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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in ana!e"ent an#
Pre$enti%n Stress ana!e"ent an# Pre$enti%n Pr%!ra" Res%urce &ui#e 1 KAP LAN UNI VERS I TY Stress Management and Prevention Program Resource Guide '( As)le( Lin#e"ann Ka*lan Uni$ersit( HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in ana!e"ent an# Pre$enti%n 1+ ,ece"-er .01/ Table of Contents U N I T 1 T H E N T U R E ! " S T R E S S In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin!: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T # T H E $ ! % & S $ T T ' E " I E ' % In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin!: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T ( " E S T ! R " M I N E In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin!: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T ) ! N E P ' N E T U N % E R S T R E S S In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T * U N % E R S T R E S S + , H T N ! , - In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T . G E ' E S S , I S % ! M ! " M E % I T T I ! N In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T / S I G H T 0 S ! U N % 0 N % $ ! % & , ! R 1 In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T 2 T H E , E ' ' N E S S M N % ' In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T 3 P P ' & I N G S T R E S S + C R I T I C ' M N G E M E N T N % P R E 4 E N T I ! N T ! & ! U R P R ! " E S S I ! N ' ' I " E In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin! U N I T 1 5 P P ' & I N G S T R E S S + C R I T I C ' M N G E M E N T N % P R E 4 E N T I ! N T ! & ! U R P R ! " E S S I ! N ' ' I " E In0%r"ati%n t% Re"e"-er Res%urces: E1ercises T%%ls: 2%urnal Writin! % % I T I ! N ' I N " ! R M T I ! N
(End of the Guide) (This page intentionally left blank) Unit 1+ T6e Nature of Stress Information to Remember+ Stress is #e0ine# as a t)reat3 4)et)er t)e t)reat is real %r *ercei$e#5 Stress can -e s%"et)in! as si"*le as c)an!e5 Stress is n%t al4a(s -a#3 stress can e$en -e en6%(a-le5 T)ere are t)ree #i00erent t(*es %0 stress: eustress 7!%%#83 #istress 7-a#83 an# neustress 7neutral85 W%"en an# "en are -elie$e# t% res*%n# #i00erentl( t% stress5 Instea# %0 t)e 0i!)t %r 0li!)t res*%nse3 4%"en are attri-ute# 4it) e"*l%(in! t)e 9ten# an# -e0rien#: res*%nse5 Resources+ E7ercises+ E;ERCISE 1.2 My Health Philosophy <In %r#er t% reac) %ne=s !%als3 t)%se !%als "ust 0irst -e *ut int% 4%r#s5 I0 %ne cann%t #e0ine t)eir )ealt) !%als t)en t)e( 4ill -e )ar# *resse# t% "eet t)e"5> Tools+ 8ournal ,riting+ E;ERCISE 1.5 Personal Stress Inventory: Top Ten Stressors <It is i"*%rtant t% *a( attenti%n t% t)e t)in!s t)at tri!!er t)e stress res*%nse t)e "%st in %ne=s li0e5 Rec%!ni?in! a stress%r an# t)e e00ects it "a( cause can )el* t% @ee* it in *ers*ecti$e "a@in! it easier t% c%*e 4it)5> Unit 1 ) Unit #+ T6e $od9 as $attlefield Information to Remember+ T)ere are t4% c%"*%nents t% t)e ner$%us s(ste"5 T)e 0irst c%"*%nent is t)e s("*at)etic ner$%us s(ste"3 4)ic) is res*%nsi-le 0%r t)e stress res*%nse5 T)e sec%n# c%"*%nent is t)e *aras("*at)etic ner$%us s(ste"3 4)ic) is res*%nsi-le 0%r t)e rela1ati%n res*%nse5 T)e )i**%ca"*us an# t)e a"(!#ala are res*%nsi-le 0%r e"%ti%nal "e"%r( 0%r"ati%n5 Pr%l%n!e# stress can cause t)e )i**%ca"*us t% a!e at an accelerate# rate3 t)is can cause "e"%r( *r%-le"s in t)e 0uture5 A c%"-inati%n %0 rela1ati%n tec)niAues an# e00ecti$e c%*in! s@ills can )el* t)e -%#( return t% )%"e%stasis5 T)e -alance %0 t)e "in# *la(s a lar!e r%le in t)e )ealt) %0 t)e -%#(5 Resources+ E7ercises+ EXERCISE 2.2 Immediate, Intermediate, and Prolonged Stress Effects <One must be able to identify the effets of st!ess in o!de! to add!ess and !e"e!se them#$ Tools+ 8ournal ,riting+ E;ERCISE 2.1 Stress Physiology Review <Un#erstan#in! t)e *)(si%l%!( %0 stress )el*s %ne learn )%4 t% rela1 "%re #ee*l(5> Unit (+ "east or "amine Information to Remember+ Acc%r#in! t% Breu#3 #e0ense "ec)anis"s are use# t% *r%tect t)e e!%5 ,enial3 re*ressi%n3 *r%6ecti%n3 #is*lace"ent3 rati%nali?ati%n an# )u"%r are all #e0ense "ec)anis"s5 Unit # Unit ( * ,rea"s are t)e su-c%nsci%us 4a( %0 c%*in! 4it) stress an# c%""unicatin! 4it) t)e c%nsci%us "in#5 Acc%r#in! t% 2un!3 #rea" inter*retati%n is $ital t% res%l$in! stress5 ,rea"s are a n%nlinear c%#e t)at "ust -e translate# t% -e un#erst%%#5 Unres%l$e# an!er can cause can cause c)r%nic )ealt) issues5 %st *e%*le #% n%t *r%*erl( c%*e 4it) t)eir an!er5 Resources+ E7ercises+ E;ERCISE 5.1 Anger Recognition Checlist <It is i"*%rtant t% rec%!ni?e t)e "ani0estati%ns %0 an!er5> EXERCISE 5.7 Fear This! <It is impo!tant to unde!stand the !oot of one%s fea!s#$ EXERCISE 5.9 Emotional Well-eing <Emotions a!e no!mal and healthy& but emotional 'ell(being means being able to ont!ol those emotions and not to be ont!olled by them#$ Tools+ 8ournal ,riting+ EXERCISE !." The Ps#cholog# of $o%r Stress <It is i"*%rtant t% un#erstan# t)e 4a( %ne naturall( res*%n#s t% 7an# #eals 4it)8 stress5> Unit )+ !ne Planet Under Stress Information to Remember+ Certain *ers%nalit( t(*es are "%re *r%ne t% stress5 T4% *ers%nalit( t(*es @n%4n t% -e stress *r%ne are T(*e A *ers%nalities an# T(*e , *ers%nalities5 S%"e *e%*le ten# t% -e stress resistance5 T)ese *e%*le are @n%4n as )a$in! a 9)ar#( *ers%nalit(:5 Sel0 estee" is @n%4n t% -e a !%%# #e0ense a!ainst stress5 T)ere are "an( 4a(s t% -uil# u* sel0 estee" an# rea* it=s -ene0its5 Unit ) . Resources+ E7ercises+ E;ERCISE !.5 "o#r Personal $al#e Syste% <Values )el* s)%4 %ne 4)at is "%st i"*%rtant in t)eir li0e5 T)is is a !reat t%%l 0%r *ri%riti?in! t)ese #i00erent as*ects5> E;ERCISE !.& "o#r Meaning'#l P#rpose in (i'e <Ha$in! *ur*%se "a@es a *ers%n 0eel i"*%rtant an# )el*s t% lea# t)e" in t)e c%rrect #irecti%n5> E;ERCISE !.) *istractions o' the H#%an Path <I#enti0(in! #istracti%ns )el*s %ne t% "ini"i?e an# eli"inate t)ese #istracti%ns> Tools+ 8ournal ,riting+ E;ERCISE &.1 +n,er the -#n: Stress an, Personality <Acti$el( utili?es t)e *rinci*les %0 a )ar#( *ers%nalit( t% c%*e 4it) a @n%4n stress%r5> Unit *+ Under Stress+ ,6at No:- Information to Remember+ Hu"%r can -e a !reat #e0ense a!ainst stress5 It increases t)e sensati%n %0 *leasure an# #ecreases an1iet(5 'ec%"in! 0inanciall( res*%nsi-le can alle$iate a lar!e *%rti%n %0 stress 0%r "an( *e%*le5 %ne( is %ne %0 t)e "%st c%""%n stress%rs5 P%%r ti"e "ana!e"ent s@ills are als% a !reat s%urce stress5 Learnin! t% "ana!e (%ur ti"e -etter an# cut %ut unnecessar( ti"eCc%nsu"in! )a-its 4ill !reatl( re#uce stress5 Unit * / Tools+ 8ournal ,riting+ E;ERCISE ).1 Re'ra%ing: Seeing a .igger/ Clearer Perspective <Re0ra"in! is a $er( use0ul t%%l 0%r c)an!in! t)e 4a( %ne $ie4s stress%rs5 Stress%rs can -e eli"inate# %r #ecrease# si"*l( -e re0ra"in! %ne=s *ers*ecti$e5> Unit .+ geless ,isdom of Meditation Information to Remember+ T)ere are "an( #i00erent rela1ati%n tec)niAues5 'reat)in! e1ercises are %ne %0 t)e si"*lest tec)niAues5 It is als% %ne %0 t)e "%st c%""%n5 An%t)er *%*ular rela1ati%n tec)niAue is "e#itati%n5 Its *%4er0ul e00ects )a$e -een *r%$en -( science5 It )el*s i"*r%$e 0%cus an# Auiet t)e "in#5 It is a !reat "et)%# 0%r stress re#ucti%n5 Visuali?ati%n is %0ten use# 0%r sel0 i"*r%$e"ent5 It %0ten in$%l$es i"a!inin! t)in!s as (%u 4is) t)e" t% -e5 Resources+ E7ercises+ E;ERCISE 20.2 Three Short -#i,e, $is#ali1ations <Visuali?ati%ns are )el*0ul 0%r relie$in! stress an# !ainin! c%ntr%l %0 %ne=s "in#5> Tools+ 8ournal ,riting+ E;ERCISE 1+.1 *olphin .reath Me,itation <e#itati%n is a !reat rela1ati%n t%%l5 It )as "an( *%siti$e l%n! ter" e00ects3 inclu#in! increase# 0%cus5> Unit . 2 Unit /+ Sig6t0 Sound and $od9 ,or; Information to Remember+ Stress can c)an!e t)e 4a( t)at a *ers%n eats5 It is 4i#el( @n%4n t)at *e%*le %0ten eat #i00erent t(*es %0 0%%#s 4)en t)e( are stresse#3 t)ese are @n%4n as c%"0%rt 0%%#s5 H%4e$er3 stress can als% c)an!e t)e a"%unt %0 eatin! t)at a *ers%n #%es5 S%"e *e%*le eat a l%t "%re 4)en t)e( are stresse#5 Yet 0%r %t)er *e%*le3 stress "a( "a@e t)e" l%se interest in eatin! at all5 Stress can als% c)an!e t)e 4a( t)at 0%%# is #i!este# an# a-s%r-e# 4it)in t)e #i!esti$e s(ste"5 T)e -%#( is in )i!) alert "%#e an# t)ere0%re 0%%# #i!esti%n -ec%"es l%4er *ri%rit(5 T)is is #ue t% t)e 0act t)at t)e -%#( nee#s instant ener!(3 an# t)e -rea@#%4n %0 4)%le 0%%#s int% usa-le nutrients ta@es "uc) l%n!er t)an t)e -%#( #ee"s use0ul5 Tools+ 8ournal ,riting+ E;ERCISE 2!.2 The Rain3ow *iet <,iet *la(s an i"*%rtant r%le in -%t) "ental an# *)(sical )ealt)5 T% %-tain %*ti"al )ealt) %ne "ust ensure t)eir #iet is 0ull %0 all %0 t)e $ital nutrients3 t)is #iet can )el*5> Unit 2+ T6e ,ellness Mandala Information to Remember+ P)(sical e1ercise causes t)e acti$ati%n %0 t)e stress res*%nse5 T)is can -e -ene0icial3 as (%ur -%#( 4ill naturall( s)ut #%4n t)e stress res*%nse a0ter t)e c%nclusi%n %0 *)(sical e1ercise 7-( 4a( %0 t)e *aras("*at)etic re-%un# e00ect85 B%r t)%se su00erin! 0r%" *r%l%n!e# stress3 t)is can -e a si"*le s%luti%n 0%r #eacti$atin! it5 E1ercise )el*s @ee* t)e -%#(=s s(ste"s in !%%# 4%r@in! %r#er5 It c%n#iti%ns an# stren!t)ens t)e -%#( 7an# "%st %0 its c%"*%nents85 Unit / Unit 2 3 T)e -ene0its %0 e1ercise are n%t 6ust li"ite# t% *)(sical e00ects5 T)ere are "ental -ene0its t% re!ular e1ercise are 4ell3 t)is inclu#es t)e -etaCen#%r*)in rus) @n%4n as runner=s )i!)5 'ene0its c%ntinue t% increase a0ter se$eral 4ee@s %0 c%nsistent e1ercise5 Tools+ 8ournal ,riting+ E;ERCISE 2).1 Physical 45ercise <P)(sical e1ercise is an%t)er @e( c%"*%nent t% "ental an# *)(sical )ealt)5 Wit)%ut e1ercise 4e cann%t %-tain %*ti"al )ealt)5> Unit 3+ <<l9ing Stress+ Critical Management to 9our Professional 'ife Information to Remember+ et)%#s %0 c%*in! a$aila-le are 0airl( li"itless5 Learnin! "%re a-%ut an issue is a c%""%n "et)%# s%u!)t -( "an(5 Kn%4le#!e is *%4er5 C%*in! can )a**en 4it) %t)ers3 in t)e 0%r" %0 su**%rt !r%u*s %r !r%u* t)era*(5 It can e$en result 0r%" 0%r!i$in! %t)ers %r %nes= sel05 H%--ies are a *%*ular "et)%# 0%r c%*in! as 4ell5 H%--ies c%"e in "an( 0%r"s an# e$er(%ne )as #i00erent *re0erences5 T)e( are "eant t% cause *leasure an# re"%$e stress0ul t)%u!)ts 7e$en i0 %nl( te"*%raril(85 Unit 3 15 dditional Information Integ!al )ealing by E# *ahe! is an e+ellent book that an help one hange thei! 'ay of thinking and "ie'ing the 'o!ld# It an help the 'ay one "ie's st!ess and it offe!s g!eat !esou!es fo! ombating st!ess# )ttp,--'''#ted#om is a 'ebsite that ompiles the 'o!k of inno"ati"e speake!s in the fo!m of .uote& "ideos and mo!e# It spans a b!oad !ange of topis but it teahes a positi"e 'ay of thinking and offe!s solutions instead of d'elling on the negati"es# /atu!ally& it does inlude health topis as 'ell as othe! topis# Sea'a!d& 0# (1223)# 45/5GI/G STRESS 6E 7IT580OO9S (6th ed)# :ones ; 0a!tlett 8ea!ning# 11