Fairy Tale Unit Dusty Locks and The Three Bears
Fairy Tale Unit Dusty Locks and The Three Bears
Fairy Tale Unit Dusty Locks and The Three Bears
Re/uired *ccommodations0.odifications:
Durin" discussion 0uestions can be tailored to best fit indi%idual students$ *ll
students should be "i%en the opportunity to "i%e a response if they ha%e one1
some students may need additional support when "i%in" answers make it best fit
the 0uestion asked$
&upport with %ocabulary will be "i%en while readin" the story aloud for both 'LL
students and non2'LL students$
Whole "roup instruction will be used durin" the worksheet because some of our
students stru""le with readin"$ +or them this worksheet would be difficult to do
by themsel%es because they would not be able to read the text$
Whole "roup instruction is also used in an effort to help all students successfully
complete the worksheet$ *nswers will remain on the board for students to copy
helpin" them with spellin" and also assistin" our students that tend to write
#1tending the Lesson
(redictin" and comparin" are both skills that these students will ha%e
opportunities to practice o%er and o%er a"ain$ They will come up in readin"
responses# whole "roup discussions# read alouds# and many other aspects of the
classroom$ &tudents will be "i%en numerous opportunities to both practice and
apply these skills in authentic ways$