Computational Investigation of A Hull: Keywords: Hull, Naval Architecture, CFD, Marine Engineering
Computational Investigation of A Hull: Keywords: Hull, Naval Architecture, CFD, Marine Engineering
Computational Investigation of A Hull: Keywords: Hull, Naval Architecture, CFD, Marine Engineering
Motion of ships in turbulent flows is a complex fluid
mechanics problem that must be analyzed by
experimental and numerical techniques. Advances in
random access memory (RAM) and powerful computer
technologies enable engineers to use advanced
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to
resolve the marine engineering problems. Recently
significant effort in the maritime industry has been
spent to perform CFD analysis in designing efficiently
ship hull forms. Accurate simulation of turbulent flows
around ships has a central role in the optimal design.
The main problem encountered is that there two
different phases that should be considered, air and sea
water. Existing turbulence models are generally
proposed for single phase flows and may not represent
the turbulence flow with two-phase flows [Senocak,
]. From the open literature it can be reported that
ship hydrodynamics computations based on Navier-
Stokes (N-S) solvers were initiated in the 1980s, and
since then a number of useful codes have been
developed [Sato et al., 1999
]. In the recent years, CFD
techniques have been incorporated into optimization
procedures for hull configuration. In this way CFD
simulation plays an important role in ship design,
performance analysis and form optimization, etc. A
flow-simulation method was developed to predict the
performance of a sailing boat in unsteady motion on a
free surface by Akmoto and Myata, 2002
. The sailing
conditions of the boat are virtually realized by
combining the simulations of water-flow and the motion
of the boat. Skytt, 2004
has given the detailed
information about how to get a CAD design to CFD
meshes for ship geometries. Parolini and Quarteroni,
and Gorski, 2002
reported recent innovative
aspects of the numerical models used in CFD studies.
Successful design and optimization of marine structures
requires information about the flow problem on both
integral and field quantity levels.
Y.Hakan zdemir, Seyfettin Bayraktar, Tamer Ylmaz,
Yildiz Technical University Mech ical Engineering Faculty
Dept. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, stanbul, TURKIYE
In this study, a ship hull is modeled by using commercially ava lable CFD package FLUENT which uses finite volume
method. The hull form is generated by RINO code and then ex orted to GAMBIT that used for mesh generation and to
prescribe boundary conditions. For the hull body, approximate y 1,250,000 tetrahedral mesh elements are used with a
skewness as minimum as possible. Analysis are then perform d on a cluster consists of three parallel computer with
totally 6 GB RAM and 4 dual-core. Simulations are run about t ree months and data are extracted and showed by using
various programs for post-processing. Drag and lift forces are c mpared with available experimental results.
Keywords: Hull, naval architecture, CFD, marine engineering
Therefore, good insight in the flow problem is essential.
Integral data, i.e. hydrodynamic forces and moments, is
relatively easily measured in the towing tank, but when
it comes to the field quantities, i.e. velocity, pressure
and wave fields, extensive data sets are difficult and
expensive to obtain experimentally. In order to provide
a supplement to the experiment, CFD detailed
information about the flow problems can be conducted.
This present study deals with RANS simulation of flow
around a ship hull. During the analysis two different
turbulence models are used, standard k- (SKE) and
standard k- (SKW) with standard wall functions as
near-wall treatment. The main goal of this numerical
study is to show the capability a general-purpose CFD
code of FLUENT for design, analysis and feasibility of
such a simulation for ship industry.
A CFD job involves three different activities;
preprocessing, analysis the problem by using a solver
and post processing to show results. In the
preprocessing, the flow domain is discretized, i.e. the
domain around the structure is divided into a number of
small control volumes to solve the governing equations.
In this current study the discretization is performed with
GAMBIT preprocessor package of FLUENT which
allows the user to generate the computational grid.
Mainly hexahedral cells are used for obtaining a good
resolution of the flow around the ship hull. Flow
simulations are conducted with FLUENT. The code has
been used commonly in fluid dynamics are through
different turbulence models and can calculate both
steady and unsteady solutions. The choice of scheme
depends on the nature of the considered flow and the
intended application of the results.
Session A 145
The typical output from a flow simulation consists of a
set of field quantities: Velocity and pressure fields,
streamlines and forces that acting on the hull. In the
post processing stage, aforementioned flow information
is extracted from the data set generated by the FLUENT
and TECPLOT is also used to visualization.
In this paper, three-dimensional, incompressible two-
phase flow of air-water is considered. The governing
equations for the fluid are the equation of continuity
(Eq.1) and momentum balance (Eq.2) in Cartesian
tensor notation.
0 =
0 ) ( =
+ +
j i
j i
u u
x x
The standard k- model of Launder and Spalding, 1974
has been used extensively to simulate the turbulent
j i
u u correlation are calculated by eq. 3 and 4.
M b k
i k
x Dt
+ +
+ =
( )
x x Dt
b k
2 3 1
+ =
2 1
,C C and are set to equal to 1.44, 1.92 and 0.09,
respectively. and are the turbulent
Prandtl numbers for k and , respectively. represents
the generation of turbulent kinetic energy due to the
mean velocity gradients. is the generation of
turbulent kinetic energy due to buoyancy. represents
the contribution of the fluctuating dilatation in
compressible turbulence to the overall dissipation rate.
In the near wall region, molecular viscosity affects the
level of turbulence energy, so the standard k- model is
not applicable in the vicinity of the solid walls. To
handle the standard near wall flow, near-wall function
which uses linear and logarithmic laws to describe the
velocity profile near the wall is used.
0 . 1 =
3 . 1 =
The standart k model is an empirical model based
on model transport equations for the turbulence kinetic
energy ( ) and the specific dissipation rate ( k ), which
can also be thought of as the ratio of to k.
As the k model has been modified over the years,
production terms have been added to both the k and
equations, which have improved the accuracy of the
model for predicting free shear flows. The turbulence
kinetic energy, k, and the specific dissipation rate, ,
are obtained from the following transport equations:
( ) ( ) ( )
i k k k
j j
k ku G Y
t x x
S + = + +
( ) ( ) (
i j
t x x
+ =
+ +
represent the effective diffusivity of and k ,
respectively, and Y
represent the dissipation of
due to turbulence. All of the above terms are
calculated as described below. and
are user-
defined source terms.
The effective diffusivities for the k model are
given by
= +
= +
= (8)
In FLUENT the governing equations are discretized
using a first-order upwind interpolation scheme, and the
discretized equations are solved using SIMPLE
algorithm. The solution is considered converged when
the normalized residuals of all the variables is lower
than 10
Grid structure around the hull is shown in Fig.1 in
which the mesh is clustered near the hull surfaces. As
can be seen from the figure multi-block technique is
used for generation of the grid. It must be confessed
here that generate such a grid around the hull is time
consuming and must be satisfied the requirements of a
good description of the geometry.
Session A 146
Figure 1 Grid structure for the working domain
No-slip conditions are imposed on the wetted part of the
hull surface that means that all the velocity components
on the surface are zero. At the inlet, a uniform flow is
given and at the outlet, all variables are extrapolated.
On the centerline boundary and the external boundary,
the symmetry condition for all variables is
The main purpose of this study is to show the capability
of the general-purpose CFD solver of FLUENT to use
at naval architecture and marine industry. Some results
obtained after three months running a three-parallel
cluster are presented at this section.
Figure 2 Pressure contours on the hull surface from a)
bottom view, b) side view.
Figure 2 presents the pressure contours on the hull
surface. It displays higher pressure at the bow than at
the stern and low pressure at the amidships. This is
common for this type of ship form as reported by
[Tingqiu et al., 2001
]. However, near the aft
perpendicular, the flow is relatively smooth with very
low pressure.
It should be noted that, a relatively large region of low
pressure parallel to the keel is developed, which causes
the streamlines to diverge outwards from the keel and
move upwards as shown in Fig.4-Fig.5. Above the low
pressure region the pressure is seen to increase towards
the rear of the hull, resulting in adverse pressure
gradients in the streamwise direction.
Figure 3 x-velocity distributions around different
streamwise locations and at the ship hull.
Figure 4 Pressure distributions (upper image) and
streamlines (bottom image) on the hull aft.
Some pictures are showed in Fig.6. In this figures
streamlines around the ship hull is presented. Wave
pattern occurred at the bow of the hull can be seen
especially in Fig.6b and in Fig.6c. Although not
presented here, it must be noted here that a separation
region occurs at the end of the hull. This is can be
reproduced in Fig.7 which velocity contours are
showed. Figures in Fig.7 also show the effect of two
different turbulence models, SKE and SKW
respectively. From these figures it is seen that there are
some differences between velocity contours obtained
from SKE and SKW.
The current study shows that the wave fields around the
hull are not strongly dependent on the turbulence
model, whereas the best performance is offered for the
total drag coefficient by the SKW model (Table).
During calculation of the viscous pressure resistance,
freesurface is taken constant, i.e. problem is considered
as only one-phase (water). FLUENT uses VOF model
to take into account the freesurface. VOF model assume
two different fluids that do not get into each other. The
transport equation for the volume fraction of the water
(1 for completely filled, zero for completely empty
cells) is solved (in addition to the usual conservation
equations of mass and momentum). The method is more
efficient than others methods such marker-and-cell
scheme and can also be applied to breaking waves.
However, the freesurface contour is not sharply defined
and special techniques had to be developed to obtain an
Session A 147
accurate profile with reasonable numbers of cells
[Bulgarelli et al., 2003
Figure 5 Pressure distributions (left) and streamlines
(right) on the hull from bottom view.
Figure 6 Pathlines colored by volume fraction obtained
by SKE turbulence model.
Figure 7 Contours of velocity magnitude obtained from
a) SKW and b) SKE.
Ship resistance can be identified as a reaction to the ship
hull from water. From the experimental and numerical
methodology, it can be said that there are three
component of the ship resistance:
1. Wave resistance (R
2. Viscous resistance (R
3. Viscous pressure resistance (R
T w F V
= + + (9)
Total resistance and viscous pressure resistance
comparisons are showed in Table 1. As can be seen,
results obtained from SKW are in good agreement with
experimental towing test data. It should be noted here
that these CFD results are obtained from 638,150
hexahedral mesh elements and all the results including
the experiment are calculated for only half-ship hull.
As aforementioned, in this numerical study, CFD code
FLUENT is used. After the all runs the code calculate to
different forces; viscous pressure and wave resistances.
As it is well known, both viscous and wave resistances
occur due the existence of pressure. During the pressure
calculation it is difficult to discern these resistances
from each other. Considering the double-model enable
us to separate viscous pressure from the wave
resistance. In this method freesurface is specified as
Session A 148
symmetry condition and by this approach, pressure
resistance gives the viscous pressure value. The ratio of
the viscous pressure to friction resistance gives form
factor. In present study, all calculations of double-
model are performed with SKE and SKW for 12 knots.
Table 1 Total and viscous resistances comparisons.
Resistance (kN)
Resistance (N)
Experiment 24.3 13,500
SKE 18 14,686
SKW 26.1 13,781
In this work, we have presented some of the most recent
results on numerical fluid dynamic modeling obtained
by using CFD code FLUENT. We have highlighted the
importance that CFD analysis is achieving in the ship
resistance calculation process. The effects of turbulence
models are investigated for two different model,
standard k-epsilon and standard k-omega, respectively
and it is concluded that standard k-omega turbulence
model is in good agreement with experimental towing
test data.
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