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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-321 1 J uly 2008

Performance Qualification Testing
and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders
Document Responsibility: Inspection Department

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2
3 Applicable Documents................................... 2
4 Definitions and Acronyms.............................. 4
5 Responsibilities.............................................. 8
6 Instructions................................................... 10

Appendix 1 Flow Chart for Testing
and Certifying Welders......................... 23
Appendix 2 Flow Chart for Maintaining
Welder Certification.............................. 24
Appendix 3 List of Approved Welding
Test Supplements................................. 25
Appendix 4 Performance Qualification
Testing Prerequisites............................ 26
Appendix 5 Minimum Retraining Times
for Welders Taking the Performance
Qualification Retest.............................. 27
Appendix 6 Welder Experience Record.......... 28

Previous Issue: 30 J une 2003 Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013
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Primary contact: Supervisor, IEU on 874-6604

CopyrightSaudi Aramco 2008. All rights reserved.
Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-321
Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

Page 2 of 28

1 Scope
1.1 This Engineering Procedure specifies the minimum requirements for the testing,
certification and registration of Saudi Aramco welders working for
Maintenance. For the purpose of this Engineering Procedure Maintenance shall
also include to mean other proponent organizations performing fabrication and
maintenance welding activities such as Operations Field Services, Pump Shops,
Drilling & Workover, etc.
1.2 Unless specifically noted otherwise the term welder shall also mean welding
2 Conflicts and Deviations
Conflicts between this Engineering Procedure and any other Saudi Aramco Standard
shall be resolved by the Operations Inspection Division of the Inspection Department in
3 Applicable Documents
Unless stated otherwise, all codes and standards referenced shall be the latest issue
(including Revisions and Addenda). Sections of industry codes and standards
referenced herein shall be considered as part of this standard.
3.1 Saudi Aramco References
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-1101 Test Supplement S01 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1102 Test Supplement S02 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1103 Test Supplement S03 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1104 Test Supplement S04 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1105 Test Supplement S05 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1106 Test Supplement S06 for Welder Performance
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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SAEP-1107 Test Supplement S07 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1108 Test Supplement S08 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1109 Test Supplement S09 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1110 Test Supplement S10 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1111 Test Supplement S11 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1112 Test Supplement S12 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1113 Test Supplement S13 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1114 Test Supplement S14 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1115 Test Supplement S15 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1116 Test Supplement S16 for Welder Performance
SAEP-1117 Test Supplement S17 for Welder Performance
Saudi Aramco Forms
SA 2318-ENG Welder Qualification Record
SA 3331-ENG Welder Qualification Card
SA 4758-ENG Job Clearance Card
SA 4719-A-ENG Radiography Request/Performance/Interpretation
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards
American Society of Mechanical Engineers/Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
ASME SEC IIC Welding Rods, Electrodes and Filler Metals
ASME SEC V Nondestructive Examination
ASME SEC IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications
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Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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ASME B31.3 Process Piping
4 Definitions and Acronyms
Ability Test: An ad hoc test used to determine if a welder has the ability to produce
work in accordance with a valid certification. The Ability Test shall be performed on
either a production weld or test coupon that falls within the limits of the certification.
To be valid the test shall be witnessed and documented by the OIU inspector.
Acceptance is based on visual inspection and radiographic examination.
Al: Aluminum.
Anniversary Recertification: The mandatory retesting of all welders every three (3)
years on the anniversary date of the issue of their first performance qualification
certification (all welding certifications become invalid on that date). Welders shall
recertify to each Supplement in the month prior to the anniversary date if welding to
that Supplement is to be permitted after that date. Anniversary recertification testing is
conducted by the WTC in accordance with approved Test Supplements.
Arc Strike: A discontinuity resulting from an arc caused by the inadvertent striking of
a welding electrode against the surface of a metal.
ARD: Anniversary Recertification Date.
ASME B&PVC: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.
Back Gouging: The removal of weld metal and base metal from the other side of a
partially welded joint to assure complete penetration upon subsequent welding from that
Backing Ring or Strip: A material (either pipe, flat plate, or rolled plate) placed at the
back side of a single groove weld joint to support molten weld metal.
Back Weld: A weld deposited on the backside of a single groove weld.
Certification: See preferred term Welder Certification.
Certified Welder: A welder that has a valid welding certification. A certified welder
is only qualified to weld with those welding processes, and within the essential
variables, of the valid certification(s).
CRWMO (SMAW) Ability Performance Test: An ad hoc corrosion resistant weld
metal overlay performance test given to welders to determine if they have the ability to
produce work in accordance with specific job requirements. Testing is conducted by
the OIU in accordance with a specific project WPS. The test qualifies the welder for a
Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-321
Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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specific project only (J ob Clearance Card is issued by the OIU) and is valid as long as
the welder maintains a valid SMAW certification.
CS: Carbon Steel.
Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW): An arc welding process which produces
coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a continuous filler metal
(tubular) electrode and the work. Shielding is provided by a flux contained in the
tubular filler metal. Additional shielding can be obtained from an externally supplied
gas or gas mixture.
Globular Transfer: In arc welding, a type of metal transfer in which molten filler
metal is transferred across the welding arc in large droplets (applicable to the GMAW
and FCAW welding processes).
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW): An arc welding process which produces
coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a continuous filler metal
(consumable) electrode and the work. Shielding is obtained entirely from an externally
supplied gas or gas mixture. Sometimes this process is referred to as MIG or CO

welding (nonpreferred terms).
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW): An arc welding process which produces
coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a nonconsumable tungsten
electrode and the work. Filler metal is added manually. Shielding is obtained from a
gas or gas mixture. It is sometimes referred to as TIG welding (a nonpreferred term).
ID: Inspection Department.
Initial Field Testing: Examination of the first production work produced by a welder
immediately after WTC certification testing and OIU registration.
JCC: J ob Clearance Card (Form SA 4758-ENG).
Job Clearance Card (Form SA 4758-ENG): An identification card issued by OIU to
a welder passing a CRWMO SMAW Ability Test. The J CC lists the welders name,
identification symbol and qualification limits of the major essential variables.
LAS: Low Alloy Steel.
Ni: Nickel.
OID: Operations Inspection Division.
OIU: Operations Inspection Unit.
PED: Process Expiry Date.
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Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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PT: Penetrant Test.
Qualification: See preferred terms Welder Performance Qualification.
Qualification Card (Form SA 3331-ENG): A photo identity card issued by the WTC
to a welder that lists all welding certifications held by the welder. Qualification Cards
shall be carried at all times by the welder, and must be presented for review upon
Qualification Record (Form SA 2318-ENG): See preferred term welder certification.
Qualified Welder: See preferred term Certified Welder.
Recertification Test: The performance qualification test conducted by the WTC to
reinstate a revoked certification.
Registered Welder: A welder whose certification has been reviewed, found to be
acceptable, and is on file with the Operations Inspection Unit.
Registration: The act of registering a welder certification, or a photostatic copy
thereof. Registration is performed by the responsible Inspection Authority.
Retest: The repeat test that is permitted to be taken when a welder fails the initial
certification test to a Test Supplement, or recertification test to reinstate a revoked
certification. Only one retest is permitted.
Reverse Polarity (DCEP, DCRP, DC+ or E+): The arrangement of direct current arc
welding leads with the work as the negative pole and the electrode as the positive pole
of the welding arc.
Revoked Welder Certification: A certification that is no longer valid as a result of a
welder not welding with a welding process for six or more consecutive months or not
passing an Ability Test (does not include the Corrosion Resistant Overlay Welding
Ability Test). When a certification with a process is revoked all certifications with that
process are revoked (this does not apply to an Ability Test). Welders whose
certifications with a process are revoked must pass a recertification test for each
required Test Supplement (conducted by the WTC) prior to resuming production
welding with those Test Supplements.
Root Face (land): That portion of the groove face adjacent to the root of the joint.
Root Opening (gap): The separation between members to be joined at the root of the
Root Penetration (pipe): The distance a weld extends past the inside surface of the
pipe in a pipe groove weld.
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Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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RT: Radiographic Testing.
Shielding Gas: Protective gas used to prevent atmospheric contamination of the
molten weld metal in the vicinity of the welding arc.
Straight Polarity (DCEN, DCSP, DC- or E-): The arrangement of direct current arc
welding leads in which the work is the positive pole and the electrode the negative pole
of the welding arc.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW): An arc welding process that produces
coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a covered metal electrode
and the work. Shielding is obtained from the decomposition of the electrode covering.
Spray Transfer: A type of metal transfer in which molten filler metal is propelled
axially across the arc in small droplets (applicable to the GMAW and FCAW welding
SS: Stainless Steel.
Submerged Arc Welding (SAW): An arc welding process which produces
coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a bare metal electrode or
electrodes and the work. The arc is shielded by a blanket of granular, fusible material
(flux) on the work.
Test Supplement: Contains the performance qualification test requirements needed to
perform a welding certification test, and the limitations of that certification.
Undercut: A groove melted in the base metal adjacent to the toe or root of a weld and
left unfilled by weld metal.
Underfill: A depression on the face of the weld or root surface extending below the
adjacent base metal.
Uncertified Welder: A welder that does not have a valid welding certification.
Unqualified Welder: See preferred term Uncertified Welder.
Weld Reinforcement: Weld metal in excess of the quantity required to fill a joint.
Welder: One who performs a manual or semiautomatic welding operation (this term is
sometimes erroneously used to denote a welding machine).
Welder Certification: Certification in writing (i.e., Form 2318-ENG) that a welder has
produced a test weld meeting a defined standard.
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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Welder Performance Qualification: The demonstration of a welders ability to
produce a test weld meeting a defined standard.
Welding Operator: One who operates machine or automatic welding equipment.
WPS: Welding Procedure Specification.
WTC: Welder Test Center.
WTS: Welder Tracking System.
5 Responsibilities
5.1 Inspection Department
5.1.1 The Operations Inspection Division (OID) is responsible for:
a) preparing revisions to this Engineering Procedure;
b) auditing records of the NDE & Welder Testing Unit;
c) auditing records of the Operations Inspection Units.
5.1.2 The NDE & Welder Testing Unit of the Operations Inspection Division
is responsible for:
a) administering all welder performance qualification tests;
b) keeping track of the status of all Saudi Aramco welders.
5.1.3 The Welder Test Center (WTC) of the NDE & Welder Testing Unit is
responsible for:
a) conducting performance qualification testing of welders in
accordance with approved Test Supplements;
b) conducting recertification testing of welders with revoked
c) preparing certifications (Form SA 2318-ENG) for welders that pass
performance qualification or recertification tests;
d) inputting certification results (Form SA 2318-ENG) in the WTS for
welders that take performance qualification or recertification;
e) obtaining welder symbols (assigned automatically) from WTS for
all welders who take the performance qualification tests;
f) preparing new or updating old Qualification Cards for welders
passing certification tests;
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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g) conducting Anniversary Recertification testing of welders every
three years;
h) sending welder certification information to the WTS
i) generating new or updating welder records/data in WTS.
5.1.4 The WTC Welding Inspector is responsible for:
a) witnessing and evaluating welder performance qualification tests;
b) witnessing and evaluating recertification tests of welders with
revoked certifications.
5.1.5 The WTS Administrator is responsible for:
a) maintaining the WTS database on the mainframe computer current
by inputting performance qualification and recertification test
information (Form SA 2318-ENG) into the WTS database;
b) maintaining the WTS database on the mainframe computer current
by terminating revoked welder or brazer certification information
from the WTS database;
c) assigning WTS access to new users and updating their access
d) creating/updating proponent Maintenance Organization or
Operations Inspection Unit in WTS.
5.2 Business Line Maintenance Organizations
5.2.1 The Maintenance Superintendent/Foreman is responsible for:
a) ensuring all welders are properly certified prior to the start of work;
b) ensuring all welders maintain valid certifications for every process
certified through continuous welding;
c) ensuring all welders undergo the additional training prior to taking
a retest;
d) maintaining a log of welders working in the Organization;
e) ensuring all welders take the Anniversary Recertification Test
Thirty (30) days prior to the ARD;
f) ensuring all welders working in the Maintenance Organization are
available and tracked by WTS; and
g) notifying the OIU, in advance, through a written correspondence
about their welders availability and movement/transfer status.
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5.3 Business Line Engineering Organizations
5.3.1 The Operations Inspection Unit (OIU) is responsible for:
a) ensuring all welder performance certifications are current and up to
date through WTS and documentation of welder activity;
b) ensuring all newly certified welders are capable of making sound
welds by conducting Initial Field Testing as per Section 6.3.1 of
this procedure;
c) conducting Ability Testing of welders whose skills may be in
d) conducting SMAW Corrosion Resistant Overlay Welding Ability
e) registering properly certified Maintenance welders as per Section
6.2.2 of this procedure;
f) issuing J ob Clearance Cards to welders that pass the CRWMO
SMAW Ability Test
g) inputting welder's performance records (Visual and RT inspection
results) in WTS in a timely manner within the duration of a process
expiry date (PED).
5.3.2 The Operations Inspection Unit Inspector is responsible for:
a) witnessing and evaluating Initial Field Tests and Ability Tests;
b) witnessing Corrosion Resistant Overlay Welding Ability Testing;
c) reporting all field welding inspection results in order to be entered
in WTS in a timely manner.
6 Instructions
6.1 Welder Performance Qualification Test
6.1.1 General Information Performance qualification testing shall be conducted at a
Welder Test Center (WTC) and be witnessed by a WTC
welding inspector. SAW and FCAW testing may be performed
at a proponent's facility if appropriate equipment is unavailable
at the WTC. A flow chart showing the steps involved in
testing and certifying welders is shown in Appendix 1.
Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-321
Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

Page 11 of 28 When it is impractical to bring welders from remote locations
to take a test at the WTC, the Inspection Department shall
assign the testing to a local inspection organization. Performance qualification testing shall be conducted in
accordance with an approved Saudi Aramco Engineering
Procedure Test Supplement. A list and description of all of the
approved Test Supplements is given in Appendix 3. Prior to testing the WTC shall verify the performance
qualification prerequisites required by each Test Supplement
listed have been met (refer to Appendix 4). If at any time it becomes apparent to the WTC welding
inspector that a welder does not have the necessary skill to
complete the performance qualification test, the test shall be
terminated and the welder sent back to the proponent
organization for retraining and/or reassignment.
6.1.2 Coupon Fit Up and Welding The welder shall fit up the test coupon as per the Test
Supplement. The welder's name and welder's symbol (if
applicable) shall be hard stamped on both ends of the fit up test
coupon. The WTC welding inspector shall inspect the fit up
and hard stamping prior to the start of welding. The test coupon shall be secured in the test position at a height
of eighteen (18") inches above the floor of the test booth. The
test shall not begin until the WTC welding inspector has
verified the test position. The welder shall not move the test
coupon until told to do so by the WTC welding inspector at the
completion of the test. The WTC welding inspector shall inspect the completed root
pass of all SMAW and GTAW pipe test coupons prior to the
start of the hot pass. If grinding of the groove side of the test
coupon is required (i.e., root passes welded with E6010
electrodes) the WTC welding inspector shall also inspect the
completed grinding. If the root pass work is acceptable the
welder shall be permitted to weld the fill and cap. If the root
pass work is unacceptable it shall be cause for rejection of the
coupon (test failure).
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

Page 12 of 28 Grinding, back gouging, welding or any other alteration
dressing shall not be performed on the backside of a root pass
unless specifically required as part of the performance
qualification test. When back gouging or grinding is required
by the performance qualification test, the backside of the
welding groove shall be inspected by the WTC welding
inspector. If the work is acceptable the welder shall be given
permission to start welding the second side. Excessive or
unauthorized back gouging, grinding, welding or any other
alteration dressing is considered unacceptable and shall be
cause for rejection of the coupon (test failure). Grinding may be used in between passes to remove slag and
arc strikes, however, excessive grinding is not permitted and
shall be cause for rejection of the coupon (test failure). Grinding, filing, or mechanical dressing of the cap pass is not
permitted. Any evidence of such shall be cause for rejection of
the coupon (test failure).
6.1.3 Visual Examination of the Test Coupon After completion of welding the WTC welding inspector shall
perform a visual examination of the test coupon. Coupons that
do not meet the following acceptance criteria shall be
considered unacceptable (test failure). Weld reinforcement and root penetration shall not exceed the
values as shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Test Coupon Maximum Weld Reinforcement
Wall Thickness or Excess Root penetration
" and under 1/16"
greater than " up to " 1/8"
greater than " up to 1" 5/32"
greater than 1" 3/16" Undercut not exceeding 1/32" in depth shall be permitted for a
total length of 2" maximum. Undercut exceeding 1/32" in
depth is not permitted.
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

Page 13 of 28 Underfill not exceeding 1/16" in depth shall be permitted for a
total length of 2" maximum. Underfill exceeding 1/16" in
depth is not be permitted Lack of root penetration is unacceptable. Incomplete fusion is unacceptable. Unremoved Arc strikes on the base metal are unacceptable.
6.1.4 Radiographic Examination of the Test Coupon Test coupons that meet the visual acceptance criteria of Section
6.1.3 shall be radiographically examined. Radiography shall be performed in accordance with the
requirements of the ASME SEC V B&PV code. Radiographic acceptance criteria shall be as specified in
paragraph QW-191 of the ASME SEC IX B&PV code.
6.1.5 Guided Bend Testing Guided bend testing, when required, shall be conducted by the
WTC Welding Inspector in accordance with the following
requirements (see paragraph for special requirements
concerning CRWMO SAW test coupons). Four guided bend specimens shall be prepared and tested for
each position tested as per Table 2.

Table 2

Test Coupon Thickness Number and Type
Less than 3/8" 2F and 2R
Over 3/8" but less than 3/4" 2F and 2R, or 4S
Equal or greater than 3/4" 4S Guided bend specimens shall be either mechanically or flame
cut and shall be taken from the locations shown in QW-463 of
the ASME SEC IX B&PV Code. If flame cutting is employed,
1/8" shall be removed from each flame cut edge by grinding.
During grinding, care shall be taken to ensure that the
specimen is not overheated. Excessive grinding of guided bend
specimens is not permitted.
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Page 14 of 28 Testing shall be performed in accordance with requirements of
paragraph QW-162, of the ASME SEC IX B&PV Code. Test acceptance criteria shall be as specified in paragraph
QW-163 of the ASME SEC IX B&PV Code.
6.1.6 Retest Welders are permitted to take one (1) retest per Test
Supplement provided they receive the minimum training
specified in Appendix 5 prior to the retest. Welders that fail the initial performance qualification test for
multiple causes shall undergo a total minimum retraining time
equal to the sum of the minimum retraining times for each of
the causes given in Appendix 5 prior to the retest. Prior to taking the retest the Maintenance Superintendent shall
certify in writing that the welder has undergone the required
additional training and is fully prepared to take the retest. A
copy shall be attached to the request for retest submitted by the
OIU to the WTC. All retests shall be conducted at the WTC (or the proponents
shop if necessary) and witnessed by the WTC Welding
Inspector. Welders that fail the retest shall not be permitted to take a
second retest and shall be prohibited from retaking that
welding performance qualification test sooner than three (3)
months from the date of the failed retest. During the waiting
period the welder shall be given additional training by the
Maintenance Organization. If the Maintenance Organization
sends the welder to retake the test at the end of three (3)
months the Maintenance Superintendent shall certify in writing
that the welder has received sufficient training and is fully
prepared to take the Supplement Test (the letter shall be
attached to the request for test submitted by the OIU to the
6.2 Certification and Registration of Welders
6.2.1 Upon successful completion of the performance qualification test, the
WTC shall certify the test result by:
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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a) verifying whether newly tested welder is available in the WTS or
not. If yes, WTC is only to update the welder's certification
records on the WTS, by selecting "New Cert" icon. If the welder is
not found in the WTS, WTC is to select the "New Welder" icon
from the certification screen of the WTS;
b) inputting the welder's performance qualification test records in the
WTS (applies to all welders) and obtaining the welder symbol from
WTS, which is assigned automatically for all welders. The welder
symbol is unique and is not transferable. When a welder leaves the
employ of the company or his job title is permanently changed to
another job description, that welder's symbol shall be retired and
terminated from WTS database through a written request submitted
by Maintenance Organization and sent to both WTC and the WTS
Administrator, and a copy should also be sent to the OIU;
c) completing Welder and Welding Operator Qualification Record
Form SA 2318-ENG. The original shall be kept on file with the
WTC. Copies shall be sent to the WTS Administrator and the OIU;
d) issuing a Welders Qualification Card (Form SA 3331-ENG). The
Qualification Card shall list all valid certifications, including the
Anniversary Date, held by the welder. It shall also include a recent
photograph of the welder and be carried by the welder at all times.
A copy of the card shall be kept on file at the WTC, and also be
sent to the OIU and the WTS Administrator. For new welders, one
additional recent photograph shall be sent to the WTS
6.2.2 Immediately after the successful completion of the performance
qualification test, the newly certified welder shall report to the OIU to be
registered. Welders shall not be permitted to start production welding
without first being registered by the OIU.
6.3 Maintaining Welder Certifications
6.3.1 Initial Field Testing The first three (3) production pressure retaining butt welds
welded by each newly certified welder, employing each newly
qualified certification, shall be 100% radiographed. The OIU
inspector shall witness the welding of at least one of these
welds. Radiographic acceptance shall be as specified by the
applicable design code governing the work.
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Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

Page 16 of 28 If the radiographs are all acceptable the welder shall be
permitted to continue production welding. Subsequent
production welding shall be radiographed at normal job
monitoring levels. All RT inspection results shall be entered
by OIU in the WTS utilizing the radiography request form SA
4719-A-ENG. If radiography shows that one or two of the first three (3) welds
are unacceptable, the OIU inspector shall visually examine all
three welds and their corresponding radiographs. If the weld
quality is poor, that particular certification shall be revoked. If
the weld quality is borderline, the welder may be permitted to
continue production welding provided all subsequent welding
work is 100% radiographed. If the weld quality improves, the
radiography shall be reduced to normal job monitoring levels.
If the weld quality does not improve, the newly qualified
certification shall be revoked. If radiography shows that all three welds are unacceptable the
newly qualified certification shall be revoked. When a new certification is revoked as a result of the Initial
Field Test the, OIU shall send that welders Qualification Card
and a letter of notification to the WTC. The WTC shall delete
the revoked certification from the Qualification Card and return
it to the welder through the OIU. A copy of the revised
Qualification Card and a letter of notification shall be sent to
the WTS Administrator. Welders that have a certification revoked during the Initial
Field Test shall not be allowed to retake that certification test
for at least three (3) months. During that time the welder shall
be given additional training. When the welder is ready to
retake the Supplement Test the Maintenance Superintendent
shall certify in writing that the welder has been given the
required additional training and is fully prepared to take the
test. The test shall be scheduled in writing by the OIU with the
WTC. Initial Field Test radiographs shall be kept on file by the OIU
for at least one (1) year.
6.3.2 General Requirements
Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-321
Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

Page 17 of 28 A flow chart showing the steps involved in maintaining welder
certifications is shown in Appendix 2. If a welder does not weld with a process (i.e., SMAW or
GTAW) or specialized welding equipment for a period
exceeding six (6) consecutive months, all certifications with
that process or equipment shall immediately become revoked.
Also, if OIU is not entering the required welder performance in
the WTS within the PED, the welder will automatically
become "Inactive" on WTS which requires re-certification of
all affected process certifications. The welder shall be re-
certified by WTC. All pressure containing welds made by a welder after a
certification is revoked shall be cut out. If there is a specific reason to question a welders ability to
make sound welds, the inspector shall request the welder to
perform an Ability Test. After completion of the test the weld
shall be visually examined and radiographed. If the NDE
acceptance criteria of Sections 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 are not met, the
certification in question shall be revoked. Welders whose certification with a process has been revoked
shall not be permitted to weld with that process on production
work until they have passed a Recertification Test to the
appropriate Test Supplement(s). When a welder's certification is revoked, the OIU shall send
the welders Qualification Card and a letter of notification to the
WTC. The WTC shall delete the revoked certification from the
Qualification Card and return it to the welder through the OIU.
A copy of the revised Qualification Card and the letter shall be
sent to the WTS Administrator. A welder certifications shall expire (cease to be valid) every
three (3) years on the anniversary date of the issue of the
welders first performance certification. During the month prior
to the anniversary date welders shall be recertified to every
Test Supplement previously held and/or required. This shall be
called the Anniversary Recertification Test. Those
certifications obtained in the year prior to the anniversary date
are exempt from testing until the following anniversary date.
The Anniversary Recertification shall be conducted by the
WTC. The soon to be expired, Qualification Card shall be
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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surrendered to the WTC at the time of testing. An updated
Qualification Card shall be issued by the WTC after
completion of testing.
Commentary Note:
A welder will be placed in the Inactive welders list if he did not
appear for Anniversary Exam (ARD) within 90 days. The
welder will be in the Separated welders list if he did not appear
for ARD after the 90 days period; subsequently to reinstate him
in the WTS, a letter from his perspective Maintenance Division
head explaining the welder's case shall be sent to the
Operations Inspection Division head of the Inspection
Department. The OIU shall maintain Welder Experience Records to verify
the welding activity of each certified welder. Verification of
experience shall be by reference to an inspection or
radiography report, weld number or similar documentation. A
suggested Welder Experience Record is given in Appendix 6. The OIU shall also maintain a record of the groove welds made
by each welder with each process or combination thereof.
Monthly and yearly repair rates shall be calculated on a butt
joint and/or lineal inch basis. The method for calculating
repair rate limits shall be as defined in the Saudi Aramco
Engineering Welding Standards. Welders with high repair
rates shall have their certifications with the applicable welding
process or processes revoked. The Maintenance Foreman shall maintain an up to date log of
welders working in the Unit. This welders log shall include a
listing of the welders valid certifications, welding activity,
Anniversary Recertification date and other vital information.
6.4 Recertification of Welders with Revoked Certifications
6.4.1 Welders whose certification with a process becomes revoked shall not be
permitted to weld on production work with the process until they have
taken and passed the required Recertification Test(s). The
Recertification Test(s) shall be conducted by the WTC in accordance
with the requirements of Section 6.1 of this Engineering Procedure.
6.4.2 The welder Recertification Test shall be scheduled by the OIU with the
WTC in writing. It shall not be scheduled sooner than three (3) months
from the date the certification was revoked. When the welder is ready to
take the Recertification Test the Maintenance Superintendent shall
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certify in writing that the welder has been given the required training and
is fully capable of passing the Recertification Test.
6.4.3 Welders that fail the initial Recertification Test shall be permitted to take
one retest.
6.4.4 Welders that pass the Recertification Test or retest shall be certified and
registered in accordance with the requirements of Section 6.2 of this
Engineering Procedure. Subsequent production work shall meet the
requirements of Section 6.3.1 (Initial Field Testing).
6.4.5 Welders that fail the retest shall have all of their certifications with the
process(es) tested revoked if the certifications were originally revoked as
a result of welding inactivity. If the certification was originally revoked
as a result of a failed Ability Test, only the particular certification tested
shall be revoked.
6.4.6 Welders that fail the retest shall not be permitted to retake the
Supplement Test for a period of at least three (3) months. The WTC
shall inform the OIU and WTS Administrator of the test results in
6.5 Corrosion Resistant Weld Metal Overlay (CRWMO)
6.5.1 CRWMO SMAW Ability Performance Test Welders with an S03, S04 or S05 certification shall be allowed
to perform CRWMO welding within the limits of an approved
project WPS provided the welder passes a CRWMO SMAW
Ability Performance Test. The CRWMO SMAW Ability Performance Test shall be
conducted by the OIU (witnessed by the OIU inspector) in
accordance with an approved project WPS. The CRWMO SMAW Ability Performance Test shall consist
of a welding coupon (plate or pipe) for each welding position
required to be used on the job (the 6G all position test shall not
be used). Base metal thickness of the coupon shall not be
considered an essential variable. The finished length/width of the weld metal overlay deposited
on the test coupon for each position shall be at least four inches
(4") by one inch (1"). The thickness of the overlay and number
of layers shall be as specified in the WPS.
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Page 20 of 28 The filler metals (size and type), preheat (if required), and
technique (stringer or weave) specified in the approved project
WPS shall be used in the test. After the completion of welding, the OIU inspector shall
conduct a visual examination of the test coupon. Welds that
meet the dimensional requirements specified in the approved
WPS (bead size, number of layers, bead width, overlay
thickness, bead overlap, etc.) shall be considered acceptable.
Unremoved arc strikes are unacceptable and shall be cause for
rejection of the test coupon (failure). If the visual examination of the test coupon is acceptable, the
OIU inspector shall perform a PT (liquid penetrant)
examination in accordance with Article 6 of the ASME SEC V
B&PV Code. Acceptance criteria shall be as specified in
paragraph QW-195, of the ASME SEC IX B&PV Code. Welders that pass the CRWMO SMAW Ability Performance
Test shall be issued a J CC and only be permitted to perform
overlay welding for the particular project in accordance with
the approved project WPS used.
6.5.2 CRWMO SAW Welding Operator Performance Qualification Test The CRWMO SAW Welding Operator Performance
Qualification Test shall be conducted by the WTC and
witnessed by the WTC welding inspector. Performance qualification testing shall be conducted in
accordance with an approved Test Supplement. Upon completion of the test, the WTC welding inspector shall
visually examine the test coupon. The surface of the weld shall
be smooth and even, and the bead spacing uniform. Coupons that pass the visual examination shall be examined
using the PT method in accordance with Article 6 of the ASME
SEC V B&PV Code. The acceptance criteria shall be as
specified in paragraph QW-195 of the ASME SEC IX B&PV
Code. The testing shall be conducted by the WTC welding
inspector. Following the PT examination, four side bend test specimens
shall be cut (perpendicular to the direction of welding) from the
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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test coupon and tested by the WTC welding inspector. The
acceptance criteria shall be as specified in paragraph QW-163 of
the ASME SEC IX B&PV Code. Welding operators that fail the CRWMO SAW Welding
Operator Performance Qualification Test shall be permitted to
take one retest no sooner than seven (7) days after the initial
test failure. Welding operators that pass the CRWMO SAW Welding
Operator Performance Qualification Test shall be certified in
accordance with the requirements of Chapter 6.2. The Anniversary Recertification testing requirements of
paragraph shall not apply to the CRWMO SAW Test.
6.5.3 J ob Clearance Card (J CC) Welders that pass CRWMO SMAW Ability Performance
Qualification Test shall be registered and issued a J CC for the
project by the OIU. The J CC shall remain valid for the duration of the project
provided the welders certification with the SMAW process
does not become either EXPIRED or REVOKED. After completion of the project the J CC shall be returned to the
6.6 Corrosion Resistant Strip Lining
6.6.1 Welders installing corrosion resistant strip shall be certified to an
approved Test Supplement prior to the start of welding. Only those
welders that have the required prerequisites (refer to Appendix 4) shall
be permitted to take the performance qualification test.
6.6.2 The corrosion resistant strip lining test shall be conducted by the WTC
and witnessed by the WTC welding inspector.
6.6.3 The welder shall remove all mill scale and rust from the test coupon
prior to fit up. Failure to do so shall be cause for rejection of the test
coupon (test failure).
6.6.4 The welder shall fit up the test assembly as instructed by the WTC
welding inspector, who shall check and approve the fit up. The gap
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between the strip lining and base material shall not exceed one sixteenth
inch (1/16").
6.6.5 The welder shall secure the test assembly in the test booth and shall not
start welding until instructed by the WTC welding inspector. The
welding inspector shall observe the welding of the entire test assembly.
The welder shall remove the slag from each weld bead. The end of each
weld bead shall be brushed clean prior to the start of welding with the
next electrode. Grinding of stop/starts and areas of tightly adhering slag
is permitted and should be encouraged. Beads shall not start or end at
corners. After completion of the welding the welder shall brush clean
the entire assembly. All arc strikes shall be removed by grinding. Failure
of a welder to adequately perform these tasks shall be cause for rejection
(test failure).
6.6.6 After completion of the welding the WTC welding inspector shall
visually inspect the test assembly. The surface of the weld beads shall be
smooth in appearance. Undercut and underfill in excess of that permitted
by Section 6.1.3 is not permitted. Welds that do not meet these criteria
shall be rejected (test failure).
6.6.7 Test assemblies that pass the visual inspection shall be leak tested by the
WTC welding inspector and the welder. A small hand pump (or bulb)
shall be used to apply five (5) psig pressure through the 1/4" leak test
hole in the strip lining while leak detection solution is applied over the
welds. Leaks are not permitted (test failure).
6.6.8 Leaks shall be repaired by the welder under the supervision of the WTC
welding inspector. After repairs are complete the welder shall be
permitted to take one retest. The retest may be rescheduled immediately.
6.6.9 Welders that fail the retest shall not be permitted to retake the
Supplement Test for a period of at least one (1) month.
6.6.10 Welders that pass the initial test or the immediate retest shall be certified
in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 6.2 of this Engineering

Revision Summary
1 J uly 2008 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued
with no other changes.
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Issue Date: 1 J uly 2008 Performance Qualification Testing
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

Appendix 1 Flow Chart for Testing and Certifying Welders

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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

Appendix 2 Flow Chart for Maintaining Welder Certification

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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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Appendix 3 List of Approved Welding Test Supplements

SAEP Num Type Proc Base Mat'l Filler Metal Limitations
1101 S01 Pipe SMAW CS EXX10/EXX18 Vertical up
1102 S02 Pipe SMAW CS EXX10 Vertical down
1103 S03 Pipe SMAW SS EXXX-15/16 Fill/cap only
1104 S04 Pipe SMAW SS EXXX-15/16 Fill/cap only
--- ---- ---- Ni Alloys EXXXXX-X Fill/cap only
1105 S05 Pipe SMAW Ni Alloys EXXXXX-X Fill/cap only
1106 S06 Pipe GTAW Al Alloys ERXXXX Structural only
1107 S07 Pipe GTAW CS/LAS/SS ERXXS-X ----------------
--- ---- ---- LAS ERXXS-XX ----------------
--- ---- ---- SS ERXXX ----------------
1108 S08 Pipe GTAW Ni alloys ERXXX-X ----------------
1109 S09 Pipe GTAW Al alloys ERXXXX ----------------
1110 S10 Pipe SAW CS/LAS FXX-EXXX ----------------
1111 S11 Pipe SAW CS/LAS SS & Ni Alloy CRWMO
1112 S12 Pipe SMAW Small Dia CS EXX10/EXX18 Cat-"D" service
1113 S13 Pipe FCAW SS EXXT-X Spray/globular
1114 S14 Plate SMAW CS EXX10/E7018 Vertical up
1115 S15 Lap SMAW SS to CS EXXX-15/16 Vertical down
1116 S16 Lap SMAW Ni to CS EXXXXX-X Vertical down
1117 S17 Fillet SMAW CS BROSCO Wet Welding
1118 ============RESERVED FOR FUTURE TEST SUPPLEMENTS=============
1119 ============RESERVED FOR FUTURE TEST SUPPLEMENTS=============
1120 ============RESERVED FOR FUTURE TEST SUPPLEMENTS=============
1121 ============RESERVED FOR FUTURE TEST SUPPLEMENTS=============
1122 ============RESERVED FOR FUTURE TEST SUPPLEMENTS=============
1123 ============RESERVED FOR FUTURE TEST SUPPLEMENTS=============
1124 ============RESERVED FOR FUTURE TEST SUPPLEMENTS=============

NOTE: The X's in the filler metal classifications indicate that multiple ASME SEC IIC Filler Metal
Specifications are applicable. For example, EXX18 represents E7018, E8018-B1, E8018-C2,
E9018, etc.

Al = Aluminum
Cat-"D" = Category "D" Service as defined in ASME B31.3
CS = Carbon steel
Cu = Copper
LAS = Low alloy steel
Ni = Nickel
SS = Stainless steel
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Appendix 4 Performance Qualification Testing Prerequisites

S01 S03 S04 S05 S07

S01 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

S02 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

S03 _A_ ___ ___ ___ ___
U S04 _A_ ___ ___ ___ ___
P S05 _A_ ___ ___ ___ ___
E S06 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
E S07 _A_ _B_ _B_ ___ ___
T S08 _A_ ___ _B_ _B_ _A_

B S09 _A_ ___ ___ ___ ___
I S10 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
G S11 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

T S12 _A_ ___ ___ ___ ___
S S13 _A_ ___ ___ ___ ___
E S14 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
S15 _A_ _B_ _B_ ___ ___

S16 _A_ ___ _B_ _B_ ___

S17 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

(A) Prior certification to this Supplement is required.
(B) Prior certification to one of two Supplements listed is required.
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly 2013 and Certification of Saudi Aramco Welders

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Appendix 5 Minimum Retraining Times for
Welders Taking the Performance Qualification Retest

Cause of Test Failure Minimum Retraining Time
Unacceptable root ( 14 days
Excessive grinding ( 7 days
Excessive backgouging ( 7 days
Final visual ( 7 days
Rejection of x-ray ( 7 days
Bend test failure ( 7 days
Rejection for cause ( 30 days

NOTE: Prior to taking the retest the Maintenance Superintendent shall certify in writing that the welder has undergone
additional training and is fully prepared to take the retest. Welders that fail the retest shall not be permitted to take a
second retest, and are also prohibited from taking that welding performance qualification test sooner than three (3)
months from that date.
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Appendix 6 Welder Experience Record

Name ____________________ Employee Number __________ Welder Symbol ___________

Org Code ____________ Anniversary Recertification Date _____________

Supplement Number Qualified To
Month _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

1 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

2 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

3 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

4 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

5 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

6 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

7 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

8 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

9 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

10 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

11 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

12 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

(A) Reference inspection report, RT report, weld/braze number, etc.

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