Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is caused by blood group incompatibility between mother and fetus, where the mother's antibodies cross the placenta and destroy the fetus's red blood cells. The most common causes of HDN are ABO and Rh incompatibility. HDN is diagnosed through examination of the newborn, maternal, and cord blood. Treatment depends on severity and may include blood transfusions, exchange transfusions, or phototherapy. With appropriate treatment, the prognosis for HDN is generally good.
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is caused by blood group incompatibility between mother and fetus, where the mother's antibodies cross the placenta and destroy the fetus's red blood cells. The most common causes of HDN are ABO and Rh incompatibility. HDN is diagnosed through examination of the newborn, maternal, and cord blood. Treatment depends on severity and may include blood transfusions, exchange transfusions, or phototherapy. With appropriate treatment, the prognosis for HDN is generally good.
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is caused by blood group incompatibility between mother and fetus, where the mother's antibodies cross the placenta and destroy the fetus's red blood cells. The most common causes of HDN are ABO and Rh incompatibility. HDN is diagnosed through examination of the newborn, maternal, and cord blood. Treatment depends on severity and may include blood transfusions, exchange transfusions, or phototherapy. With appropriate treatment, the prognosis for HDN is generally good.
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is caused by blood group incompatibility between mother and fetus, where the mother's antibodies cross the placenta and destroy the fetus's red blood cells. The most common causes of HDN are ABO and Rh incompatibility. HDN is diagnosed through examination of the newborn, maternal, and cord blood. Treatment depends on severity and may include blood transfusions, exchange transfusions, or phototherapy. With appropriate treatment, the prognosis for HDN is generally good.
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dr. Sumadiono, Sp.A
Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) = blood group incompatibility between mother and fetus = specific maternal antibody cross the placenta entering the fetus circulation destroy red blood cells.
Notes : : Penyakit perdarahan pada perinatal (bayi baru lahir) adalah inkompatibilitas antara golongan darah ibu dan fetus ; antibodi spesifik ibu melintasi plasenta masuk ke sirkulasi fetus menghancurkan sel darah merah
PATHOGENESIS The most common antibody group causes HDN are ABO and Rh The immunoglobulin type is IgG
April 28, 2006 4 maternal RBC maternal RBC Rh D Ag + Rh D Ag + fetal RBC fetal RBC Rh D Ag Rh D Ag - - placenta placenta Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 o o to Rh incompatibility to Rh incompatibility
April 28, 2006 5 maternal RBC maternal RBC Rh D Ag + Rh D Ag + fetal RBC fetal RBC Rh D Ag Rh D Ag - - placenta placenta Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 o o to Rh incompatibility to Rh incompatibility
April 28, 2006 6 maternal RBC maternal RBC Rh D Ag + Rh D Ag + fetal RBC fetal RBC Rh D Ag Rh D Ag - - placenta placenta Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 o o to Rh incompatibility to Rh incompatibility
April 28, 2006 7 maternal RBC maternal RBC Rh D Ag + Rh D Ag + fetal RBC fetal RBC Rh D Ag Rh D Ag - - placenta placenta Y YY Y Y YY Y anti anti - - D Ab D Ab Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 o o to Rh incompatibility to Rh incompatibility
iU_61 April 28, 2006 8 maternal RBC maternal RBC Rh D Ag + Rh D Ag + fetal RBC fetal RBC Rh D Ag Rh D Ag - - placenta placenta Y YY Y Y YY Y Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 o o to Rh incompatibility to Rh incompatibility
April 28, 2006 9 maternal RBC maternal RBC Rh D Ag + Rh D Ag + fetal RBC fetal RBC Rh D Ag Rh D Ag - - placenta placenta Y YY Y Y YY Y Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 o o to Rh incompatibility to Rh incompatibility
April 28, 2006 10 maternal RBC maternal RBC Rh D Ag + Rh D Ag + fetal RBC fetal RBC Rh D Ag Rh D Ag - - placenta placenta Y Y Y Y Y Y Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 o o to Rh incompatibility to Rh incompatibility
April 28, 2006 11 maternal RBC maternal RBC Rh D Ag + Rh D Ag + fetal RBC fetal RBC Rh D Ag Rh D Ag - - placenta placenta Y Y Y Y Y Y spleen spleen Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 Hemolytic disease of newborn 2 o o to Rh incompatibility to Rh incompatibility
Notes : : Tanda-tanda HDN antara lain ada biru-biru di kulit, ikterus, perdarahan.kalo ada kasus HDN wajib ditanyakan anak ke berapa karena kalo anak pertama InsyaAllah bisa lahir normal karena ibu belum memproduksi antibodi sedangkan pada anak ke-2 Ab akan nempel pada permukaan sel darah merah fetus sel-sel ini merupakan sel- sel bermasalah alias abnormal sehingga dikirim ke fetus untuk dihancurkan
Notes : faktor resiko antara lain adalah transfusi pada ibu sebelumnya, ada riwayat aborsi, amniocentesis, sampling yang diambil dari villus chorion, atau manipulasi obstetrik trus juga bahaya kalo ibu Rh anak Rh +
CLINICAL MANIFESTATION SEVERE : 20-25 % MILD : 25-30 % STABLE CONDITION : 40 % Jaundice : in first 24 hour of life Anemia : mild, moderate, severe Hyperbilirubinemia : transient - persistent Hepatospleenomegaly
Notes : bentuk yg terbanyak dijumpai adalah pada tipe ketiga yaitu kondisi yang stabil, maksudnya sudah tidak bisa berkembang lebih parah lagi maupun membaik.. gejala klinisnya mungkin bisa kuning di 24 jam pertama kehidupan, anemia dari ringan hingga berat, hiperbilirubinemia yang sementara hingga menetap, dan bisa juga ditemui hepatosplenomegali
Notes : bentuk berat dari kelainan ini adalah lahir mati, hidrops fetalis, jaundice yang progresif (2-4 hari) karena anemia hemolitik jaundice fisiologis terjadi dengan tenggang waktu 3-14 hari (DD = sepsis, HDN), menolak untuk menghisap (netek kaleee), letargi, kegagalan dalam bernapas, kerusakan saraf KERN icterus. Sepsis ada 2 jenis yaitu early sepsis (baru lahir langsung nangis tapi lemah, netek ogah-ogahan) dan late sepsis. Sucking adalah salah satu refleks pada newborn yang biasa disebut Rooting refleks. Di samping itu ada lagi jenis refleks yang disebut refleks Moro (primitif) yaitu ada kecenderungan ekstremitas untuk melakukan gerak fleksi (menekuk) jika diberi stimulasi, misal diberi sesuatu di telapak tangan refleks menggenggam, dll. Refleks ini biasanya akan menghilang setelah usia 3 5 bulan. Bahaya jika akral sudah dingin, lembab tanda syok.
DIAGNOSIS ANAMNESIS PHYSICAL EXAMINATION LABOARTORY FINDINGS HDN is usually, but not always, as severe or more severe than in previously affected siblings
Notes : jika seseorang yang saudara kandung tuanya ada yang mengalami HDN maka angka kemungkinan dia terkena HDN yg sama berat atau malah lebih berat menajdi lebih besar.
Laboratory investigation Direct and Indirect Antiglobulin test: The Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT) detects antibodies that have attached to RBCs in vivo. The Indirect Antiglobulin Test (IAT) detects free antibodies that are circulating in plasma.
Notes : tes antiglobulin langsung dan tidak langsung. Yang langsung (DAT) mendeteksi antibodi yang telah terikat pada sel darah merah secara in vivo. Sedangkan yang tidak langsung (IAT) mendeteksi antibodi bebas yang bersirkulasi dalam plasma.
In suspected cases, at delivery, cord blood is tested for : ABO and Rh (D) blood groups, Presence of maternal antibody on fetal RBCs by DAT, Hemoglobin level, Serum bilirubin
The blood film is examined for the presence and degree of spherocytes, polychromasia, and nucleated red blood cells.
Notes : pada kasus yang dicurigai pada kelahiran, darah cord (gak tau nie artinya apa di kamus malah artine kayu/tali..apa maksudnya si fetus yah???!!) diperiksa untuk mengetahui golongan darah sistem ABO maupun Rh (D), adanya antibody ibu pada eritrosit fetus dengan metode langsung (DAT), level hemoglobin, dan bilirubin dalam serum. Apusan darah diperiksa untuk membuktikan keberadaan dan derajat sferosit, polikromasia, dan eritrosit berinti (normoblas)
Maternal blood is tested for 1) ABO and Rh (D) blood groups 2) IAT for antibodies against fetal red blood cells, 3) Antibody titer, and 4) Kleihauer test, which detects and quantitates fetal RBCs in maternal circulation.
Notes : darah ibu diperiksa untuk mengklasifikasikan darahnya masuk golongan mana, metode tak langsung (IAT) untuk mendeteksi antibodi yang melawan eritrosit fetus, titer antibodi, tes Kleihauer yang berfungsi mendeteksi dan mengetahui jumlah eritrosit fetus yang masuk dalam sirkulasi sang ibu. Oh iyaCOOMBs test indirek dan direk juga bisa dilakukan untuk sarana diagnose looo
iU_61 Diagnostic findings in hemolytic disease of the newborn include positive DAT , presence of maternal antiD, or other anti-Rh antibody in fetal serum, and positive IAT for anti-C antibody.
Differential diagnosis The differential diagnosis includes other causes of atypical hydrops fetalis.
Prevention Routine antenatal maternal ABO and Rh D blood group and antibody testing at 12-16 weeks gestation. If antibody positive, repeat at intervals to monitor the antibody titre. If antibody negative, repeat at 28 weeks gestation.
Anti-D immune globulin prophylaxis 250 IU of anti-D immune globulin IM prior to delivery to Rh negative mother without antibodies. This will provide protection in case of inadvertent feto-maternal bleeding in utero, such as can occur following intrauterine manoeuvre, miscarriage, etc.
Following delivery, a standard dose of 500 IU antiD IM is administered to the mother within 72 hours, unless baby is known to be Rh D negative
Notes : maksudnya Ig anti-D ada antibodi yang memblokir ekspresi gen D. Regimen ini diberikan sebanyak 250 IU secara IM pada bayi yang lahir dari ibu Rh negatif tanpa antibodi. Hal ini akan memproteksi perdarahan di feto-maternal seperti yang terjadi pada gerakan intrauterin,keguguran,dll. Pada kelahiran berikutnya dosis standar anti-D IM sekitar 500 IU diberikan pada ibu setelah 72 jam, kecuali bayi diketahui mengalami defisisensi Rh D.
Treatment 1) Packed RBC transfusion for anemia (cord blood Hb < 14.0 g/dl). 2) Exchange transfusion with group specific Rh (D) negative blood. 3) Phototherapy
Prognosis Good, with appropriate treatment protocol
------------------------------------------------- Oh iya guyZ buat tambahan aja nih kemaren aku baca-baca toh ternyata yang namanya HDN selain H-nya berarti hemolitik juga berarti Hemorrhagic. Nah, kalo yang hemoragik ini biasanya terjadi perdarahan dalam kandungan si ibu entah karena sebab apa. Ntar kalean cari lagi yah(^^,)