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Writing your essay:
Hook Quote, Question or Statement (from personal experience about friendship)
!" Friends are the family members you choose. The Question: Which characters friendship is most important to Liesel? Step # $ What is %riendship& %riendship in'ol'es(is: )oyalty *rust+orthiness ,aring Someone in your contacts someone +ho you ha'e access to and you +ant to communicate +ith Someone you can forgi'e Someone you lo'e %riends +ill recogni-e and look after your needs (you) %riends +ill laugh +ith you not at you (Support you emotionally) %riends are people you +ant to spend time +ith Step . Who fits most of these traits in )iesel/s life& Step 0 What e'idence is there fitting these traits for the character abo'e in the no'el& Step 1 2uild your thesis Thesis: In the novel The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, the character Hans Hubermanns (also kno as !"a#a$% friendshi# is most im#ortant to the #rota&onist, 'iesel. Step 3 choose the traits that are most con'incing and present them as arguments in a 4irectional Statement: His friendshi# is most im#ortant to 'iesel because: he selflessly takes care of her needs and ants, ( he nurtures her, and ) he is trustorthy* reliable. Step 5 2uild your first body paragraph " oint ( *opic sentence 6# He takes care of her needs Hans Hubermann/s friendship is most important to )iesel because he selflessly takes care of her needs and +ants in a +ay that no other friend of hers does !'idence #: Some friends +ill only take care of some of your +ants but Hans Hubermann +ent beyond the role of a regular friend He took )iesel in +hen she had been gi'en up by her mother and fed her +ith the meager rations assigned to his family 7888888888888888888888888889 (:;) !xplanation #: When her mother left her in <unich, )iesel had no+here to go as a +ard of the state She could ha'e ended up +ith a family +ho took the money they +ere paid for looking after her and +ho cared nothing about her needs or +ants, Hans Hubermann became her friend from the moment he met her by sho+ing her he cared for her +ants and needs =fter the long train ride she +as tired, hungry and scared He pro'ided a bed for her to rest in and some food to nurish her He met her basic needs for sur'i'al and if he hadn/t she might ha'e died like her sick brother 2ecause he met her basic needs he pro'ed that he +as her most important friend Ho it should look on your #a#er *here is a saying that says that, 7friends are the family members you choose9 >n the no'el The Book Thief, by <arkus ?usak, the character Hans Hubermann/s (also kno+n as 7@apa9) friendship is most important to the protagonist, )iesel His friendship is most important to )iesel because: he selflessly takes care of her needs and +ants, . he nurtures her, and 0 he is trust+orthy( reliable Hans Hubermann/s friendship is most important to )iesel because he selflessly takes care of her needs and +ants in a +ay that no other friend of hers does Some friends +ill only take care of some of your +ants, but Hans Hubermann +ent beyond the role of a regular friend He took care of her needs too He took )iesel in +hen she had been gi'en a+ay by her mother and fed her +ith the meager rations assigned to his family 7888888888888888888888888889 (:;) When her mother left her in <unich, )iesel had no+here to go as a +ard of the state She could ha'e ended up +ith a family +ho took the money they +ere paid for looking after her and +ho cared nothing about her needs or +ants, Hans Hubermann became her friend from the moment he met her by sho+ing her he cared for her +ants and needs =fter the long train ride at the beginning of the book, she +as tired, hungry and scared He pro'ided a bed for her to rest in and some food to nurish her and his kindness calmed her He met her basic needs for sur'i'al and if he hadn/t, she might ha'e died like her sick brother 2ecause he met her basic needs, he pro'ed himself to be her most important friend