Fairy Tale Unit Dusty Locks and The Three Bears

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Fairy Tale Unit

Lesson Topic: __Reading___ Grade level:__1___

Length of lesson: 45-60 minutes
esired Results
State Content Standard(s):
EL.1.3.1 Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Literary Text: Identify and describe the plot, setting,
and character(s) in a story. etell a story!s beginning, "iddle, and ending.
EL.1.3.3 #onfir" predictions abo$t %hat %ill happen next in a story.
EL.1.7.1 #o"prehension: Listen attentively.
EL.1.3.5 &nderstand %hat is read by responding to '$estions (who, what, when, where, why, how).
Essential Learning
1.RL.2 eading: Literary Text ( etells stories, incl$des )ey details, and de"onstrates
$nderstanding of the central "essage or lesson in a literary text.
1.RL.3 eading: *o$ndational +)ills ( ,escribes characters, settings, and "a-or events in a story,
$sing )ey details of a literary text.
1.SL.2 +pea)ing . Listening: As)s and ans%ers '$estions abo$t )ey details fro" "aterial
presented orally.
!entral "ocus:
Students will understand:
What the term prediction means
How to predict what will happen
next in a story
What some of the similarities and
differences are between the two
stories discussed
#ssential $uestion%s&:
How can we use the fairy tale
Goldilocks and the Three Bears to
predict what will happen in Dusty Locks
and the Three Bears
How can we compare the two stories
for similarities and differences
'tudent o()ectives %outcomes&:
Students will be able to:
!etell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears includin" be"innin"# middle#
and end$
!etell the story of Dusty Locks and the Three Bears includin" be"innin"# middle#
and end$
!ecall key details from each story includin" plot# settin"# and characters$
Listen attenti%ely# and be able to find similarities and differences between the two
*ssessment #vidence
+erformance Tas,%s&:
&tudents will apply the information
about the stories Goldilocks and
Dusty Locks in order to find
similarities and differences
between the two texts$
-ther #vidence:
'%idence of their understandin" of the
story will be e%ident in their %erbal
responses durin" whole "roup retell of
Goldilocks# their predictions durin"
Dusty Locks# and their application of
both stories in whole "roup and
indi%idual based durin" the worksheet$
Learning +lan
Learning *ctivities:
o Students will be gathered already at carpet for morning letter.
o Transition students into CAF by asking them !hat fairy tale did we read
yesterday"# $Goldilocks and the Three Bears%
o Tell students to take a second and think about the story of &oldilocks and
the Three 'ears and the order of e(ents. Tell students that the story
started off with &oldilocks setting out for town. Ask students what
happened ne)t * walking them through a brief retell of the story. Tell
students that you want them to think about the storyline as we read a
fractured fairy tale (ersion of &oldilocks called Dusty Locks and the Three
o Ask students if they know what the word prediction# means. Call on
students to share their definitions with the class. +ake sure that students
ha(e a good understanding of the term ,-./0CT012 before mo(ing on.
o 0ntroduce the book Dusty Locks and the Three Bears by showing them
the co(er. Ask students to predict what they think the story might be
about. See how many think it will be similar to Goldilocks and the Three
Bears by showing thumbs up. Ask for those that think it will be (ery
different to gi(e thumbs down.
o 'egin reading the story3 stopping at post it notes to ask students to make
predictions until the book has been finished.
o -.A/ T1 S.4F: -e(iew rules of -TS time with students. /raw sticks for
cushions and chairs. Send students off to read until appro)imately 5:67.
-ing chimes to ha(e students return book bins to cubbies and line up for
bathroom break.
o 'AT8-11+ '-.A9: $&1A4 7:; minutes% !hen students return from
bathroom break they will go to carpet for instruction. 8a(e +iss -eibel
place worksheet on student desks while we are at bathroom.
o -.A/02& -.S,12S.: 1nce students are gathered at the rug introduce
the reading response acti(ity that goes along with the &oldilocks and
/usty 4ocks stories.
o Show students the worksheet that we will be doing as a whole class
acti(ity. .)plain to students that we will be filling in the blanks with details
from each story. Ask students to remember to put their name on the
paper as soon as they get to their seats. -emind them that +rs. -obbins
is charging <= if they turn in their paper without a name. /ismiss students
to seat
o Start by reading the directions at the top of the page. Then go to the first
column. -ead the sentence under the &oldilocks column and then read
the sentence with the blank under the /usty 4ocks column. Ask for
student answers and fill in the blank.
o Continue this until all blanks on the worksheet ha(e been filled in.
o 8a(e students rate the book at the bottom of the page by reading the
sentence to them and telling them to circle the number of boots and write
it on the line.
o -emind students one more time about putting their name on their paper
and ha(e them turn it into the basket and find their spot on carpet for the
ne)t acti(ity.
Resources and .aterials:
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Dusty Locks and the Three Bears
(rediction )*+, card
)omputer-.%erhead (ro/ector

Re/uired *ccommodations0.odifications:
Durin" discussion 0uestions can be tailored to best fit indi%idual students$ *ll
students should be "i%en the opportunity to "i%e a response if they ha%e one1
some students may need additional support when "i%in" answers make it best fit
the 0uestion asked$
&upport with %ocabulary will be "i%en while readin" the story aloud for both 'LL
students and non2'LL students$
Whole "roup instruction will be used durin" the worksheet because some of our
students stru""le with readin"$ +or them this worksheet would be difficult to do
by themsel%es because they would not be able to read the text$
Whole "roup instruction is also used in an effort to help all students successfully
complete the worksheet$ *nswers will remain on the board for students to copy
helpin" them with spellin" and also assistin" our students that tend to write
#1tending the Lesson
(redictin" and comparin" are both skills that these students will ha%e
opportunities to practice o%er and o%er a"ain$ They will come up in readin"
responses# whole "roup discussions# read alouds# and many other aspects of the
classroom$ &tudents will be "i%en numerous opportunities to both practice and
apply these skills in authentic ways$

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