This document discusses factors to consider when choosing a programmable logic controller (PLC) for an automation process. It lists several criteria for selecting a suitable PLC, including the number and types of inputs/outputs required, memory size needed for programming, power supply requirements, communication ports, and scan time. Choosing the right PLC is important to optimize costs and ensure the PLC can meet the specific needs of the automation process. Key factors to evaluate include the input/output requirements for both current needs and future expansion, compatibility with the available power supply, and necessary communication capabilities.
This document discusses factors to consider when choosing a programmable logic controller (PLC) for an automation process. It lists several criteria for selecting a suitable PLC, including the number and types of inputs/outputs required, memory size needed for programming, power supply requirements, communication ports, and scan time. Choosing the right PLC is important to optimize costs and ensure the PLC can meet the specific needs of the automation process. Key factors to evaluate include the input/output requirements for both current needs and future expansion, compatibility with the available power supply, and necessary communication capabilities.
This document discusses factors to consider when choosing a programmable logic controller (PLC) for an automation process. It lists several criteria for selecting a suitable PLC, including the number and types of inputs/outputs required, memory size needed for programming, power supply requirements, communication ports, and scan time. Choosing the right PLC is important to optimize costs and ensure the PLC can meet the specific needs of the automation process. Key factors to evaluate include the input/output requirements for both current needs and future expansion, compatibility with the available power supply, and necessary communication capabilities.
This document discusses factors to consider when choosing a programmable logic controller (PLC) for an automation process. It lists several criteria for selecting a suitable PLC, including the number and types of inputs/outputs required, memory size needed for programming, power supply requirements, communication ports, and scan time. Choosing the right PLC is important to optimize costs and ensure the PLC can meet the specific needs of the automation process. Key factors to evaluate include the input/output requirements for both current needs and future expansion, compatibility with the available power supply, and necessary communication capabilities.
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Generally PLC accepts two types of input , first one is digital and secondly analog.
As we all know that
digital input is one which is either 0 or 1 . If it is 1 it means input is present and if it is 0 then its not present ! in simple words we can say that it is either " or ##. $%amples of &igital Input to PLC are Push 'uttons,Limit (witch,)rip signal or feed*ack signal etc. But the Question is what is Analog Input ? Analog input are those whose real time value keep on changing accordingly i.e if we talk for PLC then widely two types of analog input are accepted by PLC . First one is Voltage analog input and second one is Current analog input . Voltage Analog input is 0!0 V and Current input is "#0 mA . All the devices whose output is in above two forms can be connected to PLC. Pressure$temperature$flow etc are a few things which can be measured and accordingly give output in current or voltage and can be read on PLC.%ubscribe to Automation&alk by 'mail . How to Connect Analog Input to PLC? &o connect Analog input first connect analog input card to PLC and then select whether its current input or voltage $ i.e you have to define in the setup of analog input card that whether you are connecting voltage or current input . %ome PLC card also have a dipswitch and through dipswitch also you can define type of input. &here will be two wires one ()( and one (( $ simply connect the ()( with ()( and (( with ((. PLC Programming for Analog Input:- First of all PLC samples the data i.e it converts the analog value to digital at a continuous sampling rate . %ampling rate differs from PLC to PLC .%o from programming point of view we have to write a program to scale the value . PLC converts the received value at a fi*ed sampling rate to predefined range and after that we can convert it according to our use . For e*ample+ a " to #0 mA signal will be sampled by PLC in to ! to ,000 accordingly and after that by programming we can convert data sampled by PLC in to any range according to our re-uirement. .elow is the sample program for analog input. As /ou can see in the above picture that we have converted the data received by PLC in to 0 to !00 accordingly . %o the "#0 mA signal received is converted in to 0!00 and after this we can use it according to our application. 0f you have any doubts you can write in comment sections and we will get back to you. Identify input and output in PLC 0f you are working with some very 1ld PLC in which you cannot even read which is input203P4 and which is output 213P4 then this article can really help you out. After reading this article you will easily able to tell which is 0nput terminal and which is output terminal.5e can see that in many ways PLC input and output are designed or written. PLC input3output can be written upsidedown$ can be written in Left and 6ight$ can be directly given in some numbers$ and may be there is case where nothing is mentioned and you have to predict on seeing the distance. %ubscribe to Automation&alk by 'mail . Ways to Identify Input and Output Terminals in PLC +.elow are some ways which will teach you how to identify PLC$6elay$ Contactors input and 1utput. !.0dentify 0nput and 1utput &erminals in PLC by %eeing the 7umber+ /ou can identify the PLC if you have only a series of 7umber of 0318s. 9enerally if you given a number series like !$#$:$"$;$, then lower numbers are always 0nputs 203P4 and <igher number are always 1utputs 213P4. #.0dentify 0nput and 1utput &erminals in PLC by =pside and >ownside ?ethod+ 0f you have the PLC in which there are terminals upside and down side$ then you can say that =pside terminals are 0nput and >own side &erminals are 1utputs. :.0dentify 0nput and 1utput &erminals in PLC by Left and 6ight %ide ?ethod+ 0f you have a PLC having terminal in Left and right %ide$ then you can say that left side terminal are 0nput and 6ight side terminals are outputs. ".0f nothing is mentioned on the PLC then you can say that distant terminal are inputs and near terminals are 1utputs. <ope now you can easily tell on seeing a PLC which is a output and which is 0nput. /ou should also note that 0nput are always large in numbers then output in many PLC8s. %ubscribe to PLC$%CA>A$<?0 Programming and &utorials by 'mail for more &ips and &utorials. 0mage Choosing and selecting PLC- Choosing a PLC or Controller for your Process is very important as it help in Cost [email protected] you choose a wrong PLC it may happen that you are out of 0318s while programming or may be you have e*cess of 0318s left which are of no use. %o it become very important that you choose a right PLC for your Automation Process.&here are several criteria that help in choosing a PLC. .efore knowing the Criteria of choosing a PLC you should know basics of PLC. %ubscribe to Automation&alk by 'mail. .elow are some points which will help in choosing a PLC but keep in mind that you should know e*actly the need of the Customer$s and should know how many 0nput$output he wants for present and for future. PLC are chosen generally on the basis of some re-uirement of the company or individual person. 5e should keep in mind the following below point while choosing a PLC. %ome of the PLC choosing criteria are+ 1 !um"er of I#O$s % 0t is very important that you know the e*act number of input and output that are going to be used in the process for best and economical use. &Type of I#O$s% &he Automation 'ngineer should also know the type of 0318s whether he needs a digital input like %ensor$ Push .uttons etc. or a analog input like 6&>$ thermocouple etc. &he re-uirement for 1utput should be also known as what type of 1utput is re-uired whether you re-uired a digital 1utput like 6elay$ Contactor$ Lamp etc. or you need a Analog output like >rive and control Valves. '(emory si)e of PLC% Choosing PLC memory si@e is also important as you may be out of space in PLC while writing a PLC program if you choose less memory si@e PLC. *Compa+t or (odular PLC % Compact &ype PLC are those which has Power supply and controller in a same housing while ?odular type PLC has Power supply and controller in different housing. %o it is good to choose compact or ?odular type PLC according to your re-uirement. ,AC or -C PLC% AC PLC are those which are operated on ##0 V i.e they re-uire ##0 v for running. 5hereas >C PLC re-uire only #"V for 6unning. %o you should know which type of PLC will be good for you according to the Power %upply available in your Control Panel. ./in0ing 1 /our+ing PLC% ?aking a PLC in source at 0nput or making a PLC sink at input depends upon the re-uirement of user so PLC should be chosen in that way. %ome PLC may support both %ink and %ource at 0nput and 1utput .oth. 2PLC /+an Time % PLC scan time is a time needed for PLC to completely %can one cycle of PLC. 0t may consist of reading PLC input status $ clearing PLC memory$ '*ecuting the PLC program and updating the 1utput. &he PLC with less %can time are found to be more Costly. 3!um"er and type of Communi+ation port in PLC% 7umber of Communication Port or type of Communication port is also very important in choosing a PLC. %uppose you want to communicate your PLC in ?1>.=% but you don8t have a ?1>.=% port so your PLC is of no use.Also take a e*ample where you want to communicate a <?0 with 6%#:# port but you don8t have one. %o communication Port should also be in mind while choosing a PLC. %o these were some of the Criteria of Choosing a PLC which should be kept in mind while you buy a PLC.PLC choosing criteria of Allen .radley$ A..$ %iemens$ 1mron$ ?itsubishi$ 9' Fanuc$ >elta$ FuAi$ 9' or any other PLC are same in all cases