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Shelach Summary Kamens 1
SHELACH PARSHAT HASHAVUA - SHELACH LECHA PARSHA SUMMARY BY RABBI SYLVAN KAMENS Moses sends twelve men, one from each tribe, to scout the land of Canaan, and to brin a re!ort about the nature of the land and its inhabitants" After forty days, the s!ies return brinin s!ectacular e#am!les of Canaan$s !roduce" %en of the s!ies re!ort that it is, indeed, a ood land, but that its inhabitants are too !owerful for the &sraelites to con'uer" %he &sraelites !anic, and des!ite the o!timistic words of encouraement from (oshua and Caleb, they rebel aainst Moses and Aaron and even say they want to return to Ey!t) (oshua and Caleb !lead with the !eo!le not to believe the neative s!ies$ re!ort and rebel aainst *od" As a reward for their effort, the !eo!le threaten them with stonin" *od threatens to destroy the !eo!le, but Moses intercedes" *od relents, but decrees that this eneration will die in the wilderness after forty years of wanderin, e#ce!t for (oshua and Caleb" A rou! of &sraelites test *od$s threat by tryin to attac+ Canaan, and are re!elled by the Canaanites" %he readin concludes with laws concernin sacrifices, s!ecifyin the amounts of flour and oil re'uired for a rain offerin and the measure of wine for the drin+ offerin that accom!anied ma,or sacrifices- and the law of challah, indicatin that a !ortion of the douh for bread is to be iven to the !riests" Shelach Summary Kamens . %hen there is a descri!tion of the re'uired offerin when a whole community has sinned unintentionally, and the narrative of an incident of a Shabbat violation for which the offender was !ut to death" %he /arsha closes with the laws of 0t1it1it"0