CV PradeepSahoo

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Mobile: +91 9438656169
Professional and Edua!ional De!ails
Total Work Experience " Thirteen Years
Skills " Network & Project Mngt.- Telecom Project & O&M
Industry " Network Service Provider
Role " !M
Employer " N"tek #ndia $imited
#o$ O$%e!i&e
To enter into a world o% limitless &ossibilities and work in a globall' com&etitive
environment on challenging assignments that shall 'ield the twin bene%its o% the job
satis%action and a stead'-&aced &ro%essional growth.
Professional S'no(sis
( d'namic telecom &ro%essional having more than )* 'ears rich e+&erience in
Project management, techno-management o% -omm"nication networks and
inter%acing with c"stomers, service &roviders and vendors.
.+&erienced in handling vario"s &rojects at regional, national and overseas level.
-a&able o% &roject management thro"gh the activities involving -once&t"ali/ation,
reso"rce &lanning, e+ec"tion, monitoring & co-ordination with internal and e+ternal
.+&erienced in b"ilding "& o% more than 1222 !SM0-M( -ell Sites.
3as desired skills incl"ding &eo&le-relationshi& to carr'o"t b"siness develo&ment.
.+&ertise in managing in%rastr"ct"re o% TSP, O&M sites and im&lementation o%
network b' ens"ring o&timal "tili/ation o% reso"rces.
(n e%%ective comm"nicator with e+ce&tional relationshi& management skills with the
abilit' to relate to &eo&le at an' level o% b"siness and management.
4ecogni/ed %or the abilit' to motivate team members to increase organi/ational
Su))ar' of E*(eriene
5orking as a !M 6Head Pro%e!s+ %or Eas!ern ,one 67olkata, 58, Orissa and
N.9 on &a'roll o% N"tek #ndia $td. since :an;12)) to till date.
5orked as 3ead O&eration & Maintenance %or -an.lalin/, haka, 8angladesh
6Overseas9 %rom Ma' 12)2 to ec.12)2 on &a'roll o% !T$ $imited.
5orked as a lead, &rojects &assive in%ra rollo"t %or -a/ell, 8ak", (/erbaijan
6Overseas9 Project "nder Ra(id Solu!ions 0i)i!ed %rom Se&tember 122< to Ma'
12)2 on &a'roll o% !T$ $imited.
3andled Pro%e! Mana.e)en! Offie activit' %or TTS$ & TTM$ %or )= T(T( circles
"nder Motorola %rom :an.122> to ("g.122< on &a'roll o% !T$ $imited.
5orked as a &roject manager %or 11M0 2Mu)$ai 3 ROM+ Project "nder Motorola
%rom :"l' 122? to ("g"st 122< on &a'roll o% !T$ $imited. "ring the &eriod
additional res&onsibilit' handled %or M140 Mu)$ai e+&ansion &roject.
5orked as an asst. manager %or 11S0 2Orissa5 #6ar/6and 3 -i6ar+ Project "nder
Motorola %rom ("g.122@ to :"n.122? on &a'roll o% !T$ $imited.
3andled vario"s !SM0-M( network &rojects %or clients Mo!orola5 0uen!5 M1405
Reliane 7nfoo)) 2Mu)$ai 3 Ma6aras6!ra+5 -S40 2Ma6aras6!ra 3
Sou!6ern irles+5 Air!el 2Mu)$ai+5 Hu!6 2Mu)$ai+ and worked as an asst.
manager OSP A4D 74-U70D78 &roject %or 0uen! 1e6nolo.ies Hindus!an 0!d9
on &a'roll o% N"tek #nd. Pvt. $td. S"ccess%"ll' com&leted a&&ro+ )222 8TS sites &
)? 8S-s. 5ithin a s&an o% @ 'ears & * months 6%rom (&ril 1222 to :"l' 122@9.
:urren! Posi!ion
4u!e/ 7ndia 0i)i!ed 2D8M ; Pro%e!s5 Eas! ,one+
4es&onsible %or the o&erations o% all 8"siness lines o% the com&an' at the
regional level %or east /one.
-lose interaction with all the clients to e+ec"te work as &er their sco&e and
rive & ens"re im&lementation o% the identi%ied &rojects and timel' deliver' %or
organi/ation growth and cond"ct reg"lar &roject review.
.ns"re e%%ective vendor management %or o&timal vendor &er%ormance and
relationshi& at each -ircle level to ens"re smooth Project activities.
#nteract with all internal stake holders, like S-M, Binance and 34 to o&timall'
"tili/e the reso"rces.
(ssist in 8"siness develo&ment0 contracts0 commercials.
(lso res&onsible %or instit"ting all meas"res %or o&erational health and sa%et'.
.+ec"ting n"mber o% telecom &rojects o% CT., D#OM, #nd"s, NO7#(, .ricsson,
Motorola and T(T(.
.ns"re a &rocess where all the (T;s, 5-- and TS o% a given month are signed as
&er the time line o% ever' month.
4es&onsible %or timel' billing and collection o% reven"e.
Pre&ious Assi.n)en!s
-an.lalin/5 D6a/a5 -an.lades6 2Sr9 M.r9 ; O(era!ion 3 Main!enane+
4es&onsible %or O&eration and maintenance o% (ctive & &assive network %or
more than )122 sites.
Planning and im&lementation o% active and #n%ra Preventive Maintenance,
-orrective Maintenance.
$ooking a%ter overall dail' O&M activit', NO-, logistic & &roject admin.
4es&onsible %or all creative and &reventative maintenance 6-M & PM9 activit'.
(&&roval o% cons"mable s&ares %or both PM & -M activit' on time.
irectl' res&onsibilit' o% * &roject managers and indirectl' res&onsibilit' o% more
than )22 reso"rces.
5eekl' reg"lar con%erence calls with internal res&ective local circle managers &
weekl' meeting with 8anglalink PMO and &roject team abo"t &rogress o% the
&roject and ens"re we get site readiness %rom the c"stomer.
(ttend monthl' review calls with #ndia PMO o%%ice %or &rogress o%
#m&lementation, develo&ment o% &roject, A"alit', stat"s o% s"&&l' o%
eA"i&ments, %inancials, commercials, major iss"es involved in the &roject.
(%ter com&letion o% rollo"t, &"sh local circles &roject managers %or signing o% #&-
and P( certi%icates and kee& the track o% same. 3anding over o% same
certi%icates to %inance team & close o% the &roject.
-a/ell5 -a/u5 A<er$ai%an 2Passi&e Rollou!+
Planning, sched"ling & im&lemented o% activities %or -ivil & str"ct"ral
constr"ction site activities %or green %ield & roo%to& sites.
-o-ordinate & manage with internal teams to drive the vendor teams to achieve
the targets with good A"alit'.
5eekl' meeting with c"stomers abo"t &rogress o% the &roject and resolves the
&roject related iss"es.
4eso"rce0 Man&ower ma&&ing & sched"ling
4es&onsible %or detailed &roject database.
4e!=or/ Mana.e)en! for Mu)$ai 3 ROM 2#ul' >??5 !o! >??9+
4es&onsible %or Network management %or both M"mbai & 4OM circles,
monitoring the a&&rove &rocesses %ollowed and working closel' with teams %rom
vendor & circle ens"ring that each activit' is metic"lo"sl' &lanned im&lemented
& tracked leading to a series o% Prec"ts and %inall' the c"tover o% the network.
Plan, organi/e, control and %ollow "& im&lementation in order to achieve the
target set b' the c"stomer.
4eview o% all o&eration sched"les, task lists and to"rs & travels management o%
the &roject.
-lose coordination with logistics team %or material de&lo'ment & &roviding
s"&&ort to Material Management & co-ordination with %ield team.
-o-ordinate & manage to drive the vendor teams to achieve the targets with
good A"alit' and "&dating all sites re&orts with location-wise and collects stat"s
o% 8TS.
4ecti%' %a"lts with the least &ossible o"tage b' &ro&er arrangements o%
re&lacement tasks.
-ond"cting weekl' &rogress reviews with vendors, circle teams & member o%
-ore team res&onsible %or designing o% detailed &rec"t &lans.
!enerating, "&dating & maintaining re&orts on dail' & weekl' basis, making &
maintaining doc"mentation related to &roject activit' right %rom 4B#, installation
& commissioning, integration, drive test to (TPs as well as technical in%ormation.
Pla'ing the role %or technical S"&&ort to the %ield .ngineers and s"b-contractor
related #&- activities.
Pre&ared dail', weekl' & monthl' #m&act re&orts incl"ding anal'sis o% vario"s
iss"es %aced d"ring im&lementation &hase, these re&orts are being sent to the
TTM$ -or&orate to assist their review &rocess.
.ns"re timel' corrective & &reventive action %or &rod"ct, &rocess and s'stem
Plan, organi/e and e+ec"te E"alit' ("dits in the &roject.
(ssessment o% c"stomer satis%action thro"gh meetings and site visits &
-om&liance to stat"tor' reA"irements related to contracts.
(ssist 4egional Manager %or all o%%icial matters relating to acco"nts & &roject
4e!=or/ Mana.e)en! for Orissa5 -i6ar 3 #6ar/6and
2@ro) #ul' >??4 !o #ul' >??5+
S"ccess%"ll' handled three above TTS$ circles with same above &ro%ile in TTM$ &roject.
Pre&ious E*(eriene in 4u!e/ 7ndia Pri&a!e 0i)i!ed
A(ril >??? !o #ul' >??4 24 Aears 3 3 )on!6s+
.+tensive e+&erience in &lanning, e+ec"ting & managing OB- based telecom
&rojects %or 3"ghes Telecom #ndia $imited on behal% o% $"cent 3ind"stan
$eading team %or %iber roll o"t in M"mbai & !oa.
4es&onsible %or "ndergro"nd0(erial OB-, OS8 %iber and in-b"ilding &rojects
network installation and maintenance.
e&lo'ment o% OB-0-o&&er Network, .+ec"tion %or OSP activities, Trenching,
$a'ing d"ct, %iber &"lling, -onstr"ction o% 3and hole and &"lling chamber,
S&licing, OT4 Testing.
4es&onsible %or o&eration and maintenance o% OB- network.
Dendor selection & work e+ec"tion at site as &er E"alit' &olic' o% c"stomer.
Borm"lation o% g"idelines %or &lanning o% %iber cable network & 8ackbone network.
(ssistance in Permission %or 4O5 &ermits %rom the govt. a"thorities like P5,
MM4( and M"nici&al -or&oration.
4es&onsible %or &lanning & im&lementation o% com&lete %iber network %rom
nearest POP to s"bscriber end & connecting all POP with the main trans&ort
ro"te in a ring str"ct"re.
Pre&aration o% &roject details to %orecast job com&letion date & s"bseA"entl'
tracking &roject &rogress re&ort.
-ontrolling cost o% the &roject with o&tim"m design and &rocess.
4es&onsible %or %inal acce&tance test o% the in%rastr"ct"re element.
-6ara! San6ar 4i.a) 0i)i!ed 2Ma6aras6!ra5 Karna!a/a 3 1a)ilnadu+"
:ob covered &roject #m&lementation, O&eration o% 8TS and 8S-, #nstallation,
-ommissioning and #ntegration o% 8TS sites. (ssociated with vario"s site s"rve'
activities. (lso handled )1 Teams d"ring o&eration in Maharashtra, 7arnataka,
and Tamilnad".
4es&onsible %or (cce&tance Test %or 3ori/on Macro 8TS 6<22 M3/9 %or the entire
three circles.
Reliane 7nfoo)) 2Mu)$ai+
4es&onsible %or #nstallation, -ommissioning & #ntegration o% $"cent modcell *.2
8TS %or $F-.NT T.-3. 64eliance as o&erator9 in M"mbai.
Per%ormed c"stomer (TP 6acce&tance test9 %or -M( cell sites in M"mbai.
-6ar!i :ellular 0i)i!ed 2Air!el Mu)$ai+
Per%ormed (cce&tance Test %or 3ori/on Macro 8TS 6)>22 M3/9.
-ommissioning and tro"bleshooting o% 8TS to 8S- 6)>22 M3/ 3ori/on macro9,
d"ring the integration.
4es&onsible %or im&lementation o% new 8TS sites rolled o"t and their acce&tance
To monitor and tro"bleshoot the (larms and %ail"res o% the 8S-, Tran coder and
(ssist in &lanning, coordinating and e+ec"ting hardware addition
4e&lacements o% !P4O- 1, 7S5, MS#, 7S5G, -$7G, $(NG etc.
Planning & im&lementation o% e+ternal alarms %or 8TS site.
Fsed vario"s telecom eA"i&ments like 8#4, (N4#TSF, (!#$.NT Site Master,
(nalog"e and igital Power Meters o% 8#4.
4es&onsible %or 4B & -ivil s"rve' o% di%%erent sites %or -ell Sites.
Hu!6 2Mu)$ai+
4es&onsible o% site s"rve' &re&aration.
4es&onsible %or #nstallation and -ommissioning o% 8TS 63ori/on Macro & 3ori/on
Macro ##9 %or Motorola in M"mbai.
M140 2Mu)$ai+
-om&leted installation, commissioning & integration o% 8TS 6$"cent 12220=id,
12220)1id & Ble+ent 8TS "sing -M(9.
4es&onsible %or $"cent 8TS (T.
(ssist in &lanning, coordinating and e+ec"ting hardware addition.
Aade)i Bualifia!ion
M8( %rom P"njab Technical Fniversit'.
8achelor;s egree in -ommerce %rom Ftkal Fniversit'.
O4(-$. > certi%ied %rom O4(-$. So%tware #ndia $imited.
(dvance i&loma in -lient Server Programming 6(-P9 %rom SE$ Star
1rainin.s A!!ended
Nokia: NSS Nokia, ($TT- 8SN$, !ha/iabad.
!T$: PMP 6Project Management Program9 Pre&arator' training.
MOTO4O$(: Team Management & 4ecord Management.
MOTO4O$(: -P21: #ntrod"ction to !SM Networks.
MOTO4O$(: 8SS)), 8SS)1: #ntrod"ction to vario"s Motorola .A"i&ments
$"cent: 8SS #ntrod"ction on #&- 6#nstallation and -ommission9.
Sof!=are Kno=led.e
Operating Systems : 5indow & GP
Tools : MS O%%ice & MS Project
Personal 7nfor)a!ion
Fathers ame : Shri hr"ba -harana Sahoo
!ate o" #irth : *)
Ma', )<H<
$assport : :*2@=?22, Dalid till =
:"ne 121)
Sex : Male
%arital Status : Married
ationality : #ndian
$ermanent &ddress : !-?2?, 4it" Paradise, Phase-),
O&&. To Dedanta #nternational School,
Mira 8ha'nder 4oad, Mira 4oad 6.ast9
Thane, M"mbai-@2))2H 6#ndia9
'anguage (no)n : 3indi, .nglish, Ori'a & 8engali
Strength : 4es&onsibilities, Sincerit', 3onest', $earning (bilit' and
3ard 5ork
ate : ("g"st )1, 12)*
Place : 8h"baneswar 2PRADEEP KUMAR SAHOO+

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