Artropoda Beracun: Dr. ISTIANA, M.Kes Bagian/Lab. Parasitologi FK Unlam
Artropoda Beracun: Dr. ISTIANA, M.Kes Bagian/Lab. Parasitologi FK Unlam
Artropoda Beracun: Dr. ISTIANA, M.Kes Bagian/Lab. Parasitologi FK Unlam
dr. ISTIANA, M.Kes
Bagian/Lab. Parasitologi
Artropoda beracun
Anggota kelas Arachnida
Ciri khas kelas Arachnida :
- tubuh tdd kepala, thorax, abdomen
- 4 pasang kaki
- antena (-), sayap (-)
- sering dijumpai di tanah.
25 species whose venom is capable of
causing human death
The scorpion body is divided into
cephalothorax and abdomen
The cephalothorax (prosoma) is
covered dorsally by the carapace,
which bears the median and lateral
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Chelicerata
Class: Arachnida
Subclass: Dromopoda
Order: Scorpiones
C. L. Koch, 1837
Scorpion anatomy:
1 = Cephalothorax or Prosoma;
2 = Abdomen or Mesosoma;
3 = Tail or Metasoma;
4 = Claws or Pedipalps
5 = Legs;
6 = Mouth parts or Chelicerae;
7 = pincers or Chelae;
8 = Moveable claw or Tarsus;
9 = Fixed claw or Manus;
10 = Sting or Telson;
11 = Anus.
The abdomen (opisthosoma) is
subdivided into a broad anterior
mesosoma (preabdomen) and a
narrow taillike metasoma
A pair of venom glands is found in the
vesicle of the telson Each gland is
provided with an exit duct, and these
communicate to the exterior via two
minute, closely apposed apertures just
before the tip of the aculeus.
the secretory epithelial cells are of the
apocrine type, in that the contents of
the cells are discharged into the lumen
without destruction of the cells and the
same cell produces venom as long as
its nucleus is active and cytoplasm
found on all major land masses except
found in virtually every terrestrial
habitat, including high elevation
mountain-tops, caves and intertidal
Buthus in north africa
Centruroides in US and Meksico
Tityus in Trinidad and Brazil
Life cycle and
Lifespan 4 - 25 years
After copulation, female scorpion kill
male scorpion and eat that.
live in areas where the temperatures
range from 20 C to 37 C
They are nocturnal and fossorial
Scorpions exhibit photophobic
reproduction : >> sexually, but in
Hottentotta hottentotta, Liocheles
australasiae, Tityus columbianus,
Tityus metuendus, Tityus serrulatus,
Tityus stigmurus, Tityus trivittatus, and
Tityus urugayensis, reproduce through
parthenogenesis, a process in which
unfertilised eggs develop into living
Relationship with
All known scorpion species possess
venom and use it primarily to kill or
The venom is a mixture of compounds
(neurotoxins, enzyme inhibitors, etc.)
only 25 have venom that is dangerous
to humans; most of those belong to the
family Buthidae
The venom of C. sculpturatus contains
a peptide neurotoxin that opens Na
channels (b -toxin)
Other components in the venom inhibit
the deactivation of Na
-channels (a -
toxins) and thus have a similar clinical
Another component in the venom
(charybdotoxine) blocks K
The venom of Leiurus sp. includes
chlorotoxin, which specifically acts on
-channels. Chlorotoxin binds
specifically to receptors on cerebral
glioma cells
Scorpion venom also contains
serotonin, which contributes to local
pain. Serotonin might be responsible
for triggering uterine contractions and
causing miscarriages in women who
are in an early stage of pregnancy
when they are stung.
scorpion sting
immediate pain or burning, very little
swelling, sensitivity to touch, and a
numbness/tingling sensation.
malaise, sweating, heart palpitations,
rise in blood pressure, salivation,
nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
hyperacute (typically allergic) reactions
form of blurring of consciousness,
unconsciousness, convulsions, fall in
blood pressure, shock and death
First aid
First aid for scorpion stings is generally
symptomatic. It includes strong
analgesia, either systemic (opiates or
paracetamol) or locally applied (such
as a cold compress). Hypertensive
crises are treated with anxiolytics and
Wash the area of the scorpion sting
with soap and water.
Apply a cool compress on the area of
the scorpion sting. Ice (wrapped in a
washcloth or other suitable covering)
may be applied to the sting location for
10 minutes. Remove compress for 10
minutes and repeat as necessary.
If stung on a limb (arm or leg) elevate
the limb to heart level.
If severe symptoms are present (these
might include blurry vision, muscle
twitching, roving eye movements, or
other non-typical symptoms), need
medical intervention or antivenin.
Short chain scorpion toxins constitute
the largest group of potassium (K
channel blocking peptides; an
important physiological role of the
KCNA3 channel, also known as K
is to help maintain large electrical
gradients for the sustained transport of
ions such as Ca
that controls T
lymphocyte (T cell) proliferation.
Thus K
1.3 blockers could be potential
immunosuppressants for the treatment
of autoimmune disorders (such as
rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory
bowel disease and multiple sclerosis).
Have eight jointed legs
no wings, no antennae and only two
body sections: the thorax and the
spiders do a great deal of good for
environment, spiders are greatly
feared by most of the population.
Most spiders are killed only because
they scare people, not because they
are actually dangerous to humans
All spiders have some amount of
venom with varying degrees of
The venom will rapidly paralyze the
victim and aid in digestion. Fortunately,
most spiders are not dangerous to
humans because their fangs are either
too short or too fragile to penetrate
human skin.
Black widow spider
generally live in trash, closets, attics,
woodpiles, garages and other dark
found throughout California, especially
in the warmer regions such as the
Central Valley and Southern California.
Only the female spider is dangerous to
The black widow spider is a shiny, inky
black spider with a large round tail
segment (abdomen).
generally measures from one-half inch
to one inch in length. Red to orange-
colored markings, usually in the shape
of an hourglass, are found on the
underside of the belly.
Symptoms of bite
black widow spider bite gives the
appearance of a target, with a pale
area surrounded by a red ring.
Severe muscle pain and cramps : in
the first two hours.
Severe cramps are usually first felt in
the back, shoulders, abdomen and
Other symptoms : weakness,
sweating, headache, anxiety, itching,
nausea, vomiting, difficult breathing
and increased blood pressure.
Young children, the elderly and those
with high blood pressure are at highest
risk of developing symptoms from a
black widow spider bite.
venoms can include necrotic agents,
neurotoxins, and agents such as
All spiders are capable of producing
venom, with the exception of the
hackled orb-weavers, the
Holarchaeidae, and the primitive
Spider venoms work on one of two
fundamental principles; neurotoxic
(attacking the nervous system) or
necrotic (attacking tissues surrounding
the bite, and, in some cases, attacking
vital organs and systems).
Neurotoxic venom
Widow spider venom contains
components known as latrotoxins,
which cause the release of the
neurotransmitter acetylcholine,
stimulating muscle contractions and
causing painful abdominal cramps, as
well as interfering with respiration, and
causing other systemic effects.
The venom of Australasian funnel-web
spiders and mouse spiders works by
opening sodium channels, causing
excessive neural activity which
interferes with normal bodily function.
The venom of Brazilian wandering
spiders is also a potent neurotoxin,
which attacks multiple types of ion
In addition, the venom
contains high levels of serotonin,
making an envenomation by this
species particularly painful.
Necrotic venom
found in the family Sicariidae,
Have a known dermonecrotic agent
sphingomyelinase D
can produce symptoms ranging from
minor localized effects, to severe
dermonecrotic lesions, up to and
including severe systemic reactions
including renal failure, and in some
cases, death.
form a necrotising ulcer that destroys
soft tissue
The damaged tissue may become
systemic effects : nausea, vomiting,
fever, rashes, and muscle and joint
pain.hemolysis, thrombocytopenia,
and disseminated intravascular
Debilitated patients, the elderly, and
children susceptible to systemic
Deaths have been reported for both
the brown recluse and the related
South American species L. laeta and
L. intermedia.
Most spider bites are harmless, and
require no specific treatment.
Treatment of bites may depend on the
type of spider
bites by widow spiders, Australian
venomous funnel-web spiders,
Brazilian wandering spiders, in some
cases may develop into a medical
Treatment for non-poisonous spider
bites include washing the bite with
soap and water and ice to reduce
Analgesics and antihistamines may be
used, however antibiotics are not
recommended unless there is also a
bacterial infection present.
Ciri umum :
2 pasang sayap membaneus
pedicel (+)
ujung abdomen ratu & pekerja (+) alat
Apis mellipera
tubuh warna
kekuningan dgn
garis hitam
panjang 15-20 mm
koloni : ratu &
pekerja, > jantan
Pada gigitan : bengkak, eritema, gatal,
Multipel : menyebabkan syok
anafilaksis (gejala demam,
sesak napas, kejang, koma
dan meninggal)
Gigitan lebah madu
Komponen utama racun lebah adalah
melitin dan histamin (penyebab nyeri
dan gatal) dan protein biogenik lain
apitherapy, digunakan untuk
pengobatan artritis dan nyeri
Langkah awal : lepaskan sting dari
Pemberian antihistamin topikal,
kortikosteroid topikal dan antibiotik jika
ada infeksi sekunder
Syok anafilaksis : injeksi epinefrin
Semut api (family
Formicidae) :
spesies :
Solenopsis invicta
& S.richteri
venom : necrotizing
berisi komp.alkaloid
alergen : Sol i I, Sol
i II, - Sol i IV
Gigitan semut api
Gejala klinis ringan
: nyeri, gatal,
Gejala berat : mual,
muntah, demam,
dispneu, hipotensi,
Treatment & control
Remove stinger
Give : obat (epinefrin, AH)& torniquet
Control : insektisida