This document is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, which establishes the framework for agrarian reform in the Philippines. The key goals are to provide landless farmers and farm workers with land ownership through an equitable redistribution of agricultural lands, subject to just compensation for landowners. It aims to improve social justice and rural development by establishing farmer ownership of economically viable farms.
This document is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, which establishes the framework for agrarian reform in the Philippines. The key goals are to provide landless farmers and farm workers with land ownership through an equitable redistribution of agricultural lands, subject to just compensation for landowners. It aims to improve social justice and rural development by establishing farmer ownership of economically viable farms.
This document is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, which establishes the framework for agrarian reform in the Philippines. The key goals are to provide landless farmers and farm workers with land ownership through an equitable redistribution of agricultural lands, subject to just compensation for landowners. It aims to improve social justice and rural development by establishing farmer ownership of economically viable farms.
This document is the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988, which establishes the framework for agrarian reform in the Philippines. The key goals are to provide landless farmers and farm workers with land ownership through an equitable redistribution of agricultural lands, subject to just compensation for landowners. It aims to improve social justice and rural development by establishing farmer ownership of economically viable farms.
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CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY CHAPTER SECTION 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988. SECTION . Declaration of Principles and Policies. - It is the !olic" o# the State to !$%s$e a Co&!%ehensi'e A(%a%ian Re#o%& P%o(%a& )CARP*. The wel#a%e o# the lan+less #a%&e%s an+ #a%& wo%ke%s will %ecei'e the hi(hest consi+e%ation to !%o&ote social ,$stice an+ to &o'e the nation towa%+s so$n+ %$%al +e'elo!&ent an+ in+$st%iali-ation. an+ the establish&ent o# owne% c$lti'ato%shi! o# econo&ic-si-e+ #a%&s as the basis o# Phili!!ine a(%ic$lt$%e. To this en+. a &o%e e/$itable +ist%ib$tion an+ owne%shi! o# lan+. with +$e %e(a%+ to the %i(hts o# lan+owne%s to ,$st co&!ensation an+ to the ecolo(ical nee+s o# the nation. shall be $n+e%taken to !%o'i+e #a%&e%s an+ #a%& wo%ke%s with the o!!o%t$nit" to enhance thei% +i(nit" an+ i&!%o'e the /$alit" o# thei% li'es th%o$(h (%eate% !%o+$cti'it" o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s. The a(%a%ian %e#o%& !%o(%a& is #o$n+e+ on the %i(ht o# #a%&e%s an+ %e($la% #a%& wo%ke%s. who a%e lan+less. to own +i%ectl" o% collecti'el" the lan+s the" till o%. in the case o# othe% #a%& wo%ke%s. to %ecei'e a sha%e o# the #%$its the%eo#. To this en+. the State shall enco$%a(e the ,$st +ist%ib$tion o# all a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s. s$b,ect to the !%io%ities an+ %etention li&its set #o%th in this Act. ha'in( taken into acco$nt ecolo(ical. +e'elo!&ental. an+ e/$it" consi+e%ations. an+ s$b,ect to the !a"&ent o# ,$st co&!ensation. The State shall %es!ect the %i(ht o# s&all lan+owne%s an+ shall !%o'i+e incenti'es #o% 'ol$nta%" lan+-sha%in(. The State shall %eco(ni-e the %i(ht o# #a%&e%s. #a%& wo%ke%s an+ lan+owne%s. as well as coo!e%ati'es an+ othe% in+e!en+ent #a%&e%s0 o%(ani-ation. to !a%tici!ate in the !lannin(. o%(ani-ation. an+ &ana(e&ent o# the !%o(%a&. an+ shall !%o'i+e s$!!o%t to a(%ic$lt$%e th%o$(h a!!%o!%iate technolo(" an+ %esea%ch. an+ a+e/$ate #inancial. !%o+$ction. &a%ketin( an+ othe% s$!!o%t se%'ices.chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" The State shall a!!l" the !%inci!les o# a(%a%ian %e#o%& o% stewa%+shi!. whene'e% a!!licable. in acco%+ance with law. in the +is!osition o% $tili-ation o# othe% nat$%al %eso$%ces. incl$+in( lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain. $n+e% lease o% concession. s$itable to a(%ic$lt$%e. s$b,ect to !%io% %i(hts. ho&estea+ %i(hts o# s&all settle%s an+ the %i(hts o# in+i(eno$s co&&$nities to thei% ancest%al lan+s. The State &a" %esettle lan+less #a%&e%s an+ #a%& wo%ke%s in its own a(%ic$lt$%al estates. which shall be +ist%ib$te+ to the& in the &anne% !%o'i+e+ b" law. 1" &eans o# a!!%o!%iate incenti'es. the State shall enco$%a(e the #o%&ation an+ &aintenance o# econo&ic-si-e+ #a&il" #a%&s to be constit$te+ b" in+i'i+$al bene#icia%ies an+ s&all lan+owne%s. The State shall !%otect the %i(hts o# s$bsistence #ishe%&en. es!eciall" o# local co&&$nities. to the !%e#e%ential $se o# co&&$nal &a%ine an+ #ishin( %eso$%ces. both inlan+ an+ o##sho%e. It shall !%o'i+e s$!!o%t to s$ch #ishe%&en th%o$(h a!!%o!%iate technolo(" an+ %esea%ch. a+e/$ate #inancial. !%o+$ction an+ &a%ketin( assistance an+ othe% se%'ices. The State shall also !%otect. +e'elo! an+ conse%'e s$ch %eso$%ces. The !%otection shall e2ten+ to o##sho%e #ishin( (%o$n+s o# s$bsistence #ishe%&en a(ainst #o%ei(n int%$sion. 3ishwo%ke%s shall %ecei'e a ,$st sha%e #%o& thei% labo% in the $tili-ation o# &a%ine an+ #ishin( %eso$%ces. The State shall be ($i+e+ b" the !%inci!les that lan+ has a social #$nction an+ lan+ owne%shi! has a social %es!onsibilit". Owne%s o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+ ha'e the obli(ation to c$lti'ate +i%ectl" o% th%o$(h labo% a+&inist%ation the lan+s the" own an+ the%eb" &ake the lan+ !%o+$cti'e. The State shall !%o'i+e incenti'es to lan+owne%s to in'est the !%ocee+s o# the a(%a%ian %e#o%& !%o(%a& to !%o&ote in+$st%iali-ation. e&!lo"&ent an+ !%i'ati-ation o# !$blic secto% ente%!%ises. 3inancial inst%$&ents $se+ as !a"&ent #o% lan+s shall contain #eat$%es that shall enhance ne(otiabilit" an+ acce!tabilit" in the &a%ket!lace. The State &a" lease $n+e'elo!e+ lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain to /$ali#ie+ entities #o% the +e'elo!&ent o# ca!ital-intensi'e #a%&s. t%a+itional an+ !ionee%in( c%o!s es!eciall" those #o% e2!o%ts s$b,ect to the !%io% %i(hts o# the bene#icia%ies $n+e% this Act. SECTION 4. Definitions. - 3o% the !$%!ose o# this Act. $nless the conte2t in+icates othe%wise5 )a* Agrarian Reform &eans the %e+ist%ib$tion o# lan+s. %e(a%+less o# c%o!s o% #%$its !%o+$ce+. to #a%&e%s an+ %e($la% #a%& wo%ke%s who a%e lan+less. i%%es!ecti'e o# ten$%ial a%%an(e&ent. to incl$+e the totalit" o# #acto%s an+ s$!!o%t se%'ices +esi(ne+ to li#t the econo&ic stat$s o# the bene#icia%ies an+ all othe% a%%an(e&ents alte%nati'e to the !h"sical %e+ist%ib$tion o# lan+s. s$ch as !%o+$ction o% !%o#it-sha%in(. labo% a+&inist%ation. an+ the +ist%ib$tion o# sha%es o# stock which will allow bene#icia%ies to %ecei'e a ,$st sha%e o# the #%$its o# the lan+s the" wo%k. )b* Agriculture Agricultural !nterprise or Agricultural Activit" &eans the c$lti'ation o# the soil. !lantin( o# c%o!s. (%owin( o# #%$it t%ees. incl$+in( the ha%'estin( o# s$ch #a%& !%o+$cts. an+ othe% #a%& acti'ities an+ !%actices !e%#o%&e+ b" a #a%&e% in con,$nction with s$ch #a%&in( o!e%ations +one b" !e%sons whethe% nat$%al o# ,$%i+ical. )As a&en+e+ b" R. A. 6771*chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" )c* Agricultural Land %e#e%s to lan+ +e'ote+ to a(%ic$lt$%al acti'it" as +e#ine+ in this Act an+ not classi#ie+ as &ine%al. #o%est. %esi+ential. co&&e%cial o% in+$st%ial lan+. )+* Agrarian Dispute %e#e%s to an" cont%o'e%s" %elatin( to ten$%ial a%%an(e&ents. whethe% leasehol+. tenanc". stewa%+shi! o% othe%wise. o'e% lan+s +e'ote+ to a(%ic$lt$%e. incl$+in( +is!$tes conce%nin( #a%& wo%ke%s0 associations o% %e!%esentation o# !e%sons in ne(otiatin(. #i2in(. &aintainin(. chan(in( o% seekin( to a%%an(e te%&s o% con+itions o# s$ch ten$%ial a%%an(e&ents. It incl$+es an" cont%o'e%s" %elatin( to co&!ensation o# lan+s ac/$i%e+ $n+e% this Act an+ othe% te%&s an+ con+itions o# t%ans#e% o# owne%shi! #%o& lan+owne%s to #a%& wo%ke%s. tenants an+ othe% a(%a%ian %e#o%& bene#icia%ies. whethe% the +is!$tants stan+ in the !%o2i&ate %elation o# #a%& o!e%ato% an+ bene#icia%". lan+owne% an+ tenant. o% lesso% an+ lessee. )e* #dle or A$andoned Land %e#e%s to an" a(%ic$lt$%al lan+ not c$lti'ate+. tille+ o% +e'elo!e+ to !%o+$ce an" c%o! no% +e'ote+ to an" s!eci#ic econo&ic !$%!ose contin$o$sl" #o% a !e%io+ o# th%ee )4* "ea%s i&&e+iatel" !%io% to the %ecei!t o# notice o# ac/$isition b" the (o'e%n&ent as !%o'i+e+ $n+e% this Act. b$t +oes not incl$+e lan+ that has beco&e !e%&anentl" o% %e($la%l" +e'ote+ to non-a(%ic$lt$%al !$%!oses. It +oes not incl$+e lan+ which has beco&e $n!%o+$cti'e b" %eason o# force ma%eure o% an" othe% #o%t$ito$s e'ent5Provided that !%io% to s$ch e'ent. s$ch lan+ was !%e'io$sl" $se+ #o% a(%ic$lt$%al o% othe% econo&ic !$%!oses. )#* &armer %e#e%s to a nat$%al !e%son whose !%i&a%" li'elihoo+ is c$lti'ation o# lan+ o% the !%o+$ction o# a(%ic$lt$%al c%o!s eithe% b" hi&sel#. o% !%i&a%il" with the assistance o# his i&&e+iate #a%& ho$sehol+. whethe% the lan+ is owne+ b" hi&. o% b" anothe% !e%son $n+e% a leasehol+ o% sha%e tenanc" a(%ee&ent o% a%%an(e&ent with the owne% the%eo#. )(* &armwor'er is a nat$%al !e%son who %en+e%s se%'ice #o% 'al$e as an e&!lo"ee o% labo%e% in an a(%ic$lt$%al ente%!%ise o% #a%& %e(a%+less o# whethe% his co&!ensation is !ai+ on a +ail". weekl". &onthl" o% (pa'"aw( basis. The te%& incl$+es an in+i'i+$al whose wo%k has cease+ as a conse/$ence o#. o% in connection with. a !en+in( a(%a%ian +is!$te who has not obtaine+ a s$bstantiall" e/$i'alent an+ %e($la% #a%& e&!lo"&ent. )h* Regular &armwor'er is a nat$%al !e%son who is e&!lo"e+ on a !e%&anent basis b" an a(%ic$lt$%al ente%!%ise o% #a%&. )i* )easonal &armwor'er is a nat$%al !e%son who is e&!lo"e+ on a %ec$%%ent. !e%io+ic o% inte%&ittent basis b" an a(%ic$lt$%al ente%!%ise o% #a%&. whethe% as a !e%&anent o% a non-!e%&anent labo%e%. s$ch as (dumaan( (sacada( an+ the like. ),* *ther &armwor'er is a #a%&wo%ke% who +oes not #all $n+e% !a%a(%a!hs )(*. )h* an+ )i*. )k* Cooperatives shall %e#e% to o%(ani-ations co&!ose+ !%i&a%il" o# s&all a(%ic$lt$%al !%o+$ce%s. #a%&e%s. #a%& wo%ke%s. o% othe% a(%a%ian %e#o%& bene#icia%ies who 'ol$nta%il" o%(ani-e the&sel'es #o% the !$%!ose o# !oolin( lan+. h$&an. technolo(ical. #inancial o% othe% econo&ic %eso$%ces. an+ o!e%ate+ on the !%inci!le o# one &e&be%. one 'ote. A ,$%i+ical !e%son &a" be a &e&be% o# a coo!e%ati'e. with the sa&e %i(hts an+ +$ties as a nat$%al !e%son. CHAPTER II CO8ERA9E SEC. :. )cope. - The Co&!%ehensi'e A(%a%ian Re#o%& Law o# 1;77 shall co'e%. %e(a%+less o# ten$%ial a%%an(e&ent an+ co&&o+it" !%o+$ce+. all !$blic an+ !%i'ate a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s as !%o'i+e+ in P%ocla&ation No. 141 an+ E2ec$ti'e O%+e% No. ;. incl$+in( othe% lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain s$itable #o% a(%ic$lt$%e. Mo%e s!eci#icall". the #ollowin( lan+s a%e co'e%e+ b" the Co&!%ehensi'e A(%a%ian Re#o%& P%o(%a&5 )a* All alienable an+ +is!osable lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain +e'ote+ to o% s$itable #o% a(%ic$lt$%e. No %eclassi#ication o# #o%est o% &ine%al lan+s to a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s shall be $n+e%taken a#te% the a!!%o'al o# this Act $ntil Con(%ess. takin( into acco$nt ecolo(ical. +e'elo!&ental an+ e/$it" consi+e%ations. shall ha'e +ete%&ine+ b" law. the s!eci#ic li&its o# the !$blic +o&ain< b* All lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain in e2cess to the s!eci#ic li&its as +ete%&ine+ b" Con(%ess in the !%ece+in( !a%a(%a!h< c* All othe% lan+s owne+ b" the 9o'e%n&ent +e'ote+ to o% s$itable #o% a(%ic$lt$%e< an+chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" +* All !%i'ate lan+s +e'ote+ to o% s$itable #o% a(%ic$lt$%e %e(a%+less o# the a(%ic$lt$%al !%o+$cts %aise+ o% that can be %aise+ the%eon. SEC. =. )chedule of #mplementation. - The +ist%ib$tion o# all lan+s co'e%e+ b" this Act shall be i&!le&ente+ i&&e+iatel" an+ co&!lete+ within ten )1>* "ea%s #%o& the e##ecti'it" the%eo#. SEC. ?. Retention Limits. + E2ce!t as othe%wise !%o'i+e+ in this Act. no !e%son &a" own o% %etain. +i%ectl". an" !$blic o% !%i'ate a(%ic$lt$%al lan+. the si-e o# which shall 'a%" acco%+in( to #acto%s (o'e%nin( a 'iable #a&il"- si-e+ #a%&. s$ch as co&&o+it" !%o+$ce+. te%%ain. in#%ast%$ct$%e. an+ soil #e%tilit" as +ete%&ine+ b" the P%esi+ential A(%a%ian Re#o%& Co$ncil )PARC* c%eate+ he%e$n+e%. b$t in no case shall the %etention b" the lan+owne% e2cee+ #i'e )=* hecta%es. Th%ee )4* hecta%es &a" be awa%+e+ to each chil+ o# the lan+owne%. s$b,ect to the #ollowin( /$ali#ications5 )1* that he is at least #i#teen )1=* "ea%s o# a(e< an+ )* that he is act$all" tillin( the lan+ o% +i%ectl" &ana(in( the #a%&5 Provided That lan+owne%s whose lan+s ha'e been co'e%e+ b" P%esi+ential @ec%ee No. 6 shall be allowe+ to kee! the a%ea o%i(inall" %etaine+ b" the& the%e$n+e%< Provided further That o%i(inal ho&estea+ (%antees o% +i%ect co&!$lso%" hei%s who still own the o%i(inal ho&estea+ at the ti&e o# the a!!%o'al o# this Act shall %etain the sa&e a%eas as lon( as the" contin$e to c$lti'ate sai+ ho&estea+. The %i(ht to choose the a%ea to be %etaine+. which shall be co&!act o% conti($o$s. shall !e%tain. to the lan+owne%5 Provided however That in case the a%ea selecte+ #o% %etention b" the lan+owne% is tenante+. the tenant shall ha'e the o!tion to choose whethe% to %e&ain the%ein o% be a bene#icia%" in the sa&e o% anothe% a(%ic$lt$%al lan+ with si&ila% o% co&!a%able #eat$%es. In case the tenant chooses to %e&ain in the %etaine+ a%ea. he shall be consi+e%e+ a leasehol+e% an+ shall lose his %i(ht to be a bene#icia%" $n+e% this Act. In case the tenant chooses to be a bene#icia%" in anothe% a(%ic$lt$%al lan+. he loses his %i(ht as a leasehol+e% to the lan+ %etaine+ b" the lan+owne%. The tenant &$st e2e%cise this o!tion within a !e%io+ o# one )1* "ea% #%o& the ti&e the lan+owne% &ani#ests his choice o# the a%ea #o% %etention. In all cases. the sec$%it" o# ten$%e o# the #a%&e%s o% #a%& wo%ke%s on the lan+ !%io% to the a!!%o'al o# this Act shall be %es!ecte+. A!on the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. an" sale. +is!osition. lease. &ana(e&ent cont%act o% t%ans#e% o# !ossession o# !%i'ate lan+s e2ec$te+ b" the o%i(inal lan+owne% in 'iolation o# this Act shall be n$ll an+ 'oi+5 Provided howeverThat those e2ec$te+ !%io% to this Act shall be 'ali+ onl" when %e(iste%e+ with the Re(iste% o# @ee+s within a !e%io+ o# th%ee )4* &onths a#te% the e##ecti'it" o# this ActThe%ea#te%. all Re(iste%s o# @ee+s shall in#o%& the @AR within thi%t" )4>* +a"s o# an" t%ansaction in'ol'in( a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s in e2cess o# #i'e )=* hecta%es. SEC. 6. Priorities. - The @AR. in coo%+ination with the PARC shall !lan an+ !%o(%a& the ac/$isition an+ +ist%ib$tion o# all a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s th%o$(h a !e%io+ o# ten )1>* "ea%s #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. Lan+s shall be ac/$i%e+ an+ +ist%ib$te+ as #ollows5 Phase One5 Rice an+ co%n lan+s $n+e% P%esi+ential @ec%ee No. 6< all i+le o% aban+one+ lan+s< all !%i'ate lan+s 'ol$nta%il" o##e%e+ b" the owne%s #o% a(%a%ian %e#o%&< all lan+s #o%eclose+ b" (o'e%n&ent #inancial instit$tion< all lan+s ac/$i%e+ b" the P%esi+ential Co&&ission on 9oo+ 9o'e%n&ent )PC99*< an+ all othe% lan+s owne+ b" the (o'e%n&ent +e'ote+ to o% s$itable #o% a(%ic$lt$%e. which shall be ac/$i%e+ an+ +ist%ib$te+ i&&e+iatel" $!on the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. with the i&!le&entation to be co&!lete+ within a !e%io+ o# not &o%e than #o$% ):* "ea%s< Phase two5 All alienable an+ +is!osable !$blic a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s< all a%able !$blic a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s $n+e% a(%o-#o%est. !ast$%e an+ a(%ic$lt$%al leases al%ea+" c$lti'ate+ an+ !lante+ to c%o!s in acco%+ance with Section ?. A%ticle BIII o# the Constit$tion< all !$blic a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s which a%e to be o!ene+ #o% new +e'elo!&ent an+ %esettle&ent< an+ all !%i'ate a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s in e2cess o# #i#t" )=>* hecta%es. inso#a% as the e2cess hecta%a(e is conce%ne+. to i&!le&ent !%inci!all" the %i(ht o# #a%&e%s an+ %e($la% #a%& wo%ke%s. who a%e lan+less. to own +i%ectl" o% collecti'el" the lan+s the" till. which shall be +ist%ib$te+ i&&e+iatel" $!on the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. with the i&!le&entation to be co&!lete+ within a !e%io+ o# not &o%e than #o$% ):* "ea%s. Phase Th%ee5 All othe% !%i'ate a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s co&&encin( with la%(e lan+hol+in(s an+ !%ocee+in( to &e+i$& an+ s&all lan+hol+in(s $n+e% the #ollowin( sche+$le5 a* Lan+hol+in(s abo'e twent"-#o$% ):* hecta%es $! to #i#t" )=>* hecta%es. to be(in on the #o$%th ):th* "ea% #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act an+ to be co&!lete+ within th%ee )4* "ea%s< an+ b* Lan+hol+in(s #%o& the %etention li&it $! to twent"-#o$% ):* hecta%es. to be(in on the si2th )?th* "ea% #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act an+ to be co&!lete+ within #o$% ):* "ea%s< to i&!le&ent !%inci!all" the %i(ht o# #a%&e%s an+ %e($la% #a%&wo%ke%s who a%e lan+less. to own +i%ectl" o% collecti'el" the lan+s the" till. The sche+$le o# ac/$isition an+ %e+ist%ib$tion o# all a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s co'e%e+ b" this !%o(%a& shall be &a+e in acco%+ance with the abo'e o%+e% o# !%io%it". which shall be !%o'i+e+ in the i&!le&entin( %$les to be !%e!a%e+ b" the P%esi+ential A(%a%ian Re#o%& Co$ncil )PARC*. takin( into consi+e%ation the #ollowin(5 the nee+ to +ist%ib$te lan+s to the tille% at the ea%liest !%acticable ti&e< the nee+ to enhance a(%ic$lt$%al !%o+$cti'it"< an+ the a'ailabilit" o# #$n+s an+ %eso$%ces to i&!le&ent an+ s$!!o%t the !%o(%a&. In an" case. the PARC. $!on %eco&&en+ation b" the P%o'incial A(%a%ian Re#o%& Coo%+inatin( Co&&ittee )PARCCOM*. &a" +ecla%e ce%tain !%o'inces o% %e(ions as !%io%it" lan+ %e#o%& a%eas. in which case the ac/$isition an+ +ist%ib$tion o# !%i'ate a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s the%ein &a" be i&!le&ente+ ahea+ o# the abo'e sche+$les. In e##ectin( the t%ans#e% within these ($i+elines. !%io%it" &$st be (i'en to lan+s that a%e tenante+. The PARC shall establish ($i+elines to i&!le&ent the abo'e !%io%ities an+ +ist%ib$tion sche&e. incl$+in( the +ete%&ination o# who a%e /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies5 Provided That an owne%-tille% &a" be a bene#icia%" o# the lan+ he +oes not own b$t is act$all" c$lti'atin( to the e2tent o# the +i##e%ence between the a%ea o# the lan+ he owns an+ the awa%+ ceilin( o# th%ee )4* hecta%es. SEC. 7. ,ultinational Corporations. - All lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain lease+. hel+ o% !ossesse+ b" &$ltinational co%!o%ations o% associations. an+ othe% lan+s owne+ b" the (o'e%n&ent o% (o'e%n&ent-owne+ o% cont%olle+ co%!o%ations. associations. instit$tions o% entities. +e'ote+ to e2istin( an+ o!e%ational a(%ib$siness o% a(%o-in+$st%ial ente%!%ises. o!e%ate+ b" &$ltinational co%!o%ations an+ associations. shall be !%o(%a&&e+ #o% ac/$isition an+ +ist%ib$tion i&&e+iatel" $!on the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. with the i&!le&entation to be co&!lete+ within th%ee )4* "ea%s. Lan+s co'e%e+ b" the !a%a(%a!h i&&e+iatel" !%ece+in(. $n+e% lease. &ana(e&ent. (%owe% o% se%'ice cont%acts. an+ the like. shall be +is!ose+ o# as #ollows5 )a* Lease. &ana(e&ent. (%owe% o% se%'ice cont%acts co'e%in( s$ch lan+s co'e%in( an a((%e(ate a%ea in e2cess o# 1.>>> hecta%es. lease+ o% hel+ b" #o%ei(n in+i'i+$als in e2cess o# =>> hecta%es a%e +ee&e+ a&en+e+ to con#i%& with the li&its set #o%th in Section 4 o# A%ticle BIII o# the Constit$tion. )b* Cont%acts co'e%in( a%eas not in e2cess o# 1.>>> hecta%es in the case o# s$ch in+i'i+$als shall be allowe+ to contin$e $n+e% thei% o%i(inal te%&s an+ con+itions b$t not be"on+ A$($st ;. 1;;. o% thei% 'ali+ te%&ination. whiche'e% co&es soone%. a#te% which. s$ch a(%ee&ents shall contin$e onl" when con#i%&e+ b" the a!!%o!%iate (o'e%n&ent a(enc". S$ch cont%acts shall likewise contin$e e'en a#te% the lan+ has been t%ans#e%%e+ to bene#icia%ies o% awa%+ees the%eo#. which t%ans#e% shall be i&&e+iatel" co&&ence+ an+ i&!le&ente+ within the !e%io+ o# th%ee )4* "ea%s &entione+ in !a%a(%a!h 1 he%eo#. )c* In no case will s$ch leases an+ othe% a(%ee&ents now bein( i&!le&ente+ e2ten+ be"on+ A$($st ;. 1;;. when all lan+s s$b,ect he%eo# shall ha'e been +ist%ib$te+ co&!letel" to /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies o% awa%+ees. S$ch a(%ee&ents can contin$e the%ea#te% onl" $n+e% a new cont%act between the (o'e%n&ent o% /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies o% awa%+ees. on the one han+. an+ sai+ ente%!%ises. on the othe%.chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" Lan+s lease+. hel+ o% !ossesse+ b" &$ltinational co%!o%ations. owne+ b" !%i'ate in+i'i+$als an+ !%i'ate non-(o'e%n&ental co%!o%ations. associations. instit$tions. an+ entities. citi-ens o# the Phili!!ines. shall be s$b,ect to i&&e+iate co&!$lso%" ac/$isition an+ +ist%ib$tion $!on the e2!i%ation o# the a!!licable lease. &ana(e&ent (%owe% o# se%'ice cont%act in e##ect as o# A$($st ;. 1;76. o% othe%wise. $!on its 'ali+ te%&ination. whiche'e% co&es soone%. b$t not late% than a#te% ten )1>* "ea%s #ollowin( the e##ecti'it" o# this ActHowe'e%. +$%in( the sai+ !e%io+ o# e##ecti'it". the (o'e%n&ent shall take ste!s to ac/$i%e these lan+s #o% i&&e+iate +ist%ib$tion the%ea#te%. In (ene%al. lan+s shall be +ist%ib$te+ +i%ectl" to the in+i'i+$al wo%ke%- bene#icia%ies. In case it is not econo&icall" #easible an+ so$n+ to +i'i+e the lan+. then the" shall #o%& a wo%ke%s0 coo!e%ati'e o% association which will +eal with the co%!o%ation o% b$siness association o% an" othe% !%o!e% !a%t". #o% the !$%!ose o# ente%in( into a lease o% (%owe%s a(%ee&ent an+ #o% all othe% le(iti&ate !$%!oses. Antil a new a(%ee&ent is ente%e+ into b" an+ between the wo%ke%s0 coo!e%ati'e o% association an+ the co%!o%ation o% b$siness association o% an" othe% !%o!e% !a%t". an" a(%ee&ent e2istin( at the ti&e this Act takes e##ect between the #o%&e% an+ the !%e'io$s lan+owne% shall be %es!ecte+ b" both the wo%ke%s0 coo!e%ati'e o% association an+ the co%!o%ation. b$siness association o% s$ch othe% !%o!e% !a%t". In no case shall the i&!le&entation o% a!!lication o# this Act ,$sti#" o% %es$lt in the %e+$ction o# stat$s o% +i&in$tion o# an" bene#its %ecei'e+ o% en,o"e+ b" the wo%ke%-bene#icia%ies. o% in which the" &a" ha'e a 'este+ %i(ht. at the ti&e this Act beco&es e##ecti'e. The !%o'ision o# Section 4 o# this Act. with %e(a%+ to !%o+$ction an+ inco&e-sha%in( shall a!!l" to #a%&s o!e%ate+ b" &$ltinational co%!o%ations. @$%in( the t%ansition !e%io+. the new owne%s shall be assiste+ in thei% e##o%ts to lea%n &o+e%n technolo(" in !%o+$ction. Ente%!%ises which show a willin(ness an+ co&&it&ent an+ (oo+ #aith e##o%ts to i&!a%t 'ol$nta%il" s$ch a+'ance+ technolo(" will be (i'en !%e#e%ential t%eat&ent whe%e #easible. In no case shall a #o%ei(n co%!o%ation. association. entit" o% in+i'i+$al en,o" an" %i(ht% o% !%i'ile(es bette% than those en,o"e+ b" a +o&estic co%!o%ation. association. entit" o% in+i'i+$al. SEC. ;. Ancestral Lands. - 3o% !$%!oses o# this Act. ancest%al lan+s o# each in+i(eno$s c$lt$%al co&&$nit" shall incl$+e. b$t not be li&ite+ to. lan+s in the act$al. contin$o$s an+ o!en !ossession an+ occ$!ation o# the co&&$nit" an+ its &e&be%s5 Provided That the To%%ens S"ste& shall be %es!ecte+. The %i(ht o# these co&&$nities to thei% ancest%al lan+s shall be !%otecte+ to ens$%e thei% econo&ic. social an+ c$lt$%al well-bein(. In line with the othe% !%inci!les o# sel#-+ete%&ination an+ a$tono&". the s"ste&s o# lan+ owne%shi!. lan+ $se. an+ the &o+es o# settlin( lan+ +is!$tes o# all these co&&$nities &$st be %eco(ni-e+ an+ %es!ecte+. An" !%o'ision o# law to the cont%a%" notwithstan+in(. the PARC &a" s$s!en+ the i&!le&entation o# this Act with %es!ect to ancest%al lan+s #o% the !$%!ose o# i+enti#"in( an+ +elineatin( s$ch lan+s5 Provided That in the a$tono&o$s %e(ions. the %es!ecti'e le(islat$%es &a" enact thei% own laws on ancest%al +o&ain s$b,ect to the !%o'isions o# the Constit$tion an+ the !%inci!les en$nciate+ in this Act an+ othe% national laws. SEC. 1>. !-emptions and !-clusions.+ )a* Lan+s act$all". +i%ectl" an+ e2cl$si'el" $se+ #o% !a%ks. wil+li#e. #o%est %ese%'es. %e#o%estation. #ish sanct$a%ies an+ b%ee+in( (%o$n+s. wate%she+s an+ &an(%o'es shall be e2e&!t #%o& the co'e%a(e o# this Act. )b* P%i'ate lan+s act$all". +i%ectl" an+ e2cl$si'el" $se+ #o% !%awn #a%&s an+ #ish!on+s shall be e2e&!t #%o& the co'e%a(e o# this Act5 Provided That sai+ !%awn #a%&s an+ #ish!on+s ha'e not been +ist%ib$te+ an+ Ce%ti#icate o# Lan+ Owne%shi! Awa%+ )CLOA* iss$e+ $n+e% the A(%a%ian Re#o%& P%o(%a&. In cases whe%e the #ish!on+s o% !%awn #a%&s ha'e been s$b,ecte+ to the Co&!%ehensi'e A(%a%ian Re#o%& Law. b" 'ol$nta%" o##e% to sell. o% co&&e%cial #a%&s +e#e%&ent o% notices o# co&!$lso%" ac/$isition. a si&!le an+ absol$te &a,o%it" o# the act$al %e($la% wo%ke%s o% tenants &$st consent to the e2e&!tion within one )1* "ea% #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. Chen the wo%ke%s o% tenants +o not a(%ee to this e2e&!tion. the #ish!on+s o% !%awn #a%&s shall be +ist%ib$te+ collecti'el" to the wo%ke%-bene#icia%ies o% tenants who shall #o%& coo!e%ati'e o% association to &ana(e the sa&e. In cases whe%e the #ish!on+s o% !%awn #a%&s ha'e not been s$b,ecte+ to the Co&!%ehensi'e A(%a%ian Re#o%& Law. the consent o# the #a%&wo%ke%s shall no lon(e% be necessa%"< howe'e%. the !%o'ision o# Section 4-A he%eo# on incenti'es shall a!!l". )c* Lan+s act$all". +i%ectl" an+ e2cl$si'el" $se+ an+ #o$n+ to be necessa%" #o% national +e#ense. school sites an+ ca&!$ses. incl$+in( e2!e%i&ental #a%& stations o!e%ate+ b" !$blic o% !%i'ate schools #o% e+$cational !$%!oses. see+s an+ see+lin(s %esea%ch an+ !ilot !%o+$ction cente%. ch$%ch sites an+ con'ents a!!$%tenant the%eto. &os/$e sites an+ Isla&ic cente%s a!!$%tenant the%eto. co&&$nal b$%ial (%o$n+s an+ ce&ete%ies. !enal colonies an+ !enal #a%&s act$all" wo%ke+ b" the in&ates. (o'e%n&ent an+ !%i'ate %esea%ch an+ /$a%antine cente%s an+ all lan+s with ei(hteen !e%cent )17D* slo!e an+ o'e%. e2ce!t those al%ea+" +e'elo!e+. shall be e2e&!t #%o& the co'e%a(e o# this Act.)As a&en+e+ b" R. A. 6771* SEC. 11. Commercial &arming. + Co&&e%cial #a%&s which a%e !%i'ate a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s +e'ote+ to salt be+s. #%$it #a%&s. o%cha%+s. 'e(etable an+ c$t-#lowe% #a%&s. an+ cacao. co##ee an+ %$bbe% !lantations. shall be s$b,ect to i&&e+iate co&!$lso%" ac/$isition an+ +ist%ib$tion a#te% ten )1>* "ea%s #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. In the case o# new #a%&s. the ten-"ea% !e%io+ shall be(in #%o& the #i%st "ea% o# co&&e%cial !%o+$ction an+ o!e%ation. as +ete%&ine+ b" the @AR. @$%in( the ten-"ea% !e%io+. the 9o'e%n&ent shall initiate ste!s necessa%" to ac/$i%e these lan+s. $!on !a"&ent o# ,$st co&!ensation #o% the lan+ an+ the i&!%o'e&ents the%eon. !%e#e%abl" in #a'o% o# o%(ani-e+ coo!e%ati'es o% associations. which shall the%ea#te% &ana(e the sai+ lan+s #o% the wo%ke%s-bene#icia%ies.)As a&en+e+ b" R. A. 6771* CHAPTER III IMPRO8EMENT O3 TENARIAL AN@ LA1OR RELATIONS SEC. 1. Determination of Lease Rentals. - In o%+e% to !%otect an+ i&!%o'e the ten$%ial an+ econo&ic stat$s o# the #a%&e%s in tenante+ lan+s $n+e% the %etention li&it an+ lan+s not "et ac/$i%e+ $n+e% this Act. the @AR is &an+ate+ to +ete%&ine an+ #i2 i&&e+iatel" the lease %entals the%eo# in acco%+ance with Section 4: o# R. A. No. 47:: as a&en+e+ 5 Provided That the @AR shall i&&e+iatel" an+ !e%io+icall" %e'iew an+ a+,$st the %ental st%$ct$%e #o% +i##e%ent c%o!s. incl$+in( %ice an+ co%n. o# +i##e%ent %e(ions in o%+e% to i&!%o'e !%o(%essi'el" the con+itions o# the #a%&e%. tenant o% lessee. SEC. 1-A. #ncentives. - In+i'i+$als an+ entities ownin( o% o!e%atin( #ish!on+ an+ !%awn #a%&s a%e he%eb" &an+ate+ to e2ec$te within si2 )?* &onths #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. an incenti'e !lan with thei% %e($la% #ish!on+ o% !%awn #a%& wo%ke%s o% #ish!on+ o% !%awn #a%& wo%ke%s0 o%(ani-ation. i# an". whe%eb" se'en !oint #i'e !e%cent )6.=D* o# thei% net !%o#it be#o%e ta2 #%o& the o!e%ation o# the #ish!on+ o% !%awn #a%&s a%e +ist%ib$te+ within si2t" )?>* +a"s at the en+ o# the #iscal "ea% as co&!ensation to %e($la% an+ othe% !on+ wo%ke%s in s$ch !on+s o'e% an+ abo'e the co&!ensation the" c$%%entl" %ecei'e. In o%+e% to sa#e($a%+ the %i(ht o# the %e($la% #ish!on+ o% !%awn #a%& wo%ke%s $n+e% the incenti'es !lan. the book o# the #ish!on+ o% !%awn #a%& owne%s shall be s$b,ect to !e%io+ic a$+it o% ins!ection b" ce%ti#ie+ !$blic acco$ntants chosen b" the wo%ke%s. The #o%e(oin( !%o'ision shall not a!!l" to a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s s$bse/$entl" con'e%te+ to #ish!on+s o% !%awn #a%&s !%o'i+e+ the si-e o# the lan+ con'e%te+ +oes not e2cee+ the %etention li&it o# the lan+owne%. )As a++e+ b" R. A. 6771* SEC. 14. Production+)haring Plan. + An" ente%!%ise a+o!tin( the sche&e !%o'i+e+ #o% in Section 4 o% o!e%atin( $n+e% a !%o+$ction 'ent$%e. lease. &ana(e&ent cont%act o% othe% si&ila% a%%an(e&ent an+ an" #a%& co'e%e+ b" Sections 7 an+ 11 he%eo# is he%eb" &an+ate+ to e2ec$te within ninet" );>* +a"s #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. a !%o+$ction-sha%in( !lan $n+e% ($i+elines !%esc%ibe+ b" the a!!%o!%iate (o'e%n&ent a(enc". Nothin( he%ein shall be const%$e+ to sanction the +i&in$tion o# an" bene#its s$ch as sala%ies. bon$ses. lea'es an+ wo%kin( con+itions (%ante+ to the e&!lo"ee-bene#icia%ies $n+e% e2istin( laws. a(%ee&ents. an+ 'ol$nta%" !%actice b" the ente%!%ise. no% shall the ente%!%ise an+ its e&!lo"ee- bene#icia%ies be !%e'ente+ #%o& ente%in( into an" a(%ee&ent with te%&s &o%e #a'o%able to the latte%.chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" CHAPTER I8 RE9ISTRATION SEC. 1:. Registration of Landowners. - Cithin one h$n+%e+ ei(ht" )17>* +a"s #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. nat$%al o% ,$%i+ical. incl$+in( (o'e%n&ent entities. that own o% clai& to own a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s. whethe% in thei% na&es o% in the na&e o# othe%s. e2ce!t those who ha'e al%ea+" %e(iste%e+ !$%s$ant to E2ec$ti'e O%+e% No. ;. who shall be entitle+ to s$ch incenti'es as &a" be !%o'i+e+ #o% b" PARC. shall #ile a swo%n state&ent in the !%o!e% assesso%s o##ice in the #o%& to be !%esc%ibe+ b" the @AR. statin( the #ollowin( in#o%&ation5 )a* The +esc%i!tion an+ a%ea o# the !%o!e%t"< )b* The a'e%a(e (%oss inco&e #%o& the !%o!e%t" #o% at least th%ee )4* "ea%s< )c* The na&es o# the tenants an+ #a%& wo%ke%s the%ein< )+* The c%o!s !lante+ in the !%o!e%t" an+ the a%ea co'e%e+ b" each c%o! as o# E$ne 1.1;76< )e* The te%&s o# &o%t(a(es. leases. an+ &ana(e&ent cont%acts s$bsistin( as o# E$ne 1. 1;76< an+ )#* The latest +ecla%e+ &a%ket 'al$e o# the lan+ as +ete%&ine+ b" the cit" o% !%o'incial assesso%. SEC. 1=. Registration of .eneficiaries. - The @AR in coo%+ination with the 1a%an(a" A(%a%ian Re#o%& Co&&ittee )1ARC* as o%(ani-e+ in this Act. shall %e(iste% all a(%ic$lt$%al lessees. tenants an+ #a%&wo%ke%s who a%e /$ali#ie+ to be bene#icia%ies with the assistance o# the 1ARC an+ the @AR shall !%o'i+e the #ollowin( +ata5 )a* Na&es an+ &e&be%s o# thei% i&&e+iate #a%& ho$sehol+< )b* Location an+ a%ea o# the lan+ the" wo%k< )c* C%o!s !lante+< an+ )+* Thei% sha%e in the ha%'est o% a&o$nt o# %ental !ai+ o% wa(es %ecei'e+. A co!" o# the %e(ist%" o% list o# all !otential CARP bene#icia%ies in the ba%an(a" shall be !oste+ in the ba%an(a" hall. school o% othe% !$blic b$il+in(s in the ba%an(a" whe%e it shall be o!en to ins!ection b" the !$blic at all %easonable ho$%s. CHAPTER 8 LAN@ ACFAISITION SEC. 1?. Procedure for Ac/uisition of Private Lands.+ 3o% !$%!oses o# ac/$isition o# !%i'ate lan+s. the #ollowin( !%oce+$%es shall be #ollowe+5 )a* A#te% ha'in( i+enti#ie+ the lan+. the lan+owne%s an+ the bene#icia%ies. the @AR shall sen+ its notice to ac/$i%e the lan+ to the owne%s the%eo#. b" !e%sonal +eli'e%" o% %e(iste%e+ &ail. an+ !ost the sa&e in a cons!ic$o$s !lace in the &$nici!al b$il+in( an+ ba%an(a" hall o# the !lace whe%e the !%o!e%t" is locate+. Sai+ notice shall contain the o##e% o# the @AR to !a" a co%%es!on+in( 'al$e in acco%+ance with the 'al$ation set #o%th in Sections 16. 17. an+ othe% !e%tinent !%o'isions he%eo#. )b* Cithin thi%t" )4>* +a"s #%o& the +ate o# %ecei!t o# w%itten notice b" !e%sonal +eli'e%" o% %e(iste%e+ &ail. the lan+owne%. his a+&inist%ato% o% %e!%esentati'e shall in#o%& the @AR o# his acce!tance o% %e,ection o# the o##e%. )c* I# the lan+owne% acce!ts the o##e% o# the @AR. the L1P shall !a" the lan+owne% the !$%chase !%ice o# the lan+ within thi%t" )4>* +a"s a#te% he e2ec$tes an+ +eli'e%s a +ee+ o# t%ans#e% in #a'o% o# the 9o'e%n&ent an+ s$%%en+e%s the Ce%ti#icate o# Title an+ othe% &$ni&ents o# title. )+* In case o# %e,ection o% #ail$%e to %e!l". the @AR shall con+$ct s$&&a%" a+&inist%ati'e !%ocee+in(s to +ete%&ine the co&!ensation o# the lan+ b" %e/$i%in( the lan+owne%. the L1P an+ othe% inte%este+ !a%ties to s$&&it e'i+ence as to the ,$st co&!ensation #o% the lan+. within #i#teen )1=* +a"s #%o& the %ecei!t o# the notice. A#te% the e2!i%ation o# the abo'e !e%io+. the &atte% is +ee&e+ s$b&itte+ #o% +ecision. The @AR shall +eci+e the case within thi%t" )4>* +a"s a#te% it is s$b&itte+ #o% +ecision. )e* A!on %ecei!t b" the lan+owne% o# the co%%es!on+in( !a"&ent o% in case o# %e,ection o% no %es!onse #%o& the lan+owne%. $!on the +e!osit with an accessible bank +esi(nate+ b" the @AR o# the co&!ensation in cash o% L1P bon+s in acco%+ance with this Act. the @AR shall take i&&e+iate !ossession o# the lan+ an+ shall %e/$est the !%o!e% Re(iste% o# @ee+s to iss$e a T%ans#e% Ce%ti#icate o# Title )TCT* in the na&e o# the Re!$blic o# the Phili!!ines. The @AR shall the%ea#te% !%ocee+ with the %e+ist%ib$tion o# the lan+ to the /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies. )#* An" !a%t" who +isa(%ees with the +ecision &a" b%in( the &atte% to the co$%t o# !%o!e% ,$%is+iction #o% #inal +ete%&ination o# ,$st co&!ensation. CHAPTER 8I COMPENSATION SEC. 16. Determination of 0ust Compensation. - In +ete%&inin( ,$st co&!ensation. the cost o# ac/$isition o# the lan+. the c$%%ent 'al$e o# like !%o!e%ties. its nat$%e. act$al $se an+ inco&e. the swo%n 'al$ation b" the owne%. the ta2 +ecla%ations. an+ the assess&ent &a+e b" (o'e%n&ent assesso%s. shall be consi+e%e+. The social an+ econo&ic bene#its cont%ib$te+ b" the #a%&e%s an+ the #a%&wo%ke%s an+ b" (o'e%n&ent to the !%o!e%t" as well as the non-!a"&ent o# ta2es o% loans sec$%e+ #%o& an" (o'e%n&ent #inancin( instit$tion on the sai+ lan+ shall be consi+e%e+ as a++itional #acto%s to +ete%&ine its 'al$ation. SEC. 17. 1aluation and ,ode of Compensation. - The L1P shall co&!ensate the lan+owne% in s$ch a&o$nt as &a" be a(%ee+ $!on b" the lan+owne% an+ the @AR an+ L1P o% as &a" be #inall" +ete%&ine+ b" the co$%t as ,$st co&!ensation #o% the lan+. The co&!ensation shall be !ai+ in one o# the #ollowin( &o+es at the o!tion o# the lan+owne%5 )1* Cash !a"&ent. $n+e% the #ollowin( te%&s an+ con+itions5 )a* &or lands a$ove fift" 2345 hectares insofar as the e-cess hectarage isconcerned - Twent"-#i'e !e%cent )=D* cash. the balance to be !ai+ in (o'e%n&ent #inancial inst%$&ents ne(otiable at an" ti&e. )b* &or lands a$ove twent"+four hectares and up to fift" 2345 hectares - Thi%t" !e%cent )4>D* cash. the balance to be !ai+ in (o'e%n&ent #inancial inst%$&ents ne(otiable at an" ti&e. )c* &or lands twent"+four 2675 hectares and $elow - Thi%t"-#i'e !e%cent )4=D* cash. the balance to be !ai+ in (o'e%n&ent #inancial inst%$&ents ne(otiable at an" ti&e. )* Sha%es o# stock in (o'e%n&ent-owne+ o% cont%olle+ co%!o%ations. L1P !%e#e%%e+ sha%es. !h"sical assets o% othe% /$ali#ie+ in'est&ents in acco%+ance with ($i+elines set b" the PARC< )4* Ta2 c%e+its which can be $se+ a(ainst an" ta2 liabilit"< ):* L1P bon+s. which shall ha'e the #ollowin( #eat$%es5 )a* ,ar'et interest rates aligned with 91+da" treasur" $ill rates. Ten !e%cent )1>D* o# the #ace 'al$e o# the bon+s shall &at$%e e'e%" "ea% #%o& the +ate o# iss$ance $ntil the tenth )1>th* "ea%5 Provided That sho$l+ the lan+owne% choose to #o%e(o the cash !o%tion. whethe% in #$ll o% in !a%t. he shall be !ai+ co%%es!on+in(l" in L1P bon+s< )b* Transfera$ilit" and negotia$ilit". S$ch L1P bon+s &a" be $se+ b" the lan+owne%. his s$ccesso%s-in-inte%est o% his assi(ns. $! to the a&o$nt o# thei% #ace 'al$e #o% an" o# the #ollowin(5 )i* Ac/$isition o# lan+ o% othe% %eal !%o!e%ties o# the (o'e%n&ent. incl$+in( assets $n+e% the Assets P%i'ati-ation P%o(%a& an+ othe% assets #o%eclose+ b" (o'e%n&ent #inancial instit$tion in the sa&e !%o'ince o% %e(ion whe%e the lan+s #o% which the bon+s we%e !ai+ a%e sit$ate+< )ii* Ac/$isition o# sha%es o# stock o# (o'e%n&ent-owne+ o% cont%olle+ co%!o%ations o% sha%es o% stock owne+ b" the (o'e%n&ent in !%i'ate co%!o%ations<chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" )iii* S$bstit$tion #o% s$%et" o% bail bon+s #o% the !%o'isional %elease o# acc$se+ !e%sons. o% #o% !e%#o%&ance bon+s< )i'* Sec$%it" #o% loans with an" (o'e%n&ent #inancial instit$tion. !%o'i+e+ the !%ocee+s o# the loans shall be in'este+ in an econo&ic ente%!%ise. !%e#e%abl" in a s&all an+ &e+i$&-scale in+$st%". in the sa&e !%o'ince o% %e(ion as the lan+ #o% which the bon+s a%e !ai+< )'* Pa"&ent #o% 'a%io$s ta2es an+ #ees to the (o'e%n&ent5 Provided That the $se o# these bon+s #o% these !$%!oses will be li&ite+ to a ce%tain !e%centa(e o# the o$tstan+in( balance o# the #inancial inst%$&ent5 Provided further That the PARC shall +ete%&ine the !e%centa(es &entione+ abo'e< )'i* Pa"&ent #o% t$ition #ees o# the i&&e+iate #a&il" o# the o%i(inal bon+hol+e% in (o'e%n&ent $ni'e%sities. colle(es. t%a+e schools an+ othe% instit$tions< )'ii* Pa"&ent #o% #ees o# the i&&e+iate #a&il" o# the o%i(inal bon+hol+e% in (o'e%n&ent hos!itals< an+ )'iii* S$ch othe% $ses as the PARC &a" #%o& ti&e to ti&e allow. In case o# e2t%ao%+ina%" in#lation. the PARC shall take a!!%o!%iate &eas$%es to !%otect the econo&". SEC. 1;. #ncentives for 1oluntar" *ffers for )ale. - Lan+owne%s othe% than banks an+ othe% #inancial instit$tions who 'ol$nta%il" o##e% thei% lan+s #o% sale shall be entitle+ to an a++itional #i'e !e%cent )=D* cash !a"&ent. SEC. >. 8ol$nta%" Land Transfer. - Lan+owne%s o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s s$b,ect to ac/$isition $n+e% this Act &a" ente% into a 'ol$nta%" a%%an(e&ent #o% +i%ect t%ans#e% o# thei% lan+s to /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies s$b,ect to the #ollowin( ($i+elines5 )a* All notices #o% 'ol$nta%" lan+ t%ans#e% &$st be s$b&itte+ to the @AR within the #i%st "ea% o# the i&!le&entation o# the CARP. Ne(otiations between the lan+owne%s an+ /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies co'e%in( an" 'ol$nta%" lan+ t%ans#e% which %e&ain $n%esol'e+ a#te% one )1* "ea% shall not be %eco(ni-e+ an+ s$ch lan+ shall instea+ be ac/$i%e+ b" the (o'e%n&ent an+ t%ans#e%%e+ !$%s$ant to this Act. )b* The te%&s an+ con+itions o# s$ch t%ans#e% shall not be less #a'o%able to the t%ans#e%ee than those o# the (o'e%n&ent 0s stan+in( o##e% to !$%chase #%o& the lan+owne% an+ to %esell to the bene#icia%ies. i# s$ch o##e%s ha'e been &a+e an+ a%e #$ll" known to both !a%ties. )c* The 'ol$nta%" a(%ee&ent shall incl$+e sanctions #o% non-co&!liance b" eithe% !a%t" an+ shall be +$l" %eco%+e+ an+ its i&!le&entation &onito%e+ b" the @AR. SEC. 1. Pa"ment of Compensation $" .eneficiaries 8nder 1oluntar" Land Transfer.+ @i%ect !a"&ent in cash o% in kin+ &a" be &a+e b" the #a%&e%- bene#icia%" to the lan+owne% $n+e% te%&s to be &$t$all" a(%ee+ $!on b" both !a%ties. which shall be bin+in( $!on the&. $!on %e(ist%ation with an+ a!!%o'al b" the @AR. Sai+ a!!%o'al shall be consi+e%e+ (i'en. $nless notice o# +isa!!%o'al is %ecei'e+ b" the #a%&e%-bene#icia%" within 4> +a"s #%o& the +ate o# %e(ist%ation.In the e'ent the" cannot a(%ee on the !%ice o# the lan+. the !%oce+$%e #o% co&!$lso%" ac/$isition as !%o'i+e+ in Section 1? shall a!!l". The L1P shall e2ten+ #inancin( to the bene#icia%ies #o% !$%!oses o# ac/$i%in( the lan+. CHAPTER 8II LAN@ RE@ISTRI1ATION SEC. . 9ualified .eneficiaries. - The lan+s co'e%e+ b" the CARP shall be +ist%ib$te+ as &$ch as !ossible to lan+less %esi+ents o# the sa&e ba%an(a". o% in the absence the%eo#. lan+less %esi+ents o# the sa&e &$nici!alit" in the #ollowin( o%+e% o# !%io%it"5 )a* a(%ic$lt$%al lessees an+ sha%e tenants< )b* %e($la% #a%& wo%ke%s< )c* seasonal #a%& wo%ke%s< )+* othe% #a%& wo%ke%s< )e* act$al tille%s o% occ$!ants o# !$blic lan+s< )#* collecti'e o% coo!e%ati'es o# the abo'e bene#icia%ies< an+ )(* othe%s +i%ectl" wo%kin( on the lan+. Provided however That the chil+%en o# lan+owne%s who a%e /$ali#ie+ $n+e% Section ? o# this Act shall be (i'en !%e#e%ence in the +ist%ib$tion o# the lan+ o# thei% !a%ents< an+5 Provided further that act$al tenant -tille%s in the lan+hol+in( shall not be e,ecte+ o% %e&o'e+ the%e#%o&. 1ene#icia%ies $n+e% P%esi+ential @ec%ee No. 6 who ha'e c$l!abl" sol+. +is!ose+ o#. o% aban+one+ thei% lan+ a%e +is/$ali#ie+ to beco&e bene#icia%ies $n+e% thei% !%o(%a&. A basic /$ali#ication o# a bene#icia%" shall be his willin(ness. a!tit$+e an+ abilit" to c$lti'ate an+ &ake lan+ as !%o+$cti'e as !ossible. The @AR shall a+o!t a s"ste& o# &onito%in( the %eco%+ o% !e%#o%&ance o# each bene#icia%". so that an" bene#icia%" ($ilt" o# ne(li(ence o% &is$se o# the lan+ o% an" s$!!o%t e2ten+e+ to hi& shall #o%#eit his %i(ht to contin$e as s$ch bene#icia%". The @AR shall s$b&it !e%io+ic %e!o%ts on the !e%#o%&ance o# the bene#icia%ies to the PARC. I#. +$e to lan+owne%0s %etention %i(hts o% to the n$&be% o# tenants. lessees. o% wo%ke%s on the lan+. the%e is not eno$(h lan+ to acco&&o+ate an" o% so&e o# the&. the" &a" be (%ante+ owne%shi! o# othe% lan+s a'ailable #o% +ist%ib$tion $n+e% this Act. at the o!tion o# the bene#icia%ies. 3a%&e%s al%ea+" in !lace an+ those not acco&&o+ate+ in the +ist%ib$tion o# !%i'atel"-owne+ lan+s will be (i'en !%e#e%ential %i(hts in the +ist%ib$tion o# lan+s #%o& the !$blic +o&ain. SEC. 4. Distri$ution Limit. + No /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%" &a" own &o%e than th%ee )4* hecta%es o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+. SEC. :. Award to .eneficiaries. + The %i(hts an+ %es!onsibilities o# the bene#icia%" shall co&&ence #%o& the ti&e the @AR &akes an awa%+ o# the lan+ to hi&. which awa%+ shall be co&!lete+ within one h$n+%e+ ei(ht" )17>* +a"s #%o& the ti&e the @AR takes act$al !ossession o# the lan+. Owne%shi! o# the bene#icia%" shall be e'i+ence+ b" a Ce%ti#icate o# Lan+ Owne%shi! Awa%+. which shall contain the %est%ictions an+ con+itions !%o'i+e+ #o% in this Act. an+ shall be %eco%+e+ in the Re(iste% o# @ee+s conce%ne+ an+ annotate+ on the Ce%ti#icate o# Title. SEC. =. Award Ceilings for .eneficiaries. - 1ene#icia%ies shall be awa%+e+ an a%ea not e2cee+in( th%ee )4* hecta%es. which &a" co'e% a conti($o$s t%act o# lan+ o% se'e%al !a%cels o# lan+ c$&$late+ $! to the !%esc%ibe+ awa%+ li&its. 3o% !$%!oses o# this Act. a lan+less bene#icia%" is one who owns less than th%ee )4* hecta%es o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+. The bene#icia%ies &a" o!t #o% collecti'e owne%shi!. s$ch as co-wo%ke%s o% #a%&e%s0 coo!e%ati'e o% so&e othe% #o%& o# collecti'e o%(ani-ation5 Provided That the total a%ea that &a" be awa%+e+ shall not e2cee+ the total n$&be% o# co-wo%ke%s o% &e&be%s o# the coo!e%ati'e o% collecti'e o%(ani-ation &$lti!lie+ b" the awa%+ li&it abo'e !%esc%ibe+. e2ce!t in &e%ito%io$s cases as +ete%&ine+ b" the PARC. Title to the !%o!e%t" shall be iss$e+ in the na&e o# the co-owne%s o% the coo!e%ati'e o% collecti'e o%(ani-ation as the case &a" be. SEC. ?. Pa"ment $" .eneficiaries. - Lan+s awa%+e+ !$%s$ant to this Act shall be !ai+ #o% b" the bene#icia%ies to the L1P in thi%t" )4>* ann$al a&o%ti-ations at si2 !e%cent )?D* inte%est !e% ann$&. The !a"&ents #o% the #i%s th%ee )4* "ea%s a#te% the awa%+ &a" be at %e+$ce+ a&o$nts as establishe+ b" the PARC 5 Provided That the #i%st #i'e )=* ann$al !a"&ents &a" not be &o%e than #i'e !e%cent )=D* o# the 'al$e o# the ann$al (%oss !%o+$ction is !ai+ as establishe+ b" the @AR. Sho$l+ the sche+$le+ ann$al !a"&ents a#te% the #i#th "ea% e2cee+ ten !e%cent )1>* o# the ann$al (%oss !%o+$ction an+ the #ail$%e to !%o+$ce acco%+in(l" is not +$e to the bene#icia%"0s #a$lt. the L1P &a" %e+$ce the inte%est %ate o% %e+$ce the !%inci!al obli(ation to &ake the !a"&ent a##o%+able. The L1P shall ha'e a lien b" wa" o# &o%t(a(e on the lan+ awa%+e+ to bene#icia%" an+ this &o%t(a(e &a" be #o%eclose+ b" the L1P #o% non- !a"&ent o# an a((%e(ate o# th%ee )4* ann$al a&o%ti-ations. The L1P shall a+'ise the @AR o# s$ch !%ocee+in(s an+ the latte% shall s$bse/$entl" awa%+ the #o%#eite+ lan+hol+in( to othe% /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies. A bene#icia%" whose lan+ as !%o'i+e+ he%ein has been #o%eclose+ shall the%ea#te% be !e%&anentl" +is/$ali#ie+ #%o& beco&in( a bene#icia%" $n+e% this Act. SEC. 6. Transfera$ilit" of Awarded Lands. - Lan+s ac/$i%e+ b" bene#icia%ies $n+e% this Act &a" not be sol+. t%ans#e%%e+ o% con'e"e+ e2ce!t th%o$(h he%e+ita%" s$ccession. o% to the (o'e%n&ent. o% to the L1P. o% to othe% /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies #o% a !e%io+ o# ten )1>* "ea%s5 Provided however. That the chil+%en o% the s!o$se o# the t%ans#e%o% shall ha'e a %i(ht to %e!$%chase the lan+ #%o& the (o'e%n&ent o% L1P within a !e%io+ o# two )* "ea%s. @$e notice o# the a'ailabilit" o# the lan+ shall be (i'en b" the L1P to the 1a%an(a" A(%a%ian Re#o%& Co&&ittee )1ARC* o# the ba%an(a" whe%e the lan+ is sit$ate+. The P%o'incial A(%a%ian Coo%+inatin( Co&&ittee )PARCCOM*. as he%ein !%o'i+e+. shall. in t$%n. be (i'en +$e notice the%eo# b" the 1ARC. I# the lan+ has not "et been #$ll" !ai+ b" the bene#icia%". the %i(ht to the lan+ &a" be t%ans#e%%e+ o% con'e"e+. with !%io% a!!%o'al o# the @AR. to an" hei% o# the bene#icia%" o% to an" othe% bene#icia%" who. as a con+ition #o% s$ch t%ans#e% o% con'e"ance. shall c$lti'ate the lan+ hi&sel#. 3ailin( co&!liance he%ewith. the lan+ shall be t%ans#e%%e+ to the L1P which shall (i'e +$e notice o# the a'ailabilit" o# the lan+ in the &anne% s!eci#ie+ in the i&&e+iatel" !%ece+in( !a%a(%a!h. In the e'ent o# s$ch t%ans#e% to the L1P. the latte% shall co&!ensate the bene#icia%" in one l$&! s$& #o% the a&o$nts the latte% has al%ea+" !ai+. to(ethe% with the 'al$e o# i&!%o'e&ents he has &a+e on the lan+. SEC. 7)tanding Crops at the Time of Ac/uisition. - The lan+owne% shall %etain his sha%e o# an" stan+in( c%o!s $nha%'este+ at the ti&e the @AR shall take !ossession o# the lan+ $n+e% Section 1? o# this Act. an+ shall be (i'en a %easonable ti&e to ha%'est the sa&e. CHAPTER 8III CORPORATE 3ARMS SEC. ;. &arms *wned or *perated $" Corporations or *ther .usiness Associations. + In the case o# #a%&s owne+ o% o!e%ate+ b" co%!o%ations o% othe% b$siness associations. the #ollowin( %$les shall be obse%'e+ b" the PARC. In (ene%al. lan+s shall be +ist%ib$te+ +i%ectl" to the in+i'i+$al wo%ke%- bene#icia%ies. In case it is not econo&icall" #easible an+ so$n+ to +i'i+e the lan+. then it shall be owne+ collecti'el" b" the wo%ke%-bene#icia%ies who shall #o%& a wo%ke%s0 coo!e%ati'e o% association which will +eal with the co%!o%ation o% b$siness association. Antil a new a(%ee&ent is ente%e+ into b" an+ between the wo%ke%s0 coo!e%ati'e o% association an+ the co%!o%ation o% b$siness association. an" a(%ee&ent e2istin( at the ti&e this Act takes e##ect between the #o%&e% an+ the !%e'io$s lan+owne% shall be %es!ecte+ b" both the wo%ke%s0 coo!e%ati'e o% association an+ the co%!o%ation o% b$siness association. SEC. 4>. :omelots and &armlots for ,em$ers of Cooperatives. - The in+i'i+$al &e&be%s o# the coo!e%ati'es o% co%!o%ations &entione+ in the !%ece+in( section shall be !%o'i+e+ with ho&elots an+ s&all #a%&lots #o% thei% #a&il" $se. to be taken #%o& the lan+ owne+ b" the coo!e%ati'e o% co%!o%ation. SEC. 41. Corporate Landowners. - Co%!o%ate lan+owne%s &a" 'ol$nta%il" t%ans#e% owne%shi! o'e% thei% a(%ic$lt$%al lan+hol+in(s to the Re!$blic o# the Phili!!ines !$%s$ant to Section > he%eo# o% to /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies. $n+e% s$ch te%&s an+ con+itions consistent with this Act. as the" &a" a(%ee $!on. s$b,ect to con#i%&ation b" the @AR. A!on ce%ti#ication b" the @AR. co%!o%ations ownin( a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s &a" (i'e thei% /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies the %i(ht to !$%chase s$ch !%o!o%tion o# the ca!ital stock o# the co%!o%ation that the a(%ic$lt$%al lan+. act$all" +e'ote+ to a(%ic$lt$%al acti'ities. bea%s in %elation to the co&!an"0s total assets. $n+e% s$ch te%&s an+ con+itions as &a" be a(%ee+ $!on b" the&. In no case shall the co&!ensation %ecei'e+ b" the wo%ke%s at the ti&e the sha%es o# stocks a%e +ist%ib$te+ be %e+$ce+. The sa&e !%inci!le shall be a!!lie+ to associations. with %es!ect to thei% e/$it" o% !a%tici!ation. Co%!o%ations o% associations which 'ol$nta%il" +i'est a !%o!o%tion o# thei% ca!ital stock. e/$it" o% !a%tici!ation in #a'o% o# thei% wo%ke%s o% othe% /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies $n+e% this section shall be +ee&e+ to ha'e co&!lie+ with the !%o'isions o# this Act5 Provided That the #ollowin( con+ition a%e co&!lie+ with5 )a* In o%+e% to sa#e($a%+ the %i(ht o# bene#icia%ies who own sha%es o# stocks to +i'i+en+s an+ othe% #inancial bene#its. the books o# the co%!o%ation o% association shall be s$b,ect to !e%io+ic a$+it b" ce%ti#ie+ !$blic acco$ntants chosen b" the bene#icia%ies< )b* I%%es!ecti'e o# the 'al$e o# thei% e/$it" in the co%!o%ation o% association. the bene#icia%ies shall be ass$%e+ o# at least one )1* %e!%esentati'e in the boa%+ o# +i%ecto%s. o% in a &ana(e&ent o% e2ec$ti'e co&&ittee. i# one e2ists. o# the co%!o%ation o% association< )c* An" sha%es ac/$i%e+ b" s$ch wo%ke%s an+ bene#icia%ies shall ha'e the sa&e %i(hts an+ #eat$%es as all othe% sha%es< an+ )+* An" t%ans#e% o# sha%es o# stocks b" the o%i(inal bene#icia%ies shall be 'oi+a$ initio $nless sai+ t%ansaction is in #a'o% o# a /$ali#ie+ an+ %e(iste%e+ bene#icia%" within the sa&e co%!o%ation. I# within two )* "ea%s #%o& the a!!%o'al o# this Act. the lan+ o% stock t%ans#e% en'isione+ abo'e is not &a+e o% %eali-e+ o% the !lan #o% s$ch stock +ist%ib$tion a!!%o'e+ b" the PARC within the sa&e !e%io+. the a(%ic$lt$%al lan+ o# the co%!o%ate owne%s o% co%!o%ation shall be s$b,ect to the co&!$lso%" co'e%a(e o# this Act. SEC. 4. Production+)haring. - Pen+in( #inal lan+ t%ans#e%. in+i'i+$als o% entities ownin(. o% o!e%atin( $n+e% lease o% &ana(e&ent cont%act. a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s a%e he%eb" &an+ate+ to e2ec$te a !%o+$ction-sha%in( !lan with thei% #a%&wo%ke%s o% #a%&wo%ke%s0 o%(ani-ation. i# an". whe%eb" th%ee !e%cent )4D* o# the (%oss sales #%o& the !%o+$ction o# s$ch lan+s a%e +ist%ib$te+ within si2t" )?>* +a"s at the en+ o# the #iscal "ea% as co&!ensation to %e($la% an+ othe% #a%&wo%ke%s in s$ch lan+s o'e% an+ abo'e the co&!ensation the" c$%%entl" %ecei'e5 Provided. That these in+i'i+$als o% entities %eali-e (%oss sales in e2cess o# #i'e &illion !esos !e% ann$& $nless the @AR. $!on !%o!e% a!!lication. +ete%&ines a lowe% ceilin(.chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%"
In the e'ent that the in+i'i+$al o% entit" %eali-es a !%o#it. an a++itional ten !e%cent )1>D* o# the net !%o#it a#te% ta2 shall be +ist%ib$te+ to sai+ %e($la% an+ othe% #a%&wo%ke%s within ninet" +a"s at the en+ o# the #iscal "ea%. To #o%estall an" +is%$!tion in the no%&al o!e%ation o# lan+s to be t$%ne+ o'e% to the #a%&wo%ke%-bene#icia%ies &entione+ abo'e. a t%ansito%" !e%io+. the len(th o# which shall be +ete%&ine+ b" the @AR. will be establishe+. @$%in( this t%ansito%" !e%io+. at least one !e%cent )1D* o# the (%oss sales o# the entit" shall be +ist%ib$te+ to the &ana(e%ial. s$!e%'iso%" an+ technical (%o$! in !lace at the ti&e o# the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. as co&!ensation #o% s$ch t%ansito%" &ana(e%ial an+ technical #$nction it will !e%#o%&. !$%s$ant to an a(%ee&ent that the #a%&wo%ke%-bene#icia%ies an+ the &ana(e%ial. s$!e%'iso%" an+ technical (%o$! &a" concl$+e. s$b,ect to the a!!%o'al o# the @AR. SEC. 44. Pa"ment of )hares of Cooperative or Association. - Sha%es o# a coo!e%ati'e o% association ac/$i%e+ b" #a%&e%s-bene#icia%ies o% wo%ke%s- bene#icia%ies shall be #$ll" !ai+ #o% in an a&o$nt co%%es!on+in( to the 'al$ation as +ete%&ine+ in the i&&e+iatel" s$ccee+in( section. The lan+owne% an+ the L1P shall assist the #a%&e%-bene#icia%ies an+ wo%ke%- bene#icia%ies in the !a"&ent #o% sai+ sha%es b" !%o'i+in( c%e+it #inancin(. SEC. 4:. 8aluation of Lands. - A 'al$ation sche&e #o% the lan+ shall be #o%&$late+ b" the PARC. takin( into acco$nt the #acto%s en$&e%ate+ in Section 16. in a++ition to the nee+ to sti&$late the (%owth o# coo!e%ati'es an+ the ob,ecti'e o# #oste%in( %es!onsible !a%tici!ation o# the wo%ke%s- bene#icia%ies in the c%eation o# wealth. In the +ete%&ination o# a !%ice that is ,$st not onl" to the in+i'i+$al b$t to societ" as will. the PARC shall cons$lt closel" with the lan+owne% an+ the wo%ke%s-bene#icia%ies. In case o# +isa(%ee&ent. the !%ice +ete%&ine+ b" the PARC. i# acce!te+ b" the wo%ke%s-bene#icia%ies. shall be #ollowe+. witho$t !%e,$+ice to the lan+owne%0s %i(ht to !etition the S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%t to %esol'e the iss$e o# 'al$ation. CHAPTER IB SAPPORT SER8ICES SEC. 4=. Creation of )upport )ervices *ffice. - The%e is he%eb" c%eate+ the O##ice o# S$!!o%t Se%'ices $n+e% the @AR to be hea+e+ b" an An+e%sec%eta%". The o##ice shall !%o'i+e (ene%al s$!!o%t an+ coo%+inati'e se%'ices in the i&!le&entation o# the !%o(%a&. !a%tic$la%l" in ca%%"in( o$t the !%o'isions o# the #ollowin( se%'ices to #a%&e% bene#icia%ies an+ a##ecte+ lan+owne%s5 )1* I%%i(ation #acilities. es!eciall" secon+ c%o! o% +%" season i%%i(ation #acilities< )* In#%ast%$ct$%e +e'elo!&ent an+ !$blic wo%ks !%o,ects in a%eas an+ settle&ent that co&e $n+e% a(%a%ian %e#o%&. an+ #o% this !$%!ose. the !%e!a%ation o# the !h"sical +e'elo!&ent !lan o# s$ch settle&ents !%o'i+in( s$itable ba%an(a" sites. !otable wate% an+ !owe% %eso$%ces. i%%i(ation s"ste&s. see+s an+ see+lin( banks. !ost ha%'est #acilities. an+ othe% #acilities #o% a so$n+ a(%ic$lt$%al +e'elo!&ent !lan. 3o% the !$%!ose o# !%o'i+in( the a#o%ecite+ in#%ast%$ct$%e an+ #acilities. the @AR is a$tho%i-e+ to ente% into cont%acts with inte%este+ !%i'ate !a%ties on lon( te%& basis o% th%o$(h ,oint 'ent$%e a(%ee&ents o% b$il+-o!e%ate-t%ans#e% sche&e5 )4* 9o'e%n&ent s$bsi+ies #o% the $se o# i%%i(ation #acilities ):* P%ice s$!!o%t an+ ($a%antee #o% all a(%ic$lt$%al !%o+$ce< )=* E2ten+in( to s&all lan+owne%s. #a%&e%s an+ #a%&e%s0 o%(ani-ations the necessa%" c%e+it. like concessional an+ collate%al-#%ee loans. #o% a(%o- in+$st%iali-ation base+ on social collate%als like the ($a%antees o# #a%&e%s0 o%(ani-ations< )?* P%o&otin(. +e'elo!in( an+ e2ten+in( #inancial assistance to s&all an+ &e+i$&-scale in+$st%ies in a(%a%ian %e#o%& a%eas< )6* Assi(nin( s$##icient n$&be%s o# a(%ic$lt$%al e2tension wo%ke%s to #a%&e%s0 o%(ani-ation< )7* An+e%take %esea%ch. +e'elo!&ent an+ +isse&ination o# in#o%&ation on a(%a%ian %e#o%&. !lants an+ c%o!s best s$ite+ #o% c$lti'ation an+ &a%ketin(. an+ low cost an+ ecolo(icall" so$n+ #a%& in!$ts an+ technolo(ies to &ini&i-e %eliance on e2!ensi'e an+ i&!o%te+ a(%ic$lt$%al in!$ts< );* @e'elo!&ent o# coo!e%ati'e &ana(e&ent skills th%o$(h intensi'e t%ainin(<chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" );* Assistance in the i+enti#ication o# %ea+" &a%kets #o% a(%ic$lt$%al !%o+$ce an+ t%ainin( in the othe% 'a%io$s as!ects o# &a%ketin(< )1>* Con+$ct an+ e##ecti'e in#o%&ation +isse&ination s"ste& th%o$(h the @e!a%t&ent o# A(%ic$lt$%e to !%o&ote &a%ketin( an+ &ini&i-e s!oila(e o# a(%ic$lt$%al !%o+$ce an+ !%o+$cts< )11* C%eate a c%e+it ($a%antee #$n+ #o% a(%ic$lt$%al lan+owne%s that will enhance the collate%al 'al$e o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s that a%e a##ecte+ o% will be a##ecte+ b" co'e%a(e $n+e% the a(%a%ian %e#o%& !%o(%a&< an+ )1* A+&inist%ation. o!e%ation. &ana(e&ent an+ #$n+in( o# s$!!o%t se%'ices !%o(%a&s an+ !%o,ects incl$+in( !ilot !%o,ects an+ &o+els %elate+ to a(%a%ian %e#o%& as +e'elo!e+ b" the @AR. )As a&en+e+ b" R. A. 6;>=* SEC. 4?. &unding for )upport )ervices. - In o%+e% to co'e% the e2!enses an+ cost o# s$!!o%t. at least twent"-#i'e !e%cent )=D* o# all a!!%o!%iations #o% a(%a%ian %e#o%& shall i&&e+iatel" be set asi+e an+ &a+e a'ailable #o% this !$%!ose5 Provided That #o% the ne2t #i'e )=* "ea%s. a &ini&$& o# one )1* A(%a%ian Re#o%& Co&&$nit" )ARC* shall be establishe+ b" the @AR. in coo%+ination with the local (o'e%n&ent $nits. non-(o'e%n&ental o%(ani-ations an+ !eo!le0s o%(ani-ations in each le(islati'e +ist%ict with a !%e+o&inant a(%ic$lt$%al !o!$lation5 Provided further. That the a%eas in which the ARCs a%e to be establishe+ shall ha'e been #$ll" s$b,ecte+ $n+e% this law. 3o% this !$%!ose. an A(%a%ian Re#o%& Co&&$nit" shall be +e#ine+ as a ba%an(a" o% a cl$ste% o# ba%an(a"s !%i&a%il" co&!ose+ an+ &ana(e+ b" A(%a%ian Re#o%& 1ene#icia%ies who shall be willin( to be o%(ani-e+ an+ $n+e%take the inte(%ate+ +e'elo!&ent o# an a%ea an+Go% thei% o%(ani-ationsGcoo!e%ati'es. In each co&&$nit". the @AR. to(ethe% with the a(encies an+ o%(ani-ations abo'e &entione+. shall i+enti#" the #a%&e%s0 association. coo!e%ati'e o% thei% %es!ecti'e #e+e%ations a!!%o'e+ b" the #a%&e%s-bene#icia%ies that shall take the lea+ in the a(%ic$lt$%al +e'elo!&ent o# the a%ea. In a++ition. the @AR shall be a$tho%i-e+ to !acka(e !%o!osals an+ %ecei'e (%ants. ai+s an+ othe% #o%&s o# #inancial assistance #%o& an" so$%ce. )As a&en+e+ b" R. A. 6;>=* SEC. 46. )upport )ervices to the .eneficiaries. - The PARC shall ens$%e that s$!!o%t se%'ices to #a%&e%-bene#icia%ies a%e !%o'i+e+. s$ch as5 )a* Lan+ s$%'e"s an+ titlin(< )b* Libe%ali-e+ te%&s o# c%e+it #acilities an+ !%o+$ction loans< )c* E2tension se%'ices b" wa" o# !lantin(. c%o!!in(. !%o+$ction an+ !ost- ha%'est technolo(" t%ans#e% as well as &a%ketin( an+ &ana(e&ent assistance an+ s$!!o%t to coo!e%ati'es an+ #a%&e% o%(ani-ation< )+* In#%ast%$ct$%e s$ch as access t%ails. &ini-+a&s. !$blic $tilities. &a%ketin( an+ sto%a(e #acilities< an+ )e* Resea%ch. !%o+$ction an+ $se o# o%(anic #e%tili-e%s an+ othe% local s$bstances necessa%" to #a%&in( an+ c$lti'ation. The PARC shall #o%&$late !olicies to ens$%e that s$!!o%t se%'ices to #a%&e%- bene#icia%ies shall be !%o'i+e+ at all sta(es o# lan+ %e#o%&. The .agong ;ilusang ;a$uha"an sa ;aunlaran )1HHH* Sec%eta%iat shall be t%ans#e%%e+ an+ attache+ to the L1P. #o% its s$!e%'ision. incl$+in( all its a!!licable an+ e2istin( #$n+s. !e%sonnel. !%o!e%ties. e/$i!&ent an+ %eco%+s.
Mis$se o% +i'e%sion o# the #inancial an+ s$!!o%t se%'ices he%ein !%o'i+e+ shall %es$lt in sanction a(ainst the bene#icia%" ($ilt" the%eo#. incl$+in( the #o%#eit$%e o# the lan+ t%ans#e%%e+ to hi& o% lesse% sanctions as &a" be !%o'i+e+ b" the PARC. witho$t !%e,$+ice to c%i&inal !%osec$tion. SEC. 47. )upport )ervices to Landowners. - The PARC. with the assistance o# s$ch othe% (o'e%n&ent a(encies an+ inst%$&entalities as it &a" +i%ect. shall !%o'i+e lan+owne%s a##ecte+ b" the CARP an+ !%o!e% a(%a%ian %e#o%& !%o(%a&s with the #ollowin( se%'ices5 )a* In'est&ent in#o%&ation. #inancial an+ co$nselin( assistance< )b* 3acilities. !%o(%a&s an+ sche&es #o% the con'e%sion o% e2chan(e o# bon+s iss$e+ #o% !a"&ent o# the lan+s ac/$i%e+ with stocks an+ bon+s iss$e+ b" the National 9o'e%n&ent. the cent%al bank an+ othe% (o'e%n&ent instit$tions an+ inst%$&entalities< )c* Ma%ketin( o# L1P bon+s. as well as !%o&otin( the &a%ketabilit" o# sai+ bon+s in t%a+itional an+ non-t%a+itional #inancial &a%kets an+ stock e2chan(es< )+* Othe% se%'ices +esi(ne+ to $tili-e !%o+$cti'el" the !%ocee+s o# the sale o# s$ch lan+s #o% %$%al in+$st%iali-ation.
A lan+owne% who in'ests in %$%al-base+ in+$st%ies shall be entitle+ to the incenti'es (%ante+ to a %e(iste%e+ ente%!%ise en(a(e+ in a !ionee% o% !%e#e%%e+ a%ea o# in'est&ent as !%o'i+e+ #o% in the O&nib$s In'est&ent Co+e o# 1;76. o% to s$ch othe% incenti'es as the PARC. the L1P. o% othe% (o'e%n&ent #inancial instit$tions &a" !%o'i+e. The L1P shall %e+ee& a lan+owne%0s L1P bon+s at #ace 'al$e5 Provided that the !%ocee+s the%eo# shall be in'este+ in a 1OI- %e(iste%e+ co&!an" o% in an" a(%i-b$siness o% a(%o-in+$st%ial ente%!%ise in the %e(ion whe%e the lan+owne% has !%e'io$sl" &a+e in'est&ents. to the e2tent o# thi%t" !e%cent )4>D* o# the #ace 'al$e o# sai+ L1P bon+s. s$b,ect to ($i+elines that shall be iss$e+ b" the L1P. SEC. 4;. Land Consolidation. - the @AR shall ca%%" o$t lan+ consoli+ation !%o,ects to !%o&ote e/$al +ist%ib$tion o# lan+hol+in(s. to !%o'i+e the nee+e+ in#%ast%$ct$%e in a(%ic$lt$%e. an+ to conse%'e soil #e%tilit" an+ !%e'ent e%osion. CHAPTER B SPECIAL AREAS O3 CONCERN SEC. :>. )pecial Areas of Concern. - As an inte(%al !a%t o# the Co&!%ehensi'e A(%a%ian Re#o%& P%o(%a&. the #ollowin( !%inci!les in these s!ecial a%eas o# conce%n shall be obse%'e+5 )1* )u$sistence &ishing. - S&all #ishe% #olk. incl$+in( seawee+ #a%&e%s. shall be ass$%e+ o# (%eate% access to the $tili-ation o# wate% %eso$%ces< )* Logging and ,ining concessions. - S$b,ect to the %e/$i%e&ent o# a balance+ ecolo(" an+ conse%'ation o# wate% %eso$%ces. s$itable a%eas. as +ete%&ine+ b" the @e!a%t&ent o# En'i%on&ent an+ Nat$%al Reso$%ces )@ENR*. in lo((in(. &inin( an+ !ast$%e a%eas. &$st be o!ene+ $! #o% a(%a%ian settle&ents whose bene#icia%ies will be %e/$i%e+ to $n+e%take %e#o%estation an+ conse%'ation o# !%o+$cts ðo+s. S$b,ect to e2istin( laws. %$les an+ %e($lation. settle%s an+ &e&be%s o# t%ibal co&&$nities &$st be allowe+ to en,o" an+ e2!loit the !%o+$cts o# the #o%ests othe% than ti&be% within the lo((in( concessions. )4* )parsel" *ccupied Pu$lic Agricultural lands. - S!a%sel" occ$!ie+ a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain will be s$%'e"e+. !%oclai&e+ an+ +e'elo!e+ as #a%& settle&ents #o% /$ali#ie+ lan+less !eo!le base+ on an o%(ani-e+ !%o(%a& to ens$%e thei% o%+e%l" an+ ea%l" +e'elo!&ent A(%ic$lt$%al lan+ allocations will be &a+e #o% i+eal #a&il"-si-e+ #a%&s as +ete%&ine+ b" the PARC. Pionee%s an+ othe% settle%s will be t%eate+ e/$all" in e'e%" %es!ect. S$b,ect to the !%io% %i(hts o# /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies. $nc$lti'ate+ lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain shall be &a+e a'ailable on a lease basis to inte%este+ an+ /$ali#ie+ !a%ties. Pa%ties who will en(a(e in the +e'elo!&ent o# ca!ital- intensi'e. t%a+itional o% !ionee%in( c%o!s will be (i'en !%io%it". The lease !e%io+. which shall not be &o%e than a total o# #i#t" )=>* "ea%s. shall be !%o!o%tionate to the a&o$nt o# in'est&ent an+ !%o+$ction (oals o# the lessee. A s"ste& o# e'al$ation an+ a$+it will be instit$te+. ):* #dle a$andoned foreclosed and se/uestered lands. - I+le. aban+one+. #o%eclose+ an+ se/$este%e+ lan+s shall be !lanne+ #o% +ist%ib$tion as ho&elots an+ #a&il"-si-e+ #a%& lots to act$al occ$!ants. I# lan+ a%ea !e%&its. othe% lan+less #a&ilies will be acco&&o+ate+ in these lan+s. )=* Rural <omen. - All /$ali#ie+ wo&en &e&be%s o# the a(%ic$lt$%al labo% #o%ce &$st be ($a%antee+ an+ ass$%e+ e/$al %i(hts to owne%shi! o# the lan+. e/$al sha%es o# the #a%&0s !%o+$ce. an+ %e!%esentation in a+'iso%" o% a!!%o!%iate +ecision-&akin( bo+ies.chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" )?* 1eterans and Retirees. - In acco%+ance with Section 6 o# A%ticle B8I o# the Constit$tion. lan+less wa% 'ete%ans an+ 'ete%ans o# &ilita%" ca&!ai(ns. thei% s$%'i'in( s!o$se an+ o%!hans. %eti%ees o# the A%&e+ 3o%ces o# the Phili!!ines )A3P* an+ the Inte(%ate+ National Police )INP*. %et$%nees. s$%%en+e%ees. an+ si&ila% bene#icia%ies shall be (i'en +$e consi+e%ation in the +is!osition o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s o# the !$blic +o&ain. )6* Agriculture =raduates. - 9%a+$ates o# a(%ic$lt$%al schools who a%e lan+less shall be assiste+ b" the (o'e%n&ent. th%o$(h the @AR. in thei% +esi%e to own an+ till a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s. CHAPTER BI PRO9RAM IMPLEMENTATION SEC. :1. The Presidential Agrarian Reform Council. - The P%esi+ential A(%a%ian Re#o%& Co$ncil )PARC* shall be co&!ose+ o# the P%esi+ent o# the Phili!!ines as Chai%&an. the Sec%eta%" o# A(%a%ian Re#o%& as 8ice-Chai%&an an+ the #ollowin( as &e&be%s5 Sec%eta%ies o# the @e!a%t&ents o# A(%ic$lt$%e< En'i%on&ent an+ Nat$%al Reso$%ces< 1$+(et an+ Mana(e&ent < Local 9o'e%n&ent< P$blic Co%ks an+ Hi(hwa"s< T%a+e an+ In+$st%"< 3inance< Labo% an+ E&!lo"&ent< @i%ecto%-9ene%al o# the National Econo&ic an+ @e'elo!&ent A$tho%it"< P%esi+ent. Lan+ 1ank o# the Phili!!ines< A+&inist%ato%. National I%%i(ation A+&inist%ation< an+ th%ee )4* %e!%esentati'es o# a##ecte+ lan+owne%s to %e!%esent L$-on. 8isa"as an+ Min+anao5 Provided that one o# the& shall be #%o& the c$lt$%al co&&$nities. SEC. :. !-ecutive Committee. - The%e shall be an E2ec$ti'e Co&&ittee )EBCOM* o# the PARC co&!ose+ o# the Sec%eta%" o# the @AR as Chai%&an. an+ s$ch othe% &e&be%s as the !%esi+ent &a" +esi(nate. takin( into acco$nt A%ticle BIII. Section = o# the Constit$tion. Anless othe%wise +i%ecte+ b" the PARC. the EBCOM &a" &eet an+ +eci+e on an" an+ all &atte%s in between &eetin(s o# the PARC5 Provided however That its +ecisions &$st be %e!o%te+ to the PARC i&&e+iatel" an+ not late% than the ne2t &eetin(. SEC. :4. )ecretariat. - A PARC Sec%eta%iat is he%eb" establishe+ to !%o'i+e (ene%al s$!!o%t an+ coo%+inati'e se%'ices s$ch as inte%-a(enc" linka(es< !%o(%a& an+ !%o,ect a!!%aisal an+ e'al$ation an+ (ene%al o!e%ations &onito%in( #o% the PARC. The Sec%eta%iat shall be hea+e+ b" the Sec%eta%" o# A(%a%ian Re#o%& who shall be assiste+ b" an An+e%sec%eta%" an+ s$!!o%te+ b" a sta## whose co&!osition shall be +ete%&ine+ b" the PARC E2ec$ti'e Co&&ittee an+ whose co&!ensation shall be cha%(eable a(ainst the A(%a%ian Re#o%& 3$n+. All o##ice%s an+ e&!lo"ees o# the Sec%eta%iat shall be a!!ointe+ b" the Sec%eta%" o# A(%a%ian Re#o%&. SEC. ::. Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee 2PARCC*,5. - A P%o'incial A(%a%ian Re#o%& Coo%+inatin( Co&&ittee is he%eb" c%eate+ in each !%o'ince. co&!ose+ o# a Chai%&an. who shall be a!!ointe+ b" the P%esi+ent $!on the %eco&&en+ation o# the EBCOM. the P%o'incial A(%a%ian Re#o%& O##ice% as E2ec$ti'e O##ice%. an+ one )1* %e!%esentati'e each #%o& the @e!a%t&ent o# A(%ic$lt$%e. @e!a%t&ent o# En'i%on&ent an+ Nat$%al Reso$%ces an+ #%o& the L1P< one )1* %e!%esentati'e each #%o& e2istin( #a%&e%s0 o%(ani-ations. a(%ic$lt$%al coo!e%ati'es an+ non-(o'e%n&ental o%(ani-ations in the !%o'ince< two )* %e!%esentati'es #%o& lan+owne%s at least one )1* o# who& shall be a !%o+$ce% %e!%esentin( the !%inci!al c%o! o# the !%o'ince< an+ two )* %e!%esentati'es #%o& #a%&e%s an+ #a%& wo%ke%s o% bene#icia%ies. at least one )1* o# who& shall be a #a%&e% o% #a%&wo%ke% %e!%esentin( the !%inci!al c%o! o# the !%o'ince. as &e&be%s5 Provided. That in a%eas whe%e the%e a%e c$lt$%al co&&$nities. the latte% shall likewise ha'e one )1* %e!%esentati'e. The PARCCOM shall coo%+inate an+ &onito% the i&!le&entation o# the CARP in the !%o'ince. It shall !%o'i+e in#o%&ation on the !%o'isions o# the CARP. ($i+elines iss$e+ b" the PARC an+ on the !%o(%ess o# the CARP in the !%o'ince. In a++ition. it shall5 )a* Reco&&en+ to the PARC the #ollowin( 5 )1* Ma%ket !%ice to be $se+ in the +ete%&ination o# the !%o#it-sha%in( obli(ation o# a(%ic$lt$%al entities in the !%o'ince< )* A+o!tion o# the +i%ect !a"&ent sche&e between the lan+owne% an+ the #a%&e% an+Go% #a%&wo%ke%-bene#icia%"5 Provided. that the a&o$nt an+ te%&s o# !a"&ent a%e not &o%e b$%+enso&e to the a(%a%ian %e#o%& bene#icia%" than $n+e% the co&!$lso%" co'e%a(e !%o'ision o# the CARL5 Provided. further That the a(%a%ian %e#o%& bene#icia%" a(%ees to the a&o$nt an+ the te%&s o# !a"&ent 5 Provided furthermore That the @AR shall act as &e+iato% in cases o# +isa(%ee&ent between the lan+owne% an+ the #a%&e% an+Go% #a%&wo%ke%-bene#icia%"5 Provided finall" That the #a%&e% an+Go% #a%&e%-bene#icia%" shall be eli(ible to bo%%ow #%o& the L1P an a&o$nt e/$al to ei(ht"-#i'e !e%cent )7=D* o# the sellin( !%ice o# the lan+ that the" ha'e ac/$i%e+< )4* Contin$o$s !%ocessin( o# a!!lications #o% lease-back a%%an(e&ents. ,oint 'ent$%e a(%ee&ents an+ othe% sche&es that will o!ti&i-e the o!e%atin( si-e #o% a(%ic$lt$%e !%o+$ction an+ also !%o&ote both sec$%it" o# ten$%e an+ sec$%it" o# inco&e to #a%&e% bene#icia%ies5 Provided That lease-back a%%an(e&ents sho$l+ be the last %eso%t. )As a&en+e+ b" R. A. 6;>=* SEC. := Province+$"+Province #mplementation. - The PARC shall !%o'i+e the ($i+elines #o% the !%o'ince-b"-!%o'ince i&!le&entation o# the CARP. takin( into acco$nt !ec$lia%ities an+ nee+s o# each !lace. kin+ o# c%o!s nee+e+ o% s$ite+. lan+ +ist%ib$tion wo%kloa+. bene#icia%ies0 +e'elo!&ent acti'ities an+ othe% #acto%s !%e'alent o% obtainin( in the a%ea. In all cases. the i&!le&entin( a(encies at the !%o'incial le'el shall !%o&ote the +e'elo!&ent o# i+enti#ie+ ARCs witho$t ne(lectin( the nee+s an+ !%oble&s o# othe% bene#icia%ies. The ten-"ea% !%o(%a& o# +ist%ib$tion o# !$blic an+ !%i'ate lan+ in each !%o'ince shall be a+,$ste+ #%o& "ea% to "ea% b" the !%o'ince0s PARCCOM in acco%+ance with the le'el o# o!e%ations !%e'io$sl" establishe+ b" the PARC. in e'e%" case ens$%in( that s$!!o%t se%'ices a%e a'ailable o% ha'e been !%o(%a&&e+ be#o%e act$al +ist%ib$tion is e##ecte+. )As a&en+e+ b" R. A. 6;>=* SEC. :? .aranga" Agrarian Reform Committee )1ARC*. - Anless othe%wise !%o'i+e+ in this Act. the !%o'isions o# E2ec$ti'e O%+e% No. ; %e(a%+in( the o%(ani-ation o# the 1a%an(a" A(%a%ian Re#o%& Co&&ittee )1ARC* shall be in e##ect. SEC. :6. &unctions of the 1ARC. - In a++ition to those !%o'i+e+ in E2ec$ti'e O%+e% No. ;. the 1ARC shall ha'e the #ollowin( #$nction5 )a* Me+iate an+ conciliate between !a%ties in'ol'e+ in an a(%a%ian +is!$te incl$+in( &atte%s %elate+ to ten$%ial an+ #inancial a%%an(e&ents< )b* Assist in the i+enti#ication o# /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies an+ lan+owne%s within the ba%an(a"< )c* Attest to the acc$%ac" o# the initial !a%cella%" &a!!in( o# the bene#icia%"0s tilla(e< )+* Assist /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies in obtainin( c%e+it #%o& len+in( instit$tions< )e* Assist in the initial +ete%&ination o# the 'al$e o# the lan+< )#* Assist the @AR %e!%esentati'e in the !%e!a%ation o# !e%io+ic %e!o%ts on the CARP i&!le&entation #o% s$b&ission to the @AR< )(* Coo%+inate the +eli'e%" o# s$!!o%t se%'ices to bene#icia%ies< an+ )h* Pe%#o%& s$ch othe% #$nctions as &a" be assi(ne+ b" the @AR )* The 1ARC shall en+ea'o% to &e+iate. conciliate an+ settle a(%a%ian +is!$tes lo+(e+ be#o%e it within thi%t" )4>* +a"s #%o& its takin( co(ni-ance the%eo#. I# a#te% the la!se o# the thi%t" +a" !e%io+. it is $nable to settle the +is!$te. it shall iss$e a ce%ti#ication o# its !%ocee+in(s an+ shall #$%nish a co!" the%eo# $!on the !a%ties within se'en )6* +a"s #%o& the e2!i%ation o# the thi%t" +a"s !e%io+. SEC. :7. Legal Assistance. - The 1ARC o% an" &e&be% the%eo# &a". whene'e% necessa%" in the e2e%cise o# an" o# its #$nctions he%e$n+e%. seek the le(al assistance o# the @AR an+ the !%o'incial. cit". o% &$nici!al (o'e%n&ent. SEC. :;. Rules and Regulations. - The PARC an+ the @AR shall ha'e the !owe% to iss$e %$les an+ %e($lations. whethe% s$bstanti'e o% !%oce+$%al. to ca%%" o$t the ob,ects an+ !$%!oses o# this Act. Sai+ %$les shall take e##ect ten )1>* +a"s a#te% !$blication in two )* national news!a!e%s o# (ene%al ci%c$lation. CHAPTER BII A@MINISTRATI8E A@EA@ICATION SEC. =>. 9uasi+0udicial Powers of the @AR. - The @AR is he%eb" 'este+ with !%i&a%" ,$%is+iction to +ete%&ine an+ a+,$+icate a(%a%ian %e#o%& &atte%s an+ shall ha'e e2cl$si'e o%i(inal ,$%is+iction o'e% all &atte%s in'ol'in( the i&!le&entation o# a(%a%ian %e#o%&. e2ce!t those #allin( $n+e% the e2cl$si'e ,$%is+iction o# the @e!a%t&ent o# A(%ic$lt$%al )@A* an+ the @e!a%t&ent o# En'i%on&ent an+ Nat$%al Reso$%ces )@ENR*. It shall not be bo$n+ b" technical %$les o# !%oce+$%e an+ e'i+ence b$t shall !%ocee+ to hea% an+ +eci+e all cases. +is!$tes o% cont%o'e%sies in a &ost e2!e+itio$s &anne%. e&!lo"in( all %easonable &eans to asce%tain the #acts o# e'e%" case in acco%+ance with e/$it" an+ the &e%its o# the case. Towa%+ this en+. it shall a+o!t a $ni#o%& %$le o# !%oce+$%e to achie'e a ,$st. e2!e+itio$s an+ ine2!ensi'e +ete%&ination o# e'e%" action o% !%ocee+in( be#o%e it. It shall ha'e the !owe% to s$&&on witnesses. a+&iniste% oaths. take testi&on". %e/$i%e s$b&ission o# %e!o%ts. co&!el the !%o+$ction o# books an+ +oc$&ents an+ answe%s to inte%%o(ato%ies an+ iss$e s$b!oena. an+ su$poenaduces tecum an+ to en#o%ce its w%its th%o$(h she%i##s o% othe% +$l" +e!$ti-e+ o##ice%s. It shall likewise ha'e the !owe% to !$nish +i%ect an+ in+i%ect conte&!t in the sa&e &anne% an+ s$b,ect to the sa&e !enalties as !%o'i+e+ in the R$les o# Co$%t Re!%esentati'es o# #a%&e% lea+e%s shall be allowe+ to %e!%esent the&sel'es. thei% #ellow #a%&e%s o% thei% o%(ani-ations in an" !%ocee+in(s be#o%e the @AR5Provided however that when the%e a%e two o% &o%e %e!%esentati'es #o% an" in+i'i+$al o% (%o$!. the %e!%esentati'es sho$l+ choose onl" one a&on( the&sel'es to %e!%esent s$ch !a%t" o% (%o$! be#o%e an" @AR !%ocee+in(s.chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" Notwithstan+in( an a!!eal to the Co$%t o# A!!eals. the +ecision o# the @AR shall be i&&e+iatel" e2ec$to%". SEC. =1. &inalit" of Determination. - An" case o% cont%o'e%s" be#o%e it shall be +eci+e+ within thi%t" )4>* +a"s a#te% it is s$b&itte+ #o% %esol$tion. Onl" one )1* &otion #o% consi+e%ation shall be allowe+. An" o%+e%. %$lin( o% +ecision shall be #inal a#te% the la!se o# #i#teen )1=* +a"s #%o& %ecei!t o# a co!" the%eo#. SEC. =. &rivolous Appeals. - To +isco$%a(e #%i'olo$s o% +ilato%" a!!eals #%o& the +ecisions o% o%+e%s on the local o% !%o'incial le'els. the @AR &a" i&!ose %easonable !enalties. incl$+in( b$t not li&ite+ to. #ines o% cens$%es $!on e%%in( !a%ties. SEC. =4. Certification of 1ARC. - The @AR shall not take co(ni-ance o# an" a(%a%ian +is!$te o% cont%o'e%s" $nless a ce%ti#ication #%o& the 1ARC that the +is!$te has been s$b&itte+ to it #o% &e+iation an+ conciliation witho$t an" s$ccess o# settle&ent is !%esente+5 Provided however that i# no ce%ti#ication is iss$e+ b" the 1ARC within thi%t" )4>* +a"s a#te% a &atte% o% iss$e is s$b&itte+ to it #o% &e+iation o% conciliation. the case o% +is!$te &a" be b%o$(ht be#o%e the PARC. CHAPTER BIII EA@ICIAL RE8IEC SEC. =:. Certiorari. + An" +ecision. o%+e%. awa%+ o% %$lin( o# the @AR on an" a(%a%ian +is!$te o% on an" &atte% !e%tainin( to the a!!lication. i&!le&entation. en#o%ce&ent. o% inte%!%etation o# this Act an+ othe% !e%tinent laws on a(%a%ian %e#o%& &a" be b%o$(ht to the Co$%t o# A!!eals b" ce%tio%a%i e2ce!t as othe%wise !%o'i+e+ in this Act within #i#teen )1=* +a"s #%o& %ecei!t o# a co!" the%eo#. The #in+in(s o# #act o# the @AR shall be #inal an+ concl$si'e i# base+ on s$bstantial e'i+ence. SEC==. >o Restraining *rder or Preliminar" #n%unction.- No co$%t in the Phili!!ines shall ha'e ,$%is+iction to iss$e an" %est%ainin( o%+e% o% w%it o# !%eli&ina%" in,$nction a(ainst PARC o% an" o# its +$l" a$tho%i-e+ o% +esi(nate+ a(encies in an" case. +is!$te o% cont%o'e%s" a%isin( #%o&. necessa%" to. o% in connection with the a!!lication. i&!le&entation. en#o%ce&ent. o% inte%!%etation o# this Act an+ othe% !e%tinent laws on a(%a%ian %e#o%&. SEC. =?. )pecial Agrarian Court. + The s$!%e&e Co$%t shall +esi(nate at least one )1* b%anch o# the Re(ional T%ial Co$%t )RTC* within each !%o'ince to act as a S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%t. The S$!%e&e Co$%t &a" +esi(nate &o%e b%anches to constit$tion s$ch a++itional S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%ts as &a" be necessa%" to co!e with the n$&be% o# a(%a%ian cases in each !%o'ince. In the +esi(nation. the S$!%e&e Co$%t shall (i'e !%e#e%ence to the Re(ional T%ial Co$%ts which ha'e been assi(ne+ to han+le a(%a%ian cases o% whose !%esi+in( ,$+(es we%e #o%&e% ,$+(es o# the +e#$nct Co$%t o# A(%a%ian Relations. The Re(ional T%ial Co$%t )RTC* ,$+(es assi(ne+ to sai+ co$%ts shall e2e%cise sai+ s!ecial ,$%is+iction in a++ition to the %e($la% ,$%is+iction o# thei% %es!ecti'e co$%ts. The S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%ts shall ha'e the !owe% an+ !%e%o(ati'es inhe%ent in o% belon(in( to the Re(ional T%ial Co$%ts. SEC. =6. )pecial 0urisdiction - The S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%ts shall ha'e o%i(inal an+ e2cl$si'e ,$%is+iction o'e% all !etitions #o% the +ete%&ination o# ,$st co&!ensation to lan+owne%s. an+ the !%osec$tion o# all c%i&inal o##enses $n+e% this Act. The R$les o# Co$%t shall a!!l" to all !%ocee+in(s be#o%e the S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%ts $nless &o+i#ie+ b" this Act. The S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%ts shall +eci+e all a!!%o!%iate cases $n+e% thei% s!ecial ,$%is+iction within thi%t" )4>* +a"s #%o& s$b&ission o# the case #o% +ecision. SEC. =7. Appointment of Commissioners. + The S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%ts. $!on thei% own initiati'e o% at the instance o# an" o# the !a%ties. &a" a!!oint one o% &o%e co&&issione%s to e2a&ine. in'esti(ate an+ asce%tain #acts %ele'ant to the +is!$te. incl$+in( the 'al$ation o# !%o!e%ties. an+ to #ile a w%itten %e!o%t the%eo# with the co$%t. SEC. =;. *rders of the )pecial Agrarian Courts. - No o%+e% o# the S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%ts on an" iss$e. /$estion. &atte% o% inci+ent %aise+ be#o%e the& shall be ele'ate+ to the a!!ellate co$%ts $ntil the hea%in( shall ha'e been te%&inate+ an+ the case +eci+e+ on the &e%its. SEC. ?>. Appeals.- An a!!eal &a" be taken #%o& the +ecision o# the S!ecial A(%a%ian Co$%ts b" #ilin( a !etition #o% %e'iew with the Co$%t o# A!!eals #i#teen )1=* +a"s #%o& %ecei!t o# notice o# the +ecision< othe%wise. the +ecision shall beco&e #inal. An a!!eal #%o& the +ecision o# the Co$%t o# A!!eals. o% #%o& an" o%+e%. %$lin( o% +ecision o# @AR. as the case &a" be. shall be b" a !etition #o% %e'iew with the S$!%e&e Co$%t within a non-e2ten+ible !e%io+ o# #i#teen )1=* +a"s #%o& %ecei!t o# a co!" o# sai+ +ecision. SEC. ?1. Procedure on Review. + Re'iew b" the Co$%t o# A!!eals o% the S$!%e&e Co$%t. as the case &a" be. shall be (o'e%ne+ b" the R$les o# Co$%t. The Co$%t o# A!!eals. howe'e%. &a" %e/$i%e the !a%ties to #ile si&$ltaneo$s &e&o%an+a within a !e%io+ o# #i#teen )1=* +a"s #%o& notice. a#te% which the case is +ee&e+ s$b&itte+ #o% +ecision. SEC. ?. Preferential Attention in Courts. + All co$%ts in the Phili!!ines. both t%ial an+ a!!ellate. a%e he%eb" en,oine+ to (i'e !%e#e%ential attention to all cases a%isin( #%o& o% in connection with the i&!le&entation o# the !%o'isions o# this Act. All cases !en+in( in co$%t a%isin( #%o& o% in connection with the i&!le&entation o# this Act shall contin$e to be hea%+. t%ie+ an+ +eci+e+ into thei% #inalit". notwithstan+in( the e2!i%ation o# the ten-"ea% !e%io+ &entione+ in Section = he%eo#. CHAPTER BI8 3INANCIN9 SEC. ?4. &unding )ource.+ The initial a&o$nt nee+e+ to i&!le&ent this Act #o% the !e%io+ o# ten )1>* "ea%s $!on a!!%o'al he%eo# shall be #$n+e+ #%o& the A(%a%ian Re#o%& 3$n+ c%eate+ $n+e% Sections > an+ 1 o# E2ec$ti'e O%+e% No. ;.A++itional a&o$nts a%e he%eb" a$tho%i-e+ to be a!!%o!%iate+ as an+ when nee+e+ to a$(&ent the A(%a%ian Re#o%& 3$n+ in o%+e% to #$ll" i&!le&ent the !%o'isions o# this Act. So$%ces o# #$n+in( o% a!!%o!%iations shall incl$+e the #ollowin(5 )a* P%ocee+s o# the sales o# the Assets P%i'ati-ation T%$st< )b* All %ecei!ts #%o& assets %eco'e%e+ an+ #%o& sale o# ill-(otten wealth %eco'e%e+ th%o$(h the P%esi+ential Co&&ission on 9oo+ 9o'e%n&ent< )c* P%ocee+s o# the +is!osition o# the !%o!e%ties o# the 9o'e%n&ent in #o%ei(n co$nt%ies< )+* Po%tion o# a&o$nts acc%$in( to the Phili!!ines #%o& all so$%ces o% o##icial #o%ei(n ai+ (%ants an+ concessional #inancin( #%o& all co$nt%ies. to be $se+ #o% the s!eci#ic !$%!oses o# #inancin( !%o+$ction c%e+its. in#%ast%$ct$%es. an+ othe% s$!!o%t se%'ices %e/$i%e+ b" this Act< )e* Othe% (o'e%n&ent #$n+s not othe%wise a!!%o!%iate+.chan %obles 'i%t$al law lib%a%" All #$n+s a!!%o!%iate+ to i&!le&ent the !%o'isions o# this Act shall be consi+e%e+ contin$in( a!!%o!%iations +$%in( the !e%io+ o# its i&!le&entation. SEC. ?:. &inancial #ntermediar" for the CARP. - The Lan+ 1ank o# the Phili!!ines shall be the #inancial inte%&e+ia%" #o% the CARP. an+ shall ins$%e that the social ,$stice ob,ecti'es o# the CARP shall en,o" a !%e#e%ence a&on( its !%io%ities. CHAPTER B8 9ENERAL PRO8ISIONS SEC. ?=. Conversion of Lands+ A#te% the la!se o# #i'e )=* "ea%s #%o& its awa%+. when the lan+ ceases to be econo&icall" #easible an+ so$n+ #o% a(%ic$lt$%al !$%!oses. o% the localit" has beco&e $%bani-e+ an+ the lan+ will ha'e (%eate% econo&ic 'al$e #o% %esi+ential. co&&e%cial o% in+$st%ial !$%!oses. the @AR. $!on a!!lication o# the bene#icia%" o% the lan+owne%. with +$e notice to the a##ecte+ !a%ties. an+ s$b,ect to e2istin( laws. &a" a$tho%i-e the %eclassi#ication o% con'e%sion o# the lan+ an+ its +is!osition5 Provided That the bene#icia%" shall ha'e #$ll" !ai+ his obli(ation. SEC. ?=-A Conversion into &ishpond and Prawn &arms. + No con'e%sion o# !$blic a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s into #ish!on+s an+ !%awn #a%&s shall be &a+e e2ce!t in sit$ations whe%e the !%o'incial (o'e%n&ent with the conc$%%ence o# the 1$%ea$ o# 3ishe%ies an+ A/$atic Reso$%ces )13AR* +ecla%es a coastal -one as s$itable #o% #ish!on+ +e'elo!&ent. In s$ch case. the @e!a%t&ent o# En'i%on&ent an+ Nat$%al Reso$%ces )@ENR* shall allow the lease an+ +e'elo!&ent o# s$ch a%eas5 Provided That the +ecla%ation shall not a!!l" to en'i%on&entall" c%itical !%o,ects an+ a%eas as containe+ in Title )A* s$b- !a%a(%a!h two. )1-=* an+ )C* an+ Title )1*. n$&be% ele'en )11* o# P%ocla&ation No. 1:?. entitle+ (Proclaiming Certain Areas and T"pes of Pro%ects as !nvironmentall" Critical and <ithin the the )cope of the !nvironmental #mpact )tatement 2!#)5 )"stem !sta$lished under Presidential Decree >o. 138?( to ens$%e the !%otection o# %i'e% s"ste&s. a/$i#e%s an+ &an(%o'e 'e(etations #%o& !oll$tion an+ en'i%on&ental +e(%a+ation5Provided further That the a!!%o'al shall be in acco%+ance with a set o# ($i+elines to be +%awn $! an+ !%o&$l(ate+ b" the @AR an+ the 13AR5Provided furthermore That s&all-#a%&e% coo!e%ati'es an+ o%(ani-ations shall be (i'en !%e#e%ence in the awa%+ o# the 3ish!on+ Lease A(%ee&ents )3LAs*. No con'e%sion o# &o%e than #i'e )=* hecta%es o# !%i'ate lan+s to #ish!on+s an+ !%awn #a%&s shall be allowe+ a#te% the !assa(e o# this Act. e2ce!t when the $se o# the lan+ is &o%e econo&icall" #easible an+ so$n+ #o% #ish!on+ an+Go% !%awn #a%&. as ce%ti#ie+ b" the 1$%ea$ o# 3ishe%ies an+ A/$atic Reso$%ces )13AR* . an+ a si&!le an+ absol$te &a,o%it" o# the %e($la% #a%& wo%ke%s o% tenants a(%ee to the con'e%sion. The @e!a%t&ent o# A(%a%ian Re#o%& &a" a!!%o'e a!!lications #o% chan(e in the $se o# the lan+5 Provided finall" That no !iece&eal con'e%sion to ci%c$&'ent the !%o'isions o# this Act shall be allowe+. In these cases whe%e the chan(e o# $se is a!!%o'e+. the !%o'isions o# Section 4-A he%eo# on incenti'es shall a!!l". )As a++e+ b" R. A. 6771* SEC. ?=-1. #nventor". - Cithin one )1* "ea% #%o& the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. the 13AR shall $n+e%take an+ #inish an in'ento%" o# all (o'e%n&ent an+ !%i'ate #ish!on+s an+ !%awn #a%&s an+ $n+e%take a !%o(%a& to !%o&ote the s$stainable &ana(e&ent an+ $tili-ation o# !%awn #a%&s an+ #ish!on+s. No lease $n+e% Section ?=-A he%eo# &a" be (%ante+ $ntil a#te% the co&!letion o# the sai+ in'ento%". The s$stainable &ana(e&ent an+ $tili-ation o# !%awn #a%&s an+ #ish!on+s shall be in acco%+ance with the e##l$e stan+a%+s. !oll$tion cha%(es an+ othe% !oll$tion cont%ol &eas$%es s$ch as. b$t not li&ite+ to. the /$antit" o# #e%tili-e%s. !estici+es an+ othe% che&icals $se+ that &a" be establishe+ b" the 3e%tili-e% an+ Pestici+e A$tho%it" )3PA*. the En'i%on&ent Mana(e&ent 1$%ea$ )EM1*. an+ othe% a!!%o!%iate (o'e%n&ent %e($lato%" bo+ies. an+ e2istin( %e($lations (o'e%nin( wate% $tili-ation. !%i&a%il" P%esi+ential @ec%ee No. 1>?6. entitle+ (A Decree #nstituting a <ater Code There$" Revising and Consolidating the Laws =overning the *wnership Appropriation 8tili@ation !-ploitation Development Conservation and Protection of <ater Resources.()As a++e+ b" R. A. 6771* SEC. ?=-C. Protection of ,angrove Areas. + In e2istin( 3ish!on+ Lease A(%ee&ent )3lAs* an+ those that will be iss$e+ a#te% the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. a !o%tion o# the #ish!on+ a%ea #%ontin( the sea. s$##icient to !%otect the en'i%on&ent. shall be establishe+ as a b$##e% -one an+ be !lante+ to s!eci#ie+ &an(%o'e s!ecies to be +ete%&ine+ in cons$ltation with the %e(ional o##ice o# the @ENR. The Sec%eta%" o# En'i%on&ent an+ Nat$%al Reso$%ces shall !%o'i+e the !enalties #o% an" 'iolation o# this $n+e%takin( as well as the %$les #o% its i&!le&entation. )As a++e+ b" R. A. 6771* SEC. ?=-@. Change of Crops. -The chan(e o# c%o!s to co&&e%cial c%o!s o% hi(h 'al$e c%o!s shall not be consi+e%e+ as a con'e%sion in the $se o% nat$%e o# the lan+. The chan(e in c%o! sho$l+. howe'e%. not !%e,$+ice the %i(hts o# tenants o% leasehol+e%s sho$l+ the%e be an" an+ the consent o# a si&!le an+ absol$te &a,o%it" o# the a##ecte+ #a%& wo%ke%s. i# an". shall #i%st be obtaine+.)As a++e+ b" R. A. 6771* SEC. ??. !-emptions from Ta-es and &ees of Land Transfers. + T%ansactions $n+e% this Act in'ol'in( a t%ans#e% o# owne%shi!. whethe% #o%& nat$%al o% ,$%i+ical !e%sons. shall be e2e&!te+ #o%& ta2es a%isin( #%o& ca!ital (ains. These t%ansactions shall also be e2e&!te+ #%o& the !a"&ent o# %e(ist%ation #ees. an+ all othe% ta2es an+ #ees #o% the con'e"ance o% t%ans#e% the%eo#5Provided That all a%%ea%a(es in %eal !%o!e%t" ta2es. witho$t !enalt" o% inte%est. shall be +e+$ctible #%o& the co&!ensation to which the owne% &a" be entitle+. SEC. ?6. &ree Registration of Patents and Titles. + All Re(iste%s o# @ee+s a%e he%eb" +i%ecte+ to %e(iste%. #%ee #%o& !a"&ent o# all #ees an+ othe% cha%(es. !atents. titles an+ +oc$&ents %e/$i%e+ #o% the i&!le&entation o# the CARP. SEC. ?7. #mmunit" of =overnment Agencies from 8ndue #nterference. + No in,$nction. %est%ainin( o%+e%. !%ohibition o% &an+a&$s shall be iss$e+ b" the lowe% co$%ts a(ainst the @e!a%t&ents o# A(%a%ian Re#o%& )@AR*. @e!a%t&ent o# A(%ic$lt$%e )@A*. the @e!a%t&ent o# En'i%on&ent an+ Nat$%al Reso$%ces )@ENR*. an+ the @e!a%t&ent o# E$stice )@OE* in thei% i&!le&entation o# the P%o(%a&. SEC. ?;. Assistance of *ther =overnment !ntities.+ The PARC. in the e2e%cise o# its #$nctions. is he%eb" a$tho%i-e+ to call $!on the assistance an+ s$!!o%t o# othe% (o'e%n&ent a(encies. b$%ea$s an+ o##ices. incl$+in( (o'e%n&ent-owne+ an+ cont%olle+ co%!o%ations. SEC. 6>. Disposition of Private Agricultural Lands. + The sale o% +is!osition o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s %etaine+ b" a lan+owne% as a conse/$ence o# Section ? he%eo# shall be 'ali+ as lon( as the total lan+hol+in(s that shall be owne+ b" the t%ans#e%ee the%eo# incl$si'e o# the lan+ to be ac/$i%e+ shall not e2cee+ the lan+hol+in(s ceilin(s !%o'i+e+ #o% in this Act. An" sale o% +is!osition o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s a#te% the e##ecti'it" o# this Act #o$n+ to be cont%a%" to the !%o'isions he%eo# shall be n$ll an+ 'oi+. T%ans#e%ees o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s shall #$%nish the a!!%o!%iate Re(iste% o# @ee+s an+ the 1ARC with an a##i+a'it attestin( that his total lan+hol+in(s as a %es$lt o# the sai+ ac/$isition +o not e2cee+ the lan+hol+in( ceilin(. The Re(iste% o# @ee+s shall not %e(iste% the t%ans#e% o# an" a(%ic$lt$%al lan+ witho$t the s$b&ission o# this swo%n state&ent to(ethe% with !%oo# o# se%'ice o# a co!" the%eo# to the 1ARC. SEC. 61. .an' ,ortgages. - 1anks an+ othe% #inancial instit$tions allowe+ b" law to hol+ &o%t(a(e %i(hts o% sec$%it" inte%ests in a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s to sec$%e loans an+ othe% obli(ations o# bo%%owe%s. &a" ac/$i%e title to these &o%t(a(e+ !%o!e%ties. %e(a%+less o# a%ea. s$b,ect to e2istin( laws on co&!$lso%" t%ans#e% o# #o%eclose+ assets an+ ac/$isition as !%esc%ibe+ $n+e% Section 1? o# this Act. SEC. 6 Leases ,anagement =rower or )ervices Contracts ,ortgages and *ther Claims. + Lan+s co'e%e+ b" this Act $n+e% lease. &ana(e&ent. (%owe% o% se%'ice cont%acts. an+ the like shall be +is!ose+ o# as #ollows5 )a* Lease. &ana(e&ent. (%owe% o% se%'ice cont%acts co'e%in( !%i'ate lan+s &a" contin$e $n+e% thei% o%i(inal te%&s an+ con+itions $ntil the e2!i%ation o# the sa&e e'en i# s$ch lan+ has. in the &eanti&e. been t%ans#e%%e+ to /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies. )b* Mo%t(a(es an+ othe% clai&s %e(iste%e+ with the Re(iste% o# @ee+s will be ass$&e+ b" the (o'e%n&ent $! to an a&o$nt e/$i'alent to the lan+owne%0s co&!ensation 'al$e as !%o'i+e+ in this Act. SEC. 64. Prohi$ited Acts and *missions. + The #ollowin( a%e !%ohibite+5 )a* The owne%shi! o% !ossession. #o% the !$%!ose o# ci%c$&'entin( the !%o'isions o# this Act. o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+s in e2cess o# the total %etention li&its o% awa%+ ceilin(s b" an" !e%son. nat$%al o% ,$%i+ical. e2ce!t those $n+e% collecti'e owne%shi! b" #a%&e%-bene#icia%ies. )b* The #o%cible ent%" o% ille(al +etaine% b" !e%sons who a%e not /$ali#ie+ bene#icia%ies $n+e% this Act to a'ail the&sel'es o# the %i(hts an+ bene#its o# the A(%a%ian Re#o%& P%o(%a&< )c* The con'e%sion b" an" lan+owne% o# his a(%ic$lt$%al lan+ into non- a(%ic$lt$%al $se with intent to a'oi+ the a!!lication o# this Act to his lan+hol+in(s an+ to +is!ossess his tenant #a%&e%s o% the lan+ tille+ b" the&< )+* The will#$l !%e'ention o% obst%$ction b" an" !e%son. association o% entit" o# the i&!le&entation o# the CARP< )e* The sale. t%ans#e%. con'e"ance o% chan(e o# the nat$%e o# lan+s o$tsi+e o# $%ban cente%s an+ cit" li&its eithe% in whole o% in !a%t a#te% the e##ecti'it" o# this Act. The +ate o# the %e(ist%ation o# the +ee+ o# con'e"ance in the Re(iste% o# @ee+s with %es!ect to title+ lan+s an+ the +ate o# the iss$ance o# the ta2 +ecla%ation to the t%ans#e%ee o# the !%o!e%t" with %es!ect to $n%e(iste%e+ lan+s. as the case &a" be. shall be concl$si'e #o% the !$%!ose o# this Act< )#* The sale. t%ans#e% o% con'e"ance b" a bene#icia%" o# the %i(ht to $se o% an" othe% $s$#%$ct$a%" %i(ht o'e% the lan+ he ac/$i%e+ b" 'i%t$e o# bein( a bene#icia%". in o%+e% to ci%c$&'ent the !%o'isions o# this Act. SEC. 64-A. !-ception. - The !%o'isions o# Section 64. !a%a(%a!h )e* to the cont%a%" notwithstan+in(. the sale an+Go% t%ans#e% o# a(%ic$lt$%al lan+ in cases whe%e s$ch sale. t%ans#e% o% con'e"ance is &a+e necessa%" as a %es$lt o# a bank0s #o%eclos$%e o# the &o%t(a(e+ lan+ is he%eb" !e%&itte+.) As a++e+ b" R. A. 6771* SEC. 6:Penalties. - An" !e%son who knowin(l" o% will#$ll" 'iolates the !%o'isions o# this Act shall be !$nishe+ b" i&!%ison&ent o# not less than one )1* &onth to not &o%e than th%ee )4* "ea%s o% a #ine o# not less than one tho$san+ !esos )P1.>>>.>>* an+ not &o%e than #i#teen tho$san+ !esos )P1=.>>>.>>*. o% both. at the +isc%etion o# the co$%t. I# the o##en+e% is a co%!o%ation o% association. the o##ice% %es!onsible the%e#o% shall be c%i&inall" liable SEC. 6=. )uppletor" Application of !-isting Legislation. + The !%o'isions o# Re!$blic Act N$&be% 47::. as a&en+e+. P%esi+ential @ec%ee N$&be%s 6 an+ ?? as a&en+e+. E2ec$ti'e O%+e% N$&be%s 7 an+ ;. both Se%ies o# 1;76. an+ othe% laws not inconsistent with this Act shall ha'e s$!!leto%" e##ect. SEC. 6?. Repealing Clause. - Section 4= o# Re!$blic Act N$&be% 47::. P%esi+ential @ec%ee N$&be% 41?. the last two !a%a(%a!hs o# Section 1 o# P%esi+ential @ec%ee N$&be% 1>47. an+ all othe% laws. +ec%ees. e2ec$ti'e o%+e%s. %$les an+ %e($lations. iss$ances o% !a%ts the%eo# inconsistent with this Act a%e he%eb" %e!eale+ o% a&en+e+ acco%+in(l". SEC. 66. )epara$ilit" Clause. - I#. #o% an" %eason. an" section o% !%o'ision o# this Act is +ecla%e+ n$ll an+ 'oi+. no othe% section. !%o'ision o% !a%t the%eo# shall be a##ecte+ an+ the sa&e shall %e&ain in #$ll #o%ce an+ e##ect. SEC. 67. !ffectivit" Clause. - This Act Shall take e##ect i&&e+iatel" a#te% !$blication in at least two )* national news!a!e%s o# (ene%al ci%c$lation. A!!%o'e+5 E$ne 1>. 1;77