Descriptive Linguistics
Descriptive Linguistics
Descriptive Linguistics
General Linguistic
It is a study of language in general
It is a study of language use in the society.
It is a study of language in relation to psychological process.
Applied Linguistics
It is the application of theories, methods, or findings of linguistics to the solution to practical
Levels of Linguistics
Phonology . It is a study of organization of speech sounds.
Morphology . It is a study of morphemes.
Syntax . It is a study of sentence structures.
Semantics . It is a study of meaning.
Pragmatics . It is a study of factors influencing a person’s choice of language.
Discourse analysis . It is a study of patterns of linguistic organization of discourse.
For example:
Well-formed versus ill-formed
He wants to be rich. (w.f.)
He wanna be rich. (i.f.)
Linguistic rules are not immutable; they change over time and across dialects.
We have to think linguistically, meaning that we view language as a dynamic entity, constantly
changing, alive on the lips and on the pens of its users.
In studying linguistics we are trying to articulate what we already know; studying about ourselves.
The rule book exists inside us.
What linguists do: observe, describe, and explain.
Language. Is it just “take it for granted”?
Words. Are they natural or conventional?
Some words are natural such as neigh, crash, bang, bleat, tinkle, and gecko.
Almost all of the others are not of that kind (conventional).
Benefit of Linguistics
Linguistics is useful for a linguist, language teacher, translator, writer, journalist, politician, lawyer,
public relation, etc.
Language Functions
1. Micro Function. It covers particular individual uses.
2. Macro Function. It relates to the larger, more general purposes underlying language use.
Micro Function:
a. To release nervous/physical energy (physical function)
What we say when we are surprised or angry.
Well done.
Good job.
What a pity!
Son of bitch.
Damn you
Macro Function:
a. The ideational function
We conceptualize the world for our own benefit and of others. We bring the world into being
d. Textual Function
It relates to our ability to construct texts out of our utterances and writings. We bring texts into
Morphology is a subfield of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words and the
interrelationships among words.
A word is an arbitrary pairing of sound and meaning.
There is no necessary reason, for example the word girl, why the particular combination of sounds
represented in that word should mean what it does.
Words are categorized into two: simple and complex.
A simple word cannot be broken down further into meaningful parts. For example: hippopotamus,
spouse, cook.
On the other hand, the word cats is made up of two parts; the noun cat and the plural ending s.
The basic parts of a complex word i.e. the different building blocks that make it up are called
In other words we can say that morphemes are the minimal units of word-building in a language;
they cannot be broken down any further into recognizable or meaningful parts.
Morphemes can be categorized into free and bound morphemes.
A free morpheme can stand alone as an independent word, such as the word dog.
A bound morpheme cannot stand alone. It must be attached to another morpheme, for example the
plural morpheme s.
Certain bound morphemes are known as affixes. When affixes are attached to the beginning of
another morpheme, they are called prefixes. For example, un in undo, resend, un, illegal,
Affixes attached to the end of another morpheme are called suffixes. For example, modernize,
classify, development, burning, education.
Content words (open-class words) have meanings as independent words. For example: noun,
adjective, verb, and adverb.
Function words (closed-class words) serve to indicate some grammatical function in a phrase or
sentence. For example, conjunction, article, demonstrative, and preposition.
Word Category
1. Noun
a. A common noun is the name that is common to a group: ship, parrot, truck.
b. A proper noun is the name of an individual person, place, or thing: Susan,
2. Determiners: words which usually precede nouns
a. Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
b.Possessives: my, your, his, her, etc.
c. Numerals: three, five, one hundred, etc.
d.Indefinites: every, both, many, no, several.
3. Verbs: words which show actions.
a. Regular verbs: marry, wash, answer, etc.
b. Irregular verbs: do, see, bear, etc.
c. Transitive verbs (need an object): buy, make, cook, etc.
d. Intransitive verbs (no object): smile, snore, walk, etc.
4. Auxiliaries: can, may, do, have, etc.
5. Adjectives: positive, comparative, superlative
long longer longest
much more most
careful more careful most careful
6. Adverbs: manner, place, time
Diva spoke interestingly at the conference yesterday.
7. Intensifiers: very, quite, rather, somewhat, too
8. Conjunctions:
a. Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or
b. Correlative conjunctions: either … or, neither … nor, not only … but also, both …
and, whether … or.
c. Subordinating conjunctions: time, place, cause, result, exception, condition,
(though, where, when, on condition, unless)
9. Prepositions:
One syllable:
a. Location: at, by, in, on, near
b. Direction: to, from, down, off, through, out, past, up
c. Association: of, for, with, like
Two Syllable:
About, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, before, behind, below,
beneath, beside, between, beyond, despite, during, except, inside, outside, over, toward,
Compound preposition:
According to, prior to, in regard to, owing to, instead of, because of, by means of, apart from,
along with.
10. Pronouns
α. Subjective: I, you, we, they, he, she, it
β. Objective: me, you, us, them, him, her, it
χ. Possessive:
With Noun: my, your, our, their, his, her, its
Without Noun: mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its
δ. Reflexive/Emphatic: myself, yourself/ves. ourselves, themselves, himself, herself,
1. Noun inflectional suffixes
a. Plural marker –s; boy boys
b. Possessive marker ‘s ; Jack Jack’s
1. Nouns
a. Nouns derived from nouns
1) small X : -let, -ette, -ie (booklet, kitchenette, cigarette, doggie)
2) female X : -ess, -ine (princess, heroine)
2. Verbs
a. Verbs from other verbs
re-X : reread, redo, rewrite
un-X : untie, undo
de-X : decompose, deregulate
dis-X : dislike, disagree, distrust
3. Adjectives
a. From adjectives:
-ish : greenish, whitish, reddish, yellowish
un- : untrue, unavoidable, unfair, unforgettable
in- : inactive, irregular, illegal, impatient
2) From Nouns
N-ful : hopeful, cheerful, meaningful, helpful
N-less: hopeless, restless, childless, fruitless
N-al : original, normal, national, regional
N-ish : girlish, selfish, bookish
4. Adverbs
Derived from adjectives +ly:
interestingly, beautifully, successfully, slowly, silently
But hard, fast, soon, early, much, and well do not have +ly (Jerry never works hard).
Phonology is the subfield of linguistics that studies the structure and systematic patterning of sounds
in human language.
Phonology is often used to refer to the abstract rules and principles that govern the distribution of
sounds in a language.
Phonetics usually refers to the study of articulatory and acoustic properties of sounds.
Consonants of English
A consonant is a speech sound produced when the speaker either stops or obstructs the airflow in
the vocal tract.
1. Stops
Stops are produced when the airflow in the vocal cavity is completely blocked
/p/ voiceless bilabial stop (pin, pen, pick)
/b/ voiced bilabial stop (box, big, bag)
/t/ voiceless alveolar stop (tip, top, take)
/d/ voiced alveolar stop (dog, dig, dam)
/k/ voiceless velar stop (kind, king, kite)
/g/ voiced alveolar stop (great, gene, gang)
2. Fricatives
Fricatives are sounds produced when the airflow is forced through a narrow opening in the vocal
track so that noise produced by friction is created.
/f/ voiceless labiodental fricative (find, fan, fun)
/v/ voiced labiodental fricative (van, very, vast)
/ / voiceless dental fricative (thing, think, thick)
/ / voiced dental fricative (thus, this, that)
/s/ voicelss alveolar fricative (sick, sow, sum)
/z/ voiced alveolar fricative (zoo, zip, zero)
/ / voiceless palatal fricative (ship, shop, shark)
/ /voiced palatal fricative (measure, leisure)
/h/ glottal fricative (how, here, hug)
3. Affricates
An affricate is a single sound, beginning as a stop but releasing secondarily into a fricative.
/ /voiceless palatal affricate (chip, cheat, chat)
/ / voiced palatal affricate (judge, just, jug)
4. Nasals
A nasal is similar to a stop, but with a nasal, the airflow is channeled into the nasal passages.
/m/ bilabial nasal (mock, mice, mute)
/n/ alveolar nasal (nice, now, nude)
/ / velar nasal (long, sing, bang)
5. Liquids
A liquid is formed when the tongue blade is raised and air is allowed to flow freely from the
mouth without great friction.
/l/ lateral alveolar liquid (lid, lit, log)
/r/ nonlateral alveolar liquid (red, rod, rig)
6. Glides
Glides are vowel-like articulations that precede and follow the vowels (often called semivowels)
/y/ palatal glide (yes, yet, young)
/w/ labialised velar glide ( win, why, wet)
English Vowels
Vowels are produced with a relatively open vocal tract, which in effect serves as a resonating
Front Central Back
2. Reduced Vowels
a. Schwa; a mid central vowel whose symbol is an upside down and reversed e / / such as in
b. / /or barred-i, the high central vowel, such as in chicken.
There is a considerable variation in the pronunciation of the two vowels.
3. Long Vowels and Diphthongs
Front Back
High iy uw
Mid ey ow, oy
Low w aw, ay
Syntax is the study of sentence structure.
Leonard Bloomfield in his book Language sets out the main ideas of structural linguistics.
Structuralists view that language structure is associated with the phoneme as the unit of phonology
(the sound system), and the morpheme as the unit of grammar.
Morphemes are made up of combinations of phonemes, and sentences of combinations of
morphemes. So, phonemes and morphemes are regarded as the building blocks of
The first task of a linguist is to find out what the units or building blocks of a language are. He
follows certain techniques or discovery procedures. He firstly discovers the phonemes and then
morphemes of the language, then he moves on to syntactic rules.
He has to be empirical and scientific in his approach. What he does is to choose or collect a corpus
(sample) of the language he is investigating.
The lady wore an expensive dress to the party.
Det. Noun Verb Det. Adjective Noun Prep. Det. Noun
SYNTAX is a branch of linguistics which deals with the structures of a phrase, clause, sentence, and
a discourse.
A sentence is the largest structural unit in terms of which grammar of a language is organized.
1. By the Number of its Clause
Hasan does not care much about his health.
c. Complex Sentence: consisting of some free clauses
1. Reduction Rules
I like music, and my sister likes it, too.
My brother has got married, and my sister, too.
2. Pro Form
John threw the ball and Jim caught it.
(Pronouns are the most familiar kind of Pro Form).
3. Sentence Trappings (that, to, -ing)
I know that Susan is smart.
I know Susan is smart.
I expect Jimmy to be better.
There is something flying in the sky.
4. Permutation Rules
Nova believed Joan was not serious.
Nova did not believe Joe was serious.
5. Relative Clause
Mira is talking to a boy.
The boy used to be my neighbor.
The boy to whom Mira is talking used to be my neighbor.
6. Clefting: the operation of fronting a constituent and surrounding it by it is/was … that
Dicky sent the flowers to Nancy last Saturday.
• It was last Saturday that Dicky sent the flowers to Nancy.
• It was to Nancy that Dicky sent the flowers last Saturday.
• It was the flowers that Dicky sent to Nancy last Saturday.
• It was Dicky that sent the flowers to Nancy last Saturday.
7. Pseudo-Clefting: the use of what
• What Dicky did was send the flowers to Nancy last Saturday.
• What Dicky sent to Nancy last Saturday was the flowers.
• The flowers are what Dicky sent to Nancy last Saturday.
8. Fronting: putting a constituent in front
• Ella did her best to pass the exam.
• To pass the exam, Ella did her best.
9. Passivisation: the relocating of the agent and patient
The person/thing that performs the activity is called the Agent; and whoever/whatever undergoes it
is called the Patient. The Agent and the Patient are roles.
• They provided us with the best facilities.
• We were provided with the best facilities.
Instead of attending a corpus and methods of analysis , TG focuses attention on the fact that
all speakers of a natural language are able to form new sentences and understand utterances they
have never heard before.
TG assumes that the basis of this ability is the knowledge of what may be called grammar,
which enables a speaker to understand and produce new sentences on a given situation.
A linguist tries to describe the language competence of the speaker by observing his performance.
Rules in TG
The rules of TG are “rewrite” rules: they write one symbol as another or several others until the
sentences of the language are generated.
Meaning “rewrite” X as Y + Z. The arrow means rewrite.
For example : a string like A + X + A + C + X,
Then we will have : A + Y + Z + A + B + Y + Z
Here is a set of rules (grammar) to generate simple sentences:
1. S NP + VP
2. VP Verb + NP
3. NP Det + N
4. Verb Aux + Main Verb
5. Det (the, a, an, …
6. N (boy, house, skyscraper, …
7. Aux (will, can, may, …
8. Main Verb (cry, peep, regret, …
PS-rules may be represented as a tree diagram, which reveals that TG grammar incorporates IC
analysis as one of its components.
The tree diagram will look like this:
Det N Verb NP
Exercise: Breakdown the following sentences into its immediate constituents by using a tree
1. Noun Clause
The use of that, if/whether, and interrogatives
• That she loves you is true.
• She does not know whether we can spend the night there.
• Why she gets mad makes us curious.
3. Adverbial Clause
Manner: Shella can type as fast as I can.
Time: Dina got married by the time she was 27 years old.
Adverbial Order: manner, place, time
Betty sang a song beautifully before us at the party last Sunday.
e. Clause of Condition
if, unless, in case, provided (that) or providing (that), as long as, if only, suppose (that) or supposing
(that), whether
f. Clauses of Manner
as if, as though, as
We treat her as if she were a queen.
She always does as her husband tells her.
1. Noun Phrase
Both these two beautiful American girls with blue eyes
Specifier premodifier head post modifier
The Head Noun is preceded by words such as a, an, the, this, young, etc. or followed by a
modifier. The Head Noun is called Referent, those which specify specifiers, and those which modify
2. Pronoun:
Subjective: I, you, we, they, he, she, it
Objective: me, you, us, them, him, her, it
Possessive; With Noun: my, your, our, their, his, her, its
Without Noun: mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its
Emphatic/Reflexive: myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves, himself, herself, itself
3. Verb Phrase
may have written an article before
specifier Head V. complement adverb
5. Adjective Phrase
quite proud of his position
specifier head complement
6. Adverb Phrase
very wisely
specifier head
Semantics is a major branch of linguistics devoted to the study of meaning in language.
Logical Semantics: the study of the meaning of expression in terms of logical systems of analysis
Behaviorist: they neglect semantics because it is not observable and measurable
Stucturalist: the study of meaning through the notion of semantic relation
Generative Linguistics: the study of meaning in relation to the grammar’s organization
Psychologist: the technique devised by psychologists to find out emotional reactions of speakers to
lexical items
Chomsky: each language contains a finite set of words, so the word meanings can be given in a
finite list.
However, not all verbs have a concept, such as or, and, but, and meanwhile.
This gives an explicit representation of the systematic relations between words.
For example: spinster [female, never married, adult, human]
By the componential analysis, it is difficult to give an explicit representation of the abstract words.
To know the meaning of a sentence is to know under what conditions that sentence be true.
Snow is white is true if and only if snow is white.
1. Lexical and Grammatical
Lexical : in accordance with its reference, real meaning by our senses. (cat, dog, dolphin,
train, moon). It is called full word.
Grammatical : it has grammatical function. The word in, and, because or for does not any
reference but it has function grammatically.
1. Science and Technology
enter quit network
power plant screw driver yield
4. Figure of Speech
a. Simile: comparison of one thing to another as proud as peacock, as white as snow
b. Metaphor: indicating something different from the literal meaning
He eats my words. He has a heart of stone.
c. Personification: regarding something as a person. Love is blind.
d. Hyperbole: exaggerated statements made for effect, not intended to be taken literally
The waves were as high as Mount Everest.
e. Litotes: Saying a negative to mean the opposite
It was no easy matter. I shan’t be sorry if you leave me.
f. Irony: saying something the meaning of which is the opposite. What a clean room! (the
room is dirty).
g. Euphemism: use of words of phrases in place of what is required by truth or accuracy pass
away, pass water, get a period, deliver a baby, wash my hands.
Verificationist theory: sentences are meaningful if (and only if) have a determinate truth-value.
The meaning of an expression, if it has one, is determined by the verifiability of the sentences, or
propositions, containing it.
A sentences is factually significant to a given person if, and only if, he knows how to verify the
proposition which it purports to express.
Truth-conditional theory: the meaning of an expression is its contribution to the truth-condition of
the sentences containing it.
1. Synonym: sameness of meaning
(smart, clever, skillful, bright)
a. Substitution: idiot, fool
b.Contrast: ask vs. reply, answer
c. Connotation: lavatory = restroom
2. Antonym: the opposite of meaning
good x bad, hot x cold, young x old
3. Homonym: word which is the same in form and sounds as another but different in meaning
a. Homophone: the same pronunciation but different in meaning (some, sum; know,
b.Homograph: word spelt like another but different meaning or pronunciation
(present, can, rebel, record, fly)
4. a. Hyponym: word the meaning of which is a part of another (pigeon = bird)
b. Hypernym: word covering the meaning of other words (flower = rose, jasmine, tulip,
5. Polysemy: word that has more than one meaning (get, have, can, may)
6. Ambiguity: phrase/sentence that has more than one meaning
Ask me more difficult questions.
John is easy to please.
7. Redundancy: phrase/sentence that has more words than needed
Many thousands of workers are fired.
1. Sense
A meaning can be achieved if the speaker and the listener use the same language.
She is the brain in her family.
It is related to the attitude of the speaker toward a situation or context.
Congratulations on your success.
Please accept my deepest sympathy.
I wish you best luck.
3. Tone
It is related to the attitude of the speaker toward his/her listener.
Get out of my face.
Poor you.
How kind you are!
4. Intention
Obviously, the purpose of the speaker is to give some influence to the listener.
a. Declarative: make something known; announce
I declare this seminar closed.
The president declared the Olympiad open.
b. Persuasive: to persuade or convince
It will be very kind of you if you give some your charity to this new foundation.
We would be very happy if you could come to our celebration.
c. Imperative: to express a command
Never do it again.
Don’t be a fool.
d. Narrative: to describe an event
Having worked all day long, she just took a shower and slept away.
Shally got married when she was 27, and she had her first baby two years later.
e. Politic: involving public affairs in general
Better payment for the teachers may improve the quality of education.
This road is constructed on your tax.
f. Pedagogic: giving some lesson/education
Giving a hook is much better than giving fish.
A speaker utters with a particular meaning (locutionary act), and with a particular force
(illocutionary act), in order to achieve a certain effect on the hearer (perlocutionary act)
It’s very hot here. (Locutionary act)
He wants the students to open the windows.
(Illocutionary act)
The students open the windows.
(Perlocutionary act)
Exercise: Supply the probable illocutionary act and perlocutionary act for the following sentences.
1. The car is quite dirty.
2. You look much prettier in pink.
3. Dinner is ready.
4. Time is up.
5. Give me a break.
6. It’s raining.
7. I’m starving.
8. You look very pale.
9. Get out of my face.
10. Your paper, please.