Creating New Symbols: Drawing A Symbol Shape
Creating New Symbols: Drawing A Symbol Shape
Creating New Symbols: Drawing A Symbol Shape
layout components. Note that user-created symbols are for design only and will not simulate.
Components are created by drawing shapes and turning these into specific component symbols.
Drawing a symbol shape
Symbols are drawn using standard drawing
tools (Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Arc, Chord,
Freeform and Scribble), available from the
Project | Draw menu.
PCB components can also include copper pads
for each component leg. You can add a copper
pad by clicking on the Pad button or choosing
Pad from the Project | PCB Components
Layering is important when drawing new
symbols. The shapes for circuit diagram
symbols should be placed on the Circuit
Diagram layer, whilst the shapes for PCB
symbols should be placed on one of the PCB
layers, such as the silk screen. For PCB
symbols you can also add a real world view by
placing shapes onto the Real Components
You can move an object to a specific layer by
first selecting that object and then choosing
from the Edit | Layer menu.
It is common to create both a new circuit symbol and a new PCB symbol for a component that you wish
to include. To do this you would create the two types of symbol separately. The two symbols would be
linked together so that the circuit symbol converts into the PCB symbol (see page 3).
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Creating new symbols
Pins are used in symbols to specify the location of connections. Each pin is numbered and you should add
a symbol pin for each pin, or component leg, on each new component.
You can add a pin by choosing Insert Pin from the Edit | Symbol | Library menu. When a circuit symbol
is converted into a PCB component symbol, the pin numbers are used to determine how the connections
are mapped (pin 1 on the circuit diagram symbol will be mapped to pin 1 on the PCB component symbol).
You should align pins on a 0.1" grid to match the existing components.
Once placed, the symbol pin will
appear as a small red cross. You
can double-click on the pin to
change its associated number.
Pins on circuit diagram symbols are placed at the end of each terminal leg, however
this will vary depending on the layout or shape of the symbol.
With PCB component symbols, a pin is normally placed on top of each pad. On the
left you can see how a simple 8-pin dual-in-line (DIL) component might be created
as a PCB symbol, with 8 pins placed in sequential order.
Pins for circuit diagram symbols should be aligned on a 0.1" grid so as to match the existing, built-in
component symbols.
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Adding symbol pins
Type determines the category of
symbol that is created. It is fixed for
existing symbols.
Key is a unique value that identifies the
symbol and is normally based on the
name of the symbol being created.
It is good practice to also add '.Symbol'
or '.Package' to the end of the Key for
circuit symbol and PCB symbols
Examples of the Key field include:
for a 1 inch resistor circuit symbol
for an 8-pin dual-in-line PCB symbol
Key is also used to reference
component information when a Bill of
Materials report is generated.
Name and Description allow you to
describe the symbol.
Convert To is only available for circuit
symbols and determines which PCB symbol
is used whenever this symbol is converted
into a PCB component. This should be the
same as the Key field of the required PCB
component. Note that you can only link to
your own user-created PCB symbols.
Once the properties have been entered, click
on OK to create the symbol.
You can change an existing symbol by
choosing Break Symbol from the Edit |
Symbol | Library menu. This will turn an
existing user-created symbol back into its
constituent parts.
Edit, from the same menu, allows you to
change the properties of an existing
user-created symbol.
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Editing symbol properties
With the shape of a new symbol drawn, you can turn it into a symbol by selecting all of the objects that will
make up the symbol and then choosing Make Symbol from the Edit | Symbol | Library menu.
A window will appear allowing you to enter details for the new symbol.
To add a symbol to a library requires a user library to have been created. Symbols can only be added to
user librariesuser libraries allow you to modify their contents, unlike the standard fixed libraries which
normally make up the Gallery.
With a new user library
created, you can add a symbol
to the library by first selecting
your new symbol and then
choosing Add to Library from
the Edit | Symbol | Library
From the window that appears
you can decide in which library
the symbol will be placed.
A name and description can
also be provided.
Click on the OK button to add
the symbol to the library.
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Adding symbols to a library
You can create a new user library by choosing
New Library from the Edit | Symbol |
Library menu.
A window will appear allowing you to choose a
name for the new library.
In addition, you can decide in which part of
the Gallery the new library will reside. This will
dictate which type of symbols can be stored in
the library. Click on the Type list and select
the required library type.
Clicking on OK will create the new library.
Clicking the right mouse button over an item in a
Gallery window and opening the Item menu allows
you to control that item. Note that only items in user
libraries can be modified.
Insert allows you to add that item to your document.
Edit opens that library item in a new document
window for editing. You should click on the Save
button once you have finished editing.
Copy allows you to create a duplicate of the selected
library item. The duplicate can be placed in any
existing user library.
Update will overwrite the contents of the selected
library item with the current selection.
Delete removes the selected library item.
Hide removes the item from view, but leaves the
symbol in the library. This allows you to tailor user
libraries to different users.
Properties allows you to adjust the name and
description of the selected library item.
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Manipulating library items