Cell Lesson 7th

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Cell lesson

For our cell unit you will researching a subject about cells and presenting your findings to
the class. Each pair of students will select a topic from the list and prepare a 10 minute
lesson on that topic. Your lesson should be interesting, so it holds the class’s attention. It
should use language that everyone can understand, or when presenting new vocabulary, it
is explained in a manner that others can understand.
-If you choose a person you should include information about what their discoveries
were, when they were discovered, what method they used to gather their information and
a way to remember what the person did.
-If you choose a cell part, you will need to include information about where it is, what
type or types of cell it is located in, what it does for the cell, how that helps your body,
and compare it to something familiar that would do the same type of job.
-If you choose a level of organization, you should include a definition of that level, and at
least six examples including pictures. 3 examples should be parts of animals, and 3
should be parts of plants.
All lessons should include at least three visuals, and three test questions with
answers.Your lesson can use any technique such as power point, video, poster, dramatic
preformance, comic life, etc. Make sure in your lesson you emphasize important points
so that students are able to take notes.
- Cell history
o Robert Hooke
o Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
o Schleiden
o Schwann
o Virchow
- Organelles
o Cell wall
o Cell membrane
o Nucleus
o Cytoplasm
o Chloroplast
o Vacuole
o Differences between plant and animal cells
- Levels of organization
o Cells
o Tissue
o Organ
o Organ system
o organism
Name__________________________ period _____

Category 10 8 5 3
Timing Presentation is 9-10 Presentation is Presentation Presentation is
minutes long. 8-9 minutes is 6-8 shorter than six
Presentation is done on long. minutes minutes. Or,
due date Presentation is long. Or, presentation is
done on due presentation two days late
date. is one day
Requirements -includes 3 or more Missing one Missing 2 Missing more
visuals requirement requirements than 2
-wording is requirements.
understandable to
-lesson thoroughly covers
-follows directions in

Appearance Presentation has good Presentation Presentation Presentation has

organization, is easy to has good has fair poor organization,
understand, and shows organization, organization, is messy, difficult
obvious effort and mostly is somewhat to understand,
attention to detail. understandable difficult to appears quickly
to students, understand, done.
good effort and appears
detail quickly
Accuracy Presentation facts are One inaccuracy two More than two
accurate, no spelling or spelling error inaccuracies inaccuracies
errors and/or and/or spelling
spelling errors
Partner My partner did their My partner did My partner My partner did
evaluation share of the work or most of their did some not help at all,
(student more than their share. share of the work, but was distracting, or
graded) work, but not not very disruptive to our
all of it. much, was project
or disruptive
to our
Total for /50
each category

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