Lec 06
Lec 06
Lec 06
NPTEL Course
Jan 2012
(Lecture 06)
K. Gopnat!
"n#an "nsttute o$ Scence
SCS" (Sma%% Computer System "nter$ace)
eg. )ac/up )et' tape an# #s/ )ut contro% 't! s'
*us 3ree
Error ?o#e%s
SCS"-2 ?o#e%s
Smp%e ; tag
:ea# o$ ; tag
&## to )egnnng o$ ;
5r#ere# ; tag
&%% cm#s rece(e# 't! a S"?PLE ;9E9E T&G msg pror to a cm#
rece(e# 't! an 5>0E>E0 ;9E9E T&G msg2 regar#%ess o$ ntator2
e.ecute# )e$ore t!at comman# 't! t!e 5>0E>E0 ;9E9E T&G msg
&%% cm#s rece(e# 't! a S"?PLE ;9E9E T&G msg a$ter a cm#
rece(e# 't! an 5>0E>E0 ;9E9E T&G msg2 regar#%ess o$ ntator2
e.ecute# a$ter t!at cm# 't! 5>0E>E0 ;9E9E T&G msg
?.ng tagge# an# untagge#
*us reset8
C%ear ;8 (nee#s taggng) /%%s on%y act(e "5P an# a%% t!ose
'atng $or t!s target routne
Longe(ty o$ protoco%
No securty mo#e%