Community Talk 080212 (Complete)
Community Talk 080212 (Complete)
Community Talk 080212 (Complete)
February Issue
Great news! Community Talk has been such a success in Gauteng that, as from this
month, it will also be available in the major metropolitan centres of Durban, Cape
Town and Port Elizabeth. We look forward to becoming part of your community, and
to sharing in the happenings in your region.
With this in mind, we have a great line-up of Easter fun and activities for you
in this issue, wherever you may be.
Do you fancy seeing Swan Lake on Ice or swooning over Josh Groban, taking
to the water at the 2008 Nelson Mandela Bay Splash Festival or chilling to the best
of local music at the Splashy Fen Music Festival in Kwa-Zulu Natal? Check our Out
and About section for more exciting details. But remember to stay safe on the roads
whatever you do, and follow the tips we have for you in our road safety feature.
And then, of course, we look into the name on everyone’s lips, Eskom. Is
there light at the end of the current “load-shedding” tunnel and, if so, what will it
take for us to get out of it? We also investigate the silent epidemic of depression in
Health Talk, give you invaluable information on how to start a business in Career
Talk, reflect on the first day at school for thousands of our children, and give you
some bright décor and food ideas for Easter.
We’ve really enjoyed putting this issue together for you, and hope you enjoy
reading your favourite community magazine!
Eskom (or Eishkom, as some would call it!) – the word is on everyone’s lips. The
crippling power cuts caused by the national power supplier’s inability to meet
demand in recent weeks have not only been an inconvenience, but a national
emergency. This time around, unlike the cuts caused by the problems at Koeberg a
year ago, they weren’t localised, and it was about way more than just being forced
to eat dinner by candlelight.
Traffic snarl-ups in Johannesburg, the country’s economic engine, made the
journey to and from work a two-hour nightmare for some, offices and stores sat idle
for hours on end, and it all cost the economy valuable work hours. More
importantly, mining houses, the mainstay of our minerals-based economy, were
actually forced to shut down on more than one occasion due to unreliable power
supply, and are now faced with having to run on 90% power indefinitely.
This sudden turn of events, especially in light of Eskom’s warning to
government several years ago that reserve supply would run out in 2007, has sent a
shudder of uncertainty through the nation, and international investors are holding
tight on new projects until they have a better idea of what to expect on the energy
But what does this all really mean for South Africa and its people? Can this failure of
governance be turned around; is there light at the end of the tunnel? The answer is
yes, but it is going to take commitment and effort on both the part of government
and individuals.
Before anything else, we need to recognise and acknowledge that energy
capacity is a challenge all over the world, as demand grows and outstrips supply.
Then there is the vexing issue of natural resources. Most of South Africa’s electricity
and, indeed, the electricity supply across the world, is produced by coal-fired power
stations. From a resources point of view, it doesn’t take a mathematician to figure
out that the coal won’t last forever, especially if demand continues to grow at the
The good news is that cutting back on consumption is not difficult, and it will also
save you money – all it takes is awareness and diligence. Small things like switching
off lights and appliances when they are not being used, turning off the energy-
gobbling air-conditioner, converting to compact fluorescent light bulbs (which last
longer than incandescent globes, anyway), and switching off the geyser overnight
and are all a good start.
Municipalities and government departments are now being called to account
on these issues as well, and involved consumers should advise their local
newspapers of any blatant energy wastage in the public sector. Similarly, private
sector companies are being asked to cut unnecessary power usage in both the short
and long term.
Nevertheless, demand management is only part of the equation. How does
the government and Eskom plan to steer us through this crisis?
To his credit, President Thabo Mbeki has apologised to the nation for this
situation on behalf of both government and Eskom, and put the energy issue right
at the top of his State of the Nation speech at the opening of parliament on 8
February. He should arguably have gone further and given a more complete
explanation of what has lead us to this, but then again, perhaps it’s more important
to focus on what’s to be done rather than on what was done in the past.
And therein lies a great opportunity for South Africa, the upside of every crisis. As
the world is scrambling to manage demand and to switch to alternative sources of
energy, this country can take the lead, potentially becoming an example to the
world of co-managed energy efficiency and the innovative use of alternative energy
A good start has already been made with the announcement that solar-
powered traffic lights will soon be installed in some of the country’s major cities,
and that the government plans to subsidise the installation of solar-powered water
heating systems for both homes and industry. Leaders in the energy field are
exploring the country’s potential for solar, wind, wave and water-generated power
and, advisedly, have taken a more conservative approach to the nuclear option than
in recent years.
The truth about nuclear-generated power is that it is hazardous, to both the
environment and to people, no matter how much planning goes into the
construction and management of nuclear plants. And, if one takes the full costs of
building, running and eventually decommissioning plants, nuclear energy is actually
very expensive. Just look at what it cost to bury the failed reactor at Chernobyl, for
Then there is the issue of nuclear waste. Advocates of nuclear power say it is
a clean source of energy as it does not produce the same volume of greenhouse
gases as coal-fired plants do, but which of us would be prepared to have a nuclear
waste disposal site in our back yard?
The answer to our current situation then, it seems, is twofold. Firstly, we
have to work together as a nation to manage demand responsibly and, secondly, we
need to start focusing on shifting our generating capacity to renewable platforms.
At the end of the day, it is not crisis that defines us, it is the way in which we
respond to it. If we can all commit to working together for a brighter future, there is
indeed light at the end of the tunnel.
The start of the school in year in Soweto was both exciting and scary for the little
ones starting “big school” for the first time. Down to the last one, they were all
overwhelmed by the sea of unfamiliar faces that greeted them, and by the prospect
of the new adventure that lay ahead.
Khuthala Junior Primary School in Protea North was no exception. Parents
applying for late registrations waited at the Principal’s office to hear whether or not
their children could be accommodated while, out in the playground, shouts and
whistles reached a crescendo pitch of anticipation as everyone waited for the bell
that would mark the start of the new school year.
Little Naledi Botsang, in particular, stood out, as she seemed so well prepared
and was completely undaunted by all her new classmates. She had been primed for
the big day by older playmates in her neighbourhood, and it showed. She arrived
with her black gymslip neatly tied around the waist, a shine on her shoes, a smart
new school bag, and her hair pulled back to form a pom-pom on the top of her
head. She was ready for any challenge that the day would bring.
Khuthala Primary is the feeder school for Reasoma High, a secondary school
with an excellent track record that is situated just a block away. Both cater to
learners who live within walking distance of the premises, and have consistently
produced good results.
At the end of that exciting first day, I watched as a mother collected her
youngster at the school gate. The little girl chatted away excitedly, walking on the
heels of her shoes with the toes pointing into the air. “I cried on the stairs this
morning,” she told her mum. “Why?”, asked her mother. “I don’t know,” she said
matter-of-factly, and jumped off on one foot to play a game of imaginary hopscotch.
Sometimes exciting things can also be just a bit overwhelming …
Gauteng has not as yet released statistics indicating how many first-timers started
school in the province this year. In the Western Cape, however, primary schools
admitted a whopping 80 000 new learners, a huge increase on 2007.
New entrants into the school system bring the goal of universal education one
step closer every year, but the challenge lies in retaining those pupils right through
to Grade 12.
Education authorities are especially concerned about the low numbers of
learners in historically-disadvantaged areas that are completing Grade 12 Maths and
Science. This is exacerbated by the fact that there is also a shortage of teachers in
these disciplines. So the challenge is not an easy fix but, having been identified, it is
one the Department of Education is focusing on strongly.
On the other side of the coin is learner indifference; many youngsters are
simply not interested in school, and tertiary education is not even on their radar.
What is the solution to this?
It seems, in the first instance, that educators need to work hard to make
school lessons interesting and exciting. Senior learners also need to be informed
about the many career options available to them if they have tertiary education and,
finally, they need assistance in choosing and applying for an appropriate tertiary
education course. Together, these efforts will increase the possibility of more
learners going on to complete tertiary education, and of building satisfying and
rewarding careers.
Universal education may still be a way off, but every Naledi Botsang who
arrives for class well prepared for a great school career makes that goal just a little
more possible.
March is Consumer Month and, with World Consumer Day being celebrated on the
15th, the spotlight is being turned on what this really means for the ordinary
To begin with, it is about making consumers aware of the fundamental rights
that they have every time they are party to a commercial transaction.
The international consumer rights movement is based on four fundamental
rights first defined by John F. Kennedy:
• the right to safety
• the right to be informed
• the right to choose and
• the right to be heard
Since then, a further four rights have been added to these, expanding the
definition of these rights:
• the right to satisfaction of basic needs
• the right to redress
• the right to education
• the right to a healthy environment
And it’s no mistake that they all so closely mirror the rights defined in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in our own country’s Bill of Rights,
because consumer rights are a sub-category of our greater human rights.
This year, the international theme for Consumer Month is “Obesity: the damages
caused to consumers’ health by the fast food industry and its marketing to children”.
Local Events
In line with this, government will be holding a number of events across the country
to focus on informing consumers about their right to information and their right to
redress in the event of product deficiency or poor service.
Every consumer has the right to full disclosure before purchasing any product
or service, and an equal right to redress if these do not meet specified and promised
standards. Government’s aim is to make consumers more aware of these rights in
particular, as many do not realise they are protected under the law in this regard.
In Gauteng, World Consumer Rights Day will be celebrated with a rally to be
held at Church Square in Pretoria from 08:00 to 13:00. Premier Mbazima Shilowa
will address attendees, and the media has been invited to attend.
For further information about this event, contact Bongi Mdletshe on 011 355
8346/8117. And in the words of the legendary Bob Marley, learn to stand up for
your rights!
Every relationship faces challenges and hard times, but many people find
themselves unable to deal with these effectively when they come up. Almost
inevitably, they find themselves weighed down by myths and misconceptions about
what a good relationship should be, and end up not being able to see the wood for
the trees. It is for this reason that small conflicts often escalate out of control, and
large ones threaten the very foundations of a marriage or partnership.
This is where relationship rescue comes in, a concept outlined in a book of
the same title by TV’s popular psychologist, Dr Phil Mr Graw.
In his no-nonsense way, Dr Phil argues firstly that individuals must re-
connect with themselves before trying to heal or reclaim a relationship and,
secondly, that it is time to clear up mistaken beliefs about what it is that makes a
relationship successful.
In his number one bestseller, he begins by exploding ten myths about
relationships that can sabotage even the healthiest:
Myth One: A great relationship depends of a great meeting of minds
Myth Two: A great relationship demands great romance
Myth Three: A great relationship requires great problem-solving
Myth Four: A great relationship requires common interests that bond you together
Myth Five: A great relationship is a peaceful one
Myth Six: A great relationship lets you vent all your feelings
Myth Seven: A great relationship has nothing to do with sex
Myth Eight: A great relationship cannot survive a flawed partner
Myth Nine: There is a right way and a wrong way to make your relationship great
Myth Ten: Your relationship can only become great when you get your partner
straightened out.
Every financial guru will tell you that there are three pillars of personal wealth -
owning your own property, owning your own business and owning a good portfolio
of investments. These are also the three pillars of something perhaps less tangible
but equally as important, independence.
“Entrepreneurs are strongly motivated by the independence that owning a
small or medium enterprise offers,” says Jo’ Schwenke, Managing Director of
Business Partners, South Africa’s leading investment company for small and medium
enterprises. “Together with the opportunity to build wealth through their own
efforts, this is the most important factor sited for going into business.”
And never before has it been easier to start or expand an independent
enterprise. Investment financing is more readily available for qualifying
entrepreneurs than it has ever been, as is access to specialist and added-value
support services.
“Entrepreneurs need a full-service solution from their investment provider,”
says Schwenke, “someone who can guide them as well as invest in them - and
we’re passionate about just that.”
Business Partners has been investing in entrepreneurs for 25 years and has
not only an in-depth understanding of what entrepreneurs need, but also of the
As many new matriculants weigh up their tertiary education options, the question of
whether business colleges provide solid training for a good career is again coming to
the fore. There are, of course, the good, the bad and the ugly, and potential
students need to be careful in making their choice.
If, however, they take the time to choose an established college with a good
curriculum and a track record of success, tertiary courses offered through these
institutions can open many doors.
Franchised colleges, especially, present a wide range of courses, have
experienced teaching staff and provide curricula that have had to meet national
education criteria. In many cases, they are also affiliated to universities and
professional organisations, which ensure that stringent quality controls are in place.
Boston City Campus, for instance, is affiliated to UNISA and the UNISA Centre
for Business Management, is a Microsoft Accredited Training Provider, and is certified
by both the Association of Chartered Accountants and the Financial Management
Institute of Southern Africa, amongst others.
The franchise now has 40 colleges across the country and caters to 20,000
students, offering over 100 different career paths. Amongst these are a number of
UNISA undergraduate and Honours degrees, as well as courses in sectors as diverse
as tourism, hospitality, business management, marketing and sales, information
technology and sports management.
Epidemics like HIV/AIDS and TB rightfully receive a lot of attention and publicity,
but there is one epidemic that sadly remains largely hidden, that of depression. This
is mainly due to lack of understanding about the disorder, the social stigma still
attached to it, and the wide-spread belief that it is a personal weakness rather than
a clinical condition.
Nothing could be further from the truth. In the US, approximately 18,8
million people suffer from some form of depression in any given year, 9,5% of the
population. More generally, it is estimated that about 15% of the population in all
developed countries suffers from depression, way in excess of those suffering from
more high-profile illnesses.
While statistics are harder to come by in South Africa, the nation’s suicide
rate – a general barometer of depression frequency – is extremely high. On
average, 22 people take their lives in this country every day, and a recent survey
revealed that one in five teens thinks about harming themselves physically or
committing suicide. Depression is also particularly high amongst those living with
HIV/AIDS (adding to an already heavy psychological burden), and is frequently
diagnosed amongst the elderly as well.
The United Nations has identified that, by 2020, depression will be one of the
greatest problems and killers of our time. This is because depressed people not only
take their own lives, but are more susceptible to a wide range of illnesses than their
non-depressed counterparts. A 1998 study by the Institute of Mental Health in the
US, for instance, revealed that depressed people are four times more likely to suffer
a heart attack that the general population, and are then at greater risk of a second
If you or anyone close to you has been suffering from several of the symptoms
mentioned above for more than two weeks, it is important to seek medical
attention. The treatment for depression should be tailored to meet the needs of the
individual, and may include such elements as medication, psychotherapy,
adjustments to diet, lifestyle changes and a regular programme of exercise.
For further information, contact the South African Depression and Anxiety Group
(SADAG) on 011 783 1474 or visit the group’s web site at SADAG
also runs a suicide help line, which can be reached by dialling 0800 567 567.
Easter comes early this year, and which of us isn’t looking forward to a welcome
break at the end of March? As the days will probably still be mild, this is a great
time for relaxed outdoor get-togethers, easy-going décor, and fun Easter egg hunts
for the kids.
The focus this Easter is on fresh combinations of whites and brights, so get
creative with your table settings and décor.
Start off with a white cloth for your patio table (there are some great ones
available at Woolworths). Liven it up with a red, yellow or orange runner and
contrasting napkins, and add interest with a centrepiece made of a big goldfish bowl
filled with brightly-wrapped Easter eggs.
Then add your own touch – pop red Easter eggs into wine glasses and put
them at each place setting, jazz up your chairs with fun red and orange cushions
from Mr Price Home, scatter jelly beans on the runner, or add small arrangements of
late summer flowers in glass vases.
4 Tablespoons Butter
4 Cups White Marshmallows
5 Cups Rice Krispies
½ Cup Desiccated Coconut (Tinted with a few drops of green food colouring)
Miniature Marshmallows, Jelly Beans, Chocolate Eggs, or other small sweets
How To:
½ Cup Butter
1 ½ Cups Brown Sugar
1 Egg
1 ½ Cups Flour
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
1 Cup Chopped Pecans
How To:
Everyone looks forward to Christmas and Easter, to a welcome break from work, the
chance to spend time with friends and family, and the prospect of having some fun.
Sadly, it is also over these two holidays that the most fatalities occur on South
African roads. So if you are planning to be on the road this Easter, take special care
– not only does your life depend on it, but so do the lives of your loved ones and
those of other road users.
Now that Community Talk is available in the larger metropolitan areas across the
country, we’ve compiled a list of some interesting things to do this Easter, wherever
you are:
The Wizard of Oz
A play for kids of all ages
3 March – 19 April
People’s Theatre
Civic Theatre Complex
Two shows daily; ticket prices vary
Call: 011 403 2340
Web Site: