sr2014 Parentinfo English

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The Governors Summer Reading Challenge
A Message to Parents and Students
Why does the State of Connecticut sponsor the Governors Summer Reading Challenge?
Because reading is the most important skill there is. Research shows that reading is crucial
to a childs brain development and intellectual stimulation. And thats just the beginning:
Reading is a gateway skill. It opens the door to all other learning.
Reading is the processing of information. It requires the student to develop a
capacity for conceptual thinking an ability to think about the nature and signifcance of things.
Reading builds language skills. By becoming more familiar with language
through reading, students build a rich vocabulary and an ability to express themselves clearly
and creatively.
Reading builds better thinking strategies. Analyzing words, sentences,
themes and meaning; concentrating, conceptualizing and visualizing all these elements of
reading are strategies to expand a students ability to think.
Reading is active and disciplined. Students learn to choose what they read and
when they read, and they learn to discipline themselves to concentrate on the written word.
What YOU Can Do to Encourage Reading
Use the library.
Make sure everyone in your family has a library card. Help children learn how to use the
librarys resources: card catalogs, computer systems, best-seller sections, etc. Visit regularly
as often as you go to the grocery store.
Read every day.
Make it a habit to set aside time each day for everyone to readbooks, magazines, news-
papers, letters. You can even begin by reading television listings, then discussing what you
will watch together and why.
Talk about what youre reading.
Children need to see adults reading frequently. They also need to know the benefts of
reading. Talk to your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, even young neigh-
bors about what youre reading. Tell them how much you have enjoyed it, what you have
learned, and how you have been inspired.
Ask about summer reading materials.
Schools and libraries often provide summer reading lists that highlight excellent books
which are readily available, popular and consistent with grade-level reading skills. Call
your school or library for information.
Make reading materials part of your home.
Buy books at bookstores and tag sales. Borrow books from the library and from friends.
Subscribe to newspapers and magazines. Then read, read, read!
To learn more about the Summer Reading Challenge,
ask your teacher, principal, or school or public librarian,
or contact the Connecticut State Department of Education:
860-713-6751 or

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