Bleaching: Bleaching and Its Relevance To Esthetic Dentistry

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Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
George Freedman
s the techniques and materials available to dentists have
improved over the past few decades, better and more
conservative restorations have become possible. Extensive prepa-
ration and tooth destruction have given way to a genuine
concern for the preservation of tooth structure. Most recently,
much attention has been devoted to the esthetic aspects of den-
tistry and the patients concerns regarding appearance. Te past
three decades have been the most dynamic period that the pro-
fession has ever seen.
As the populations dental awareness has grown, so has its
demand for a natural (or preferably supernatural) smile. Te one
inescapable fact is that patients are very eager to have whiter and
brighter smiles. Te desire for whiter teeth is the strongest
driving force in peoples quest for dental treatment. Whereas oral
health and function are paramount for the practitioner, the
patients attention tends to focus rather exclusively on appear-
ance and esthetics. In the cultural environment encouraged by
toothpaste advertisements and Hollywood and bolstered by the
personal need to appear healthy and young, discolored or dark
teeth are no longer socially acceptable. Patients are therefore
seeking, and even self-administering, dentist-mediated as well as
exotic and questionable treatments to achieve the whiter smiles
they desire. It is the dentists responsibility to supervise patients
who seek to undergo a whitening treatment to ensure that the
maximum cosmetic beneft is within the boundaries of oral and
systemic health.
Te desire for whiter teeth is not completely a recent phenom-
enon. Even in Biblical times white dentition was considered,
attractive, youthful, and desirable. In third-century BC Greece,
Teophrastus wrote that it was considered a virtue to shave
frequently and to have white teeth.
If any attention was paid to dental hygiene and appearance
during the Middle Ages, there is little surviving documentation.
Life spans were short, education was minimal, and the primary
concerns were survival, food, and shelter.
Guy de Chauliac, a fourteenth-century surgeon, commented
extensively on his dental observations and produced a set of rules
for oral hygiene that included the following tooth-whitening
procedure: Clean the teeth gently with a mixture of honey and
burnt salt to which some vinegar has been added. His texts were
considered authoritative for the subsequent 300 years.
Te following era of dentistry brought the study of dental
anatomy and oral disease and a great interest in the prosthetic
replacement of teeth whose loss could not yet be avoided. As the
craft of dental technology expanded, dentists were better able to
replicate both form and function. Ten, in the nineteenth
century, dentistry began its recognizably modern form of restor-
ing carious and even infected teeth. Tese advancing skills
resulted in patients retaining their teeth for a greater portion of
their lives, and an expectation that these aged teeth could be
made visually acceptable.
Patient demands, combined with rapidly advancing medical
chemistry, resulted in the frst vital tooth bleaching agents and
procedures. Chapple proposed oxalic acid as the material of
choice in 1877. Shortly after, Taft suggested calcium hypo-
chlorite as an efective whitening solution. Te frst mention
of peroxide as a whitening agent was over a century ago; in 1884
Harlan published a report concerning a material that he called
hydrogen dioxide.
Some of the more arcane bleaching proposals at the turn of
the century included electric currents and ultraviolet waves
(Rosenthal). Obviously, neither of these really caught on with
the mainstream dentist. Acid dissolution of brown fuoride
stains was yet another approach to discoloration. Tis technique
was frst documented by Kane in 1916. Te technique involved
342 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
FIGURE 14-1 Superoxol, a whitening agent whose efects
were pioneered by Abbot in 1918. (Permission granted by Integra Miltex,
a business of Integra LifeSciences Corporation, Plainsboro, New Jersey.)
FIGURE 14-2 Te custom-molded tray bleaching process was
introduced in 1989. (Pictured: White & Brite Professional
Tooth Whitening System [3M ESPE, St. Paul, Minnesota].)
the use of 18% HCI to dissolve the superfcial layers of enamel.
Further investigations were conducted by McCloskey in 1984.
In 1918, Abbot pioneered the whitening efects of Superoxol
(Figure 14-1). He found that although the chemical was suitable
for bleaching teeth, its activity could be enhanced by the addi-
tion of heat and light. Some current bleaching techniques are
based on Kane and Abbots developments.
Te earliest attempts at non-vital bleaching were made at the
end of the nineteenth century, but little progress was made until
the 1950s. As endodontic therapy became a routine part of
dental practice, the increase in functional but un-esthetic teeth
prompted dentists to search for newer tooth-whitening tech-
niques. In 1958 Pearson reported on the use of Superoxol sealed
within the pulp chamber. He stated that within 3 days the
oxygen-releasing capacity of the solution had whitened the
experimental teeth to some degree.
By 1967 Nutting and Poe had refned this method, a tech-
nique now known as walking bleaching. A 30% mixture of
Superoxol and sodium perborate was left in the pulp chamber
for up to 1 week. Tis technique provided a dependable treat-
ment modality for tooth bleaching, but its use was obviously
limited to endodontically treated teeth. Tis technique was for
several years the most dependable system available but was often
associated with internal absorption of the tooth structure some
years later. It is no longer used extensively. Far-fetched as it may
now seem, before the new vital toothwhitening procedures,
some dentists actually recommended the removal of healthy
pulp tissue for the sole purpose of introducing bleaching solu-
tions inside the chamber of severely discolored teeth.
It is only in the last two decades that dentistry has fnally
begun to provide patients with reasonable methods for vital
tooth color de-staining. In 1989 a new procedure was developed
(Figure 14-2) whereby a stabilized solution of carbamide perox-
ide or perhydrol-urea was placed into a custom molded tray,
which the patient was required to place over the teeth for hours
at a time. Tis gentle solution worked to gradually whiten the
teeth in a much more predictable, safer manner than the earlier
bleaching methods.
As the dental awareness of the population has increased, the
most common esthetic complaint has been a generalized tooth
discoloration or darkness visible when the patient smiles. Today
the anterior teeth are nearly always vital. Te desired whitening
change is often a moderate modifcation such as lessening the
yellow or gray component of the overall color scheme of the
teeth. Given that the teeth are vital and therefore more likely to
be sensitized by aggressive treatment, and that the desired color
change is not a radical one, there is no need to use the caustic
materials and extensive procedures that were associated with
earlier bleaching techniques.
Safe vital whitening requires an activating material that is
acceptable to both the hard and soft tissues, one that is both
non-caustic and non-toxic. Feinman, in discussing peroxide-
heat-light bleaching procedures, stated that bleaching vital teeth
was more difcult than treating non-vital ones. With the more
recent, less caustic tooth whitening techniques, precisely the
opposite is now true. It is not only much easier to whiten vital
teeth than non-vital ones, it is even easier to whiten the entire
arch than to work with a single discolored tooth. Tis paradigm
shift alone may account for the immediate acceptance of at-home
tooth whitening by the dental community (Box 14-1).
Te historical background of in-ofce tooth whitening is
rather extensive. Whereas historically tooth whitening was frst
tried about 150 years ago, the materials were very toxic, caustic,
and not always efective. In the early 1990s the innovative tech-
niques of at-home bleaching created a demand for a more accel-
erated in-ofce procedure. Not all patients were content to wait
the weeks required with at-home or tray-mediated bleaching.
Te innovations attempted by dentists and manufacturers
were usually designed to increase the percentage of the active
ingredient, either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide, in
the bleaching gel. Te typical 10% carbamide peroxide used in
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 343
appearance of the surface enamel and dentin layers through
the deposition or elimination of chromogenic molecules. Tese
stains do not afect the interocclusal or interproximal relation-
ships of the dentition. Tus there need be no concern about
altering these relationships during the bleaching procedure.
In general, tooth de-coloration should be undertaken before
restorative treatment, but not for functional reasons. It makes
sense to establish the baseline coloration of the overall dentition
so that all restorative eforts can be directed toward a defnitive
goal. Tus, in the esthetic algorithm, the bleaching process is
often the frst to be undertaken and completed. Coincidentally,
this conforms to the patients goals as well.
In-ofce bleaching is useful in the removal of stains throughout
the arch (e.g., age, diet or tetracycline staining), for lightening
a single tooth in an arch (e.g., post-endodontically), or perhaps
even for treating specifc areas of a single tooth (e.g., as in some
types of fuorosis). Te dentist is in complete control of the
process throughout treatment. Tis provides the advantage of
being able to continue treatment or to terminate the de-staining
process at any time. In-ofce bleaching is usually so rapid that
visible results are observed after even a single visit. As patients
become visually motivated at the frst appointment, they tend
to be more compliant for the second and third appointments
that are often required to complete the in-ofce treatment
process. Many patients prefer bleaching by the dental profes-
sional (rather than utilizing at-home techniques) because it
requires less active participation on their part. In order to best
serve their patients, dentists should ideally be familiar with both
at-home and in-ofce treatment modalities. It is not uncommon
to combine both techniques for a customized whitening treat-
ment of a single patient. In this way the patient sees immediate
results and is encouraged to continue the treatment both at
early products was increased to about 35% carbamide peroxide
(Lumibrite, Den-Mat, Santa Maria California). Te carbamide
peroxide was applied for short periods of time in a tray. Tis
material was somewhat caustic to the gingiva but performed
efective bleaching of tooth structures. However, materials with
an anhydrous formula tended to suck moisture out of the tooth
structures, causing both treatment and post-treatment sensitiv-
ity, which could be signifcantly uncomfortableat times.
Te percentage of hydrogen peroxide in gel or liquid form
was also increased. Te problem with this innovation was that
hydrogen peroxide, even in low concentrations such as 10%, can
be quite caustic to the soft tissues. Although it does not appre-
ciably afect the hard tissues, it can create peroxide burns on the
gingiva or papillae and nearby oral soft tissues. Tus, application
of higher percentage peroxides, up to 35% or 50%, required an
efective paint-on rubber dam barrier to protect the gingiva and
the oral tissues. Regular rubber dams allowed liquid peroxides
to seep between the teeth and the dam and burn the peridental
soft tissues. Protective gels were often applied to the soft tissues
as well, but some of the higher-concentration peroxides still
managed to cause damage. Te paint-on rubber dams (Figure
14-3) (Pulpdent Kool-Dam paint-on dam) ofered protection
for the lips, cheeks, and face.
Because tooth bleaching does not afect the structural integrity
of the dentition, there is no relationship of tooth function and
de-coloration. Both staining and de-staining afect only the
BOX 14.1 Tooth Whitening Timeline
Initial Attempts at Bleaching
1877 Chappleoxalic acid
1888 Taftcalcium hypochlorite
1884 Harlanhydrogen dioxide
1895 Electrical currents
Non-Vital Bleaching Initiated
1895 Garretson
1911 Rosenthalultraviolet waves
1916 Kane18% hydrochloric acid
Modern Bleaching Techniques Begin
1918 AbbotSuperoxol and heat
Successful Non-Vital Bleaching
1958 Pearsonintrapulpal bleach
1967 Nutting and Poewalking bleach
1978 Superoxol heat and light
Modern Techniques
1989 Munrooutpatient tooth whitening
1990s General usein-ofce vital bleaching
1995 Yarboroughlaser-assisted beaching
FIGURE 14-3 Paint-on rubber dam isolation techniques ofer
gingival protection to the soft tissues during the in-ofce
bleaching process (Pictured: Kool-Dam, Pulpdent Corpora-
tion, Watertown, Massachusetts.)
344 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
Traditionally, tooth discolorations are divided into extrinsic and
intrinsic categories (Box 14-2).
Extrinsic Stains
Long-chain polysaccharides and proteinaceous materials create
a tenacious coating on the exposed surface of teeth called the
pellicle. Te pellicle is easily stained, with the most severe stains
occurring at the gingival margin and in the interproximal areas,
which are less accessible to toothbrushing. Te pellicle can
display many colors, ranging from white to red to brown to
green, and can become extremely opaque, depending on the
pigmentation source.
Extrinsic stains are routinely removed during standard pro-
phylaxis. Patients can remove this layer daily during brushing.
Efective oral hygiene instruction can help them to achieve
maximum results. Occasionally patients must use toothpastes
with a relatively high index of abrasion or even a medium- to
hard-bristled toothbrush. Usually, simple persistence with a soft
brush and low-abrasive toothpaste is sufcient.
Intrinsic Stains
Intrinsic stains are the result of color changes in the internal
structures of the teeth caused by factors that are may be systemic
or local in origin. Not only are intrinsic stains more difcult to
treat than extrinsic stains, but because of their distribution
throughout the tooth, they are more readily apparent. With
modern tooth-whitening procedures, most intrinsic stains can
be removed. Tose difcult situations that do not respond to
home and in the ofce. By the combination of these two tech-
niques, the whitening process is continued between the ofce
bleaching sessions, and thus the fnal result is achieved more
rapidly than if either technique were to be used alone.
Te only necessary indication for tooth whitening is the patients
desire for whiter teeth. Te choice of whitening technique
depends on the specifc cause of the discoloration; for instance,
non-vital bleaching techniques should be used only for non-vital
teeth. Bleaching techniques are use to treat some or all of the
Developmental or acquired stains
Stains in enamel and dentin
Yellow-brown stains
Age-yellowed smiles
White or brown fuorosis
Mild to moderate tetracycline stains
Tere are few contraindications for tooth whitening or bleach-
ing. Of course, any patient who is allergic or sensitive to any of
the bleaching components or materials should not attempt the
treatment. Allergies of this type are virtually nonexistent.
Women who are pregnant or nursing should also not undergo
tooth bleaching. Although there are no reports of problems with
this population group, it is simply safer not to begin or continue
cosmetic procedures whose efects may, under certain specifc
conditions, be deleterious to the fetus or newborn. Again, there
is no evidence that such efects have ever occurred, but safe is
better than sorry.
Vital tooth bleaching techniques, whether performed at
home or in ofce, should be avoided for teeth with large pulp
chambers or those that have exhibited sensitivity. In fact, all
patients who complain of tooth sensitivity should have this
problem solved before commencing tooth de-staining.
Patients with erosions, whether chemical, abrasive, or caused
by recession, may experience more bleaching sensitivity through
and after treatment, and thus these erosions should be treated
before treatment. Te same treatment approach should be fol-
lowed for those with abfractions.
Factors that can limit the success of bleaching are the degree
and quality of the discoloration. If the teeth are extremely dark,
no matter what the cause, the whitening procedures may require
supplementation with other restorative procedures, such as por-
celain veneers. Tis is particularly true with stains in the gray-
blue range, which do not respond as well to whitening as stains
in the yellow-brown range.
Differentiating Stains
Diferentiating the quality and cause of stains is of more than
merely academic interest. Knowing what caused the dental stain-
ing allows the dentist to better plan the whitening technique
and to provide a more accurate prediction of the outcome. Stain-
ing and discoloration of the teeth can be caused by many factors.
BOX 14.2 Tooth Stains
Extrinsic Stains
Foods and beverages
Intrinsic Stains
Pre-Eruptively Caused Discolorations
Amelogenesis imperfecta
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Endemic fuorosis
Erythroblastosis fetalis
Sickle cell anemia
Tetracycline staining
Post-Eruptively Caused Discolorations
Dental metals
Foods, beverages, and habits such as smoking
Idiopathic pulpal recession
Non-alloy dental material
Traumatic injury
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 345
brown. Tese teeth are also have a rough and pitted surface.
Hypoplastic teeth have enamel that is quite thin, often to the
point where interproximal contacts are eliminateed. Hypoplastic
teeth have a smooth, hard, yellow appearance, with pitting
found on occasion.
Te treatment of amelogenesis imperfecta depends on the
condition of the enamel. If the enamel is sufciently thick, the
teeth are aggressively treated with topical fuoride, after which
direct bonding procedures may be appropriate; the more pre-
dictable treatment, however, is providing full prosthetic coverage
for the afected teeth; insufcient tooth thickness or abraded
enamel are indications for full prosthetic coverage.
Dentinogenesis imperfecta (Figure 14-5) is an inherited trait
that is the most prevalent hereditary dystrophy afecting tooth
structure. Typically seen more severely in the primary dentition,
the clinical crowns appear reddish-brown to gray opalescent. Te
enamel is often friable and breaks of soon after eruption. Te
exposed softened dentin rapidly abrades away. Te thin or non-
existent enamel makes full prosthetic coverage the only viable
treatment option. Vital bleaching is contraindicated.
Endemic fuorosis (Figure 14-6) is an enamel discoloration
caused by excessive intake of fuoride during odontogenesis.
tooth-whitening procedures can be esthetically improved using
composite or porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns.
Intrinsic stains can be divided into those arising during odon-
togenesis and those occurring after tooth eruption. Te difcul-
ties in removing stains and the expected degree of success depend
on the type of discoloration being addressed. During odonto-
genesis, teeth may incorporate discolorations into the enamel or
dentin through quantitative or qualitative changes or by the
inclusion of pigments to their structure. Post-eruptively, teeth
can become intrinsically discolored when discoloring agents are
integrated into the hard tissues internally from the pulp chamber
or extrinsically from the tooth surface.
Intrinsic Discolorations Created during Odontogenesis
Alkaptonuria is a recessive genetic defciency resulting in the
incomplete oxidation of tyrosine and phenylalanine, causing
increased levels of homogentisic (or melanic) acid. It is also
known as phenylketonuria and ochronosis. Te condition can
cause a dark brown pigmentation of the permanent teeth. Tooth
whitening can lessen or even eliminate the discoloration. In
severe cases the teeth may require restorative esthetic procedures
to achieve acceptable results.
Amelogenesis imperfecta (Figure 14-4) is considered a genetic
defect that can afect both the primary and the permanent denti-
tions. Te most common modes of inheritance are either auto-
somal recessive or autosomal dominant. Tree categories have
been identifed: hypomaturation, hypocalcifc, and hypoplastic.
Tese display considerable diferences in appearance both within
and among groups. Hypomaturation has an autosomal domi-
nant mode of inheritance, and presents as enamel that has
chipped away from the underlying dentin. Hypocalcifc cases
exhibit enamel that has normal thickness but is soft. Te enamel
is often completely abraded away soon after eruption. Te tooth
crown ranges in appearance from a dull opaque white to a dark
FIGURE 14-4 Amelogenesis imperfecta, hypocalcifed type.
(From Pinkham J, Casamassimo P, Fields H, et al: Pediatric dentistry: infancy
through adolescence, ed 4, St Louis, 2006, Mosby.)
FIGURE 14-5 (A) Clinical and (B) radiographic appearance
of dentinogenesis imperfecta. (From Ibsen O, Phelan J: Oral pathology
for the dental hygienist, ed 5, St Louis, 2009, Saunders.)
346 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
followed by tooth-whitening procedures. If the improvement is
not sufcient, conservative bonding procedures are indicated.
Erythroblastosis fetalis is a blood disorder of the neonate
caused by Rh incompatibility between the fetal and maternal
blood supplies. It is characterized by agglutination and hemoly-
sis of the erythrocytes, producing free blood pigments. Tese
can discolor all the teeth that are in the process of being con-
currently formed. Afected teeth can range in color from brown
to green-blue. Tis condition is usually self-treating, and the
staining resolves as the child matures. Treatment is usually not
Porphyria (Figure 14-7) is a porphyrin metabolism disorder
that results in increased formation and excretion of porphyrins.
It is usually genetically transmitted and rare, but may develop
later in life. Neurological, psychological, and gastrointestinal
symptoms may present as well. Te hematoporphyrin pigment
causes a characteristic reddish-brown discoloration of the teeth
(erythrodontia). Te dental efects are more common in the
primary than the permanent dentition. Coloration is dispersed
throughout the enamel, dentin, and cementum, and fuoresces
under ultraviolet light. Tooth whitening, and possibly bonding,
can be efective.
Sickle cell anemia and thalassemia are both inherited blood
dyscrasias that result in tooth discoloration similar to that caused
FIGURE 14-6 Fluorosis. A, Mild form of fuoride mottling, exhibiting white opaque fecks near the incisal edges with the surface
remaining smooth and intact. B, Moderate form of fuoride mottling with ridges of hypoplasia and white and brownish enamel.
C, Severe form of fuoride-induced hypoplasia and discoloration with associated cracking and chipping of the enamel. (From Sapp
JP, Eversole L, Wysocki G: Contemporary oral and maxillofacial pathology, ed 2, St Louis, 2004, Mosby.)
Fluorosed teeth range from slight wisps or fecks of opaque
white to mottled or pitted darkened surfaces. Te condition
was described as early as 1916, although the causative agent
was not identifed until 1931. Black thought the stain was
caused by replacement of the normal cementing substance
between enamel rods by a material that he named brownin.
It is now known that dental fuorosis is a form of enamel
hypoplasia, resulting from metabolic alteration of the amelo-
blast during enamel formation. Dental fuorosis is often found
in communities where the fuoride content of the drinking
water exceeds 1 part per million. Te severity of the staining is
directly proportional to the amount of fuoride absorbed. Te
teeth can be afected from the second trimester in utero
through age 9 years.
Areas of the tooth that are darkened by endemic fuorosis
respond to vital tooth-whitening procedures. If the stains are set
deep into the tooth and are very opaque, however, only limited
success can be achieved. In these cases, tooth-whitening proce-
dures should be followed by bonded porcelain or composite.
Teeth that exhibit white areas cannot be darkened by the tooth-
whitening process. For superfcial areas, enamel abrasion
(although it is invasive of tooth structure) can be used. If the
tooth has both dark and opaque white areas, the treatment of
choice is abrasion of the areas where the stain is superfcial,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 347
staining caused by tetracyclines is related to the calcium binding
in the tooth. Tetracycline binds to the tooth calcium, forming a
tetracyclinecalcium phosphate complex. It occurs throughout
the tooth but is most highly concentrated in the dentin near the
dentino-enamel junction. Both the quality and the severity of
the discoloration are directly related to the specifc tetracycline
ingested as well as the dose. Some early investigations revealed
that teeth afected by tetracycline frst exhibit a yellow coloration
and a bright yellow fuorescence that difers signifcantly from
the blue fuorescence of normal, healthy teeth. Te color of the
afected teeth gradually changes over the succeeding months or
years. Te shade change is most noticeable in those teeth that
are most exposed to extraoral lightspecifcally, the facial sur-
faces of the anterior teeth. Wallman and Hilton clearly demon-
strated the role of light in this process in 1962 by splitting a
tetracycline-stained tooth lengthwise and exposing only one
half to light. Te light-exposed half underwent a color change
to brown, whereas the unexposed half remained yellow. For
this reason many researchers believe that the use of heat and
light bleaching systems to treat tetracycline stains may be
Clinically, tetracycline-stained teeth can exhibit light-yellow
to dark-gray bands. Tese bands may correspond to the active
area of tooth formation at the specifc time that the tetracycline
exposure occurred. Usually the darker shades are confned to the
gingival third of the teeth, but the lighter, hay-colored shades
are most often located in the incisal third. Standard tooth whit-
ening can be expected to improve the appearance, although the
results are less than ideal. Te diferentiation between the light
and dark tooth areas is usually diminished by the whitening
process. On some teeth, selectively etching the darker enamel
areas prior to whitening can further improve the result. Bonding
is usually required in more darkly stained teeth to achieve an
acceptable result, although the degree of improvement from vital
tooth whitening alone can be profound. Because the diferentia-
tion between the lighter and darker areas becomes less distinct,
many patients are satisfed and content to defer bonding. Teeth
with a yellow or brown discoloration generally whiten more
completely than those with a gray or blue stains.
Post-Eruptive Discoloration
Age can be a cause of discoloration. Several non-pathologic
conditions related to the aging process gradually discolor the
teeth. Te natural process of gradual pulp withdrawal with the
simultaneous formation of secondary dentin causes the tooth to
appear more yellowish-brown. Tis is perhaps the most common
indication for tooth whitening. Te results are the most rapid
and predictable. Standard vital tooth whitening treatment
options are applicable.
Dental metals are the most ubiquitous source of staining
specifcally, leeching of amalgam corrosion products (Figure
14-9). Treaded stainless steel pins or gold-plated retentive pins
can cause similar extremely dark stains that pose signifcant chal-
lenges for any whitening efort.
Teeth that are stained by dental alloys or pins must frst have
the ofending dental metals replaced by composite or porcelain
restorations. If the stain is very dark, the whitening prognosis is
by erythroblastosis fetalis. Unfortunately, unlike erythroblastosis
fetalis, these discolorations are more severe and do not improve
with time. Tooth whitening plus bonding procedures can be
efective for the more difcult cases.
Te potential for tetracycline to cause discoloration (Figure
14-8) of the dentition is well documented and studied since it
was frst reported by Schwachman and Schuster in 1956. Because
tetracycline can cross the placental barrier, tetracycline afects
both the deciduous and permanent dentitions, making the teeth
vulnerable throughout odontogenesis. Even an exposure as short
as 3 days can cause discoloration of the teeth at any time between
4 months in utero and age 9 years. Te mechanism of the
FIGURE 14-7 Congenital erythropoietic porphyria. Brown-
ish teeth fuoresce under Wood lamp examination. (From Kliegman
R, Behrman R, Jenson H, Stanton B: Nelson textbook of pediatrics, ed 18, St
Louis, 2008, Saunders.)
FIGURE 14-8 Teeth stained as a result of tetracycline admin-
istration. Tis is an extreme example of tetracycline staining:
the entire enamel (and dentin) has become pigmented. As the
staining is built into the structure of the tooth, bleaching pro-
cedures do not usually greatly improve the appearance of these
teeth. Crowns or, more conservatively, veneers will do so. (From
Berkovitz BKB, Holland GR, Maxham BJ: Oral anatomy, histology, and embry-
ology, ed 4, St Louis, 2010, Mosby.) (Courtesy Dr. M. Ignelz.)
348 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
specifcally localized. Te selected destaining procedure is deter-
mined in the same fashion as for idiopathic pulpal recession
stains. If the tooth is non-vital, standard non-vital bleaching
can be used. Occasionally the stains are so dark and resistant
to whitening that additional adhesive restorative dentistry is
Traumatic injury to the tooth may result in an internal hem-
orrhage. Te ensuing difusion of bilirubin into the dentin
tubules causes an initial pink discoloration that is usually devel-
ops over time to a darker, difuse red-brown stain.
If the pulp is sufciently resilient to avoid necrotic degenera-
tion, the crowns natural color returns within a few weeks after
injury. If the pulp degenerates, the natural color does not return
and the discoloration becomes darker. In some cases, a growing
pink spot on the enamel surface indicates progressive internal
Tooth whitening treatment should not be instituted until the
dentist is certain that the tooth has fully recovered from the
trauma. Sometimes the natural color returns without interven-
tion. In cases with residual staining, the tooth is tested for vital-
ity and radiographed. If the tooth is vital with no evidence of
internal or external resorption, tooth-whitening procedures can
be initiated. If the tooth is non-vital, endodontic therapy is
followed by non-vital bleaching. If there is internal resorption
in a vital tooth, endodontic therapy is indicated, then non-vital
Te material options for at-home bleaching include bleaching
trays. In most cases a custom-made tray is fabricated by the dental
ofce or laboratory and given to the patient (Figure 14-10). Te
patient injects the bleaching agent into the tray during the day,
overnight, or both, and inserts the tray over the teeth; treatment
for an entire arch (or both arches) typically requires about 2 to
not good. Adhesive restorative procedures are required for clini-
cally acceptable results.
Some of the most common staining agents are foods and
beverages, such as tea, cofee, and soft drinks and lifestyle choice
substances such as smoking and chewing tobacco. Te degree
and quality of staining directly refect the type, frequency,
length, and intensity of exposure to the staining agents. Fortu-
nately, tooth whitening prognosis excels with these stain catego-
ries. Te standard techniques can be expected to produce rapid,
dramatic results in most cases.
Idiopathic pulpal recession sometimes occurs in teeth. Te
teeth remain vital but gradually display a yellow to brown dark-
ening. Te appearance is often similar to that of a non-vital
tooth; vitality testing diferentiates the two. Such teeth usually
typically exhibit a diminished pulp chamber diameter on radio-
graphic examination. Standard tooth-whitening procedures are
indicated if the desired result is an overall whitening of all the
teeth. Tis procedure efectively removes the discoloration of the
tooth with idiopathic pulpal recession and usually whitens all
the neighboring teeth as well. Te discolored teeth typically
destain more rapidly than the other teeth, resulting in a better
blending and better matching of the shades of adjacent teeth.
Te patient thereby eliminates the problem of a single darker
non-matching tooth, and whitens all the others in the arch
through the course of treatment. Where there are porcelain
crowns that match the existing general shade, this approach is
not desirable, as ceramic restorations are not made whiter by
bleaching. An alternative in this situation is to mask the discol-
oration with composite.
Many of the materials used routinely in dentistry have the
potential to cause tooth discoloration. Non-alloy dental materials
such as eugenol, formocresol, and root canal sealers are impli-
cated in a wide range of tooth discolorations. Te prescribed
treatment is the same as for dental alloy stains. If the tooth
is vital, standard vital tooth whitening is usually efective.
Te most common complication is that the stain may be very
FIGURE 14-9 Extrinsic metallic stain. (From Daniel S, Harfst S,
Wilder R: Mosbys dental hygiene, ed 2, St Louis, 2008, Mosby.)
FIGURE 14-10 Custom-fabricated bleaching tray for at-home
whitening procedure.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 349
tray can be comfortably worn for several hours to overnight,
even though the efcacy of the bleaching gel decreases progres-
sively and the material becomes inactive for bleaching after 3 to
4 hours. Most of the bleaching efect occurs in the frst 30 to
60 minutes. Reservoirs can be built into the internal surface of
the tray (Figure 14-15) on the buccals of some or all of the teeth
to increase the speed of the bleaching by leaving more carbamide
peroxide in contact with the dental surfaces. Te tray is generally
quite thin and is made of transparent material so it can be worn
during the day, even during work (Figure 14-16).
Disadvantages of the tray system include the need to acquire
an impression (Figure 14-17) of the dentition prior to tray
fabrication. Tis impression is then poured in stone, and a tray
is fabricated with a heat and suck-down tray-former such as the
UltraVac Vacuum Former (Figure 14-18) (Ultradent Products,
Inc.). Tis device is relatively easy to operate but does require
some chairside and in-ofce laboratory time. Typically tray
fabrication in the dental ofce can be delegated to an
auxiliary who will complete the task in 30 to 60 minutes. Since
the bleaching treatment is often an impulse decision for the
4 weeks. At-home tray-less techniques are similar; no prefabri-
cated or custom-fabricated trays are needed. Double-tray systems,
such as Opalescence Trswhite Supreme (Ultradent Products,
Inc., South Jordan, Utah), have an inner, softer tray pre-loaded
with the bleaching gel and an outer harder tray that is used to
position the entire system over the teeth (Figure 14-11). Tis
technique does not require the in-ofce fabrication of a tray and
thus ofers time advantages for most practices. Bleaching strips
without trays, such as Crest 3D White Whitestrips (Procter &
Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio), are placed over the teeth and manu-
ally adapted to the tooth anatomy (Figure 14-12). Te patient
pats the strips onto the tooth surfaces and leaves them in place
for about 30 minutes per application (Figure 14-13).
Tray Bleaching Systems
Advantages of the tray system include the predictable volume
(Figure 14-14) of the bleach applied to the teeth and the ability
to efectively spread the bleach to every tooth, covering their
occlusal, buccal, lingual and interproximal aspects as well. Te
FIGURE 14-11 Tray-less at home whitening systems have an
inner soft tray containing the bleaching material and a harder
outer tray used to position the soft tray over the teeth. (Pic-
tured: Opalescence Trswhite Supreme ([courtesy Ultradent Products,
Inc., South Jordan, Utah].)
FIGURE 14-12 Bleaching strips are placed over the teeth and
adapted to the teeth with the patients fngers.
FIGURE 14-13 Bleaching strips are worn for about 30
minutes per application.
FIGURE 14-14 Custom trays provide predictable volume of
bleach application to the teeth.
350 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
patient, it is typically unplanned. As a direct result, tray fabrica-
tion can contribute to scheduling problems. However, it is
important once the patient decides to have their teeth bleached
to begin treatment as soon as possible, thus taking advantage of
the patients active, but possibly feeting, interest in the color of
their dentition. Furthermore, most auxiliaries are not particu-
larly fond of trimming the bleaching trays (Figures 14-19 and
14-20), which should terminate just shy of the gingival margin
of the soft tissues. Generally it is a good idea to not have the
bleaching tray impinge on the soft tissues (Figure 14-21), as this
may cause gingival irritation and patient discomfort. Te tissues
must be approached as closely as possible (Figure 14-22) to
maximize the whitening efect and to minimize treatment time.
FIGURE 14-15 Reservoirs built into the custom tray increases
the speed of bleaching by allowing more carbamide peroxide
to be in contact with the tooth surface.
FIGURE 14-16 Custom trays are thin and transparent, allow-
ing the patient the convenience of bleaching the teeth any-
where and anytime.
FIGURE 14-17 A disadvantage of the custom bleaching tray
is the requirement for an impression.
FIGURE 14-18 Custom bleaching trays are formed using a
vacuum former.
FIGURE 14-19 Scissor trimming of the custom bleaching
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 351
Customizing the margins to adapt them to the dentition takes
several minutes and can be exacting, even with the proper
Prefabricated Tray and Tray-less
Bleaching Systems
Te major advantage of the at-home prefabricated tray system
is that no bleaching tray need be fabricated in the ofce. Te
only real caveat is that the patient must be thoroughly instructed
in the use of the prefabricated tray bleaching process. He or she
must fully understand how to properly insert the pre-loaded
trays on their dentition.
Disadvantages include: the inner, soft tray material (Figures
14-23 and 14-24) that is adapted to the teeth can slip of sooner
than desired, leaving the teeth less bleached than anticipated.
FIGURE 14-20 Custom bleaching trays should be trimmed
just shy of the gingival margin of the soft tissues.
FIGURE 14-21 Custom trays should not impinge on the soft
tissues, as this will cause gingival irritation and patient
FIGURE 14-22 Te custom tray should approach the soft
tissues as closely as possible without actually making contact
to minimize the treatment time.
FIGURE 14-23 Te soft tray material in the tray-less bleach-
ing systems may slip of sooner than desired.
FIGURE 14-24 Te tray-less bleaching system in place.
352 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
2. Te performance record of the product or a material that
has previously been used for human treatment can be
examined for deleterious side efects.
As was to be expected, concerns were raised regarding the
safety implications of vital tooth whitening when the technique
was frst introduced. Tese issues were largely related to the use
of carbamide peroxide (a bufered hydrogen peroxide solution
or gel) in the oral environment. (Te terms carbamide peroxide,
urea peroxide, and perhydrol urea are often used interchangeably.)
Te typical worries centered on whether carbamide peroxide
might be toxic, dangerous, or oncogenic in the short and long
terms. Tese apprehensions were simply the evidence-based
inquiries of a responsible profession, as no scientifc evidence
had been advanced to support these positions. Some of the
initial commentaries also asserted that dentistry had little experi-
ence with this particular chemistry.
Tis was not entirely true; although the profession had little
direct experience with carbamide peroxide for tooth-whitening
purposes, there was a scientifc record of the intra-oral use of
carbamide peroxide for other purposes that spanned 50 years.
Te recorded scientifc data include both animal and human
studies, short and long term, that have evaluated the issue of this
materials safety in the oral cavity.
Te testing revealed that carbamide peroxide not only pro-
motes gingival healing but is actively anti-plaque in nature and
may be anti-cariogenic, as well. Te focus of the carbamide
peroxide testing in past years was to evaluate it as an antiseptic
(not as a tooth-whitening agent), but the intra-oral conditions
under which the tests were conducted were identical to those
associated with whitening procedures.
Carbamide peroxide is not a substance that is new to den-
tistry, nor was its development for dental purposes accidental.
Aqueous hydrogen peroxide has long been used by the dental
(and medical) profession; its lack of toxicity and minimal side
efects, combined with both cleansing and bactericidal proper-
ties, make it particularly attractive for intra-oral use. A major
practical problem with hydrogen peroxide is its extremely rapid
breakdown on contact with body tissues, a reaction that is
greatly accelerated by peroxidase and catalase enzymes, which
are commonly found in the mouth and the body. Foaming
(Figure 14-26) is often observed at the initial application (or
re-application) of hydrogen peroxide whitening agents. Tis is
an oxygenated foam that demonstrates the catalysis of the per-
oxide. A 10% preparation of carbamide peroxide in anhydrous
glycerin is equivalent in chemical activity to 3% aqueous hydro-
gen peroxide, yet far more stable and predictable.
Te search for efective clinical materials led to the investiga-
tion of more stable and longer acting peroxides. It was found
that carbamide peroxide has a much slower rate of reaction and
oxygen release at tissue surfaces, particularly at oral and room
temperatures (hydrogen peroxide in warm concentrated solu-
tions lacks stability). In fact, carbamide peroxide was found to
still be active after 20 minutes of body tissue contact. When the
peroxide is held adjacent to intra-oral surfaces by a glycerin or
Carbopol solution, the efective reaction time is signifcantly
FIGURE 14-25 Strip systems cover cuspid to cuspid but not
much beyond these teeth.
Most patients lose comfort (and patience) with the bleaching
material on their teeth after about 20 or 30 minutes, and some-
times even less. Te soft tray is very easy to remove. Tus com-
pliance with the prefabricated tray system is not as predictable
as with the custom-fabricated tray systems.
Advantages of the Crest 3D White Whitestrips tray-less
system are ease of application, reduced expense, and less labor
compared with the tray systems. Te only clinical time require-
ment is that set aside for the patient instruction to properly use
the material and place the strips over the teeth. Disadvantages
include that the strips tend to slip of (or are removed by
patients) somewhat sooner than desirable. It is relatively easy
to slip the strips of the teeth with the tongue or fngers.
Neither the at-home prefabricated tray, nor the strip systems
have as much patient compliance as the custom-fabricated tray
system. However, the strip systems are very easy to use and
rather inexpensive.
Strip systems can be limited by their overall length; they cover
the teeth cuspid to cuspid but not much beyond these teeth
(Figure 14-25). Once strip bleaching is completed, the cuspids
or frst bicuspids will be whitened but the molars will remain
more or less at their original color. If these teeth are visible
on the smile, supplemental tooth whitening treatment is
Te Safety of Tooth Whitening
Te dentists primary concern for any dental procedure must be
its safety. Te entire dental team must have absolute confdence
in, and comfort with, the dental treatments that are recom-
mended to patients. Safety is typically established by one of two
well established mechanisms:
1. A new product can be tested on animals in order to
predict its toxicity in humans
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 353
handicapped, carbamide peroxide was used as a rinse fve times
per day for 3 weeks. Even when the formula was used at twice
the recommended dosage and frequency, no irritation or infam-
mation were produced in the subjects.
Fogel and Magill conducted research with orthodontic
patients. Carbamide peroxide in anhydrous glycerol was applied
orally to prevent caries development. Seventy full-banding
patients participated in this study for 2 to 3 years. Four daily
applications and no rinsing afterward provided an efective
tissue-contact time of up to 2 hours per day or 1500 to 2300
hours total exposure over the entire orthodontic treatment study.
Te results were positively anti-cariogenic, and there were no
reported side efects.
Shipman investigated the efects of an 11% carbamide per-
oxide gel on the gingiva over a period of 1 month (11 hours of
tissue contact time) and pronounced the material safe. In 1976,
it was suggested that carbamide peroxide should be considered
as a routine oral hygiene adjunct. In another study, sixty orth-
odontic patients rinsed with carbamide peroxide over a period
of 3 months (90 hours of tissue exposure). Signifcant plaque
reductions were observed, and no adverse reactions noted.
Te studies just listed, and many others that have reached
similar conclusions, indicate the safety, local and systemic, of
10% to 15% carbamide peroxide in a carrier gel. Although
at-home tooth whitening is a relatively novel dental service, the
safety and efcacy of the various materials used in the procedure
are well documented and well established. It is unlikely that any
new treatment modality can be introduced with an established
safety history, but at-home bleaching comes as close to that ideal
as possible.
Long-Term Stability of Tooth Whitening
Tooth whitening begins to relapse at the very moment the active
bleaching process is ended. It is quite obvious that certain delete-
rious habits such as smoking, excessive cofee, cola or tea, and
chewing tobacco or betel nut paan may cause the teeth to dis-
color more rapidly and should be avoided. Normal dietary items
can be equally guilty in the re-staining of the teeth, however.
Blueberries, red wine, and beets, just as examples, can color teeth
quite rapidly. In fact, most natural foods are somewhat pig-
mented, and many processed foods incorporate harmless dyes
that can stain teeth. Fortunately, after an initial rapid color
fallback, the progress of re-staining is rather slow. Te positive
color changes of tooth whitening are often still clearly visible
(and measurable) 3 to 5 years after the original treatment.
An educated avoidance (or decreased consumption) of chro-
mogenic foods, particularly during and immediately after tooth
whitening, can delay the inevitable color relapse. A meticulous
regimen of oral hygiene on the patients part (Figure 14-27) also
assists in maintaining the whiteness of the teeth for a longer
period. Improved home care is often a noticeable and benefcial
consequence of whitening procedures, as the patient becomes
more personally aware of the benefts of a healthy smile.
Tooth whitening should be considered a cosmetic treatment
that can provide a major appearance-related beneft to the
patient, but one that is transient, much like a hair-dyeing
Ambrose reported favorably on the use of carbamide peroxide
in the cleansing of tooth surfaces prepared for restorations.
Arnim recorded the improvement in plaque control provided by
carbamide peroxide in anhydrous glycerol in the absence of any
other means of hygiene. Just four minutes of rinsing per day
provided signifcant plaque reduction with no negative side
efects reported.
Manhold compared four oxygenating agents, all available
commercially, for their efects on wounded rat tissues. All the
oxygenating agents helped to promote faster healing than would
have been expected, and carbamide peroxide provided the fastest
and most complete therapy. Another rat study in 1982 deter-
mined that the anti-cariogenic efectiveness of the oxygenating
topical agents was related to their ability to release active oxygen
rather than their ability to neutralize plaque acid. Carbamide
peroxide was found to be highly efective in reducing plaque
accumulation and caries incidence. Carbamide peroxide has
even been tested with neonates to treat oral candidiasis. It was
found to be very efective and without any adverse efects.
Te following studies demonstrate the safety of extended
experimental oral contact with carbamide peroxide. Tis allows
the dentist to calibrate the recommended time parameters for
the comprehensive home whitening procedure. Currently avail-
able at-home bleaching techniques require 20 to 200 hours of
oral exposure over a period of several weeks.
Williams advocated the use of carbamide peroxide to combat
pharyngeal and throat infections. Te total contact time over
1 week was about 10 hours, and to ensure that the test material
was adequately distributed throughout the infected areas,
patients were instructed to swallow it after gargling. It was
observed that any minimal side efects were transitory, that the
treatment was analgesic, and that tissue irritation was reduced.
Te clinical efectiveness of carbamide peroxide in reducing
dental plaque and gingival infammation with institutionalized
patients was observed by Zinner. Te total treatment time
was 15 hours over 4 weeks. No side efects were reported. To
evaluate an efective oral hygiene supplement for the severely
FIGURE 14-26 Foaming is often observed with the applica-
tion of hydrogen peroxide whitening agents. Tis oxygenated
foam demonstrates the catalysis of the peroxide.
354 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
regular basis. Tis serves the primary care dentist well in provid-
ing opportunities for regular cleaning, dental checkups and pro-
fessional monitoring. Patients must also be informed that
although their teeth are more esthetic, they are no more resistant
to decay or periodontal problems than they were before
At-Home Innovative Elements
Scientific Elements
Te underlying scientifc innovation for at-home dental bleach-
ing was the application re-orientation of a series of commonly
used, proven-safe materials that had the ability to de-stain both
vital and non-vital teeth. Fortuitously, there had been extensive
research (and published documentation) of the use of these
materials intra-orally for purposes other than tooth whitening.
For example, carbamide peroxide rinses had been used for more
than 50 years to decrease gingival infammation. It had been
noted that an unintended side efect of these rinses was that the
teeth appeared to become whiter with continued use. Until
Munro applied the same chemistry and an innovative applica-
tion format to bleaching use, the potential value of these materi-
als as tooth whiteners was not recognized. Te availability of a
safe, easy-to-use, and relatively predictable material that was
capable of whitening the teeth made carbamide peroxide bleach-
ing much more attractive and popular. In fact, there should be
a warning on the label of each at-home bleaching kit that as an
unintended side efect, gingival health will improve.
Rinsing with carbamide peroxide liquid will whiten teeth,
but unfortunately the destaining process would be very slow and
rather tedious. Most patients would lose interest in the process
long before their teeth became visibly whiter.
Technologic Elements
Several technologic advances have had a great impact on the
interest in at-home tooth whitening over the years. Tese were
often minor procedural or product changes that, although not
very dramatic on their own, made the patient use and the ofce
delivery of at-home whitening more comfortable, more pleasant,
and more practical.
One of the early problems with carbamide peroxide home
bleaching was the favor of the active ingredient. Carbamide
peroxide is also known as urea peroxide; for obvious reasons, it
does not have a particularly pleasant taste. Te early at-home
tooth-whitening products refected the urea favor, and many
patients chose to not complete the recommended regimen. In
the mid 1990s the introduction of a mint favor into the bleach-
ing gel (Figure 14-29) created an overnight boom in the popu-
larity of at-home bleaching. Although the favor tended to
dissipate within a few minutes, the initial urea taste shock was
absent, and patients were less likely to react negatively when the
favor turned less than minty.
Te reservoir technique (Figure 14-30) was designed to
deliver increased oxygen ion presence at the tooth surface. Te
patients impression was poured with a fast-setting stone. Once
the stone model was set and dry, a drop of colored resin was
cured on the buccal surfaces of the teeth to be whitened. When
treatment or a manicure. Because dental bleaching does not
compromise the teeth or soft tissues, it can be repeated as neces-
sary (in the patients evaluation). Most manufacturers provide
touch-up kitsscaled-down versions of the original whitening
kits. Te application of carbamide peroxide to teeth that have
been previously treated is quite dramatic; the fnal bleached
coloration can be re-achieved in a few hours or over a night
or two.
Inserting a color check for patients with bleached teeth
(Figure 14-28) as a part of the routine checkup makes these
appointments more signifcant to the patient and increases recall
cooperation. Most patients are far more interested in maintain-
ing their appearance and smile than they are in undergoing
caries diagnosis, gingival health evaluation, and the scaling of
subgingival calculus. Tus the color check is often more success-
ful in motivating patients to attend recare appointments on a
FIGURE 14-27 Meticulous home care assists in maintaining
the whiteness of teeth (Pictured: Crest Pro Health Whitening
FIGURE 14-28 Including a color check at routine checkups
for patients with bleached teeth increases patient awareness.
(Courtesy Vident, Brea, California.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 355
that is to be included in the bleaching tray. Te stone is vibrated
into the impression beginning at the posterior of one side of the
arch (Figure 14-31, F) and fowed consistently from there until
it covers the entire arch up to the previously marked height line
(Figure 14-31, G). Te excess stone in the posterior is trimmed
with a spatula (Figure 14-31, H), and the top of the stone is
fattened (Figure 14-31, I ). Tis surface will form the base of
the model. For maxillary trays, the palate area is cleared (Figure
14-31, J ). Te use of a fast-set stone permits the modeling stone
to be set for tray fabrication in a much shorter period of time
(Figure 14-31, K ). When the stone has hardened, the impres-
sion and the stone are wetted underwater (Figure 14-31, L) to
make the separation of the stone from the impression easier
(Figure 14-31, M). A cleoid-discoid or similar pointed instru-
ment is used to accentuate the margins of the teeth both on the
buccal and on the lingual (Figure 14-31, N). Tis creates a
better seal at the margins to keep the bleach and released oxygen
ions in close proximity to the tooth. Te base of the stone model
is trimmed and the fanges are removed to minimize the foot-
print of the stone arch model (Figure 14-31, O). Tis allows the
vacuum former to work at its maximum efciency. For the
reservoir technique, a light-cured colored resin is placed on
the buccal surface of the teeth to be bleached (Figure 14-31, P).
Te general parameters for the reservoir dictate that its margins
should be located at least 1 mm from the incisal edge and the
mesial, distal, and gingival margins so as not to interfere with
retention and to maximize the trays seal over the dentition.
Generally all the teeth to be bleached should have reservoirs
fabricated on the model (Figure 14-31, Q). Te model is then
placed on the suction surface of the vacuum former; the plastic
tray material is secured in the upper armature close to the
heating element (Figure 14-31, R). As the heating progresses,
the plastic sags below the retention arm (Figure 14-31, S). Te
vacuum is turned on at the same time as the entire upper arma-
ture including the heated tray material is quickly brought down
over the model (Figure 14-31, T ). With the vacuum continuing
to draw the plastic onto the model, the plastic is contoured and
adapted onto the model with a wet gauze (Figure 14-31, U). It
is possible to trim the tray material into the fnal intra-oral form
with scissors, but it is much easier to accomplish this with a
heated instrument (Trim-Rite electric knife). Te heated knife
is frst used to separate the bulk of the tray plastic from the stone
model well away from the marginal areas (Figure 14-31, V).
Tis leaves an over-extended tray whose margins impinging on
the mucosa could irritate the soft tissues if worn as is (Figure
14-31, W). Another cut is made right at the gingival margin to
develop the anatomic margins of the bleaching tray (Figure
14-31, X). Tis leaves a tray that is well adapted and just shy
of the gingival margins both at the buccal and the lingual
over the entire arch (Figure 14-31, Y). Te tray can then be
removed from the stone model and tried in the patients mouth
(Figure 14-31, Z).
Most of the early carbamide peroxide products were supplied
in an anhydrous gel. Tese gels, by their chemistry, tended to
suck out water and moisture from the tooth surface, creating
sensitivity during and after bleaching. Te use of non-anhydrous
gels in later bleaching products made the process much more
the model was vacuum formed, the resin bubble left a small
space, or reservoir for additional whitening material, immedi-
ately adjacent to the buccal surface of each tooth. Te additional
bleaching agent that was trapped in the reservoirs released more
oxygen ions, whitening the teeth more quickly and more
The Bleaching Tray Lab Technique
It is frst and foremost important to have the best impression
possible. It is essential to have the ideal mix of water and stone
in pouring the impression to create the model. Te prescribed
amount of water (as described in the manufacturers instruc-
tions) is measured (Figure 14-31, A) and added into the mixing
bowl frst (Figure 14-31, B). Tis prevents caking of unwetted
stone at the bottom of the mixing bowl. Te stone powder is
pre-measured as well, and added to the water in the bowl (Figure
14-31, C). Te slurry is thoroughly mixed with a spatula to a
smooth consistency (Figure 14-31, D) either manually or prefer-
ably on a mixing turntable. Te height of the stone pour is
marked on the impression (Figure 14-31, E). Tis height should
be at least 3 or 4 mm beyond the gingival margins of every tooth
FIGURE 14-29 Te mid 1990s brought the introduction of
mint-favored bleaching gel. (Pictured: NiteWhite, [Discus Dental, Culver
City, California].)
FIGURE 14-30 Te reservoir technique was designed to
increase the oxygen ion presence at the tooth surface.
356 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
FIGURE 14-31 A, Te prescribed amount of water is measured. B, Te pre-measured amount of water is added to the mixing
bowl. C, Te pre-measured amount of stone powder is added to the liquid. D, Te slurry is mixed with a spatula to a smooth
consistency. E, Te desired height of the stone is marked on the impression. F, Te stone slurry is vibrated into the impression
beginning at the posterior. G, Te stone is fowed in consistently until it reaches the previously marked line. H, Excess stone is
trimmed with a spatula. I, Te top of the stone is fattened. J, Te palate is cleared for the fabrication of maxillary trays. K, Te
use of fast-set stone accelerates the tray fabrication procedure. L, Once the stone has hardened, the impression and stone are
placed under the tap. M, Te wetting of the impression and model makes their separation easier. N, A cleoid-discoid instrument
is used to accentuate the margins lingually and buccally. O, Te base is trimmed and fanges are removed to minimize the footprint
of the stone model. P, A light-cured colored resin is used to create a reservoir. Q, A reservoir is created for each tooth in the arch
to be whitened. R, Te model is placed on the vacuum former, and the plastic tray material is secured on the heating platform.
S, As the tray material heats, it sags below the retention arm.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 357
T, Te vacuum is turned on and the heated tray material is brought down over the model. U, Wet gauze
is used to contour the soft plastic onto the stone model. V, A heated knife is used to separate the bulk of the plastic material from
the stone model. W, An over-extended tray will irritate soft tissues. X, A heated knife is used to trim the tray to the required
height at the gingival margin. Y, Te trimmed tray is well adapted, just shy of the gingival margins buccally and lingually. Z, Te
tray is removed from the model for delivery to the patient.
FIGURE 14-31, contd
comfortable for patients and less problematic for dentists and
their staf.
Te process of tray fabrication for the at-home procedure is,
by necessity, an in-ofce task; however, when at-home bleaching
was frst introduced most dental ofces and auxiliaries were not
particularly familiar with the associated techniques. On the
other hand, it was fnancially impractical to ask the dental labo-
ratory to fabricate these bleaching trays and to pay for the
bi-directional transportation. Te development of auto-heating
and single-switch suck-down tray formers made the tray fabrica-
tion process much easier, signifcantly faster and more predict-
ably accurate. However, the task of trimming the bleaching tray
around the gingival margins on both the buccal and the lingual
of every single tooth in each arch was still a time-consuming and
tedious task. Unfortunately, the anatomic adaptation step in tray
preparation step has not been made easier over time.
Over the years there has been a trend to speed up the
bleaching process by increasing the concentration of the active
ingredient. Te concept was reasonable; if the concentration
was doubled from 10% to 20%, then the at-home bleaching
time could be reciprocally cut in half. Although it is demon-
strable that increasing the carbamide peroxide concentration
does speed up the bleaching process somewhat, one unforeseen
side efect is that in-treatment and post-treatment sensitivity
increase as well. In Graph 1 it can be seen that as the concen-
tration of the carbamide peroxide in the bleaching gel is
increased, the length of time needed to achieve maximum
tooth whitening is decreased somewhat. It is important to note
that there is a ceiling of whiteness beyond which additional
carbamide peroxide at-home treatment (or in-ofce, for that
matter) does not seem to whiten the teeth. Te downside to
this approach is that as carbamide peroxide concentration is
increased from 10% to 16%, the cases of reported sensitivity
are doubled. If the concentration of the carbamide peroxide is
increased from 16% to 22%, there is another doubling of
reported sensitivity in the frst 7 days of at-home treatment.
Tus, while the process of bleaching can be accelerated to
eliminate several days from a total treatment span of 14 to
28 days, the concomitant rise in reported sensitivity does not
make this approach acceptable.
Although the sensitivity that is associated with at-home
bleaching is transient, lasting several hours or days but rarely
longer, the patient can be very uncomfortable, particularly if the
reaction is severe. Te fact that this sensitivity has always disap-
peared within 30 days after treatment does not make the sufer-
ing any easier for the patient or the dental team. Te prudent
practitioner chooses an approach that is most likely to achieve
successful bleaching within a reasonable treatment period and is
358 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
tray onto the teeth. Once the bleaching gel has adhered to the
dental surfaces, the carrier tray is removed (Figure 14-32, D).
Tis leaves the inside, pre-loaded tray formed over the dentition
(over the entire arch) (Figure 14-32, E). Te inside tray contain-
ing the bleaching material should be left in place for up to 30
minutes. Tis approach eliminates the need to fabricate vacuum-
formed custom bleaching trays in the ofce and eliminates
approximately 30 to 60 minutes of auxiliary chairtime.
At-Home Treatment Planning
Tooth whitening actually begins with the patient evaluation,
because a thorough medical and dental history should be per-
formed before any therapy is initiated. In addition to the usual
health history, however, information should be gathered regard-
ing the probable causes of the patients present condition, as well
as the patients hopes and expectations for the treatment. Pho-
tographs are also taken before any whitening or other treatment,
including prophylaxis. Tese should include at least one photo-
graph with a standard shade guide tab in the feld for color refer-
ence. If another method of color assay is available, such as a
full-spectrum colorimeter, it can be used in place of the shade
tabs (VITA Easyshade Compact, Vident, Brea, California, and
MHT, Arbizzano di Negrar, Italy).
Notations should be made in the patients chart describing
the shade and condition of the teeth before treatment. It is
advisable to make the patient aware of the starting shade.
In addition to performing the normal clinical evaluation, the
dentist should carefully inspect all teeth that will come into
contact with the whitening liquid. Of particular interest is the
least likely to cause sensitivity that requires additional patient
care and chairtime.
Te development of bleaching strips that adhere to the teeth
had a major impact on the delivery of tooth whitening. Crest
3D White Whitestrips were simple-to-use and less expensive
alternatives to earlier bleaching procedures. Professional Whit-
estrips (with a higher concentration of bleach) are available for
the dental practice, whereas regular Whitestrips can be pur-
chased over the counter at numerous outlets. Te ubiquitous
promotion that was put into motion at the time of the com-
mercial introduction of Whitestrips created an immediate
worldwide awareness of the bleaching process and its advantages.
Te impact of this promotional campaign was such that
the global standards for esthetic smiles were redefned
virtually overnight. Whitestrips focus on the anterior dentition,
typically covering the front six to eight teeth. Tey often
create an additional demand for further bleaching at
the professional level to de-stain the remaining teeth. In virtually
all cases, patients who have used Whitestrips are more aware
of their dentition and more focused on their appearance
and healthan impetus to seek regular and comprehensive
dental care.
Te most recent technical innovation in at-home tooth whit-
ening has been the development of the pre-formed double-tray
system (Figure 14-32, A) (Opalescence Trswhite). Te dental
team delivers a treatment regimen of 10 each upper and lower
pre-loaded whitening trays (Figure 14-32, B). Te patient is
instructed to insert the carrier tray over the appropriate arch
(Figure 14-32, C) (the mandibular tray is smaller than the
maxillary tray), and then fnger form the pre-loaded whitening


14 21 28
7 14 21 28
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 359
FIGURE 14-32 A, A pre-formed double-tray at-home whitening system (Opalescence Trswhite). Te treatment contains a
regimen of 10 upper and 10 lower pre-loaded whitening trays. B, Te carrier tray is squeezed, which in turn forms the inner tray
to the teeth. C, Te carrier tray is placed over the appropriate arch. D, Te outer carrier tray is then removed.
E, Te inner tray containing the bleaching material is left in place for approximately 30 minutes.
360 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
In-ofce bleaching materials generally consist of higher-
concentration oxygen-releasing compounds that are considered
safe for intra-oral use. Tey are expected to work rapidly and
efectively, but always under the direct supervision of the dentist
or the designated auxiliary.
Te power bleach or gel materials include varying concen-
trations of hydrogen peroxide liquid, liquid and powder, or gel
(fuid thickened with stabilizers and/or coloring agents). Te
hydrogen peroxides are designed to be used at 15% to 35%.
Tose power bleaching products that are premixed tend to lose
efectiveness over time with storage and by heating during trans-
port; the materials where the components are packaged sepa-
rately and mixed immediately before use are more likely to be
closer to their advertised oxygenating strength.
Higher-strength carbamide peroxides can also be used for
in-ofce tooth whitening. Even the 35% concentrations of the
carbamide products can be used safely, but carefully, without soft
tissue protection (35% carbamide peroxide has the bleaching
efectiveness of a 10% to 12% hydrogen peroxide solution).
Light- and laser-mediated in-ofce bleaching has been
popular within the profession, but wildly popular among
patients, since its appearance in the mid 1990s. Te most impor-
tant question that the professional must ask is whether there is
an actual photoinitiator or photoactivator within the bleaching
liquid or gel. Tis specifc ingredient can make the process a
light or laser treatment; the absence of a photo-reactive
material in the bleach makes this claim inaccurate.
Many terms are used to describe in-ofce bleaching. Tey
can be confusing for the professional and even more so for
In-ofce bleaching contrasts the professionally monitored
process with patient-administered at-home procedures.
Chairside bleaching is just another term that refects the
in-ofce nature of the procedure.
Power bleaching is a reference to the higher concentrations
of bleaching materials that are used.
Laser bleaching refers specifcally to a laser-lightmediated
treatment but in practice is the terminology used to
describe any light source that is utilized as part of a whit-
ening process. Te light may be an argon laser, a diode
laser, a curing light, or a proprietary activating light.
Te underlying advantage of in-ofce bleaches is that they can
claim to work more quickly than the at-home products. For the
most part, this claim is true. Tere are other possible benefts,
as well. Some manufacturers claim the use of an in-ofce gel
bleach decreases the incidence of tooth sensitivity by reducing
the tooth desiccation commonly observed with the liquid and
the liquid-powder products. Te gels typically contain 10% to
20% water, which serves to rehydrate the teeth throughout the
discovery of major cracks in the teeth or decay or leakage under
existing restorations. Transillumination can be of great help in
detecting these problems. Leaky fllings or frank caries may be
restored temporarily before the whitening process is initiated.
Te patient should be informed that these and all other existing
tooth-colored fllings will remain largely unchanged, even
though the teeth themselves can be expected to whiten. In fact,
the degree of whitening can often be gauged by the increasing
contrast between the existing composite restorations and the
surrounding tooth structure. Te patient should also be informed
before whitening that any visible anterior composites or crowns
will probably need to be replaced at the end of the bleaching
procedure. Te dentist should also note any cervical abrasion,
exposed root structure, or severely diminished enamel
After the establishment of these baseline conditions, it is
usually necessary to perform a thorough prophylaxis of the teeth,
which is then followed by a re-examination. At this point it is
important, although not critical, to ascertain the type of discol-
oration that has afected the teeth. Tis analysis will help in
predicting the degree of lightening that can be expected, along
with the amount of treatment time needed. Careful discussions
using good listening skills should be employed to gauge the
patients level of expectation for the procedure. Once the type
and severity of the discoloration have been diagnosed, the dentist
must align the patients expectations with reality. Often, discus-
sions concerning the treatment plan can be more meaningful if
the patient is shown photographs of similar situations with other
patients and the type and the extent of favorable results that
have been achieved. If this is done, however, the patient must
be made aware that every dentition is diferent and the examples
cannot constitute a guarantee of similar results with his or her
particular teeth.
Patients should also be told exactly what to expect in terms
of the treatment itself. Tey are naturally interested in knowing
such things as whether there will be any discomfort, whether
they will be able to talk while wearing the tray, and whether they
can eat while wearing the tray. Before initiating any sort of treat-
ment, all of these aspects should be discussed and clear fnancial
arrangements made.
Once the patient has elected to have the whitening procedure
performed, the dentist can fll in any large areas of cervical abra-
sion or abfraction on the teeth to be whitened. If this is not
done, there may be a slight risk of sensitivity during the whiten-
ing procedure. In addition, if the tray is closely adapted to the
facial anatomy of teeth, into the cervical abrasions, the tray
becomes difcult to insert and remove. Terefore these provi-
sional cervical restorations should be placed at this time, knowing
full well that they will need replacement after tooth whitening
is completed.
Even when all cervical abrasions are bonded over with resin,
patients with exposed root structure or severely diminished
enamel thickness should be informed that they may have to limit
the time of continuous exposure to the whitening liquid if they
experience any sensitivity. During treatment, they should gener-
ally avoid exposure to citrus fruits, apples, and other acid-
containing substances to avoid exacerbating dental sensitivity.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 361
contact with the bleach. Protection of the patients face, soft
tissues, eyes, skin, and lips is mandatory!
Dental assistants can also experience tissue burns as they mix
the materials or clean up after the appointment. Meticulous and
defned protocols are therefore required for preparing and dis-
posing of bleaching materials.
Tirty-fve percent hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent are
unstable and have a very short shelf-life. Tey should be refriger-
ated or stored at a cool temperature.
Finally, but very signifcantly, Bowles, Tompson, and
Ungwuneri found that the teeth may be made more sensitive
with the in-ofce technique alone.
Complications with Stronger
Bleach Concentrations
Stronger concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, such as 35%, can
cause soft tissue damage, gingival ulcerations, and skin burns.
Tese soft tissue irritations appear as a white lesion surrounded
by a red rim.
Te patient may be the frst to notice a tingling or burning
in the gums during the bleaching treatment. Tey should be
continually questioned during the procedure to ascertain
whether this is happening. If a tissue burn does occur, it should
be rinsed with copious amounts of water to neutralize the per-
oxide efects on the soft tissue. Blanching, or gingival burns,
are quite common. Tese typically disappear after a few minutes,
heal quickly, and are very unlikely to cause any permanent
damage. When tissue burns do occur, the patient must be told,
shown, and reassured.
It is advisable to use soft tissue protection for most in-ofce
bleaching techniques: rubber dam or light-activated liquid resin
soft tissue coverage.
Te current best approach for in-ofce bleaching requires a
number of components and a number of steps. Typically in-ofce
bleaching, particularly if it encompasses several sequential
in-chair sessions for the patient, should involve at-home bleach-
ing in between the sessions. For single-appointment in-ofce
bleaching procedures, there should be a post-bleaching regimen
accomplished at home to de-stain the teeth as well. Todays best
approach may also consist of a combination of procedures for
difcult stains such as tetracycline (or to increase the rapidity of
the treatment, or to decrease postoperative sensitivity). Some
improved bleaching materials include a much lower level of
hydrogen peroxide, 3% to 3.5%, compared with many in-ofce
bleaching materials, which contain up to 35% hydrogen
Advantages of the lower level peroxide bleaching materials
include their direct application to the patients dentition
without risk of damage to the surrounding gingiva, tongue,
mucosa, and other parts of the oral cavity. Although it is still a
good idea to place barriers on these non-bleachable soft tissue
bleaching procedure. Te viscous consistency of the gel allows
it to remain in more intimate contact with the tooth, more
predictably and for longer periods. Te presence of water in the
gel reduces the shelf-life, and some of these products must be
refrigerated both during transport and in the practice until they
are used.
Te thicker gels decrease the incidence of inadvertent soft
tissue contact as they tend to remain where they are placed on
the tooth surfaces. Te viscous nature of the gels may promote
increased oxidizing ion penetration into the enamel and dentin
by allowing the gel to act as a blanket to prevent the escape of
the liberated oxygen ions. Gels can be freshly mixed immedi-
ately before treatment, and a fresh solution should be mixed for
each patient. (Hydrogen peroxide shelf-life is rather limitedas
little as 6 months. Always verify the expiration date of the
hydrogen peroxide liquid before mixing it with the powder to
form a gel.)
Tere are several disadvantages to power bleaching that must be
considered. It takes more chairside time in the operatory and
thus has a greater practice cost associated with it. Te results of
in-ofce bleaching can be rather unpredictable, as it is not
known exactly how well the teeth will respond to the whitening
procedure in the very short term.
Typically the procedure involves longer and more frequent
in-ofce appointments than at-home bleaching, as one session
is often insufcient to achieve an acceptable color change. Te
chair time and material costs for each subsequent in-ofce
bleaching appointment (or re-treatment) are the same as those
for the initial treatment, whereas at-home bleaching is less
expensive with respect to consumables and much less expensive
with respect to chair-time.
In 1991, Rosensteil, followed the re-staining that occurs after
use of 30% hydrogen peroxide to bleach teeth in vivo. It was
reported that there was a 50% drop-of from the immediate
post-treatment color change efect at 1 week, and only 14% of
the whitening remained at 6 to 9 months. Tese results indicate
that although hydrogen peroxide alone is an efcient short-term
bleaching agent, signifcant re-staining occurs with time after a
single bleaching treatment. Regression of the color may occur
much more quickly with in-ofce treatments than with at-home
bleaching. Terefore multiple appointments are required, and
in-ofce whitening should be accompanied by an at-home treat-
ment component in-between or after in-ofce sessions.
It is well known that the teeth are dehydrated during bleach-
ing treatment. Tis can complicate the accurate measurement
and evaluation of actual bleaching shade change. Te rehydra-
tion of desiccated bleached teeth manifests as a somewhat darker
coloration and is often misinterpreted by patients as rebound
Tere are serious safety considerations with in-ofce bleach-
ing, as well. Te chairside bleach often employs a stronger, more
caustic peroxide concentration and can be problematic if it
spreads beyond the hard tissues. Soft tissue burns can occur on
the patients lips, cheeks, and gingiva simply from transient
362 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
be readily treated in the practice or at home. Gingival sensitivity,
even when left untreated, typically resolves within 1 to 2 days.
Tooth sensitivity can be readily eliminated with various desen-
sitizing agents but will often disappear within 1 to 2 weeks.
Recent innovations have tended to make the chemistry of
bleaching materials less caustic and thus less irritating to the soft
tissues, as well as more efective in the bleaching of the tooth
structures. Some materials, such as tetrasodium pyrophosphate,
have been shown to potentiate the efects of the bleaching. As a
result, much lower concentrations of the active bleach ingredient
can be used. A 3.5% hydrogen peroxide bleach with tetrasodium
pyrophosphate is comparable to hydrogen peroxide alone in
concentrations up to 35%. Despite a signifcantly lower concen-
tration of hydrogen peroxide, the catalytic efect of the tetraso-
dium pyrophosphate can provide excellent bleaching power.
Tis lower-concentration peroxide can be used safely and efec-
tively without gingival protection (gel, paint-on resin, or rubber
dam). It should be noted that 3.5% hydrogen peroxide is equiva-
lent in terms of tissue causticity to 10% carbamide peroxide, a
material that is routinely used without protection on the soft
tissues of the mouth.
Te chemical approach to improving the parameters of dental
bleaching materials will continue to advance bleaching efective-
ness, bleaching speed, and patient comfort and safety. As these
technologies are added to the dental armamentarium, more dif-
fcult cases such as tetracycline staining can be more readily
Bleaching lights have been portrayed by some, particularly the
manufacturers of the lights, as tremendously enhancing the
tooth-whitening procedure. Tese lights are ofered in various
forms: freestanding, chair mounted, or handheld; small, medium,
or large; and of general or limited-range wavelengths. Tey may
be sleek and exciting or simply functional.
Whatever the parameters, the general feeling among the
patient population is that bleaching lights actually assist in the
tooth-whitening process. In actual fact, most research indicates
that bleaching lights do not make any diference whatsoever in
the speed, efectiveness, or duration of the whitening process,
nor do lights alter the results of the treatment on the teeth.
Furthermore, there are some specifc problems associated with
the use of bleaching lights. Te early lights were very hot and
they were typically positioned quite close to the face in order to
raise the temperature of the bleach at the tooth surface. Tis
rather signifcant temperature change (often greater than 10 C)
occasionally led to severe operative and/or postoperative dental
sensitivity owing to the efect of the heat on the dental pulp. In
some cases, the prolonged heating of the teeth caused irreversible
pulpitis and eventually necessitated endodontic treatment. Some
bleaching lights had emissions in the ultraviolet range, which
areas, the accidental exposure to 3.5% hydrogen peroxide
bleach is unlikely to have any major efects in terms of sensitiv-
ity, discomfort, or surface irritation. Tese low-peroxide
bleaches work with the addition of an activating material that
accelerates the bleaching process. Initiators include the sodium
pyrophosphate family and potentiate the efect of the peroxide
de-staining even at very low concentrations. Tey are applied in
the same fashion as conventional procedures and can be deliv-
ered either directly or with gauze to keep the bleach in place.
Te bleach is applied three times over the course of a single
treatment session. After each application, the spent material
that has exhausted its bleaching properties is wiped of the den-
tition and replaced with freshly reactive material. Tus the
threefold application of the bleaching material to the teeth,
directly or indirectly, with or without light, preferably at lower
peroxide concentrations and with as little postoperative sensi-
tivity as possible, is the preferred application or best approach
at this time.
One of the most important practice considerations is that tooth
whitening or bleaching often opens up the doors to additional
treatment requests by the patient. Most patients are really not
all that aware of, or focused on, their teeth; once they have seen
the possibilities ofered by the bleaching of their teeth, however,
and the vast improvement that this generates in their appearance
and their self-confdence, they develop increased interest in
having veneers, crowns, and other esthetic procedures done. As
a corollary efect, patients also tend to signifcantly improve their
oral hygiene as a direct consequence of their increased focus on
their teeth.
Tooth bleaching is ofered not only by the dentist; kits are
available over the counter from numerous dental or dentally
related companies. In many countries, the patient can pick up
a treatment kit in a pharmacy or supermarket. During the frst
11 years of tooth bleaching (1990 to 2001), when dental
de-staining was available exclusively from dental practitioners,
about 15 million individuals, mostly in North America, had
their teeth whitened. Since these products became available over
the counter, combined with the massive advertising power of
large companies such as Procter & Gamble (Whitestrips line),
it is estimated that more than 500 million people worldwide
have whitened their teeth to some extent. Tis not only opens
up tremendous opportunities for patients, it also focuses their
minds on oral health, creating more regular attendance at the
dental practice for treatment and, in particular, maintenance.
Given that in many jurisdictions tooth bleaching can be
accomplished by auxiliary personnel, the procedure helps to
extend a dentists time and treatment capabilities to more
patients within a limited amount of clinical time. Fortunately,
very few ill efects have been reported with tooth whitening,
consisting mostly of tooth and/or gingival postoperative sen-
sitivity. Tese problems can generally be avoided by selecting
appropriate bleaching materials and applying them with the
recommended techniques. When sensitivity does occur, it can
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 363
heat-mediated rate that is approximately 3% greater (320/
310 = 1.03 or +3%) than at regular body temperature.
Clinically, this means that a 60-minute in-ofce bleaching
procedure can be shortened by 3%, or 2 minutes.
Te risks of heating teeth are signifcant (Figure 14-33),
however. Heating a tooth 10 C is the temperature diferential
that has been recommended to activate bleaching but even this
thermal change is likely to cause severe sensitivity and possible
pulpal damage. Furthermore, even this risky process of over-
heating the teeth to the point of endangering the integrity of
the pulp can only realize a maximum 3% increase in bleaching
For these reasons, both from the technological and chemical
perspectives, neither the application of a bleaching light or
curing light nor the raising of the surface temperature of the
teeth has any signifcant clinical beneft for the patient undergo-
ing bleaching. In fact, there are numerous dangers inherent to
both of these approaches that can lead to signifcant ancillary
problems for both hard and soft tissues.
As a result of the advertising, promotion, and media expo-
sure over the past 15 years or so, many patients expect and even
demand that a light or laser be incorporated into their
bleaching treatment. In some cases, the patient cannot ratio-
nally accept that the bleaching light adds no beneft to treat-
ment, and may in fact be problematic from a health perspective.
Rather than arguing the point with the patient, it is acceptable
to use a bleaching light that is far enough away from the mouth
(Figure 14-34) to cause no heating of the teeth. Tis ofers the
patient the required psychological support without endangering
the health of his or her teeth and soft tissues. Te distant light
source causes no damage; however, it provides an adjunct that
is important to the patient. Tus it constitutes a patient man-
agement approach that, while not contributing any treatment
advantage, does make the patient more comfortable and more
confdent, contributing to the success of the overall treatment
can be dangerous for unprotected eyes (patients, staf, and
dentist) as well as any exposed skin. Patients required very com-
prehensive skin protection for their faces and appropriately fl-
tered safety glasses for their eyes. Te operator and the auxiliary
staf also required similar protection. Heat-based bleaching
lamps, if they were held too close to the mouth, were capable
of overheating (and occasionally burning) the lips and the
facial skin.
Teoretically, the bleaching light has two possible modes of
action. One is the stimulation of a photo-activating substance
within the bleach; the other is a temperature increase that cata-
lyzes a faster bleaching reaction. Te photo-activator option is
most easily dealt with. A photo-reactive substance in the bleach-
ing material could conceivably catalyze the treatment to proceed
more rapidly and more efectively during light stimulation. If
there is no photo-reactive substance contained within the bleach,
no catalytic efect can possibly occur. Most power bleaching
procedures that recommend bleaching lights do not list any
catalytic substances among their ingredients. Tus, no photo-
stimulation is possible.
Te heat-bleaching concept is based on the fact that
most reactions progress more quickly at higher temperatures.
Chemical reaction speeds are calculated using Kelvin ratios,
or the environmental temperatures as they relate to absolute
zero (0 Kelvin or 273 Celsius). Generally, a reaction taking
place at a higher ambient temperature proceeds at a faster
rate, and the speed of the reaction can be calculated as a
direct ratio of the temperature diferential between the two
Tis phenomenon likely occurs with heated bleaching prod-
ucts on the teeth as well but can be shown to be insignifcant
clinically. Te temperature of the teeth (the same as the bodys
temperature, or slightly lower) is typically 37 C, which trans-
lates to 310 Kelvin. When a bleaching material is heated to
a temperature of 320 K from a normal mouth temperature
of 310 K, the bleaching reaction does proceed faster, at a
FIGURE 14-33 A, Heating the tooth with an instrument. B, Heating the tooth with a light. Te risks associated with the heating
of the teeth during a whitening procedure are signifcant. An increase of 10 C is likely to cause sensitivity and possible pulpal
364 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
2. Facial and ocular protection are placed on the patients head
(Figure 14-36, B).
3. Gauze soaked in 35% hydrogen peroxide liquid is placed on
the teeth and allowed to stay for periods as long as 30 minutes
(Figure 14-36, C).
4. A heating light is set approximately 30 cm away from the
teeth to warm the peroxide (Figure 14-36, D).
5. Te procedure may be repeated at 1- or 2-week intervals.
Patients can expect their teeth to be sensitive for a few
days after treatments owing to the heating efect of the light
on the dentition. Te desiccation of the teeth through any
heat-mediated bleaching procedure adds to the patients
Bleaching with Lasers
Laser-assisted bleaching was introduced in the mid 1990s as an
attempt to improve and accelerate the bleaching process. Te
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Ion Laser
Technologys (Salt Lake City, Utah) argon and carbon dioxide
lasers in 1996. Te patient population, always enthralled by
lasers, was very keen to try laser bleaching, which was promoted
as a procedure superior to earlier bleaching methods. Tere was,
and is, little clinical research to support the laser bleaching
technique, its safety, or its benefts. Tere is little documentary
evidence to indicate that lasers are any more efective than tra-
ditional bleaching methods. Most of the published reports in
this area are anecdotal and empirical. Joness in vitro study in
1999 indicated that one session of laser bleaching did not dem-
onstrate any perceivable color change and recommended that
additional or longer applications may be required. Tis study
found that exposure to 20% carbamide peroxide produced the
greatest perceivable color change. However, this was an in vitro
study and did not account for the intra-oral presence of saliva
and in vivo hydrodynamic pulpal pressures.
Types of Lasers
Many lasers have dental applications, including diode, carbon
dioxide, argon, neodymium-doped : yttrium-aluminum-garnet
(Nd : YAG), and erbium, chromium : yttrium-scandium-gallium-
garnet (ErCr : YSGG) lasers. Some are used for bleaching
Te Role of Lasers in the Bleaching Process
Lasers are intended to enhance the efciency of bleaching mate-
rials. Lasers catalyze the oxidation reaction by providing addi-
tional energy for the more rapid breakdown of hydrogen peroxide
into its componentswater and an oxygen ion. Tis serves to
increase and speed the release of the oxygen ions into the stained
tooth surface. Te liberated oxygen free radicals break apart the
double bonds of the longer stain molecules into shorter, more
soluble, and possibly less pigmented chains.
Laser manufacturers claim that there is no pulpal efect
during laser bleaching; the laser energy heats the bleaching solu-
tion far more quickly and efciently than conventional heat
sources (heating instrument or light source), with most of the
Power Bleaching Techniques Using Heat
Te bleaching efects of heat and oxygen ions released from
hydrogen peroxide on the pulp were analyzed numerous times
from the 1960s to the 1980s. Heat has been shown to cause
decreases in pulpal circulation, increases in pulpal infamma-
tion, and irregular dentin formation. Tese factors can explain
much of the sensitivity that some patients report during and/or
after power bleaching. Excess heat activation increases the
intrapulpal temperature, damaging odontoblasts, and causing
infammatory changes to the organic portions of the tooth that
often lead to irreversible pulpal damage. A small number of
oxygen ions from hydrogen peroxide inevitably penetrate the
pulp during bleaching but have been shown to have no dis-
cernible efect. Although heat mediated bleaching is rarely used
today, the various heating procedures are described briefy in
the following sections.
Bleaching with a Heating Instrument
1. Te rubber dam and mucosal protection are placed on the
teeth and soft tissues (Figure 14-35, A).
2. Gauze soaked in 35% hydrogen peroxide liquid is placed on
the teeth (Figure 14-35, B).
3. A heating instrument is positioned on the gauze to enhance
and/or speed the bleaching efect (Figure 14-35, C).
4. Te heat can be applied for up to 3 minutes, assuming
that the patient can tolerate the discomfort.
5. Te dentist must avoid touching hard or soft tissues with the
heater (Figures 14-35, D and E).
Bleaching with a Bleaching Light
1. Te rubber dam and mucosal protection are placed on the
teeth and soft tissues (Figure 14-36, A).
FIGURE 14-34 It is best to have the bleaching light at a
further distance from the patients mouth to avoid heating of
the teeth.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 365
Disadvantages of Laser Bleaching
1. Equipment cost: lasers are expensive.
2. Chairside cost: the procedure, like all in-ofce bleaching
treatment, is time-consuming.
3. Postoperative sensitivity can be signifcant. (Anecdotal reports
indicate moderate to severe post-treatment pain after laser-
assisted bleaching.)
Laser Bleaching Procedure (Dr. David K. Yarborough)
1. Te patient is frst assessed both clinically and radiographi-
cally (Figure 14-37, A and B).
energy absorbed directly into the chemical reaction and dissi-
pated quickly thereafter. Some manufacturers claim that their
laser is focused on catalyzing the water-based bleaching reaction.
Others assert that the laser energy is totally absorbed by the
bleaching gel on the tooth surface.
Advantages of Laser Bleaching
Laser bleaching may work more quickly owing to a higher con-
centration of the active bleaching ingredient or a more defned
and localized release of the active oxygen ions in close proximity
to the tooth surface. It is often used to jump-start more difcult
cases such as tetracycline staining and fuorosis.
FIGURE 14-35 A, Te rubber dam and mucosal protection are placed on the teeth and soft tissues. B, Gauze soaked in 35%
hydrogen peroxide liquid is placed on the teeth. C, A heating instrument is positioned on the gauze for up to 3 minutes to enhance
and/or speed the bleaching efect. D and E, Te dentist must avoid touching soft or hard tissues with the heater.
366 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
11. Te teeth are then washed and rinsed, and the bleach is
re-applied up to fve more times in a single appointment.
Te entire procedure takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes
of chairtime (Figure 14-37, I).
12. Use of aluminum oxide disks and/or diamond polishing
paste restores the enamels luster (Figure 14-37, J and K ).
13. Te dam and then the protective soft tissue seal are removed,
and the mouth is rinsed (Figure 14-37, L).
14. Te shade of the teeth is now re-assessed.
15. Postoperative photographs must be recorded under the
same conditions as the pre-operative images (Figure
14-37, M).
16. Te patient can see the bleaching result in a mirror (Figure
14-37, N).
An alternative technique involves using both argon and
carbon dioxide lasers. Te argon laser is used as described; then
the carbon dioxide laser is employed with another peroxide-
based solution to enhance the penetration of the bleaching agent
into the tooth to whiten below the surface. Argoncarbon
dioxide laser bleaching can take 1 to 3 hours.
2. Te proposed treatment plans are discussed and evaluated,
and the course of treatment is selected.
3. Te appropriate consent forms are completed and
4. Pre-operative photographs of the teeth must be recorded,
preferably under repeatable conditions (Figure 14-37, C).
5. Te teeth are isolated with a protective mucous membrane
seal to protect the gingiva (Figure 14-37, D).
6. Te laser bleaching gel is mixed according to the manufac-
turers instructions (Figure 14-37, E).
7. Te gel is placed in a 1- to 2-mm thickness on the buccal
surface of the teeth to be bleached (Figure 14-37, F ).
8. Te 488-nm argon laser light is applied for 30 seconds
about 1 to 2 cm from the buccal surface of each tooth and
moved from right to left over the tooths surface (Figure
14-37, G).
9. After laser illumination, the gel is left on the tooth for
3 minutes.
10. Te spent bleaching gel is then removed from the teeth,
wiped with a damp gauze to avoid splatter of the highly
caustic 35% hydrogen peroxide gel (Figure 14-37, H).
FIGURE 14-36 A, Te rubber dam and mucosal protection are placed on the teeth and soft tissues. B, Facial and ocular protec-
tion are placed on the patients head. C, Gauze soaked in 35% hydrogen peroxide liquid is placed on the teeth and allowed to
stay for periods as long as 30 minutes. D, A heating light is set approximately 30 cm away from the teeth to warm the
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 367
FIGURE 14-37 A and B, Te patient is frst assessed both clinically and radiographically. C, Pre-operative photographs of the
teeth must be recorded, preferably under repeatable conditions. D, Te teeth are isolated with a protective mucous membrane
seal to protect the gingiva. E, Te laser bleaching gel is mixed according to the manufacturers instructions. F, Te gel is placed
in a 1- to 2-mm thickness on the buccal surface of the teeth to be bleached. G, Te 488-nm argon laser light is applied for 30
seconds about 1 to 2 cm from the buccal surface of each tooth and moved from right to left over the tooths surface. After laser
illumination, the gel is left on the tooth for 3 minutes. H, Te bleach gel is then removed from the teeth, wiping with a damp
gauze to avoid splatter of the highly caustic 35% hydrogen peroxide gel. I, Te teeth are then washed and rinsed and the bleach
is re-applied up to fve more times in a single appointment. Te entire procedure takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes in the
chair. J, Te dam and then the mucosal membrane seal are removed, and the mouth is rinsed. K and L, Aluminum oxide disks
and/or diamond polishing paste is used to restore the enamels luster. M, Postoperative photographs must be recorded under the
same conditions as the pre-operative images. N, Te patient is shown the bleaching result in a mirror.
368 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
Te patient is reclined horizontally, gingival tissues are iso-
lated, and the peroxide paste on the tooth surfaces is illuminated
by the bleaching light (Figure 14-38, I ). Te light may be useful
in activating the bleaching materials. Te slow-speed suction
extends out of the patients mouth, continually removing excess
saliva to keep the bleaching area free from contamination. Te
light activates the material for about 10 minutes, drying it until
it becomes very opaque white. Re-wetting of the peroxide paste
is not recommended at this stage.
Te spent bleaching material is mostly removed from the
teeth with a wet gauze (Figure 14-38, J ). Some bleaching mate-
rial remains interproximally and toward the gingival. Tis
remnant can be left pending the next step of the bleaching
Te bleaching gel is re-applied to the surfaces of the teeth
(Figure 14-38, K ). Te gel is automixed through a dual-barrel
syringe, ensuring that the mixing of the components occurs
immediately before use and that the peroxide paste is therefore
always fresh and at its maximum bleaching potential. Segregated
component storage extends shelf-life considerably. Te material
is spread evenly over the facial surfaces of the teeth and over the
incisal edges, ensuring that all the visible surfaces of the teeth
are whitened and that the material does not seep beyond the
gingival barrier to the soft tissues, facial surfaces, lips, or tongue.
Te patient is reclining with the next gel application in place
on the maxillary and mandibular tooth surfaces with the activat-
ing light on (Figure 14-38, L). Te application lasts 10 minutes.
Once completed, the material is simply suctioned of without
rinsing. Fresh gel is re-applied and the patient again undergoes
the 10-minute light-activation procedure. Tis application of
light-activated gel is repeated a total of three times as part of the
overall treatment sequence.
Figure 14-38, M shows the patient during the gel light-
activation step with the slow-speed suction removing excess
saliva. Te maxillary and mandibular teeth are separated and the
cheeks retracted. Te surfaces of the face and lips are covered by
the face protector, and the gingival barrier protects the teeth.
Te patient is not in a position where he or she can easily read
or watch a television screen during this phase of treatment. Te
bleaching light can be seen at the top of the image.
Once the three bleaching applications have been completed,
the spent bleaching gel is suctioned away with high-speed
suction. A wet gauze is used to remove as much of the remaining
bleaching gel as possible. Ten the gingival barrier, the cheek
retractor, and the facial barrier are removed and the patient is
asked to rinse with water. After rinsing, the full-smile (Figure
14-38, N) and close-up (Figure 14-38, O) images demonstrate
the extent to which the anterior teeth have been bleached. Te
teeth are now signifcantly whiter.
In some cases white spots may appear on the teeth. Tese
white spots, as can be seen on the distal-incisal of tooth No. 21
(Figure 14-38, P), will disappear with time (2 to 5 days) as the
teeth re-hydrate and remineralize. Tere is often a dramatic
post-treatment decline of the whitening efect as the teeth
re-hydrate, because at least part of the bleaching efect is the
result of tooth desiccation during the bleaching appointment.
A bleaching session represents 60 to 90 minutes during which
Clinical Techniques
In-Office Tooth Whitening with Light
ApplicationDry Technique
Te smile image (Figure 14-38, A) reveals the anterior 12 teeth
and a corresponding close-up of the maxillary anterior teeth
(Figure 14-38, B) before bleaching. Te accumulated stains in
the teeth are seen darkening and yellowing the tooth surfaces on
both the maxillary and the mandibular arches. Once the deci-
sion has been reached by the patient and the dentist to proceed
with bleaching, the next step is to prepare the patients mouth
and teeth for the bleaching process and materials. Te teeth
have been polished with a non-fuoride prophylaxis paste. Tooth
cleansing systems that deliver a remineralizing bioactive glass
such as NovaMin (calcium sodium phosphosilicate) (Figure
14-38, C) can be used not only to clean the surface but also to
harden both the enamel and the dentin through a process called
peening (Figure 14-38, D).
Several steps are required before bleaching is commenced.
Te frst step of the process is to retract the cheeks in order to
provide clear visibility of the all the teeth to be treated, to allow
clinical access, to separate the upper and lower teeth, and to
block the tongue from interfering for the next 60 minutes or so.
Te facial shield, which protects the surfaces of the lips and face,
is applied and secured along with the cheek retractor. Te blue
gingival barrier is also applied to protect the marginal soft tissues
from the peroxide bleach. Te barrier is placed on the gingival
areas that approximate the margin of the gingiva at the tooth
interface. Tis material is delivered in a thin 2- to 3-mm viscous
gel layer positioned on the soft tissues just beyond the margins
of the tooth-gingiva interface. Te gel is immediately light cured
to ensure that it stays in place throughout the procedure. Tis
barrier protects the free gingiva adjacent to the teeth that are to
be bleached in case the caustic bleaching materials overfow the
hard tisuue surfaces (Figure 14-38, E).
Although the bleaching materials, when used as instructed,
do not afect the tooth surface in any deleterious way, they can
occasionally cause white chemical burns (Figure 14-38, F ) on
exposed gingival tissues. Tese tissue burn areas are not generally
detrimental to the patient but can certainly cause patient alarm
as well as generating localized and transient sensitivity in the
afected tissues. If required, cotton rolls can be applied in the
occlusal folds distal to the bleaching to further isolate these areas,
to prevent salivary contamination, and to improve access and
Many bleaching systems recommend a pre-whitening step.
Tis is typically an agent that conditions the enamel and dentin
surfaces to bleach more quickly and/or efectively. In this case
the conditioning liquid and powder are mixed together to yield
a 35% hydrogen peroxide paste, which is subsequently applied
to the tooth surfaces, the gingival barrier keeping it away from
the gingival areas (Figure 14-38, G).
Te air-water spray is contraindicated to wash away this layer,
as the water can reactivate the peroxide and inadvertently spray
it into unprotected areas of the mouth where the caustic slurry
can irritate the soft tissues. Te spent conditioning material is
now ready for wet gauze removal (Figure 14-38, H).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 369
FIGURE 14-38 A, Pre-treatment photograph showing the upper and lower arch. B, Close up pre-treatment photograph.
C, An illustration showing the benefts of cleansing the tooth surfaces. D, Diagrams showing the efects of remineralizing bioac-
tive glass materials that clean the tooth surface and harden the enamel and dentin. Tis process is called peening. E, Light-cured
resin gingival barrier protects the soft tissues during the bleaching process. F, Chemical burn caused by the bleaching material
coming into direct contact with the gingival tissues. G, A powder-liquid formula is mixed to create a 35% hydrogen peroxide
paste, which is applied to the teeth. H, A bleaching light is used to activate the bleaching material. Te light is applied for 10
minutes. Te low-volume suction continually removes excess saliva from the patients mouth, keeping the bleaching area free from
contamination. I, Te spent peroxide paste is dry after the light application. J, Te spent bleaching material is mostly removed
using wet gauze. K, Te bleaching material is re-applied to the tooth surfaces. L, A bleaching light is again applied for 10 minutes
to activate the bleaching material. M, Because the patient is reclined, he or she may read or watch a ceiling-mounted television
during this phase of the treatment. N, Postoperative image of the anterior teeth. O, Postoperative close-up image of the anterior
teeth showing a signifcant change. P, White spots, as can be seen on the distal-incisal of tooth No. 21, will disappear with time
(2 to 5 days) as the teeth re-hydrate and remineralize.
After treatment with Sylc Powder
SE 30-MAY-06 WD14.7mm x2.OK 20um SE 01-Jun-06 WD13.8mm x2.OK 20um SE 01-Jun-06 WD13.9mm x2.OK 20um
370 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
darker than the other anterior teeth, possibly because of earlier
trauma or injury. It is likely to bleach less efectively than the
adjacent teeth.
Any commercially available prophylaxis paste that does not
contain fuoride can be used, but increasingly, remineralizing
materials containing NovaMin are selected. Te facial protective
barrier is applied and then the cheek retractor is used to separate
the maxillary and mandibular arches, displace the cheeks, and
expose the upper and lower anterior teeth for bleaching. Next
the gingival barrier is placed in a gel form and light cured to
hardness such that it is retained on the tissue without adhesives;
its physical shape and the undercuts of the gingival areas are
adequate to retain the barrier in place throughout the entire
bleaching process (Figure 14-39, B).
Cotton rolls may be applied in the mucosal folds to staunch
salivary fow and to keep the operating area dry. A slow-speed
suction should be at the ready in case excess saliva forms in the
patients mouth. Te bleaching gel is frst applied on the buccal
surfaces of the teeth, and then the bleach-moistened gauze is
placed over the frst layer of gel (Figure 14-39, C). Te bleaching
material seeps through the gauze slowly. If it is necessary to add
more bleaching material to thoroughly wet the gauze, gel is
added on the outside surface of the gauze. Te clinical image
shows one gauze on the maxillary teeth and one on the
the teeth have no contact with saliva or other non-bleaching
liquids. Some dentists apply fuorides in a polish or gel onto the
teeth after bleaching to speed remineralization. Tis step does
not afect the whiteness of the teeth but may improve the surface
hardness and is likely to decrease any postoperative sensitivity.
In-Office Tooth Whitening with Light
ApplicationWet Technique
Te bleach and gauze technique is diferent from the dry gel
application in that gauze is kept in a bleach-moistened state on
the teeth throughout the treatment process. Tis ensures that
the bleaching material is continually active in releasing oxygen
ions, that active bleaching material remains in contact with the
tooth surfaces at all times, and that the released oxygen ions have
a decreased ability to escape the immediate proximity of the
tooth surface. Te bleach and gauze wet technique can be used
with most in-ofce bleaching materials. Treatment modalities
are selected according to clinician preference and patient
Te frst step in this procedure, as with most in-ofce bleach-
ing systems, is to polish the surfaces of the teeth to remove all
the debris and eliminate any remaining extrinsic surface stains
that have not been locked into the enamel lattices and dentinal
tubules. In Figure 14-39, A, the right central incisor is slightly
FIGURE 14-39 A, Pre-operative photographs show that the right central incisor is slightly darker than the other anterior teeth.
It is likely to bleach less efectively than the other teeth in the arch. B, Te patients soft tissues are protected with a light-cured
resin barrier. C, Te bleaching gel is applied to the buccal surface of the maxillary and mandibular teeth, followed by placement
of a bleach-moistened gauze over the teeth. Additional bleaching gel can be applied if necessary. D, A bleaching light is applied
to the buccal surface of the teeth. E, Te application of the bleach and the light is repeated at least three times. After the barrier
and retractors have been removed and the teeth have been thoroughly rinsed, the teeth are signifcantly whiter. F, A close-up of
the right central incisors shows the yellow stain before treatment. G, A close-up of the right central incisor after treatment.
Although the stain remains, it is less prominent after the bleaching procedure.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 371
Te patient rinses to eliminate any bleaching gel remaining
between the teeth or around the soft tissues. Te teeth are now
signifcantly whiter than they were before treatment (Figure
14-39, E). Some fall-back in tooth coloration can be expected
to occur over the next 1 to 2 weeks (mostly caused by surface
rehydration, not re-staining). Te in-ofce procedure is typically
a multi-appointment procedure encompassing two or three ses-
sions, with home bleaching as a highly recommended course
of therapy between in-ofce sessions. Tis combined in-ofce
and at-home regimen ofers the best and longest-lasting tooth-
whitening results.
Te right central incisor has remained somewhat yellower
than the other teeth (Figure 14-39, F and G). Although it is less
dark than before, it is still less bleached than the adjacent teeth.
Previous trauma or injury likely caused a narrowing of the pulp
chamber to make this tooth somewhat darker than the others.
It is generally accepted that trauma can cause internal bleeding
and circulatory damage within the pulp chamber. Bilirubin
deposits from the damaged blood vessels are secreted in various
layers of the tooth structure. As the bilirubin ages, it becomes
yellower and/or browner, giving the entire tooth a somewhat
darker tinge. Tese bilirubin stains can be removed, but the
process may be difcult or impossible in many cases. In these
situations, bleaching is not an adequate approach and veneers
or crowns are indicated.
Before bleaching, the incisal composite restoration on the left
central incisor was relatively well color matched to the remainder
of the tooth (despite the visible margin). After bleaching, the
restoration is far less color matched and has become an esthetic
liability. Tus it is important to note that patients who have
visible, but color-matched, anterior restorations must be warned
that these restorations are likely to require replacement after
bleaching to match the whitened coloration of the teeth. Typi-
cally the replacement of old restorations should not commence
until at least 1 to 2 weeks after the bleaching procedure has been
completed; the variable fall-back (to darker coloration with
in-ofce procedures) or continuation (to whiter coloration with
at-home procedures) that occurs after the end of the bleaching
treatment is rather unpredictable. Tese post-treatment color
changes often alter tooth shade signifcantly in the days imme-
diately after bleaching. After about 2 weeks, the rehydration or
de-staining of the teeth is complete, and tooth coloration
becomes quite stable, changing only as a direct result of normal
intra-oral staining.
In-Office Tooth Whitening to Remove White
or Dark Mottling
One of the common complaints reported to dental professionals
is white or brown mottling: splotches that mar the esthetic
harmony of the anterior teeth. Tese spots may result from
malformation, developmental discoloration, excessive consump-
tion of fuoride during enamel formation, secondary to ortho-
dontics, or poor oral hygiene. In all cases the treatment approach
is the same. For post-orthodontic patients, it is essential that the
dentist be certain that all residual composite adhesive materials
and bonding agents have been removed from the tooth surface.
Te residual bracket adhesive resin (Figure 14-40, A) is often
mandibular, whitening both arches simultaneously. If the gauzes
begin to desiccate, additional gel is applied on the gauze surface.
Te bleaching gel penetrates the gauze and may ooze out in some
areas. In other areas, the gauze has insufcient bleach beneath
it to be completely wetted. In these areas, whitening material is
added from the outside, either buccal or lingual, to ensure that
the gauze is completely moist with bleaching gel.
Although the bleaching gel with the gauze should whiten the
teeth efectively, some dentists, and in particular some patients,
prefer to have the light-activated protocol used in addition to
the chemical reaction of the bleach. Te bleaching light is
applied to the surface of the gel and the underlying gauze (Figure
14-39, D). Te objective is to always have excess gel in close
proximity to the tooth. Te light activation liberates oxygen ions
from the bleach product, breaking down the peroxide (H
to water (H
O) and oxygen ions (O

). Tis allows the free

oxygen ions or radicals that are close to the tooth surface to
penetrate the semi-permeable surface of the enamel and dentin.
Once inside the tooth structures, they break down the double
bonds of the long-chain stain molecules. Te smaller, shorter-
chain stain molecules can then pass through the semi-permeable
layer from the enamel and dentin into the oral cavity, where they
are rinsed or washed away.
Many bleach activating lights are available. Some bleach
manufacturers recommend proprietary lights, whereas others
recommend generic light sources including composite curing
lights. For the practitioner the most important clinical consid-
eration is to ensure that the selected light source does not over-
heat vital teeth to the point at which painful in-treatment
discomfort, post-treatment sensitivity, or permanent pulpal
damage can occur. In the case shown in Figure 14-39, a curing
light was used to activate the bleach. Approximately 1 minute
of total light-activation time, delivered from the buccal, was
judged necessary per tooth. To prevent excessive heat buildup in
the teeth, the wave technique is recommended. A 20-second
application of the activating light is delivered to one tooth. Te
operator then moves on to an adjacent tooth for a 20-second
light activation, and so on, until the entire arch has been acti-
vated. Ten the operator returns the light to the frst tooth for
the second 20-second session of light reactivation of the gel. By
this time, the tooth has cooled down from the frst activation,
and over-heating is far less likely. With the wave technique the
tooth is never allowed to heat up more than 1 to 2 C over its
normal intra-oral temperature. Furthermore, the tip of the acti-
vating light is kept several millimeters away from the tooth, gel,
and gingival surfaces (there should not be any actual physical
contact). Tis prevents the hot tip of the activating light from
thermally damaging either the soft or the hard tissues.
Te entire process of applying the gauze and the bleaching
gel (and optionally the activating light) should be repeated at
least three times to constitute a single bleaching procedure or
After the bleaching is complete, the gauze is removed with
college pliers and the remaining gel is wiped away with a wet
gauze. Once is the remaining gel has been thoroughly elimi-
nated, the gingival barrier can be removed. Ten the cheek
retractors are taken away, and the facial protection is lifted away.
372 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
FIGURE 14-40 A, A post-orthodontic patient with residual adhesive material that has stained. Tis staining can be mistaken
for brown mottling. B to D, Patient has generalized brown and white mottling of the maxillary and mandibular teeth. E to G,
All maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth are treated with Opalustre. H, Te teeth are polished with the custom-designed
OpalCup. Tis is a prophy cup with bristle brushes in the polishing concavity. I, Te Opalustre is polished to an even layer on
all the teeth to be treated. J and K, Te teeth are rinsed. L, After a through rinsing, the initial de-staining of the buccal surfaces
can be seen. De-staining and color blending may require fve or more separate Opalustre treatment steps. Operator patience is
an asset during this procedure. M to P, Initial post-treatment photographs show that the teeth have whitened and the mottling
has been diminished. Q, After two more in-ofce treatment appointments, signifcant de-staining and de-mottling can be seen.
White mottling on the laterals, cuspids, and lower incisors is still present. R, After four in-ofce treatments, fnal post-treatment
photographs show a whiter and less mottled smile. Te patient is pleased with the esthetic result.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 373
bristle brushes in their polishing concavity. Tey were devel-
oped to work the bleaching material into the tooth surface
more efectively in order to achieve a more rapid and more
efective de-staining. Te Opalustre is prophied into the
buccal tooth surface with the OpalCup at a very low speed.
Te slower rotation of the OpalCup is best achieved with a
gear reduction slow speed handpiece. Te Opalustre is pro-
phied into the buccal surface of every anterior tooth (and the
lingual and proximal surfaces if they are accessible). Te
bleaching material is worked into the entire buccal surface but
with a particular focus on the mottled areas. Care must be
taken not to heat the tooth. Although the polishing of a tooth
may last up to a total of 60 seconds, it is advisable to separate
this time into 15-second segments with a wave technique.
After one tooth has been polished for 15 seconds, the operator
then moves to the adjacent tooth. When the entire arch is
completed, the operator returns to the frst tooth for another
15 seconds; this sequence continues repeatedly until 1 minute
of polishing has been completed for each tooth. Tis allows
the tooth to remain cool throughout the treatment (shorter
polishing sessions) and to cool between consecutive 15-second
sessions. Te Opalustre paste is polished to a more evenly dis-
tributed layer on the teeth (Figure 14-40, I). Te slurry may
inadvertently be sprayed onto the gingiva; this has never
caused any gingival irritations or burns, and has never been a
concern in past treatments.
Te operator has the option of leaving the Opalustre slurry
on the teeth for a number of minutes to intensify the decolor-
ation, or rinsing as soon as the prophylaxis is complete.
Te teeth are rinsed as shown in Figure 14-40, J. It is not a
problem if some of the Opalustre or the rinsed Opalustre
happens to be sprayed onto the gingiva. However, it is good
practice to completely eliminate the bleaching material from the
mouth with a thorough rinsing. It might be necessary at this
stage to replace the cotton rolls if they have become wet with
saliva or water, but it is important to keep the cheek retractor
in place.
In Figure 14-40, K, additional rinsing has washed most of
the Opalustre from the surfaces of the teeth. Although this is
only an intermediate stage, the de-staining of the buccal tooth
surfaces can be readily seen.
Te Opalustre de-staining process is a gradual one. Whereas
some teeth may be more afected than others, it is often found
that there is little evidence of de-mottling after the frst, second,
or even third Opalustre application. It is important not to be
discouraged at this stage. Te nature of the Opalustre is such
that a certain critical level of tooth surface oxygenation must be
attained before the dental appearance actually begin to improve.
De-staining and color blending may occur after a single applica-
tion of Opalustre (Figure 14-40, L) or it may take fve or more
separate treatment steps, but invariably it does occur at some
point. Operator patience is defnitely an asset.
In the course of treatment the teeth have become de-stained
and de-mottled but there is now a small thin layer of stained
composite that is still present (Figure 14-40, M to P). Because
the Opalustre cannot be expected to de-stain the adhesive resin,
this composite must be very gently removed. Te best method
stained, appearing darker than the surrounding enamel, and can
be mistaken for brown mottling.
Te patient in Figure 14-40 exhibited a generalized brown
and white mottling of the teeth. Te occurrence of both white
and brown mottling presents the greatest de-staining challenge
to the dentist. Te patient had initially considered having por-
celain veneer coverage of the anterior 10 maxillary teeth to
improve her smile. However, since the teeth had excellent shape
and proportion and the patient was under 20 years of age, it was
decided to approach the situation as conservatively as possible.
While keeping the porcelain veneer modality in reserve, the
treatment plan commenced with a more conservative bleaching
approach to determine if de-staining alone could achieve the
esthetic results that the patient desired.
Te mottling of the teeth, both brown and white, is quite
evident both in photographs and in the smile (Figure 14-40, B
to D). Te dark margins of the brown discolorations indicate
earlier unsuccessful attempts to bond over the stained areas.
Although the patient did not remember having bonding proce-
dures on the buccal surfaces of the central incisors, it is clini-
cally obvious that this approach was tried. Te resin material
was removed very conservatively with a slow-speed round
carbide bur, at less than 1000 rpm, and the bleaching proce-
dure begun.
Opalustre bleaching (Ultradent Products, Inc.) material is
applied to the teeth (Figure 14-40, E). A small dab of the
bleach is dispensed on the central part of the buccal surface. Tis
material is designed for chemical and mechanical enamel abra-
sion. It consists of a slurry that contains 6.6% hydrochloric acid
(HCl) and silicon carbide micro-particles in a water-soluble
paste. It is readily syringable for accurately positioned applica-
tion to the specifc target locations on the teeth. Te manufac-
turer recommends that a rubber dam be in place prior to the
application of Opalustre. Although this is certainly a prudent
course of action, it has not been found necessary in clinical
practice. Te cheek retractor is used to pull the lips and cheeks
well away from the bleaching operative area. Te lips are pro-
tected by cotton rolls inserted into the mucogingival folds to
position the soft tissues away from the teeth. Te Opalustre is
applied over the entire buccal surfaces of the teeth that are to be
de-stained, and specifcally to those areas that are mottled brown
or white.
Te Opalustre slurry is applied to both the maxillary and the
mandibular teeth as indicated. Te bulk of the material is applied
directly the areas of mottling and is designed to be polished from
these areas onto the remaining tooth surface. Note that the
tongue extension of the cheek retractor keeps the tongue away
from the potentially irritating materials that are used to bleach
the teeth. Te retractor also keeps the patient from licking their
teeth. It is a good idea to have slow-speed suction in place at
this stage to remove any excess saliva that may form in the
patients mouth.
All the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth that are
visible in the smile are to be treated with Opalustre (Figure
14-40, F and G). Te permeation of the Opalustre slurry into
the tooth surface is accomplished with the custom-designed
OpalCup (Figure 14-40, H). OpalCups are prophy cups with
374 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
It can be expected that in-ofce bleached teeth will experi-
ence some fall-back in coloration (owing to rehydration) over
the next 1 to 2 weeks unless at-home bleaching is provided
concurrently with the in-ofce procedure. Terefore the patient
was asked to use a home bleaching regimen between scheduled
appointments to prevent the in-ofce whitening results from
falling back in the interim.
Most important, the procedure is ultraconservative. Tere
was no removal of tooth structure and no damage to the dentin,
enamel, or soft tissues. When selecting the ideal esthetic tech-
nique, the most conservative one is always the best choice.
A large body of evidence-based scientifc data is available to
support both the safety and the efcacy of bleaching. Bleaching
actually works on the basis of dissolving long-chain stain mol-
ecules within the enamel and the dentin. Short-chain stain mol-
ecules enter the enamel lattices and dentinal surfaces, where they
join with double bonds to form longer-chain molecules, which
are not easily dislodged. Over time the buildup of long-chain
stain molecule formation within the enamel and dentin makes
the tooth appear darker.
Figure 14-41 shows a stylized cross-section of the whiter
enamel, yellower dentin, and reddish pulp. Each stylized dental
component is representative of the tooth structures in the human
mouth. Tere is a micro-porous semi-permeable barrier at the
enamel and dentin surface that can be permeated by small liquid
molecules from both sidesthe oral cavity and the enamel and
dentin of the tooth. Semi-permeable implies that stain molecules
can readily be exchanged between the oral cavity and the enamel
and dentin. Te passage of these liquid stain molecules is limited
only by their size; molecules that are smaller than the porosities
can pass through, whereas molecules that are larger cannot.
Staining liquids originate from sources outside of the mouth:
food, drinks, or other materials that the patient consumes or
places into the mouth (Figure 14-42). Te staining liquids typi-
cally consist of smaller molecules that are readily able to pass
through the semi-permeable membrane and enter the enamel
and the dentin (Figure 14-43). Stains may fow back and forth
through the membrane. Larger-molecule stains are kept out by
the semi-permeable membrane because they are too large to ft
through the porosities. Inside the enamel lattices and the dentin
(dentinal tubules and intertubular dentin), the smaller stain
molecules tend to polymerize by forming double bonds with
other small stain molecules, becoming longer-chain stain mol-
ecules (Figure 14-44). In both the enamel and the dentin, these
larger, longer-chain stain molecules are too big to exit through
the semi-permeable membrane porosities and remain trapped
within the tooth (Figure 14-45).With time, the stain builds up
in both the enamel and the dentin, making the tooth structures
appear progressively darker.
Te stains in the enamel and dentin can be treated with a
variety of bleaching materials. Te most common treatment
modalities include hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide.
for eliminating this residual resin material is to abrade it with a
fne round diamond or carbide bur, removing the stained com-
posite, layer by layer, very gently and without any anesthetic.
Te most predictable method for diferentiating between healthy
enamel and composite resin is to dry the tooth surface and to
observe the difering levels of glossiness in the two materials.
Composite typically appears more matte, whereas enamel is
more glossy. If there is any doubt as to whether the surface
material is enamel or composite, it should be left until after the
next application of Opalustre. Te surface diferences between
composite and enamel are magnifed by bleaching, allowing the
practitioner to remove the restorative material with greater
Te Opalustre was rinsed and re-applied to the teeth fve
separate times, with the process repeated exactly as shown. Each
application step, or pass, takes about 10 minutes, and the
appointment should be scheduled accordingly.
It is very difcult to estimate in advance how many bleaching
passes will be required for any particular case. Patients are gener-
ally informed that the bleaching passes will be repeated until
they are satisfed with the color of their teeth (with a limit of
fve to eight passes per appointment). Te teeth can nearly
always be made whiter. Te underlying question is the patients
personal tooth coloration goal. Tere is always a convergence
point at which the patients desire for whiter teeth is balanced
by his or her willingness to pay for additional bleaching. Te
Opalustre procedure does not damage the teeth or the tooth
surfaces; thus from a dental perspective it can be considered a
strictly cosmetic treatment and continued until the patient is
After every Opalustre treatment session, whether it involves
one, fve, or up to eight applications in a single appointment,
a fuoride application is advantageous. Ultradent recommends
Flor-Opal Varnish, a 5% sodium fuoride compound. Fluorides
can be used, but some are more suitable than others. Stannous
fuorides can often cause tooth coloration to regress somewhat
into the darker shades; acidulated phosphate fuorides cause
tooth sensitivity and may etch the enamel and dentin surfaces,
leaving them susceptible to rapid re-staining.
Te patient is seen after two in-ofce appointments (Figure
14-40, Q). Signifcant de-staining of the centrals has been
achieved, but the white mottling of the laterals, cuspids, and
lower incisors is still present. Te patient elected to continue
with the treatment to better blend the colors and to achieve a
more esthetic result.
For this particular patient the process was long but not
arduous. While the treatment involved several chair-hours for
the patient, there was no discomfort at any stage and no anes-
thesia was required at any time. Te mottling was stubborn, with
the white mottling even more difcult to eliminate than the
brown. It took four appointments to achieve an esthetically
acceptable result that left the patient in her esthetic comfort zone
(Figure 14-40, R). Tis end point will vary for every patient. It
is difcult, if not impossible, to accurately predict, in advance,
the number of treatment sessions that will be required for the
de-staining process.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 375
FIGURE 14-41 Stylized cross-section of tooth structure
showing white-yellow enamel, yellower dentin, and reddish
pulp. Te semi-permeable layer that exists at the enamel and
dentin surfaces can allow the absorption of very small liquid
stain molecules.
FIGURE 14-42 Staining liquids originate from food, drink,
or other materials that are placed in the mouth.
FIGURE 14-43 Staining liquids typically consist of smaller
molecules that can pass through the semi-permeable mem-
brane. Stains may fow back and forth through the
Carbamide peroxide is a bufered form of hydrogen peroxide
that is less caustic to soft tissues but also liberates signifcantly
less whitening ionic oxygen at the tooth surface. Carbamide
peroxide is applied to the tooth surface in a tray delivery format
(Figure 14-46). Tis bufered bleaching material breaks down
quickly into its components, carbamide and peroxide (Figure
14-47). Carbamide is a common dietary product that is rou-
tinely encountered by the digestive system in the consumption
of meats, nuts, beans, and other protein foodstufs. It passes
through the human alimentary system without any ill efects,
with the exception of occasionally increasing fatulence. In turn,
the peroxide breaks down into molecular water and oxygen ions
(Figure 14-48). Water, of course, is the most abundant single
FIGURE 14-44 Once inside the enamel and dentin, the
smaller stain molecules tend to form double bonds, becoming
longer-chain molecules.
chemical in the human body and is readily processed by the
digestive system. Tus, carbamide peroxide, the active bleaching
agent, is quickly reduced in the oral cavity to its constituents:
carbamide, water, and oxygen. Te frst two byproducts (carb-
amide and water) pass through the alimentary system quite
naturally and without harm or irritation, leaving the oxygen ions
in close proximity to the tooth surfaces (Figure 14-49). Tere
are, ideally, vast numbers of oxygen ions remaining from the
breakdown of the peroxide in the vicinity of the tooth. Tese
oxygen ions can attach to one another to form oxygen molecules,
escape into the oral cavity, or percolate into the tooth structures
(enamel and dentin) through the semi-permeable membrane. In
order to increase the likelihood of the latter option, a tray or
376 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
FIGURE 14-45 Te longer-chain stain molecules are now too
big to exit through the semi-permeable membrane and remain
trapped in the tooth, causing the teeth to look yellower and
FIGURE 14-46 Bleaching material is applied to the tooth
FIGURE 14-47 Te bufered bleaching material breaks down
into its components, carbamide and peroxide.
Carbmide H
FIGURE 14-48 Te peroxide breaks down into water mole-
cules and oxygen ions.

FIGURE 14-49 Te carbamide and water pass through the

human alimentary system without any ill efects, leaving
oxygen ions in close proximity to the tooth surface.

similar containment device is used to keep the bleach and the

liberated oxygen ions close to the tooth surface (Figure 14-50).
Te bleaching tray prevents the ions from escaping and positions
them in close proximity to the tooth surface to maximize the
de-staining result.
When the liberated oxygen ions are contained efectively
and forced into the tooth surface rather than being allowed to
escape into the oral cavity, they tend to penetrate the enamel,
dentin, and pulp within 5 to 15 minutes (Figure 14-51). Te
oxygen ions do not have any deleterious efects on any of
these structures, including the pulp. Tey can, however,
destroy the double bonds that have grown the stain molecules
so large that they cannot escape through the semi-permeable
Te oxygen ions attack the double bonds of the long-chain
stain molecules (Figure 14-52) and break the bonds, reducing
the stains into their original shorter constituents (Figure 14-53).
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 377
FIGURE 14-50 Te oxygen ions can join together to form
oxygen molecules or remain as free oxygen ion radicals. Te
use of a bleaching tray or similar containment device keeps
the bleach and the released oxygen ions in close proximity to
the tooth surface.


FIGURE 14-51 Efectively contained oxygen ions are forced

into the tooth surface to penetrate the enamel and the dentin
as well as the pulp.


FIGURE 14-52 Te oxygen ions attack the double bonds of

the long-chain stain molecules.


FIGURE 14-53 Te double bonds are broken by the oxygen

ion radicals, and the stains are returned to their original shorter


Te elimination of the double bonds shortens the stain

molecules to their original sizes, such that they can again pass
through the semi-permeable membrane at the tooth surface.
Tis allows the stains molecules to exit the enamel and dentin
into the oral cavity (Figure 14-54). Within a short period,
typically days, most of the stain has left the tooth structures
(Figure 14-55).
Te tray is removed after each treatment session and the teeth
are rinsed with water (Figure 14-56). Te patient should be
encouraged to brush and foss to remove the remaining stain
molecules and to maintain the whiter smile (Figure 14-57).
Te tooth appears less dark because the double-bonded long-
chain stain molecules are no longer present in the enamel or the
dentin. After bleaching, both the enamel and the dentin are less
FIGURE 14-54 Te shorter stain molecules can now again
pass through the semi-permeable membrane and exit from the
enamel and dentin into the oral cavity.


378 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry

Te process of bleaching is conservative because it does not
act on tooth structures; the process is specifcally targeted to the
double bonds of long-chain stain molecules that have taken up
residence inside tooth structures. Te oxygen ions released by
bleaching techniques attack these double bonds, breaking down
the long-chain stain molecules. Te shorter stain components
dissolve into the oral fuids and are carried away from the tooth
during normal masticatory function and cleansing.
Te conservative and successful nature of tooth bleaching,
combined with the widespread public awareness of the proce-
dure, creates a demand for further restorative and reparative
conservative procedures in the minds of patients and profession-
als alike. Tooth whitening has set a high standard: it provides a
great change in the patients smile with no impact or ill efects
on the hard and soft tissue structures of the mouth. Tis has
now become the stated goal of all restorative dentistry. Of
course, it is not always possible to be quite this conservative, but
discolored than they were before (Figure 14-58), as confrmed
by many clinical studies.
Tooth whitening or bleaching is simply the most conservative
procedure that is available to the dental profession. De-staining
of the teeth is even less abrasive than routine prophylaxis and
scaling. Tere is no loss of tooth structure, dentin, or enamel
and no weakening of the surfaces if appropriate materials are
used according to instructions. Numerous studies have con-
frmed that there is no demineralization of the enamel or the
dentin during tooth whitening or thereafter.
FIGURE 14-55 Within a short period of time, most of the
stain has left the tooth structures.


FIGURE 14-56 Te tray is removed, and the teeth are rinsed

with water, eliminating the stain molecules from the oral


FIGURE 14-57 Brushing and fossing are encouraged to

maintain the teeth at their whitest.

FIGURE 14-58 Both the enamel and dentin have been whit-
ened. Te pulp is unafected.
After Before
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 379
Fortunately, bleaching touch-ups are easily accomplished. Tere
is no contraindication to re-bleaching teeth, and there is no
minimal waiting time before additional whitening procedures
can be initiated. Tus when the patient or the dental team notes
that the color of the teeth is beginning to regress, it is a simple
matter to touch up the results.
Fortuitously, the touch-up process is less time-consuming
than the initial whitening procedure. For an at-home bleaching
treatment that initially took 2 to 4 weeks, the touch-up may
involve a mere 1 or 2 nights of wearing a bleaching tray. For
in-ofce bleaching, a touch-up can involve a single 15-minute
chairside application of the bleach, or the wearing of a bleaching
strip to revitalize the whiteness of the teeth.
Alternatively, there are specifcally designed, easy-to-use,
over-the-counter materials such as SuperSmile Quikee (Figure
14-59, A) (Robell Research, Supersmile, New York) that can be
applied directly to the anterior teeth by the patient to de-stain
the anterior teeth. Quikee specifcally targets the stain accumu-
lated over the course of a meal. It is not always practical or
possible to brush ones teeth, or even to carry around a tooth-
brush outside of the home. Te Quikee tube is small and easy
to open unobtrusively (Figure 14-59, B). A small dab of the
Quikee paste is applied to the teeth (Figure 14-59, C) and
innocuously spread over the anterior teeth by the tongue (Figure
14-59, D). Te peroxide in the Quikee eliminates the meal stain
and brightens the teeth in moments (Figure 14-59, E). Te
Quikee tube can be quietly slipped into a pocket (Figure 14-59,
F ). Teeth have never looked so good after a staining meal.
Many people like to chew gum. It is important that these
products not contain sugars that attract and feed bacteria,
leading to acidulation at the tooth surface. Numerous chewing
gum products are safe; in fact, some have benefcial efects on
the dentition. Tere are even tooth-whitening chewing gums
available. Supersmile Professional Whitening Gum (Figure
14-60, A) packets contain two pieces of gum. Te gum tablet
can be unobtrusively inserted into the mouth (Figure 14-60, B),
where the benefcial sugar-free efects of the gum are combined
with the peroxide-releasing chemistry to maintain or even
enhance tooth coloration (Figure 14-60, C).
Te overriding guiding principle of maintaining tooth white-
ness is that re-staining cannot be avoided, but the re-bleaching
or touch-up process is simple, quick, and efective.
Te earliest recent bleaching controversies (1990s) centered
on the introduction of the at-home bleaching systems. Naturally,
the manufacturers and proponents of the in-ofce heat-mediated
bleaching then in vogue reacted negatively to the newer, more
patient-friendly techniques. Te claims that at-home bleaching
materials were dangerous, inefective, and possibly carcinogenic
were known to be spurious given the extensive existing research
and documentation but were disseminated anyway.
Te last claim specifcally targeted one of the most likely
consumer groups for at-home tooth whitening: smokers. It is
also important to note that the segment of the population that
certainly the focus of dentistry has shifted from surgical inter-
vention to prevention, minimal intervention, and healing.
More specifcally, in the dental practice a patients dental
bleaching experience leads to increased dental awareness,
increased dental health motivation, and increased consumption
of minimally invasive services such as adhesive restorations,
veneers, and conservative crowns and onlays.
Te currently popular bleaching techniques were introduced
to the dental profession concurrently with glass ionomer restor-
ative materials and predictable resin-adhesive restorations.
Together, these innovations have transformed the dental practice
and the public perception of dentistry. Tey have also revolu-
tionized patients perceptions of their own smiles and the profes-
sion that is responsible for transforming appearances.
It is not a coincidence that the last two decades have been
the most productive and exciting in the history of the dental
Te basic question of maintaining the bleached appearance of
the smile presents an interesting dilemma. Patients often ask
how they can keep their teeth white. Te answer is relatively
simple: avoid eating and/or drinking foods that have the poten-
tial to stain. Unfortunately, virtually all foods contain chromo-
genic molecules that can migrate into the enamel and dentin,
thereby staining them. In fact, both patients and dentists recog-
nize that staining is a normal side efect of living and aging.
Tere are certain food consumption patterns that can be modi-
fed, but few can be eliminated. Asking patients to avoid stain-
inducing foods and beverages is impractical and unlikely to be
In recognition of this fact, patients should be encouraged and
motivated to brush regularly, foss their teeth daily, and return
to the practice for routine prophylaxis and scaling two to four
times a year. Even those patients who are quite fastidious in their
oral health maintenance are likely to exhibit staining over time.
It is important to identify and to warn against foods that have
the greatest staining potential. Tese dietary components vary
by region and by diet. For example, blueberries are known to
impart a very dark stain to the teeth, as are red wine, curries,
colas, and soy-based sauces, among a multitude of other foods.
Te stain tends to vary in direct proportion to the staining
potential of chromogenic food and its quantity. Even tinted
mouth rinses have been implicated in tooth staining. Te dental
team should suggest that patients rinse their mouths thoroughly
after consumption of these products, if at all possible. Te
immediate dissolution of the stains combined with habitual
home care and regularly scheduled professional cleaning should
be enough to keep the teeth relatively free of stain.
It has been observed that bleaching efects regress over time.
It is not the bleaching efect that changes, but simply the dietary
and habit-induced staining that is undoing the whiteness of the
teeth. For many individuals, re-staining can take years, but for
some, particularly heavy drinkers of red wine and smokers, the
esthetic benefts of bleaching can diminish rather quickly.
380 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
FIGURE 14-60 A, Supersmile Professional Whitening Gum packets each contain two pieces of gum (Robell Research Inc., New
York, New York). B, Many people are regular gum chewers. C, Te sugar-free efects of the gum combined with the peroxide-
releasing chemistry maintain and even enhance tooth coloration.
FIGURE 14-59 A, Over-the-counter de-staining material Quikee SuperSmile. B, Quikee is packaged in a small, easy-to-open
tube. C, Quikee is applied directly to the teeth after a staining meal. D, Quikee material is spread over the teeth with the tongue.
E, Food stains are quickly and easily eliminated. F, Te Quikee tube is easily returned to a pocket or purse. (A, Courtesy Robell Research
Inc. [SuperSmile], New York, New York.)
smoked at that time was much greater than it is today. In retro-
spect, none of these claims were evidence or observation based,
and none turned out to be relevant.
At-home bleaching materials are actually quite unique in that
they were used intra-orally to treat conditions other than stained
teeth for more than 50 years, and their safety was established,
well researched, and documented.
Since the introduction of at-home tooth bleaching, several
hundreds of millions of cases have been documented worldwide.
No ill efects have been reported with professionally delivered
bleaching and with the proper use of direct-to-patient products.
Eventually the weight of clinical evidence eliminated most
bleaching controversies.
One problem that often arises in the practice is how to treat
very young or very old patients who are interested in bleaching.
Te active ingredients are safe at any age. In fact, neonates have
been treated with carbamide peroxide for candidiasis. Tus, in
theory, bleaching the teeth immediately after eruption is not
contraindicated. However, unless there are exceptional circum-
stances, there is little reason to consider bleaching the deciduous
dentition or the permanent dentition until at least the mid-teen
years. Bleaching products do not contain any components that
interfere with the medications or health conditions of older
patients, although this should always be individually confrmed.
Te other issues with bleaching at a very early or very advanced
age are the patients tolerance for the intra-oral trays and the
length of the bleaching procedure. Te dentist must also con-
sider the age of the young patient and evaluate whether the
desire for whiter teeth is realistic in the context of the patients
age. Children under 6 years of age are not likely to be afected
by the color of their teeth because they do not readily identify
a self-image. Teens, on the other hand, are extremely self-
conscious. It is up to the dental team and the parents to balance
the normal and reasonable color of the dentition with the teen
patients desire to improve his or her perceived appearance. In
this age group, there are physiological and psychological forces
at play, and the judgment of the practitioner is paramount.
Surprisingly, some dental professionals still question the role
of tooth whitening in dentistry. Many dentists are focused on
function as the most important dental parameter. Bleaching,
of course, has no efect or role in function, but bleaching is
the basis for the smile. It can restore or develop the patients
confdence and self-esteem. An improved smile can have a major
impact on the psychological mindset of an individual, and an
engaging smile has been shown to have a dramatically positive
efect on an individuals personal life, relationships, career devel-
opment, and success. If the dentist can improve the patients life
in so many areas with a non-invasive, non-harmful procedure,
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 381
does this not become the dental professions responsibility? It
must be added that no other profession is licensed or able to
treat the dentition, and the dental team is by far the best
equipped to provide this treatment from diagnostics to treat-
ment planning to treatment delivery and to post-treatment
Tooth whitening is a treatment that falls squarely within the
scope of the dental practice, and every dentist should be familiar
with various procedures that can be used, the available materials,
and the benefts that can be aforded to patients.
Bleaching has always been more popular with patients than with
the profession. Te past two decades have seen a regular progres-
sion of the bleaching process; it has become easier and faster.
Recent signifcant developments have included the elimination
of the need for the dental auxiliary to fabricate a custom tray in
the practice. Procter & Gambles Crest 3D White Whitestrips
(Figure 14-61) and Ultradent Opalescence Trswhite (see Figure
14-13) have led the feld. Te Whitestrips are simply adhered to
the teeth by the patient, and the Opalescence Trswhite system
uses a pre-loaded, pre-fabricated tray system.
Tere has been a tendency to increase the percentage of
carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide in bleaching agents
FIGURE 14-61 Crest 3D White Whitestrips have led the
market in over-the-counter bleaching products.
FIGURE 14-62 A, Peroxide activating rods have begun to appear on both professional and over-the-counter markets (Pictured:
Supersmile Professional Activating Rods). B, Opening of the activating rod package. C, Te capsule is broken. D, Te swab is
inserted, allowing the activating agent to wet the cotton tip. E, Te swab is fully inserted when the cotton tip is thoroughly
wetted. F, Te peroxide is applied directly to the tooth surface. G, Tese activating rods are often used in conjunction with a
whitening toothpaste system. (Pictured: Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste system. A and G, Courtesy Robell Research Inc.
[SuperSmile], New York, New York.)
382 Bleaching Bleaching and Its Relevance to Esthetic Dentistry
satisfed with the maxillary coloration and ready to begin the
mandibular teeth. In most cases, the maxillary and mandibular
teeth are treated simultaneously.
Te profession is likely to see expansion of these concepts as
well as combinations of various delivery formats that improve
the bleaching process over the next few years. Te inexorable
process of research and development in dentistry assures the
profession that future bleaching procedures will be better, faster,
and easier.
Abbot C: Bleaching discolored teeth by means of 30% perhydrol and electric
light rays. Allied Dent Soc 13:259, 1918.
Abou-Rass M: Te discoloration problem: an endodontic solution, Alpha
Ornegan 575:157-187, 1982.
Atkinson I-IF: An investigation into the permeability of human enamel using
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Avny WY, Heirnan GR, Madonia W, et al: Autoradiographic studies of the
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Bergman G: Microscopic demonstration of liquid fow through human dental
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Bishara SE, Sulieman AH, Olson M: Making a clinical decision for vital tooth
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Bowles WH, Tompson LR: Efect of enamel bleaching on the bonding
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Bowles WH, Ugwuneri Z: Pulp chamber penetration by hydrogen peroxide
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to speed the whitening process. Te additional oxygen ions
function as desired, but the side efect is increased sensitivity.
Various bufering agents have been introduced to decrease or
eliminate this post-treatment discomfort. Tese bufers have
improved with time, and within the next 10 years should be
perfected to a point where rapid tooth bleaching can be initiated
without any concern for sensitivity, whether during or after
A number of paint-on bleaching products have appeared.
Tese bleaching pens are best used for a single discolored
tooth. Te user has to be careful, of course, not to touch the
bleached area with the tongue, lips, or teeth in order to avoid
peroxide soft tissue burns.
Peroxide activating rods have begun to appear at both the
professional and the over-the-counter levels (Figure 14-62, A).
Simply open the product (Figure 14-62, B), break the capsule
(Figure 14-62, C), and insert the swab (Figure 14-62, D) until
the bleaching liquid thoroughly wets the cotton tip (Figure
14-62, E). Tese rods dispense various levels of peroxide directly
onto selected teeth (Figure 14-62, F ). Tey are often used con-
currently with a whitening toothpaste system (Figure 14-62, G).
Te immediate results can be signifcant, particularly consider-
ing that there is no tooth desiccation possible in such a brief
period of time.
Tetracycline, medication, and metal stains can be treated more
predictably than in the past. Te treatment process for these cases
is often long, sometimes lasting a full year, and involves many
sessions. On the positive side, treatment for these disfguring
conditions is at last possible. In the case shown in Figure 14-63,
A, the teeth were severely stained by tetracycline at an early age.
Te treatment plan for the maxillary teeth included continuous
at-home bleaching and regularly scheduled in-ofce procedures
every 6 weeks. Te improvement is obvious at 3 months (Figure
14-63, B) and is more pronounced at 6 months (Figure 14-63,
C) and fnally at 9 months (Figure 14-63, D). Te patient was
FIGURE 14-63 A, Severe tetracycline staining. B, Treatment plan for this case included continuous home bleaching and regularly
scheduled in-ofce procedures every 6 weeks. C, Tree months into the treatment, there is obvious tooth color change. D, At 9
months of treatment, the patient is satisfed with the esthetic result of the bleaching treatment.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 383
Morrison SW: Vital tooth bleaching: the patients viewpoint, Gen Dent
34:238-240, 1986.
Nutting EB, Poe GS: A new combination for bleaching teeth, Dent Clin
North Am 10:655-662, 1976.
Pearson H: Bleaching of the discolored pulpless tooth, J Am Dent Assoc
56:64, 1958.
Radz GM: Reality: the information source for esthetic dentistry, Vol. 14, Reality
Publishing Company, 1999, Houston, Texas.
Reid JS: Patient assessment of the value of bleaching tetracycline-stained teeth,
ASDC J Dent Child 52:353-355, 1985.
Reyto R: In-ofce bleaching system for quick esthetic change. Chairside with
RW Nash, Compend Contin Educ Dent 20:986-990, 1998.
Ring ME: Dentistry: an illustrated history, New York, 1985, Harry N Abrams.
Robertson WD, Melf RC: Laser tooth whitening, Dent Clin North Am
21:755-762, 1980.
Rosenthal P: Te combined use of ultra-violet rays and hydrogen dioxide for
bleaching Teeth, Dental Cosmos 53:246-247, 1911.
Rosensteil SF, Gegauf AG, Johnston WM: Pulpal response to vital bleaching,
J Endod 5:134-138, 1991.
Seale NS, Mclntosh JE, Taylor AN: Pulpal reaction to bleaching of teeth in
dogs, J Dent Res 60:948-953, 1981.
Seale NS, Wilson CPG: Duration of tooth colour change after bleaching,
J Am Dent Assoc 123:54-59, 1985.
Sherman IA: Pulpal response to bleaching in dogs, Pediatr Dent 72:209-214,
Shey Z, Houpt M: Te clinical efectiveness of the Delton Fissure Sealant
after forty-fve months, J Dent Res 59:428, 1980. Abstract.
Shipman B, Cohen E, Kaslick RS: Te efect of a urea peroxide gel on plaque
deposits and gingival status, J Periodontol 42(5):283-285, 1971.
Shwachman H, Schuster A: Te tetracyclines: applied pharmacology, Pediatr
Clin North Amer 3:295-303, 1956.
Smith MC, Lantz EM, Smith HV: Cause of mottled enamel, a defect of
human teeth, Univ Ariz Agri Exper Stat Tech Bull 32:253-282, 1931.
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Innovative Elements from a Scientifc or Technological Perspective that
Have Appeared in Bleaching over the Past Decade
Robert W. Gerlach
Bleaching, now commonly referred to as tooth whitening, is the
most popular of the esthetic dental procedures. Whitening is
broadly applicable with few contraindications and represents
perhaps the least invasive procedure in dentistry. Because it is
typically one of the frst cosmetic procedures accessed by dental
patients, it is directly relevant as a useful introduction to the
broader feld of esthetic dentistry.
Tooth whitening can infuence patient demand for additional
dental services, whether esthetic or restorative. In fact, tooth
whitening is a major driver of interest in both general and
esthetic dentistry. Tere is considerable evidence that where
tooth whitening is advertised or promoted in the general media
and there is broad access to tooth-whitening agents, access to
and use of all types of esthetic dentistry have increased.
Te recent introduction of the innovative easy-to-use prod-
ucts that have been heavily promoted in the mainstream media
provides one such example. After the introduction of easy-to-use
whitening strips in North America, tooth whitening emerged as
the single most-asked common topic of patients to dentists, and
one of the most requested dental procedures. Tis level of patient
awareness and the linkage of beauty and health have contributed
to demand for more defnitive care after tooth whitening.
Tere is a long history of peroxide use in dentistry. Initial appli-
cations in tooth whitening were for non-vital bleaching, with
diferent peroxide applications used over the past century to
lighten the color of non-vital teeth. Te introduction of whiten-
ing of vital teeth is a phenomenon that derives a heritage, in
part, from clinical observation after use of peroxides in peri-
odontal therapy to control plaque bacteria and reduce gingivitis.
Although many techniques were proposed, some dentists used
peroxide in mouth guards overnight for patients with persistent
disease. Coincidentally, unanticipated tooth color changes were
noticed as a side efect of treatment, and these observations
ultimately contributed to the night guard vital bleaching
Tis adaption of periodontal treatment explicitly to whiten
teeth was the frst breakthrough in vital tooth bleaching. First
described in the literature in 1989, this technique involved use
of a 10% carbamide peroxide gel in a custom tray overnight over
several weeks for tooth whitening.
Tis custom-tray and perox-
ide gel approach was adapted to yield other dentist-dispensed
whitening methods that could be readily accomplished by
patients at-home. Te second breakthrough was the introduc-
tion in 2001 of easy-to-use whitening strips. Tese strips, which
carry a peroxide gel on one side only, are typically removed from
a backing liner and then applied directly to the desired arch
(Figure 14-64). Tis allowed broad application of a controlled
peroxide dose over a short period of time under diferent settings
than were available with the custom-tray night guard vital
bleaching approach.
A number of other products have been introduced and
technologies developed. One area of particular focus has been
techniques to improve the speed of whitening. Research and
development are ongoing, but to date, few products have shown
consistent promise, and none has risen to the level of popularity
of the original custom trays or the more recent easy-to-use strips.
Whereas tooth whitening can be quite successful and may rep-
resent a useful early step in esthetic dentistry, it is not a proven
solution for nonbehavioral function-related issues. Tooth whit-
ening per se directly improves appearance and indirectly improves
patient motivation, interest, and acceptance of esthetic and
other dental procedures. If the patient has functional issues that
are not strictly behaviorally related, tooth whitening may not be
appropriate because it will likely neither promote nor degrade
functional situations.
Tooth whitening could play a potential role in behavioral
functionrelated issues. For example, numerous case studies
illustrate how white teeth can favorably afect both frst-person
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 385
teeth, but there are few to no randomized controlled studies,
so the quality of the evidence is uncertain.
A third area often considered a contraindication is pregnancy.
Women of childbearing potential represent the most common
group undergoing whitening, and there is no evidence of medical
complications associated with treatment of these women. Te
perceived contraindication is likely related to explicit warnings
found on some common whitening products that caution
against use in pregnancy. Few practices recommend pregnancy
testing before whitening, so dentists may want to consider use
of one of the appropriately labeled products, and/or limit use to
one of the lowest peroxide dosage options when treating women
of childbearing age.
Tooth whitening covers a broad range of techniques. For
example, various oral hygiene products such as dentifrices or
rinses may contribute to appearance via extrinsic stain removal
or inhibition of surface staining. Whereas some of these may
contain peroxides for stain control, these products are generally
indicated for use in controlling surface staining associated with
diet (such as cofee and tea consumption) or behavior (such as
tobacco use). In contrast, durable tooth whitening targets intrin-
sic tooth color. Tis method uses application of peroxide to
tooth surfaces, generally for a period of 5 minutes or longer;
treatment is commonly repeated several times over a short period
until intrinsic color change (whitening) is achieved. Tis
approach, often called intensive whitening, represents the princi-
pal approach used to achieve durable tooth whitening.
With the most recent innovations, tooth whitening may be
professionally administered, professionally dispensed, or self-directed.

Table 14-1 summarizes the diferent tooth-whitening treatment
options and their implications for treatment planning and use.
With professionally administered tooth whitening, treatment
is administered in the ofce by the dental professional after
diagnosis and patient consent. Te whitening process is
totally under professional control. Typically, very high concen-
trations of peroxide-containing products are used, along with
light or other vehicles to presumptively boost the whitening
and second-person perception. Whether improved perception
translates to increased focus on health and functional needs
is a matter of some speculation. Research to date is generally
unrevealing, but in the absence of contrary research, tooth whit-
ening likely has a neutral or supportive impact on function.
Few techniques in dentistry are as broadly applicable as tooth
whitening. Te indications for tooth whitening are direct
patient desire for tooth whitening and/or restorative treatment
needs involving the overtly visible smile. First, the patient has
to desire whiter teeth and a more uniform tooth color. Because
the most prominent whitening techniques are consistently suc-
cessful, tooth color will improve relatively quickly, and these
changes will be readily evident to the patient (frst person) and
others (second person).
Te second indication involves patients with a treatment plan
that includes restorative or esthetic dentistry involving the visible
dentition. Individuals requiring anterior cervical restorations,
single or multiple crowns or veneers, posterior esthetic restora-
tions, and the like typically are optimal patients for tooth whit-
ening. In these cases pre-restoration whitening allows for optimal
restorative care later.
While there are few contraindications, special consideration
should be applied in cases of sensitivity, pediatrics, or pregnancy.
First, existing tooth sensitivity is a potential contraindication. If
the patient has sensitive teeth (thermal or tactile dentinal hyper-
sensitivity), peroxide application will generally not diminish that
sensitivity; rather, tooth sensitivity may be exacerbated over the
short term. If there is pre-existing sensitivity that goes unnoticed
and is not addressed as part of treatment planning, it can inter-
fere with patient compliance and thereby become problematic.
For these reasons, existing tooth sensitivity is perhaps the most
important contraindication to whitening.
Te second potential contraindication involves pediatric use
to whiten the primary dentition. Tere is little information to
date, so these cases must be undertaken with caution. A few case
studies suggest that these agents can be readily used on primary
FIGURE 14-64 A, One type of maxillary whitening strip on a backing liner. B, Strip application on the maxillary arch.
386 Bleaching Innovative Elements from a Scientifc or Technological Perspective
Often, these professionally dispensed trays are used in combina-
tion with in-ofce treatment in order to yield immediate whiten-
ing and a durable beneft that can last over a period of months
or years.
Self-directed products can be easy to use, accessible, and
afordable. It is important to note that these techniques can ofer
real advantages with respect to control, because whitening onset
may be more gradual compared with other methods. For whit-
ening strips in particular, there is a fxed, usually low amount of
peroxide, so the total peroxide dose tends to be minimal. Like
the professionally dispensed trays, these whitening strips have
been shown to yield consistent results, and unlike with the
professional trays, the evidence extends beyond patients to
include the general population and several sub-groups.
Tere are clear disadvantages with each technique. Te
in-ofce technique can necessitate multiple visits, and clearly
follow-up is needed, often meaning a combination of treatments
in the ofce and at home. Te trays can deliver more peroxide
than necessary to whiten teeth, and tissue impingement can
be a problem. Te patient can experience some irritation, sore-
ness, or sensitivity from the tray alone, even without peroxide.
Te strips also typically whiten only the anterior facial tooth
surfaces. Although that may be an advantage with respect to
convenience or safety, it might be a disadvantage for certain
types of smiles.
Te current best approach for in-ofce treatment is use
of a high-concentration peroxide gel followed by a lower-
concentration take-home tray. Tat has the potential to whiten
immediately and also deliver sustained, meaningful, durable
whitening over time. Te best trays are custom bleaching trays,
much akin to a night guard, that are used overnight with low
to intermediate concentrations of peroxide. Te current best
approach for the self-directed products is use of the hydrogen
peroxide whitening strips for short periods of time during the
day over the course of 7 to 21 days or so, depending on which
products are selected.
Other considerations concerning whitening involve the presence
of white spots on the teeth. Mild fuorosis or snow capping can
respond quite favorably to tooth whitening with peroxide. Tis
Te second treatment category involves the use of profession-
ally dispensed products. Te most prominent systems use custom
trays to deliver a peroxide gel to the teeth for extended periods
overnight, or optionally during the day. Peroxide concentrations
vary widely across products, from relatively low to relatively high
levels. Other products have been introduced, for example, the
semi-custom trays that can be adapted to ft many dental arch
forms, thereby eliminating the need for a separate visit for
custom tray fabrication; and more recently some practitioners
have chosen to use high-concentration whitening strips for
home use. Irrespective of the delivery system (custom trays,
semi-custom trays, or strips), the diagnosis is rendered by the
professional and peroxide application is accomplished at home
over a period of days or weeks.
Te third treatment category is the self-directed use of per-
oxides for tooth whitening. With this method the patient or
another individual decides the patient should undergo tooth
whitening. Te individual monitors his or her own status and
provides treatment at home. Products may be obtained through
the pharmacy, over the counter, via the Internet, or through
various other sources. Peroxide application may be via a stock
tray, strip, paint-on system, or various other delivery options.
Te most prominent of these are the easy-to-use hydrogen per-
oxide whitening strips. Diferent versions of strips may be avail-
able, ranging from short-term use over a few days to regular use.
In addition, there are a few nonperoxide-containing products
on the market, but evidence of their ability to actually change
internal tooth color is not clear.
Current Best Approach
Tere are clear advantages to each technique. Some research
reports that in-ofce products can result in immediate whiten-
ing, making it possible for the patient to leave the dental ofce
with whiter teeth. Treatment time can be quite short. Peroxide
is applied by a clinician (which could be useful where spot
treatment were necessary), and care is directly monitored in the
ofce should adverse events occur.
Tray products, particularly those that use carbamide peroxide
or hydrogen peroxide, deliver generally consistent results with
overnight use and somewhat consistent results with daytime use.
Tese products often represent a standard of professional care,
ofering predictable whitening results when used overnight.
TABLE 14-1 Summary of Whitening Treatment Options
Whitening Treatment Options
Diagnosis/need Dentist Dentist Patient
Treatment Dentist Patient Patient
Peroxide levels High or very high Low to medium Very low to medium
Popular products Zoom! in-ofce bleaching* Opalescence Trswhite supreme
pre-load tray

Crest 3D White
Whitening strips

*Discus Dental, Culver City, California.

Ultradent Products Inc., South Jordan, Utah.

Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 387
relative to other methods. Clinical response with hydrogen per-
oxide strips can be visible within a few days. Treating the maxil-
lary arch frst can further promote patient compliance, as the
contrast between the treated maxillary arch and the untreated
mandibular arch becomes readily evident (Figure 14-65).
Introduction of the easy-to-use whitening strips has (1)
resulted in an entirely new technology to be able to whiten
teeth easily at home, and (2) contributed an extensive body of
clinical trial evidence on patient safety with and efcacy of
tooth whitening.
One important fnding is that there is a clear
relationship between patient age, tooth color, and whitening
response. Tis fundamental understanding helps dentistry
defne patient populations and likely responseyounger
patients and those with yellower teeth will achieve better
whiteningand can help clinicians direct treatment to non-
traditional patient types. For example, dentists can readily
recommend tooth whitening for adolescents, after orthodontia
or at other time points, with predictable clinical response that
is clearly visible and appreciated (Figure 14-66).
In addition,
produces a much more uniform appearance of the teeth and
blends the white snow capping from dental fuorosis out very
nicely. Iatrogenic white spots, injury-related white spots, or
stains that appear in the middle of the central incisors respond
quite diferently depending on the nature of the white spots.
Response for these sites can be highly variable, so the informed
consent process should identify a priori the possibility of more
complex esthetic treatment after whitening.
One other case type warrants special consideration: patients
with existing esthetic restorations, especially in the anterior den-
tition, who want to forgo further dental care. Although whiten-
ing is not contraindicated, existing restorations will likely not
change during whitening. Whitening the natural dentition for
esthetic purposes, then, could yield a diferent kind of cosmetic
problem after treatment: unmatched restorations. Patients
should be adequately informed of these outcomes and the poten-
tial need for further restorative or esthetic care after successful
A fnal consideration is behavior and compliance. If patients
are not likely to comply with long-term treatment, it may be
more appropriate to prescribe short-term or higher-concentration
products that ft patient behavior. For patients who are unlikely
to sleep with mouth guards, a short-term daytime program with
a tray or whitening strip may be a better choice. Knowing
patient compliance and expectations is always an important
component of treatment planning and case management.
Innovative elements in tooth whitening leverage the known
concentration and contact time efects of peroxide and tooth
whitening. Each is a clear and important driver of clinical
response. Tere is extensive evidence demonstrating (other
things being equal) that increased peroxide concentration or
increased peroxide contact time will yield better whitening per
unit of time. Tis peroxide concentration and contact time
paradigm provides the fundamental rationale for the use of a
physical barrier (such as a tray) during tooth whitening for
optimal results. For intrinsic whitening to be achieved, per-
oxide must remain in contact with tooth surfaces for a period
of time for difusion into and through enamel, with whitening
resulting from the oxidation of intrinsic stains within the tooth
Te innovation found with the easy-to-use whitening strips
leverages this paradigm. With the whitening strips, a low fxed
amount of peroxide at a higher concentration is applied directly
to tooth surfaces and adjacent gingiva, without need to protect
the gingiva with a rubber dam or other isolation technique. Te
whitening strips further demonstrate that it is possible to limit
treatment to the visible dentition and not treat lingual surfaces
of posterior teeth that are not readily visible.
Because the strips use hydrogen peroxide, a 6% strip is
approximately the equivalent concentration of an 18% carb-
amide peroxide gel used for tray whitening. Te strip technology
allows a decrease in the overall amount of peroxide administered,
to improve tolerability and reduce total peroxide exposure
FIGURE 14-65 Maxillary arch after strip whitening. (Courtesy
Dr Ingvar Magnusson.)
FIGURE 14-66 Maxillary arch strip whitening in an adoles-
cent. (Courtesy Dr Kevin Donly.)
388 Bleaching Innovative Elements from a Scientifc or Technological Perspective
Options for Patients
Te treatment options involve trade-ofs between concentration
and contact time, plus cost and convenience. It is possible to
increase the amount and rate of whitening and decrease the total
treatment time if the concentration of peroxide is increased.
Dentists can select a higher-concentration tray-based option, for
example, a 15% to 16% carbamide peroxide gel instead of a
10% carbamide peroxide product, to diminish the total treat-
ment time. Te trade-of involves an expected increase in adverse
events (usually transient tooth sensitivity and oral irritation)
during treatment.
Te trade-ofs are best addressed through the selection of one
of the three options for care (professionally administered, profes-
sionally dispensed, or self-directed) that best meets the needs of
each individual patient. Convenience, cost, and patient expecta-
tions often drive this choice, rather than safety or efectiveness,
because each of the options can be successful.
Options for Dentists
Professionally one must consider the presence or absence of
existing restorations. If there are existing esthetic restorations in
the anterior dentition that are not being replaced in the esthetic
plan, whitening adjacent teeth may be best accomplished with
a low-intensity whitening system that will whiten teeth gradu-
ally. Use of one of these systems at home, such as a daytime tray
or whitening strips for a short period (perhaps an hour), allows
self-assessment and limits the potential for overtreatment. If
there are no existing esthetic restorations, a larger portfolio is
available for use, with age and tooth color as driving factors in
terms of treatment planning.
For patients who have existing tooth sensitivity, options are
to lower the peroxide concentration, shorten the contact time,
or even skip treatments for periods when they are especially
recent research shows that older adults and elderly individuals
can be successfully treated, even under conditions of hyposali-
vation (Figure 14-67).
Artistic elements of importance to tooth whitening include pre-
existing esthetic or restorative dentistry, starting tooth color,
tooth shape and alignment, and other factors. Whereas peroxide-
based whitening generally results in a more uniform tooth color
overall, adjacent (unchanged) esthetic restorations may become
more visible after whitening. Treatment planning may need to
identify this possibility and plan for subsequent replacement
after whitening is completed.
Te actual nature of the tooth color is also a factor. Although
yellowish tooth colors will probably have great responses (VITA
shades in the As or Bs on the VITA Shade Guide [Vident, Brea,
California]), tooth colors that are greenish (VITA C shades)
can yield compromised outcomes. Some of these patients, such
as individuals with evidence of tetracycline discoloration, may
require treatment for several months.
From an artistic perspec-
tive, tetracycline-stained teeth that are banded can whiten frst
at the incisal tips, with response slowly progressing apically.
Tis may cause a temporary increase in banding, which in turn
could adversely afect perception and compliance. Although
tooth color will improve with extended treatment, the end
result of these tetracycline cases may appear dead white,
lacking color characterizations (Figure 14-68). Further esthetic
dentistry may be indicated to achieve optimal outcomes.
A third artistic element is obvious. Whitening products do
not improve tooth shape or alignment in any fashion. Terefore
any pre-existing conditions afecting tooth form or architecture
are not treated through the process of whitening. After comple-
tion of whitening, some patients now focus on achieving an even
better smile, so treatment planning may need to anticipate
further care to meet expanded patient expectations.
FIGURE 14-67 Maxillary arch strip whitening in an older
adult with lower salivary fow. (Courtesy Dr Athena Papas.)
FIGURE 14-68 Maxillary arch strip whitening of tetracycline
stain. (Courtesy Dr Gerard Kugel.)
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 389
than white outcomes. Informed consent is always an impor-
tant factor, particularly for patients with paper white
One other consideration in at-home treatment involves pos-
sible oral irritation. Although dental plaque does not need to be
removed in order for peroxide to difuse through enamel at a
level sufcient to cause tooth whitening, patients may believe
that rigorous oral hygiene will actually help the bleaching
process. In addition, detergents in toothpastes can temporarily
deactivate local protective enzymes in oral soft tissue and saliva,
such that immediate post-brushing bleaching can result in local
minor burning or irritation. Adverse outcomes are usually symp-
tomatic only, but occasionally clinical signs may develop that are
consistent with toothbrush trauma (Figure 14-69).
One practical tip to limit oral irritation is to separate tooth-
brushing and tooth whitening. Separating the brushing and
bleaching processes by a few minutes will reduce the potential
for oral irritation. In addition, some clinicians elect to fabricate
custom trays far short of the gingival margin to limit peroxide
contact in those areas. With many in-ofce systems, a gingival
barrier is applied to prevent the very high-concentration perox-
ide from contacting the adjacent gingival and oral soft tissue.
Te barrier integrity must be checked, whether liquid or simple
rubber dams, to prevent the very high-peroxide gels from con-
tacting the adjacent tissue, resulting in local gingival irritation.
Peroxide will difuse in various directions, so it does not have
to be placed immediately adjacent to the soft tissue to whiten
teeth next to soft tissue. Trays should be tried in because they
can impinge on the dentition and generate orthodontic forces,
and the empty custom tray has been reported to contribute to
oral pain.
First use should be demonstrated. Although this is
not a problem with uniform fxed-dose products such as whiten-
ing strips, patients commonly dispense more peroxide gel than
needed into their tray prior to insertion. Te excess can run up
over the tray onto the gingiva, and sometimes down the back of
the throat. Among other things, research leading to the develop-
ment of the low-peroxide whitening strips demonstrates that
very little gel is needed to efectively whiten teeth.
sensitive. Temporary restorations, desensitizing agents, or other
treatments may be indicated to help prevent sensitivity.
Generally, tooth whitening occurs early in the treatment sequence,
usually after any preceding emergency or other care indicated to
stabilize oral health. Tere are both direct and indirect reasons
for such early treatment. Perhaps the most direct reason involves
planning subsequent dental care to match the color esthetics of
the newly whitened smile. Depending on the system used, it
may take a few days or weeks for tooth color to stabilize after
treatment, after which further esthetic restorations can be placed.
Indirect benefts relate to the efects of whitening on patient
motivation and compliance. Because results from whitening can
be readily seen within a few days (on both frst- and second-
person bases), favorable patient recognition can contribute to
good compliance and support for other esthetic or restorative
dental care.
Tere is one other reason to defer treatment for a few days
or weeks after completion of whitening. Some literature indi-
cates that tooth whitening can interfere with certain bonding
agents. Te evidence is limited to a few combinations of bonding
materials, and peroxide whitening systems, so these fndings may
not be generalized to all cases. Nonetheless, research suggests
that immediate post-bleaching bonding may afect bond integ-
rity and thereby contribute to restoration failure. Delaying
bonding for a few weeks after the completion of whitening may
be preferred.
Recent innovations in tooth whitening have contributed to new-
found treatment considerations for esthetic dentistry. In addi-
tion to the increased patient demand for white teeth, there is an
emerging new recognition by patients (and clinicians) as to what
constitutes white. Some patients expect (and some clinicians
treat) to achieve greater degrees of whitening. For broader
esthetic care, this has been manifested in dental materials science
by innovations in shade guides and the diferent colors of restor-
ative materials to meet the increased expectations as to what
constitutes white. Tis requires dentists to have good informed
consent discussions with patients and to guide them in setting
their expectations as to what they will see at the end of
In use, patients will reach a plateau on the amount of
tooth whitening that can be achieved with topical application
of peroxide. Tis may occur earlier in treatment with higher-
concentration products and later with lower-concentration
products, but overall, at-home treatment will not likely take
patients to some unnatural, unrealistic level of whiteness.
Although it is possible to treat unnecessarily, at-home use of
peroxide will not generally result in overtreatment or whiter
FIGURE 14-69 Oral irritation seen with tooth whitening and
aggressive brushing.
390 Bleaching Innovative Elements from a Scientifc or Technological Perspective
typically fully resolve during treatment (without modifying use)
or soon after discontinuation.
Maintenance is one of the more interesting aspects of tooth
whitening. It has risen to prominence, with millions of people
having undergone tooth whitening since the advent of the
easy-to-use whitening strips. Tus there is a large body of
evidence, including various clinical studies that have evaluated
patients over time. Findings indicate that tooth color will relapse
after the completion of intrinsic whitening, and separately, that
teeth will become discolored due to staining over time. Whiten-
ing color relapse and superfcial staining are separate processes,
and vary considerably based on the type of whitening material
used for treatment, the initial color response, personal behavior,
and other factors. Immediate treatment, such as the in-ofce
systems, carry the greatest risk for relapse, and research shows
this relapse may occur over a period of several days or weeks.

Response with the tray- or strip-based systems is generally more
durable, and although there is little systematic evaluation, most
evidence suggests that re-treatment may be indicated every 3
years or so. Te re-treatment process is identical to but typically
shorter than the original care.
Tere is some evidence to support the use of whitening
toothpastes and rinses after tooth whitening, but the area has
not been extensively studied. Whitening toothpaste and rinses
may help with stain formation superfcially, especially for indi-
viduals who follow certain diets or behaviors that contribute to
staining. Staining can be perceived as an overall color change,
which can contribute to the perception of decreased intrinsic
tooth color. Whitening toothpastes or rinses and regular routine
dental maintenance care may play a role in keeping teeth white
over time.
Tere are two areas of controversy, one within the profession
and one outside the profession. Te controversy inside the pro-
fession revolves around the usefulness or appropriateness of
light- or heat-aided in-ofce treatment to accelerate peroxide
reactivity and provide tooth color changes in the ofce using
short contact times with high-concentration products. A con-
siderable body of conficting research exists, with some studies
showing improved response and others showing no meaningful
benefts. Cost and safety trade-ofs further complicate assess-
ment of accelerated whitening systems, leading to controversy
in the profession.
Te controversy outside the profession concerns local regula-
tions that can limit access to tooth-whitening products. In some
parts of the world, popular tooth-whitening products are readily
available and accessible to both clinicians and patients. Tis
access has been shown to beneft dentistry, especially esthetic
dentistry, by improving awareness and removing certain barriers
to treatment. Other parts of the globe have very limited access
Care must be taken with the concurrent use of local anesthet-
ics and peroxide-based tooth whitening. For patients with exist-
ing sensitivity, some clinicians advocate use of local anesthesia
to improve tolerability and allow timely accomplishment of
in-ofce whitening. Unfortunately, there is virtually no adequate
and well-controlled research on this practice. To date, tooth
whitening has been extraordinarily safe, with essentially no
reports of serious adverse events, irrespective of the method used.
Strips, in-ofce systems, traysthese methods are almost uni-
versally exceedingly safe because the intact pain response likely
plays a key role in limiting excess exposure. Although it is
possible to conduct clinical and radiographic examinations for
the presence of cracks or cavitations, peroxide readily difuses
through intact enamel and into the dental pulp irrespective of
the application method. Te mild-to-moderate sensitivity occa-
sionally experienced during whitening is likely a local infamma-
tory response to peroxide application. Tat pain is not persistent,
and research demonstrates that short-term discontinuation of
treatment is the best palliative treatment. Terefore for patients
who are sensitive, dentists should use lower-concentration prod-
ucts for shorter periods of time or look at treatments besides
tooth whitening to improve tooth color rather than using local
anesthetics to block the pain sensation.
Tere is considerable and substantial evidence concerning the
safety and efectiveness of tooth whitening. Te most rigorous
form of evidence is traditionally considered to be the ran-
domized double-blind controlled clinical trial. Two of the
approachesthe tray-based method and the whitening strips
have considerable randomized double-blind clinical trial evi-
dence and systematic review support. Prominent published
reviews describe the safety and efectiveness of certain tray-based
and strip-based systems.
Te two approaches with the greatest amount of randomized
clinical trial research and systematic evidence involve very spe-
cifc types: custom traybased systems using 10% carbamide
peroxide, and whitening strips at various peroxide concentra-
tions. One of thesewhitening stripsactually represents the
most studied dental technology during the past decade. Other
tooth-whitening systems have little to no evidence and few if
any randomized controlled trials to support them.
Tooth whitening is the most conservative esthetic procedure, and one
of the most conservative treatments in dentistry. It is non-invasive,
with few to no contraindications, and treatment can be admin-
istered with or without supervision by healthcare professionals.
Adverse events are generally few in number and self-limiting,
with mild and transient tooth sensitivity and oral irritation
representing the most common undesired outcomes. Such cases
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 391
1. Haywood VB, Heymann HO: Nightguard vital bleaching, Quintessence
Int 20:173-176, 1989.
2. Gerlach RW: Shifting paradigms in whitening: Introduction of a novel
system for vital tooth bleaching, Compend Contin Educ Dent 21:S4-S9,
3. Gerlach RW, Zhou X: Vital bleaching with whitening strips: summary of
clinical research on efectiveness and tolerability, J Contemp Dent Pract
2:1-16, 2001.
4. Gerlach RW: Clinical trials and oral care R&D, J Am Coll Dent
73:26-31, 2006.
5. Donly KJ: Te adolescent patient: special whitening challenges, Compend
Contin Educ Dent 24:390-396, 2003.
6. Papas AS, Kugel G, Singh M, et al: Placebo-controlled clinical trial of
use of 10% hydrogen peroxide whitening strips for medication-induced
xerostomia, Gerontology 55:511-516, 2009.
7. Leonard RH: Nightguard vital bleaching: dark stains and long-term
results, Compend Contin Educ Dent 21:S18-S27, 2000.
8. Gerlach RW, Barker ML, Karpinia K, Magnusson I: Single site
meta-analysis of 6% hydrogen peroxide whitening strip efectiveness and
safety over two weeks, J Dent 37:360-365, 2009.
9. Hasson H, Ismail AI, Neiva G: Home-based chemically induced
whitening of teeth in adults, Cochrane Database Syst Rev 4:CD006202,
10. Kugel G, Ferreira S, Sharma S, Barker ML, Gerlach RW: Clinical trial
assessing light enhancement of in ofce tooth whitening, J Esthet Restor
Dent 21:336-347, 2009.
Gerlach RW: Tooth whitening clinical trials: a global perspective, Am J Dent
20:3A-6A, 2007.
Gerlach RW: Clinical trials, case studies and oral care R&D: inclusivity,
consistency and other atypical evidence, J Evid Based Dent Pract 10:10-12,
to products with very limited usage, with local regulations and
other factors afecting availability of tooth whitening. Awareness
of benefts of esthetic dentistry can lag in those areas.
Tere is active research ongoing, and new products are
being introduced to improve the magnitude and durability
of whitening that occurs with in-ofce systems. In the past those
products as stand-alone treatments did not deliver the kind of
whitening possible with take-home products because of the limi-
tations on peroxide concentration contact time. Newer products
have been developed that ofer potential benefts over some of
the original products, and further research and development
may yield greater tooth color changes from in-ofce whitening
alone that are more durable than possible with the early
Eforts are also being made to improve the easy-to-use prod-
ucts. Easy-to-use products have as their major characteristics
afordability, accessibility, and ease of use, but they give up some
things esthetically. Whitening strips and trays used on the man-
dibular arch can slip or move, adversely afecting the results.
Newer and better options are being developed to improve adher-
ence of the peroxide to the tooth surfaces and hold it in place
under a barrier. In addition, considerable efort has been
expended on developing barrier-free peroxide-containing prod-
ucts, and peroxide-free products, but little promise has been
shown with either approach.
Tooth Bleaching
Linda Helene Greenwall
Tere general public is self-driven to have healthy-looking white
teeth. In addition to having the teeth cleaned regularly, patients
see bleaching as a way to improve their smiles and enhance their
dental appearance. Bleaching is normally the frst step in esthetic
treatment after emergency treatment has been undertaken and
the mouth is stable. It will continue to be a part of ongoing
esthetic maintenance after the comprehensive treatment plan is
Improving the shade of discolored teeth has been a quest among
patients for many years. Although many techniques and materi-
als have been used over the last 400 years in attempts to lighten
discolored teeth, it was the very early dental practitioners who
used uric acid to whiten teeth. Tere was a major upsurge in the
late 1880s when power bleaching frst became fashionable; 30%
hydrogen peroxide liquid was applied directly onto the teeth via
strips of gauze. Sometimes a light emitting heat was used in an
attempt to enhance the whitening efect. Procedures continued
to develop throughout the rest of the nineteenth century, and
well into the twentieth century.
Hydrogen peroxide has been identifed as the most predict-
able material for bleaching teeth. Developments in the 1950s
and 1960s included non-vital bleaching and a walking
bleach technique (utilizing a mixture of sodium perborate
and water). In 1961, H.F. Spasser frst described sealing a
mixture of sodium perborate and water into the endodonti-
cally treated pulp chamber for a period of 1 week. Te combi-
nation walking bleach technique was described in 1963 by
E.B. Nutting and G.S. Poe. Tey used a combination of 30%
hydrogen peroxide and sodium peroxide sealed into the pulp
chamber for 1 week.
Tese developments were initially widely accepted, but prob-
lems soon surfaced. A combination of 35% hydrogen peroxide
and sodium perborate had a synergistic efect, producing a
defnitive concentration of 50% hydrogen peroxide, which can
be too strong to be sealed inside the pulp chamber of a non-vital
tooth. Te literature reported internal resorption of the root and
cervical resorption of the tooth, although these may have been
secondary efects of the devitalizing trauma to the tooth. Te
typically extreme heat and light that were associated with the
bleaching may have contributed to these failures. Research
focused on seeking safer and more predictable methods, includ-
ing sodium perborate and water. Van B. Haywood recom-
mended that peroxide mouthwash used in a tray could whiten
teeth. William Klusmeier, an orthodontist in Fort Smith, Arkan-
sas had been using the technique since the 1960s. He noticed
that the gingivae became infamed during and after orthodontic
treatment, and recommended that his patients use a peroxide
mouthwash in their orthodontic positioner at night after com-
pletion of orthodontic treatment. He recorded that with this
approach the gingivae were healthier and the teeth were whit-
ened. Haywood and Heymann (1989) showed that night guard
vital bleaching was a very predictable, safe method for whitening
teeth. Tese researchers used 10% carbamide peroxide overnight
in the night guard. Freedman (1990) reviewed the proven safety
of carbamide and hydrogen peroxide in widespread medical and
dental use over the previous half century. Extensive research over
the past 20 years has confrmed the efcacy, safety, and predict-
ability of night guard vital (home) bleaching. Further research
on power bleaching has focused on newer chemistry, as well as
light to accelerate the bleaching efect and to shorten treatment
In 2000, over-the-counter (OTC) whitening materials were
introduced. Te modalities for the general public include those
that lighten the six anterior teeth using strips coated with varying
concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Controversy has devel-
oped as whitening procedures have been expanded to non-
professional settings such as bleaching bar kiosks under the
direction of non-dental professionals. Beauty therapists in a
variety of spas are undertaking to deliver tooth whitening, but
their lack of knowledge, resources, and education often makes
the treatments inefective and the materials that are used may
be damaging.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 393
incorporated into the tooth structure, causing gray-blue staining
well after tooth formation is complete. Minocycline stain can be
very difcult to remove with whitening.
Fluorosis Staining
In fuorosis staining, the patients excessive uptake of fuoride
over many years as the tooth is developing causes brown, yellow,
and orange staining (see Figure 14-71). Tese teeth are suscep-
tible to whitening treatments. Te typical whitening treatment
removes the brown stain frst, then the orange, and fnally the
yellow-brown. Some patients may also have white mottling. Te
contrast of the white spots is of concern to patients. Bleaching
lightens the background color of the tooth and the spots become
less obvious. However, patients should be warned that the white
spots become even whiter during treatment to alleviate transi-
tory concerns.
Intrinsic discolorations can also result from genetic and
systemic conditions and medications taken during gestation
and infancy. Tooth discoloration are seen in patients with
hematological problems such as bilirubin and hemoglobin
Pulpal Changes
Pulp necrosis can result from bacterial, mechanical, or chemical
irritation of the pulp. Tese teeth require endodontic treat-
ment prior to bleaching.
Tooth trauma may result in tooth darkening due to internal
bleeding from the pulp. Te teeth may become gray or black-
brown and then turn dark yellow-brown. Te discoloration
results from intradental hemorrhage followed by lysis of the
red blood cells into products such as iron sulfde that enter
the dentin tubules staining the surrounding dentin.
Dentin hypercalcifcation or calcifc metamorphosis (CM) (see Case
1) is the result of the traumatized tooth forming tertiary or
excessive irregular dentin that can invade and obliterate the
pulp chamber and canal,. A trauma-related temporary dis-
ruption in the blood supply is followed by atypical odonto-
blast activity. Many of these teeth remain vital although they
have a dark yellow appearance.
Dental caries can cause staining as well. Amalgam restorations
can become less gray as whitening eliminates the oxide layer
from the surrounding tooth structures.
Aging changes contribute to tooth discoloration. As the patient
ages, the enamel thins through wear, erosion, abrasion, and
abfraction, the yellower dentin underneath shows through and
darkens the tooths appearance. With age, the dentin also thick-
ens and darkens, resulting in the yellow and brown shades seen
in older patients.
Activities That Cause Staining
Smoking causes both intrinsic and extrinsic stains that can be
difcult to remove, particularly if there are vertical or horizontal
craze lines through the tooth.
Te goal of bleaching is to whiten all the teeth to the same
lighter shade. When a bleaching tray is worn, an individual
cannot drink or eat, and thus some bleaching treatments are
undertaken overnight, so normal function can be maintained.
However, patients who brux will quickly wear through a normal
bleaching tray; they require a stronger one that is manufactured
from thicker plastic. Te bleaching tray should extend across the
peripheral surface of the teeth from the most posterior teeth
across the arch.
Bleaching is undertaken for the treatment of tooth discoloration.
Tooth discoloration is classifed as extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic
stain occurs on the outside of the teeth and can be removed with
a professional cleaning, not necessarily requiring bleaching.
Intrinsic stain occurs inside the tooth, always requiring bleach-
ing. Te most common causes of tooth discoloration are age
yellowing, diet, smoking, tetracycline, tooth trauma, excess
exposure to fuoride, and chemicals. However, many persons
who have normally shaded teeth also tend to want whiter teeth.
Tere are two patient categories: those with signifcant general
discoloration and those with normal tooth coloration who desire
to whiten and lighten their dentition. Treatment of both classes
of patients can be successful, but require dentist-patient discus-
sions prior to treatment and clear explanations of the benefts,
risks, and length of treatment.
Tetracycline Staining
Patients who have intrinsic stains such as tetracycline can beneft
from whitening. Tere are four categories of tetracycline stain-
ing, depending on the degree of tetracycline exposure:
1mild tetracycline stainingyellow to gray staining
with no banding, and uniformly spread throughout the
2moderate tetracycline stainingyellow-brown to
dark gray staining.
3severe tetracycline stainingblue-gray or black
staining, accompanied by signifcant banding across the
4intractable stainingvery dark gray-brown and
black staining that often cannot be successfully removed
with whitening, but treatment should be attempted in
any case.
Research shows that tetracycline stains can be removed from
the teeth with an extended period of bleaching, sometimes
taking as long as 12 months. Six weeks may elapse before the
bleaching becomes noticeably efective.
Another form of tetracycline stain is caused by minocycline,
an acne therapy often given to teenagers. Te minocycline is
394 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching
in cleansing the pigment molecule and allowing the teeth to
become whiter. Te carbamide peroxide agent contains urea,
which elevates the pH of the product. Te urea also stabilizes
the hydrogen peroxide and improves the wound healing proper-
ties of the whitening gel.
A disadvantage of using hydrogen and carbamide peroxide
treatments is that patients can develop transient tooth sensitiv-
ity; the most common side efect. Hydrogen peroxide products
release oxygen more quickly than the carbamide peroxides.
Patients may express concern if they do not observe their
teeth becoming rapidly whiter. It is important to discuss the
stages and phases of the bleaching treatment before treatment is
undertaken with them. Impatience may allow for insufcient
bleaching. Tis is most common with lower anteriors and upper
cuspids, and yields a snow-capped appearance of a half
bleached tooth. Since the bleaching process works from the
incisal tip, the cervical part of the tooth remains yellow well into
the bleaching treatment. Patients must be encouraged to con-
tinue treatment for a longer period of time until the entire tooth
is uniformly whiter. Some of the newer bleaching materials have
sensitivity reduction agents incorporated that signifcantly
reduce the sensitivity of the teeth during the bleaching process.
Tese agents include potassium nitrate, various fuorides, and
amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP). Tey may be incorpo-
rated into the bleaching gel, applied directly onto the teeth by
patients, or worn in the bleaching trays between whitening
Current Best Approach
It is essential to explain all the steps of the bleaching process and
the risks and benefts of treatment to patients that they fully
understand what is involved. Tis encourages the patient to
cooperate and comply with the instructions. Te best and most
predictable approach is home bleaching; it is the most predict-
able and longest-lasting. Many patients are infuenced by media
and television programs to believe that power bleaching is the
only way to go, not realizing that the advertisements use mis-
leading time-lapse photography. Normally, more than one power
bleaching session is required to achieve the desired white shade.
Home bleaching is the safest, most efective, and most cost-
efective method. Published research has documented positive
results lasting up to 17 years.
Concentrations of Carbamide Peroxide
Te most commonly used material is 10% carbamide peroxide.
Other concentrations are also used, but most of the research
confrms the safety and efectiveness of the 10% solution. While
a higher concentration assures faster bleaching, it is also associ-
ated with a greater likelihood of sensitivity. Some patients prefer
15% carbamide peroxide, as bleaching takes place more quickly.
Te carbamide peroxide materials can be used overnight or for
1 to 2 hours depending on the patients schedule. Higher con-
centrations of carbamide peroxide, 20% to 30%, are introduced
Patients who swim often in chemically treated pools exhibit
chlorine staining. Staining is also may be observed in patients
with a penchant for fried foods; the frying reaction that browns
foods can also afect the teeth. Long-term ingestion of iron
tablets may cause reddish staining of the teeth.
Bleaching is contraindicated for patients who have reduced
tooth enamel thickness caused by severe erosion and those with
heavily restored teeth that have little remaining enamel to
whiten. Tese patients may be better treated with restorative
dentistry to cover eroded areas. Patients who have unrealistic
outcome expectations may not be suitable. Another contraindi-
cation is severe mucosal disease such as lichen planus, which can
be exacerbated by whitening chemistry; while there is no scien-
tifc evidence for this, it has been observed clinically. Patients
taking medications that interact with ultraviolet light may also
be poor candidates for certain power bleaching treatments
(Box 14-3).
Tere are no age restrictions on tooth bleaching. A child or
adolescent who is psychologically afected by severe tooth dis-
coloration can be encouraged to undertake treatment.
Patients undergoing or scheduled for chemotherapy or other
cancer treatments should only have whitening treatments if
they have had clearance from their oncologist or medical
doctor. Individuals afected by gastric problems must check
with their gastroenterologist about their susceptibility to whit-
ening products. In general, patients with complex medical his-
tories and signifcant medicament lists, must be cleared by their
general medical practitioners before they commence tooth
Te basic bleaching materials consist of hydrogen peroxide and
carbamide peroxide. Te hydrogen peroxide materials have been
used for bleaching teeth for more than 100 years, and there is
ample evidence to demonstrate that they are efective for dental
bleaching and whitening treatments. Carbamide peroxide breaks
down into to hydrogen peroxide and urea. Te urea breaks down
into ammonia and carbon dioxide. Te hydrogen peroxide
breaks down further into water and oxygen ions, and it is the
oxygen ions that penetrate through the enamel into the dentin,
usually within 15 minutes. Oxygen is the efective ingredient
BOX 14.3 Contraindications to
Patients with unrealistic expectations
Deep discolorations
Tetracycline discolorations
Patients with insufcient enamel to bleach
Patients with existing extreme sensitivity
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 395
about a month after the orthodontic treatment is under way.
Te bleaching process may be more rapid, as the trays are more
rigid, have a tighter ft, and the patient wears the aligners 24
hours a day.
Patients may want to have white teeth because they do not
accept that their teeth are becoming yellower with age, or it
may refect the growing trend for people to equate whiter teeth
with health and success. After whitening or bleaching treat-
ment, the patient is often inspired and motivated to improve
their oral hygiene and to seek additional esthetic dentistry.
Research shows that of patients who undertake whitening, 80%
return for further procedures. After whitening treatment, many
patients choose to have their amalgam fllings replaced with
composite restorations. Te use of composite bonding has
become a routine part of the treatment plan with the develop-
ment of bleach shade composites and porcelains. Tere is
even a new shade guide for the whiter bleach shades. Te artis-
tic element is the continued improvement in the natural smile
and in the composite materials. Sometimes it is necessary to
refurbish earlier dentistry to match the new shade of the whit-
ened teeth.
It is essential that protocols be established before bleaching is
undertaken. A thorough clinical evaluation, patient history,
and a detailed clinical examination are documented to arrive at
into pulp chambers for the non-vital bleaching. Single dark vital
teeth and dark cuspids are treated with 20% carbamide peroxide.
Tirty-fve percent carbamide peroxide is used for power bleach-
ing procedures. All these materials can be placed directly onto
the teeth or into the bleaching trays, though the higher concen-
trations may require gingival protection with a light-cured resin
Power bleaching materials range from 6% to 35% hydrogen
peroxide. Power bleaching treatments are scheduled for 1 to 2
hours because the unbufered oxygen dissipates rapidly. Hydro-
gen peroxide materials can be used in trays as well; they require
less application time. Hydrogen peroxide tray products are indi-
cated for daytime (waking) use.
Bleaching Treatment Classifcations
Not all bleaching treatments are the same. Tey are classifed for
purposes of treatment planning and fee assessment.
Basic bleaching involves healthy teeth requiring no restorative
dentistry. Te bleaching takes 2 to 6 weeks to achieve
shade B1.
Intermediate bleaching is used to manage a combination of
bleaching treatments, such as general non-vital bleaching
and power bleaching and/or microabrasion. It may take
longer to achieve the B1 shade, but it can be achieved.
Some restorative dentistry may be needed before and/or
after bleaching treatment.
Advanced bleaching manages severe discoloration and requires
prolonged or extended bleaching treatments. Advanced
restorative dentistry may also required, possibly including
complex implant treatment, veneers, or microabrasion to
remove residual dark or white spots. It may not always be
possible to achieve complete whitening, but the discolor-
ations can be considerably improved.
Discussions prior to treatment are designed to ensure that the
patient understands the realistic limits of treatment. Box 14-4
provides a brief summary of the diferent classifcations of
bleaching treatments.
Scientifc Elements
While bleaching is not recommended for extended periods of
time, recent research shows that bleaching materials improve
gingival health, reduce root decay for the elderly, and improve
caries reduction rates. New bleaching additives ofer a reduced
incidence of sensitivity and continuing safety.
Technological Elements
Innovative home bleaching and OTC methods have been devel-
oped for administering the bleaching gel. A novel tooth whiten-
ing use is that teeth can be bleached while the patient is
undergoing clear retainer orthodontic treatment. It has become
popular to bleach during Invisalign treatment, commencing
BOX 14.4 Summary of the Different
Bleaching Treatments
Basic bleaching treatment patients have healthy teeth
requiring no restorative dentistry. Bleaching treatments
are straightforward: either a home bleaching treatment,
such as night guard vital bleaching, or a single power
whitening session. It can take up to 6 weeks to reach
shade B1.
Intermediate bleaching is a combination of treatments
such as non-vital bleaching and home bleaching, home
bleaching and microabrasion, or home bleaching or
power bleaching followed by home bleaching. It may
take 4 to 8 weeks to reach shade B1. Tese patients
may require some basic restorative dentistry after
Advanced bleaching could require a combination of
bleaching treatments and/or advanced restorative
dentistry or advanced esthetic dentistry. Tese
treatments can include extensive tetracycline bleaching,
which can take 6 to 52 weeks to improve the shade
to B1.
396 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching
Te procedure and sequencing of the home bleaching treat-
ment are also important. Te patient must be shown how to
place the gel in the bleaching tray, how much gel to use, and
how to seat the tray in the mouth. Te dentist should ensure
that the patient has confdence in using the bleaching materials
in the tray and can follow the instructions at home. Te gel is
given to the patient, and arrangements are made for the next
In sequencing home bleaching, the upper teeth are treated
frst. Whitening is achieved more quickly on the upper teeth,
and there is often greater comfort and less sensitivity with the
upper trays. Two weeks later the patient is assessed and bleaching
of the lower teeth begins. Lower tooth bleaching is normally
undertaken for 3 weeks with overnight treatment. Ten the
shades of the upper and lower teeth are reassessed to ensure that
the patient is happy with the treatment progress. Te patient is
assessed every 2 weeks until the patient and the dentist are satis-
fed with the level of whiteness.
It is essential to explain the full power bleaching procedure
to the patient, as well. Tis includes pointing out the existing
tooth shade, that the bleaching involves sitting under a light
for 1 to 2 hours, and the sequence of clinical steps. Te infor-
mation includes the strength of the light, the heat, and
whether there is a possibility of transient post-operative dental
sensitivity. Te patient should be told analgesics may be
required after the power lightening treatment, how to manage
these medications at home, and what to do post-operatively to
maintain the new shade of whiteness and to reduce the sensi-
tivity. Medico-legal complaints after power whitening revolve
around not having received sufcient pre-treatment explana-
tions and the soft tissue irritations that can occur if the gel
inadvertently touches the gingiva, mucosa, or tongue. In addi-
tion, the patient may be disappointed with the outcome. It is
important for the patient to be forewarned about all possible
Once the patient is satisfed that sufcient whitening has
been achieved, it is important to discuss maintenance. After the
recommended 3 to 6 weeks home bleaching protocol, he or she
no rewhitening should be required for several years. Te teeth
may remain whiter than the original shade for up to 17 years.
Power bleaching patients who complete the treatment may need
further whitening applications to maintain the white shade. If
the patient does not wish to wear bleaching trays, bleaching
strips can be used.
Signed treatment consent forms are eseential. Documentation
in the take-home pack includes a discussion about what to
expect during and after bleaching, answers to commonly asked
questions, information about how to manage sensitivity, instruc-
tions for applying the bleaching gel into the trays, and a bleach-
ing log to monitor treatment times and the presence of sensitivity.
Patients often do not remember all the verbal instructions
received at the dental practice and may need to refer to the
written instructions.
a diferential diagnosis to determine the nature of the discolor-
ation and explore options for bleaching treatment. Clinical dis-
cussions with patients should cover the risks and benefts of
the treatment. Te dentist must explain what can be realisti-
cally achieved and what the patiuent can expect. Patients must
be fully informed regarding the expected outcome and what
could go wrong during treatment. Tey must be told that
further dentistry might be needed after bleaching. For example,
dark teeth with existing shade-matched composites may
require replacement restorations matched to the new shade
once the teeth have been whitened. Tis should be noted on
the treatment plan before starting the bleaching. Bleaching is
normally the frst step of treatment, after any emergency treat-
ment. Te treatment plan should outline, in full, the compre-
hensive treatment that the patient requires. Tis starts with the
bleaching, continues to the bonding, and then includes more
complex interventions, such as composite or porcelain inlays,
onlays, or crowns. Patients should be informed of the diferent
types of bleaching treatments available: home, power and
Defnitive restorative treatment should not start immediately
on completion of bleaching. After the penetration of oxygen
into the tooth, there is a period of time, normally 2 weeks, before
the shade settles to its stable long-term color. At that stage,
all the oxygen will have efectively dissipated through the tooth.
Te author recommends a wait of 3 weeks prior to undertaking
composite restorations and up to 6 weeks before porcelain lami-
nates or crowns.
Assessing the Teeth
Radiographs of the teeth assess that the teeth are healthy coro-
nally and periapically. Any discolored teeth must be assessed for
vitality as well. Endodontic treatment should be undertaken for
non-vital teeth or those with an existing periapical lesion, before
bleaching. It is customary to wait 1 month post-endodontically
before bleaching. A comprehensive intra-oral evaluation includes
assessment of the teeth, occlusion, restorations, and surrounding
tissues, including periodontal charting, recession and periodon-
tal tissue thickness documentation, and mobility testing. Te
nature of the discoloration is diagnosed and the bleaching
modality selected. Discussion treatment options and further
esthetic dentistry with the patient is important.
A pre-examination questionnaire that determines the patients
aspirations and expectations for the whitening treatment and
with esthetic dentistry in general. It is also used to discover the
shade that the patient desires. Tese issues are important in
assessing whether the patient has realistic or unrealistic
Patients must have a full explanation of the nature of the
procedure, what steps are involved in bleaching, what the treat-
ment will do for them, what modality they will require, how
long the treatment will take, how long it will last, how long the
whiter dental shade can be maintained, whether further treat-
ments will be needed to maintain the white shade, and what to
expect during and after treatment.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 397
Standardized photographs before, during, and after the bleach-
ing treatment are mandatory. Photographs taken before bleach-
ing show the range of existing shades. Tis allows the patient to
see the shade of the teeth before, during, and after treatment
and to evaluate the results of bleaching. Normally it is the por-
celain shade guide that is used to assess the shades during bleach-
ing. It is important to standardize the location of the shade guide
at a particular position in the smile. Te authors preference is
to place it opposite the upper left teeth. Te shade tab must be
parallel with the teeth, and it is palced in the exact same position
at the second and other bleaching appointments.
Tese photographs can be used for practice marketing as well.
Before-and-after images are a dramatic demonstration of the
results of tooth whitening. Most patients prefer a full-smile view
to cheeks retracted view. Te patient information and marketing
smile library consists of only portrait and smile views.
Te frst photograph taken before treatment is a small por-
trait of the smiling patient. At the end of treatment, a similar
portrait is taken (see Cases 1 and 2). Tese pictures are taken
before retractors are used because retractors can leave marks on
the lips and cheeks. Standardization of these photographs allows
fair before and after comparisons. Te dentist photograph is the
full-smile retracted view documenting the smile more clearly.
Patients may forget these original shades. Viewing photographs
before and after treatment shows the full efect of the bleaching
treatment throughout the teeth.
Home Bleaching
Home bleaching falls into two broad categories: OTC kits
sold directly to the patient and professional kits available only
through a dentist. OTC kits comprise a variety of products that
are manufactured by both larger and smaller oral health compa-
nies. Te three most common types of OTC systems available
are whitening strips, brush-on whitening products, and non
custom-ftted trays with bleaching gels. Results are typically not
as dramatic as those achieved with dentist-supervised products
and occasionally gingival and tooth surface damage can occur.
Overextended trays irritate the gingiva and other soft tissue
structures, and acidic bleaching gels damage the enamel and
dentin, pitting, dissolving, and staining the surfaces. Most pro-
fessional kits involve a custom-ftted tray made in the dental
ofce (or at the dental laboratory), which is loaded with a carb-
amide or hydrogen peroxide gel. Usage regimens vary, but the
results are relatively predictable, with the teeth often signif-
cantly lighter and brighter after the process.
Side Effects
Gingival irritation can be caused by: an overextended tray,
too much bleach applied into the tray, and an exaggerated
concentration of peroxide in the bleaching gel.
Soft tissue irritation can be caused by: an ill-ftting tray or
excess bleaching gel.
Altered taste sensation can be caused by: concentrated favors
such as cinnamon (no longer used)
Termal tooth sensitivity: typically transient. Disappears
once treatment is terminated.
Gastric irritation may be caused by: prolonged bleaching
Power Bleaching
Power bleaching (also known as chairside whitening) takes place
in the dental ofce and involves the use of various strengths of
hydrogen peroxide liquids and gels. Tis approach is popular
with both patients and dentists, as it can be completed in as little
as 1 hour. Te teeth to be whitened are isolated with dental
rubber dam or light-cured resin. Te whitening agent is applied
to the teeth, and a light or laser source may be employed to
augment the process.
Side Effects (Box 14-5)
Termal sensitivity is normally transient.
Soft tissue irritation and blanching can occur if the highly
concentrated bleach gel contacts the soft tissues. Patients
should be warned to notify the supervising staf member
should they experience any tingling or burning during the
whitening procedure.
Soft tissue chemical burns can result from patients moving
their mouths unexpectedly. Quick action should be taken to
limit its severity (see Box 14-5).
Whitened teeth may suddenly turn yellow or brown imme-
diately after the ingestion of curry or red wine after power
bleaching. Tis is rare side efect.
Patients may exhibit claustrophobia when undergoing treat-
ment. Te intraoral bleaching apparatus plus the proximity
of the light source may be intimidating for some individuals.
A treatment supervisor should always be present to immedi-
ately manage any possible problems or side efects.
Dehydration is caused by anhydrous bleaching materials or
extended bleaching time.
Gingival ulceration is the result of irritating materials that
contact the peridental tissues for extended periods of time.
Swollen lips are observed after extended bleaching sessions,
and are caused by excessive heat or desiccation. Temperature
management and tissue lubrication solve this problem.
Post bleaching sensitivity typically occurs due to an excessive
increase in dental temperature or dehydration of tooth sur-
faces during bleaching.
Because sensitivity is a common side efect of bleaching treat-
ments, it is essential to have protocols in place to manage the
discomfort that patients experience during and after the
398 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching
Materials Used to Reduce Sensitivity
during Bleaching
Fluoride, in gel form or in pre-loaded disposable trays,
reduces the sensitivity by blocking the dentinal tubules.
Potassium nitrate in toothpaste, gel, or disposable tray format.
Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) seals open dentinal
tubules and remineralizes tooth surfaces.
treatment. Tere are several possible mechanisms that cause
sensitivity to occur: bleaching materials and/or oxygen rapidly
entering the dentin tubules and the pulp may be responsible,
complicated by treatment time, the pH of the whitening gel,
and the frequency of application. Patients should be warned of
the possibility of sensitivity, and be given desensitizing materials
to use at home.
BOX 14.5 Treating Problems That Occur during Power Bleaching
Chemical Burn
A chemical burn can often occur on the papilla between the
central incisors.
Tis can happen unexpectedly if the patient moves the
mouth. A proprietary soothing material can be applied
directly onto the surfaces of the teeth to reduce sensitivity.
A disposable tray with preloaded fuoride is used. Te tray,
which is sealed in a blister pack,
is applied onto the teeth and squeezed tightly. Te outer
green tray is removed, leaving the softer inner tray behind.
Tis is worn for a period of about 1 hour. Tis can be
used for the reduction of sensitivity for power and home
bleaching. Te patient is given trays to take home to use if
further sensitivity should occur.
Fluoride gel, a soothing material, is placed directly onto the
tooth. Tis will help to reduce the likelihood of sensitivity
occurring as a result of dehydration of the teeth during
power bleaching.
Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry 399
heavily staining drinks (cofee, tea) and foods helps to maintain
the whiteness. Over maintenance may lead to patients becom-
ing obsessed with the white shade of the teeth. Tis condition
is called bleachorexia, the patient continually whitens their
teeth, even though they are already very white, and are not
getting any whiter. Tey become obsessed with extremely white
tooth shades and want to continue to extreme whiteness. Tese
patients tend to constantly ask the dentist to supply additional
whitening gel. It is the dentists responsibility to explain these
problems to the patient and to ensure that the patient under-
stands this condition, and then not supply additional bleaching
gel. A pre-agreed bleaching end point should be establsihed
between the dentist and the patient.
Te danger for patients who over-bleach or bleach for too long
is that their teeth may appear. very translucent teeth; further
bleaching lightens them to extreme levels where they develop a
blue-gray shade. Tere is an endpoint for bleaching after which
no further whitening will be achieved although tetracycline
research shows that it is safe to bleach for up to 1 year for severe
Whitening withouth the supervision of a dental professional
is also controversial. Te individuals delivering the bleaching are
not qualifed, unprepared to assess patient suitability, or to
expertly examine and evaluate the mouth, periodontal status,
abscesses, and mucosal conditions. While some may say that
dentists are simply protecting their control over the whitening
practice, there is no data to indicate bleaching safety, longevity,
or efectiveness under non-dental supervision. Some beauty
therapist whitening involves chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide
is an acidic substance, and may cause permanent damage to the
tooth. Chlorine dioxide abuse in spas cause the patients teeth
to become permanently etched and rough, picking up darker
and more resistant stains that do not respond to whitening. Te
teeth actually become darker than their original shade.
Te near-future will see an introduction of faster whitening with
power accelerators. Tese chemicals will be part of the bleaching
material to speed up the whitening process. Tere may be a more
efective use of lasers, ozone therapy, and lights to accelerate and
enhance whitening procedures.
Dentin bonding agents.
Dentin desensitizing agents.
Desensitizing whitening toothpastes.
Proprietary soothing agents, which may contain a combina-
tion of fuoride, potassium nitrate, or ACP.
More than 20 years of clinical research has been conducted in
the specifc area of nightguard vital bleaching, demonstrating
the efcacy, safety, and health benefts of bleaching teeth with
various peroxide concentrations. Te efective management of
sensitivity, treatment timing, and the use of desensitizing materi-
als has also been extensively explored. Research on the enamel,
the dentin, and the pulp has demonstrated that it is safe to treat
enamel with dentist-prescribed products without long-lasting
negative efects or damage to the teeth.
Bleaching is the most conservative treatment possible for enamel
and dentin surfaces. All the original enamel is preserved without
preparation or restorative intervention. Tere is no change or
damage to the surface or the micromorphology of the enamel.
Te enamel, dentin, and pulp are preserved in their entirety.
Because bleaching is the most conservative treatment possible,
it is the frst option, and always the frst step, when esthetically
improving the teeth.
At the end of whitening treatment, the patient must understand
the maintenance required. Te home bleaching protocols that
have been described require less maintenance. Most do not see
a whiteness drop-of for several years. Some patients request a
touch-up treatment after 1 to 2 years. A single tube of touch-up
bleaching material is administered to the patient, who uses the
home treatment for 3 to 4 days to re-establish the white shade.
However, patients who whiten quickly with high-concentration
whitening may not be able to maintain the bleached shade for
a long period of time. Tose patients may need to constantly
re-whiten to maintain their coloration. Restricting the intake of
400 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching
C A S E 1 Single Dark Tooth and Home Bleaching (Figure 14-70)
This case involved a patient who had sustained trauma to the upper left central incisor tooth 15 years previously.
As a result of the trauma, the upper left central incisor had became discolored. The patient was also concerned
about the yellow discoloration of the other teeth. It was the goal of the treatment to improve the whiteness of
all the teeth generally, and to specically whiten the single dark tooth to match the new shade of the
The upper teeth were treated rst using 10% carbamide peroxide in the bleaching tray overnight for 2 weeks.
The upper left central incisor was treated using 20% carbamide peroxide for 4 weeks. (This tooth had experi-
enced trauma, and subsequently, obliteration of the pulp chamber by secondary and tertiary dentin. The nerve
was vital. This post-traumatic repair process slows bleaching in that more, and darker, dentin must be whitened.)
The treatment protocol should include the extra time necessary to achieve the whiteness of the central incisor.
Higher concentrations of bleaching gel can be used on this darkened tooth as the obliteration of the pulp canal
makes it unlikely to be sensitive. While the upper left central incisor was treated with 20% carbamide peroxide,
the rest of the upper teeth were treated with 10% carbamide peroxide.
Once the desired shade had been reached for the upper arch, treatment continued with the left central
incisor until it matched the right central incisor exactly. The lower teeth were treated with 10% carbamide
peroxide in the tray overnight for 3 weeks to achieve the desired shade and until they matched the shade of
the upper teeth. The upper and lower trays are often applied separately to improve patient compliance; upper
teeth are treated rst, as bleaching is more rapid on the maxilalry arch. Then, the lower tray whitens the teeth
to match the upper teeth.
FIGURE 14-70 A, Appearance of the teeth before whitening. Te upper left central incisor tooth had become discolored
owing to mild trauma 15 years previously. B, Retracted view of the teeth showing the dark shade of the upper left central
incisor and the contrast with the surrounding teeth. C, Te appearance of the teeth after whitening using 10% carbamide
peroxide for a total of 6 weeks. D, Before (left) and after (right) portrait shots of the patient. E, Te improvement in the
white color of the teeth. At the end of treatment, the upper central incisor matches the adjacent teeth.
C A S E 2 Fluorosis Stains (Figure 14-71)
This case involved uorosis stains. Brown spots can be seen on the two upper central incisor teeth, and the
overall color of the teeth is yellow-orange. Treatment plan options included bleaching with extended bleaching
treatments, with possible microabrasion if this was not completely successful. The patient was also a candidate
for composite bonding or porcelain veneers. These plans were discussed in detail with the patient prior to
The treatment plan implemented involved extended overnight home bleaching for 6 to 8 weeks using 10%
carbamide peroxide gel in trays. During treatment, the white band on the central incisors became whiter. After
the desired general whitening shade had been achieved, the teeth were treated with two sessions of microabra-
sion. The material used for the microabrasion treatment was 5% hydrochloric acid in a silica carbide paste. The
aim of the microabrasion treatment was to reduce, or preferably, eliminate the white stains that remained after
whitening. Although some of the small white stains persisted, the overall treatment has resulted in a vastly
improved appearance of the teeth.
FIGURE 14-71 A and B, Appearance of the teeth before treatment. Te teeth are stained and mottled owing to fuorosis.
C, Te retracted view showing mottled appearance of the teeth. D, Retracted view showing appearance of the teeth after
whitening of the upper teeth only. E and F, Retracted views of the teeth from the left lateral position (E) and right lateral
position (F) showing the results after whitening. G, Retracted view of the teeth after completion of whitening treatment.
H and I, Te portrait of the patient (H) and her smile (I) after completion of treatment. Te shade has whitened and there
is improvement in the color and less mottling visible. Te patient was delighted with the result.
402 Bleaching Tooth Bleaching
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Over-the-Counter Bleaching Agents
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Bleaching Single Vital Teeth Damaged
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