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Name: ___________________
Weather and Climate Vocabulary List
Week 1: - Weather: day to day conditions of a certain place - Climate: common average weather conditions at a certain place over a long period of time - Seasons: a year broken down into 4 periods, based on the general condition of the period - Precipitation: forms of water falling from the sky depending on the temperature - Clouds: groups/clusters of very tiny water drops - Rain: water in liuid form falling from the sky - Snow: fro!en water falling in flakes, loosely packed - Hail: solid water falling from the sky, in clumps - Sleet: half water, half fro!en water - Water Vapor: water in a gas"like state, in the air - Humid: a big amount of water vapor in the air - Moisture: small particles of water in the air or on a surface Week #: -Temperature: degree of how hot air is -Humidity: how moist the air is -Thermometer: tool used to measure air temperature -Barometer: tool used to measure air pressure -Wind Vane: tool used to see wind direction -Compass: tool used to find direction -Bar raph: diagram that uses bar to show height in data -Line raph: diagram that uses lines to show change in data -Table Chart: diagram that records data Name: ___________________ Week $: -!tmosphere: a thick covering that consists of four layers that surounds and protects the %arth -Re"lection: the ability to redirect light in the opposite direction -!#is tilt: the hori!ontal tilt the %arth is on which allows the planet to have seasons -lobal climate: %arths overall average weather as a whole -lobal warmin$: the heating of the %arth through human activity -!bsorption: the ability to take in energy and store it -Thunderstorm: & period of heavy rain followed by the sound of thunder -Li$htnin$ storm: & period of rain followed by the sight of lightning 'electricity surging through the sky( Week 4: -%atural &isaster: Natural event that causes damage or loss of life -Ha'ard: )anger or risk -Hurricane Sandy: )eadliest and most destructive hurricane of #*1# hurricane season, did ma+or damage to New ,ork and surrounding areas- -Tornado: mobile destructive cone of wind, found in .id"West of /0 -Hurricane: 0torm with a violent wind in the 1aribbean -Typhoon: 2ropical storm in West 3acific 4ceans -!rcadia Climate: .editerranean climate, low rainfall, warm year round, warm afternoons, cold mornings and evenings -(arth)ua*e: 0udden movement of tectonic plates caused by sudden shift of plates or because of volcanic activity -&rou$ht: 0hortage of water from low rainfall -Mudslide: When mud falls down a hillside Name: ___________________ Week 5: -Storm Sur$e: &bnormal rise in sea level caused by a low pressure system, such as a hurricane- 6n a powerful storm, the sea can rise up to #* feet and push water inland, causing flooding- -+lood-Barrier: 7arriers such as the one shown above in 8ondon, /9, to prevent storm surges caused by hurricanes from flooding the city- 2his has gates- -Le,ee: & wall surrounding low lying areas that help prevent flood waters from entering a populated area- 2his has N4 gates- -!rti"icial -slands: 3ouring dirt into the sea to create land- &rtificial 6slands along the coastline can help lessen the effects of storm surges -C! Bill %o. /0: 6ncreases level of flood protection and provides funds for disaster preparation 1hallenge Words: "Cirrus Cloud1 :igh clouds that are white and clear "!lto Cloud1 .iddle clouds that are grey and have drops of water -Stratus Cloud1 8ow clouds that are grey and foggy -Psychrometer: 2ool used to measure air humidity "!nemometer1 2ool used to measure wind speed "+unnel Cloud1 ;otating cloud during a thunderstorm that doesn<t touch the ground- "Supercell Tornado1 2ornado that lasts long and has e=tremely fast wind speeds- "Mercury1 ;ed chemical liuid used in thermometers