These documents discuss earthquakes and seismic waves. They explain that earthquakes originate from the release of built-up stress underground along fault lines. There are two main types of seismic waves - P waves and S waves - that travel outward from the hypocenter through the earth. Surface waves cause the most ground shaking and damage during quakes. Factors like earthquake magnitude, depth, and distance from the epicenter determine the shaking and effects experienced.
These documents discuss earthquakes and seismic waves. They explain that earthquakes originate from the release of built-up stress underground along fault lines. There are two main types of seismic waves - P waves and S waves - that travel outward from the hypocenter through the earth. Surface waves cause the most ground shaking and damage during quakes. Factors like earthquake magnitude, depth, and distance from the epicenter determine the shaking and effects experienced.
These documents discuss earthquakes and seismic waves. They explain that earthquakes originate from the release of built-up stress underground along fault lines. There are two main types of seismic waves - P waves and S waves - that travel outward from the hypocenter through the earth. Surface waves cause the most ground shaking and damage during quakes. Factors like earthquake magnitude, depth, and distance from the epicenter determine the shaking and effects experienced.
These documents discuss earthquakes and seismic waves. They explain that earthquakes originate from the release of built-up stress underground along fault lines. There are two main types of seismic waves - P waves and S waves - that travel outward from the hypocenter through the earth. Surface waves cause the most ground shaking and damage during quakes. Factors like earthquake magnitude, depth, and distance from the epicenter determine the shaking and effects experienced.
Objectives and Outcomes: At the end of this lecture, students will be able to: 1. Explain earthquake phenomenon 2. Calculate the distance from seismic stations to epicenter and determine the location of the earthquake. 3. Predict possible damage due to the earthquake. Lecture 8 WEATHERING AND EROSION Objectives and Outcomes: At the end of this lecture, students will be able to: 1. Describe weathering processes. 2. Describe soil formation. - The crust is situated between the Moho and the Earth's surface, and varies in thickness from 10 to more than 60 km. Seismic data and direct observations from some deep boreholes suggest that it is composed of two layers: a so-called granitic crust of low density (2.6 -3 ) overlying a basaltic layer of higher density (2.7-2.9 -3 ). These layers are sometimes clearly differentiated as distinct seismic facies. EARTH CRUST The continents generally show both granitic and basaltic layers, but the ocean basins are underlain only by basaltic-type material; the boundary between continents and oceans is marked by a transition zone with crust of intermediate nature. The term lithosphere is often used to group together the rigid parts of the upper mantle above the asthenosphere as well as the crust. Finally, the crust contains discontinuous patches with low seismic velocity that correspond to sedimentary basins. CONTINENT VS OCEANIC CRUST EARTHQUAKE FOCUS AND EPICENTER Richter Magnitude Earthquake Effect Estimated Number per Year <2.5 Generally not felt, but recorded 900,000 2.5-5.4 Often felt, but only minor damage detected 30,000 5.5-6.0 Slight damage, to structures 500 6.1-6.9 Can be destructive in populous regions 100 7.0-7.9 Major earthquakes. Inflict serious damage 20 8.0 Great earthquakes. Produce total destruction to nearby communities One every 5-10 year FREQUENCY OF EARTHQUAKES Evidence from seismic records reveals that earth quakes originate at depths ranging from 5 to nearly 700 kilometers. In a somewhat arbitrary fashion, earthquake foci have been classified by their depth of occurrence. Those with points of origin within 70 kilometers of the surface are referred to as shallow, while those generated between 70 and 300 km are considered intermediate, and those with a focus greater than 300 km are classified as deep. About 90 percent of all earthquakes occur at depths of less than 100 km and all very strong earthquakes appear to originate at shallow depths. For example, the 26 Dec 2004 earthquake in Sumatra. EARTHQUAKE DEPTHS Distribution of earthquake foci in 1965 in the vicinity of Tonga Island. (Data from B. Isacks, J. Oliver, and L. R. Sykes) Illustration showing how the Richter magnitude of an earthquake can be determined graphically using a seismograph record from a Wood-Anderson instrument. The study of earthquakes is called seismology. Scientists who study earthquakes are seismologists, and the equipment for the study of earthquake vibrations are seismographs. HOW EARTHQUAKES ARE STUDIED? When P waves encounter the boundary between the mantle and the core, the paths are refracted quite sharply . The properties of the core are different from those of the mantle, and P waves begin to travel much more s: as soon as they hit the core. This causes a P-wave shadow zone, an area o Earth's surface opposite the earthquake's focus, where P waves do not arri expected because they have been slowed down by their passage through the c When S waves reach the core- mantle boundary, they are not refracted; they blocked altogether. This creates a large S-wave shadow zone on the surface of Incomplete There are two types of seismic waves. Body waves travel outm )ugh the interior of the Earth. Surface waves are restricted to 1 Compression waves, one of two types of seismic body way ing pulses of compression and expansion acting in the direction .aveling (Figure 4.6). Sound waves are also compressional way res can pass through solids, liquids, and gases. They have the gre mic waves--6 kilometers/second (km/s) .(almost 4 miles/second velocity for compressional seismic waves through the upper crus yes to be recorded after an earthquake, so they are called P (for Incomplete Shear waves, the other type of body wave, travel through materials in an ulcerating series of sidewise movements (Figure 4.7). Shearing involves changing the shape of an object. Solids have elastic characteristics that provide a restoring force for recovery from shearing, but liquids and gases lack these elastic characteristics. Therefore, shear waves cannot be transmitted through liquids or gases. This is very important, as you will soon see. A typical velocity for shear waves in the upper crust is 3.5 km/s (more than 2 mils) .Shear waves are slower than P waves, so they reach a seismograph some time after the arrival of P waves from the same earthquake. For this reason, they are called S (for "secondary") waves. Surface waves travel along or near the surface of the Earth. They travel more slowly than P and S waves, and they pass around the Earth rather than through it. Thus, surface waves are the last to be detected by a seismograph. It is important for planners and builders to understand surface waves, because they cause much of the ground shaking that damages buildings and infrastructure (roads, pipes, sewers, etc..) during large earthquakes. Underground bomb blasts, such as those sometimes used for nuclear bomb testing, generate more surface waves than earthquakes do; this difference helps scientists detect bomb blasts, an important part of nuclear test ban treaty verifications. What is the difference between a seismograph and a seismogram? Answer: A seismograph is the instrument used to measure earthquake vibrations. A seismogram is a record (on paper) of earthquake vibrations. EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION Charles Richter once said, "Only fools, charlatans, and liars predict earthquakes." Today, seismologists attempt to predict earthquakes using sensitive instruments to monitor seismically active zones. It still is not possible to 'predict the exact magnitude and time of occurrence of an earthquake; however, scientists' understanding about seismic mechanisms and the tectonic settings in which earthquakes occur has improved greatly since Richter's time. Advances in modern seismology may yet prove him wrong. Long-term earthquake forecasting the prediction of a large earthquake years or even decades in advance"-As based mainly on understanding; the tectonic cycle and the geologic settings in which earthquakes occur. Where earthquakes occur repeatedly, such as along plate boundaries, it is sometimes possible to detect a regular pattern in the recurrence intervals of large quakes. This requires information about seismic activity going back farther than historical records, which can be provided by paleoseismology, the study of prehistoric earthquakes. Tilting or bulging of the ground and changes in elevation are among the most reliable indications that strain energy is building up. Small cracks and fractures that develop in severely strained rock can cause swarms of tiny earthquakes-fore shocks-that may be a clue that a big quake is coming. The most famous successful earthquake prediction, in 1975, was based on slow tilting of the Ian, surface, fluctuations in the magnetic field, and numerous foreshocks that precede a magnitude 7.3 quake in Haicheng, China. Half the city was destroyed, but because authorities had evacuated more than a million people before the quake only a few hundred were killed. What is the role of foreshocks in earthquake prediction? Answer: Swarms of foreshocks may indicate that rocks at depth are severely strained are beginning to crack and that an earthquake is imminent. The most widely accepted explanation for the origin of earthquakes is the elastic rebound theory. It is based on the mechanics of elastic deformation of rock; that is, reversible changes in the volume or shape of a rock that is subjected to stress (more on this in chapter 8, as well). When the stress is removed, the elastically formed material snaps back to its original size and shape causing an earthquake You can demonstrate the storage of energy in an elastically deformed material with a steel spring, a long metal ruler, or a heavy rubber band. When you compress the spring, bend the ruler, or stretch the rubber band, the material undergoes strain in the form of elastic deformation. If you suddenly release the material, it bounces back to its original shape, releasing the built-up energy with a "twang. Elastic rebound theory states that energy can be stored in bodies of rock wht they are subjected to stress along a fault plate. Eventually, the increasing stress along the fault is sufficient to overcome the friction between the blocks. TI blocks slip, the stored energy is suddenly released in the form of an earthquake and the rocks rebound to assume their original shapes (Figure 4.3). I. Not felt except by a very few under specially favorable circumstances. II. Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on, upper floors of buildings. III. Felt quite e noticeably indoors, especially on upper floors of buildings, but many people do not recognize as an earthquake. IV. During the day felt indoors by many, outdoors by few. Sensation like heavy truck striking building. V. Felt by nearly everyone, many awakened. Disturbances of trees, poles, and other tall objects sometimes noticed. VI. Felt by all, many frightened and run outdoors, Some heavy furniture moved; few instances of fallen plaster or damaged chimneys: Damage slight. VII. Everybody runs outdoors. Damage negligible in buildings of good design and construction; slight to moderate inn well-built ordinary structures; consider able in poorly built or badly designed structures. VIII. Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse; great in poorly built structures. (Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls.) IX. Damage considerable in specially designed structures. Buildings shifted off foundations. Ground cracked conspicuously. X. Some well-built wooden structures destroyed.. Most masonry and frame structures destroyed with foundations. Ground badly cracked. XI. Few, if any (masonry) structures remain standing. Bridges destroyed. Broad fissures in ground. XII. Damage total. Waves seen on ground- surfaces. Ob- Incomplete Modified Mercalli intensity scale *Note that it is not possible to convert Richter magnitudes into exact equivalents on the Mercalli intensity! apples and oranges, they are not directly comparable. Richter Magnitude Mercalli Magnitude Number per Year Characteristic Effects <3.4 I 800,000 Recorded only by seismographs 3.5-4.2 II and III 30,000 Felt by some people 4.3-4.8 IV 4,800 Felt by many people; windows rattle 4.9-5.4 V 1,400 Felt by everyone; dishes break, doors swing 5.5-6.1 VI and VII 500 Slight building damage; plaster cracks, brie 6.2-6.9 VIII and IX 100 Much building damage chimneys fall; house on foundations 7.0-7.3 X 15 Serious damage; bridges twisted, walls fracture 7.4-7.9 XI 4 Great damage; most buildings collapse >8.0 XII 1 every 5-10 years Colossal destruction,; ground surface waves travel around the places. Table 4.1 Earthquake Magnitudes* and Characteristic Damage fault. Seismic moment also accounts for variations in the physical character Earth materials, which can affect the efficiency with which seismic transmitted. Media reports generally give Richter magnitudes, even moment magnitude may be a better indication of the true strength quake in some cases. For comparison, the moment magnitude of "Good Friday" earthquake of 1964 was 9.2. An earthquake always has just one Richter magnitude, instead of having magnitude near the epicenter and a lower magnitude away from the epicer Answer: The Richter magnitude calculation includes a correction for distance center. Incomplete HAZARD Definition Hazard is defined as: Anything that has the potential to cause harm, ill health and injury, damage to property, products or the environment, production losses or increase liabilities or bad reputation Hazard Top Event definition Top Event is defined as: The FIRST consequence which occurs as a result of the hazard being released Hazard Top event Consequence definition Consequence 'is defined as: An event or chain of events that results from the hazard being released Hazard Top event People Asset Damage Environment Reputation Recovery Measures definition Recovery Measures is defined as: All operational, technical and organizational measures that limit the chain of consequences arising from the top event which can reduce the likelihood that the event will develop into further consequences & provide life saving capabilities should the event develop further What is the difference between stress and strain? VARVES. These annual pairs of sedimentary layers were deposited in a glacial lake in Connecticut about 12,000 years ago. The lighter-colored layers consist of coarse sand grains; they were deposited during the summer months when melting was rapid and water flow was swift. The thinner, darker layers are wintertime deposits formed when the lake froze over and the suspension of fine clay particles settled out. (Courtesy Richard Foster Flint) ROCK FOLDING AND DEFORMATION. These spectacular folded and deformed sedimentary rocks of Cambrian age are from the Sullivan River area in the southern Rocky Mountains in British Columbia, Canada. (Courtesy Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa) Incomplete Figure 8.8 THE GEOLOGIC COLUMN MAP 4 The continuous lines are the geological boundaries separating the outcrops of the dipping strata, beds P, Q, R, S, T and U. Examine the map and note that the geological boundaries are not parallel to the contour lines but, in fact, intersect them. This shows that the beds are dipping. Before constructing structure contours can we deduce the direction of dip of the beds from the fact that their outcrops 'V' down the valley? Can we deduce the direction of dip if we are informed that Bed U is the oldest and Bed P is the youngest bed of the sequence? Draw structure contours for each geological interface' and calculate the direction and amount of dip. (Contours in meters.) Instructions for drawing structure contours are given below and one structure contour on the Q/R geological boundary has been inserted on the map as an example. MAP 9 Indicate on the map the outcrop of the plane of unconformity. Work out the dip and strike of the series of beds A to E and of beds P and Q. Note the difference in the strike direction of the two series, the most significant indication of unconformity from map evidence. Draw a section along the line X-Y on the profile provided. . are standard symbols depicting anticlinal and synclinal axes along with arrows showing the direction of plunge. Note that the first rule of anticlines still holds for plunging folds. The standard structural symbols used on geologic maps to depict folds, faults, and joints are shown in Figure 10.11. Apparent and True Dip A final point concerning the dip of beds involves the variation in the dip angle depending on the line of sight of the observer, as illustrated in Figure 10.12. For line of sight A, which is sighting parallel to the strike, the maximum dip or true dip of the bed is FIGURE 10.11 Standard structural symbols used on geologic maps observed. For line of sight B, which is sighting perpendicular to the strike, the apparent dip of the bed is zero. As the line of sight increases from 0 to 90 as measured from the strike direction, the apparent dip reduces from the maximum value to zero. Angle a is shown in the diagram. The value of the apparent dip in terms of a is given by apparent = true cos. As shown in Figure 10.12, cos is measured from the strike direction. Domes and Basins Three-dimensional fold features also occur in nature. A structural dome is a fold in which the beds slope