Anna C. Ipsen: Objective: Education

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38B Hollandale Lane Clifton Park, NY 12065 518-487-1524 [email protected]
Dietetic Internship
Ma 2014
!a"e #rad$ate !%&ool, 'ro, NY
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Science
Ma 2012
($))ell !a"e Colle"e, 'ro, NY
*%ade+i% !%&olar)&i,, 200-, .ean/) Li)t, 200- - 2012
Associate in Applied Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management Ma 200-
!%&ene%tad Co++$nit Colle"e, !%&ene%tad, NY
P&i '&eta 0a,,a Honor !o%iet, Ca)ola Cook) !%&olar)&i,, #ood 'i+e) Lake 1ie2 (e)ta$rant !%&olar)&i,
Dietetic Intern 3*%$te Clini%al4, !a+aritan Ho),ital, 'ro, NY 5an$ar - *,ril
!%reened, a))e))ed, and de6elo,ed indi6id$ali7ed n$trition dia"no)ti% )tate+ent)
8dentified ,atient-fo%$)ed "oal) and inter6ention) and %o+,leted +onitor and e6al$ation)
Pro6ided e6iden%e-9a)ed n$trition ed$%ation to ,atient), fa+ilie), and )taff indi6id$all and in "ro$,)
.o%$+ented n$trition %are ,lan) in ele%troni% data9a)e $)in" )tandardi7ed n$trition lan"$a"e
Parti%i,ated:%olla9orated in interdi)%i,linar +eetin" 2it& ,atient); entire treat+ent tea+)
8nter,reted dail la9orator data and ,ro6ided enteral and ,arenternal n$trition re%o++endation)
Dietetic Intern 3Clini%al <$t,atient4, =lli) Bariatri%) Center, Ni)ka$na, NY .e%e+9er 2013
Held ,re and ,o)t o,eration %o$n)elin" )e))ion)
'a$"&t ,re o,eration %la))e) on a,,ro,riate ,o)t o,eration diet t&ree ti+e) ,er 2eek
Created ed$%ational &ando$t) for %lient) to a))i)t 2it& &ealt& eatin" and ,o)t o,eration diet
>,dated )o%ial +edia )ite) dail to an)2er %lient) ?$e)tion) and %on%ern) and 2rote 2eekl entr for 9lo" on
rele6ant n$tritional to,i%)
Dietetic Intern 3Clini%al Lon" 'er+ Care4, @e)le Co++$nit Healt&%are, !arato"a !,rin", NY !e,te+9er 2013
Co+,leted n$trition a))e))+ent), de6elo,ed n$trition %are ,lan), and filed M.! for+) for re)ident)
Parti%i,ated in %are of re)ident) re?$irin" ada,ti6e feedin" de6i%e) and a))i)tan%e at +eal) and )na%k)
Perfor+ed food intake )t$die) to %al%$late dail oral intake of re)ident)
Colla9orated 2it& ),ee%& ,at&olo"i)t and food )er6i%e tea+ +e+9er) to ,ro6ide re)ident 2it& a,,ro,riate diet
and food:9e6era"e %on)i)ten%ie)
Dietetic Intern 3Aood !er6i%e !)te+) Mana"e+ent4, =dd Herita"e Ho$)e, 'ro, NY !e,te+9er-No6e+9er 2013
@orked 2it& food)er6i%e dire%tor to +ana"e e+,loee) and a))i)ted 2it& )%&ed$lin", inter6ie2in", %o$n)elin",
e6al$ation), and 2eekl 9illin"
#enerated ne2e)t +en$ %%le and entered data into +en$ ,lannin" and anal)i) )oft2are to +eet dietar
Held in-)er6i%e) on )anitation and food )afet
*))i)ted &ead %&ef 2it& fore%a)tin", ,$r%&a)in", and orderin" of food )to%k
Colla9orated 2it& &ead %&ef and food)er6i%e 2orker) to a%%o+,li)& t&e+e +eal and &olida +eal e6ent)
(e-e)ta9li)&ed &dration ,ro"ra+ for re)ident)
Created and i+,le+ented ,ro%e)) i+,ro6e+ent ,roBe%t to de%rea)e oral li?$id )$,,le+ent 2a)te 2it&in fa%ilit
Shop Manager/Flower Arranger, B$r&+a)ter;), #len6ille, NY Ma 2013-!e,te+9er 2013
*))i)ted %$)to+er) in findin" and ,$r%&a)in" de)ired fre)& ,rod$%e ite+) and &o+e-9aked "ood)
=Ca+ined food to +aintain &ealt& )tandard) and )afet of &i"& ?$alit ,rod$%e and 9aked "ood)
Pre,ared 2eekl )%&ed$le) for e+,loee)
*rran"ed flo2er) "ro2n in "arden into 9o$?$et) to 9e )old in )tore and far+er;) +arket)
.ail 2aterin":2eedin" of "reen&o$)e %ro,
Parti%i,ation in )tore 9oot& at 2eekl !%&ene%tad #reen Market Aar+er;) Market
Manager, Bite-Me-Bakery, #len6ille, NY .e%e+9er 2008 -
=)ta9li)&ed 9akin" 9$)ine)) for lo%al %liental
Catered %$)to+er/) order) for indi6id$al %lient) in%l$din" a 6ariet of &o+e-+ade 9aked "ood)
Mana"ed 9$)ine)) 9$d"et 9 ,$r%&a)ed )$,,lie), %al%$latin" ,rod$%t %o)t), kee,in" in6entor, and &andlin"
Sales, Associate, C!"#t$e Crea%ery, Ni)ka$na, NY !e,te+9er 2006 D *$"$)t 2007
aitstaff/Dishwasher/!ine "oo#, C&'r( Vi!!a(e, Clifton Park, NY 5an$ar 2006 D *$"$)t 2007
<,erated and 2orked 9$ffet ta9le and roo+
Co++$ni%ated 2it& elderl ,o,$lation a9o$t dietar +en$ o,tion) to +eet t&eir ),e%ifi% need)
Pre,ared different +eal o,tion) for all re)ident) in a for+al dinin" )ettin"
(e%ei6ed trainin" on +eal ,re)entation and ,ortion )i7e) for a$dien%e
$shering/"oncession Stand, Pr)tr# T*eater, !%&ene%tad, NY !$++er
Ba#er% Sales Associate, B+%a$,# A--!e Or)*ar", Clifton Park, NY Aall
Sandwich Artist, S'&+ay E%-!yee, #len6ille, NY 5$ne 2005 D 5an$ar
Dietetic Intern 3Co++$nit4, !&o,rite, Ni)ka$na, NY Ma - 5$ne
Dietetic Intern 3Co++$nit4, Ca,ital .i)tri%t Co++$nit #arden), 'ro, NY Ma
Dietetic Intern 3Co++$nit4, @8C, !%&ene%tad, NY *,ril - Ma
Parti%i,ated in n$trition ed$%ation a,,oint+ent) to ,ro+ote &ealt& life)tle), offer 9rea)tfeedin" )$,,ort, and
referral), a) 2ell a) ,ro6ide +ean) to a%%e)) a 6ariet of &ealt& food) to 2o+en, infant), and %&ildren
.e)i"ned and %reated 9$lletin 9oard 2it& infor+ation ,ertainin" to Aar+er); Market)
Prod$%e ed$%ational +aterial on t&e i+,ortan%e of 8ron for @8C a$dien%e
.e6elo,ed Po2erPoint ,re)entation to infor+ ,arti%i,ant) of f$t$re %&an"e) to *%%e,ta9le Aood) Card
"onsultant, Pa%-ere" C*e1, Clifton Park, NY Mar%& 2014 -
Pre,are) 6ario$) re%i,e) for &o)t and "$e)t), de+on)tratin" $)e of Pa+,ered C&ef ,rod$%t)
Market) and ,ro+ote) )elf to retrie6e 2illin" ,art &o)t)
(e),on)i9le to ,la%in" order), &andlin" +one 3%a)&, %&e%k, %redit4, and en)$rin" %$)to+er )ati)fa%tion 2it&
"ashier, 2a$$a1r", #len6ille, NY !e,te+9er 2010 D !e,te+9er
!%anned "ro%er ite+) and a))$red %$)to+er )ati)fa%tion
Ba""ed "ro%erie) %aref$ll and a))i)ted %$)to+er) in "ettin" to t&eir %ar
Handlin" +one 9 %a)&, %&e%k), %redit %ard)E
Student &utor, R'##e!! Sa(e C!!e(e, 'ro, NY *$"$)t 200- D Ma
@orked 2it& indi6id$al )t$dent) on de6elo,+ent of kno2led"e in ),e%ifi% %o$r)e)
Planned and fa%ilitated "ro$, )t$d )e))ion) to i+,ro6e )t$dent $nder)tandin"
'ator (it Student or#er, R'##e!! Sa(e C!!e(e, 'ro, NY *$"$)t 200- D Ma
!$,er6i)ed )t$dent) 2&o 2ere ,arti%i,atin" in ,&)i%al a%ti6it
.e)i"ned e+,loee )%&ed$le) for ea%& )e+e)ter 9a)ed on t&e need) of e+,loee) a6aila9ilit and re?$e)ted ti+e
)olunteer, Cit Mi))ion of !%&ene%tad, !%&ene%tad, NY, !,rin" 2010-,re)ent
)olunteer, !%&ene%tad @8C, !%&ene%tad, NY, !,rin" 2010, !$++er 2012
Secretar%, N$trition Cl$9, ($))ell !a"e Colle"e, 'ro, NY, !,rin" 200--,re)ent
*ducator, P==( C*P=! Pro"ra+, ($))ell !a"e Colle"e, 'ro, NY, Aall 2010-,re)ent
&eacher, Air)t (efor+ed C&$r%&, !%&ene%tad, NY, 200-
)olunteer, Caterin" Air)t (efor+ed C&$r%&, !%&ene%tad, NY, !e,te+9er 2007-,re)ent
)olunteer, Half Moon Aood Pantr, Clifton Park, NY, !$++er 2007
)olunteer, Bet&e)da Ho$)e, !%&ene%tad, NY, !$++er 2006
(resenter, ($))ell !a"e #rad$ate !+,o)i$+, 'ro, NY, Ma 2014
(resenter, NY!.*, @e)t%&e)ter, NY, *,ril 2014
Spea#er, FLife @it&o$t =E.EF, >nion Colle"e, !%&ene%tad, NY, Mar%& 2014
Mem+er, H$d)on 1alle .ieteti% *))o%iation, !e,te+9er 2013-,re)ent
Mem+er, *%ade+ of N$trition and .ieteti%), !e,te+9er 200--,re)ent
Ser,e Safe certification, S)*e$e)ta"y C'$ty C%%'$ity C!!e(e, !%&ene%tad, NY, 2008 G 2013
Microsoft Word, Publisher, Excel, PowerPoint, MyTracker, iet !nalysis Plus, "oodWorks, Meditech, MealMetrics,
Webtrition, #utrikids

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