or/ty5 #.at reason/ng lea-s me to t.e 3on3lus/on t.at
t./s /s an a3t/on to re3o"er lan- w/t./n t.e mean/ng o1 se3t/on 9 o1 t.e L/m/tat/on Or-/nan3e 0No5 ,
o1 195A45 * 1/n- support 1or t.e "/ew /n t.e 3ase o1 Williams v Thomas 019@94 1 9. :1A5 *n t.at
3ase t.e Duest/on relate- to 3erta/n r/g.ts o1 a -owress /n lan- an- /s not+ * t./n<+ "ery rele"ant
.ere+ 6ut /n t.e 3ourse o1 ./s Fu-gment /n t.e 9ourt o1 Appeal Cu3<ley+ L5J5+ -/s3usse- t.e
Duest/on o1 w.at was an a3t/on to re3o"er lan- 1or t.e purposes o1 t.e Real Property L/m/tat/on
A3t+ 1(AA+ an- sa/- 0at page :A@4>%%
E*t .as 6een argue-+ an-+ * t./n<+ su33ess1ully+ t.at w./le on t.e one .an- t.e e2press/on =to re3o"er any
lan-= /n se3t/on 2 o1 t.e A3t o1 1(AA -oes not mean rega/n somet./ng w./3. t.e pla/nt/11 pre"/ously .a-
an- .as lost+ 6ut means =o6ta/n any lan- 6y Fu-gment o1 t.e 9ourt= yet /t /s not l/m/te- to t.e mean/ng
o6ta/n possess/on o1 any lan- 6y Fu-gment o1 t.e 9ourt=5E
I.at /n e11e3t t.e pla/nt/11s /n t.e present 3ase are see</ng to -o /s to Eo6ta/n 555 lan- 6y Fu-gment
Page )
o1 t.e 9ourt5E
$a"/ng rea3.e- t.e 3on3lus/on t.at t./s /s an a3t/on to re3o"er lan- /t seems to me /mposs/6le to
a"o/- t.e 1urt.er 3on3lus/on t.at t.e 3ase 1alls w/t./n se3t/on 9014 o1 t.e L/m/tat/on Or-/nan3e5
Se3t/on )014 o1 t.e Or-/nan3e pro"/-es t.at /n t.e 3ase o1 a3t/ons 1oun-e- on a 3ontra3t t.e
per/o- o1 l/m/tat/on s.all 6e s/2 years 6ut t.at pro"/s/on /s e2pressly state- to 6e Esa"e as
.ere/na1ter pro"/-e-5E Cy se3t/on 9+ .owe"er+ /t /s e2pressly pro"/-e- t.at+ su6Fe3t to 3erta/n
e23ept/ons w./3. are not rele"ant .ere+ t.e per/o- /n relat/on to a3t/ons to re3o"er any lan- s.all
6e 12 years an- /t /s 3lear t.at t./s appl/es to all a3t/ons to re3o"er lan- /rrespe3t/"e o1 w.et.er
t.ey are 1oun-e- on 3ontra3t or ot.erw/se5
*t 1ollows 1rom w.at .as 6een sa/- t.at t.e per/o- o1 l/m/tat/on appl/3a6le /n t.e present 3ase was
12 years 6y reason o1 se3t/on 9 an- not ) years 6y reason o1 se3t/on ) an- /t /s 3ommon groun-
t.at 6y reason o1 t.e post%war leg/slat/on on t.e su6Fe3t t.at per/o- o1 l/m/tat/on runs 1rom t.e
e2p/rat/on o1 t.e morator/um per/o- on A@t. Septem6er+ 19,95 *n t.e 3/r3umstan3es t.e present
a3t/on was 3ommen3e- well w/t./n t/me5
On t.ese groun-s * woul- allow t.e appeal an- woul- set as/-e t.e or-er o1 t.e 9ourt 6elow5 *n
my op/n/on no 1urt.er or-er /s ne3essary 6e3ause t.e 3onseDuen3e o1 w.at * propose /s t.at t.e
3ase w/ll 3ont/nue an- 6e tr/e- out on /ts mer/ts+ /1 /t .as any5
As regar-s 3osts /n t.e 9ourt 6elow+ * woul- or-er t.at t.e appellants .a"e /n any e"ent so mu3.
o1 t.e 3osts as 3an 6e attr/6ute- to t.e plea-/ng an- tr/al o1 t.e Duest/on o1 l/m/tat/on5 As regar-s
t.e 3osts o1 appeal+ * woul- g/"e t.ose to t.e appellants an- ma<e t.e usual or-er 1or payment
out to t.em o1 t.e/r -epos/t5
Appeal allo0ed;
Sol/3/tors> habra 5 Dharnananda? / Sharma;