This document provides details about the technical aspects of astrology used in horoscope analysis. It discusses the symbolism and representation of the 12 zodiac signs. It also describes the planetary rulers of the signs and other astrological placements like navamsas. Finally, it covers the symbolic meaning of the planets in relation to parts of the human body and their association with deities and directions. The key information conveyed in the document relates to the technical terminology and symbolic framework of Indian astrology.
This document provides details about the technical aspects of astrology used in horoscope analysis. It discusses the symbolism and representation of the 12 zodiac signs. It also describes the planetary rulers of the signs and other astrological placements like navamsas. Finally, it covers the symbolic meaning of the planets in relation to parts of the human body and their association with deities and directions. The key information conveyed in the document relates to the technical terminology and symbolic framework of Indian astrology.
This document provides details about the technical aspects of astrology used in horoscope analysis. It discusses the symbolism and representation of the 12 zodiac signs. It also describes the planetary rulers of the signs and other astrological placements like navamsas. Finally, it covers the symbolic meaning of the planets in relation to parts of the human body and their association with deities and directions. The key information conveyed in the document relates to the technical terminology and symbolic framework of Indian astrology.
This document provides details about the technical aspects of astrology used in horoscope analysis. It discusses the symbolism and representation of the 12 zodiac signs. It also describes the planetary rulers of the signs and other astrological placements like navamsas. Finally, it covers the symbolic meaning of the planets in relation to parts of the human body and their association with deities and directions. The key information conveyed in the document relates to the technical terminology and symbolic framework of Indian astrology.
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Chapter 1
Explanation of technicalities used
Stanza 1: The Sun, who is one of the AshtaMurthies of Siva, who forms the path for those who go to Moksha, who represents Atma for those who are well versed in Atmavidya, who accepts the results of the sacrificial rites, who is the master of Amaras and Jyotishas; who destroys, creates and protects the Lokas, who is praised in the Vedas in various forms, who is possessed of many rays and who is the lamp of the three worlds, may he grant us speech Stanza 2: Although there are great many works a!ly written !y intelligent men in accordance with e"cellent literary style, many people get dispirited in trying to cross the vast ocean of horoscopic knowledge; to such # offer a small !oat, constructed with metre of various kinds, short !ut very suggestive and full of instructive ideas, to ena!le them to cross this ocean$ Stanza 3: The science of astrology is called %ora Sastra from the compounding of the two words Aho and &atri and the dropping of the first and last letters; and it speaks of the results of the good and !ad deeds done !y men in their previous !irths$ Stanza 4: #n the celestial 'hakra (glo!e) the signs commencing with Mesha and Aswini, are each formed !y nine padams (*uarters) of stars and govern the following organs of +alapurusha, namely, head, face, chest, heart, !elly, waist, lower !elly, se"ual organ, thighs, knees, !uttocks and feet respectively$ &asi, +shetra, ,riha, &uksha, -ha and -havana refer to and signify the .odiacal signs$ Stanza 5: Meena is represented !y two fishes lying close to each other with their heads pointing in opposite directions; +um!ha is shown !y a person !earing a water pot; Mithuna is indicated !y a man with a clu! and a woman with a lute, in close em!race; /hanus is descri!ed as a 'entaur with the hind part resem!ling that of a horse and the front of an archer; Makara !ears the representation of the face of a deer with the hinder part of a crocodile; Thula represents the appearance of a man with a !alance in hand; +anya is shown !y a virgin seated in a !oat with a crop in one hand and with a light in the other, and the other signs are represented !y their names and move in places congenial to their nature$ Stanza 6: +u0a, Sukra, -udha, 'handra, &avi, -udha, Sukra, +u0a, ,uru, Sani, Sani and ,uru are respectively the lords of the signs and their divisions from Mesha; the navamsas commence from Mesha, Makara, Thula and +ataka, etc$, /wadasamsas commence from the houses themselves$ Stanza 7: Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus govern five, eight, seven and five -hagas (degrees) respectively in the Trimsamsas of the odd signs while the order is reversed in those of the even signs$ The last part of 'ancer, Scorpio and 1isces goes under the name of &ikshasandhi (0unction of two rasis or constellations)$ Stanza 8: +riya, Thavuri, Jitheema, +ulira, Laya, 1athona, Juka, +owrpi, Thaukshika, Akokero, %ridroga and Anthya are names for Mesha, Vrisha!ha, Mithuna, +ataka, Simha, +anya, Thula, Vrischika, /hanus, Makara, +um!ha and Meena respectively$ Stanza 9: #f a planet is in its /rekkana, %ora, 2avamsa, Trimsamsa, /wadasamsa and &asi, it is said to !e in its Varga$ Stanza 1: Vrisha!ha, Mesha, /hanus, +ataka, Mithuna and Makara are &atri!ala &asis or signs powerful during night$ 3ith the e"ception of Mithuna these same rasis are called 1rustodayas, The other rasis, vi.$, Simha, +anya, Thula, +um!ha and Vrischika are called /ina!ala &asis$ These with Mithuna are called Sirshodayas$ Meena is called 4o!hayodaya$ Stanza 11: The signs are cruel and !eneficial regularly, they are also masculine and feminine, the same are also mova!le, fi"ed and common; the lords of the cardinal points are the lords of the triangular houses from Mesha, Vrisha!ha, Mithuna and +ataka$ #n odd signs, the first hora is governed !y &avi and the second hora !y 'handra and the reverse holds good in the even signs$ The lords of the /rekkanas are the lords of the 5 st , 6 th and 7 th in a rasi$ Stanza 12: Some writers on astrology say that the first hora is governed !y the lord of that house while the second hora is governed !y the lord of the eleventh from that house$ They further say that the lords of the /rekkanas are8 (5) the lord of the first, (9) the lord of the 59 th , and (:) the lord of the eleventh houses respectively$ Stanza 13: Aries, Taurus, 'apricorn, Virgo, 'ancer, 1isces and Li!ra are signs of e"altation for the Sun, etc$, respectively$ The 5; th , : rd , 9< th , 56 th , 6 th , 9= th and 9; th degrees of the a!ove signs are deep e"altations for the Sun, etc$, respectively$ The seventh from these are the signs and degrees of de!ilitations for those planets$ Stanza 14: The first navamsa of mova!le, the middle navamsa of the fi"ed and the last navamsa of the dou!le>!odied signs are technically called Vargottama, Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Li!ra and A*uarius are Moolathrikonas for the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively$ Stanza 15: The twelve houses from lagna have !een given the following names8 (5) Thanu, (9) +utum!a, (:) Sahotha, (?) -andhu$ (6) 1utra, (@) Ari, (=) 1atni, (<) Marana, (7) Shu!ha, (5;) Aspada, (55) Aaya, and (59) &ipha$ The 4opachayas are the : rd , @ th , 5; th and 55 th houses from lagna, while the rest are Apachayas$ Some say that these should not !e taken as permanent$ Stanza 16: +alya, Swa, Vikrama, ,riha, 1rati!ha, +shata, 'hitthotha, &andhra, ,uru, Mana, -hava, Vyaya are names of !irth, second, third, etc$, houses, respectively$ The fourth and eighth from lagna are technically called 'haturasra, the seventh goes under the name of /yuna and the tenth is Agnya$ Stanza 17: +antaka, +endra and 'hatustaya denote *uadrants and these are Saptama (=th), Lagna (5 st ), 'haturtha (? th ) and +ha (5; th ) -hanam &asis (signs)$ The 2ara &asis (masculine signs) are Mithuna, +anya, Thula, the first half of /hanus and +um!ha and these are powerful when they happen to !e !irth signs$ The Jalachara &asis (A*uatic) are +ataka, Meena, the second half of Makara, and these !ecome powerful in the fourth$ +ita &asi (Vrischika) !ecomes powerful in the=th, and 1asu &asis (*uadruped) Mesha, Vrisha!ha, Simha, the 9 nd half of /hanus and the 5 st half of Makara !ecome potent when they !ecome the 5; th houses$ Stanza 18: Those houses ne"t to kendras are called 1anaparas and those ne"t to 1anaparas are designated Apoklimas$ %i!uka, Am!u, Sukha and Vesma denote ? th house, Jamitra denotes = th , Sutha!ham, Thrikona shows 6 th , Meshurana and +arma are names for /asama (5; th )$ Stanza 19: #f the lord of the !irth, Jupiter or Mercury occupy or aspect lagna (!irth) it !ecomes most powerful$ #f other than these planets aspect or occupy it, it will not !e so$ All signs in kendras are powerful$ Signs in 1anaparas are of moderate strength while signs in Apoklimas are powerless$ -iped signs are powerful during day, Auadruped signs in the night and +ita &asi during the two twilights$ The measure of the rasis from Mesha to +anya inclusive is 6>@>=><>7 and 5; multiplied !y four, respectively, the other half from Thula to Meena in the reverse order, Saha0a (: rd ) is called /uschikya, 2avama (7 th ) is denoted as Thapas and Trikona$ Stanza 2: -lood>red, white, green, whitish red, smoky, variegated, !lack, golden, reddish yellow, whitish yellow$ /arkish white, and fish tint are the colours of Aries, etc$, respectively$ The signs of planets get 1lava in the direction of their lords$ The second from the Sun !ecomes Vasi$ Chapter 2 !raha"oni pra#heda Stanza 1: The Sun represents the Atma, the Moon mind, Mars strength, Mercury speech, Jupiter wisdom and happiness, Venus passions, and Saturn sorrow, of +alapurusha respectively$ The Sun and the Moon are &a0as, Mars is 'ommander>in> 'hief, Mercury is Buva &a0a, Jupiter and Venus are ministers, and Saturn is the servant$ Stanza 2: %eli and Surya are names for the Sun$ 'handrama and Sitarasmi stand for the Moon$ %emno, Vit, ,na, -odhana and #nduputra are names for Mercury$ Ara, Vakra, +ruradrik, Avanaya denote Mars; +ona, Manda, Suryaputra and Asita stand for Saturn$ Stanza 3: Jiva, Angira, Suraguru, Vachasampathi and #0ya are terms for Jupiter$ Sukra, -hrigu, -rigusuta, Sita and Aspu0it are names for Venus$ Thamas, Agu and Asura are names for &ahu, Sikhi stands for +ethu$ Their other names must !e learnt from well>known works in the world$ Stanza 4: The Sun is dark>red, the Moon white, Mars !lood>red, Mercury green, Jupiter yellow or golden, Venus neither white nor !lack, Saturn !lack$ Stanza 5: 'opper colour is governed !y the Sun, while white !y the Moon, !lood>red !y Mars, green !y Mercury, yellow !y Jupiter, variegated colours !y Venus and !lack !y Saturn$ The Sun has Agni as adhidevata$ The Moon Am!u, Mars has +umara, Mercury has +esava, Jupiter has #ndra, Venus has #ndrani, and Saturn has +aha$ The east, etc$, is governed !y the Sun, Venus, Mars, &ahu, Saturn, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter respectively$ 3aning Moon, Sun, Mars, Saturn and Mercury in con0unction with them, are malefics$ Stanza 6: Saturn and Mercury are impotent, Venus and Moon are females and the rest are masculine$ Cire, earth, sky, water and air are rules !y Mars, etc$ Stanza 7: Sukra and ,uru represent Vipras, +u0a and &avi +shatriyas, 'handra Vaisya, -udha Sudra, and Sani represents Antya0as$ 'handra, &avi and ,uru represent Satwa, +u0a and Sani Thamasa, and -udha and Sukra represent &a0asa Stanza 8: to Stanza 11: The Sun has a well proportioned !ody, is !ilious and possesses pingala eyes, has short hairs, coloured eyes$ The Moon has a well rounded !ody, much wind and phlegm, intelligent, sweet speech and good eyes$ Mars is youthful, li!eral !ilious, fickleminded and possesses a thin waist$ Mercury has gurgling speech, fond of 0oking and has a mi"ture of air, phlegm and !ile$ Jupiter has a corpulent !ody, golden locks and eyes, moral and is phlegmatic$ Venus is fond of happiness, handsome, fine eyes and !lack ringlets and a temperament compounded of wind and phlegm$ Saturn is la.y, has yellowish eyes, lean tall !ody, stout teeth and rough hairs$ %e is of a windy temperament$ Saturn governs nerves, the Sun rules !ones, the Moon controls the !lood, Mercury the skin, Venus the sperm, Jupiter the !rain, and Mars the marrow$ Stanza 12: The Sun controls /evastana, the Moon watery place, Mars the fire place, Mercury the gaming place, Jupiter the treasury, Venus the !ed room, and Saturn the heap of dirt$ The Sun governs rough cloth, the Moon rules new clothes, Mars controls !urnt clothes, Mercury rules soaked clothes, Jupiter neither old nor new clothes, Venus controls strong clothes, and Saturn rules rags$ Sun governs copper, Moon precious stones, Mars gold, Mercury !elimetal, etc$, Jupiter silver, and when he is in his own house he governs gold, Venus pearls and Saturn governs iron, lead, etc$ Saturn controls Sisira, Venus Vasanta, Mars ,rishma, Moon Varsha, Mercury Sarat, Jupiter %emanta, and the Sun ,rishma$ These seasons may also !e indicated !y the lord of the /rekkana rising in the lagna at the time of *uestion or consultation of lost horoscopes$ Stanza 13: 1lanets aspect D,5E9, F and full in the : rd and 5; th , in the 6 th and 7 th , in the ? th and < th and in the = th respectively$ Saturn, Mars and Jupiter have special sights and are powerful in aspecting : rd and 5; th , ? th and < th and 6 th and 7 th respectively Stanza 14: An Ayana, a +shana, a 3asara, a &uthu, a Masa, an Ardha and a Sama will !e the time allotted to the Sun, etc$, respectively, for the fulfillment of any act or deed indicated in a *uestion$ 1ungent, salt, !itter, mi"ture, sweet, sour and acid are the tastes attri!uted to the Sun, etc$, respectively$ Stanza 15: According to some, Sun has Jupiter, Moon has Mercury and Jupiter, Mars has Venus and Mercury, Mercury has all e"cept the Sun; Jupiter has all e"cept Mars; Venus has all e"cept the Sun and the Moon; and Saturn has all e"cept Mars, Moon and the Sun as friends$ -ut according to Satya from the thrikona of the planet the 9 nd , 59 th , 6 th , 7 th , the lord of his e"altation$ < th and ? th lords, are friends$ The rest are not friends$ Stanza 16 $ 17: %&'(E)S *+,E(-S (E.)+'&S E(E/,ES Sun Moon, Mars Mercury Saturn G Venus G Jupiter Moon Sun G Mars, Jupiter, 2one Mercury Saturn G Venus Mars Jupiter, Sun Saturn G Venus Mercury G Moon Mercury Sun G Venus Saturn, Mars G Moon Jupiter Jupiter Sun, Moon G Saturn Mercury G Venus Mars Venus Mercury G Mars G Sun G Moon Saturn Jupiter Saturn Mercury G Jupiter Sun, Moon G Venus Mars Stanza 18: The 1lanet in the 9 nd , 59 th , 55 th , : rd , 5; th , or ? th from any other planet at the time of !irth, !ecomes his temporary friend$ Some say the lord of the house in which a planet is e"alted also !ecomes his friend$ The rest (unnamed here) are enemies$ The lords of two houses, the lord of one house named and the lord of house not named !ecome friend, neutral, and enemy, respectively$ These relations (temporary) must !e taken along with the 2isargika (permanent) relations named in the previous and then friendship, etc$, must !e finally determined$ Stanza 19: -y Swochha, Suhrut, Swa Thrikona, 2avamsa, the planets get Sthana!ala$ #n the Hast Jupiter and Mercury, in the 2orth the Sun and Mars, in the 3est Saturn, and in the South Venus and Moon get /ig!ala$ Stanza 2: &avi and 'handra have chesta!ala in 4ottarayana$ The rest will have chesta!ala when they have Vakra or Samagama$ Those who are in the 2orth of the planetary fight, and those whose rays are !right also possess chesta!ala$ Stanza 21: The night gives Moon, Mars and Saturn +ala -ala$ Mercury has it always$ The rest are powerful during the day$ -enefics have +ala!ala during the !right half of the lunar month, while malefics get it during the dark half$ The lord of the year, of the day, of the hora, of the masa also gets +ala!ala$ Sa, +u, -u, ,u, Su, Sha, &a, are respectively stronger than each other$ Chapter 3 0i"oni 1an2adh"a"a Stanza 1: 3hen !enefics are powerless and malefics powerful, and when impotent planets are in *uadrants, the !irth must !e foretold of o!0ects that have resem!lance to the nature of the dwadasamsa occupied !y Moon at the time, or when under similar con0unctions the !irth sign is aspected !y impotent planets, the !irth of viyonis must !e predicted Stanza 2: #f powerful malefics occupy their navamsa, if powerless !enefics occupy othersI navamsas and if lagna is viyoni, then viyoni creatures must !e predicted Stanza 3: Aries represents head, Taurus face and neck, ,emini front legs, 'ancer !ack, Leo chest, Virgo sides, Li!ra !elly, Scorpio anus, Sagittarius hind legs, 'apricorn genitals, A*uarius !utt and upper legs, and 1isces tail Stanza 4: The color must !e predicted !y the !irth sign, its amsa, !y planets in it or !y their aspects$ The intensity of the color is known !y powerful con0unctions or aspects of planets$ -y the planets in the = th the lines or spots on the !utt must !e identified Stanza 5: #f !irth is in pakshi drekkana, if Saturn 0oins or aspects it, the !irth of !irds must !e predicted$ #f Moon is there or aspects it, predict the !irth of water>!irds$ #f the navamsa falls in Mercurial signs with Saturn in con0unction or aspecting, then ordinary !irds, !ut if Moon 0oins or aspects it, a*uatic !irds must !e predicted Stanza 6: 3hen the !irth sign, Moon, Jupiter and Sun are powerless, the !irth of trees must !e predicted$ The nature of the plants (a*uatic or land) must !e identified !y the rising navamsa, and the num!er of the trees !y the num!er of the navaaamsas that the lord of the navamsa has passed from his rising amsa in the lagna Stanza 7: Sun produces internally strong trees, Saturn ugly ones, Moon milky trees, Mars dry plants, Mercury and Jupiter fruitless and fruitful ones respectively and Venus flowery trees$ Moon makes !right plants and Mars !itter ones Stanza 8: #f a !enefic occupies a !ad sign, then a good tree grows in a !ad place, if otherwise it is reversed$ The num!er of trees is determined !y the amass the lord has passed from his Chapter 4 (ishi3a 4consu22ation of 2arria5e6 Stanza 1: Mars and the Moon are the cause for monthly menses$ 3hen the Moon is in anupachaya rasis the menses for conception occurs$ 3hen the reverse is the case, and the masculine !enefics aspect, the woman gets se"ual union with man$ Stanza 2: The se"ual union resem!les the nature of the Astha rasi$ #f malefics con0oin or aspect the = th , union will !e consummated under *uarrelling, if !enefics 0oin or aspect the = th , the se"ual union will !e happy$ Stanza 3: #f &avi, 'handra, Sukra and +u0a occupy their own navamsas, if ,uru is found in lagna or thrikona, conception takes place$ #f this com!ination is present in impotent cases, it will !e useless as moonlight is to a !lind man$ Stanza 4: #f +u0a and Arka0a occupy the seventh from &avi and 'handra, they make the man and the woman sick respectively$ #f they occupy the 59 th and the 9 nd from &avi and 'handra, the man and woman will meet with Mrityu respectively$ #f +u0a and Arka0a 0oin &avi and 'handra, and has one of their aspects$ /eath may !e foretold for the man and woman respectively$ Stanza 5: /uring the day the Sun stands for father and Venus for mother; during the night Saturn and Moon$ 1aternal uncles and maternal aunts are to !e 0udged in the reverse order, and if they are in odd and even signs respectively they !ecome !eneficial to the parties concerned$ Stanza 6: #f malefics are approaching the rising sign without !eneficial aspects the woman dies$ #f Saturn occupies the rising sign aspected !y Mars or weak Moon she dies$ Stanza 7: #f the rising sign and the Moon are !etwi"t two evil planets unaspected !y !enefics 0ointly or separately the woman dies in pregnancy Stanza 8: #f from the rising sign of the Moon the ? th house is 0oined !y evil planets and Mars is in the <thhouse, she suffers death$ #f from lagna, the ? th and 59 th houses are occupied !y the Sun and Mars and the Moon is weak, she suffers death as !efore$ Stanza 9: #f +u0a and &avi are in the 5 st and = th respectively, death occurs to her !y weapons$ The a!ortion takes place in the month, whose lord is powerless or afflicted$ Stanza 1: #f !enefics are in con0unction with lagna and 'handra, of if the 6 th , 7 th , 9 nd , = th , ? th and 5; th houses from them are occupied !e !enefics or if the malefics occupy : rd and 55 th houses, and aspected !y the Sun she will have a safe and happy pregnancy$ Stanza 11: #f powerful lagna, &avi, 'handra and ,uru occupy odd signs or navamsas, they cause masculine !irth$ #f these occupy even signs and amsas, they produce feminine !irth$ #f ,uru and &avi are found in odd signs, then a male, if Sukra, +u0a and 'handra are in even signs, a female is !orn$ #f these planets are in dou!le>!odied signs aspected !y -udha, there will !e twins after the se" of the .odiacal sign$ Stanza 12: #f Saturn occupies odd signs from the lagna (e"cepting lagna), he causes male !irth$ H"amine the relative strength of the various planets and predict the !irth of males or females$ Stanza 13: #f the Moon and the Sun aspect mutually, if Saturn and Mercury aspect mutually; if Mars, in an odd sign, aspects the Sun in an even sign; if the Moon and lagna are in odd, and have the aspect of Mars in even sign; if the Moon is in even and Mercury in odd, and have the aspect of Mars; if Venus, lagna and the Moon are posited in masculine amsas; in all these si" cases, eunuchs will !e !orn$ Stanza 14: #f the Moon and Venus are in signs, and if Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and lagna are in odd signs, twins are !orn, of whom one will !e male and the other female$ Lagna and the Moon in even houses aspected !y male planets, produce twins, as a!ove$ #f powerful -udha, +u0a, ,uru and lagna are in even signs, then predict the same result$ #f planets and lagna are in common amsas, aspected !y Mercury in his amsa, three children will !e !orn, of whom two will partake of the se" of the amsa occupied !y Mercury and the other of the opposite se"$ #f planets, lagna and -udha are in similar amsas, then three children of that se" will !e !orn$ Stanza 15: #f lagna is in /hanus, or falls in that amsa, if all the planets are powerful Sani and -udha, then predict many children at one !irth$ Stanza 16: +alala, ,hana, Ankura, Asthi, 'harma, Anga0a, 'hetamatha are governed !y Sukra, +u0a, ,uru, &avi, 'handra, Sani and -udha respectively$ The lord of lagna, 'handra, and &avi are rulers of the ne"t three months respectively$ The foetal growth depends upon the strength and weakness of the planets, who govern the particular month$ Stanza 17: #f -udha is in thrikona, and other planets are powerless, then the child will have two faces, four hands, and four legs with one face$ #f the Moon is in Taurus, and evil planets are in &uksha Sandhis, predict a dum! child$ #f, in this con0unction, the Moon has !eneficial aspect, the child !egins to speak very late in life$ Stanza 18: #f Sani and +u0a occupy -udhaIs houses or navamsas, the child will !e !orn with teeth$ #f +ataka is lagna with 'handra init, having the aspects of Sani and +u0a, the child will !e dwarf$ #f Meena !ecomes lagna !ecomes a cripple$ #f the &asi Sandhis are occupied !y malefics and the Moon, the child will !e deaf$ #n all these cases there must !e no !eneficial aspects$ Stanza 19: #f the last navamsa of Makara is lagna aspected !y Sani, 'handra and &avi then a dwarf is !orn$ #f malefics occupy the 6 th , 7 th and 5 st drekkanas, handless, feetless and headless child respectively must !e predicted$ Stanza 2: #f Leo is !irth occupied !y the Sun and the Moon, aspected !y Mars and Saturn the child will !e !lind$ #f in the a!ove com!ination there is also !eneficial aspect the vision will !e dim$ The Moon in the 59 th house causes loss to the left eye and the Sun there causes loss to the right eye$ -eneficial aspects give some relief in these com!inations$ Stanza 21: The !irth of a child takes place in the sign occupied !y the Moon, which is represented !y the num!er, in which /wadasamsa, the Moon is fi"ed at the time$ The day or the night and the ghaties of the !irth time must !e known !y the num!er of the ghaties at the time of the *uestion and the nature of the sign whether diurnal or nocturnal$ Stanza 22: #f Makara or +um!ha navamsa rises at the time of conception, aspected !y Sani, the child will !e !orn after ? years$ #f +atakamsa rises at the time of conception, aspected !y 'handra, then the !irth occurs after 59 years of pregnancy$ The details in this chapter must !e carefully understood and applied with sense and 0udgment$ Chapter 5 1an2a 7ala la3shana Stanza 1: #f !irth sign is unaspected !y the Moon, father will !e a!sent at the !irth$ #f the Sun occupies a mova!le sign (pathitha) from the 5; th , the father will !e away in a foreign country at the !irth of child$ Stanza 2: #f Saturn occupies lagna or if Mars is in the = th or if the Moon is !etween Mercury and Venus, the father will !e a!sent at the !irth of the child$ Stanza 3: #f the Moon occupies Mars drekkana and !enefics are in the 9 nd and 55 th houses, predict a serpentIs !irth$ #f an evil sign falls in +u0aIs drekkana and has !enefics in the 9 nd and the 55 th , the child will !e !ound !y a serpent>like !andage$ Stanza 4: #f the Sun occupies a *uadruped sign and if other powerful planets occupy common signs, twins will !e !orn covered with a common hood$ Stanza 5: #f Mesha, Simha or Vrisha!ha falls as lagna, occupies !y Sani or +u0a, the child will !e !orn with a cowl or cord in that organ which is represented !y the rising navamsa$ Stanza 6: #f Jupiter does not aspect !irth and Moon, or if he does not aspect the Sun, in con0unction with the Moon, if the Moon with a malefic com!ines with the Sun then say certainly the child is !orn to another person or of adultery$ Stanza 7: #f malefics occupy the signs of cruel planets and are in the = th , 7 th or 6 th from the Sun, the father will !e imprisoned when the child is !orn$ The sign occupied !y the Sun determines the locality of his !ondage$ Stanza 8: #f Cull Moon is in cancer, if Mercury is in lagna and !enefics are in the ? th , the delivery takes place in a !oat or steamer, or in a sea voyage$ #f !irth is watery with the Moon in the = th the same result happens$ Stanza 9: #f !irth falls in a watery sign as also the Moon, the delivery will !e close to water$ #f lagna (a watery sign) has Cull MoonIs aspect the same result happens$ #f, for such lagna, the Moon is there or in the 6 th or 5; th then similar results happen$ Stanza 1: #f Saturn occupies the 59 th , and a malefic aspects the Moon, the woman delivers the child when in !ondage or 0ail$ #f Saturn is in Scorpio or 'ancer one of which is the !irth aspected !y the Moon, the delivery takes place in a hole or hollow or pit$ Stanza 11: #f !irth is watery with Saturn in it, aspected !y Mercury, the Sun and the Moon, the !irth takes place in playgrounds, temples and uncultivated fields, respectively$ Stanza 12: #f !irth with Sani falls in a 2ara &asi aspected !y +u0a the !irth happens in a grave>yard; aspected !y Sukra and 'handra in pleasant places; aspected !y ,uru in sacrificial places; aspected !y &avi in royal mansions, cowsheds, or temple premises; aspected !y -udha in li!raries, art colleges or carpentersI premises$ Stanza 13: 1lace of !irth happens to !e according to the nature of the rasi and navamsa, either at home or outside$ The !irth place should !e determined according to the strength of the lagna either in rasi or navamsa$ Stanza 14: #f the Moon or the Sun is in the 7 th or 6 th from Saturn and Mars, the child will !e forsaken !y its mother$ #f in that com!ination Jupiter aspects it, the child lives long and prospers although forsaken !y its mother$ Stanza 15: #f the Moon is in !irth aspected !y a malefic and has Mars in the = th the forsaken !a!e will perish$ #f in this com!ination Mars and Saturn are in the 55 th , the child dies, if aspected !y a !enefic, the child gets protection !y such caste man as is indicated !y the !enefic; if aspected !y malefics, the child falls to different hands and dies$ Stanza 16: The !irth takes place in the house of the father or mother according to the strength of their lords$ #f !enefics occupy de!ilitated places, !irth will !e under trees, roads, etc$ #f !enefics occupy neecha and if the Moon and !irth are unaspected !y other planets occupying one house, the !irth occurs in lonely places$ Stanza 17: #f Moon 0oins SaturnIs amsa or is in the ? th or has aspect of Saturn or occupies watery signs or con0oins with Saturn, then !irth takes place in darkness$ #f there are three or more de!ilitated planets, !irth takes place on the ground$ The !irth takes place similar to the rasi which rises on a level with the e*uator$ #f malefics occupy the ? th or = th from Moon or 0oin Moon, the delivery is attended with much pain$ Stanza 18: The *uantity of oil !y Moon, the wick !y the !irth sign and the light !y Sun, the door !y the planets in *uadrants or !y the most powerful of the planets must !e ascertained$ Stanza 19: #f Saturn is the strongest, the house will !e one newly repaired having !ecome old; if Mars is so, itIs partly !urnt; if Moon, new; if the Sun, the house contains much wood; and if Mercury, !uilt !y many artists; if Venus, handsome, painted and new; if Jupiter, strong house; the ad0oining houses must !e indicated similarly !y the planets in the rasis$ Stanza 2: #f !irth falls in Mesha, +ataka, Thula, Vrischika and +um!ha, or in these navamsa the delivery will !e in the eastern part of the house$ #f the !irth falls in ,uruIs or -udhaIs houses or amsas the delivery happens in the northern part of the house$ #f it falls in Vrisha!ha or its amsa the !irth takes place in the west and if it falls in Makara or Simha or their navamsas the !irth place will !e in the southern side$ Stanza 21: The cardinal direction of the lying down must !e indicated !y two signs from Mesha etc$, and the corners !y the dou!le> !odied signs$ Similarly # must !e ascertained for the direction of the !ed, etc$ The legs of the cost or the sides of the !ed must !e ascertained !y the @ th , : rd , 7 th and 59 th houses from lagna$ Stanza 22: The num!er of women to assist the delivery must !e determined !y the num!er of planets !etween the Moon and the lagna$ Their presence inside or outside the delivery room has to !e learnt !y the planets in the invisi!le and the visi!le half of the .odiac respectively$ Some say *uite the reverse$ Stanza 23: The !ody of the child will resem!le the planet who is the lord of the navamsa or who is the most powerful$ The color of the infant will resem!le that of the lord of the navamsa occupied !y the Moon$ Taking the lagna as head, etc$, the lim!s resem!le the rasis in which they fall$ Stanza 24: #f the first drekkana rises in the lagna; !y the /rusya and Adrusya halves of the .odiac, left and right sides of head, eyes, ears, nose, temples, cheeks and face must !e determined from the lagna respectively$ #f the second drekkana rises in the lagna, neck, shoulders, arms, sides, chest, !elly and navel should !e similarly determined$ #f the third drekkana rises in the lagna, lower stomach, se"ual organ and anus, testicles, thighs, knees, calves and feet must !e similarly delineated$ Stanza 25: #f those rasis are occupied !y the malefics there will !e sores or wounds, if these are occupied or aspected !y !enefics there will !e marks; if such planets causing sores, etc$>are in their won rasis or navamsas or infi"ed signs or navamsas, the sores, etc$, will accompany !irth, if not they come !y accidents after !irth$ #f such a planet is Saturn the wounds will !e caused !y stones and windy diseases; if Mars !y fire, weapons and poisons; if Mercury !y the earth or the ground; if the Sun !y wood or *uadrupeds; if the Moon !y horned animals or a*uatics; if they are other planets then there will !e no wounds$ Stanza 26: #f Mercury 0oins three other planets in any rasi he will cause wounds in that organ which is governed !y it$ #f an evil planet is in the @ th from !irth, there will !e wound in that organ represented !y that rasi$ #f such a malefic has !eneficial aspect then there will !e Thilaka, Masaka, etc$, there$ #f !enefics 0oin him there will !e Lakshma, etc$ Chapter 6 8alarishta 4earl" death6 Stanza 1: 'hildren !orn during sandhi or when !irth is in 'handra hora, when evil planets occupy the ends of signs or when four malefics (including Moon) occupy *uadrants, will die Stanza 2: #f cruel and !enefic planets occupy the first and the second halves of the .odiac respectively and the !irth rises in an insect rasi or if the !irth and the = th ar placed !etween malefics, the child dies straightaway Stanza 3: #f malefics occupy !irth and = th and if Moon 0oins cruel planets, unaspected !y !enefics, the child dies *uickly Stanza 4: #f a weak Moon occupies the 59 th with malefics in the !irth and the < th without !enefics in *uadrants, the child dies soon Stanza 5: #f Moon 0oins a malefic and occupies the = th , < th or 59 th and when !enefics arenIt in *uadrants and donIt aspect these, the child dies Stanza 6: #f Moon occupies @ th or < th aspected !y malefics, early death comes$ #f such Moon has !eneficial aspects, the child dies !efore <$ #f such Moon ahs mi"ed aspets, the child lives for ? years$ #f a !enefic occupies the @ th or < th aspected !y powerful malefics, the child lives for a month$ #f the lord of the !irth 0oins the = th and suffers defeat there !y malefics, similar results must !e predicted Stanza 7: #f a weak Moon 0oins the lagna with malefics in the < th or *uadrants, or if Moon is !etwi"t malefics occupying the ? th , = th or < th , the child dies$ #f Moon is in lagna as a!ove stated, malefics in the = th and < th without the aspect of powerful !enefics, the mother and child !oth die Stanza 8: #f Moon occupies the last navamsa of the sign and malefics are in the 6 th and 7 th without !eneficial aspects, or if lagna 0oins Moon with malefics in the = th , the child dies immediately Stanza 9: #f Moon 0oins a malefic in lagna, eclipsed with Mars in the < th , !oth mother and child die$ Similarly, if Sun is in lagna, death results from weapons$ #f Moon or Sun occupy the lagna with powerful malefics in trines and the < th , unassociated with !enefics, the child dies Stanza 1: #f Saturn, Sun, Moon and Mars occupy the 59 th , 7 th , lagna and < th respectively, unaspected !y a powerful Jupiter, the child dies *uickly Stanza 11: #f Moon is with malefics and occupies a trine, = th , < th or 59 th and not aspected !y or com!ined with a powerful Venus, Mercury or Jupiter, death comes early Stanza 12: #f Moon in transit 0oins the house of the most powerful malefic in the a!ove yogas or 0oins his own place, or the lagna, when heIs strong and has strong malefic aspects, he causes death to the child within one year Chapter 7 '"urda"a 4&on5e9it"6 Stanza 1: Sun, in deep e"altation give 57, Moon 96, Mars 56, Mercury 59, Jupiter 56, Venus 95 and Saturn 9; years of life respectively according to Maya, Bavana, Manitha and Saktipurva$ Stanza 2: 3here a planet is de!ilitated he cuts away half of the term of life and in the middle rasis he give terms of life as per rule of three$ The lagna is supposed to give that num!er of years, which is represented !y its amsa, while others say the num!er will !e similar to the rasi$ A planet in an unfriendly sign cuts one>third of his term unless he is retrograde$ The com!ust planets e"cept Venus and Saturn, cut off half their term of life$ Stanza 3: Hvil planets in the 59 th , 55 th , 5; th , 7 th , < th , and = th away 5, J, 5E:, D, 5E@ and 5E< th of the term of life allotted to them respectively$ #f !enefics occupy the same houses, they take away only one half of that which the malefics do$ Satyacharya says that, if there are many planets in anyone of the houses, only the most powerful among them will eat the proportion of life granted !y it$ Stanza 4: #f an evil planet occupies the !irth the num!er of amsas, etc$, passed !y the lagna must !e multiplied !y the total of the planetary terms of years, etc$, and then divided !y 5;<, and deducted from the total term of life the figure thus o!tained$ #f a !enefic aspects the a!ove con0unction, half of this must !e deducted$ Stanza 5: Men and elephants have @; " 9 years as terms of life and 6 days more$ %orses live :9 years$ 'amels and asses 96 years$ -uffaloes and !ullocks live 9? years$ /ogs have 59 years$ ,oats etc$, 5@ years$ Stanza 6: #f the last navamsa of Meena !ecomes lagna$ #f Mercury is in the 96 th minute in Vrisha!ha and if all the rest are in their deep e"altations, the person gets the utmost limit of life, vi.$, 59; years and 6 days$ Stanza 7 $ 8 Vishnugupta, /evaswami and Siddhasena have given similar longevity$ There is one serious o!0ection to the acceptance of their theory, !ecause according to them, no children can die a!ove < and !elow 9; years which is a!surd$ They have further stated that those who have this longevity will also !ecome emperors$ This is erroneous as many men live long and still !e !eggars Stanza 9: Jeevasarma says, on his own responsi!ility, that each of the planets gives one>seventh of the period of the longevity stated a!ove$ Satyacharya says that each planet gives that term of life which is indicated !y the navamsa he occupies$ This seems to !e approved of !y many astrological e"perts$ Stanza 1: 'onvert the intended planetIs position into kalas; divide this !y 9;;; the *uotient, if divisa!le, divided !y 59 represents years, etc$ Stanza 11: A planet in e"altation or retrogression will give : times the term of his life$ #f he is in Vargottama or in his own house or navamsa or drekkana he gives dou!le the period$ This is the speciality named !y Satyacharya$ Stanza 12: Lagna gives similar num!er of years as it has advance in the navamsa$ #f it is very powerful it will give similar to the rasi$ #f a malefic is in lagna no deduction should !e made on this account$ /o not take the terms of life granted !y the planets as stated !efore$ Stanza 13: SatyacharyaIs system is e"cellent, !ut many have spoiled it !y useless multiplication$ 3henever two or three figures are to !e multiplied, then multiply it !y that figure which are presents the strongest factors$ Stanza 14: #f !irth falls in +ataka and ,uru and 'handra are in it, -udha and Sukra in the kendras, the rest in :>@>55 the person lives very long and mathematical calculations for longevity do not apply to such a com!ination$ Chapter 8 -asantardasa Stanza 1: The most powerful among Lagna, Surya and 'handra, with planets in their kendras give results in the commencement, middle, and last periods of life respectively$ #f planets are not in kendras, etc$, the results will flow in the commencement even from Apoklima planets$ Stanza 2: The planet most powerful gives the first dasa e"tending over that period of life granted !y him$ #f many planets are e*ually powerful then the first dasa will !elong to that planet who gives the largest term of life$ #f some planets give e*ual terms of life, then the first dasa will !e given !y that planet who rises first$ Stanza 3: The planet with the /asanatha gives half the term of that dasa with his results$ The planet who occupies the thrikona from him gives one>third of that period with his results$ The planet in the = th from him gives one>seventh of his period$ The planet who is in chaturasra gives one>fourth of that term$ #n this manner lagna and planets give their /asas and Antardasas$ Stanza 4: -ring all the fractions to a common figure, omit the denominators and multiply severally the numerators !y the dasa years and then divide the whole !y the total of the numerators$ -y doing this you get the Antardasa periods$ Stanza 5: The /asa (period) of a most powerful and e"alted planet is called the 1oorna /asa$ The dasa of a powerless planet is called the &ikta$ The period of that planet which is in the navamsa of unfriendly amsa is called the Aristaphala$ Stanza 6: The planet who has fallen from e"altation gives Avarohi /asa$ #f he 0oins friendly or e"alted navamsa, he constitutes Madhya /asa$ The planet who is ascending from his de!ilitation gives Arohani /asa$ #f such a planet occupies de!ilitated or unfriendly navamsa, he gives a worthless period$ Stanza 7: #f a planet is in a good house and 0oins de!ilitated or unfriendly navamsa, it gives mi"ed results$ The names are fi"ed for these indicative of their results$ # shall give the results of the periods of the Sun, etc$, later on$ Stanza 8: #f lagna rises in common sign, its drekkanas constitute Adhama, Madhya and 1u0ita respectively$ #f lagna is mova!le, the order must !e reversed$ #f lagna is fi"ed, they constitute Ashu!ha, #sta and Sama respectively$ Lagna /asas are thus arranged$ Stanza 9: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, the Sun and Saturn give 5, 9, 7, 9;, 5<, 9;, 6; years respectively of 2isargika /asa$ #f in the previously stated dasa period of the planets, they get also this 2isargika dasa, they produce good results$ Some of Bavanaas say that the Lagna /asa comes in the end and gives good$ Some do not accept this view$ Stanza 1: #f the anthardasanatha is in lagna, or if his friend is in lagna, or if lagna falls in his friendIs or in his varga, the dasa !eginning then, will !e productive of good$ 4r if he is in the : rd , @ th , 5; th or 55 th houses it is good$ 4r if the Moon occupies the e"altation house of the 1akaswami or his friendly rasi, or thrikona, or the = th from him, it produces good$ #f it is the reverse it produces !ad$ Stanza 11: That dasa which !egins when the Moon is in his own house is good and gives honour, wealth and happiness$ That dasa which !egins when the Moon is in +u0aIs house makes his wife immoral; if that dasa !egins when the Moon is in -udhaIs house it gives education, friends and wealth; if the dasa !egins when the Moon is in Simha it gives work for him in forts, forests, roads, houses and agriculture; if it !egins when the Moon is in SukraIs house he gives all desira!le food; if it !egins when the Moon is in SaniIs house it gives mean woman; if it !egins when the Moon is in ,uruIs house it gives reputation, wealth and happiness$ Stanza 12: The Sun gives wealth !y 2akha, (nails or claws) teeth, skins, gold, cruelty, travel, kings and wars$ %e makes the man hot> tempered determined in doing work, in getting reputation and good !y courage$ %e gets misery through wife, children, wealth, enemy, weapon, fire and king$ The Sun gives li!erty, fondness for sinful deeds, *uarrels among his workmen or servants, complaints in chest, stomach and other diseases$ Stanza 13: /uring the MoonIs period the person gets money or profits from mantras, -rahmins, sugarcane, milk, clothes, flowers, playing, oil seeds, good and fatigue or pain$ %e will !e fond of sleep, la.iness, enduring pain, -rahmins and /evatas, getting female issues, possessed of good intelligence, reputation, earning and spending, and he will pick *uarrels with is own men and those who are more powerful than himself$ Stanza 14: /uring the period of Mars there will !e destruction of enemies, gains from rulers, lands, !rothers, sheep and wool$ %e will have hatred among his children, wife, friends, !rothers, learned men, and preceptors$ %e will suffer from thirst, !loody diseases, fever, !ile, fractures$ %eIll !e fond of othersI wives, sinful men and uncharita!le deeds$ %eIll !e harsh, hot and evil>tempered Stanza 15: #n the period of Mercury, the person gets wealth !y em!assy, friends, preceptors and -rahmins$ %eIll !e praised !y learned men and there!y gets reputation$ %e gets gold, mules, lands and personal charm, and happiness$ %eIll !e witty and humorous and will !e clever in serving$ heIll have a good mind and charita!le disposition$ %arshness, fatigue, restraint or imprisonment, mental disease and complaints from the three dhatus (vaata, pittha and sleshma) will result Stanza 16: #n his period, Jupiter gives honor, good character, good mind, personal charm, courage, philanthropic disposition, determination and devotion$ %e gets wealth thru mantras, kings, vedic recitation, counsel and skill in diplomacy$ %eIll have gold, houses, sons, elephants, clothes and friendship with good rulers$ he gets trou!led !y deep thinking, diseases in the ear and hatred among lawless people Stanza 17: /uring VenusI period, the person will !e fond of music, pleasure, fine scents, good food and drink, clothes, females, gems, personal charm, sensual pleasure, yogis, friends, desira!le personages, skill in merchandise, agriculture, treasure>troves, wealth, hated !y communities, kings, wild people, vaga!onds and sorrow thru friendship Stanza 18: /uring SaturnIs period, the person gets donkeys, camels, !irds, !uffaloes, old women, leadership over communities, towns or cities, and inferior gains$ he gets miseries or trou!les thru phlegm, 0ealousy, wind, anger, derangement, dirt, la.iness and fatigue$ %eIll !e insulted and terrified !y servants, children, wife and will suffer the loss of a lim! Stanza 19: ,ood periods give happiness and !ad periods produce misery$ Mi"ed periods give mi"ed results and the result of the lagna dasa will !e similar in nature to its lord Stanza 2: #n the period of each planet, the results will !e !ased on the materials or o!0ects that have !een detailed in the Saumgnyadhyaya and the means of livelihood detailed in the +arma Jivadhyaya$ &esults of the planets will !e determined !y the aspects, occupation and other com!inations given elsewhere Stanza 21: /ifferent planets give their luster of the maha!ootas in their periods$ This luster or shade has to !e identified !y the nose, face, eyes, skin and ear o!tained !y or thru the earth, water, fire, air and space Stanza 22: /uring the time of an auspicious planet, the mind of the person will !e good$ #t ena!les the man to get wealth and secure happiness$ The dasa may also !e known !y the happiness or misery the man is su!0ected to$ The results produced !y powerless planets will !e en0oyed in dreams and thoughts Stanza 23: #f one planet represents two contrary results, the effect will !e the destruction of those events$ !ut if one is stronger than the other, the stronger prevails$ #f one planet represents one and another indicates a contrary result, thereIll !e !oth the results$ 1lanets give good or !ad in their own periods Chapter 9 'shta3a 9ar5a Stanza 1: Sun is favora!le from his position at !irth in 5, 9, ?, =, <, 7, 5; and 55$ %eIs similar from Mars and Saturn$ Crom Venus, heIs good in @, = and 59$ Crom Jupiter in 6, @, 7 and 55$ Crom Moon in :, @, 5; and 55$ Crom Mercury in :, 6, @, 7, 5;, 55 and 59$ Crom lagna, heIs favora!le in 9, :, ?, @, 5; and 55 Stanza 2: Moon is favora!le from his position at !irth in 5, :, @, =, 5; and 55$ Crom Venus, heIs good in :, ?, 6, =, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Jupiter in 5, ?, =, <, 5;, 55 and 59$ Crom Sun in :, @, =, <, 5; and 55$ Crom Mercury in 5, :, ?, 6, =, < and 5;$ Crom Mars in 9, :, 6, @, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Saturn in :, 6, @ and 55$ Crom lagna, heIs favora!le in :, @, 5; and 55 Stanza 3: Mars is favora!le from his position at !irth in 5, 9, ?, =, <, 5; and 55$ Crom Venus, heIs good in @, <, 55 and 59$ Crom Jupiter in @, 5;, 55 and 59$ Crom Sun in :, 6, @, 5; and 55$ Crom Mercury in :, 6, @ and 55$ Crom Moon in :, @ and 55$ Crom Saturn in 5, ?, =, <, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom lagna, heIs favora!le in 5, :, @, 5; and 55 Stanza 4: Mercury is favora!le from his position at !irth in 5, :, 6, @, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Venus, heIs good in 5, 9, :, ?, 6, <, 7 and 55$ Crom Jupiter in @, <, 55 and 59$ Crom Sun in 6, @, 7, 55 and 59$ Crom Mars and Saturn in 5, 9, ?, =, <, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Moon in 9, ?, @, <, 5; and 55$ Crom lagna, heIs favora!le in 5, 9, ?, @, <, 5; and 55 Stanza 5: Jupiter is favora!le from his position at !irth in 5, 9, :, ?, =, <, 5; and 55$ Crom Venus, heIs good in 9, 6, @, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Mercury in 5, 9, ?, 6, @, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Sun in 5, 9, :, ?, =, <, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Mars in 5, 9, ?, =, <, 5; and 55$ Crom Saturn in :, 6, @ and 59$ Crom Moon in 9, 6, =, 7 and 55$ Crom lagna, heIs favora!le in 5, 9, ?, 6, @, =, 7, 5; and 55 Stanza 6: Venus is favora!le from his position at !irth in 5, 9, :, ?, 6, <, 7 and 55$ Crom Jupiter, heIs good in 6, <, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Mercury in :, 6, @, 7 and 55$ Crom Sun in <, 55 and 59$ Crom Mars in :, 6, @, 7, 55 and 59$ Crom Saturn in :, ?, 6, <, 7, 5; and 55$ Crom Moon in 5, 9, :, ?, 6, <, 7, 55 and 59$ Crom lagna, heIs favora!le in 5, 9, :, ?, 6, <, 7 and 55 Stanza 7: Saturn is favora!le from his position at !irth in :, 6, @ and 55$ Crom Jupiter, heIs good in 6, @, 55 and 59$ Crom Mercury in @, <, 7, 5;, 55 and 59$ Crom Sun in 5, 9, ?, =, <, 5; and 55$ Crom Mars in :, 6, @, 5;, 55 and 59$ Crom Venus in @, 55 and 59$ Crom Moon in :, @ and 55$ Crom lagna, heIs favora!le in 5, :, ?, @, 5; and 55 Stanza 8: The places mentioned a!ove are good and the rest evil$ The good or !ad results will !e ascertained !y the ciphers and figures marked as stated a!ove and the !alances show good$ 1lanets in upachaya, in friendly or own houses and e"altations give plenty of good; planets in apachayas, in de!ilitation or unfriendly houses donIt do good Chapter 1 7ar2a:ee9a 4profession6 Stanza 1: Crom Sun, etc$, the ac*uisition of wealth must !e predicted thru father, mother, enemy, friend, !rother, woman and servant respectively, when he occupies the 5; th house from !irth or Moon, or thru lord of the navamsa occupied !y the lord of the 5; th , from !irth, Moon or Sun Stanza 2: #f the lord of the navamsa is Sun, the person gets wealth thru scents, gold, wool, medicines, etc$ #f the amsa lord is Moon, wealth flows thru agriculture, watery products and dependence upon women, etc$ #f the lord of the navamsa is Mars, he gets money thru minerals, fire, weapons, adventures and physical strength$ #f the lord of the navamsa is Mercury, money is o!tained thru writing, math, poetry and fine arts Stanza 3: #f the lord of the navamsa is Jupiter, he gets money from -rahmins, priests, ,ods, in mines or manufactures, and from charities$ #f that lord is Venus, he makes money !y gems, silver, cows, !uffaloes, etc$ #f heIs Saturn, he gets money from la!or, !y e"ecution, carrying and !y low artisanship$ The source of income may !e such as that which is controlled !y the lord of the navamsa occupied !y the lord of 5; th in transit Stanza 4: 1lanets give wealth similar to the houses they occupy$ #f Sun is e"alted and powerful, the man gets wealth !y self>ac*uisition$ #f powerful !enefics are in lagna, 9 nd or 55 th , he gets money in many ways Chapter 11 +a:a"o5a Stanza 1: Bavanas say that three or more cruel planets in e"altation will produce a cruel>minded king$ Jeevasarma and his school say that e"alted cruel planets wonIt raise a man to kingly power Stanza 2: #f Mars, Saturn, Sun and Jupiter or any three of them are e"alted and one of these three occupies the lagna, 5@ ra0ayogas arise$ #f Moon is in his own house, and any two of the a!ove planets are in e"altation, with one of them in !irth, or if any of the a!ove>named planets is in e"altation occupying the lagna, they produce 5@ ra0ayogas Stanza 3: #f lagna or Moon occupies vargottama and has the aspects of four or more planets, e"cept Moon, 99 ra0ayogas are generated Stanza 4: #f Saturn is in A*uarius, Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus and lagna rises in one of these, and Mercury, Jupiter and Mars are in ,emini, Leo and Scorpio, thereIll !e com!inations for royalty$ #f Sun and Moon are in e"altation and lagna rises in one of these signs and if Sun and Mercury are in the @ th , and if Venus, Mars and Jupiter are in Li!ra, Aries and 'ancer, they generate two ra0ayogas Stanza 5: #f Mars is in 'apricorn, Sun and Moon in Sagittarius, and lagna rising in 'apricorn with Saturn in it, the person !ecomes a king$ #f, in the a!ove com!ination, Moon 0oins Mars in !irth or if Saturn and Moon are in = th , if Jupiter is in Sagittarius, and Aries !ecomes lagna with Sun there, the person !ecomes a king Stanza 6: #f Taurus rises at !irth with Moon in it, and Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are in the ? th , = th and 5; th respectively, the person certainly !ecomes a king$ #f 'apricorn is !irth with Saturn in it, and :, @, 7 or 59 are occupied !y Moon, etc$, the person !ecomes a famous, good>natured and prominent king Stanza 7: #f Jupiter with Moon is in Sagittarius, Mars in 'apricorn and 1isces or Virgo is the lagna with Mercury and Venus there, two ra0ayogas arise$ #f Mars and Saturn occupy the 6 th , Jupiter, Moon and Venus 0oin the ? th , if Virgo rises as lagna with Mercury in it, the person !ecomes a king with good character Stanza 8: #f 1isces !ecomes lagna with Moon in it, Saturn, Mars and Sun are in A*uarius, 'apricorn and Leo respectively, the person !orn will rule the earth$ #f Aries !ecomes lagna with Mars in it, with Jupiter in 'ancer or if 'ancer rises with Jupiter in it, with Mars in Aries, a king will !e !orn Stanza 9: #f 'ancer is lagna with Jupiter in it and if Moon, Venus and Mercury are in Taurus and Sun in Aries, a mighty king will !e !orn Stanza 1: #f 'apricorn is lagna with Saturn in it and if Aries, 'ancer and Leo are com!ined with their lords and if ,emini and Li!ra are occupied !y Mercury and Venus, the person !ecomes a renowned ruler Stanza 11: #f an e"alted Mercury is in lagna, Venus in ,emini, Moon and Jupiter in 1isces with Saturn and Mars in 'apricorn, the person !ecomes a king Stanza 12: #n the com!inations for royalty sketched !efore, persons !orn in poverty will !ecome kings; much more so persons !orn in royal families$ The com!inations to !e given hereafter will make men kings who are !orn in royal families and others !orn in ordinary families will !ecome e*ual to kings Stanza 13: #f there are three or more powerful e"alted or moolatrikona planets in a horoscope, a person !orn in a royal family will !ecome a king$ #f this num!er is five or more, then persons !orn in ordinary families will !ecome rulers$ #f these planets are powerless, the persons wonIt !e kings !ut wealthy men Stanza 14: #f Aries is the lagna with Sun half>rising and Moon in it, Mars in 'apricorn and Jupiter in Sagittarius, the person !orn in a royal family !ecomes a king Stanza 15: 3hen Venus occupies the ? th from lagna, Moon occupies the 7 th and the rest are in the 5 st , : rd and 55 th houses, the person !ecomes a king Stanza 16: #f a powerful Mercury is in lagna, a powerful !enefic in the 7 th and the rest of the planets in the 9 nd , : rd , @ th , 7 th , 5; th or 55 th , the person !orn in a royal family will !ecome a good and charita!le king Stanza 17: #f Taurus is lagna and Moon, Jupiter and Saturn and other planets occupy the 5 st , 9 nd , @ th and 55 th respectively, or if Moon and Sun in the 5; th and Saturn in lagna and other planets in the 55 th , the person !ecomes king Stanza 18: #f Moon, Saturn and Jupiter are in the 5; th , 55 th and 5 st respectively, Mercury and Mars in the 9 nd and Venus and Sun in the ? th , the person !ecomes a king$ #f Mars and Sun are in lagna, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Sun and Mercury are in the ? th , = th , 7 th , 5; th and 55 th respectively, the person !ecomes a king Stanza 19: The person gets royal power in the antaradasa of the most powerful planet or of the planet who com!ines in the 5; th or the 5 st $ %e loses that power in the antaradasa of the planet whoIs unfriendly or de!ilitation house !ecause such a period is called the chara dasa$ %e then must seek protection from a powerful king Stanza 2: #f Jupiter, Venus or Mercury is in lagna, Saturn in = th and Sun in the 5; th , the person will en0oy his life well$ #f !eneficial signs are powerful and fall in *uadrants and malefics occupy cruel signs, the person will !e a master of hunters, thieves and wealth Chapter 12 (a#hasa ;o5as Stanza 1: -y com!inations of two, three and four the multiples of 7, 5;, < !y :, : and ? respectively will !e the num!er of 2a!hasa yogas o!tained !y this process$ Bavanas have descri!ed 5<;; varieties !ut # will descri!e them here !riefly$ Stanza 2: #f the planets are in 'hara, etc$, &a00u, Musala and 2ala yogas are formed respectively according to Satya$ These are Asraya yogas$ 1arasara mentions two yogas as /ala under sruk and sarpa when the !enefics and malefics are in kendras respectively$ Stanza 3: Asraya yogas, according to some, are really incorporated in the Bava, A!0a, Va0ra, Anda0a, ,olaka, etc$, to !e stated hereafter$ /ala yogas have no separate significance, according to some, as the results of !enefics and malefics occupying the kendras have already !een indicated$ Stanza 4: 3hen two ad0acent *uadrants are com!ined with all the planets it goes under the name of ,ada$ #t will !e called Sakata when all the planets occupy the 5 st and the = th houses$ 3hen all the planets occupy the ? th and the 5; th is called Vihaga$ #f all the planets occupy the 5 st , 6 th and 7 th houses it is called Sringataka$ #f all the planets are in6th and 7 th it is called %ala$ So say the learned in astrology$ Stanza 5: 3hen !enefics are in first and seventh and malefics are in fourth and tenth it is called Va0ra$ #f the planets are reversed then it is called Bava$ #f the planets are mi"ed it is called +amala$ #f the planets are outside kendras it is called Vapi$ Stanza 6: # have give these Va0ra yogas, etc$, in accordance with older sciences, !ut how can -udha and Sukra !e in the ? th from the Sun Stanza 7: #f all the planets are within the first four houses of the 5 st , 9 nd : rd and ? th kendras Bupa, #shu, Sakthi and /anda yogas are respectively formed$ Stanza 8: #f all the planets are in the first = houses from the 5 st , 9 nd , : rd and ? th kendras they give rise to 2au, +uta, 'hatra and 'hapa yogas respectively$ #f these yogas are in other houses they are called Ardachandra$ Stanza 9: #f all the planets are in the alternate houses from the 9 nd from lagna, it goes under the name of Samudra$ #f from lagna planets are similarly situated, it forms 'hakra$ This is the summary of Akriti yogas$ Stanza 1: -y all the planets occupying =, @, 6, ?, :, 9 and 5 houses, they form seven yogas, vi.$, Vallaki, /ama, 1asa, +edara, Shula, Buga and ,ola, respectively$ These are to !e considered in the a!sence of the previously mentioned yogas$ Stanza 11: &a00u produces envy, foreign residence and fondness for traveling$ Musala makes one proud, wealthy, and capa!le of doing many works$ 2ala makes a person lim!less, determined, rich and courageous$ Srik makes him happy and Sarpa gives him great misery$ Stanza 12: Asraya yogas, when they 0oin other yogas !ecome fruitless$ The yogas with which Asrayas 0oin will give results$ 3hen Asrayas are free, they give their own results$ Stanza 13: ,adaKfond of sacrifices, rich; SakataKlives !y carriages, sickly, !ad wife; VihagaKam!assador, traveler, *uarrelsome; SringatakaKhappiness after a long age; %alaKagriculturist$ Stanza 14: Va0raKen0oys happiness in the !eginning and end of his life, popular, courageous; BavaKwarlike, happy in the end; 1admaKwellknown reputation, great happiness, and good character; VapiKgood health, accumulator of money and miser Stanza 15: BupaKli!eral, watchful, performs sacrifices; SaraKfond of killing, 0ailor, maker of weapons; SaktiKmean, la.y, devoid of wealth and happiness; /andaKservitude, re0ected !y or separated from those who are dear$ Stanza 16: 2ouKfamous, unsteady fortune and miserly; +utaKliar, imprisonment; 'hatraKhelping relations, en0oyment in old age; 'hapaKcourageous en0oying life in the first and last parts of his days$ Stanza 17: ArdhachandraKpopular, handsome, leader; SamudraKe*ual to a ruler, happy; 'hakraKrespected !y sovereigns; VeenaKintelligent and skilful, clever in dancing and music$ Stanza 18: /aminiKli!eral, philanthropic, protector, many cattle; 1asaKpossessing relations and servants who are clever in ac*uiring wealth, and !ad in !ehaviour; +edaraKagriculturist, helping many; ShulaKcourageous, having wounds, fond of wealth !ut poor$ Stanza 19: BugaKpoor, un!eliever; ,olaKpenniless, sinful, ignorant, skilful in mean arts, la.y, traveling$ These are 2a!hasa yogas related !y me, and they will always !e productive of their own results$ Chapter 13 Chandra"o5adh"a"a Stanza 1: 3hen Moon occupies *uadrants, etc$ from Sun, three yogas arise called Adhama, Sama, Varishta respectively, producing politeness, wealth, wisdom, intelligence and skill accordingly$ #f Moon is in his own or friendly 2avamsa during the day and night possessing the aspect of Jupiter and Venus respectively, the person will !e wealthy and happy Stanza 2: 3hen !enefics occupy the @ th , = th and < th from Moon, they cause Adhi yoga and the result is the !irth of a commander, a minister or king$ 1ersons !orn in this con0unction (adhi yoga) will !e gentlemanly, happy, surrounded with lu"ury, without foes, long>lived and re0ected !y diseases Stanza 3: 3ith the e"ception of Sun, other planets in the 9 nd from Moon in the 59 th from him and in the 9 nd and 59 th from Moon cause Sunapha, Anapha and /huradhura yogas respectively$ #f these arenIt so, many say itIs kemadruma$ #f planets are in *uadrants from lagna or Moon or if Moon is com!ined with planets, thereIs no kemadruma$ Some say these yogas arise from *uadrants and navamsas, !ut their doctrine hasnIt !een accepted Stanza 4: There are :; varieties of Sunapha and Anapha con0unction$ There are 5<; varieties of /uradhara$ The intended varieties can !e found out !y placing planets in regular order and dropping the first in proceeding to the last and repeating this Stanza 5: A person !orn in Sunapha will !e king or his e*ual with self>ac*uired wealth, intelligent, wealthy and reputed$ A person !orn under Anapha will !e a ruler, healthy, moral, renowned, en0oying good pleasures, fond of decorations and free from mental sorrow Stanza 6: 4ne !orn under duradhura en0oys all pleasures, has wealth and conveyances, will !e li!eral and possessed of good servants$ The person !orn under kemadruma, although he may take his !irth in a royal family, will !e dirty, sorrowful, doing work against his caste, poor, dependent and roguish Stanza 7: #f Mars causes these yogas, the person will !e energetic, wealthy, warlike and adventurous$ #f Mercury causes the yogas, the person will !e skilful, have sweet speech and !e learned in arts$ #f Jupiter causes the yogas, the person will !e rich, charita!le, happy and respected !y rulers$ #f Venus, heIll !e fond of women, very wealthy and will en0oy sensual pleasures Stanza 8: #f Saturn causes these yogas, the man will en0oy othersI wealth and articles, will !e engaged in various works and !e a leader of an assem!ly$ Moon, if visi!le in the day, does mischief !ut when heIs invisi!le, heIll !e auspicious$ 4therwise, the results will !e different Stanza 9: 3hen all !enefics are in Lpachayas from lagna, the person will !e e"tremely wealthy$ 3hen all !enefics are in Lpachayas from Moon, heIll !e wealthy$ 3hen two !enefics are in Lpachayas, thereIll !e moderate wealth$ Less than that will produce little wealth$ The results from these will predominate over others Chapter 14 -<i5raha"o5adh"a"a Stanza 1: #f Sun con0oins Moon, the person will !e skilled in machinery and masonry; if with Mars, fond of sinful deeds; if with Mercury, skilful, intelligent, renowned and happy; if with Jupiter, heIll !e cruel and always doing otherIs work; if with Venus heIll make money on stage and !y weapons; and if with Saturn, heIll !e skilful in working ores or earthenware Stanza 2: Moon with Mars makes a man a counterfeit, a seller of women, wives and pots and doing mischief to mother; Moon with Mercury makes a person polite in speech, clever in interpretation, popular and renowned; Moon with Jupiter makes a person successful against enemies, chief of that sect or family, capricious and wealthy; Moon with Venus makes a man skilful in weaving; Moon with Saturn makes a person the son of a second marriage Stanza 3: 3hen Mars 0oins Mercury, the person will !e a dealer in roots, etc$, oils, imitation articles and versed in !o"ing$ Mars with Jupiter produces a ruler of a city or king or a rich -rahmin$ Mars with Venus produces cowherds, wrestler, skilful, fond of other women and gam!ler$ Mars with Saturn makes the man sorrowful, untruthful, disgraced or !lamed Stanza 4: 3hen Mercury and Jupiter 0oin, they produce a man who figures constantly on stage, when Mercury 0oins Venus the man will !e fond of music, dancing, elo*uence and protection of lands and assem!lies$ Mercury with Saturn makes a man a cheat and diso!edient$ Jupiter with Venus produces good education, wife, wealth and men of many virtues$ Jupiter with Saturn produces a !ar!er, potter or cook Stanza 5: Venus with Saturn gives a man small eyes, wealth from depending upon some females, artistic capacity, ordinary writing and painting$ Similarly, results of com!inations of more than two planets must !e made out Chapter 15 %ra9ara:"a "o5a Stanza 1: 3hen there are four or more powerful planets in one house, the persons !orn will !ecome Sakya, Aa0ivika, -ikshu, Vriddha, 'hakra, 2irgrantha and Vanyasana, when Mahaya, ,nya, ,uru, +shapakara, Sita, 1ra!hakari and #na are powerful respectively$ The pravra0ya yogas are determined !y the most powerful planets$ 3hen these planets have suffered a defeat, the person will renounce pravra0ya afterwards Stanza 2: #f powerful pravra0ya>causing planets are in com!ust with Sun, then the persons !orn wonIt take up sanyasa !ut will greatly worship those who have em!raced sanyasa$ #f the yogakaraka and defeated planets are aspected !y other planets, the person would !e making an application for diksha Stanza 3: 3hen 0anmesha isnIt aspected !y other planets !ut aspects Saturn, or when Saturn aspects a weak 0anmesha or if Moon is in SaturnIs /rekkana and occupies the amsa of Saturn or Mars and has saturnine aspect, the person will have diksha Stanza 4: #f Jupiter, Moon and lagna are aspected !y Saturn, and if Jupiter is in the 7 th , the persons !orn would !e a king whoId write on shastras or sciences$ #f 7 th is occupied !y Saturn unaspected !y any planet, the person will !ecome a dikshita when heIs !orn in ra0ayoga Chapter 16 +i3shasiladh"a"a Stanza 1: The person !orn #n Aswini will !e fond of decoration, handsome, popular, skilful and intelligent$ 4ne !orn in -harani will !e determined, truthful, healthy, skilful and happy$ Stanza 2: The person !orn in +rittika will !e a voracious enter, fond of otherIs wives, attractive and renowned$ &ohini makes a man truthful, clean, following religious and moral principles, sweet in speech, fi"ed mind and handsome$ Stanza 3: Mrigasira>'apricious, skilful, cowardly, good speaker, hopeful, rich and en0oying$ Aridra>/issimulating in self> interest, proud, ungrateful, cruel and sinful$ Stanza 4: 1unarvasu>&eligious endurance, happy, good, dull, sickly, thirsty and pleased with small gifts$ Stanza 5: 1ushya>'ontrol over passions, popular, learned, rich and charita!le, Aslesha>/issimulator, clever in selfishness, sinful, ungrateful and a cheat$ Stanza 6: Makha>Many servants and great wealth, en0oying, respector of elders and gods and very enterprising$ 1u!!a>Sweet speech, li!eral, handsome, fond of traveling and royal servant$ Stanza 7: Lttara>1opular, self>ac*uired property, en0oying and happy$ %asta>Hnterprising, intelligent or (shameless), drunkard, cruel and thievish$ Stanza 8: 'hitta>Lsing various clothes and garlands, good looks and lim!s$ Swati>1olite, merchant, kind hearted, not a!le to endure thirst, sweet tongued and generous$ Stanza 9: Visakha>Jealous, avaricious, handsome, clever speaker and *uarrelsome, or maker of money$ Anuradha>Master or chief, living in foreign countries, not a!le to !ear hunger and fond of traveling$ Stanza 1: Jyeshta>Cew friends, contented, charita!le, very irrita!le$ Moola>1roud, rich happy, good, steady and en0oying$ Stanza 11: 1urvashada>,ood and pleasant wife, proud and a steady friend$ Lttarashada>1olite, knowing, virtuous, many friends, grateful and popular$ Stanza 12: Sravana>&ich surroundings, learned, good and li!eral or li!eral to wife, wealthy and renowned$ /hanishta>Li!eral, rich, courageous, fond of music and money Stanza 13: Sata!hisha>1lain and truthful, striken from sorrow through females, etc$, killer of enemies, adventurous and irreconcila!le$ 1oorva!hadra>Sorrowful, loss of money through females, skilful and miserly$ Stanza 14: Lttara!hadra>,ood and witty speaker in society and meetings, happy, many children and grandchildren, successful over enemies and charita!le$ &evati>3ell> developed organs, popular, courageous, clean and wealthy$ developed organs, popular, courageous, clean and wealthy$ Chapter 17 +asisiladh"a"a 4lunar effects in the 9arious si5ns6 Stanza 1: Moon in Aries > &ound and red eyes, eating hot and light food, fond of grains, easily calmed, traveler, passionate, fleshless knees, changea!le wealth, courageous, liked !y females, good servant, !ad nails, cut or scar in the head, proud, chief among !rothers, has Saktirekha (line) in the palm, capricious and dreading water$ Another version is Ati -hiru>one who is afraid very much$ The stan.a says Thoyecha -hiru$ (Many lines on the palm of the hand are given different names in the science of palmistry$ &eaders may refer to M%asta SamudrikaI and the articles appearing in T%H AST&4L4,#'AL MA,AN#2H$) Stanza 2: Moon in Taurus > %andsome, playful walk, long thighs and face, !ack sides and face contain some marks, li!eral, !earing fatigue, possessing paraphernalia, !egetting girls> phlegmatic, separated from elders, relations, family, wealth and children; popular, patient, strong digestion, loved !y females, firm friendship and happy in the middle and end of his life$ Stanza 3: Moon in ,emini > Cond of women, skilled in se"ual science, red eyes, scientist, am!assador, curled hairs, clever knowledge in wit and human nature and gam!ling, handsome organs, sweet speech, good eater, fond of music, skilled in dancing, playing with impotents, high nose$ Stanza 4: Moon in 'ancer > 3alking incurves *uickly, high !uttocks, su!missive to women, good friends, astrologer, many houses, wa"ing and waning wealth like the Moon, short, stout neck, amena!le to kind words, fond of friends, water and gardens Stanza 5: Moon in Leo > Angry, high or !road cheeks, coloured eyes, few children, hater of women, fond of flesh, wilderness and mountains, long displeasure, suffering from complaints arising out of hunger, thirst, stomach, teeth and mind; li!eral, courageous fi"ed, proud mind and o!edient to mother$ Stanza 6: Moon in Virgo > 3alt and sight will !e characteri.ed !y modesty, !ent shoulders and hands, happy, sweet speaker, truthful, charita!le, skilled in arts, learned in sastras, intelligent, passionate, possessed of otherIs wealth and houses, foreign residence, calm speech, female children and few issues$ Stanza 7: Moon in Li!ra > Cond of worship ping ,ods, -rahmins, pious people, intelligent, clean, su!missive to women, tall, long nose, weak and dis0ointed organs, traveller, rich, ill> developed organs, clever in merchandise, having the second name pertaining to ,od (meaning that he will not have the names of ,ods as &ama, +rishna !ut that which denotes the names of ,ods, as Shanmuga>si" faced>,angadhara, etc$), sickly, helping relations, and coerced and re0ected !y relations$ (Another version is 1enangaha having well> developed organs, !ut this will !e inconsistent with what has already !een stated)$ Stanza 8: Moon in Scorpio > -road eyes and chest, round knees, !uttocks and thighs, separated from parents and ,uru, sickly in infancy, respected !y royal mem!ers, honey>color, cruel, has marks of fish, va0rayudha, and !ird, secret sinner$ Stanza 9: Moon in Sagittarius > Long face and neck, paternal wealth, li!eral, poet, strong, clever speaker, thick teeth, ears, tips and nose; active worker, fine arts, !ent shoulders !ad nails, strong arms, highly intelligent, skilled in righteous knowledge, hater of relations and won over !y fair means and kind words$ Stanza 1: Moon in 'apricorn > 1leaser of wife and children, pretending charity, lean in the lower half, good eyes, lean !uttocks, grasping intelligence, popular, idle, not a!le to !ear cold, traveller, strong li!eral, poet, learned, miserly, incestuous and low intercourse, shameless and merciless$ Stanza 11: Moon in A*uarius O Long neck like a camel, !ulging veins and arteries, rough and closely haired, and long !ody, !ig legs, thighs, !uttocks, !ack, waist, face, stu!!orn, fond of otherIs wealth and women, and sinful, changea!le fortune, surrounded !y good flowers, scents and friends, !earing fatigue on the way$ Stanza 12: Moon in 1isces O Hn0oying otherIs wealth and a*uatic articles, fond of wife and clothes, well proportioned and handsome !ody, prominent nose, !ig head, con*uering enemies, su!missive to women, charming eyes, en0oying treasure trove, lustrous articles, wealthy and learned$ Stanza 13: 3hen the Moon, the sign in which he is, and its lord are powerful, the results indicated a!ove will !e fully verified$ The other planetary results must !e similarly suggested$ Chapter 18 +asisiladh"a"a 4results of planets in the 9arious si5ns6 Stanza 1: 3hen the Sun is not in his deep e"altation in Aries, the person will !ecome famous, clever, traveller, possessed of little wealth and !earer of arms$ 3hen the Sun is in Taurus, the person will sell scents and clothes, hate females and !e clever in drumming and music$ Stanza 2: 3hen the Sun is in ,emini, the native !ecomes educated, astrologer and wealthy$ #n 'ancer, he makes the native angry, poor, doing otherIs work, and suffer from fatigue in traveling and other cares, #n Leo, the Sun makes one love the forests, mountains and cattle, courageous and dull$ 3hen the Sun is in Virgo, the person !ecomes skilful in writing, painting, poetry, philosophy and mathematics, and possess a feminine !ody$ Stanza 3: 3hen the Sun occupies Li!ra, he makes the man a toddy> seller, drunkard, traveller, goldsmith and mean$ 3hen the Sun is in Scorpio, he makes the man cruel, adventurous and rash, making profits !y sales of poisonous su!stances, losing wealth !y ro!!ers, and skilled in military weapons, and destroyer$ 3hen the Sun is in Sagittarius, the person will !e respected, rich, angry, doctor and artisan$ 3hen the Sun in 'apricorn, the person will !e mean, ignorant, seller of low articles, little wealth, covetuous and en0oying at otherIs cost$ Stanza 4: The Sun in A*uarius makes a man mean, separated from children and wealth, and poor, The Sun in 1isces causes wealth through articles found in water and fondled !y women$ 3hen the Sun and the Moon are com!ined in a rasi, marks or moles in the organ which is governed !y +alapurusha, are found$ Stanza 5: Mars and Aries and Scorpio O &espected !y kings, traveller, commander, merchant, rich, cut or scarred !ody, thief, running through various sense pleasures or o!0ects$ Mars in Taurus and Li!ra O Su!missive to women, ungrateful friend, fond of otherIs wives, cheat, fop, timid and unsocial$ Stanza 6: Mars in ,emini and Virgo O Jealous, sons,, friendless, grateful, clever in music and martial work, miserly, undaunted and mendicant$ Mars in 'ancer O &ich, wealth procured through ships or through traveling, intelligent, wanting in organs and cruel$ Stanza 7: Mars in Leo O 1oor, enduring, traveling in forests, few children and wife$ Mars in Sagittarius and 1isces O Many enemies, minister, renowned, courageous and few children$ Mars in A*uarius O Sorrowful, poor, traveller, untrughful and irrita!le$ Mars in 'apricorn O Much wealth and many children, and king or his e*ual$ Stanza 8: Mercury in Aries and Scorpio O Cond of gam!ling, !orrowing and drinking, atheist, thief, poor, !ad wife, cheating and untruthful$ Stanza 9: Mercury in Taurus and Li!ra O Cond of getting instructors, children, wives and wealth, li!eral, and respectful to elders$ Mercury in ,emini O Liar, skilled in arts and sciences, polite speeches, and fond of happiness$ Mercury in 'ancer O 3ealth through water, and hateful to his relations$ Stanza 1: Mercury in Leo O %ateful to women, without wealth, happiness and children, traveller, stupid, fond of women, and disgraced !y his own community$ Mercury in Virgo O Li!eral, learned, many no!le *ualities happy, patient, e"pedient or resourceful and intrepid$ Stanza 11: Mercury in 'apricorn and A*uarius O Hngaged in otherIs work, poor, not fond of arts, de!tor, carrying out other orders$ Mercury is Sagittarius O respected !y king, learned, timely speech$ Mercury in 1isces O 3inning over servants to his side, and mean artist$ Stanza 12: Jupiter in Aries and Scorpio O 'ommander, possessed of large family, children and wealth, li!eral and good servants, forgiving, handsome, good wife and famous$ Jupiter in Taurus and Li!ra O %ealthy, possessed of happiness, friends, wealth and children, li!eral and popular$ Jupiter in ,emini and Virgo O Surrounded !y worldly paraphernalia or titles, children and friends, minister, consul and happy Stanza 13: Jupiter in 'ancer O 1ossessed of great wealth and gems, children, wife, en0oyment, intelligence and happiness$ Jupiter in Leo O 'ommander and all the results indicated a!ove in 'ancer$ Jupiter in Sagittarius and 1isces O +ind or minister or commander or wealthy$ Jupiter in +um!ha or A*uarius will produce the results ascri!ed to him n 'ancer$ Jupiter in 'apricorn O Mean, poor and unhappy$ Stanza 14: Venus in Aries and Scorpio O Cond of other women, losing money through their flattery and hater of his race$ Venus in Taurus and Li!ra O Self>ac*uired property, respected !y rulers, leader of his men, renowned and courageous$ Stanza 15: Venus in ,emini O /oing rulerIs work or service, wealthy and learned$ Venus in Virgo O /oing very mean acts$ Venus in 'apricorn and A*uarius O 1opular slave to women, and intercourse with !ad women$ Stanza 16: Venus in 'ancer O ,ives two wives, mendicant, timid, full of se"ual passion and sorrow through it$ Venus in Leo O ,etting wealth through a woman, handsome wife and few children$ Venus in Sagittarius O Adorned with many good *ualities and rich$ Venus in 1isces O Learned, wealthy, respected !y rulers and very popular$ Stanza 17: Saturn in Aries O #gnorant, itinerant, cheat and friendless$ Saturn in Scorpio O #mprisonment, whipping, capricious and merciless$ Saturn in ,emini and Virgo O 'hildless, poor, shameless, unhappy, not knowing painting, protective office and chief man$ (4ne reading is skilled in painting$ Another reading says he will !e &akshasapathi or lord of &akshasas or evil genii)$ Stanza 18: Saturn in Taurus O 'onnections with prohi!ited and low caste women, ordinary wealth and many wives$ Saturn in Li!ra O Camous, respected !y communities, towns, army and village, wealthy$ Saturn in 'ancer O 1oor, loose teeth, motherless, childless and ignorant$ Saturn in Leo O !ad, childless and unhappy, carrying loads$ Stanza 19: Saturn in Sagittarius and 1isces O ,ood death or happy in the end, confident with princes or rulers, good children, wife and wealth, commander of towns, armies and villages$ Saturn in 'apricorn and A*uarius O ,etting otherIs women, wealth and otherIs houses, chief of towns, villages and army, short sighted, dirty, permanent wealth, general prosperity and en0oying$ Stanza 2: The results which have !een stated for the presence of the Moon in each rasi, and the results of aspects of Moon !y other planets in the different signs will have to !e applied for lagna$ The prosperity and adversity of each !hava must !e predicted !y the strength of the !hava and its lord$ Chapter 19 -rishti phaladh"a"a 4results of planetar" aspects6 Stanza 1: 3hen the Moon is in Aries aspected !y Mars, etc$, the person !ecomes a king, philosopher, e*ual to a ruler, virtuous, thief and poor, respectively$ 3hen the Moon is in Taurus aspected !y Mars, etc$, the person !ecomes poor, thief respected !y people, ruler, wealthy and servant respectively$ 3hen the Moon is in ,emini aspected !y Mars, etc$, the person will !e a seller of weapons, ruler, learned, courageous, weak and poor respectively$ 3hen the Moon is in 'ancer aspected !y Mars, etc$, the person will !e a warrior, poet, learned, ruler, living !y weapons and have eye complaints respectively$ Stanza 2: #f the Moon is in Leo aspected !y Mercury, etc$, the person will !ecome learned in astrology, chief or lord, &a0a, !ar!er, ruler and thief respectively$ #f the Moon is in Virgo aspected !y Mercury, etc$, the man !ecomes a ruler, commander, de"terous and aspected !y malefics the person lives as a dependent upon women respectively$ #f the Moon is in Li!ra aspected !y Mercury, etc$, he !ecomes a ruler, goldsmith, merchant and !y the evil planets killer of animals respectively$ 3hen the Moon is in Scorpio aspected !y Mars, etc$, the person !ecomes father of twin, polite, washerman, defective in organs, poor and ruler respectively$ Stanza 3: #f the Moon is in Sagittarius aspected !y Mercury, etc$, the person will protect relations, !e a king, master of many, aspected !y malefics the person will !e showy or dissimulator, inattentive to otherIs interests respectively$ #f the Moon is in 'apricorn aspected !y Mercury, etc$, the person !ecomes king of kings, &a0a, pandit, wealthy, and poor respectively$ #f the Moon is in A*uarius aspected !y Mercury etc$, he !ecomes a &a0a, e*ual to a ruler, fond of otherIs wives and aspected !y other planets he will !e fond of otherIs wives respectively$ #f the Moon is in 1isces aspected !y Mercury, etc$, the person will !e a 0ester, &a0a, pandit and aspected !y malefics !ecomes sinful$ Stanza 4: #f the other planets occupy the same horas as the Moon and aspect him the results will !e !eneficial$ 3hen the lord of the drekkana occupied !y the Moon aspects him the results are favoura!le$ #f the Moon is aspected !y planets in friendly houses, it is good$ The results which have !een stated a!ove for each of the houses of the .odiac !y the occupation of the Moon and the aspecting of other planets will also !e similar when the Moon occupies the /wadasamsa of those planets$ %ereafter the aspects of the Sun, etc$, in the navamsas, and the Moon in the navamsas will !e detailed$ Stanza 5: 3hen the Moon is in the navamsas of Aries or Scorpio aspected !y the Sun, etc$, the person will !e a ruler or chief of a town, fond of killing, clever in wrestling, king, wealthy and *uarrelsome, respectively$ 3hen the Moon is in the navamsa of Taurus or Li!ra aspected !y the Sun, etc$, he will !e o!stinate, fond of otherIs wives, good poet and happy respectively$ Stanza 6: Moon occupying the navamsa of ,emini and Virgo, aspected !y the Sun, etc$, makes the man a stage wrestler, thief, poet, minister, musician and skilful in painting and arts respectively$ 3hen the Moon is in his navamsa aspected !y the Sun, etc$, the person will !e lean, miserly or poor, saint, chief, !rought up !y females and fond of work respectively$ Stanza 7: Moon in the navamsa of Leo, aspected !y the Sun, etc$, makes a man angry, protPgP of a king, get treasure trove, !rooking no opposition in command, childless and fond of cruel deeds respectively$ #f the Moon is in the navamsas of Sagittarius or 1isces, aspected !y the Sun, etc$, the person !ecomes well known for strength, clever in arranging armies in a !attle, 0ester or humourist, minister, impotent and righteous respectively$ Stanza 8: #f the Moon occupies the navamsa of 'apricorn or A*uarius aspected !y the Sun, etc$, the person has few issues, miserly while wealthy, pride, fondness for his own sectarian deeds, fondness for !ad women and miserly ha!its respectively and when the Sun is aspected !y the Moon, etc$, similar results must !e predicted$ Stanza 9: The results which have now !een detailed a!ove for the Moon will !e full, moderate and meagre as 'handra is in Vargottama, his own house or other houses$ #f the results are !ad the a!ove should !e reversed$ #f the lord of the Amsa is powerful he will give his Amsaphala in preference to any phala which may !e indicated !y aspects in the rasi diagram$ Chapter 2 8ha9adh"a"a 4planets in houses6 Stanza 1: 3hen Sun is in lagna, the !irth will !e courageous, slow, short or defective in sight, and cruel$ #n Aries, Sun makes a man rich and diseased in the eyes, in Leo it makes a man night>!lind$ #n de!ilitation, Sun gives defective sight$ 3hen Sun is in the 9 nd house, the person will !e very rich, pays heavy sums to rulers and has a diseased face Stanza 2: Sun in the : rd produces intelligence and valor$ #n the ? th , he makes the native unhappy and worried$ #n the 6 th , Sun makes a man poor and issueless$ #n the @ th , he produces strength and defeat !y enemies Stanza 3: Sun in = th O disgrace from women$ #n the < th , fine children and defective sight$ #n the 7 th O possessed of children, wealth and happiness, the 5; th O happiness and courage$ #n the 55 th > very wealthy and in the 59 th irreligious Stanza 4: Moon in ascendant makes a man dum!, deranged, stu!!orn, !lind, !ase, deaf or servant$ #f that !irth falls in 'ancer, Aries or Taurus, he gets wealth, many children or rich respectively$ #n 9 nd , Moon produces a !ig family$ #n the : rd , it makes a man cruel$ #n the ? th or 6 th , heIll increase those significations$ #n @ th , he gives many enemies, tender !ody, weak digestion, weak se"ual inclination, cruel mind and languor Stanza 5: Moon in the = th makes a man envious and passionately fond of women$ #n < th , Moon produces capriciousness and suffering constantly from physical ailments$ #n 7 th , popularity, children, wealth, relations and friends$ #n the 5; th , Moon gives success in all undertakings, charita!le, rich, intelligent and courageous$ #n 55 th , Moon produces fame, gains and all those items indicated !y that house$ #n the 59 th , he makes the person trou!lesome and defective in !odily organs Stanza 6: Mars in lagna O wounds or cuts in the !ody$ #n 9 nd , dirty meals$ #n 7 th , sinful$ #n other houses, his results are similar to that of Sun$ Mercury in the first eight houses produces learning, wealth, !aseness, wisdom, minister, foeless, versed in philosophy and endowed with good character respectively; in other houses, his results are similar to that of Sun Stanza 7: Jupiter in the 59 houses gives the following results O learned, good speech, miser, happy, intelligent, foeless, eclipsing father, de!ased, pious, wealthy, profita!le work and unscrupulous respectively Stanza 8: Venus in lagna gives skill in se"ual indulgence and happiness$ #n the = th , he makes the native fond of *uarreling and se"ual intercourse$ #n 6 th , he gives happiness and in other houses, the result will !e similar to Jupiter and in the 59 th , Venus gives wealth Stanza 9: Saturn in lagna gives poverty, disease, cupidity, uncleanliness, sickness in early life and indistinct speech$ #f Saturn occupies e"altation or houses of Jupiter or his own house, which happens to !e lagna, he makes the person e*ual to a king, protector of villages or towns, learned and handsome organs$ #n other houses, his results are similar to that of Sun Stanza 1: Take the !irth sign, and the !ody, etc$ and predict results !y the planets occupying friendly, inimical, neutral, own and e"alted houses$ Satyacharya declares that !enefics and malefics in the houses produce good and !ad results in them respectively$ And the results are reversed in the @ th , < th and 59 th houses Stanza 11: 1lanets in e"altation, in moolatrikona, in own, friendly, inimical, de!ilitated houses, and in com!ustion with Sun give good in full, three>fourths, half, *uarter, little and nil results respectively Chapter 21 'sra"a "o5adh"a"a 4certain special co2#inations6 Stanza 1: 3hen one and more planets are in their own houses, the man !ecomes e*ual to his relations, chief of his family, respected !y relations, wealthy, e*ual to a ruler, happy and king respectively$ #f one and more planets are in friendly houses, the person will !e !rought up !y others, friends, cousins, !rothers, chief of a community, commander and king respectively Stanza 2: #f thereIs one e"alted planet aspected !y a friendly one, the person !ecomes a king$ 3hen such a pleanet is con0oined !y a friendly planet, he !ecomes very wealthy and commands universal respect$ #f one and more planets are in unfriendly or de!ilitated houses, they produce poverty, misery, dullness, disease, imprisonment, sorrow and hanging respectively Stanza 3: Satyacharya declares A*uarius lagna as !ad$ Bavanas o!serve A*uarius /wadasamsa as evil$ Vishnugupta asserts that Bavanas are erroneous as A*uarius /wadasamsa occurs in every lagna Stanza 4: #f malefics 0oin the solar hora in odd signs, the person !ecomes famous, undertakes great works, possesses strength, wealth and great personal attractions$ #f !enefics 0oin the lunar hora in even signs, the person !ecomes happy, tenderhearted, handsome, popular, intelligent and a polite speaker Stanza 5: #f the planets in the same horas are found in other signs, the person !orn then will have results moderately$ #f the planets are reversed in horas and signs, the persons !orn wonIt have the a!ove characteristics Stanza 6: #f Moon is in his own or friendly /rekkana, the person will !e handsome and virtuous$ #f Moon is in other drekkanas, the person will get the characteristics of the lord of the /rekkana$ #f Moon is in Vyala, Ldyathayudha, 'hatuscharana and Anda0a drekkanas, the person will !e vindictive, very cruel, fouling guruIs wife and traveler respectively Stanza 7: A person !orn in the navamsas of Aries, etc$ will !ecome a thief, an en0oyer, learned, wealthy, ruler, impotent, warlike, carrier, servant, sinful, cruel and intrepid$ #f these navamsas fall in vargottamas, the person !orn then will !ecome master or chief of the a!ove$ The results for the dwadasamsas will !e similar to the rasis Stanza 8: 3hen Mars is in his own trimsamsa, the person will have wife, strength, ornaments, generosity, personal attraction and enterprising spirit$ 3hen Saturn is in his own trimsamsa, the person !ecomes sickly, loses his wife, possesses dou!le heart, en0oys othersI wives, sorrowful, possessed of houses, clothes, servants, etc$ and will !e uncleanly Stanza 9: 3hen Jupiter is in his own trimsamsa, the person will have wealth, happiness, intelligence, attraction, respect, health, hope and en0oyment$ 3hen Mercury is in his own trimsamsa, he gives the man intelligence, education, poetic a!ility, elo*uence, skill in arts, philosophic acumen, enterprise and much respect Stanza 1: 3hen Venus is in his own trimsamsa, the man will !e !lessed with many sons, much happiness, health, popularity, wealth, !eauty, vindictiveness, handsome !ody and en0oyment with many women$ 3hen Sun and Moon are in the trimsamsa of Mars, etc$, the person will !e warlike and slothful, cruel and killing, virtuous and wealthy, happy and learned, handsome and popular respectively Chapter 22 %ra3irna3adh"a"a 42ixed results6 Stanza 1: 1lanets in *uadrants, when they happen to !e in their own houses, in e"altations or in moolatrikonas, are mutually termed karakas$ 4f these, the planet in the 5; th will !e the !est karaka Stanza 2: #f !irth falls in 'ancer with Moon in it and Mars, Saturn, Sun and Jupiter are in e"altations, they !ecome mutual karakas$ Cor the planet in lagna, the planets in the Am!ara (5; th ) and Am!u (? th ) !ecome karakas Stanza 3: #f the planet in the 5; th from the planet who occupies his own house or moolatrikona or e"altation happens to !e a nisarga friend and also tatkalika, he !ecomes a karaka Stanza 4: #f the lagna falls in vargottama, if good planets are in the vesi, if the *uadrants arenIt occupied, if there are karaka planets, the person will !e happy Stanza 5: #f Jupiter, MoonIs dispositor or lagna lord occupies a *uadrant, the person will have happiness in the middle of life$ 1lanets in prushtodaya, u!hayodaya and sirshodaya give results in the end, middle and !eginning of the manIs life respectively Stanza 6: Sun and Mars give results when they enter a house, Jupiter and Venus in the middle and Saturn and Moon in the end and Mercury always Chapter 23 'nishtadh"a"a 42isfortunes6 Stanza 1: #f the 6 th and = th houses from lagna or Moon !e occupied or aspected !y !enefics or their lords, then these !havas will prosper; if not, theyIll suffer$ #f the !irth is in Virgo with Sun in it, the wife will !e lost$ #f in this con0unction 'apricorn is occupied !y Mars, he causes loss to children Stanza 2: #f cruel planets are in the ? th and the < th from Venus or if Venus is !etween malefics or if Venus isnIt com!ined or not aspected !y !enefics, the wife will !e killed !y fire, fall or ropes Stanza 3: #f the @ th and 59 th houses from lagna are occupied !y Sun and Moon, the hus!and and wife will have one eye each$ #f Venus and Sun occupy the = th , 7 th or 6 th , the wife will !e defective Stanza 4: #f Saturn occupies lagna, Venus in the = th when itIs in gandantha and if the 6 th is unoccupied !y !enefics, the person will !ecome the hus!and of a !arren woman$ #f malefics occupy the 59 th , = th and lagna with weak Moon in the 6 th , the person will have no wife or son Stanza 5: #f Venus is in = th , which happens to !e the varga of Mars or Saturn and aspected !y them, the person !ecomes fond of other women$ #f Saturn and Mars 0oin Moon in the = th and have the aspect of Venus, the person and his wife will !oth !ecome adulterous$ #f Venus and Moon have Mars and Saturn in = th , the person !ecomes wifeless or issueless$ #f female and male planets have Mars and Saturn in = th aspected !y !enefics, the couple would !e married when old Stanza 6: #f the 5; th , = th and ? th are occupied !y Moon, Venus and malefics respectively, the person destroys his family$ #f Saturn in a *uadrant aspects the house indicated !y the /rekkana 0oined !y Mercury, the person !ecomes a sculptor$ #f Venus occupies the 59 th , 0oining the 2avamsa of Saturn, the person !ecomes the son of a menial servant woman$ #f Sun and Moon occupy the = th aspected !y Saturn, the person does degrading acts Stanza 7: #f Venus and Mars 0oin the = th aspected !y malefics, thereIll !e serious danger from dysentery$ #f Moon is in either 'ancer of Scorpio 2avamsa and is in con0unction with malefics, the person will have diseases in secret places$ #f Moon 0oins lagna, Sun in the = th and two malefics in the 59 th and 9 nd , the person will !e attacked !y a serious form of leprosy$ #f Moon is in the 5; th , Mars in = th and Saturn in 9 nd from Sun, the person will !e defective in lim!s Stanza 8: 3hen Sun is in 'apricorn and Moon !etween two malefics, the person gets asthma, consumption, spleen enlargement, car!uncle or a!dominal tumors$ #f Sun and Moon mutually e"change places in rasi or amsa, the person gets pthisis$ #f these two 0oin together in any one of their houses, he may !ecome emaciated Stanza 9: #f Moon occupies the 6 th amsa of Sagittarius or the amsas of 1isces, 'apricorn or Aries, and aspected !y or is in con0unction with Saturn or Mars, the person will suffer from leprosy$ #f Scorpio, 'ancer, Taurus or 'apricorn !ecomes one of the trikonas aspected !y or in con0unction with evil planets, the person suffers from leprosy Stanza 1: #f Sun, Moon, Mars and Saturn occupy the < th , @ th , 9 nd and 59 th in any way, the person loses his sight !y the elevation of that dhatu which is indicated !y the most powerful of these planets Stanza 11: #f malefics occupy the 7 th , 55 th , : rd and 6 th houses unaspected !y !enefics, the person suffers from deafness, #f these planets are in the = th house, thereIll !e decomposition of the teeth Stanza 12: #f Moon when occupying the lagna is eclipsed !y &ahu, and evil planets are found in trines, the person suffers from devils$ #f Sun is eclipsed and occupies the lagna, the person !ecomes !lind Stanza 13: #f Jupiter occupies lagna and Saturn is in the = th , the person suffers from windy diseases$ #f Mars is in the = th , the person suffers from insanity$ #f Saturn is in lagna and Mars is found in 7 th , = th or 6 th , the person suffers from insanity$ #f a weak Moon with Saturn is in 59 th , the insanity can !e predicted Stanza 14: #f the dispositor of MoonIs 2avamsa, Sun, Moon and Jupiter are in de!ilitation or in unfriendly amsas, they produce self>slavery, slavery !y purchase or hereditary slavery when one or two or more of the a!ove planets occupy such positions Stanza 15: #f the lagna is either Taurus, Aries or Sagittarius aspected !y malefics, the person will have ugly teeth$ #f the lagna is in malevolent signs or Taurus or Sagittarius and is aspected !y evil planets, the person !ecomes !ald$ #f Sun is in the 6 th or 7 th aspected !y malefics, the person will have weak eyesight$ #f Saturn is so situated, he suffers from many complaints$ #f Mars is so situated, thereIll !e defective organs Stanza 16: #f evil planets occupy 59 th , 6 th , 9 nd or 7 th , the person will !e imprisoned according to the nature of that house$ #f lagna is in !hu0aga (9 nd and : rd of 'ancer, 5 st and 9 nd of Scorpio and last of 1isces) or nigada (5 st of 'apricorn) /rekkana, aspected !y powerful malefics, the person will !e similarly confined Stanza 17: #f Moon with the ring or halo around him 0oins Saturn and is aspected !y Mars, the person will !e harsh, suffer from hysteria and consumption$ #f Sun, Saturn and Mars are in the 5; th unaspected !y !enefics, the person will !ecome a servant$ #f three or two or one of them occupy the 5; th , the man !ecomes inferior, ordinary and superior servant respectively Chapter 24 Stri:ata3adh"a"a 4fe2 horoscop"6 Stanza 1: Such of those results as the females couldnIt possess or en0oy must !e attri!uted to their hus!ands$ Crom the < th in a femaleIs chart the death of her hus!and, from the !irth sign and Moon her own !eauty and from the = th her hus!and and his love to her must !e predicted Stanza 2: #f the lagna and Moon fall in even signs, the female will !e modest; if theyIre aspected !y !enefics sheIll !e virtuous; if lagna and Moon fall in odd signs, sheIll have a masculine temperament and form and if these two are aspected or are in con0unction with malefics, sheIll !e sinful and characterless Stanza 3: #f lagna or Moon falls in the house of Mars and occupies the trimsamsas of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury or Venus, the girl will !e immoral !efore pu!erty, dancing woman, virtuous, dou!le>hearted or sinful respectively Stanza 4: #f the lagna or Moon is Taurus or Li!ra and occupies the trimsamsas of the a!ove planets, she !ecomes sinful, marrying a second hus!and, virtuous, skilful in arts and reputed respectively$ #f the lagna or Moon is ,emini or Virgo and occupies the a!ove planetary trimsamsa, the woman !ecomes deceitful, impotent, virtuous, good and adulterous respectively Stanza 5: #f lagna or Moon is 'ancer and occupies the trimsamsa of the a!ove planets, she does what she likes, causes death to her hus!and, !lessed with good *ualities, skilled in arts and immoral respectively$ #f !irth or Moon falls in Leo and occupies the trimsamsas of the planets named, sheIll !e masculine, adulterous, *ueen, manly and commit incestuous intercourse respectively$ #f lagna or Moon falls in Sagittarius or 1isces and occupies the said trimsamsas, the woman !ecomes a servant, fond of low men, virtuous, sinful and childless respectively Stanza 6: The results so descri!ed a!ove for lagna or Moon in the various trimsamsas must !e ascertained with reference to the strength or weakness of the lagna and Moon Stanza 7: #f Saturn and Venus are in each otherIs navamsas, aspecting mutually, or if the !irth falls in Taurus or Li!ra, with the lagna 2avamsa in A*uarius, the woman will get se"ual satisfaction from females dressed in male attire Stanza 8: #f the = th house is powerless, unoccupied and unaspected !y !enefics, the hus!and will !e mean$ #f Mercury and Saturn are in the = th , the hus!and will !e impotent$ #f the = th is a mova!le sign, the hus!and will !e constantly traveling$ #f the = th is occupied !y Sun, aspected !y malefics, sheIll !e re0ected !y her hus!and$ #f thereIs Mars in the = th aspected !y evil planets, she !ecomes a widow early$ #f Saturn is in the = th , aspected !y malefics, sheIll !ecome old without marriage Stanza 9: #f there are several malefics in the = th , she !ecomes a widow$ #f there are evil and good planets there, sheIll marry a second hus!and in the same caste$ #f thereIs a powerless evil planet in the = th aspected !y a !enefic, sheIll !e re0ected !y her hus!and$ #f Venus and Mars are in the = th , she !ecomes adulterous with her hus!andIs connivance Stanza 1: #f the house of Mars or Saturn !ecomes lagna with Moon and Venus there aspected !y malefics, the girl !ecomes adulterous along with her mother$ #f the = th 2avamsa from the lagnamsa falls in the house of Mars, aspected !y Saturn, the womanIs se"ual organ will !e diseased$ #f the = th 2avamsa falls in a !eneficial house, the woman will !e !eautiful and loved !y her hus!and Stanza 11: #f the = th from lagna or navamsas falls in the house of Saturn, the hus!and will !e old and stu!!orn; if the = th from lagna or 2avamsa falls in the house of Mars, the hus!and will !e fond of other women and cruel; if the = th falls in the house of Venus, the hus!and will !e loving and handsome; and if the = th falls in the house of Mercury, the hus!and will !e learned and intelligent Stanza 12: #f the = th is 'ancer, the hus!and will !e passionate and mild$ #f the = th is Sagittarius or 1isces, the hus!and will !e good and has control of his passions$ #f the = th falls in Leo, the hus!and will !e mild and hard>working Stanza 13: #f Moon and Venus are in lagna, the woman will !e 0ealous and fond of happiness$ #f Moon and Mercury are in lagna, sheIll !e skilled in arts, happy and !lessed with good character$ #f Venus and Mercury are in lagna, sheIll !e !eautiful, !eloved and skilled in fine arts$ #f three !enefics are in lagna, the woman will have a lot of wealth, great happiness and fine character Stanza 14: 3idowhood comes at that age which is indicated !y the lord of the amsa occupied !y the < th lord, when thereIs an evil planet in the < th $ #f !enefics occupy the 9 nd , she dies !efore her hus!and$ #f Moon is in Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus or Leo, sheIll have few children Stanza 15: #f Saturn is moderately powerful, if Venus, Mercury and Moon are powerless and the rest are powerful and if lagna is in an odd sign, the woman will !e adulterous$ #f lagna is in an even sign and Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury are powerful, sheIll !ecome famous, learned in many sciences and a vedantini Stanza 16: #f an evil planet occupies the = th , sheIll em!race that sanyasa which is represented !y the planet occupying the 7 th house$ These results may !e foretold during the wedding, during the search for the girl or during the *uery Chapter 25 (ir"anadh"a"a Stanza 1: The native dies from such diseases as is indicated !y the nature of the planet which aspects the < th house and in that organ or part of the !ody thatIs represented !y the < th house in the division under kalapurusha$ #f many planets aspect the < th , thereIll !e many diseases !efore !irth$ #f Sun, etc$ occupy the < th , the person dies from fire, water, weapon, fever, disease, thirst and hunger respectively$ #f the < th is mova!le, etc$, death will happen in a foreign country, own land and during traveling respectively Stanza 2: #f Sun and Mars occupy the ? th or 5; th , death will !e caused !y stones$ #f Saturn, Moon and Mars are in ? th , = th and 5; th respectively, death will !e caused !y falling into a well$ #f Sun and Moon are in Virgo aspected !y malefics, heIll !e killed !y his own people$ #f the lagna falls in a common sign with the Sun and Moon in it, the person will !e drowned Stanza 3: #f Saturn is in 'ancer and Moon in 'apricorn, the person dies from 0alodara$ #f Moon occupies the house of Mars and is hemmed !y malefics, the person dies from weapons or fire$ #f Moon occupies Virgo !etween malefics, death comes !y corrupt !lood or consumption$ #f Moon occupies one of SaturnIs houses !etween malefics, the person dies !y ropes, fire or fall Stanza 4: #f the 6 th and 7 th are occupied !y malefics unaspected !y !enefics, death comes from !ondage$ #f the /rekkana rising in the < th falls in a sarpa or nigada, then similar death occurs$ #f Sun is in lagna, Virgo falls in the = th with Moon in con0unction with a malefic and Venus in Aries, the person suffers death from a female in his own house Stanza 5: #f Mars is in the ? th and Sun and Saturn are in 5; th , the man will !e crucified$ #f malefics and a waning Moon occupy the lagna, 6 th and 7 th , the same results happen$ #f Sun occupies the ? th and Mars in the 5; th aspected !y a weak Moon, thereIll !e crucifi"ion$ #f Saturn aspects the a!ove con0unction, death results from !eating Stanza 6: #f a powerless Moon, Mars, Saturn and Sun occupy the < th , 5; th , lagna and ? th respectively, death results from !lows from rods or clods of earth$ #f the same planets occupy 5; th , 7 th , 5 st and 6 th respectively, death comes !y smoke, fire, !andage or !lows on the !ody Stanza 7: #f Mars, Sun and Saturn occupy ? th , = th and 5; th respectively, death results from weapons, fire or the anger of the rulers$ #f Saturn, Moon and Mars occupy the 9 nd , ? th and 5; th respectively, the person dies !y worms generated in sore wounds Stanza 8: #f Sun is in the 5; th and Mars in ? th , death comes !y a fall from conveyances$ #f Saturn, Moon and Sun occupy the lagna with Mars in = th , death comes !y machinery or rocks$ #f Mars, Saturn and Moon are in Li!ra, Aries and a house of Saturn respectively, or if powerless Moon, Sun and Mars are in the 5; th , = th and ? th respectively, the person falls in feces and dies Stanza 9: #f a powerful Mars aspects a powerless Mon with Saturn in the < th , the person dies from worms or fire or instruments in treating of diseases in secret parts Stanza 1: #f Sun occupies the = th with Mars and Saturn 0oining the < th and powerless Moon in ? th , death is caused !y !irds$ #f Sun, Mars, Saturn and Moon are in the 5 st , 6 th , < th and 7 th respectively, the person dies !y falling from the top of a mountain or !y lightning or wall Stanza 11: The learned indicate that the 99 nd /rekkana causes death to the person$ The death will !e caused !y the manner attri!uted to the lord of this /rekkana or the lord of the rasi to which it !elongs Stanza 12: /eath will occur in places similar to the rasi occupied !y the lord of the 2avamsa, in which the !irth falls$ Curther details or specialties must !e descri!ed !y con0unctions and planetary aspects$ The time of death has to !e identified !y the unrisen num!er of navamsas in the !irth$ #f the !irth lord aspects it, the time must !e dou!led; aspected !y !enefics, the time will !e tre!led Stanza 13: The dead !ody, as per the /rekkana in the < th house, vi.$, dahana, 0ala and misra, will !e reduced to ashes !y fire or atoms !y water respectively$ #f the < th /rekkana is vyala, the !ody will !e disgraced$ The disposal of the dead !ody must !e e"plained in this manner and as regards past and future !irths, the reader must consult ela!orate works on the su!0ect Stanza 14: Jupiter, Moon and Venus, Sun and Mars, and Saturn and Mercury !ring people from devaloka, pitruloka, tiryagloka and narakaloka respectively$ According to the position of the lord of the /rekkana occupied !y the more powerful !etween Sun and Moon, weIve to predict the high, middle or low state of the man in his previous !irth Stanza 15: #f the lord of the /rekkana of the @ th or < th or the planet who occupies the = th indicates the state of manIs future e"istence after death$ #f Jupiter is in e"altation and occupies @ th , < th or any *uadrant, if 1isces is lagna occupying a !eneficial 2avamsa and other planets than Jupiter are powerless, the person attains moksha Chapter 26 (asta :ata3a 4un3no<n horoscopes6 Stanza 1: 3hen a person has no record of his !irth time or the time of conception, the !irth must !e predicted according to the lagna rising at the time of the *uestion$ The !irth must !e predicted in uttarayana or dakshinayana as the first or the second hora in the lagna rises Stanza 2: -y the rising drekkana in the lagna, JupiterIs position in 5 st , 6 th or 7 th must !e ascertained according to the appearance of the *uerist$ #f Sun is in lagna, the !irth takes place in ,reeshma and so on for other planets as stated !efore$ #f the rithu falls in a wrong ayana, then it must !e corrected !y the position of the Sun Stanza 3: #f a rithu falls in a wrong ayana, then change Moon, Mercury and Jupiter for Venus, Mars and Saturn respectively$ #f the first half of a drekkana rises, the first month of the rithu must !e predicted, and the day must !e proportionately found out Stanza 4: The learned -rahmin astrologers predict the tithi !y reference to the degree of the Sun$ The !irth must !e predicted reversely in the nocturnal and diurnal signs$ -y the degrees of the lagna, the !irth time must !e ascertained Stanza 5: Some say that the lunar month has to !e made out with reference to the position of the Moon in navamsa$ The position of the Moon must !e made out !y the most powerful among the lagna and trikona or !y the touching of the organs, etc$ of the *uerist Stanza 6: MoonIs position will !e in that rasi which is e*ual to the num!er of rasis gained !y him from the *uestion lagna$ #f Moon is in 1isces, then that will !e the sign occupied !y him at !irth$ The position of Moon at !irth may also !e ascertained !y the articles of food, !y animals and sounds at the *uestion time Stanza 7: The !irth lagna will !e that represented !y the rising navamsa at the time of the *uery or it will !e that lagna which, when counted from the *uestion lagna, is similar in num!er to the drekkanas separating the *uestion lagna from Sun at the time Stanza 8: Multiply the longitude of the planet in the lagna or that of the most powerful !y chayangula and divide it !y twelve$ The remainder denotes the num!er of the !irth lagna from Aries or the !irth lagna will !e the = th , ? th , 5; th or 5 st as the *uerist is sitting or lying down or rising or standing respectively Stanza 9: Taurus and Leo, ,emini and Scorpio, Aries and Li!ra, Virgo and 'apricorn must !e multiplied !y 5;, <, = and 6 respectively$ The remaining rasis (signs) must !e multiplied !y their own num!er$ Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury must !e similarly multiplied$ The remaining planets must !e multiplied like Mercury$ This must necessarily !e done with the signs$ 3hen thereIs a planet in the lagna, it must also undergo this multiplication Stanza 1: Multiply the result thus o!tained !y =, and divide the total (after adding to or su!tracting 7 from it) !y 9=; the remainder shows the num!er of the star in which the person is !orn$ Crom the *uestion lagna, the = th , : rd , 6 th and @ th !havas may also !e indicated and their stars ascertained Stanza 11: -y multiplying the total mentioned in 7 !y 5;, etc$ and also !y adding to or su!tracting from it and !y dividing that !y the various figures already given, the year, season, month, lunar day, night and day, constellation, time, ascendant, navamsa, etc$ may !e ascertained Stanza 12: Crom the total multiplied !y 5;, the year, season and month have to !e found out$ Crom the total multiplied !y <, fortnight and lunar day have to !e ascertained Stanza 13: Take the total multiplied !y = and from it, predict the constellation, day and night times Stanza 14: Take the total multiplied !y 6 and ascertain the time, sign, hora, amsa, etc$ Stanza 15: Take the matras of the real name, multiply it !y two and add to the result the num!er of chayangulas o!tained at the time and divide the total !y 9=; then, take the remainder and count it from /hanishta to get the !irth constellation of the *uerist Stanza 16: The figures 9, :, 5?, 5;, 56, 95, 7 and < from the east, etc$ must !e multiplied !y 56 and the num!er of persons looking in the same direction as the *uerist must !e added to the total and divided !y 9=; the remainder shows the num!er of constellations from /hanishta Stanza 17: Various methods have !een e"pounded a!out lost horoscopes$ The real student will accept that which he finds correct after la!orious calculations Chapter 27 -re33ana adh"a"a Stanza 1: The first drekkana of Aries represents a man with a white cloth around his waist, dark comple"ion, pretending to protect, fearful red eyes and a lifted a" Stanza 2: The second drekkana of Aries is sketched !y yavanas as representing a woman with red cloth, fond of ornaments and food, pot>!elly, horse>face, thirsty and single>footed Stanza 3: The third drekkana of Aries represents a man, cruel, skilled in arts, yellowish, fond of work, unprincipled, with a lifted>up stick, angry and covered with purple clothes Stanza 4: The first drekkana of Taurus represents a woman with torn ringlets, pot>!elly, !urnt cloth, thirsty, fond of food and ornaments Stanza 5: The second drekkana of Taurus represents a man possessing knowledge of lands, grains, houses, cows, arts, ploughing and carts, hungry, sheep>faced, dirty clothes and shoulders like the hump of an o" Stanza 6: The third drekkana of Taurus is represented !y a man with a !ody like that of an elephant, white teeth, legs like that of a sara!ha, yellowish color, and clever in capturing sheep and deer Stanza 7: The first drekkana of ,emini represents a female, fond of needlework, !eautiful, fond of ornamentation, issueless, lifted hands and in menses Stanza 8: The second drekkana of ,emini represents a man, living in a garden, in armor, with a !ow, warlike, armed with weapons, face like that of ,aruda, fond of play, children, ornamentation and wealth Stanza 9: The third drekkana of ,emini represents a man, adorned, decked with gems, armored with a *uiver and !ow, skilled in dancing, drumming and arts, and poet Stanza 1: The first drekkana of 'ancer represents a man, holding fruit, roots and leaves, elephant>!odied, residing on sandal trees in the forest, legs like that of sara!ha and horse>necked Stanza 11: The second drekkana of 'ancer represents a female worshipped on the head !y lotus flowers, with serpents, full>!lown youthfulness, living in forests on the !ranch of phalasa and crying Stanza 12: The third drekkana of 'ancer represents a man covered with serpents, flat>faced and crossing the ocean in a !oat in search of his wifeIs 0ewels Stanza 13: The first drekkana of Leo represents a vulture and a 0ackal on the salmali tree, a dog and a man dressed in dirty garments, leaving father and mother, and crying Stanza 14: The second drekkana of Leo represents a man resem!ling a horseIs !ody with white garlands on the head, wearing krishna0ina and kam!alam, fierce as a lion with a !ow in the hand and !ent nose Stanza 15: The third drekkana of Leo represents a man with a !earIs face, acts like those of a monkey, long !eard, curved ringlets and holding a stick, fruit and flesh Stanza 16: The first drekkana of Virgo represents a female with a pot, full of flowers, covering the !ody with dirty garments, fond of money and clothes, and going to the home of the preceptor Stanza 17: The second drekkana of Virgo represents a man with a pen in hand, dark>comple"ioned, the head tied around a cloth, counting gains and e"penditure, !ody covered with dense hair and holding a !ig !ow Stanza 18: The last drekkana of Virgo represents a female, yellowish, covered !y a great white silk cloth, tall, holding a pot and spoon, and going to a temple with great sanctity Stanza 19: The first drekkana of Li!ra, say Bavanas, represents a man seated in a shop in the middle of the road, holding !alances, clever in weighing and measuring with a small scale for weighing gold, diamonds, thinking of his money and the prices of the articles in his shop Stanza 2: The second drekkana of Li!ra represents a man with a vultureIs face, hungry and thirsty, holding a pot which is ready to fall and thinking of his wife and children Stanza 21: The third drekkana of Li!ra represents a man decked with gems, wearing a golden *uiver and armor and frightening animals in the wilderness, resem!ling a monkey and holding in the hand fruit and flesh Stanza 22: The first drekkana of Scorpio represents a naked woman without ornaments, coming from the middle of a great ocean to the shore, dislocated from her original place, the feet !ound !y serpents and handsome Stanza 23: The second drekkana of Scorpio represents a woman fond of home and happiness for her hus!andIs sake and covered with serpents with a !ody resem!ling a tortoise and a pot Stanza 24: The last drekkana of Scorpio represents a lion with a !road flat face, resem!ling a tortoise, frightening dogs, deer, !oars and 0ackals, protecting localities covered with sandalwood trees Stanza 25: The first drekkana of Sagittarius represents a man with a human face and a horseIs !ody with a !ow in hand residing in a hermitage, protecting sacrificial articles and maharishis Stanza 26: The second drekkana of Sagittarius represents a !eautiful woman, golden>colored, picking up gems from the ocean and sitting in a -hadrasana fashion Stanza 27: The last drekkana of Sagittarius representsa man with a long !eard, gold>comple"ioned, holding a stick, sitting in a splendid posture and keeping silks and deer skins Stanza 28: The first drekkana of 'apricorn represents a man covered with much hair, teeth like those of a crocodile, !ody like that of a pig, keeping yokes, nets and !andages, and with a cruel face Stanza 29: The second drekkana of 'apricorn represents a woman skilled in arts, !road eyes like lotus petals, greenish>dark, searching all kinds of articles and wearing iron ear ornaments Stanza 3: The last drekkana of 'apricorn represents a man with a !ody like that of +inaras, with a *uiver, arrows and !ow, and !earing a pot on the shoulder decked with gems Stanza 31: The first drekkana of A*uarius represents a man with a mind distur!ed !y oils, wines, water and food !eing !rought to him, with a +am!ala, silk cloth and deer skin and a face resem!ling that of a vulture Stanza 32: The middle drekkana of A*uarius represents a woman, covered with a dirty cloth in a forest, !earing pots on her head and dragging metals in a !urnt cart loaded with cotton trees in it Stanza 33: The third drekkana of A*uarius represents a dark man with ears covered with long hair, wearing a crown and wandering with pots filled with iron, skin, leaves, gum and fruit Stanza 34: The first drekkana of 1isces represents a man decked with ornaments, holding in his hand sacrificial vessels, pearls, conch shells and gems, and crossing the ocean in a !oat in search of 0ewels for his wife Stanza 35: The second drekkana of 1isces represents a woman with a color more !eautiful than that of 'hampaka, surrounded !y her attendants, and sailing in a !oat decked with long flags in search of the coast of the ocean Stanza 36: The last drekkana of 1isces represents a man crying in a pit in a forest, naked and covered over his !ody !y serpents and with a mind distracted !y thieves and fire
Events That Occurred in The Lives of Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhuto and Mrs. Indira Gandhi During Trainsits On 64TH Navamsas From Various Planets and Points in Their Charts