Sample Name: Objective Professional Experience

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Sample Name

To be an integral part of an organization and put maximum efforts to make
use of my present knowledge and skills for growth of the organization in the field of
Engineering and in the process to further improve my abilities.
Degree in Engineering
5xperience in Equipment Engineering (Automation & Maintenance)
Current Employer:
Company Name
Duration: S
Department: Equipment Engg.!utomation
Nature of Jo:
!utomation of old relay based machines to centralised "#$ based machines.
%evelopment of distributed control systems using microcontrollers.
"rogramming and repair work of $N$ &achines 'T$# to ( codes conversion
!ll kinds of process development works.
"rogramming work of microcontrollers* EE"+,&S* "#$-s for process
development pro.ects.
Extra acti!ities:
+esponsible for the audits of /S.
Training of new employees in maintenance dept.
"pecial Ac#ie!ements:
0andled a #1 "ick 2 "lace robotic pro.ect S$!+! and completed it successfully
Named as Strength in "$%& !nalysis by TS !uditor.
're!ious Employer:
$heckout for any change to be done in "reventive &aintenance $hecklists as per
the working conditions of machines and 3reakdown #og.
#ist out pending .obs periodically and taking corrective action.
&aintaining &achines 0istory #ogs* 3reakdown #ogs in such a format so that it
can be used in future as a troubleshooter for repair work.
&aintaining list of essential spares with minimum stock level required for
maintenance of equipments and order for material required.
&aintaining all 4uality &anual +ecords of &aintenance %ept. required for
5arious 4uality $ertifications like 6S, 7889:;888.
Types of
1ully !utomated Semiconductor &anufacturing &achines '$ontrol< $N$* +T,S
3ased) < !S&* ESE$
"ick 2 "lace +obotic !rm S$!+! Selective $ompliant !ssembly +obot !rm
including programming work 'self designed)
(rinding &achines< &icromatic* hmt* toyada* and Ntc. '$ontrol: "#$ 2 +elay
Sorting &achine<$ontrol: "#$ 3ased Self made 'delta plc used)
=ilns 1urnances: 'Sinter #ine)< Eisenmann '$ontrol: "#$ 3ased)* +eidhammer
'$ontrol: +elay 3ased)
"ress &achines< ==* #auffer* %orsht '$N$* "#$ 2 +elay 3ased $ontrol)
Spray %riers< 4uantum '$ontrol: +elay 3ased)
3all &ills< Self %esigned '$ontrol: +elay 3ased)
"ermanent< !%%+ESS
$orrespondence !%%+ESS
E:mails Email>
%$6"#$* including 0&6 :%$656S? 'visual)
5arious S$!%! tools 'Supervisory $ontrol !nd %ata !cquisition)
Twin$at '+ecently #aunched "#$ ?niversal "rogramming Tool)
#(6S 'automated a machine using #( plc)
Software for schnieder electric< Twido
Software for delta dvp Series "#$< 6S"Soft 9.8
(&%": (eal time operating systems
@indow Embedded.
#inux +T A; bit hard real time operating system.
!ble to convert any @indows to real time for virtual input output control in real
)anguages *no+n:
!ctive State T$#'Tool $ommand #anguage)
#%&icro 'unique language for microcontrollers)
S"E# Selective $ompliance #anguage 5irtual +obotics "rogramming
$N$< (:$ode programming language.
Electronics Circui Designer & "imulators<
"roteus "$3 %esign Suite
%igital works B.8
/ Spice
%t#er ,n-ustrial (ea-y to use Equipments
"rogramming work of Caskawa drives using Sigma @in lite software.
0andled 5ariable 1requency %rives '6nverters)
,n-ustry Define- 'ro.ects:
!utomation of water .et transistor washing machine "#$ "rogram.
#ead frame unloader machine development using +T,S 2 virtual programming.
1errite $ore Testing and sorting machine.

&artial Status<:
1atherDs Name<:
#anguages =nown<:
6 hereby declare that the above mentioned information is true to the best of my knowledge.
Sample Name

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