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Saudi License Exam - SLE (DENTAL Test Papers) Set-1
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Saudi License Exam (DENTAL Test Papers) SET-1
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SLE dodithes IGaaS) dies) cba { $, e yt gee xo te pee He orex. rose} gery 6 fmaerine) AVE - Bereta! cal Xoo oe oO Go - Bf ‘ G2) CH Becla si ef 7 D-~ pow hh th Glow, a SRNR TESS fs gee a d tu Ive ate A- Larch fhe Canals, 7 NO 4 B. flushes Tey ceprel sre aie 7 0 K- Heal Dp ron fr der GS Au at The aloe, GT erin suf Teele voles th Aral imeweeg: Te @ win & C- D- &- & An anteva tate WL atietn- ah mese) md distor oe alse Enelm Patel a ayeuh tobe est Wek - rors pat ok Come : psy, wike one Cone B- pee hry 7 " a a ee cc ~ ~ AYSe Pla. eat ~Y PERIO: Orne periodontal tissues comprise which of the following tissues: C®Scingiva and the PDL. - Gingival, PDL, and alveolar bone. QQ Gingivai, PDL, alveolar bone, and cementum. —_— ‘ y ‘\- Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, cementum, and eer enamel. 2; Which of the following may cause gingival enlargemen ——e Toe PR i 2 @ Phenyntoin (Dilantin ie a > My &- Cyclosporine —-——~ a C~ Nifedipine (a calcium channel blocker), —— >« Asprin ~, £&- None of the above . \2! The functions of periodontal ligament include: A- Mechanical function &.- Formative function Cc. Sensory function / -, ©) stvotthe above Periodontally involved root surface must be root planned to: o.a. Remove the attached plaque and calculus b. Remove— necrotic cementum c. Change the root surface so it ~*~ becomes biocompatible )All of the above are correct e. A & Bare correct An 18 years old patient presents complaining of pain, bad breath and bleeding gingival. This began over the weekend while studying for final examination. The patient may have which of the following conditions: Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis b. Rapidly ~~ progressive periodontitis c. Desquamative gingivitis, d. Acute periodontal cyst. Ewrnien of the following statement is true regarding dental caleulus: a. It is composed entirely of inorganic materia it is dens in nature and has a reugh surface, @it is ae mineralized dental plaque. d. All of the abo &C only. f. None of the above. verhanging restoration margin should be removed _ Because; a. It i provides ideal location for plaque accumulation. b. It tears the gingival fibers leading to attachment level. c. “S It stimulates inflammatory reaction directly. d, Its a removal permits more. effective plaque contr A &D. reatment of gingival trauma from faulty oral iene is mainly: Gar 0 achieve the cpeens to change their faulty habits Z (>) : Og *immediately. b. Reassure the patients that it will disappear by it self. c. To buy a new toothbrush. RESTO: ‘he following che: tothe tooth: at 1. Composite resin. —> ayn Ke 2. Dental sealants.» << - * Qs ioomecsaest) > eres ee b. Resin systems with fluoride containing glasses c. Composite resin for cervical restorations only CGBaiinicat failure of the amalgam restoration usually occurs from: a. Improper cavity preparation G = // } b. Faulty manipulation Yo ‘ ©porn ofthe above | 4<7%~ d. None of the above ag glossy fish i is best retained on a: a a ee osite resin restoration. / a 1, b. Macrofilled resin restoration. Ne c. Hybrid composite resin restoration. : is nae Roi,d. Fiber re -inforced composite resin restoration @ class IV composite resin restoration should be inished with a: a. No. 330 Tungsten carbide bur. x b. Mounted stone. x ere ‘@ ‘Coarse diamond point (stone). Briek functions of cement bases are: are: 1-To act alike a barrier against acids or thermal I shocks..-~ 2-The minimal at iene which i is 5 required, is. 0.5 mm of base, 4 ay et Q 1 ana , + b. None of the above. 2 d. 2 only, N\ 5 % it has been. proven that amalgam restoration has the. following characteristics: =~ - Micro leakage decrease with aging of the amalgam restoration. ee Biri is the least techniques sensitive of all current direct ‘Testorations. =~ 3-High dimensional changes. a. 1,2 and 3.b. 1 and 3. _— EL and 2.> a ao d,/2 only. When polishing the amalgam restoration: 1-Avoid heat generation by using wet polishing paste. 2- wait 24 hours. —~__ t tooth colored restoration. "~~ 2-It can be used as permanent filling. X 3-It contains 15 % fluorides a. 1, 2 and 3. b. 1 and 2. oe wr a @1 and > i Peers d. 1 only. Se Community Dentistry: Gt In countries with higher annual 0 Yates, the need for com programs would be greater. forb. Periodontal disease. c. Dentofacial anomalies. d. Dental floozies. (Gypena caries is an endemi is disease “ means that the isease a. Occurs clearly in excess of normal expectancy @) Is habitually present in human populations -—~ eee Se Affects a large number of countries simultaneously ae * d. Exhibits a seasonal pattern os ae 7 Reliability of the measurements reflects that property of the measurements which : a. Measures what is intended to be measured Produces repeatedly the-same results under a variety ? “af conditions Lo ot coneitions c. Detects reasonably small shifts, I either direction, in group condition d. All of the above (2 ecent years , there has been an evidence that the Prevalence And intensity of the caries attack has been “diminishing in the more economically.developed countries, mainly because of the wide spread use of : ee a. Artificial. _water fluoridation —_ b. Fluoride toothpasteDental ana educatio rograms & atiog agra Sd gay An terms of caries prevention, the most effective method and the most cost-effective method is : ~ (a) Community-based programs) Sore (Community-based programs" b. Privately based programs c. Individually based programs CB PEpidemiotogist can be defined as : a. A study of superficial areas of the skin. me study of the distribution and determinants of jiseases in man— ———————— c. Study of biological animals meer cece eee d. Study of diseases in a research laboratory TéThe effects of natural fluoride versus added fluoride in reducing dental caries as it relates to the concentration are: ). Greater iy - _— 2b. Less * c. The same ae : a. Is a transmissible disease k-~ 7] b. Is world wide in distribution but uneven in intensity woc. Can be prevented 7 2 (Danoriestwre 7? e. None of the above. "(ORAL MEDICINE: GYhe following medical conditions may precipitate a syncope : (pypogiycemia. te een 2-Mild hyperglycemia. 3-Auti hypertensive drugs with ganglionic blocking agent. 4-Antidepressant therapy. mo only is correct, eo et © bp. 1&2 are correct. ~~ ee c. 2,3 &4 are correct. . 4. 1,2,3, &4 are correct. One of the main features of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is that the ulcers are confined to the attached gingival and hard palate : \p. False adiographic diagnosis of bilateral-expansile radio opaque areas in the canines-premolar region of the mandible is :a. Hematoma . b. Remaining roots . “(9 Tours mandibularis. at 7 (@ Internal oblique ridge . “\” ¢, Genial tubercle. rien of the following lesions has more tendency to Show well-defined maltilocular radiofucency 7 a. Lateral periodontal cyst. 7 b. Squamus cell carcinoma of the jawbones . <> ¢. Primordial cyst. § ACxweloblasioma—y | “a e. Osteomilitis of the mandible. &5yEarly squamus cell carcinoma of the oral cavity usually presents as : a. Vesicle. & sessile mass, Gp Ared plaque. | Gaiters ay ‘_ e, A white cauliflower —like growth. irm-fixed neck nodes are most apt to be detected in ‘association with : a. An Ameloblastoma.b. A basal cell carcinoma . a - c. An odontogeneic fibroma. a i ' REMOVABLE PROSTH.: = Or ridge relation ship (class II) present everal problems, which should be taken into consideration when constructing a complete denture prosthesis . these include all EXECPT : ~~ @Reguire minimum interocclusal distance’ ? b. Have great range of jaw movement in function c. Require careful occlusion , usually cuspless teeth are -—~ indicated Nausia is a complaint that a new denture wearer might encounter . it may result from : B Thick posterior border — 2» 2 b. Denture underextended * } advisable to have : vA ( 1-2 mm of vertical and horizontal overlap of upper , W “and lower anterior teeth with no contact ae ? b. Definite tooth contact of upper and lower anterior teeth in order to facilitate “— \c. The use of anterior teeth for incision @n« distal palatal termination of the maxillary ““omplete denture base is dictated by the : a. Tuberosity b, Fovea palatinae c. Maxillary tori i > @vibrating tine a e. Posterior palatal seal ] 'o a great extent, the forces occurring through a removable partial denture can be widely distributed and imized by the following methods : ta Developing balanced occlusion:— of the above ——~ a ea /An examination of the edentulous mouth of an aged patient who has worn maxillary complete dentures for many years against six mandibular anterior teeth would probably show : a, Cystic degeneration of the foramina of the anterior palatine nerve Loss of osseous structure in the anterior maxillary arch c. Flabby ridge tissue in the‘posterior maxillary arch ee “y ) beSLE date alos) Woul 4 olen Is> one eh BEE ims 2 cAlc/Aanar Training Center Gier = foe wes] wn ir 1S pee Slew] be 2 yer Gld cut present with Bile s Ate Se? mols low| year oi p sid gid 2 B-—--Clrere ends hfe nthe Cpr diets n eee Bm iil Hemel Cipher tudes Fh Gatch wile teh Te the Peviochmtal Loamet. Lio =“Whee Is the Raat out Good Luck PERIO: eee The periodontal tissues comprise which of the following tissues: Gingiva and the PDL. Gingival, PDL, and alveolar bone. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, and cementum. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, cementum, and enamel. Which of the following may cause gingival enlargement: -Phenyntoin (Dilantin) Cyclosporine Nifedipine (a calcium channel blocker) Asprin None of the above The functions of periodontal ligament include: Mechanical function Formative function Sensory function AAI of the above Periodontally involved root surface must be root planned to:c. The use of anterior teeth for incision aN 4,The distal palatal termination of the maxillary Gomplete denture base is dictated by the : a. Tuberosity b. Fovea palatinae ce. Maxillary tori Z : ? @ Vibrating line a : aa Posterior palatal seal © /To a great extent , the forces occurring through a removable partial denture can be widely distributed and minimized by the following methods : H Prop Proper location of occlusal rests YS 1 _ b, Selection of lingual bar major connector’ — e / . DB Developing balanced occlusion:—_ Be = iC@)AII of the above ~~ 3? Gre examination of the edentulous mouth of an fer patient who has worn maxillary complete dentures for many years against six mandibular anterior teeth would probably show : . a. Cystic degeneration of the foramina of the anterior palatine nerve Loss of osseous structure in the anterior maxillary q arch Ve c. Flabby ridge tissue in the'posterior maxillary arch dh?a. Remove the attached plaque and calculus b. Remove necrotic cementum c. Change the root surface so it becomes biocompatible'é All of the above are correct e. A & Bare correct An 18 years old patient presents complaining of pain, bad breath and bleeding gingival. This began over the weekend while studying for final examination. The patient may have which of the following conditions: @acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis b. Rapidly progressive periodontitis c. Desquamative gingivitis. d. Acute periodontal cyst. Which of the following statement is true regarding dental calculus: a. It is composed entirely of inorganic material. b. It is dens in nature and has a rough surfacede, It is mineralized dental plaque. d. All of the above. e. B & C only. f. None of the above. Overhanging restoration margin should be removed because: a. It provides ideal location for plaque accumulation. b. It tears the gingival fibers leading to attachment level. c. It stimulates inflammatory reaction directly. d. Its removal permits more effective plaque control@)A &D. Treatment of gingival trauma from faulty oral hygiene is mainly: { @)To achieve the patients to change their faulty habits @immediately. b. Reassure the patients that it will disappear by it self. c. To buy a new toothbrush. RESTO: 1, The following chemically bond to the tooth: 1. Composite resin, 2. Dental sealants, @ Glass ionomer cement, 4, All of the above. (2compomer restorative materials are: Gy Glass ionomer with polymer components b. Resin systems with fluoride containing glasses ce, Composite resin for cervical restorations only 3. Clinical failure of the amalgam restoration usually occurs from: a. Improper cavity preparation b. Faulty manipulation & Both of the above d. None of the above . 4, A glossy finish is best retained on a: Micro filled composite resin restoration. b, Macrofilled resin restoration. c. Hybrid composite resin restoration.d. Fiber re -inforced composite resin restoration GA class IV composite resin restoration should be finished with a: a. No. 330 Tungsten carbide bur, b. Moynted stone, ‘12- fluted carbide bur. d. Coarse diamond point (stone), 6. The functions of cement bases are: 1-To act alike a barrier against acids or thermal shocks, 2-The minimal thickness, which is required, is 0.5 mm of base. a, 1 and 2, b. None of the above. (St only, d, 2 only, 7. It has been proven that amalgam restoration has the following characteristics: 1- Micro leakage decrease with aging of the amalgam restoration. 2- it is the least techniques sensitive of all current direct restorations. 3-High dimensional changes. a. 1,2 and 3,b. land 3. ec. Land 2. (a2 only, When polishing the amalgam restoration: 1-Avoid heat generation by using wet polishing paste. 2- wait 24 hours. G. Land 2. b. 2 only. ¢. 1 only. @. Siticate cement: 1-First tooth colored restoration. 2-It can be used as permanent filling. 3-It contains 15 % fluoride, a. 1,2 and 3, b. 1 and 2. oo land 3, d. 1 only. Community Dentistry: 1. In countries with higher annual pepulation growth rates, the need for community-based preventive programs would be greater for : @ Dental caries. Sb. Periodontal disease. ¢. Dentofacial anomalies. d. Dental floozies, eo caries is an endemic disease “ means that the jisease : a. Occurs clearly in excess of normal expectancy ‘b- Is habitually present in human populations ¢. Affects a large number of countries simultaneously d. Exhibits a seasonal pattern 3. Reliability of the measurements reflects that property of the measurements which : a. Measures what is intended to be measured AG Produces repeatedly the same results under a variety L/ “of conditions ¢, Detects reasonably small shifts, I either direction, in group condition d. All of the above 4. Recent years , there has been an evidence that the prevalence And intensity of the caries attack has been diminishing in the more economically developed countries, mainly because of the wide spread use of : a. Artificial water fluoridation b, Fluoride toothpastec. Dental health education programs (dave <5. In terms of caries prevention, the most effective method and the most cost-effective method is : (4 Community-based programs b. Privately based programs ¢. Individually based programs 6. Epidemiologist can be defined as : a. A study of superficial areas of the skin. ‘b. The study of the distribution and determinants of diseases in man c. Study of biological animals Study of diseases in a research laboratory 7y/Zhe effects of natural fluoride versus added fluoride in reducing dental caries as it relates to the concentration are : c. The same 8. Dental caries : a. Is a transmissible disease b. Is world wide in distribution but uneven in intensityce. Can be prevented d.Alll of the above. e.None of the above. RAL MEDICINE : (- _}¢ The following medical conditions may precipitate a “syncope : 1-Hypoglycemia. 2-Mild hyperglycemia. 3-Anti hypertensive drugs with ganglionic blocking agent. 4-Antidepressant therapy. only is correct. b. 1 &2 are correct. c. 2,3 &4 are correct. d. 1,2,3, &4 are correct. 2. One of the main features of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is that the ulcers are confined to the attached gingival and hard palate : a. True Ke, False 3. Radiographic diagnosis of bilateral expansile radio opaque areas in the canines-premolar region of the mandible is :a. Hematoma. b. Remaining roots . (GTours mandibularis. ‘ Internal oblique ridge . e. Genial tubercle. 4. Which of the following lesions has more tendency to show well-defined multilocular radiolucency ? a. Lateral periodontal cyst. b. Squamus cell carcinoma of the jawbones . o Primordial cyst. ‘@Ameloblastoma. e. Osteomilitis of the mandible. (ary squamus cell carcinoma of the oral cavity nsually presents as : a. Vesicle. A sessile mass. c. A red plaque. An ulcer. e. A white cauliflower —like growth. (6 rm-aeg neck nodes are most apt to be detected in sociation with ; a. An Ameloblastoma.b. A basal cell carcinoma . c. An odontogeneic fibroma. : aA squamus cell carcinoma. ” REMOVABLE PROSTHL.: (1. Orthognathic ridge relation ship (class II) present “several problems, which should be taken into consideration when constructing a complete denture prosthesis . these include all EXECPT : Ca, Require minimum interocclusal distance b. Have great range of jaw movement in function c. Require careful occlusion , usually cuspless teeth are indicated 2. Nausia is a complaint that a new denture wearer might encounter . it may result from : “Thick posterior border ; dn b. Denture underextended yoy Pow c. Denture slightly overextended e dS& (b) are correct “A> 3. Planning centric occlusion for complete denture . it is visable to have : 1-2 mm of vertical and horizontal overlap of upper and lower anterior teeth with no contact b. Definite tooth contact of upper and lower anterior teeth in order to facilitatec. The use of anterior teeth for incision 4. The distal palatal termination of the maxillary complete denture base is dictated by the: a. Tuberosity b. Fovea palatinae ¢. Maxillary tori /4;Vibrating line FexPosterior palatal seal 5. To a great extent , the forces occurring through a removable partial denture can be widely distributed and minimized by the following methods : a. Proper location of occlusal rests b. Selection of lingual bar major connector ) c. Developing balanced occlusion | a All of the above [| 6. An examination of the edentulous mouth of an aged patient who has worn maxillary complete dentures for Many years against six mandibular anterior teeth would { probably show : Cystic degeneration of the foramina of the anterior palatine nerve Ses of osseous structure in the anterior maxillary y arch ¢. Flabby ridge tissue in the posterior maxillary archd. Insufficient inter occlusal distance 7. The posterior seal in upper complete denture serves the following functions: a. It reduces patient discomfort when contact occurs between the dorsum of the tongue and the posterior end of the denture base b. Retention of the maxillary denture c. It compensate for dimensional changes which occur in the acrylic denture base during processing ( “he (b) are correct “8, Dentures : a. Should be started immediately in order to prevent further deterioration @ The occlusion of the existing denture is adjusted, and issue conditioning material is applied, and periodically replaced replaced until the tissue are recovered, then making impression takes place c. The patient is cautioned against removing the denture out at night d. & (b) are correct e. All of the above are correct 9. Balance occlusion refers to : a. The type of occlusion, which allows simultaneous contact of the teeth in centric occlusion only. The type of occlusion, which allows simultaneous intact of the teeth in centric and eccentric jaw positions Ke, A type of occlusion which is similar to the occlusion of “the natural teeth Cea \_ 10. Indications for the use of linguoplate include : a. For the purpose of retention b, When the lingual frenum is high or when there is shallow lingual sulcus © prevent the movement of mandibular anterior eeth 4, All of the above (AL, In registering the vertical dimension of occlusion for ‘he edentulous patient. The physiological rest dimension: a, Equals the vertical dimension of occlusion b, May be exceeded if the appearance of the patient is enhanced ¢. Is of little importance as it is subject to variations ~~ Mone - a . Ca, Must always be tegether than vertical dimension of occlusion 12, Three weeks after delivery of a unilateral distance extension mandibular removable partial denture, a patient complains of a sensitive abutment tooth. Clinical examination reveals sensitivity to percussion of thetooth, The most likely cause is ; Defective occlusion b. Exposed dentin at the bottom of the occlusal rest seat ¢. Galvanic action between the framework and an amalgam restoration in the tooth FIXED PROSTH. : 5, The most frequent cause of failure of a cast crown restoration is : Failure to extend the crown preparation adequately into the gingival sulcus Lack of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth Lack of attention to tooth shape, position, and contacts WO e. Lack of prominent cusps, deep sulci and marginal ridges 6, Polyether impression materials: f. Are less stable dimensionally than poly sulfide rubber g. Are less stable stiff than polysulfide rubber _-7an absorb water and swell if stored in water 7. An anterior fixed partial denture is contraindicated when: h, Abutment teeth are no carious i. An abutment tooth is inclined 15 but is otherwisesound j_ There is considerable resorption of the residual ridge k. Crowns of the abutment teeth are extremely long owing to gingival recession 8. The most accurate impression material for making the impression of an onlay cavity is: 1. Impression compound. m., Condensation type silicones. (a, Polyvinyl siloxane. o. Polysulfides. 9. To enhance strength properties of ceramo metal restoration, it is important to : paved sharp or acute angles in the metal substructure . Build up thick layer of porcelain.. a _Porcelain should be of uniform thickness and any defect / of the preparation should be compensated by the metal substructure. Compensate any defect in the preparation equally by Porcelain and the metal substructure. p. 1 and 2 are correct. @} and 3 are correct r.2 and 4 are correctS. ORAL SURGERY: 10. Patients on treatment with steroids are placed on antibiotics after oral surgical procedures because : Com he patient is more susceptible to infection u. Antibiotics are synergistic to steroids y. Antibiotics inhibits Herksheimer reaction w. Antibiotics protect the patient from steroid depletion xX 11. The postoperative complication after removal of third molar impaction is : y. Secondary hemorrhage z. Swelling aa. Pain bb. Alveolar osteitis C& All of the above dd. 12, Radiographic examination in impacted teeth is useful to demonstrate: ee, Proximity of roots to adjacent anatomical structures ff. Shape of roots of impacted tooth : gg. Associated pathologyhh. B&C Ci, Hof the above PEDO.: 13. Band and loop space maintainers is most suitable for the maintenance of space after premature loss of : Cia single primary molar Two primary molars ll. A canine and a lateral incisor mm, All of the above 14, Pit and fissure sealant are indicted to prevent dental caries in pits and fissures : a. In primary teeth b. In permanent teeth (CA&B 15. Teeth that have past pits and fissure sealant show : Q’The same susceptibility to caries as teeth that have not been sealed b. Higher susceptibility than non-sealed teeth c. Lower susceptibility than non-sealed teeth d. The same susceptibility e, As teeth with fully retained sealantSLE dodibes (gan5) ALin| cle\s. Be /\ ; a vere wb N cAle/Manar Training Center gies : I bunts viln if iS weed Sheol be + i Pt ka eo eee rele Berek ay th appear een: Vits 7s the Raat out Grad Luck PERIO: arena The periodontal tissues comprise which of the following tissues: Gingiva and the PDL. Gingival, PDL, and alveolar bone. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, and cementum. Gingival, PDL, alveolar bone, cementum, and enamel. Which of the following may cause gingival enlargement: Phenyntoin (Dilantin) Cyclosporine Nifedipine (a catcium channel blocker) Asprin None of the above The functions of periodontal ligament include: Mechanical function Formative function Sensory function All of the above Periodontally involved root surface must be root planned to:
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