This document is an inspection checklist for MV & LV switchgear installation. It contains 18 items to check including: (1) checking the assembly for alignment, levelness and tightness; (2) verifying correct identification of switches and panels; and (3) inspecting bus bars, insulation, connections and grounding. Contractors and subcontractors must sign off on completing each check. The checklist ensures proper installation and operation of the switchgear according to specifications and drawings.
This document is an inspection checklist for MV & LV switchgear installation. It contains 18 items to check including: (1) checking the assembly for alignment, levelness and tightness; (2) verifying correct identification of switches and panels; and (3) inspecting bus bars, insulation, connections and grounding. Contractors and subcontractors must sign off on completing each check. The checklist ensures proper installation and operation of the switchgear according to specifications and drawings.
This document is an inspection checklist for MV & LV switchgear installation. It contains 18 items to check including: (1) checking the assembly for alignment, levelness and tightness; (2) verifying correct identification of switches and panels; and (3) inspecting bus bars, insulation, connections and grounding. Contractors and subcontractors must sign off on completing each check. The checklist ensures proper installation and operation of the switchgear according to specifications and drawings.
This document is an inspection checklist for MV & LV switchgear installation. It contains 18 items to check including: (1) checking the assembly for alignment, levelness and tightness; (2) verifying correct identification of switches and panels; and (3) inspecting bus bars, insulation, connections and grounding. Contractors and subcontractors must sign off on completing each check. The checklist ensures proper installation and operation of the switchgear according to specifications and drawings.
P. O. No.: Inspection Classification Area/Unit: Contractor: Sub Contractor Company Turnoer System: !or" Pac"age: contractor Ot#er Sub $ System: Dra%ing No.: Specification No.: &en'or: Test (eports: )if any* (eference Document : Ite m Description of Check Sub Contr. Contractor Company Sign Date Sign Date Sign Date +, C#ec" assembly for alignment- leelness an' tig#tness +. C#ec" s%itc#gear / panel is i'entifie' correctly +0 C#ec" s#ipping 'eices remoe' +1 C#ec" fuses- PTs an' CTs are correct +2 C#ec" all components for i'entification +3 Inspect bus for p#ysical 'amage- missing insulation- connections at 4oints- confirm plating is acceptable +5 Inspect insulation- stan'off insulators- an' bus separators for 'amage an' clearance problems +6 C#ec" bus bar connection for tig#tness +7 &erify all control fuse types an' ratings. ,+ Inspect groun' to s%itc#gear groun' bus ,, Inspect operation of 'ra% out mec#anisms- interloc"s an' in'icators ,. Inspect brea"ers for alignment ,0 Inspect manual operation of t#e brea"er ,1 Inspect operation of t#e brea"ers mec#anical trip ,2 Inspect lubration of moing parts ,5 C#ec" au8iliary %iring is neat an' correctly i'entifie' ,6 Inspect 'oor #an'les- loc"ing bars- an' mec#anism ,7 !#en applicable- c#ec" metering transformers compartments for proper operation of rac"ing in/out / isolation features. .+ &erify t#at all brea"ers of t#e same rating are inter$ c#angeable by rac"ing eac# brea"er into eac# cell of t#e proper rating. NOT9S : * Others Sub Contractor Contractor Company Name: *thers in!icates installer" thir! part# $en!ors etc %Mentione! i& applica'le( Page 1 of 1 Revision 0 1