This document is a staff intercom list for Delview Secondary School for semester 2 of the 2010 school year. It provides contact information including names, department assignments, room numbers and phone extensions for over 70 staff members. It also lists noon hour supervisors, itinerant staff, department heads and coordinators. The list is organized alphabetically by last name and provides a quick reference for contacting and locating staff around the school.
This document is a staff intercom list for Delview Secondary School for semester 2 of the 2010 school year. It provides contact information including names, department assignments, room numbers and phone extensions for over 70 staff members. It also lists noon hour supervisors, itinerant staff, department heads and coordinators. The list is organized alphabetically by last name and provides a quick reference for contacting and locating staff around the school.
This document is a staff intercom list for Delview Secondary School for semester 2 of the 2010 school year. It provides contact information including names, department assignments, room numbers and phone extensions for over 70 staff members. It also lists noon hour supervisors, itinerant staff, department heads and coordinators. The list is organized alphabetically by last name and provides a quick reference for contacting and locating staff around the school.
This document is a staff intercom list for Delview Secondary School for semester 2 of the 2010 school year. It provides contact information including names, department assignments, room numbers and phone extensions for over 70 staff members. It also lists noon hour supervisors, itinerant staff, department heads and coordinators. The list is organized alphabetically by last name and provides a quick reference for contacting and locating staff around the school.
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BENNETT Dave BCD d1 101 2101 KARPUN Daniela B 161 2161
ABCD d2 162 2162 CD GYM 2114 BOCHEN Lindsay BCD 126 2126 KUNG Jonathan ABD 144 2144 BONIKOWSKY Tim ABCD 124 2124 LASCELLE-EA Trish Abor Room 107 2107 BROWN Mark ABC 108 2108 LEE - EA Nancy Teach/Bonikowsky 124 2124 AC 110 LEKAKIS Brandy Sr -Alt PORT-594-5827 BURROUGHS Rianne 2112 D 112 LEWIS - EA Angela Teach-Bennett 162 2162 CAFETERIA 2176 LIBRARY 2130 CHAN Kathy A B C(d2) D 184 2184 LI-HINDSON Annie ABCD (d1 only) 162 2162 CHAU Van ABCD 132 2132 LIVINGSTON Yvette Career Advisor 2117 C 171 2171 MANERY Caitlin C 183 2183 CHOY Noah D 106 2106 D d1 GYM 2114 CLOSE Ian AD GYM 2114 D d2 101 2101 C 131 2131 NIKIC Vlad ABC 179 2179 COOPER Lucy A 160 2160 NISHI Ken ACD LIB 2130 D 159 2159 B 183 183 2183 2183 BC 164 2164 POONI Raj Counsellor L-Z 2508 CONFERENCE RM 2514 PRIDEAUX Clive CD 161 2161 COUWENBERGHS Darlene AB 174 2174 AC 2511 DACK Roger Youth Worker 2510 ROBINSON Mark V-Principal Office 2506 SBO Vmail 952-2873 SAMRA Kaljit ACD 172 2172 ELLIS(Faryna) Megan ABCD 163 2163 SCHALK Nadia AD C(d1) 182 2182 FASCIGLIONE Tylyn Abor.Support 107 2107 BC (d2) GYM 2114 Vmail 952-2813 SCHLATTER Marion Counsellor A-K 2509 FERGUSON Sandy A B C D(d2) GYM 2114 A 126 2126 FERNANDES David ABCD 134 2134 SHEARMAN Margaret Reception Office 2501 FISH Rita Secretary Office 2502 SHOWLER Sylvia ABCD 181 2181 FRIESEN - EA Jane LA 164 2164 STAFF ROOM 2105 GALE - EA Pat Lekakis Portable 594-5827 STEVENS Diane BCD 160 2160 GINTER - EA Colleen Thompson 141 2141 THOMPSON Taralee ABCD 141 2141 GOLTZ Wendy Accounts Office 2503 UNRAU Denise ABC 159 2159 GUZZO Verna Records Office 2504 UPPAL Harjit ABCD 171 2171 GYM OFFICE 2114 WEIGHT RM 2186 HARRISON Naomi ABCD 173 2173 YOUNG Amber ACD 164 2164 HELME Larry Day Custodian Pager 293-0975 B 172 2182 HENDRICKS -EA Tana Thompson 141 2141 YOUNGER Don Principal Office 2505 HILLMAN Patti AD 183 2183 NOON HOUR SUPERVISORS B 185 2185 Bea McGregor / Parminder Gill HOSKYN Mel A 104 2104 CD 174 2174 ITINERANTS Multi-Cultural JOHAL Mal AB 131 2131 Aujla Gurpreet Worker SBO VMail 328-1954 C 122 2122 Jensen Laurel Hearing Support SBO VMail 940-3987 JOHNSTON Julie A 122 2122 Box 7522 B 102 2100 DELTA ACCESS CAMPBELL, Liz 2129 C 106 2106 BATES, Karen 604 599-6398 DEPARTMENT HEADS COORDINATORS/CONTACTS Social Studies Showler Modern Languages Chan Math Couwenberghs Fine Arts Hillman Athletic Dir Close Pro D Rep Kung Science Chau Applied Skills Bochen DTA/BCTF Bennett First Aid Young & Brown English Stevens Student Services Schlatter
Computer Coord Kung Grad Trans/Portfolios Karpun PE Ferguson Student Svcs-enrolling Li-Hindson