Socha Na Tha Script Bollywood Movie

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April 03
Love cum Arranged
Script {Eighth Draft}
Title Sequence
Song # 1
Mirror at the entrance of a fashionable hang-out joint. Gradually comes to focus. Techno music
playing. eople pass. !iren comes to the mirror" loo#s at himself" corrects his hair" rubs his face" e$ens his
shirt" stands loo#ing at himself. Titles ha$e begun. A friend pulls him inside. eople pass. Aditi comes to the
mirror. %uic#ly corrects her lipstic# and #ajal. &al#s inside.
The camera mo$es through the place. 't is a bo(ling ) pool ) $ideo games ) eating joint #ind of a
place. The camera reaches the bo(ling lanes. Aditi is on the line" she is aiming to release the ball. !iren is
selecting a ball from the dispenser. Aditi rolls the ball" ma#es a face. !iren prepares to thro( the ball. Techno
music playing. Aditi turns to (al# to(ards the benches. *imultaneously" !iren turns to (al# to the line. +oth
cross each other in slo( motion" (ithout loo#ing at each other. *ong begins in the bac#ground in a slo("
dreamy $oice.
!iren rolls the ball. 't stri#es the pins. ,amera speed bac# to normal. The song pic#s up. 't plays in
the bac#ground. Aditi gi$es a loo# to !iren-s gang as they shout and scream. *he (al#s a(ay. &e see !iren
and his friends in jump cuts. .anging out" lea$ing the entertainment centre" dri$ing a(ay. Then dancing at a
night club.
&e follo( !iren home. .e snea#s in late at night. /ights come on. 't is 0amita" his bhabi. .e ta#es
her hand and dances (ith her. Then 0irmal 1beroi" his dad" appears. !iren immediately stops" ner$ous. .e
(ishes his father.
!iren is seen snea#ing out of his house in his car on another day. .e speeds the car a(ay. .e races
the car through the city. Then ta#es a turns and enters a lane. .is car stops in a traffic jam. A musical
procession is passing. eople are dancing. As the procession passes !iren-s car" !iren begins to dance along
(ith it. *hi$a begins to dance too. They dance a distance from the car. !iren turns and sees that the jam is
cleared and his car is bloc#ing the (ay. A constable is noting his number and thro(ing a fit. !iren turns and
runs to(ards his car. As he does so" (e see Aditi crossing him. They cross again" una(are of each other. Aditi
is loo#ing at the procession (ith silent thrill. !iren haggles (ith the constable. Aditi slides into an auto-
ric#sha( that someone else had stopped.
Aditi enters her room and thro(s her things on the bed. *he has been infected (ith the thrill of the
procession. *he dances in her room. +ut in the middle of it" her cousin sister *onal enters the room. Aditi
immediately stops dancing and pretends to be cleaning her table. *onal ta#es Aditi out to meet some formal
guests in the dra(ing room.
Aditi and *onal are shopping at a mall. *onal is buying a lot of things. Aditi is loo#ing at her. Aditi
pic#s up a stri#ingly re$ealing and uncharacteristic dress and secretly holds it to herself. *he ta#es a fe(
snapshot poses. *he pic#s up other such dresses and models to the mirror. *he chuc#s the dress do(n as *onal
Aditi and *onal are (al#ing out. &e see !iren enter in the bac#ground" on another le$el. .e rushes
to the lift" sees something and immediately hides behind a manne2uin. .e has seen 3aren. 3aren gets into the
lift. As the lift door closes" !iren rushes up the stairs. .e is racing (ith the lift car. &hile he is rushing up"
Aditi is climbing do(n. They cross each other again. 'n slo( motion" (ithout noticing each other. !iren
rushes into the music store as the lift door open. 'n the music store" !iren pleads (ith a (oman at a music
booth and ta#es a(ay her head-phones. *he loo#s at him in surprise. 3aren (al#s in and touches his shoulder.
.e turns. Gi$es her the impression that he has been (aiting for a long time. .e then hands the head-phones
bac# to the (oman (ith a hint of generosity. .e mo$es out of the mall (ith 3aren.
The final part of the song is sung by !iren at a get-together party of friends in a la(n. !iren is
playing the guitar and singing. *hi$a" his friend" is playing the drums. !iren is singing the romantic lines to
3aren" (ho is sitting pretty" playing hard to get. The song ends.
45 mins6
Sc # 1 Night, Eterior!
"illa #arden
,heers and claps as the song ends. !iren is close to 3aren no(. .e (ants to say something to her
(hen the applause ends. +ut before the applause ends" 3aren hops out of her seat and loo#s at her (atch.
3A780 Than# god gana #hatam ho gaya9 ' mean gaana bahut achcha tha.. magar main bahut
late ho gayee hoon9
:i$ya" a friend" has been calling 3aren.
:'!;A 3aren" let-s go.. ,ome on..
!'780 /isten..
3aren turns to :i$ya" turns bac#.
3A780 ..aur song #e beech mein uth #e chale jaana bahut bura lagta.. but no( ' ha$e to run9
!'780 To main..
:'!;A 3aren" come on yaar..
3A780 ;eah9 coming<9 13.. !iren9 bye9.
*he starts mo$ing bac#(ards. !iren follo(s her.
!'780 Main.. main tumhein drop #ar doonga na ghar..
3A780 0o s(eetheart9 mama #o pic# up #arna hai 9 she is at :i$ya-s place9. chal :i$ya9
let-s go
*he gi$es him a pec# on the chee#. *hi$a appears from behind.
3A780 +ye guys9
3aren scurries a(ay (ith :i$ya. !iren loo#s at her go.
!'780 *hit..
*.'!A 3ya hua9=
!'780 *ocha tha party #e baad #aheen le#e jaaoonga aur poochhoonga - shaadee #arogee9
*.'!A &aapas bulaoon9=
!'780 0aheen yaar9 use jaldee jaana hai9
*.'!A To tujhe #aun sa bhaashan dena hai9 Main bulata hoon" tu jhat se pooch le9 e# second #i
baat hai ..
!'780 'diot.. *hadee #e liye us#a haath maang raha hoon.. maachis naheen maang raha jo e#
second mein maang loonga..
*.'!A 3yon<= Maine to 1 second mein hee poochh liya tha Tina se9 yaad hai=

!'780 Aur e# second mein hee tere sar pe jooti pad gayee thi9 yaad hai=
*hi$a loo#s at !iren. ause.
*.'!A ;ehi sab baatein yaad rehti hain tujhe.. hai na= 3oi achchi baat #abhi yaad nahin rehti.
>pause? Tina.. arey mujhe to afsos ho raha hai us#e oopar.. afsos..
The camera begins to recede.
!'780 +echaari.. Tere jaisa lad#a #ahan milega use..=
*hi$a turns sharply at !iren. !iren is loo#ing the other (ay.
*.'!A ,hehra di#ha9
!iren turns to him. .e is trying to #eep his face straight.
*.'!A Tujhe ma@aa# lag raha hai ye sab..=
!'780 *hi$a..
*.'!A 0ahin" lag raha hai to bol na.. +ol..
Their $oices trail off as (e mo$e a(ay. Aade-out.
41 mins6
Sc # $ Da%, Et & 'nterior!
()eroi*! +ou!e
The sun rises. 1beroi-s house stands in the morning light. 'nside" 0amita is climbing the stairs (hile
spea#ing to the coo# before he lays do(n the brea#fast.
0AM'TA B 9 #itanee hee baar bolo aap#o #uchh yaad naheen rehta9 bade saheb #o
paraathe naheen dene hain9 aur aap har din un#e saamne ra#h dete hain9
,113 B ar (o to #hud hee maang lete hain to main mana #aise #aroon9
0AM'TA >cutting him? Achha chhodiye9 aaj mein de#htee hoon9
*he (al#s across the corridor and #noc#s at a door.
0AM'TA B !iren<9
*mall pause.
0AM'TA B Mein aa rahee hoon andar9.
*he opens the door" enters.
41)2 min6
Sc # , Da%, 'nterior!
"iren-! .oom
0amita enters to see that !iren is sleeping.
0AM'TA B !iren..
.e does not stir. *he nods to herself. Then (al#s across and pic#s up a bottle of (ater. *he ta#es it
about !iren-s head and counts before pouring it onto him.
0AM'TA B 1ne .. t(o9. three9
At three she pours and he turns a(ay. .e has been a(a#e.
!'780 B.o( man ho(..= Tumhein #aise maaloom pad jaata hai #i mein jaag raha hoon..=
0AM'TA B !o baad mein batati hoon. Abhi neeche chalo" bula(a aaya hai.. :addy ne bulaya hai..
!'780 B>leaning up? 0irmal=
0AM'TA B *huh..
!'780 B>insecure? 3yon bulaya hai bhabi" ab #ya #iya maine..=
0AM'TA B >lea$ing?Taiyyar ho #e aa jao..
!'780 B>sitting? 3iya to bahut #uch hoga magar pata #ya chal gaya 0irmal #o..=
0AM'TA B Daldi.. :addy study mein tumhara inte@aar #ar rahe hain..
!iren loo#s at the ceiling.
!'780 B+hag(aan" main aa raha hoon..
0amita comes out of the room" smiling.
41)2 min6
Sc # / Da%, 'nterior!
()eroi*! Stud%
'n the slightly ajar door" appears !iren-s face. .e comes in. .e is ner$ous.
!'780 BGood9 good morning dad.
1beroi is reading a ne(spaper. Mrs *hiela 1beroi is sitting on the side. 0amita is ma#ing tea for
1+871' B Good morning9 come in9
!iren (al#s up ner$ously. .e loo#s at his father in anticipation.
1+871' B *una aap mummy #o tang #ar rahe hain9=
!'780 BMain= Good morning mummy..
Mrs 1+871' B Good morning..
1+871' B &o aapse baar baar lad#iyaan de#hne #ee baat #artee hain aur aap har baar
#oi na #oi bahaana bana jaate hain=
!'780 B&o to dad mein9 meine to sirf itna #aha #i jaldee #ya hai9 abhee to
main sirf9.
1+871' B Aap#i umra maaloom hai hamein9 hamne hee paida #iya hai aap#o9
1+871' B 0aren tumhaare hi jitna bada tha jab us#i shaadi hui thi. 25 saal9 Aar# sirf itana hai #i
chaubis saal mein 0aren chaubis #a #o gaya tha. Aur tum9. Do har#atein hain tumhaari9.
Tum hamaaree umra #e bhee ho jayo to bhi bachhe hee rahoge9
!iren loo#s at 0amita. 0amita loo#s do(n. 1beroi continues.
1+871' B *hiela #a #ehna hai tumhaare liye lad#iyaan de#hna shuru #ar dena chahiye.
A fro(n appears on !iren-s face.
1+871' B Aur main bhi yahi samajhta hoon...
!iren-s fro(n disappears.
1+871' B 3ayee rishte aaye hain. Do tumhein pasand ho baat us hi se aage badhai jayegi. Tumpar #oi
@abardasti nahin #arega. 3is se shaadi #arna hai" ye faisla tumhara hai. Magar ab us faisle
mein der nahin honi chahiye9 's that clear=
!iren is silent. .e loo#s to(ards 0amita (ho has a teasing smile on her face.
1+871' B !iren..
!'780 B;es dad.. ofcourse...
.e is tense.
41 min6
Sc # 0 1A2 Night, 'nt & Eterior!
3ovie +all Lo))%
3aren (al#s in. *he (ishes !iren" *hi$a and other friends (ho (ere (aiting for her.
!'780 B.i..
3A780 B .i9 .i..
*.'!A B.i9
:'!;A B .i9
3A780 B 3aun see ro( #e tic#ets hain=
!'780 B39
3A780 B 3 / M 0. Tumhein hamesha aisee hee ro(s #yon miltee hain<=9 Ab de#ho baith #e9
.ero idhar9 heroine udhar9 /eft.. right.. left9 right9
!'780 BAaj to tic#ets hee #itanee mush#il se mili hain9
3A780 B >cutting in? Achcha e# minute pa#do na 9 please9.
*he gi$es him her bag to hold and goes to the mirror (all to (ear her ear-rings. !iren loo#s at her.
*hi$a is neGt to him.
!'780 B*hi$a9 ye jo 3aren hai9 #aisi lagtee hai tujhe9=
*hi$a reacts.
!'780 BTujhe pasand hai=
*.'!A BGirlfriend teri hai to pasand mein #yon #aroonga=
!'780 B 'diot9 asand poochh raha hoon teri9 shaadi #arne #e liye naheen bol raha hoon< +ata
*.'!A BMast hai yaar< oore +andra mein is#e jaisa $onta# item nahin hai<
!'780 B Are yaar $o to sab#o di#hta hai9 Main ye pooch raha hoon #i $o andar se #aisi hai9=
Matlab $o jo bahar se nahin di#hta hai" 3aren #a $o part #aisa hai..=
*hi$a is ta#en abac#. .e spea#s in anger.
*.'!A B ;e #ya ba#(aas hai..= Is#e andar #a maine #ab de#h liya9= Main #ya jaanoon andar #i
!'780 B*hi$a<
*.'!A B0ahin tu #ehna #ya chahta hai9= 3i main9 us#a9 #ya9= +ol9 3hul #e bol9
!'780 B 0o( don-t be an asshole" o#ay. Main tujhse #ya pooch raha hoon aur tu saala soch raha hai
main us#e.. us#i baat #ar raha hoon..= A##al hai #i nahin tere #o=
*.'!A BTo tu pooch #yon raha hai tedhe-medhe sa$aal..=
!'780 BTere se to baat hi #arna be#ar hai..
*.'!A B.aan to mat #ar na..
They stand in the cro(d" loo#ing at each other (ith disgust.
Sc # 0 142 Night, 'nterior!
The pre$ious shot abruptly cuts to this. *hi$a and !iren. Their faces straight. They tal# to each
other (ithout turning.
!'780 Tension hai yaar9 'tne din se try #ar raha hoon 3aren #o propose #ar doon9 .ar baar #oi
na #oi lafda ho jaata hai9
They are standing at the urinals. !iren continues J
!'780 ata nahin #ab ta# main aise hi jhoolta rahoonga aur ghar mein Kye lad#i de#ho- aur K$o
lad#i de#ho- chalta rahega.. +loody hajaar pressure on my mind yaar..
!iren turns and goes to the (ash-basin.
*.'!A >turning? To chalata reh na de#hne #a cha##ar9 e# do lad#i #o de#h hee lega to teri
K$irginity- naheen lut jayegi9 :e#hta ja" aur tar#aata ja. Tu bhee #hush" teri family bhee
#hush9 hir Goa to ja hi rahe hain apan.. udhar time hi time hoga.. !ahan 3aren #o
pa#ad9 agreement final #ar aur aa#e bol de bhabhi #o9 problem #idhar hai=
!iren loo#s at *hi$a. *hi$a #no(s his idea is good. !iren sha#es his head in moc# a(e. Then he
loo#s at *hi$a-s fly and ma#es a gesture of greater appreciation. *hi$a loo#s do(n" reali@es his fly is open. .e
reacts" @ips his pants. They laugh and mo$e to(ards the door.
42 mins6
Sc # 5 Night, 'nterior!
Namita-! .oom
The door opens and !iren enters 0amita-s room. 0aren is there" he is changing" 0amita is
helping him.
!'780 1oops< Mein baahar jaa#e9 #noc# #ar#e andar aaoon=
0AM'TA *hut up<
!iren lies do(n on the bed.
!'780 +ataiye" #ahaan hain lad#iyaan aap#i=
0A780 /ad#iyaan=
!'780 !o hi jinhein de#hne jaana hai9
0AM'TA Arey $aah..
0A780 Aa gaye raaste pe<=
!'780 Arey bhaiya9 0irmal se chuglee #ar#e phansa diya bhabhi ne9 ab de#hana hee
0A780 !ery good..
0amita has gone and got a fe( photographs.
0AM'TA 'nmein se #aun achchi lag rahi hai batao9
!iren-s hand goes through the photographs.
!'780 Main jaanta hoon9 Tum sab meri a@aadi se jalte ho. 3oi naheen chaahta mein #hush
0AM'TA 0i#alo na e#9
!'780 ;e lo9
.e ta#es out a photograph (ithout seeing (hich one. 0amita ta#es it.
0AM'TA &o( 0aren" yehi $o lad#i hai jo hum sab #o sabse @yada pasand hai.
!'780 *hit.. Tab main doosri select #arta hoon..
0AM'TA 3yon..=
!'780 0irmal ne #aha na.. jo mujhe pasand ho...
.e goes through the photographs.
!'780 ;e (aali nahin" ye (aali nahin.. ye (aali..
0AM'TA &hat a co-incidence. ;e to dad #i fa$ourite hai. !o to desperate hain #i tum is se shaadi #ar
lo. !ery good.
!'780 Tab to ye (aali #abhi nahin.
0AM'TA Arey..
!iren goes through the photographs again.
!'780 ,halo ye (aali.
0AM'TA >acting dissappointed? ;e (aali.. Are you sure..=
!'780 *ure.. .undred percent.
0AM'TA ,hange nahin #aroge..=
!'780 +il#ul nahin.. 'si se miloonga main..
0AM'TA :one..=
!'780 /oc# #iya jaaye.
0amita loo#s at him. *miles.
0AM'TA +e(a#oof9 ;e saare photographs e# hi lad#i #e hain..
!'780 3ya..=
0AM'TA >to 0aren? ;ehi hai $o lad#i. Mr Malhotra #i niece" jis se dad !iren #a rishta chahte hain.
!'780 0ahin" ye cheating hai.. Aise thodi hota hai.
0AM'TA ,heating (eating #uch nahin.. Tumne loc# #iya hai is#o.. Main ja rahi hoon mummy #o
0amita is (earing her slippers.
!'780 &hat nonsense.. bhaiya tell her..
0A780 >shrugs? *orry brother. Tumne loc# #iya tha.
0AM'TA Than#s !iren. Tumne sab #i pasand #o pasand #ar liya.
!'780 >nods? :e#h loonga9 tum sab#o de#h loonga main.. Aisa badla loonga #i yaad ra#hoge
tum log..
0amita hurries out of the room" giggling.
41 min6
Sc # 6 Da%, Eterior!
3alhotra-! +ou!e
Malhotra-s house. 1beroi-s car dri$es into the compound.
Sc # 7 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! 8itchen
There is a flurry of acti$ity in the #itchen. &e see Mrs Daya Malhotra for the first time as she
comes in.
DA;A ahunch gaye lad#e (ale9 #eshu" tu pehle paani de#e aa9. >to the coo#? oho #ya #ar raha
hai9 thee# se laga9 Aditi #ahaan hai..= +ulao use9
A young maid lea$es to call Aditi. Mr Malhotra-s mother" 7oop$ati Malhotra comes in. Mrs
Malhotra gestures to(ards the sal$er of laddoos.
DA;A Maanji ye baahar Aditi #e haath bhij(a deejiyega9 aur boliyega.. aaraam se.. pyaar se9
darne #ee #oi baat naheen hai9 Aaj#al #e lad#e (o puraani type #ee lad#iyaan pasand bhi
naheen #arte9
0AA0' 3ya lagta hai is baar=
DA;A Mujh se poochho to9 is baar ho jaana chaahiye9 mera dil #eh raha hai9
0AA0' >smiles? Tu ja.. mein bhejti hoon Aditi #o9.
Mrs Malhotra turns to go.
41)2 min6
Sc # 9 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all
Mrs Daya Malhotra enters the hall. The rest of her family and the 1berois are all sitting there. 1m
,ha(la" the marriage bro#er" is also there.
,.A&/A Aaj #a din bhi bahut shubh hai.. Maine pata #iya tha..
*.8'/A >to Mrs Malhotra? 3ahan ghoom rahee hain aap9 idhar baithiye na9.
DA;A .aan bas aa gayee9
*.8'/A :e#hiye" formality $ormality #i @aroorat nahin hai..
DA;A >sits? Arey aap logon se #ya formality #arenge ham9 ;e aap hi #a ghar to hai..
,.A&/A Daldee hi ho jaayega bhabhiji9 < Aur badee su#h sampatti layega ye sambandh9 jab do
bade naami pari$aron #a milan hota hai to la#shmi #o aane #e liye bhee do do dar(a@e mil
jaate hain9
Mr Malhotra and Gopal are spea#ing (ith Mr 1beroi.
MA/.1T7A Aap#e paas hai prime property aur hamare paas hai eGpertise9
G1A/ .am log haath mila lein to aadha competion to $aise hee thanda pad jaayega9
1+871' +il#ul.. 3yon#i aaj#al a#ele a#ele chalne #a @amaana naheen hai9
0amita and Mandira are ha$ing another con$ersation.
0AM'TA 9 naheen bas aadha ghanta pehle ta# pa##a programme tha #i aana hai9 bole site se
seedhe (aheen pahunch jaaoonga9 Aur idhar ham log ni#alne lage to (ohi" jaise har
doosare din hota hai9 #oi German delegation aa gaya hai9 mein naheen aa paaoonga9
*o $arious currents of con$ersation ensue. 'n the midst of all this" (e see !iren 1beroi" sitting in
formal clothes" shoes" feeling ill-at-ease. 8$eryone else is $ery comfortable. They are all tal#ing together.
M,ha(la" to (hoe$er gi$es attentionN
,.A&/A Ab sab #ehte hain duniya badal rahi hai. Magar main #ehta hoon #i taare to $ahi hain na..=
!o to nahin badle.. To #undaliyaan #aise badlengi..= +haagya bhi $ohi rahenge.. .ai #i
nahin..= To phir jee$an $ohi raha na insaan #a..= To badla #ya..=

DA;A :octor ne #eh diya ye mat #hao.. (o mat #hao9 par hamse to ho naheen pata bhai #i jo
chee@ achhee lagtee hai inhein (o na dein9
*.8'/A Meine to 0amita #o @imma pa#da diya hai9 aur us#e saath aisa hai in#a #i beti bhee hotee
to us#i itni nahin sunte jitni 0amita #i sunte hain.. Dabse $o aayee hai samajh leejiye main
ghar se retire ho gayee hoon" har chee@ #a itna #hayal ra#hti hai ye. Aur doosri bahu bhi
humein 0amita #e jaisi hi chahiye9 Isi liye aap#e yahan aaye hain..
M0amita and MandiraN
MA0:'7A 'n#a bhee yahee rehta hai9 #abhee #uchh to #abhee #uchh9
0AM'TA 'n jaison se to shaadi #arne se pehle saat phere naheein bal#i contract hona
chaahiye9 #itana time hamein doge aur #itana time ye German Australian aur pata
naheein #aun #aun se delegations #o9.

MMr 1beroi" Malhotra and GopalN
1+871' ;ehi (a2t hai di$ersify #arne #a. Aur hospitality business bahut gro( #arne (aala hai.
MA/.1T7A !ohi main bol raha tha Gopal #o.. Abhi jo posh hotel #hol liya" $o raja hai..
1+871' *irf hotel hi nahin.. bahut #uch #iya ja sa#ta hai.. :e#hiye aaj jo consumer hai" $o T! par
American multipleGes" shopping arcades de#hta hai" to us#i bhi #hahish hoti hai $ahan
jaane #i9
G1A/ Incle" is par meeting #arte hain. +oliye" #ab time hai aap#o..=
1+871' +eta ab to shayad #aafi milna ho hum logon #a9
!iren notices some mo$ement near the curtain. 't is the girl" loo#ing in from there. Mrs Malhotra"
sitting neGt to him" also notices this. *he secretly indicates to the girl to come in. The girl does not. !iren sees
no( that there is another person" the old (oman" (ho is also behind the curtains and trying to get the girl to
go in. The girl" e$idently ner$ous" does not mo$e. Mean(hile" the rest of the con$ersation is on. Mrs Malhotra
gestures again. +ut the girl is motionless. Mrs. Malhotra spea#s aloud and (ith great #indness.
DA;A .aan" aa jao Aditi
All con$ersation is immediately cut" e$eryone turns ga@e on the curtains. Aditi enters the hall. 0o(
(e #no( it-s the same girl (ho (e sa( in the title se2uence. Aditi is trying to control her ner$ousness" in that
gi$ing too much attention to the tray-trolley that is being carted in by a ser$ant.
DA;A ;e hai Aditi9 +eta sab#o namaste #aro9
Aditi has the sal$er of laddoos in her hands. *he loo#s about for a place to par# it. Mandira" Gopal-s
(ife" ta#es the sal$er from her hands. Aditi manges to do namaste to e$eryone. !iren has gotten more
uncomfortable by Aditi-s entry. 0amita gets up and ta#es Aditi by the arm and seats her neGt to herself. There
is a harro(ing silence.
,.A&/A :e#h leejiye bhabiji" heera hai bachchi.

0AM'TA 3ya #artee ho=
A:'T' Di 9 pottery9
DA;A Matlab padhai #ee hai pooree 9. ,ollege $ollege sab #iya hai9 ab padhai ho gayee to @ara
idhar udhar 9 Thoda #ala#ar s(abha( #ee hai na9 chalta rehna chahiye9
0AM'TA ,ollege mein #ya #iya tha9
A:'T' +. A. /iterature9.
DA;A adhne #a bahut shau# hai9. par hamne #aha 9 lad#ee ho9doosare ghar jaaogee9 dus
nau#ar hain to #ya hua..= Ghar #e saare #aam aane chaahiye9
*.8'/A .obbies #ya hain beta tumharee9.=
,.A&/A Aap bhee #uchh poochho !iren bhai9.
!'780 't-s o#ay9
,.A&/A Are aise #aise o#ay..= Aur bhabiji lad#i #o lad#e #e saath baithaiye na.. Tab to idea milega..
!'780 0ahin" us#i @aroorat..
DA;A .aan" Mandira..
MA0:'7A Aao Aditi..
*o the embarrasing process of ma#ing them sit neGt to each other ensues.
,.A&/A :e#hiye< :e#hiye #itna matching hai.. 3amaal hai.. Aur janampatriyaan..= 3E mein se 3C
gun milte hain dono #e9 Made for each other.. ,ha(la #e #aam mein #oi #hot naheein
hoti bhabhi9. oora thon# baja #e jamata hoon rishta9
Mrs Malhotra clears her throat.
DA;A Aditi.. !iren #o apna #amra di#hao..
!'780 0o no.. it-s o#ay here9
,.A&/A hir o#ay..= Arey bhai" aa#hir aap hee dono #o samajhna boojhana hai #i naheen..=Dao jao..
!'780 0ahin $o.. $o.. yaheen thee# hai..
G1A/ !iren" feel free boss9 hum log open-minded hain..
DA;A Aap dono #ee chai ham (aheen room mein bhij(a dete hain9 chai (aheein peena9
0amita stands Aditi. !iren reali@es there is no (ay out of this. .e stands. .e loo#s to(ards Aditi.
A:'T' Aaiye 9.
.e loo#s to(ards his father. Then loo#s to(ards her. *he leads him out.
,.A&/A 3itna modern @amana aa gaya hai. .amaare time mein to lad#a lad#ee shaadee #e baad
bhee hafton hafton naheen mil paate the9
43 mins6
)13 O mins)
Sc # 1: Da%, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom & 4alcon%
:oor opens and Aditi as#s !iren to enter.
A:'T' Aaiye..
.e enters. *he loo#s out of the door" then shuts the door almost fully. *he turns to him. .er attitude
has changed. *he spea#s in a hurry.
A:'T' /isten9. Mujhe aapse e# fa$our chahiye9.
!'780 >2uite ta#en abac#? 3ya=
A:'T' :e#hiye.. Agar aap#o na #arna hai9 is shaadi #o.. mujh#o.. to please9 shaam ta# hee #ar
!iren loo#s at her" mystified.
A:'T' .ota #ya hai na #i lad#e de#h #ar jaate hain.. Aur ja$aab dene mein bahut time laga dete
hain.. Aur yahan meri auntie.. un#o lagne lagta hai #i rishta ho jayega.. Aur phir jab na ho
jaati hai to sab #a mood off ho jaata hai.. Tension ho jaati hai ghar mein.. Aap samajh rahe
hain na..=
!'780 .aan.. haan..
A:'T' Aur is baar to sab #o ya#een hai #i rishta pa##a ho jayega.. .amaari #undaliyaan and all..
Isi liye main aap se re2uest #ar rahi hoon. Aap bura mat maaniye..
!iren feels an odd relief.
!'780 ;ou #no(.. +ahut achcha hua #i aap ne ye sab #eh diya. 3yon#i mujhe ye sab naata#baa@i
@ara bhi pasand nahin hai.. you #no( 9 ye #undliyaan mila #e9 lad#ee de#hne jao9
aanch minute #e liye milo aur faisla #ar lo #i haan.. yehi hai $o lad#i jis#e saath main
apni saari @indagi bitaana chahta hoon. 3oi matlab hua..= 't-s so (eird< Aaj.. t(enty-first
century mein bhi.. ye puraane" sade hue customs chale aa rahe hain.. Gi$e me a brea# man..
A:'T' Matlab9 aap na #arne (ale hai=
!'780 :e#hiye" aap ghalat mat samajhiyega..
A:'T' 0ahin samjhoongi.. Magar aap na #arne (aale hain na..=
!'780 .aan..
A:'T' To ghar jaate hi mana #ar deejiyega9 aur mana aap#o #arna hai9 mein mana naheen #ar
sa#tee9 1#ay=
!'780 1#ay9
A:'T' 1#ay9
A:'T' To.. phir chalein (aapas9.
!'780 ,haliye9
They get up to lea$e. +ut no( the door opens after a mild rasp. 't is a ser$ant (ith a tray of tea and
some snac#s.
*87!A0T Memsaab ne bheja hai.

!'780 Actually hum log9
A:'T' /aaiye mujhe deejiye9.
The ser$ant goes a(ay.
A:'T' ,hai ham log yaheen pee lete hain9 neeche le gaye to un logon #o lagega shayad #oi
gadbad hai9.
!'780 Achha hai9 (ahaan neeche to e#dum paseene chhoot rahe the mere9aur
aap bhee to9 bura haal tha aap#a9. &o parde #e peechhe9 $o old lady bol rahee theen
ja.. ja.. ja.. aur aap#o lag raha tha9 #ahaan phans gaye yaar9 naheen=
A:'T' Are e#dum ajeeb sa lagta hai9andar aao to C0 log de#h rahe hain J #aisee hai9 lambi hai
#i chhoti hai9 aadi hai #i tirchhee hai9
.e proceeds to ma#e the tea.
A:'T' Mein banaatee hoon9
!'780 Mein banaata hoon9
A:'T' Aise time pe chai lad#iyaan banaatee hain9. 7emember=
!'780 .aan (o de#ha hai maine filmon mein9 lad#ee chai banaatee jaatee hai aur lad#a use aise
de#hta rehta hai jaise chai naheein lad#ee #o hi pee jaayega9 >stops Aditi from pic#ing up
the tea pot?9 7ehne do na9 hamne #aun see shaadee #arnee hai9 chai lad#a banaye ya
lad#ee chai hee to bananee hai.

*he smiles" loo#s at him as he continues to ma#e tea.
A:'T' Mein pehlee lad#ee hoon na jise tum de#h rahe ho=

!'780 .aan9 par tumhare liye mein pehla lad#a naheen hoon na=
A:'T' 0aheen9meri parade chaar baar pehle bhee ho chu#i hai9 achhe #apde pehno9 ma#e up
#aro 9 sab#o namaste #aro9 aur mus#urate raho.. mus#urate raho9 jab ta# munh mein
dard na ho jaaye9 chai banao9 sab #uchh e#dum perfect hona chaahiye9 Mil# for you=
*ugar #itanee lenge aap= *ab aap#o de#h rahe hain9 chai #ee e# pyaali naheen #hada#ni
chaahiye9. Aur phir inter$ie( shuru hoga aap#a9 #ya pasand hai aap#o9 ji9 padhna
pasand hai9 music pasand hai9 ghar #a saara #aam #ar leti hoon mein9 de#hiye de#hiye
#itanee achhhee hoon mein9 please aaj to aap lete jaaiye mujhe9 dil #arta hai #i chai
un#e munh pe phen# #e boloon9 aap#o gin #e 100 joote maarna pasand hai mujhe9
*he stops" ha$ing gotten a bit carried a(ay. ause.
A:'T' *orry9
!'780 &hy= +il#ul thee# #eh rahi ho.. ;e #oi baat huee9= Daise lad#ee #o rishta naheen #oi
job chaahiye9 't-s disgusting< 'n fact sorry to mujhe bolna chaahiye9 mujhe naheen
maaloom tha (arna9 sugar #itanee lengee aap=
And suddenly both of them burst out laughing.
!'780 >hands o$er the tea? ;ou said chaar baar= ar tumhaari jaisee lad#ee #o abhee ta#9'
mean .. tum#o #aise #oi9.
A:'T' 7eject #ar sa#ta hai..=
!'780 0o9 ' mean9 actually haan9 Tum#o #aise reject #ar sa#ta hai #oi..=
A:'T' 3uchh hoga mujhmein9 #uchh aisa jo achha naheen lagta hoga unhein9
!'780 .ey< Aisa #uchh naheen hai tummein9
A:'T' .o sa#ta hai unhein #hoobsoorat lad#iyaan achhee lagtee hon9
!'780 >(ith a grin on his face? To ab tum mere munh se apni tareef sunna chaahtee ho=

A:'T' >smiling? 0ahin.. aisa nahin hai..
!'780 >cutting her? To suno.. Ms. Aditi *ahni" aap bahut #hoobsoorat hain9
Aditi stops smiling.

A:'T' Achha sach batao.. :e#ho" tumhein jhoot #eh #ar mujhe #hush #arne #i @aroorat to hai
nahin.. .um to aage milne (aale nahin hain..
!'780 7ight..
A:'T' To sach batao.. Main.. main de#hne mein #aisi lagti hoon..=
!iren loo#s at her for a moment. *he is shy" but tries to hold her loo#.
!'780 Mein tum#o9 dus mein se saadhe chhe deta hoon9 And that-s good< Aish(arya saat hai
mere liye..
A:'T' .mm9. To phir ho sa#ta hai #i mere parents naheen hain9 isliye log mana #ar dete
honge.. *ochte honge #i Mr Malhotra #i apni beti to hai nahin..
!'780 ;ehi reason hoga9 you #no( our bloody samaj<
A:'T' Achcha tum batao.. Tumhare jaise lad#e #ee #oi girlfriend naheen hai9=
!'780 .unh9= Actually hai9
A:'T' To phir=
!'780 !o.. >eGhales and smiles? Meine bataaya naheen #isee#o9. &o hai par9 chalo tumhein
bataane mein #ya jaata hai..= 3aren 9 3aren naam hai us#a9.
A:'T' ,hristian..=
!'780 &oi to problem hai< ata nahin meri family #aise react #aregi..
A:'T' 't-s going to be tough" haan9 ar jhelna padega9 *haadi usi se #arni hai na=
!'780 1fcourse.. ichhle teen saal se chal raha hai ham dono #e beech9

A:'T' Teeeen saaaal9 teen saal to bahut hote hain.. Mera jo tha e#" $o to 3 maheene bhee
naheen chala9.
!'780 3ya hua..= Tum#o #oi aur achcha lagne laga..=
A:'T' 0ahin.. +as #hatam hona tha e# din.. ho gaya. Mahesh naam tha us#a9
!'780 Mahesh9
A:'T' Pyada serious nahin tha hamaare beech.. ar ma@a bahut aata tha9 college #e din the9
hum sab mil #ar lambee dri$es pe jaate the.. parties hoti theen9 Aur raat #o #oi plan banta
tha to main ghar mein nahin batati thi. ;e jo balcony hai saamne9 yahaan se utar #e chup-
chaap ni#al jaatee thee9

!'780 Tum9. 's balcony se utar #ar jaatee thi=
Aditi giggles.
!'780 !o(< yaar mein aadmi #ya #ya naheen #arta..
A:'T' >giggles? yaar $yaar nahin yaar.. Masti thi $o sab..
*ilence. *he loo#s at him. .e finishes his tea. *he is surprised at herself.
A:'T' Meine Mahesh #e baare mein #abhee #isee #o nahin bataaya hai..
!'780 Maine bhi #ahan 3aren #e bere mein #isi #o bataya hai..
A:'T' Tumhaare saamne aise ni#al gaya sab #uch9 +ina pooche hi..
!'780 Meine bhi socha - #ya bol raha hai yaar tu<= hir bhi bolta gaya..

A:'T' ata naheen tum #ya soch rahe hoge9 #aisee lad#ee hai ye9 Magar tum #uch bhi socho
#ya far# padta hai..=
!'780 7ight9 hir to #abhee milna hai naheen ham logon #o9
ause. They smile.
A:'T' Ab chalte hain.. $arna neeche log sochenge pata naheen ye log us #amre mein #ar #ya rahe
hain itni der se..

+oth of them laugh. !iren gets up.
!'780 ,halo..
A:'T' Aise nahin9 8#dum serious9 jaise andar aaye the9
!iren ma#es a po#er face.
!'780 Aise9.=
Aditi giggles" then she also lapse into a serious pose. +oth of them (al# out (ith a serious attitude.
4C mins6
Sc # 11 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra!- ;ir!t ;loor <orridor
Aditi and !iren come out of the door to the corridor. The con$ersation of the hall can be heard no(.
't seems to ha$e (armed up e$en further.
T+E <(N"E.SAT'(N =
DA;A /og #uchh bhee #ahein9 ham to bhai samaji log hain9 maan baap naheen hain to #ya
hua9= .amne #aha ham hain na9 Apni beti #ee tarah ra#ha hai hamne9 Aur ra#ha
#ya9 hai hee hamari beti (o9.
1+871' .umein bhee #oi far# naheen padta 9. Aap#e pari$aar #e sans#ar hain usmein9
,.A&/A 1beroi saab to paar#hi hain bhai9 e# hee na@ar mein sab de#h lete hain9
Aditi shuts the door.
A:'T' ,ome9
!'780 >(ith a touch of concern? And.. +est of luc#9
A:'T' +est of luc# to you9 for..
!'780 1h than#s9
.e eGtends his hand. They sha#e hands.
!'780 ;ou #no(.. ajeeb baat hai.. magar mujhe bahut ma@a aaya tumhaare saath.. Achcha hua #i
main yahan aaya.
A:'T' Aur ye bhi achcha hua #i tum aaj hi mana #ar doge..
!'780 .aan..
A:'T' Than#s9
+ehind them *onal enters" coming out of her room. Aditi and !iren turn to loo# at her. Aditi
immediately lea$es his hand and ma#es a serious face.
A:'T' Aaiye9..
!iren and Aditi (al# out. *onal loo#s at them (ith a glint in her eyes. *eems li#e the rail is on the
41)2 min6
Sc # 1$ Da%, Et & 'nterior!
3alhotra-! Drive>a% & +all
0ani comes into the hall" eGcited. Daya Malhotra is just (al#ing in after seeing the 1berois off.
0A0' .aan bhai batao.. 3aisa raha..=
*onal comes do(n" Aditi ma#es to go up. *onal holds Aditi-s shoulder.
*10A/ 's baar teer nishaane par laga hai9
DA;A >to *onal? Tujhe #aise maaloom=
*10A/ Dab lad#a aur lad#ee haath pa#ad #e #amre se baahar ni#lein to aur #ya hoga9=
Aditi releases herself and continues on the (ay up. ,ha(la comes in" follo(ed by Mr Malhotra and
DA;A .aath pa#ad #e..= *ach..= .aath.. +hag(aan tera laa#h-laa#h shu#ar hai. >to her husband?
Tab to ji ho gaya<
Aditi is (al#ing up the stairs. *he gi$es them a furti$e loo#. Mrs Daya Malhotra continues -
DA;A 3yon#i ye log #eh rahe the na #i pasand to lad#e #o #arna hai9 Aap#o #ya lagta hai=
MA/.1T7A .am log to bhai.. joint business #i bhee soch gaye9.
G1A/ Are bhai ,ha(la #o mithai-(ithai #hilao<
,.A&/A .aan..
DA;A ,halo achha hai9 ho jaaye to Aditi bhee chhutti paaye is ro@ ro@ #i jhanjhat se9 Aur
hamaara dharam bhi poora ho..
*10A/ /ad#a #itna handsome hai na..=
Malhotra sits.
MA/.1T7A Mujhse poochho to aaj ta# jitane bhee aaye9 unmein se 9 in logon #a #oi mu2abala
,.A&/A *ab li#he #a #hel hai bhaisaab9. Ab de#hiye na9 ;e lad#a sahi (a2t pe Amree#a se
$aapas aa gaya.. Aur #ismat thee aap#i bhaanji #i jo pichhle chaar lad#on ne use mana #ar
diya9 &arna aisa lad#a milta bhala..= +habhi mithai<
DA;A Arey ,ha(la bhai pehle ja(aab to aa jaane do9
,.A&/A 3ya bhabhi aap bhee9 .aath pa#ad #e baahar ni#ale the dono9 Ab aur #ya ja$aab
chahiye aap#o..= Ab to aap muhurat ni#al(ao aur taiyaariyaan shuru #aro9.
Aditi is standing on the first floor" outside her room" listening to all this. 1nly she #no(s that the
Malhotras are completely mista#en. *he turns a(ay (ith an impish smile.
41 min6
Sc # 1, Da% & Evening, Eterior!
3alhotra-! +ou!e
Malhotra-s .ouse in day. 8$ening fades in.
Sc # 1/ Evening, 'nt & Eterior!
3alhotra-! +ou!e & +all
8$ening fades in to the Malhotra .ouse. There is the sound of telephone ringing. 'n the hall" a young
maid ser$ant is coming to the phone. Daya (al#s in after her.
DA;A 7ehne de" main leti hoon..
*he (al#s up and pic#s up the recie$er.
DA;A .ello.. >pause? .aanji.. >pause? 1beroi ji" aap ya#een nahin #arenge" ghanti bajte hi mujhe
laga @aroor aap#e yahan se phone hoga.. :e#hiye" #oi na #oi connection to @arooor hai
hamaare beech. ;e bhi #eh rahe the #i hamaare #aram achhe honge tab hi aap jaise log
mile. >pause?
Mandira and the young maid come up to hear.
DA;A 0ahin ji ye to baahar gaye hain.. +ataiye.. .aanji.. .aanji.. .aanji.. >hears the ne(s?
.aan..= >pause? 3yon.. aisi #ya baat ho gayee..= >pause? 0ahin.. 1beroi ji" de#hiye.. itni
jaldi mein faisla #arne #i @aroorat nahin hai..= >pause? Arey itni der mein #itna soch liya
aapne..= ;e to ajeeb si baat hai.. ;ahan to aap log aise #ar rahe the jaise baat pa##i hai..
Aditi comes out of her room" listens.
DA;A +il#ul9 ;ehi ishaara tha aap logon #a.. >pause? Arey aap log jaisa di#haenge hum $aisa hi
samjhenge na..= .umein #ya maloom #i aap log #itne dogle hain.. >pause? +il#ul
Aditi regards this (ith mischief playing inside. .er nani comes up and touches her shoulder.
Aditi loo#s do(n" nani embraces to comfort her. Mean(hile J
DA;A Aap jaison se aise hi baat #arni chahiye.. 8#dum ghatiya baat #ee hai aapne. >pause?
Achcha" badtamee@i aap #arein aur.. +il#ul.. ;e tamee@ hai aap#i..= 3i shareef logon #e
ghar mein aa #e naata# #aro.. Aur $o.. ap#a beta.. lafanga.. poochiye us se.. #amre se
baahar ni#al #ar..
41 O mins6
Sc # 10 Da%, 'nterior!
Sama? 3andir @remi!e!
DA;A 9 haath naheen pa#da tha usne meri beti #a..= Aise #oi #arta hai..=

0AM'TA Paroor #oi baat hogee9
DA;A +aat hai na9 Is#i neeyat #haraab hai9
0AM'TA >pulls Mrs. 1beroi a(ay? ,haliye mummy9
DA;A Arey.. :e#ho @ara.. ;e to sans#aar hain aap#e.. 3oi baat #ar raha hai aur aap log J chal de
rahe hain..=
0AM'TA Auntie please9.. log de#h rahe hain9.achha naheen lagta9
*10A/ ;e achcha nahin lagta..= Aur tum logon ne jo hamaare saath #iya hai $o achcha lagta
*.8'/A Tum to #uchh mat hee bolo beti.. Apni shadi tod #ar maan #e ghar baithee ho.. doosron #o
#uch #ehne se pehle..
*onal is shoc#ed.
DA;A :e#ho de#ho9 mandir mein #hadee hain aur #aisee ghatia baat #ar rahee hain9 Aaj to
hadd ho gayee besharmi #i9
41)2 min6
Sc # 15 Da%, Eterior!
#olf <our!e
1+871' Achha hua !iren ne rishta mana #ar diya 9 &arna aap logon #a ye roop baad mein
saamne aata to #ahaan #e rehte ham log..=
MA/.1T7A Aap tamee@ se baat #eejiye Mr. 1beroi<
1+871' Mr Malhotra" #ya aap tamee@ #e laya# hain..= +oliye9
MA/.1T7A Matlab #ya hai aap#a9 haan= 3ya matlab hai aap#a=
1+871' *hor mat #eejiye9 Aur apnee (ife se boilye #i gaaliyaan hamein bhi aatee hain. .am
ba#te naheen #yon#i hamaare oopar #ayee pushton #i teh@eeb hai. Aap logon #i tarah naya
paisa nahin hai9 #i pehli baar di#ha to dimagh hi #haraab ho gaya..
41)2 min6
Sc # 16 Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
<on!truction !ite
G1A/ Apnee company #ee balance sheet de#ho pehle aur phir baat #arna9 Tumhare jaise to
paanch chhah idhar se udhar #ar sa#te hain9 .am chaahein to saara business ru#(a sa#te
hain tumhaara9
0A780 To chaho na< ,hahte #yon nahin..=
G1A/ Ab saala yei #arna padega<
0A780 To saala #aro na jaa#e< Magar dobara meri property par #adam mat ra#hna..
G1A/ 0ahin to.. 3ya #arega tu< .unh< 3ya #arega..=
41)2 min6
M*c 1C" 1E Q 1F (ill be treated li#e the same scene" (ith a singular flo(N
Sc # 17 Da%, 'nterior!
Shopping 3all
:oor of a changing room opens and Aditi steps out. *he is (earing a #urta that she is trying. *he has
a fe( other clothes in her hand. *he glances at herself in the mirror" then (al#s out. *he crosses !iren (ho is
mo$ing to(ards the neGt changing room. .e has a fe( shirts in his hand that he (ants to try out. They cross
each other. Then reali@e and turn. They loo# at each other.
!iren B Aditi..
Aditi B .i..
.e comes close.
!iren B *uno yaar.. Tumne #aha jaldi mana #ar dena.. Maine #ar diya.. aur us#i $ajah se itna
tension ho gaya dono families mein.. +il#ul mafia (aalon #i tarah lad rahe hain ye log..
Aditi B >smiles? ' #no(..
!iren B Tumhein to #oi problem nahin ho rahi hai..=

Aditi B 0ahin" nahin.. :on-t (orry..
!iren B And..= >smiles? Tum aur lad#on se mili..=
Aditi B >smiles? /isten.. .um logon #o yahan aise baat nahin #arni chahiye.. 'f you #no( (hat '
!iren B Tum un logon #e saath aayee ho #ya..=
Aditi B .aan..
!iren B 1h shit.. 1#ay..
Aditi B And tumhaari girlfriend..= ,arol..=
!iren B
Aditi B 3aren.. Tumne apne ghar mein bata diya..=
!iren B Ghar mein..= Maine abhi ta# 3aren #o bhi nahin bataya hai..
Aditi B 3ya..=
!iren B ;ehi.. shaadi and all..
Aditi B >surprised? Tumne us se bola hi nahin hai..=
!iren B Try #iya but..
+oth are a(are of the danger of being seen. They (ant to tal# further. Aditi loo#s in the direction
(here her family (ould be. Then she and !iren mo$e a bit to the corner. 't is slightly discreet here.
!iren B Actually.. mujhe pata nahin $o #ya #ahegi..
Aditi B .aan #ahegi.. aur #ya..= yaar #arti hai $o tumse..
!iren B .aan.. magar us tarah se pyaar #arti hai ya nahin ' don-t #no(..
Aditi B Tarah se..= 3oi #isi se pyaar #arta hai" ya nahin #arta. ;e tarah #ya hota hai=
!iren B .aan to #aise maloom #i $o mujhse pyaar #arti hai=
Aditi B 3yon= Isne tumhein #aha nahin hai=
!iren B 3ya..= ' lo$e you= !o to har #oi har #isi #o #ehta hai yaar.. 1h tumne mujhe itna achcha
gift diya ' lo$e you9 Than#s for the help ' lo$e you.. Maine bhi #itne logon #o #aha hai '
lo$e you.. Is#a #ya matlab hota hai..=
Aditi is loo#ing at him (ith a pu@@led smile on her face.
!iren B 3ya..=
Aditi B Teen saal..=
!iren B .aan..
Aditi B Teen second mein pata chal jaata hai ye to. Teen saalon mein tumhein samajh mein nahin
!iren B 0ahin aaya..
Aditi B :ha##an ho yaar tum to..
!iren B >smiles? Achcha..=
Aditi B Aur #ya..=
!iren B 0ahin main.. dha##an nahin hoon.. confused hoon.. .ota hai is age mein..
Aditi B >cutting him? 0ahin tum dha##an ho..
!iren loo#s at her. *he is smiling impishly. .e smiles in response.
!iren B Agar tum itni smart ho..
Aditi B .mm..
!iren B To tum mil lo 3aren se.. Aur mujhe bata do $o mere baare mein #ya sochti hai..
Aditi B Thee# hai..
!iren B Main abhi thodi der mein us se mil raha hoon.. Tum chalo mere saath..
Aditi B 1#ay..
!iren B 1#ay..= Mafia tumhein mere saath de#h legi na to atom bomb girega tumhaare oopar..
Aditi B :e#h legi tab na..
Mandira comes in to(ards the changing rooms. Aditi mo$es into the changing room that she had
come out from. !iren gets into the changing room neGt to that. Aditi is (aiting. *he hears.
!iren B >*ound off? .ello..
Aditi B .mm..=
!iren B Tum really aaogi..=
Aditi B Tum mujhe institute drop #aroge..=
!iren B 3aun sa institute..= Any(ay" #aroonga..
Aditi B Thee# hai..
!iren B 7eally..=
Aditi B Abhi main in logon #o handle #arti hoon.. aadhe ghante mein milte hain..=
!iren B 1#ay.. 3ahan..=
Aditi B Archies Gallery9 eeche (aali road par.
!iren B 1#ay..
Aditi B 1#ay..
+oth are standing in their changing rooms. !iren smiles. *ome girl this is. Aditi opens the door.
43 O mins6
Sc # 19 Da%, 'nterior!
3all, (ut!ide card !hop
Archies Gallery" the appointed card shop. Aditi stands there. *he is (aiting for !iren. 't is a strange
trip she is in" she thin#s. *he loo#s around. *he can-t see !iren. Then she notices someone (al#ing in (ith
the ne(spaper fully opened in front. The ne(spaper (al#s in straight to her. The man behind the ne(spaper
seems to be reading.
M+0 >!iren? Mumbai #e do naamee pari$aaron mein jang chhidee9 la#dee (alon ne lad#e #o jaan se
maarne #ee dham#i dee9 ar lad#ee himmat(ali hai9 (o chhip chhip #ar us lad#e se
milne jaatee hai9. dhang-dhadhaang<
And s(ish" the ne(spaper is (ithdra(n. 't-s !iren. .e proceeds to crush the ne(spaper and chuc# it
into a (aste paper bas#et (ithout loo#ing at Aditi. .e (al#s into the card shop. Aditi smiles and follo(s him
41)2 min6
Sc # $: Da%, 'nterior!
<ard Shop
7o(s of cards" people selecting them.
!'780 Achhee jagah chunee tumne9 isee bahaane mein 3aren #e liye #uchh cards
le loonga9. .ar hafte use e# card naheen mile to bandit 2ueen ban #e ghoomti hai poore
shehar mein<
Aditi giggles at his eGpression. !iren has pic#ed up a fe( cards" Aditi is loo#ing at cards too.
!'780 >sho(s her the cards? ;e de#ho9. >she goes through them 2uic#ly"
seeming to be adept (ith cards" often #no(ing (hat is (ritten inside.? 9#aise hain9=
A:'T' 8#dum ba#(aas..

!'780 *ab #e sab<=
A:'T' 8#dum ba#(aas..
!'780 >moc#? Than#s yaar..
.e ta#es the cards bac# and puts them bac#.
A:'T' *mart hona chahiye card9 Daise ye (aala.. :e#ho.. ;e card #oi mujhe #yon nahin deta=
!'780 ;e (aala to main nahin de sa#ta tumhien.. >pointing at the large heart dra(n on that card?
par.. ye (aala9 >pic#s up a KThan# ;ou- card? ;e main tumhein doonga..
A:'T' :o<
!'780 8# minute9 li#h to doon andar9
A:'T' 3ya faayada< >she ta#es it from him? Mein yaheen padh leti hoon9 >she reads it? Than#s<
>puts it bac#? +as ho gaya" padh liya9ab ise #hareed #e mujhe dene #ee #ya @aroorat hai<=
!'780 Are (ah< Tab to mein tumhein bahut saare cards dena chahoonga.. ;e lo tum.. Aur ye bhi..
aur ye..
A:'T' Than# you.. 1h than#s.. /o$ely.. Aur ye tumhaare liye.. ;e e# aur9
!'780 ;e sab tumhaare liye..
A:'T' &o(9
They read the cards and #eep placing them bac#.
!'780 .ey" this is a great idea yaar<
A:'T' .ai na..= tum 3aren #e saath aisa #yon nahin #arte..=
!'780 >stops? .unh.. 3aren #e saath< >remembers suddenly? 3aren.. *huc#s" late ho gaye ham
.e mo$es to lea$e the shop. Aditi follo(s. After a couple of steps" he turns around and (al#s
bac#(ards to tal# to Aditi.
!'780 7emember.. tumhein jaisi lage .. e#dum sach bataana hai tumhein9 Mujhe bura lage phir
A:'T' Tumhein bura lage to lage9 Mujhe #ya..= Mujhe #aun sa aage milna hai tumse9.
They smile.
!'780 ,halo..
They are (al#ing out.
42 mins6
)2H O mins)
Sc # $1 Da%, 'nterior!
<afeteria & @u)
3aren. *itting at a table. !iren is seen entering (ith Aditi. .e sights 3aren" rushes to her (ith
!'780 *(eetheart" '-m really sorry. Traffic itna @yaada ho gaya hai aaj-#al #i..
3A780 >cutting him? .ey" #ya samajh ra#ha hai tumne mujhe.. haan= +ees minute se main
tumhaara (ait #ar rahee hoon yahaan9 ;ou can-t ta#e me for granted li#e this.. 8# to
(aise hee mera mood #haraab hai9
!'780 3yon..= 3ya hua..=
Aditi (al#s up" 3aren loo#s at her. Aditi smiles.
!'780 3aren.. Aditi.. Maine bataya tha9
3A780 .i Aditi.. *orry.. Actually e# buri #habar hai. Isi liye..
!'780 +aat #ya hai..=
3A780 Australia (ali aunty aa rahee hain..
!'780 >serious concern? 3ab..=
3A780 's Ariday #o9
!'780 0ahin yaar" nahin9 1h shit..
3A780 ;eah9 shit9
!'780 Tch >turns to Aditi? 's#i aunty aa rahi hain Australia se..
A:'T' >(ondering? To9 ismein buri #habar #ya hai..=
!'780 Are yaar is Ariday #o hamara group Goa jaane (ala hai9 Ab is#ee aunt aayengee to is#e
father is#o jaane nahin denge.. >to 3aren? Tum e# baar unse pooch #e de#ho..
3A780 ata hai he (ill say no.. To phir poochne #a fayda..=
!'780 0ahin yaar.. this is too bad.. >to Aditi? 'tne din se plan bana rahe the ham log aur ab9 >to
3aren? ab #ya #arein..=
3A780 ' don-t #no(. All ' #no( is that main Goa jaa rahi hoon9 That-s all.
ause. !iren loo#s at Aditi.
A:'T' To9 tum log #oi bahaana nahin bana sa#te.. =
3aren turns to her in 2uestion.
A:'T' ;ou #no(9 3uch aisa jis#o tumhaare dad mana nahin #ar sa#ein..
3A780 ;ou mean main apne dad se jhoot boloon9=
A:'T' 1f course.
!'780 >eGcited? ;e achcha hai.. ;e jo jhoot bolne (aali baat hai na.. maine de#ha hai ye hamesha
#aam #ar jaati hai.. Aur $aise bhi 3aren" ye jo dad type #e log hain na9 #oi faayda
naheein in logon se sach bol #e9
3aren loo#s at !iren" then at Aditi. *he is not sure.
3A780 *o9 +ahana #ya hoga..=
!'780 +ahaana.. #uch bhi ho sa#ta hai.. Daise #i..
A:'T' Daise #i main.. Main tumhari friend hoon. Goa se.. 'nternet friend.. Aur meri shaadi ho rahi
hai is (ee#end mein..
3aren-s face as Aditi spea#s across the scenes.
A:'T' Aur 3aren #o meri shaadi mein aana hi hai9
42 mins6
Sc # $$ Da%, 'nterior!
8aren-! +all
Mr !incent Aernande@ is listening to Aditi as she spea#s across the scenes. .is (ife is sitting neGt to
A:'T' ;e nahin aayegee to mein shaadee naheein #aroongee9 Maine is#o pehle hi bola tha.. 'sne
promise bhi #iya tha.
Aernande@ loo#s at 3aren. 3aren nods.
A:'T' lease uncle9 sirf paanch din #i baat hai..
Aernande@ loo#s at his (ife" smiles. .e turns to Aditi.
A-:8P ;ou #no(9 co-incidence hai9 Meri sister aa rahee hai Australia se9 Aur us#o bhee apne
in-la(s #e paas Goa jana hai9 Tumhaari shaadi *unday #o hai you said..
Aditi nods.
A-:8P /o$ely.. *aturday #o main Goa jaoonga apni sister #o drop #arne. 3aren mere saath aa
jayegi. Tum $ahan station par humse mil #ar is#o recei$e #ar lena.. Thee# hai..=
Aditi and 3aren are stumped.
A-:8P 3aren9=
3aren ma#es a half smile" loo#s at Aditi. Aditi loo#s at 3aren. Aernande@ turns to Aditi.
A-:8P &hat..= .appy no(..=
A:'T' .aan9= ;es.. ;es uncle9 Than# you9 Than# you so much..
Aernande@ (al#s a(ay. Aditi shrugs. 3aren is dumbfounded.
41 min6
Sc # $, Da%, Eterior!
4andra Street <orner
!iren" 3aren and Aditi at the street corner" (eighed do(n by the recent ne(s. !iren is sitting on a
corner platform. 3aren is sitting neGt to him" gi$ing him Kno( (hat the hell do (e do- loo#s. Aditi stands neGt
to them.
!'780 Gaya apna Goa #a plan..
3A780 :on-t say that yaar.. .um Goa @aroor jayenge.. ,hahe #uch bhi ho jaye..
!'780 ar #aise..= Tumhaare father tumhein *aturday #o Aditi #e paas drop #arenge.. Goa mein..
3A780 To tum log Thursday #o chale jaana aur main *aturday #o join #ar loongi..
!'780 Arey but Aditi #ahan hogi Goa mein..=
3A780 .o sa#ti hai na.. 3yon nahin ho sa#ti..=
Aditi loo#s up in surprise. !iren loo#s at Aditi. 3aren continues to spea# to !iren (ithout loo#ing at
3A780 !o bhi hamaare saath Goa chale to.. Tab $o station par mujhe recei$e #ar legi..
!'780 3aren..
3aren turns to Aditi.
3A780 lease yaar Aditi.. ;ehi e# raasta hai Goa jaane #a.. Tum bhi chalo hamaare saath..
!iren interjects.
!'780 8# second.. 3aren.. Main baat #arta hoon.
!iren ta#es Aditi-s arm and (al#s her t(o steps out.
!'780 :on-t mind her.. Ise tumhaari situation #a @ara bhi idea nahin hai. Is#a blood pressure
high ho raha hai #yon#i #ayeee dinon se Goa #i plaaning #ar rahe the hum log. *amundar"
ret" feni.. naachna-gaana9 hum baarah log.. +ahut ma@a aata.. Magar ab..
A:'T' Magar main apne ghar mein #ya boloongi..=
!iren loo#s at her. *he is thin#ing.
!'780 Matlab..=
A:'T' >(ondering? Goa jaane #e liye main #ya bahaana bana sa#ti hoon..=
!iren loo#s at her in surprise. Then a smile creeps into his face. 3aren-s $oice o$erlaps from the
neGt scene.
3A780 >sound off? Aur Aditi #o meri shaadi mein aana hi hai9 ;e nahin aayegi to main shaadi
nahin #aroongi.. 'sne mujhe promise #iya tha internet par..
41 min6
Sc # $/ Da%, Eterior!
Mr and Mrs Malhotra are sitting in the hall. 3aren is spea#ing to them.
3A780 lease uncle.. 8# (ee# #i to baat hai.. :e#hiye mana mat #eejiyega.. lease.. *haadi e#
baar hoti hai.. usmein bhi apne achche friends nahin aayein to #ya fayda..=
Aditi stands on the side" loo#ing do(n.
Sc # $0 Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
The door of the $ehicle opens and a bag is pushed in" then Aditi appears" face red (ith eGcitement.
*he is pulled up by !iren. *hi$a shuts the door" !iren seats Aditi neGt to himself. *hi$a bangs his hand on the
dri$er-s cabin.
*.'!A +haag" bhaag9
The tempo flees. Acoustic guitar strings begin the eGcitement theme.
41)2 min6
Sc # $5 Da%, Eterior!
+ill .oad!
The con$erted tempo tra$eller is dri$ing up the high(ay to Goa as the music continues.
Sc # $6 Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
+igh>a% Dha)a
The guitar is being played by !iren. .e is sitting on a string cot. *hi$a puts a bottle into !iren-s
mouth. !iren gulps" continues to play. *hi$a begins to hit t(o bottles on beat. T(o others are clapping. *ome
friends are ordering food at the dhaba. Aditi is sitting neGt to !iren" not yet friendly (ith the gang. !iren
dra(s his face close to her-s.
!'780 Tumhein naye logon mein a(#(ard to feel naheein ho raha na9=
A:'T' ;e tumhaari responsibility hai #i tum mujhe a(#(ard feel nahin hone doge..
.e smiles" nods. :i$ya crosses the center" doing some funny dance steps to the music.
41)2 min6
Sc # $7 Da%, Eterior!
Aater Stream
Aditi-s feet in (ater as the music continues in the bac#ground. *he is s(aying her feet. &e see that
!iren creeps up from behind (ith a handicam.
!'780 .ello9
*he turns" then shrie#s.
A:'T' 3ya #ar rahe ho tum<
!'780 Tumhare #hilaf saboot jama #ar raha hoon9 Ms Aditi *ahni.. +ombay to Goa9
high(ay no. 1F9. 0o 'nternet friend.. no shaadi9
Aditi giggles.
!'780 To ab sa(aal ye uthta hai #i Ms *ahni do anjaan logon #e liye itana ris# #yon le rahee
hain9 a? unhein lo$e-stories mein ma@a aata hai.. b? un#e dil mein bahut daya hai 9 c? $o
be$a#oof hain9d? 9
A:'T' 9d? $o selfish hain< d? #o loc# #iya jaaye9 >/i#e A+? Aur aap#a ja$aab >brightly? bil#ul
sahi.. Ms Aditi *ahni matlabi hain.. Aapne socha #i Goa ja #ar main in#i premi#a aur in#e
liye balidaan de rahi hoon" magar baat #uch aur hai your honour.
&ildly enjoying and giggling Aditi snatches the handycam and trains it on him.
!'780 Mere #aabil dost #ya farma rahe hai" mujhe #uch samajh mein nahin aa raha..
Aditi s(ish turns the handycam on herself.
A:'T' +aat simple hai your honour. *aare saboot isee taraph ishaara #arte hain #i is bichaari
lad#ee #ee shadi #isi bhi din" #isi bhi pal" #isi bhee ulloo #e paththe #e saath fiG ho sa#ti
hai.. >stops shooting? Di haan.. Aur phir #ahan mujhe mau#a milega Goa jaa #ar masti #arne
#a" logon #e saath naachne-gaane #a..=
Gi$es the camera to !iren. .e is loo#ing at her.
A:'T' Aur mere #oi dost bhi nahin hain jo is tereh #a pagalpan #arein. To maine socha #i time
hai" masti #ar lo.. 3al #isne de#ha hai..=
A slent moment. R1ye !irenS" comes a shout from afar. !iren and Aditi loo# in that direction.
!'780 *hit<
.e rushes out. Aditi follo(s him.
41)2 min6
Sc # $9 Da%, Eterior!
The tempo tra$eler is dri$ing a(ay" !iren and Aditi chase it" (ith the handicam and shoes in hand.
They try to get in. The guitar music builds up.
Song # $ 1@art (ne2
The tempo tra$eler rushes up and turns to a halt on the sand. +oys and girls spill out of the $ehicle
e$en before it stops. The boy (ho had been dri$ing jumps out too. They all run desperately" remo$ing their
clothes and (ith a (ild splash" enter the sea. They crash into the (ater. 0eGt thing (e see is that all the friends
are lying on the ground of a shac#. They are all tangled (ith one another" loo#ing li#e a giant octopus from
top. They are drenched and soa#ed (ith the relaGed spirit of Goa. *hi$a has the guitar. .e starts singing. The
song ta#es off.
Sc # ,: Night, 'nterior!
.e!ort <orridor, .oom
This short scene happens (ith the music piece after the first stan@a. Aol#s seem to be retiring to their
rooms. Aditi enters the room. !iren is sitting inside. .e gets up on seeing her.
!'780 Da$aan lad#a-lad#i e# hi #amre mein raat gu@aarenge your honour..= >pointing to(ards
Aditi? ;our honour #a #ya hoga..=
A:'T' +aa#i rooms saare couples ne capture #ar liya hai. Aur aap#i girlfriend #al laayee jaayegi
isliye yehi jagah #haali hai..

!'780 >bangs his hands on the table? 0aheein ye paap hai..
A:'T' :aro mat9 7aat #o main tumhaari i@@at par hamla nahin #aroongi..
Aditi falls on the single bed that is remo$ed from !iren-s single bed.
!'780 Tab thee# hai9
!iren jumps into his bed. .e co$ers himself. *he co$ers herself. The sun rises. Music builds up.
41)2 min6
Sc # ,1 Da%, Eterior!
#oa .ail>a% Station
&e see 3aren run up to Aditi" (ho is there to recei$e her. Mr Aernande@ and his sister follo(. 3aren
hugs Aditi" full of eGcitement. Aditi is seen spea#ing to Aernande@.
41)2 mins6
Sc # ,$ Da%, Eterior!
(ut!ide .ail>a% Station
3aren comes up (ith Aditi and embraces !iren. All the friends are standing in the rear of the tempo
tra$eller. 8$eryone cheers.
Song # $ 1@art T>o2
!iren and *hi$a are on top of the tra$eler. !iren is singing. Aditi climbs up and sings along. 3aren is
loo#ing up from her seat in the tra$eler. *he is a bit surprised that Aditi is so much at home here. Aditi as#s
her to come up too. 3aren sha#es her head. &e are at the resort no(. 't is e$ening. The song builds up to a
peppy climaG. &ith e$eryone up and dancing. 3aren loo#s at !iren and Aditi as they $ibe really (ell in the
dance. Aditi catches her loo#. Then (ithdra(s and continues to clap.
45 O mins6 )3L O mins)
Sc # ,, 1A2 Night, 'nterior!
<orridor, .oom
Aditi (al#s up the corridor (ith three hot chocolate mugs on a tray. The door is ajar. *he opens it
further and enters. *he sees !iren and 3aren close together.
!'780 9pata nahin #abse ye #ehna chah raha hoon.. magar #abhi bhi thee# mau#a nahin mila..
3aren loo#s to(ards Aditi.
A:'T' 1ops9
Aditi 2uic#ly turns around goes bac#. The music of the song ends here. Aditi puts the tray on the
ledge of the corridor and (al#s out.
Sc # ,/ 1A2 Night, Eterior!
.e!ort <ompound
Aditi (al#s up and sits on a roc# loo#ing at the $alley. *he hugs herself.
Sc # ,, 142 Night, 'nterior!
<orridor, .oom
!iren and 3aren in the room.
3A780 1h gosh< tra$elling can be so tiring..

!'780 ;eah ' #no(9
3aren starts to apply cream on her face.
3A780 3ya #eh rahe the tum=
!iren loses the moti$ation to propose.
!'780 Aah9 #aheein baahar ghoom #e aayein=
3A780 Abhee< +ahut raat ho gayee hai yaar.
!'780 1#ay9.
3A780 Abhi main sirf relaG #arna chahti hoon9 *orry..
!'780 0o probs9
3A780 Tum ghoom #ar aao if you (ant..
!'780 1#ay9 >smiles? Main aata hoon. +ye..
3A780 +ye..
3aren loo#s at him go. .e is not dissappointed that she did not go along (ith him. This dissappoints
41)2 mins6
Sc # ,/ 142 Night, Eterior!
.e!ort <ompound
!iren approaches Aditi and sits neGt to her.
!'780 .i9
A:'T' .i9
!'780 .am log asli baat to bhool hee gaye9
A:'T' 3ya..=
!'780 3aisi lagee tumhein 3aren=
A:'T' Tum #ya bol #ar aaye ho use=
!'780 +aahar ghoomne jaa raha hoon9 3yon=
A:'T' 3yon#i 3aren ne tum#o yahan mere saath baithe de#h liya.. to use achcha nahin lagega..
!'780 Ab ye #aun sa angle hai..= 3yon nahin achcha lagega..=
A:'T' Mujhe lagta hai #i 3aren.. mujhe pasand naheein #artee9
!'780 3ya hua= Isne #uch #aha tumse=
A:'T' 0aheein #uchh #aha to naheein le#in9
!'780 To phir..=
A:'T' >moc# disgust? 3ehne #i baat hai nahin par tum samajh hi nahin rahe ho to mujhe #ehna
padega9 Ise lagta hai #i main tumhein achchi lagti hoon..
!'780 >tilts his head? Ise maloom hai #i main tumhein reject #ar chu#a hoon. hir bhi $o
aisa samajhti hai tab to $o gadhi hai bil#ul.. Magar main 3aren #o jaanta hoon.. $o aisa
soch hi nahin sa#ti. To phir gadha #aun hua..=
A:'T' >moc# smile? Trust me. Main lad#i hoon. 3aren bhi lad#i hai. .um log.. is maamle mein..
tum logon se.. smart hote hain.. Tum #ayee saal se jaante hoge 3aren #o" magar jis tarah do
lad#iyaan e# doosre #o samajh jaati hain" tum @indagi bhar nahin samajh paoge..
!'780 *uno" tumhaara lecture sunne #a mood nahin hai mera..
A:'T' To phir #ya mood hai..=
!'780 Is pahadi par chadh #e us lighthouse ta# jaane #a mood hai..
Aditi loo#s at the lighthouse. There is a spar# inher eyes.
A:'T' To jao..
!'780 To chalo..
A:'T' Main #yon chaloon..=
!'780 3yon#i tum bhi mar rahi ho $ahan jaane #e liye. Main jaanta hoon9 ,halo..
A:'T' !iren" tum 3aren #o le jao.. Ise achcha lagega..
!'780 Ise #ahoonga na to sochegi #i finally !iren pagal ho hi gaya9 7aat #e do baje pahad
chadhne #eh raha hai.. !o us type #i nahin hai..
A:'T' *o sad.. Tab to tumhein $aapas apne room mein jaana hoga..
!'780 7oom mein hi rehna hota to main +ombay mein nahin reh jaata..=
A:'T' Magar tum 3aren #e saath aaye ho" $o chahti hogi tumhaare saath rehna..
!'780 !o tumhein de#hna hai ya mujhe=
A:'T' Tumhein..
!'780 To phir tum #yon cha#ar-ba#ar #ar rahi ho..= >pause? :e#ho.. 3aren #e saath to meri poori
@indagi padi hai.. .ai na..= Magar tum.. Ab is#e baad hum dono #ahan milenge yaar..=
*hayad #isi bachche #i birthday party mein.. jahan tumhaara bachcha bhi in$ited hai aur
mera bhi.. To madam.. time hai" masti #ar lo.. 3al #isne de#ha hai.. tumhaari policy hai na.
Aditi nods.
!'780 8# minute.. mein handycam le#e aata hoon9
A:'T' Aur 3aren jagi hogi to #ya bologe=
!'780 +ol doonga camera saaf #arna hai9
A:'T' Dooth bologe us se=
!'780 1f course<
They smile at one another.
43 mins6
Sc # ,0 Night, Eterior!
A small light is seen through the mist. 't is the lamp of a bicyle that (inds up the dusty trac# to the
foot of the cliff. !iren and Aditi. They get off" !iren ma#es a cat-call.
!'780 Mein bichchooaon #o bhaga raha hoon9 Meine tumhein bataya naheein na #i yahaan
bichhoo bhare pade hain..=
They begin to climb the up small cliff" (al#ing sometimes" sometimes on all fours. .elping each
other sometimes.
A:'T' !o(< +ichhoo-s< ' lo$e them<
!'780 3abhee #abhee saanp bhee ni#al aate hain idhar udhar se9
A:'T' 3ya luc# hai yaar mera9< Mere saare fa$ourite jaan(ar idhar hee rehte hain #ya<= +hedie
aur sher naheein aate yahaan..=
!'780 ;aar tum dar #yon nahin rahi ho..=
A:'T' ;aar tum dara hi nahin rahe ho dhang se.. 3oshish #aro.. #oi achcha idea socho..
!'780 Achha9 8# important baat main tumhein bata doon.. 3uch saal pehle" e# lad#i ne.. is cliff
se #ood #ar apni jaan de di thi. Ab har raat.. barah baje #e baad.. us#a bhoot yahan aata hai..
A:'T' Tum ghabrao mat. Main hoon na.. main samhaal loongi.. +hoot to bahut hi @yada pasand
hain mujhe.
!'780 ;e #ya ba#(aas hai= +hoot #isi #o pasand #aise ho sa#te hain=
A:'T' Mujhe hain.. Dab mere daddy mummy #hatam ho gaye the to main sochti thi #i $o bhoot
ban #ar mujhse milne aayenge. Tab hi se hamesha dhoondhti rehti hoon #i #aheen #oi
bhoot di#h jaye..
!'780 Tumhaare parents.. #aise #hatam hue..=
A:'T' Gaadi #a accident ho gaya tha..
!'780 1h.. 3ab #i baat hai..=
A:'T' *aat saal ho gaye..
!'780 .mm9
They continue to climb.
41 min6
Sc # ,5 Night, Eterior!
<liff Top 1Lighthou!e2
/ights of the to(n can be seen from the cliff top. Aditi and !iren reach and slump do(n on the
ground. They are breathing hea$ily" ta#e rest of a roc#.
A:'T' +eautiful.. Achcha hua.. main aa gayee..
!'780 .aan.. A#ele.. main bhi nahin aata.. >pause? Aditi.. >laughs?
A:'T' 3ya hua=
!'780 Dust a thought.. .amare ghar(ale.. hamein yahaan de#h lein.. to #ya sochenge..=
;e dono shaadi se mana #arte hai.. aur pandrah din baad" raat #e do baje.. Goa mein..
a#ele.. e# pahaadi par baithe hain.. 3ya sochenge $o..
A:'T' *ochenge nahin9 seedhe #ood jaayenge yahan se..
!'780 Aur bhoot ban jaayenge..
They giggle.
A:'T' Aur 3aren..= !o #ya sochegi..=
!'780 hir 3aren.. ;aar problem #ya hai tumhaari..= 8# baat batao.. Tum aur main.. .um dono..
#uch ghalat #ara rahe hain #ya..=
A:'T' 0aheein9
!'780 Abhi yahan pe achha lag raha hai=
A:'T' .aan9
!'780 To phir lagne do.. #yon faltoo mein 3aren.. 3aren..= Aur maan lo 3aren #o #oi
galatphehmi ho bhi jaati hai.. To $o galatphehmi hi hogi na..= 3uchh hai to naheein na
hamare beech..
A:'T' 0aheein9
!'780 +as to phir<
!'780 Aur 3aren #o maaloom #aise padega jab ham use bataayenge hee naheein9
A:'T' Tum naheein bataoege=
!'780 3oi @aroori hai #i har e# #o har baat batayee jaaye<=
A:'T' >mische$iously? Achhaaaaa<
!'780 Aur #ya< bahut see aisi baatein hoti hain jo aap chhipa jaate hain9
A:'T' Apni girlfriend se bhee9<=
!'780 3haas #ar #e apni girlfriend se<
*he laughs.
!'780 *ee9 there are things jo mein use nahin bata sa#ta.. le#in for eGample9 tumhein bata
sa#ta hoon..
A:'T' Daise9 >nudging him saucily? Para ham bhee to sunein9
!'780 Daise9 jaise jab mein F
class mein tha to9 main..
A:'T' 9apni teacher #e pyaar mein pad gaye the9 'smein #aun si badi baat hai..= ;e to sab#e
saath hota hai.. Aur batao..
!'780 Aur.. Dab- mein- America- mein- tha-to9 #ayee baar.. striptease dance baar gaya tha..
A:'T' 7eally..= &o(.. 3aisa hota hai9= Mera bahut man hai striptease de#hne #a..
!'780 Ghalati #ar dee na..= .um log shaadi #ar lete to America jaa #e saath mein striptease
A:'T' ;our fault.. Tum ne na bola mujhe..
!'780 Tumne bola nahin na us din #i tumhein nanga naach de#hne #a shau# hai.. +olti to main
immideately haan bol deta..
A:'T' Thee# hai.. Agla lad#a aayega to us#o bol doongi..
They laugh.
!'780 .aan.. bol dena.. Aisa bhagega #i na bolne bhi $apas nahin aayega..
+oth of them ae laughing as (e gradually go a(ay from them. Aade out.
42 O mins6
Sc # ,6 T>ilight, Eterior!
The s#y is bright" the sun is about to rise. &e see that !iren and Aditi are fallen asleep" huddled
together on a roc# on the cliff. Aditi opens her eyes. *he loo#s around. *he gets her head up from !iren-s
shoulder" loo#s around once more.
A:'T' .ey9 hey..
*he sha#es !iren. .e gets up.
!'780 *hit< .am log yaheein so gaye<

A:'T' >giggles? .aan9 ab to subeh bhee hone (ali hai9
!'780 Mar gaye< +haaaagooooooo<
They lea$e in a hurry. &e remain at the roc# they (ere resting on all the night.
41)2 min6
Sc # ,7 1A2 Da%, Eterior!
4om)a% Street!
Traffic in +ombay. Three top angle shots. 'n the third" the tempo tra$eler is seen coming do(n a
street and stopping. The door opens and Aditi gets off. *hi$a gi$es Aditi her bag.
*.'!A 3on#an 8Gpress. 11 baje departure" subeh L baje :adar mein arri$al.. +ye..
A:'T' +ye..
*hi$a bangs his hand t(ice on the (all of the tra$eler for the dri$er to lea$e. !iren comes for(ard a
bit to(ards Aditi. 3aren is sitting neGt to him.
!'780 *o9
A:'T' 1#ay9
.e ta#es her hand.
!'780 Aditi" main tumhein9.
+efore he could complete (hat he (ants to say" the tra$eler pic#s up speed.
!'780 Arey9 .ello9 /isten9
!iren loo#s at Aditi. Aditi sees !iren become smaller and smaller in the distance" finally" the door of
the tra$eler closes.
Sc # ,9 1A2 Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
!'780 >calls out to :ri$er? Arey9 mein baat #ar raha tha yaar< +ye bhi naheein bolane diya9
.e loo#s at 3aren.
*.'!A 7o#ane #o boloon #ya=
!'780 Ab #ya9=
.e turns a(ay" feeling uncomfortable to part li#e this.
Sc # ,7142 Da%, Eterior!
4om)a% Street!
Aditi stands loo#ing at the tempo. *he (ould ha$e li#ed it better to ha$e said a proper goodbye to
!iren. 't is sad that she (ill ne$er see him again. +ut9
A:'T' TaGi9
41 O mins6
Sc # ,9 142 Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
!iren is feeling dissatisfied. There is something going on in his mind. 3aren is not loo#ing straight at
him but is noticing him. *he turns and loo#s at him. .e loo#s at her" smiles. *he smiles. *he is thin#ing.
Sc # /: Da%, Eterior!
3alhotra Drive>a%
Gopal is near his car. .e is (aiting for *onal" (ho is loo#ing for something in her purse. The taGi
dri$es in and stops. .e comes to the cab.
G1A/ .i Aditi" #aisa raha..=
A:'T' &onderful bhaiya9 bahut ma@a aaya..
G1A/ !T se aa rahi ho..=
A:'T' 0ahin.. :adar se. 0au baje pahunch gayee.. 3on#an 8Gpress.. Goa se departure raat #e
gyarah baje..
G1A/ Tum jao andar.. paise mein de deta hoon9
A:'T' +haiya aap #ahan jaa rahe ho9=
G1A/ ,ra(ford Mar#et9 #yon=
A:'T' Mujhe mere institute ta# chhod doge9 train se jaaoongi to der ho jaayegi9
G1A/ Daldi #ar9
A:'T' aanch minute..
Aditi rushes in. *he crosses *onal. *onal (al#s to(ards Gopal as he turns to the cab dri$er.
G1A/ 3itana hua9
TAT' :7'!87 1C rupaiye9
Gopal is pu@@led.
41)2 min6 )5L mins)
Sc # /1 Da%, Eterior!
'n!titute #ate
Gopal-s car par#s. *onal is sitting neGt to him" Aditi ma#es to eGit from the rear.
*10A/ Aditi
Aditi turns around.
*10A/ Tum #isee #e saath9 #oi cha##ar-$a##ar hai #ya tumhara..=
A:'T' >surprised? 0ahin didi.. 3yon..=
*10A/ *ure..=
A:'T' 100U
G1A/ Tune #aha tu :adar se aa rahee hai9= Aur (o taGi(ala bola #i tune taGi do sada# chhod #e
A:'T' .aan to9 mein :adar mein utari9 e# friend ne mujhe Mithibai ta# lift dee
.. (ahan se meine taGi pa#ad lee9
Gopal is loo#ing at Aditi. Aditi is loo#ing bac# at Gopal confidently.
G1A/ Tera #abhee #uchh aisa hua.. to tu hamse jhooth naheein bolegi9 hai na=
A:'T' +il#ul naheein< ar mera #oi affair.. #oi boyfriend nahin hai..
G1A/ 1#ay9 mujhe laga #uchh to meine poochh liya..
A:'T' Aapne bil#ul thee# #iya9 Ab main bhaagti hoon..
G1A/ +ye..
A:'T' +ye9 Than#s.
Aditi gets off and hurries into the gate. Gopal loo#s at *onal.
G1A/ To ye thee baat9.
.e starts the car and is about to dri$e (hen an 8steem comes and par#s in front. The dri$er gets off
in a hurry and rushes to(ards the gate.
G1A/ Iffo
*onal is loo#ing at the dri$er of the 8steem.
*10A/ ;e9 ye (oi lad#a hai na jo Aditi #o de#hane aaya tha9. 1beroi #a beta9= >Gopal loo#s?
(oi jisne Aditi #a haath pa#da tha9
G1A/ .aan.. !iren9
!iren gets into the gate. *onal and Gopal loo# at one another" intrigue lur#ing in their minds.
41 min6
Sc # /$ Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
'n!titute <orridor & #arden
Aditi is (al#ing do(n the corridor to(ards her class. !iren hurries up from behind and comes to her.
!'780 .i<
*he loo#s at him. +efore she can say anything" he ta#es her hand leads her do(n to the side.
A:'T' .i..
!'780 ata hai ham is dunia #e sabse bade idiots hain<
A:'T' 3yon=
!'780 .am log #yon mile the<=
A:'T' *hadi #e liye9
!'780 Are (o naheein< Is#e baad<
A:'T' >understands? .mm.. mujhe 3aren #o de#h #e tumhein batana tha..

!'780 's cha##ar mein hum Goa ta# ghoom aaye.. magar yehi baat nahin #ee. To batao..
A:'T' Tumhein #ya sunana hai= *ach ya jhooth=
!'780 Do bhee sunane mein achha lage9
A:'T' Thee# hai9 to suno9 3aren9 >pauses?.. achhee lad#ee hai.. bahut achhee lad#i9
!'780 ;e sach hai ya jhooth9=
A:'T' >smiles? 3ya far# padta hai..= *unne mein achcha lag raha hai na..=
.e smiles.
!'780 Aur=
A:'T' Aur #ya=
!'780 +as itana hee=
A:'T' Mmm.. ehli baar mein aisa lagta naheein hai par9 par 3aren tumse bahut pyaar #artee
!'780 Aur=
A:'T' *uno" main tumhari lo$e life par hd nahin #ar rahi hoon. Ditna di#ha utna bol diya.
!iren loo#s at her for a (hile" the smile playing on his face.
A:'T' 3yaaaa<=
!'780 Mein samajh gaya9
A:'T' 3ya samajh gaye=
!'780 &oi jo tumne #aha naheein.. mere aur 3aren #e baare mein9
A:'T' Dab #aha naheein to samjhe #aise=
!'780 !ohi to cha##ar hai.. tum jo naheein bhee #ehti ho (o bhee mein samajh jaata hoon9
*he smiles.
!'780 .am dono #e beech #uchh hai Aditi.. hai na..=
*he points a finger at him.
A:'T' Tum yaad ra#hna mujhe.. 1#ay..=
!'780 >through director-s $ire(? Aise hi yaad ra#hoonga.. Aditi9 pin# sal(aar #amee@... #ali
designer bindi.. e# gulmohar #e ped #e neeche #hadi hai9
A:'T' Achha hua tum yahaan aa gaye9
!'780 Aana hi tha9 Aage to milna hai nahin.. KThe end- to thee# se hona hee chaahiye9
A:'T' To9 +ye9
!'780 +ye9 and all the best.. achche se rehna tum9
A:'T' Tum bhi9
They are about to lea$e. Aditi comes for(ard to gi$e him a friendly hug. And just then" something
catches !iren-s eye in the corridor. Gopal and *onal" loo#ing around. They see !iren. Aditi hugs !iren. 1n
the release" she reali@es that !iren is stiff. *he loo#s in the direction he is loo#ing. 't has happened. *onal and
!iren ha$e seen her. They are standing there" shoc#ed. Aditi is static for a moment. Then she eGchanges a half
loo# (ith !iren" then (al#s to(ards her fol#s. !iren loo#s at her go. 't occurs to him that this is a really
strange situation. A confused smile comes to his face.
!'780 >to himself? *tupid.. >sha#es his head" spea#s aloud? Pindagi mein maine itna ridiculous
scene nahin de#ha. Absolute" most idiotic situation.
Aditi has reached near Gopal and *onal in the corridor. *he turns and loo#s to(ards !iren. .e is
sha#ing his head and smiling.
!'780 ata hai.. >(al#s up? Main #yee baar bahut ajeeb type #i situations mein pad chu#a hoon..
Magar ye jo situation hai.. is#a #oi mu2abla nahin..
!iren has reached near them. Gopal is loo#ing at him (ith confused anger. *onal is (ondering (hy
this man is tal#ing li#e this.
!'780 .ello.. >to Gopal? *orry" mein aap#a naam bhool gaya9 3ya naam hai=
Gopal narro(s his eyes. !iren continues (hen he sees that Gopal has not replied.
!'780 3hair jo bhi naam ho.. par jaisa aap soch rahe hain.. $aisa hai nahin.. >(ith eGaggerated but
definite mo$ement of hands? To main ye bol raha hoon #i #aheen baithte hain.. aur is#e
baare mein baat #arte hain..
Gopal is seething in anger. .e regards !iren for a second" then grits his teeth.
G1A/ >to his t(o sisters? ,halo9
!iren holds his shoulder.
!'780 /isten man.. ;ahan (orld class confusion ho sa#ti hai.. isliye..
G1A/ >underplayed anger? .aath hatao<
!'780 lease listen.. aapne hum dono #o jaise de#ha..
Gopal $iolently sha#es off !iren-s hand.
G1A/ Meine #aha haath hatao..
!'780 :e#hiye" ye baat phail #e bahut badee ban sa#ti hai.. ;a phir hum paanch minute baat #ar
#e sab #uch clear #ar sa#te hain.. lease doosra (aala option choose #eejiye.. >to *onal?
:e#hiye.. '-m sorry .. mein aap#a naam bhi bhool gaya9 magar aap please inhein boliye..
Aditi" tum samjhao na in#o..
G1A/ >suddenly catching !iren-s collar and putting him to the (all? *un saale<
A:'T' +haiya please9
*10A/ +haiya.. naheein9
G1A/ Meri baat sun.. samjha..=
!'780 *unaiye9
A(#(ard pause. eople ha$e stopped by.
!'780 Main sun raha hoon.. *unaiye na9
G1A/ +ahut smart banta hai<= .aan<= ;e smartness apne #ameene bhai aur apne baap
#o di#hana.. samjha<=
!'780 Tch<
G1A/ >incited? ;e choo J choo #ya #ar raha hai= .aan9
*10A/ +haiya9e# minute suno to9
A:'T' +haiya aap9
*onal and Aditi manage to some(hat separate the t(o.
!'780 Mein aap#o samjhane #ee #oshish #ar raha hoon9 but ' don-t thin# you are
co-operating man<
A:'T' !iren please9 chup #aro9 please<
!'780 Mein to9
A:'T' Meine #aha na chup9 please<
*onal is tugging at Gopal.
G1A/ 3ya #eh raha hai tu..=
*10A/ +haiya aap chalo yahaan se9 chalo9
*he ta#es Gopal out" Aditi gi$es a slight glance to(ards !iren. *he is $ery tense. !iren loo#s at her
as she follo(s them out.
45 O mins6 )C5 O mins)
Sc # /, Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all
The phone recie$er is off the hoo#. A hand comes and pic#s it up. 't is *onal. *he as#s granny before
putting the recie$er to her ear.
*10A/ 3aun hai=
G7A00; Tera ghar(ala9
*10A/ Ghar(ala naheein mera ghar todne (ala9 >Then bar#s into the phone?
.immat #aise hui yahan phone #arne #i=
DA;A 3yon..= 3is baat #a badla hai ye..= Aa#hir #yon aisa laga tumhein #i hum logon #o is tarah
se @aleel #arna chahiye..= 3yon..= +atao mujhe..
&e reali@e that in the bac#ground" Aditi is standing" getting furiously reprimanded by Mrs. Daya
Malhotra. Gopal is there" flitting around. Incle is sitting.
A:'T' Aunty9aisa naheein hai9
DA;A 3aisa naheein hai..= Aaj mili tum us se.. mili #i nahin= ehle bhi miltee rahee" jhooth par
jooth bolatee raheein tum hamse9 :ho#a deti rahi.. 3yon..= +ahut bure lagte hain hum
log= 3oi bhi.. #isi bhi tarah #i #amee ra#hi hum logon ne tere liye..= 3isi bhi tarah *onal se
#am maana hai maine tujhe..=
'n the foreground" *onal spea#s furiousy to her eG-husband.
*10A/ ;e ghatia emotional blac#mail mat #arna mujhe. 0otice #e neeche mera sign hai. Is#e
alaa$a aur #oi baat nahin #arni mujhe tumse. Aur ab tumne dubara phone #iya to police
aayegi tumhare ghar< *amjhe<=
*he loo#s in front" sees something" then holds her head.
*10A/ 1 god.
*he #eeps the phone do(n" sha#ing her head. 't is !iren" ha$ing entered the hall.
!'780 .i9
*10A/ Maan<
Aunt stops shouting" e$eryone turns. They see !iren. Gopal" (ho had sat do(n by no(" stands up
!'780 .ello uncle" hello aunty. Meine baat #ee.. >pointing to(ards Gopal? 0aam phir yaad nahin
aa raha hai.. ye.. aap#e bete9 jo bhee naam hai9 meine #aha inse par inhein samajh mein
naheein aayee.. To meine socha aap log @yada samajhdaar honge..
Aditi is dumbfounded" she closes her eyes. Gopal mo$es to(ards him. Then calls out behind !iren.
G1A/ :e$a< Gate band #ar do< ;e #ameena bahar naheein ni#alna chaahiye<
!'780 >to Daya and damodar? :e#ha aapne9 ye #aise #ar rahe hain..
G1A/ Abhi #iya #ahan hai maine #uch bhi. 3aroonga to ab.. Teri bahut himmat ho gayee hai na.
!'780 Tch9
!iren chooses to (ander his loo# aimlessly on the ceiling (hile Gopal is addressing him (ith utmost
G1A/ :e#h #ya #arta hoon mein tere saath..
!'780 3ya #aroge= Maroge mujhe..= *uno.. main darta nahin hoon tumse.. Main chup hoon sirf
Aditi #i $ajah se.. Main is#i $ajah se aaya hoon yahan. >To Mr and Mrs Malhotra? :e#hiye"
Aditi bahut achchi lad#i hai. Main nahin chahta hoon #i aap log be#aar is par toot padein"
pareshaan #arein is#o.. Aap log meri baat sun leejiye" saara confusion clear ho jayega..
DA;A Aditi9apne #amre mein jao<
Aditi (al#s out.
!'780 Arey.. is#o rehne deejiye yahan.. Ghalat samajh rahe hain aap log..
MA/.1T7A >cutting him? +aith jo.. baith jao. *haant ho jao..
!iren sits.
!'780 Than#s9 mein jab9
MA/.1T7A Ahahan9 baad mein >pic#s up the phone" dials a number?... jo bhee tumhein #ehna hai
apne pitaji #e saamne #ehna9
!'780 >ner$ous energy" stands? itaji.. unhein #yon..= ' mean un#a.. ye baat to9 $o #ya=
Ghalatfehmi hai.. aur $o to #uch bhi.. aap#e aur mere.. baat haamari hai.. aur $o..
8$eryone is loo#ing sternly at him. .e stops" loo#s at them.
MA/.1T7A +aith Dao..
.e ma#es a gesture (ith his hand as though (hat :amodar is doing is ridiculous. Then sits do(n
2uietly" crosses his legs and puts his chin on his #nuc#les. Granny is sitting neGt to him" loo#ing at him. The
phone connects.
MA/.1T7A Mr. 1beroi #o phone do9. :amodar Malhotra.
!iren loo#s at Malhotra" loo#s a(ay. Granny finally spea#s.
G7A00; 8# baat batao beta9
G1A/ :adimaan<
G7A00; +aat to #arne do< >turns to !iren? Tumhein Aditi se milna achcha lagta hai ye baat main
samajh sa#ti hoon.. Magar chhip chhip #ar #yon..= Isase shaadi #ar lete9 phir to saari
@indagee hee milna rehta9 jee bhar #e milte9
!'780 :adimaan9baat thodi.. tedhi hai9 magar aap @aroor samajh jayengi..
G1A/ >cutting? *hut up< *hut up<<
!'780 1 man9
.e loo#s at Gopal and sha#es his head.
*10A/ :adi.. aap idhar aao9
*onal ta#es granny a(ay.
MA/.1T7A >into the phone? Mr 1beroi9 aap#a beta9!iren9 mere ghar aaya hai9 mein chaahta
hoon #i aap yahaan aayein aur use le jaayein9
Malhotra puts the phone do(n.
!'780 >aloud to himself? &hoa... .o gaye lafde..

43 mins6
Sc # // 1A2 Da%, Eterior!
3alhotra-! Drive>a%
T(o luGury cars stops at the door of the Malhotra residence. 0aren is dri$ing the first. Mr 0irmal
1beroi is gets off from the other. T(o other men get off the rear of his car. 0aren leading" they mo$e into the
house. Three men" mo$e behind them from the compound.
Sc # /01A2 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all
0aren enters the hall. !iren sees him" gets up and (al#s to(ards him.
!'780 +haiya" '-m sorry aap#a #aam disturb hua.. par yahan bina matlab hi ye log..
!iren sees Mr 0irmal 1beroi and immediately stops spea#ing. 1beroi loo#s sternly at !iren" !iren
loo#s do(n.
!'780 Good.. Good afternoon dad9
1beroi loo#s a(ay from him to(ards the Malhotras. .e ta#es t(o steps to(ards them.
1+871' 3ya baat hai Mr Malhotra=
DA;A &o to aap#o batana hai Mr. 1beroi9 beta aap#a hai9.
1+871' Mr. Malhotra9 3ya in#e bajaay aap mujhse baat #ar sa#te hain..=
DA;A Arey..
Mr. :amodar Malhotra gestures to pacify his (ife.
MA/.1T7A :e#hiye" aap#a lad#a picchle #ayee dinon se meri bhanji se chhip #ar milta hai9 Aur (o
is se milne #e liye yahaan ghar mein bahane banati hai9 's sab #a #ya matlab hai=
DA;A ehle (o us se shadi #e liye na #arta hai aur phir ye sab.. aa#hir (o chaahta #ya hai= ;e #is
tarah #a beta hai aap#a=
G1A/ 3ameena hai aur #ya<=
0A780 Tch..
1+871' To phir aap#i bhanji #ya hui= Dab !iren us#o mana #ar chu#a hai to phir (o bahane bana
#ar us se milne #yon jaati hai= 3yon phansa rahi hai $o ise..=
The Malhotras are stung by this. !iren spea#s J
!'780 Arey nahin dad" aisa thodi hai..
1beroi turns sharply to(ards him. !iren shi$ers at the loo#" but musters courage to spea#.
!'780 Actually9 !o mujhe phansa-$ansa nahin rahi hai..
1+871' +e(a#oof< Agar tumhaari #hopdi mein @ara see bhee a#al hoti to in logon #a ye
nata# samajhte tum< Dab seedhe taree#e se ye us lad#i #i shaadi tumse nahin #ar$a sa#e to
apni asliyat mein aa gaye aur ye taree#a ni#ala. /ad#i #o bhej diya tumhaare peeche"
tumhein phansaane #o..
Sc # /51A2 Da%, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
Aditi listens to the con$ersation from her room. *he is sitting on the floor. Gradually" (e are coming
closer to her. *he closes her eyes presently. The tal# goes on.
DA;A Aae Mr. 1beroi9.
G1A/ +atayein #aise phansaya jaata hai<= phansa #e di#haye aap#e lad#e #o<= .aan<= :e#hna
Sc # /0142 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all
Gopal continues to scream.
G1A/ 8# phone-call mein aap#a lad#a e$e-teasing #e charge mein andar ho jayega.. 3aroon
0A780 8# minute.. e# minute.. >to Gopal? Tum @ara.. araam se.. >to Mr and Mrs Malhotra? Mere
#hayaal se #uch confusion hai.. aap #eh rahe hain #i pichchle #ayee dinon se ye dono mil
rahe hain.. magar ye to ho hi nahin sa#ta hai. 3yon#i pichchle #ayee din !iren to tha hi
nahin +ombay mein. ;e to abhi" #uch ghante pehle lauta hai.
DA;A 3ahan gaya tha ye..=
!iren loo#s up to(ards 0aren. This could spill the beans. +ut 0aren spea#s.
0A780 Goa.

Sc # /5142 Da%, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
Aditi-s head coc#s up.
DA;A >sound off? 3ya..= Goa..=
Sc # /01<2 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all
Mrs Daya Malhotra" as her mind eGplores (hat must ha$e happened in the (ee#end.
DA;A ;e !iren Goa gaya tha=
!iren loo#s at her" senses trouble here.
!'780 ,halo bhaiya9 (arna ye #ahengi Goa jaana bhi paap hai..
DA;A >screams? 3ameene< 's#a matlab hai tu.. meri lad#i to le gaya tha..
!'780 >pretending? .ey.. hey9 (hat-s (rong (ith her<
Mr Malhotra loo#s in 2uestion at his (ife.
DA;A *haadi #a #eh #e gayee thi Aditi.. aayee to dhone mein e# bhee shadiyon (ala #apda nahin
tha is#a.. bas jeans aur tops9
!'780 *o (hat< Deans aur tops< /oo# at her logic<

DA;A ;e chichora insaan9 ye us din Aditi se shaadi #arne naheein mastee marne aaya tha9
;aheen haath pa#ad liya tha to phir Goa mein to..
!'780 .ey.. hey.. aagal ho gayee hain #ya..= *amajh mein aa raha hai #ya ba#(aas #ar rahi
hain..= >to Gopal? *uno tum.. jo bhi naam hai tumhara.. 'nhein #isee doctor #e paas le jao"
#isi pychiatrist #e paas9 'n#o major problem hai dad" main #aafi der se in#o obser$e #ar
raha hoon.. >to Gopal? 'n#a aise #hulla ghoomna society #e liye #hatarnaa# ho sa#ta hai..
,halo bhaiya9 come9 mera dimaag #haraab tha jo mein yahaan in#i help #arne aaya9
;e naye paise (alon #e saath yahee problem hai<
!iren ma#es to herd 0aren and his father out.
G1A/ *aale harrrraaami< Mein chhodoonga naheein tujhe<
MA/.1T7A *hut up Gopal... *hut up. >(ith humility? 1#ay Mr 1beroi" than# you..
1beroi turns to go. !iren is standing in front. .e glares at !iren" then (al#s out. !iren and 0aren
(al# out after him. Malhotra shouts at Gopal after they ha$e left.
MA/.1T7A Tum #ya naheein chhodoge use..= Dab tumhari apni lad#i rang di#ha rahee hai..
43 min6
Sc # /5 1<2 Da%, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
Aditi heart is beating in her mouth as she hears.
MA/.1T7A >sound off? 3am@ori hammein hai9 3isee se baat bhee mat #arna is baare mein9 Do thodi
bahut ummeed hai us#i shaadi #i" $o bhi #hatam ho jayegi..
DA;A >sound off? ;e lad#i.. chee@ #ya hai ye..= 'tni besharam..= Aur itne dinon ta# hum ise #ya
samajhte rahe..
Aditi closes her eyes.
41)2 min6
Sc # // 142 Da%, Eterior!
3alhotra-! Drive>a%
Mr 1beroi-s car lea$es. 0aren is getting into his car.

0A780 !iren..
!'780 1h shit< >pulls 0aren-s arm and sees the (atch? Mar gaye< +haiya" 0irmal #o samhaal
lena.. '-m dead man..
0A780 Arey suno..
!iren rushes to(ards his car. 0aren sha#es his head.
41)2 min6
)E1 O mins)
Sc # /6 1A2 Da%, 'nterior!
<afeteria & @u)
3aren is sitting at a table. *he loo#s at her (atch. !iren (al#s up from the rear. .e hurries up to her.
.e is breathing hea$ily" hardly being able to spea#.
!'780 *(eetheart" '-m really sorry9 par it (as cra@y yaar< 3ya scene hua hai main bataoonga na
to tum belie$e nahin #arogi9
3aren stands up. *he is smiling" (earing a $ery elegant dress. *he ta#es his hands" #isses him on the
3A780 .i !iren9
.e is surprised by her manner. .e loo#s at her dress.
!'780 ;e9 Tum #isi party mein ja rahi ho=
3A780 >smiling? arty mein aayee hoon9
*he ta#es him to sit. The table is decorated. !iren is confused. &hile sitting" he catches sight of
*hi$a and his other friends sitting on tables on the left.
!'780 *hi$a9=
*hi$a and the others turn a(ay. !iren is more confused. .e loo#s at 3aren.
!'780 &hat-s happening=
3aren does not reply. *he is smiling. *he seats him. .e loo#s to(ards his friends and gestures to as#.
*hi$a shrugs" as though ho( should ' #no(" and loo#s a(ay.
!'780 3aren" bolo na9 3ya baat hai=
3A780 Tum bolo !iren. 3ya baat hai.=
!iren is (ondering.
3A780 Tum bahut din se mujhse #uch bolna chahta ho na= *orry9 poochna chahte ho9 right=
!iren gapes. .e turns to(ards *hi$a. *hi$a is grinning. !iren turns to(ards 3aren. .e gets it.
!'780 1h.. Achcha $o9=
3A780 Mujhe shuroo se maloom tha.. +as delay #ar rahi thi. Magar ab mujhe lagta hai #i time aa
gaya hai. Ab aur der nahin #arni chahiye.
!'780 1#ay" o#ay9
3A780 *o as#9
!'780 Abhi..=
3A780 Abhi..
!'780 Are yaar abhi to9 ;ou don-t #no(. Main jahan se aa raha hoon na9
3aren is smiling. &aiting for him to propose. !iren decides to do it.
!'780 Abhi9 1#ay9. 3aren..
3A780 >playful? .mm..=
!'780 >straight? &ill you marry me=
3A780 >cutting him? 1h stop it yaar< Aise propose #aroge tum mujhe..= Pindagi mein e# baar ye
moment aata hai9 aur tum.. aisa hoga hamara moment..=
!'780 >loo#s at her? 0ahin..
.e clears his throat. .e loo#s at the flo(er on the table. .e pic#s it. The $ase falls. .e comes to his
#nees in a hurry in front of 3aren. A (aiter carrying some drin#s in a tray crashes against him. The glasses
fall. *ome people shrie#.
!'780 *hit9
.e gets up. .is friends are laughing.
!'780 *orry yaar9 '-m $ery sorry9 *orry9
.e loo#s at 3aren. There is a disappro$ing loo# on her face. .e indicates his brain.
!'780 3aren" abhi idhar po(er cut hai9 3uch samajh mein9
3A780 >cutting him? 1h come on... har #oi poochhega J #aise #iya !iren ne propose.. #aise #iya9
Main #ya boloongi un#o= 3i po(er cut tha9= :o something.
!'780 >(ondering? &hat9=
.e loo#s around. .e sees the li$e band playing. .e thin#s for a moment. Then J
!'780 8# minute9
.e (al#s bris#ly and climbs the stage" comes to the band.
!'780 *top" stop it9 7u# jao9
The singer loo#s at him in surprise. .e is in the middle of a song" he continues to sing. !iren holds
the guitar.
!'780 Dust.. just.. just.. stop9
The singer stops.
!'780 >to the other band members? .ello9 ru#o9 7u# jao9 *top.
The rest of the band stops. 1nly a #eyboard trac# is playing on it-s o(n. !iren turns to the audience.
!'780 >to e$eryone? .ello9 main9
.e loo#s do(n. .e reali@es that e$eryone is staring at him. .e has stopped the song mid(ays and
hijac#ed the stage. All action at the pub is suspended as he stands at the mi#e. .e is silent. .e does not #no(
(hat to say" (hat to do. *ilence. The musicians get up in ama@ement and loo# at each other. !iren loo#s at his
friends. They are gaping at him. Many of them co$er their faces. .e loo#s at 3aren. *he is loo#ing at him
ma#e an ass of himself. .e loo#s at the audience in front. .e loo#s do(n" closes his eyes. .e is li#e that for a
moment" then begins to sing.
Song # ,
The band begins to play. !iren proposes to 3aren by singing this song. The lyrics of the song say
that if ' fill the home (ith flo(ers" if ' promised to #eep home clean" (ill you ma#e your home (ith me= 'f '
filled your nights (ith starlight" and ' filled your days (ith fragrance" (ill you share those nights and days
(ith me= *oon" *hi$a arri$es (ith a fe( other friends. .e ta#es the drum-stic#s from the hands of the
drummer as he is playing" (ithout disrupting the flo( of music and begins to play. Another friend does the
same for the other guitar. Music builds up as a result of this. *ome guests begin to clap. The dance floor lights
are s(itched on and (ith a shrie#" many couples enter to dance. 3aren and !iren also dance. The tele$ision
monitors are acti$ated and it becomes a big occasion. !iren sings the song. +ut there is something that is
bothering him.
Alashes of Aditi at her house" getting reprimanded by her uncle and aunt. These flashes interlace this
song as this is (hat is bothering !iren as he sings.
The song ends. &ith !iren as#ing the 2uestion to 3aren J (ill you be mine. ause.
45 O mins6
Sc # /6 142 Night, 'nterior!
<afeteria & @u)
The attention is on 3aren. *he stands beaming in the limelight for a (hile. Then J
3A780 >screams? ;es9
3aren gi$es her hand" climbs do(n and embraces !iren. Massi$e cheer all around. The friends are
ecstatic. All the guests get up from their tables and clap. Many people come o$er to !iren and 3aren" (aiters
and guests and all" to (ish them.
!'780 Than#s" than#s a lot..
3A780 /isten9 please ser$e a round of drin#s to e$eryone.. hamaari taraf se<
The manager gets them a ca#e on the house. Alo(ers happen suddenly. The proposal had become a
huge e$ent. !iren is in the midst of festi$ity" but his mind is else(here.
42 O mins6
Sc # /7 1A2 Night, 'nterior!
<afeteria @hone <orner
The telephone in a corner of the cafeteria. !iren approaches the phone in a hurry and dials a
Sc # /9 1A2 Night, 'nterior!
The phone that is about to ring" #ept on the bar. +ehind (hich" (e see Aditi" bac#ing us and facing
Mrs and Mr Malhotra.
A:'T' Maine #abhi nahin chaaha #i meri (ajah se aap logon #o #oi bhi ta#leef ho.. Mummy
daddy bhee shayad itna nahin #arte mere liye9 >The phone rings? Mujhe9 main bahut
sharminda hoon #i9
*he reali@es that she is meant to pic# the phone up. *he turns and pic#s it up.
A:'T' .ello9
Sc # /7 142
!'780 Aditi9 .i9 3ya scene hai $ahan9= Tum thee# ho9=
Sc # /9 142
A:'T' Di aap#o #aun sa number chaahiye=
Sc # /7 1<2
!'780 1h9 $o log paas hai.. *uno" bus itna ishaara #ar do #i9
Sc # /9 1<2
A:'T' 0o" this is E203F3H.
*he puts the phone do(n" turns to uncle and aunt and continues.
A:'T' Maine jhoot bola tha #i shaadi mein ja rahi hoon9 le#in mera $aisa #uch bhi nahin hai
is#e saath >she says pointing to(ards the phone. Aunt loo#s at the phone. Aditi notices"
mo$es her hand in a simmilar gesture to the other side?9 ya us#e saath.. #isi #e bhi saath.
Goa main @aroor gayee thi.. $o bhi tha.. magar #oi bhi $aisa.. ghalat iraada nahin tha
DA;A .ahaan.. bahut achha" ne# iraada tha aap logon #a 9 teerath pe gaye the aap log< +eta #al
paida naheein hue hain ham log9
A:'T' 0ahin auntie main9
MA/.1T7A 'dhar aao9
*he goes to him.
MA/.1T7A +aitho9
Aditi sits.
A:'T' Mera ya#een #eejiye uncle9
MA/.1T7A 0ahin Aditi.. ab tum hamara ya#een #ho chu#i ho..
Aditi loo#s do(n" stung (ith shame.
MA/.1T7A Aaj mujhe pehli baar pachtaa$a ho raha hai.. #i #yon $aada #iya tha maine oonam se J
Ghabrao mat.. hum log tumhaari beti #a #hayal ra#henge.. Is#o achche se settle #arenge..
3hair.. !aada #iya hai to poora to #arna hee hai9
.e loo#s at Aditi. *he spea#s (ith great effort.
A:'T' Incle9 aap log jis se #ahenge" main us se shaadi #ar loongi. ' promise9 hir shayad
aap#o ya#een ho jayega #i main sach bol rahi thi.
DA;A Maine ,ha(la #o bola hai. !o jaldi hi #habar laayega9
*uddenly" the phone rings again. Aditi loo#s to(ards it. Aunt is closer to the phone no(. *he pic#s it
DA;A >anger continued? .ello<
42 O mins6
Sc # /7 1D2
!'780 :ammit..
!iren bangs the phone do(n" stands agitated for a moment. 3aren approaches from behind. .e turns
to her. *he gi$es him a surprised smile.
3A780 !ahan anjaan log tumhaare liye celebrate #ar rahe hain. Aur tum yahan #hade ho..=
>notices him? 3ya hua..= ;ou loo# tense9
!'780 .aan9= !o.. >coo#s up? to hai hi na.. ' mean.. ,atholic" .indu.. Meri family" tumhaari
family.. Tension to hai..
3A780 >gets co@y? :on-t (orry. .um dono saath hain na.. step by step saara problem sol$e ho
jayega. *tep number one J tum mera haath maangne #ab aaoge=
!'780 Aur #itne haath mangoo= Abhi maanga na9=

3A780 Tch.. !o to mujhse na.. Mere dad se nahin maangoge mera haath..=
!'780 1h man<
.e gets real tense no(.
41 O mins6
Sc # 0: 1A2 Night, 'nterior!
8aren-! +all
't is relati$ely dar# in the hall" (hich" along (ith archaic settings" is gi$ing it a brooding 2uality right
no(. Mr and Mrs Aernande@ are dressed formally and sitting formally on the formal t(o seater sofa of theirs.
't-s not their portrait being made" they are listening to !iren-s proposal.
!'780 Mujhe maaloom hai #i is dunia #a sach #ya hai9
!iren is (earing a formal suit" (ith a tie and a flo(er tuc#ed to his coat. .e is standing if front of the
couple and ma#ing the speech.
!'780 ;e dunia banti huee hai J >counting? jaat #e naam par" rang #e naam par9 :esh #e naam
par.. dharm #e naam par9 par ye $o.. sarahdein hain jo insaan ne #heenchi hain9
3aren is peeping from behind the door.
!'780 /e#in in sabse oopar hai (o jise insaan ne naheein oopar(ale ne banaya hai9 pyar. yar
#isi sarhad #o nahin maanta9 yaar #e bina @indagee #aisee" your honour=
Aernande@ #nots his bro(. 3aren shuts her eyes.
!'780 ' mean.. yar (o dhaaga hai jo mujhe aapse jodta hai9 aur isee pyaar #ee #hatir mein
aapse aap#i lad#i Ms 3aren Aernande@ #a haath maangta hoon9 >forgets? haath maangta
hoon9 >remembers? #yon#i main pyaar mein ya#een ra#hta hoon9 yeah.. nafrat mein
naheein9 mein >points up(ards? usmein ya#een ra#hta hoon9 ma@hab mein naheein9
aap#a mera ma@hab alag ho sa#ta hai par (o aur pyar sab#e liye e# hain9
.e shrugs slightly.
!'780 That-s all9
Aernande@ has been loo#ing incisi$ely.
A-:8P +aitho9
!'780 Than#s9
.e sits and (ipes his forehead. Mrs *tella Aernande@ gi$es him a glass of (ater (ith a big smile.
A-:8P ;e #aun li#ha hai9=
!'780 3ya=
A-:8P ;e speech=
!'780 *peech nahin.. ye to maine aise hi..
Aernande@ is loo#ing at him.
!'780 Maine li#ha hai.
A-:8P Tumne..=
!'780 :e#hiye li#ha 3aren ne hai magar maine bhi..
A-:8P Tum ye sab mein belie$e #arte ho..=
!'780 3is sab mein..=
A-:8P ;ehi jo tum speech diya.. aur #ya..=

!'780 Di thoda bahut..
A-:8P Thoda ya bahut9
!'780 Ah.. bahut9
A-:8P Tum#o idea hai #i tum #ya #arna chah rahe ho= Tum dono #a lifestyle" families" #itna alag
hai maloom hai tum#o= Aur jo $alues hai $o..
!'780 >cutting? ' don-t thin# so.. ' mean sure9 far# to hai.. ab jaise aisa sofa hamare ghar
mein naheein laayega #oi9 Aur yahan.. har jagah jo candles bhari hui hain.. ' mean come
on9 jab bulbs hain to candles #ee #ya @aroorat hai9 /e#in meri mummy ne bhee mujhe
(ohi si#haya hai jo aapne 3aren #o J bado #ee i@@at #aro9 sach bolo9 ghalat #aam mat
#aro9 yehi $alues hain hamare" aur aap#e bhi J e# normal hindustani ghar #e $alues. Aur
ye same hain to #ya far# padta hai agar aap mombatti jalayein aur hum agarbatti..=
A-:8P .mm.. To tum relegious naheein ho=
!'780 0o.. Main religion mein belie$e naheein #arta..
A-:8P Aur tumhari family=
!'780 Infortunately yes..
A-:8P 'smein unfortunate #ya hai= Mein religious hoon9 ;e to achcha hai #i $o bhi relegious
hain. Magar #ya tumhari family mein 3aren #o $aise hee accept #iya jaayega jaisi (o hai..=
ause. 3aren loo#s at !iren. !iren #no(s that his family (ill ne$er accept.
!'780 1f course.. >(ith an eGaggerated but definite mo$ement of hands? ' don-t thin# #i
ismein #oi bhi problem hai9. They are $ery cool<
A-:8P To phir &his#y or !od#a=
!'780 .unh=
A-:8P &his#y or !od#a=
!'780 &his#y9
A-:8P 1#ay..
*tella Aernande@ comes o$er and #isses him.
*T8//A ,ongratulations. ' am so happy for 3aren. ehle tum us se milna chahte ho na..= >calls?
3aren.. !iren #o apna room di#hao9
't stri#es !iren that this is an eGact repeat of an earlier statement. .e remembers.
Sc # 01 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all

't is the same situation as *c V L" but the shots used here (ere not used in that scene. .ere the shots
are of the same scheme that is being used in *c V C2. Alashbac#.
DA;A Aditi" !iren #o apna #amra di#hao..
Aditi is seen. *he is sitting neGt to 0amita. *he gets up.
Sc # 0: 142
!iren is loo#ing in the direction (here Aditi is supposed to be. .e follo(s her loo# as she must ha$e
come to(ards him. +ut it is 3aren.
3A780 >suppressing her eGcitement? ,ome..
.e loo#s at her.
43 O mins6
Sc # 0$ Night, 'nterior!
8aren-! .oom, <orridor
3aren enters (ith !iren and shuts the door. *he unbottles her ecstacy and jumps onto !iren.
3A780 !iren.. !iren.. 't has happened.. My god" mujhe ya#een hi nahin ho raha hai.. And you
(ere so good.. :addy to.. bil#ul fan ho gaye hain tumhaare.. &o(.. ' lo$e you9

!iren loo#s at the phone #ept on 3aren-s side table.
!'780 *ame to you..

3A780 Ab chalo.. :ad #i bar #hul chu#i hogee9
!'780 Aa.. 3aren9 mein (o e# call #ar loon=
3A780 3is #o=
!'780 Actually" main naheein.. tum #aro call..
3A780 +ut #is #o..=
!'780 Aditi #o.. poor girl9 >3aren stares at !iren? !o log bahut tang #ar rahe honge us#o.. '-m
sure.. Meri a(aa@ pehchaan jayenge. Tum #arogee phone.. (o aa jaayegi to mein le
!iren reali@es he has messed up. 3aren is silent.
3A780 Abhee abhee mere dad ne haan #aha mere aur tumhare liye9 baahar (o tumhare liye
drin# bana rahe hain9hamari @indagi #a sabse happy moment hai ye9aur tum Aditi #e
baare mein soch rahe ho<=
!'780 Arey" $aisa thodi hai..
3A780 !iren9 &hat the hell is (rong (ith you=
!'780 3aren.. it-s just that mujhe phone di#ha aur laga #i e# phone #ar loon9 aur #ya=
3A780 's (a2t tum#o ye sab yaad #aise aaya..=
There is a #noc# on the door.
A-:8P >sound off? 1#ay #ids< /adai jhagde #e liye to saari life hai tum logon #e paas9 ,ome
and ha$e a drin# first.
3aren and !iren put on smiles and loo# to(ards the door.
3A780 ,ome...
They mo$e to the door. They open the door. Mr Aernande@ is standing in front of the room in the
corridor (ith t(o glasses. Mrs. Aernande@ is standing (ith a polaroid camera.
*T8//A *mile9
3aren and !iren pose. Alash.
42 mins6
Sc # 0, Night, Eterior!
;ernandeB- <ompound
A car is par#ed outside the gate. 3aren is standing at the gate and *hi$a is (al#ing a drun# !iren
to(ards the car.
*.'!A :on-t (orry9 mein chhod doonga ghar9
3A780 +ye9
!iren is slurring.
!'780 *aala buddhe ne to baja daali yaar..

*.'!A Toone mana #yon nahin #iya us#o=
*hi$a someho( manages to get !iren into the car.
!'780 Arey $o sunta #idhar hai= Main bola.. #i bhai.. than# you $ery much.. haan..= Mere #o
aadat nahin hai @yaada drin#s #i.. palti ho jaoonga.. ar $o to9 one more young man.. one
more young man9 #ar #e dimagh #a fuse uda diya yaar.. Abhi ye haal hai to shaadi #e
baad to meri $aat laga dalega9

*.'!A Achcha chal..
!'780 Arey toone pehchaana nahin us#o9 oori bottle andar #ar liya phir bhi apne pair pe #hada
hai. Abhi ta# andar mein one more" one more #ar raha hoga9 Tar@an hai $o Tar@an9
!aat lagayega shaadi #e baad9
*hi$a dri$es the car a(ay.
41)2 min6
Sc # 0/ Night, Eterior!
Street out!ide 3alhotra-! +ou!e
The car dri$es up the street.
!'780 Ae *hi$a" *hi$a.. ro#.. 7o# @ara
*hi$a stops the car. *prings into action.
*.'!A Gaadi mein nahin" gaadi mein nahin.. 7u# ru#...
*hi$a gets off and comes to !iren-s side. !iren is getting off.
*.'!A 'dhar" idhar side mein..
!'780 Arey (o naheein yaar..
*.'!A To..=
!'780 !o de#h9
.e indicates Aditi-s house to him.
!'780 Aditi hai na.. us#a ghar hai9 Aur $o9 us balcony #e peeche us#a room hai.. $ahan rehti
*.'!A To=
!'780 To $o hogi $ahaan abhi9 bahar ni#alne #a permission to hoga nahin..
*.'!A Abey be(de.. *haadi hone (aali hai teri.. Ab to parayee lad#i pe na@ar daalna chhod de..
,hal baith<
*hi$a goes bac# and sits in the car.
!'780 >mumbles? arayee lad#i..
!iren loo#s to(ards Aditi-s room. .e sees her shado( on the curtain. .e mo$es a step for(ard. Aditi
comes out to the balcony. Music for the song begins. !iren loo#s at Aditi. Aditi stands at the balcony. *he can
not see him. .e loo#s at her.
41 min6
)FL O mins)
Song # /
Aditi is standing at her balcony. As the trolley mo$es" (e find that !iren is standing on the balcony
too" loo#ing at her. .e sings the opening lines in a slo(" lyrical fashion. The lines say that for some reason"
Aditi does not seem Kparayee- to him.
The music builds up to become peppy and cheerfull as (e see $arious places in Goa. &e see Aditi
and !iren (ith the group that they had gone to Goa (ith. *o in that sense" this is a flashbac#. &e see Aditi
and !iren in $arious situations that (e ha$e not seen them earlier in the film. Aor instance" (e see !iren
training Aditi to di$e into a pond. &e ha$e seen earlier that !iren and Aditi had to run and catch the tempo
from the high(ay dhaba. 0o( (e see (hat happens after that. They had opened the bac# door of the $ehicle
(hile it (as in motion. !iren had caught the tempo" then gi$en his hand to Aditi. Then both had crashed
inside. !iren-s hand (as around Aditi. They had not reali@ed it for a (hile. Then they had. !iren had remo$ed
his hand and both had laughed o$er it.
&e see these incidents (hile the song goes on. And the song is being sung by !iren" of the present
time" (ho is also loo#ing at himself and Aditi in the past. *o typical shots in this song (ill be (ith !iren
loo#ing at himself and Aditi and singing the song.
The meaning of the song is that he does not #no( (hat it is" but there is something bet(een them.
*he is a thought for him. A thought that ma#es him happy. A thought that he (ants to thin# about. .e #no(s
that she is not his. +ut she doesn-t seem Kparayee- either.
45 O mins6
#oa 3ontage
A montage of clips of Aditi and !iren that (ere shot by the handycam in the Goa trip" playing to the
fading bars of the song.
41)2 mins6
Sc # 00 Night, 'nterior!
"iren-! .oom
!iren is lying on the bed and (atching in the /,: display of .andicam (hat he had shot of Aditi in
the Goa trip. &e reali@e that someone is loo#ing at the polaroid photograph of his and 3aren-s. 't is 0amita"
sitting on the bed.
0AM'TA 's#e father #o tum bol aaye #i hamare ghar mein to #oi problem hi nahin hai.. ata hai
#aisa bum phatne (ala hai yahaan jab logon #o maaloom padega=
!'780 >still a bit sha#y from the alchohol? Atom bum< ar agar mein us#e father #o sach bata deta
to (ahaan bhee bum phootata9 idhar bhee bum.. udhar bhee bum9 hir #oi chance nahin
0AM'TA Ab #ya #aroge=
!'780 Arey..= Tum mujhse #ya pooch rahi ho..= Tum batao mujhe #ya #arna hai..
0AM'TA Aaj @aroorat padi to yaad aa rahi hoon mein9 #i main tum#o support #aroon aur sab#e liye
$amp ho jaaoon9
!'780 Ahh.. Mere ghar #i heroine #abhee $amp naheein ho sa#ti9 Aur nata# mat #aro" main
jaanta hoon tum help #arogi..
0AM'TA Teen saal tumne ye baat mujhse chipa #aise lee=
!'780 ar bataya bhi to pehle tum hi #o na bhabi.. *orry jhooth naheein boloonga9 Maine
3isi aur #o bhi bataya hai..

0AM'TA 3ise=
!'780 Aditi #o.. !o Mr Malhotra.. hum log gaye the na..=
0AM'TA Tum paagal ho !iren<= Ise batane #ee #ya @aroorat thee9
!'780 ata naheein bhabhi9 Ismein #uch hai.. Main us se saari baatein share #ar leta hoon9
0AM'TA *hare #ar leta hoon< Is #amre mein C minute #e andar #ya #ya share #ar liya tumne=
!'780 Is #amre mein aur Goa mein9
0amita is shoc#ed.
0AM'TA Tumhaara matlab.. (o lad#i 9 (o bhee9 gayee thee Goa9 Tum ne jhooth bola tha<=
!'780 1fcourse9 Tab main nahin bol sa#ta tha na #i 3aren bhi Goa gayee thi.. Aur ye #i mera
cha##ar 3aren #e saath hai.. therefore Aditi #e saath #oi cha##ar nahin ho sa#ta.. ye sab..
Any(ay" ye batao #i tumhein #aisi lagi $o..=
0AM'TA Mujhe #ya maloom= 3abhee mil(aya tumne mujhe=
!'780 Mili to ho9
0AM'TA Mein #ab mili 3aren se..=
!'780 3aren naheein.. Aditi9 Aditi #aisi lagi thi tumhein..=
0AM'TA >pause? 8# second. Tum 3aren se shadi #arna chaahte ho na=
!'780 ;up<
0AM'TA To phir ye Aditi #ahaan se aa gayi=
!'780 Aditi aa naheein gayee9 sirf pooch raha hoon bhabi9
0AM'TA Mat poochho9 apni #hopdi saaf ra#ho.. Abhi bahut #uch sochna hai tumhein.. Daise #i
daddy se #ya #ahoge..
!'780 >scared at the tas#? 0irmal se<= 0irmal mujhe tadipaar #ar dega bhabhi9

0AM'TA ar bolna to tum hi #o hai !iren< Aur jaldi.. 's#e pehle #i unhein #aheen aur se pata chal
!'780 ;ou mean abhi..=
0AM'TA Abhi to munh se mehe# aa rahi hai. Doote pad jayenge.. 3al.. #al subah9
!'780 1#ay9
!iren loo#s tense. .e puts his head on the pillo(.
43 mins6
Sc # 05 Da%, Et & 'nterior!
()eroi-! #arden & "iren-! .oom & <orridor
The house of the 1beroi-s stands in early morning. 'n his bathroom" !iren splashes (ater on his
face. .e is loo#ing into the mirror. .e is preparing himself to spea# to his father.
!'780 :ad9 mujhe maloom hai mein #ya #ar raha hoon9 #ya sahee hai #ya galat hai9 mujhe
maloom hai dad< ' am t(enty four. 7elaG..
.e continues to tal# to himself as he (ipes his face (ith the to(el" thro(s it on the bed" then
proceeds do(n the corridor.
!'780 7eligion bhee hamein aa#hir #ya si#hata hai9= :oosaron se pyaar #arna9 yaar (o
dhaaga hai jo sab#o jodta hai9. to phir #ya meine galti #ee= 0aheein #ee<
.e is building up his o(n confidence and is (al#ing stiffly. A ser$ant crosses him.
!'780 *aab #ahan hain=
*87!A0T +ahar garden mein..
!iren comes to the door leading to the garden. .e slaps his face a couple of times and clenches his
fists" as though he is going for a boGing bout.
!'780 +hid jaa beta.. de#ha jaayega<
.e steps into the door. +ut he free@es. .e sees his father there" (ith his mother" and (ith Mr
Aernande@. ;es. .e is there" (ith his (ife. They are all sitting in the garden. !iren immediately steps bac#.
!'780 *hit..
.e puts his head on the (all. .e lightly hits his head four times on the (all.
!'780 *hit" shit" shit" shit..
Then he loo#s up. And stiffens. ,omes to attention. .is father is standing there" loo#ing at him.
!'780 Good.. Good morning dad..
1+871' 3ya ye sach hai=
!'780 3ya dad..=
1+871' Tumhein maloom nahin hai #ya= ;e aadmi jo #ah raha hai.. 3i tumne in#i beti #o shadi #e
liye propose #iya hai= 8# ,hristian lad#i #o..=
!iren is speechless. All his built up confidence has e$aporated.
1+871' 3iya hai #i nahin..= Da(aab do.. +olo.. .aan" ya na..
!'780 .aan..
42 mins6
)HL O mins)
41 hr 2L O mins6
Sc # 06 Da%, Et & 'nterior!
()eroi-! +all
1beroi-s house. &e approach the hall (here 1beroi-s angry $oice is coming from. .e is standing in
the centre. !iren is standing in front of him" loo#ing do(n. *hiela is sitting at a distance.
1+871' Tum ho #ya<= 3ya #iya hai tumne apni @indagi mein<= Tumhein aisa #yon laga #i tum #isi
#o bhee jaa#ar propose #ar doge aur ham use is ghar mein #abool #ar lenge<= Tumhein #oi
ahmiyat naheein hai apne dharm #ee to #ya ham bhee apna $ajood #ho dein= ;e jo dharm
hai9 samaj hai9 ri$aaj hain9 ye sab aise hi naheein hain ha(a mein< ;e isliye hain #i
tumhare jaisa be$a#oof #oi galati na #are< ;e tumhare interest #e liye hain< Tumhari
family #e interest #e liye hain< Aur ab ta# is baat #o nahin samajh paye ho to aaj samjho
tum. Are you getting me<=
The camera mo$es in a circular path.
Sc # 07 Night, 'nterior!
Namita-! .oom
!iren is tal#ing no(" to 0aren. 0amita is loo#ing. The camera tra$els in a circular path.
!'780 Daise #i relegion #e alaa$a #oi $ajood hi nahin hai hamara. Achcha tum batao.. 3ahaan
li#ha hai hamare religion mein #i ,atholic se shadi naheein #ar sa#te..= 3is #itaab mein
li#ha hai= 3ya Gita mein 3rishna ne Arjun se #aha tha #i J hey paarth.. ,atholic se shaadi
#abhi mat #arna..= /i#ha hai= +olo..
41)2 min6
Sc # 09 Da%, 'nterior!
()eroi-! +all
*heila is spea#ing to !iren in a firm yet affectionate tone.
*.8'/A .amare samaj mein #abhee de#ha hai tumne aisa hote hue<= 8# hee religion ho9 e# hee
cast ho9 tab bhee log samaj se baahar jaa #ar shadi naheein #arte9 Aur itne selfish #aise
ho gaye tum= Tumhein sirf apni pasand" apni #hushi di#h rahi hai..= .um logon #i aur
hamaari #hushiyon #i #oi #eemat nahin rahi tumhaari na@ar mein..=
!iren has the K1h no" not again-" #ind of attitude" is completely unaffected. The camera mo$es on a
circular path.
Sc # 5: Da%, 'nterior!
()eroi-! +all
,ha(la is spea#ing to !iren. Mrs *heila 1beroi and 0aren are present. *ome old men are also there.
,.A&/A ;e pyaar $yaar sab #arne se hota hai beta.. Ab de#ho.. maine jahaan bhee lagan jodi
(ahaan sab pyaar hi #arte hain e# doosare se.. Aur e# se e# lad#iyaan hain apne samaj
mein. 0ahin hoti to baat samajh mein aati #i #oi doosre dharam mein dhoondh raha hai..
!iren is almost amused at ,ha(la. 0aren is getting restless. The camera mo$es in a circular path.
41)2 min6
Sc # 51 Da%, 'nterior!
()eroi-! +all

0aren is spea#ing to 0amita.
0A780 7elegion" relegion" relegion9 't-s funny man. Aaj #i duniya mein #ya #aam bachcha hai
dharm #a..= 'nsaan #o insaan se lad$aana..= 7iots #ar$aana..=
,amera is on a circular path.
Sc # 5$ Da%, 'nterior!
The camera mo$es in a circular path as Mrs *heila 1beroi tal#s to 0amita.
*.8'/A ,hahe jitni bhi modern thin#ing ho ghar aurat se chalta hai. *amaj #e bahar #i lad#i
#aise adjust #ar payegi ham logon #e saath= hir dheere-dheere sab alag ho jayega9dono
bhai alag ho jaayenge9
0AM'TA Aisa @aroori to nahin hai mummy9
*.8'/A Aur !iren #e bachchon #o #ya si#hayegi (o= .amara culture de sa#egi unhein..=
0AM'TA Is sab #e liye main hoon na mummy. :e#hiye $o #oi bhaag #e to shaadi nahin #ar raha
hai.. Aap logon #i permission maang raha hai.. Is#o bhi ehsas hai sahi ghalat #a.
41)2 min6
Sc # 5, Night, 'nterior!
()eroi-! Stud%
1+871' +as 0amita9 ab aur tarafdari mat #aro us #ee<
0amita is sitting in front of 1beroi.
1+871' *hehron mein fashion ho gaya hai #i hosh samhaalte hi bachhe e# doosre #e boyfriend
girlfriend ban jaate hain.. Aur #uch din saath ghoomne #e baad unhien lagta hai #i shaadi
#ar leni chahiye. !iren #o abhi maloom bhi hai #i rishta hota #ya hai..= yaar #ya hota
0AM'TA Aisa naheein hai daddy9 ab (o bachha naheein raha 9bada ho gaya hai9
1+871' 3yon..= +adon $aala #aun sa #aam #ar diya usne..= Aisa #yon laga tumhein #i $o bada ho
gaya hai..= L maheeine ho gaye use America se aaye.. e# din bhee office gaya $o..= 3aam #i
e# bhi baat #ee hai usne..=
0AM'TA :addy..
1+871' +us< Maine faisla #ar liya hai. !iren us lad#i se shadi nahin #ar sa#ta. Ab is ghar mein is#o
le#ar #oi baat naheein #ee jaayegi< 's that clear=
The camera" that (as on a circular path" comes to a stop.
0AM'TA '-m sorry daddy9 agar mujhase #oi badtamee@i ho gayee ho9 par mujhe sirf ye dar tha #i
#aheein (o hamse door na ho jaaye9 Meine socha tha #i agar ham us#i baat maan lein to
shaayad (o bhee hamaari baat samajh jaye.. @immedaar ho jaye.. Isi liye.. *orry..
Tears in her eyes" 0amita lea$es the hall. Mr 1beroi loo# at her go.
41 min6
Sc # 5/ Night, 'nterior!
"iren-! .oom
0amita opens the door and comes in (ith force.
0AM'TA 3oi faayda naheein !iren.. #oi faayda naheein9
!'780 .aan..=
.e loo#s up from the tele$ision monitor to (hich he has attached the .andicam.
0AM'TA 'n logon ne faisla #ar liya hai9
!'780 3is baare mein=
0AM'TA 3is baare mein..= 3ya chal raha hai is ghar mein pichhale do hafton se=
!'780 >distracted? Achcha $o..

0AM'TA Tum ye de#h #ya rahe ho jo itna @aroori hai..=
0amita strides to loo# at the monitor.
0AM'TA ;e #ya hai<=
*he loo#s at the footage that (as shot by !iren in Goa. *he loo#s" sees Aditi.
0AM'TA ;e to9 ye $ohi hai..=
!'780 Aditi..
*he turns to him. +oth loo# at each other for a long time.
0AM'TA Ghar mein hangama ho raha hai #i tum e# ,atholic lad#i se shaadi #arna chaahte ho9
:addy chilla rahe hain.. mummy naraa@ hain9 0aren aur main pagal ho gaye hain un
logon #o samjhate samjhate9 ye sab tumhaari $ajah se ho raha hai.. aur tum yahaan baith
#e #isi doosri lad#i #a cassette de#h rahe ho<= 3ya .. ho #ya raha hai ye sab<=
!'780 ata naheein bhabhi9

0AM'TA >angry? To pata #aro9 dimaag thee# #aro apna.. aur nahin #ar sa#te to ham logon #o maaf
#aro ab<<
0amita (al#s out of the room in anger. !iren loo#s at her go.
!'780 >mumbles? ata to #arna chahiye9<
41 O mins6 )L3 O mins)
Sc # 50 Night, Eterior!
3alhotra-! <ompound, Aditi-! 4alcon%
A car lea$es the compound and thud" !iren jumps in. As the (atchman shuts the gate" !iren steals
across in the dar# of the garden" crouching to be under the le$el of the plants. .e reaches belo( Aditi-s
balcony. Aditi had told him that she used to climb up to the balcony (hen she (as out secretly. !iren gi$es a
furti$e loo# in the direction of the (atchman" then begins to climb up. .e climbs on top of the bird cage" then
holds the pipes. As he gets to the railing" his hand #noc#s do(n something in the dar#. 't-s a green glass
flo(er-pot (hich has bro#en on the floor. .e puts one foot on the railing and ma#es to climb. Dust then" the
curtain of the room opens. Aditi. .e loo#s at her. *he loo#s at him. +oth are static for a second. 1ne bar of the
lo$e theme plays. Then !iren continues his climb. Aditi is shoc#ed. *he opens the sliding door and mo$es
to(ards him. *he loo#s at him" he climbs inside the balcony.
A:'T' >hurriedly? ;e #ya #ar rahe ho.. $apas jao.. go >then loo#s around? Andar jao9
*he is still loo#ing around to see (hether someone has seen. .e goes inside. *he goes inside.
41 min6
Sc # 55 1A2 Night, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
Aditi rushes into the room. !iren is standing there" he loo#s at her as she rushes to the other door"
that leads to the hall" and shuts it. +olts it. *he loo#s at !iren" then rushes to the bed and sits" holding her
head. .e descends on the floor in front of her" resting bac# on the (all. *he raises her face so much that her
eyes clear her hand" and loo#s at him" sha#ing her head.
!'780 Mein #uchh pata #arne aaya hoon9
A:'T' 3ya= 3i mein is ghar se #aise ni#ali jaaoongi..=
!'780 Tum mujhse gussa ho=
A:'T' +ahut..
!'780 Marogi mujhe=
A:'T' .aan9 jaan se9
.e stares at her.
!'780 ;e #ya hai Aditi" mere tumhare beech= Meine9 pehle #abhee aisa feel naheein #iya9 !o
jo.. 3aren #e saath hai9 mujhe lagta tha $o9 pyaar hai9 ar agar $o pyaar hai9 to ye
#ya hai=
Aditi loo#s at him. Then stands and spea#s almost li#e a (arning.
A:'T' Tum jao9.
.e is motionless.
A:'T' Dao tum.
!iren gets up" slo(ly (al#s close to her. !ery close. *he is unsettled.
!'780 3ya mein tumse pyar #arta hoon= 3ya yahee hota hai pyaar=
A:'T' Mein tumhein sachmuch jaan se maar doongi !iren<
.er breath is une$en.
!'780 To phir maaro< 3ill me.
They are loo#ing into one another. *uddenly" he ta#es her by the shoulders" spins her around and
puts her to the (all.
!'780 3ill me9
A:'T' lease9.
*lo(ly" he mo$es his mouth to her chee# and #isses her. *he closes her eyes. .e (ithdra(s. .er
eyes are closed. *uddenly" she lunges for(ard and hugs him.
Song # 0 E@art (neF
The lo$e theme song plays in the bac#ground. .e holds her. Then they (ithdra(" loo# at one
another. .e #isses her again. Then again on the forehead. The camera mo$es" #eeping them in tight t(o shot.
't-s no use pretending" says the song. &hen it happens" you (ill #no( it. ;ou #no( it (hen you are made for
someone. 8$eryone (ill #no( it. *uch is lo$e. Then she reali@es that there is a cut in his arm as a result of the
climb. *he seats him on the bed" dips cotton (ool in dettol. *he loo#s into his eyes. .e loo#s into her eyes.
Aor a long time. Then he shrie#s" for she has placed the dettol cotton on his (ound. *he cleans the (ound and
puts a band-aid.
Sc # 55 142 Night, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
There is a #noc# at the door. The song stops.
G7A00; Aditi< Aa jao.. #hana lag gaya9.
A:'T' .aan.. aati hoon nani<
*he loo#s at !iren. !iren gets his mouth $ery close to her ear.
!'780 Mein jo pata #arne aaya tha.. mujhe maaloom pad gaya9.
42 O mins6
Song # 0 E@art T>oF
.e lea$es to go out through the balcony. Aditi receedes to the (all and stands against it" loo#s up.
!iren jumps out of the compound and (al#s do(n the street. *he sits to the floor" sha#es her head. .e sha#es
his head" as he (al#s" smiles. !iren enters his compound.
45 mins6
Sc # 56 E@art (neF Night, Eterior!
()eroi-! Drive
'n the fading bars of the lo$e theme" !iren reaches the porch of his house. .e loo#s up to see
someone standing there. A girl. *he steps for(ard. 3aren.
!'780 Arey..= Tum yahan..= >loo#s to(ards the cars? /isten" dad hain ghar pe..
3aren steps for(ard and holds his hand.
!'780 3aren chalo abhi yahan se..
3aren (al#s him to(ards the hall.
!'780 ;e.. #ya #ar rahi ho..= /isten.. 3aren '-m telling you yaar..
*he doesn-t say anything" leads him to the hall.
Sc # 56 E@art T>oF Night, 'nterior!
()eroi-! +all
3aren puts !iren ahead of herself in the hall. !iren sees that his father is sitting in front (ith his
mother. .e stops. 0aren and 0amita are there. 0amita gi$es a faint smile. And on the other side" he sees Mrs
and Mr Aernande@. They are loo#ing at him" smiling. &hat could this mean= 3aren (al#s up" he loo#s at her.
1beroi stands up.
1+871' !iren9 Aaj pehli baar mujhe laga.. #i tum sahi ho" aur main ghalat. Tumhaari bhabi ne
#uch aisa #aha #i mujhe apna faisla badalna pada. Thee# #ehte ho tum.. samaj" ma@hab sab
apni jagah hain.. par in sab se oopar hai pyaar. >ta#es Aernande@- hand? 's pyaar ne humein
bhi mila diya.
!iren stands speechless. 8$eryone is loo#ing at him. *ilence.
0AM'TA >bustling (ith eGcitement? Aise statue #i tarah #yon #hade ho be(a#oof..= :addy ne haan
#eh dee hai<
0A780 >smiling? 3ya hua..= *unai nahin de raha hai..= .ello.. Thoda time lagega.. haan 3aren..=
+ut the sound of this scene fades out. &e can just see the gestures and lip-mo$ements of 0amita and
0aren. 8$eryone is smiling. 0o( 0amita springs to(ards him. *lo( motion. &e see !iren as 0amita
approaches him. The remainder lo$e theme plays. *he holds his face and is spea#ing to him in eGcitement.
8$eryone congratulates him. Aather hugs him. !iren is trying to smile as he grasps the magnitude of the
situation. :issol$e.
41 O mins6 )102 O mins)
Sc # 57 Night, Eterior!
*hi$a" :i$ya and many other friends are sitting at a pub. They get up in gusto and rush to(ards
3aren" (ho has just come in.
0i$edita B .ello9 ,ongratulations9
:i$ya B My god ' can-t belie$e it9 3ya ye sach mein ho raha hai..=
0eeti B ,ongratulations9 congratulations9
*hi$a B 3amaal ho gaya9 ' can-t belie$e it9
:i$ya B This is a dream come true.
!iren is coming up behind (ith the car #eys. .e pauses at the entrance and loo#s at them. 3aren is
beaming as she accepts the hugs and the congratulations.
0eeraj B Dab mujhe itni #hushi ho rahi hai to tum dono #o #aisa lag raha hoga..
;aju B 7eally yaar" lo$e story ho to aisee ho..
!iren turns around. .e stands bac#ing the others as the congratulating goes on. .e is trapped.
41 min6
Sc # 59 Da%, Eterior!
Su)ur)an .ail>a% Station
The local train comes into the platform. Aditi is coming do(n the stairs in a hurry. The train stops.
Aditi enters the ladies compartment. !iren rushes from behind her. .e loo#s from the (indo(. *he sits on a
seat inside.
!iren B Aditi9
*he turns. *he lights up on seeing him. *he instantly mo$es to(ards !iren.
!iren B Mujhe tumse #uchh baat #arni hai9.
Aditi gets off the train.
Aditi B 3ya hua..=
!iren B Marine /ines mein milte hain.. tum andar jao9
Aditi ta#es his hand and rushes to the general compartment.
!iren B +ahut rush hai Aditi9 Tum ismein #aise jaogi9=
Aditi B ,halo na<
They get in" the train starts.
41)2 min6
Sc # 6: Da%, 'nterior!
Train <ompartment & Station
!iren gets Aditi in" trying to shield her from the others. They try to mo$e to a comfortable position.
!iren has a hand around her. *he is clutching his shirt. They are pressed together. 't is difficult to loo# at one
another from such close 2uarters. +ut it is surprisingly easy to tal#.
!'780 +ahut bheed hai<
A:'T' 3ya baat hai..=
!'780 3al raat.. jab mein ghar lauta to :addy ne.. 3aren #e liye haan #ar dee yaar..
Aditi loo#s at !iren.
!'780 ,an you imagine= Mujhe pa##a ya#een tha #i 0irmal #abhi nahin maanega9 Magar usne
to party hi badal lee9
A:'T' &o(< ,ongrats.
.e loo#s at her.
A:'T' Tumhein to yahee chaahiye tha.. naheein=
The cro(d in the compartment is increasing" !iren and Aditi are getting 2uashed together. Aditi
feels her heartbeats gro(ing. They are in an embrace no(.
!'780 .aan9 Mujhe yahee chaahiye tha9
A:'T' 3ya=
!iren is loo#ing at her. *he loo#s do(n.
!'780 Aditi.. tum aur main9 ;e jo feeling hai.. abhi.. 's#o #aise ro# sa#te hain..= ;e #oi po(er
hai9 jo hum#o e# doosre se jodta hai9
A:'T' !iren9 *ituation haath se ni#al chu#i hai.
!'780 Aditi9 *ituation ye hai #i hum dono alag nahin ho sa#te9 ,haahe jo #uch bhi ho jaaye
hum alag nahin ho sa#te9 't-s not fair9
A:'T' To tumhein #isne #eh diya #i @indagi mein sab #uch fair hi hota hai..= Mujhe de#ho9 *aat
saal se #isi aur #e ghar mein hoon na main9= Do #uch bhi mera tha.. $o sab chala gaya9
Ab is duniya mein aisa #uch bhi nahin hai jo mera apna hai. ;e bhee to fair naheein hai
!iren= ar sach yahee hai9
.e loo#s at her.
!'780 Aditi9 agar hum dono9 just suppose9 agar hum dono e# saath ho jaayein9 Tab to tum
ye naheein #ahogi na #i is duniya mein aisa #uch nahin hai jo tumhara apna hai..=
*he melts inside. *he embraces him.
A:'T' Aisa mat #aro !iren. 's#o aur @yada mush#il mat banao.
!'780 .um saath rehne #e liye bane hain Aditi.. Daise abhi hain..
Aditi closes her eyes.
!'780 Aur main tumse yehi #ehne aaya hoon9 #i hum hamesha aise hi rahenge9
Aditi rests on his shoulder.
A:'T' romise9=
!'780 ' promise9 ' promise9
They stand in an embrace in the jam-pac#ed train compartment. The train rattles along.
43 mins6
Sc # 61 Evening, Eterior!

*hi$a and !iren are sitting on the bonnet neGt to the la#e" loo#ing the other (ay. !iren has finished
telling *hi$a about his situation.
*.'!A Mujhe maaloom tha tu locha #arne (ala hai9 ;aad hai us cinema hall mein J R3aren
andar se #aisi hai aur baahar se #aisi hai9S
!'780 Arey tab to main mila bhee naheein tha Aditi se
*.'!A Aur $o J ro# ro#" gaadi ro#.. Aditi #e ghar #e saamne.. *aale tu ullu #is#o bana raha hai..=
!'780 *hayad #uch hoga andar.. Is (a2t samajh mein nahin aaya tha..
*.'!A Ab #ya #arega=
!'780 8# idea hai. Tu ja #e 3aren #o sab #uch achhe se bata de.
*.'!A >jumping up? +a#(aas mat #ar" samjha= Main bataoonga use..= !o apni poonch mein aag
laga #e poori lan#a #o jala dalegi.
!'780 Main bataoonga to bhi $ohi #aregi.
*.'!A .aan to jhel.. /o$e story teri hai na.. ya meri hai..=
!'780 >thoughtful? +ol doon 3aren #o=
*.'!A yaar #iya to darna #ya. +ol de.. #i K3aren" abhi sab log apni shaadi #e liye taiyyar ho gaye
hain.. par e# #aam #arte hain" shaadi cancel #ar dete hain. 3yon#i main tere se pyaar-$yaar
#arta nahin hoon. Aur lo$e #e bina lo$e marriage #aise ho sa#ti hai= yaar main Aditi se
#arta hoon" aur shaadi usi se #aroonga-. +ol de..
!'780 3uch aur sochna padega. >pause? Aisa nahin ho sa#ta #i 3aren #i taraf se hi mana ho jaaye.
*.'!A Tu pagal hai #ya..= !o #yon mana #aregi..=
!'780 >thin#ing? !o nahin mana #aregi. Is#a baap mana #arega.
*.'!A >suspicious? 3aise..=
!'780 Aernande@9 +ahut ghusse (aala aadmi hai na..=
*.'!A To..=
!'780 To us#o ghussa aa jaaye to $o #uch bhi #ar sa#ta hai..
*.'!A Tu #ya #arne (aala hai= Ae bhai.. #ya #arne (aala hai tu us#e saath..=
!iren does not reply. .e is thin#ing.
41 O mins6 )10H O mins)
Sc # 6$ Night, 'nterior!
;ernandeB- +all
Aernande@ is sitting in his hall. !iren has just come in.
A-:8P &his#y" young man=
!'780 3ya uncle aap bhee.. Mein #ya #handani daroobaa@ hoon jo har (a2t chadhaata rahoon..
Magar aap.. iyo piyo aap piyo<
!iren sits on a chair facing Mr Aernande@. Mr Aernande@ does not #no( ho( !iren meant the
pre$ious line. .e sees !iren ta#e out a chit from his poc#et and open it. !iren reads out from it.
!'780 Amba" Ambi#a" Amrapali" Amita" Amulya.. Ma #o Ambi#a pasand hai" bhabi #o
Amulya9 Mujhe #oi bhi chalega.. aap #ya bolte hain=

A-:8P Mein samjha naheein..
!'780 0aam.. aap#i beti #e liye..
A-:8P 3aren..=
!'780 0aya naam to ra#hna padega na9. *haadi #e baad ,hristian thode hee na reh jaayegi (o<
.amare pandit ji bolte hain #i janm tithi #e anusaar #ar# rashi mein us#a naam KAm- se
hona chaahiye9 Am9
*tella Aernande@ had come (ith (ith some snac#s. *he is surprised" loo#s at her husband.
*T8//A &hat..=
A-:8P &hat the hell are you tal#ing about" young man= ,on$ersion #a baat to #oi nahin #iya..
!'780 Tabhee to young man yahan aaya hai.. baat #arne9 3yon#i hum log.. >suddenly
remembers? 8# second.. aap#i beti ne non-$eg #haana to chhod diya hai na..= 0o meat" no
machhi" no ande.. 0one of your bloody nonsense.. *hudh sha#ahaari.. Aur shaadi #e baad
jab $o yahan aayegi" tab ye ghar bhi shudh sha#ahaari.. >loo#s at the (his#y glass? Aur ye..
#hair" abhi to thee# hai.. magar shaadi #e (a2t jab aap pooja mein baithenge" us#e baad
aap#o ye daarubaa@i chodni padegi..
*T8//A ooja<=
A-:8P 3aun pooja<=
!'780 ooja naheein #iya #arenge aap log=
A-:8P &hat the hell ooja..= 3is haram-@aade ne #aha ham pooja #arenge=
!'780 >pointing himself? 's9 is9 >sha#es his head? ' s(ear.. dad ne #itna bada confusion create
#ar diya hota.. !o to #eh rahe the #i sab #uch ob$ious hai.. Aernande@ bhi samajhta hai..
apne aap hi ye sab #ar dega.. +ut luc#ily bhaiya bole no.. buddhe #i moti #hopdi mein baat
baithi nahin hogi.. tum ja #e samjhao.. aur main aa gaya..
A-:8P ' can-t belie$e this.. 1beroi" 0aren.. Is (a2t to #itna secular ban rahe the.. Aur tum.. Tum
to #eh rahe the tum relegion #o nahin maante.. jab tum marriage propose #arne aaye the..
!'780 *haadi.. shaadi.. .amaare samaj mein marriage nahin hoti uncle" please..
A-:8P Achcha.. ab yaad aa raha hai tumhaara bloody samaaj..=
!'780 >pointing finger? Mr Aernande@.. please.. hamaare samaaj #e $irudh #uch mat #ahiye.. ;e
hamare ri$aaj hain.. Aur Ambi#a #i #haatir aap#o in#a paalan #arna hi padega..
A-:8P Ambi#a<=
!'780 Ambi#a hi best naam lag raha hai.. mere #hayaal se..
A-:8P Tum apna #hayal apne paas ra#ho.. you jer#.. Tum log #o #ya lagta hai..= 3i hum log
minority hai to tum log hum#o daba doge.. aur hum dub jayenge..=
!'780 ,halo.. mere bole bina hi aap samajh gaye.. +aa#i sab bhi aap samajh jayenge.. Aur ye hai
#ya Mr Aernande@..= :addy bol rahe the #i ye to bahut chote-chote balidaan hain" jin#e
badle mein aap#a main ma2sad poora ho raha hai. Apni beti #o e# ameer lad#e #e saath fiG
#ar #e oonche logon mein rishta #ar rahe hain aap.
Aernande@ is stunned. .is (ife is loo#ing at him" then at !iren" then at him. !iren massages his nec#
a bit" then sits on the sofa.
!'780 ,halo achha hua ye baatein ho gayein.. *aara confusion door ho gaya.. 0o(" for some
43 mins6
Sc # 6, Night, Eterior!
;ernandeB- <ompound
Aernande@- house at night. !iren-s car is par#ed outside.
A-:8P >sound off? 1ut..
!iren is seen coming out of the building follo(ed by the couple.
A-:8P 1ut of my house<
!'780 Incle aap#o naheein lagta #i aap thoda @yaada hi garam ho rahe hain..=
A-:8P Agar main garam ho jaata to teri dead body jaati thi yahaan se..

!'780 0ahin main #ya #eh raha hoon.. shaadi todne se pehle aap e# baar soch leejiye..
A-:8P Achha hai #i mein sirf shadi tod raha hoon teri gardan naheein<
!'780 Mat boliye aisi baatein. 3yon#i main jaanta hoon #i #al #o aap #hud" sar jhu#a #ar" 3aren
#o hamaare ghar bhejenge.
A-:8P Tum jaise harami logon #e ghar to #oi apni #utia bhee naheein bhejega<
!'780 lease Mr Aernande@.. ;e baat ham dono #e beech hai< Aap please 3aren #o #utia mat
boliye9 please<
!iren (al#s bris#ly to(ards his car as Aernande@ grapples (ith (hat he said.
A-:8P &hat the.. 3aren..=
Aernande@" singed beyond control no(" ma#es to grab at !iren. !iren gets into his car.
A-:8P ;ou bastard< ' (ill #ill you.. 0eGt time tere #o de#ha to badan #a sab haddi tod #e tera baap
#a haath mein de dega..
!iren @ips the car a(ay. Aernande@ #eeps shouting.
41 min6
Sc # 6/ Night, Eterior!
<ar on Street
!iren is dri$ing a(ay" trying to e$en his breath.
!'780 1 man..
.e is $ery tense. *hi$a" (ho (as crouched on the floor of the car no( gets up.
!'780 !o shaadi tod dega..
*.'!A *una maine..
!iren sees something in front.
!'780 *hit.. 3aren.. :e#h mat..
3aren is (al#ing up to her house after paying the cab. *he loo#s at !iren-s car and eGtends her
3A780 !iren9
To her surprise" !iren-s car (hi@@es past. *he is confused" loo#s at the car go. Maybe !iren did not
see her" she thin#s. *he turns and loo#s to(ards her house. !iren and *hi$a are in the speeding car.
*.'!A Is#o pata chalega" to #ya #aregi..=
!'780 Mujhe phone #aregi.. Main miloonga nahin.. ghar der se jaoonga.. Aur ghar ja #e.. jo moti
moti gaaliyaan Aernande@ ne dad #o aur bhaiya #o ba#i hain.. unhien bata doonga. !o log
ghusse se paagal ho jayenge. +us" apna #aam ho jayega9
They eGchange a loo#.
*.'!A .o jayega na..=
!'780 >insecure? Tujhe #ya lagta hai=
*.'!A .ona hi padega. Ab to #ood chu#a hai tu pachde mein. Ab $aapas to ja nahin sa#ta. To
mujhe lagta hai #i sab set ho jayega9 >*hi$a-s cellular phone rings? Tu de#hna9 >.e
loo#s at the phone? Abey.. 3aren #a phone hai..
!'780 *hit.. Isne tujhe de#h liya tha mere saath..
*.'!A 3ya #aroon..=
!'780 Mat le phone..
*.'!A 3aat doon..=
!'780 3aat mat.. Itha bhi mat. +ajne de..
*.'!A Arey yaar.. Tension hai.. 3aren aise hi sab jagah phone #aregi. Tu #aheen milega nahin. To
phir $o #ya #aregi..=
!'780 3uch nahin #aregi yaar. Is#o #al handle #arenge na. 7aat #o $aise bhi #ya #ar legi $o=
!iren and *hi$a loo# in front. !iren is dri$ing the car. The phone is ringing.
41 O mins6
Sc # 60 Night, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
The door suddenly opens. 3aren enters. Aditi loo#s up from the pottery corner of her room. The
electric (heel is rotating. *ome freshly made samples are #ept on a ne(spaper on the floor. Aditi has a lump
of clay in her hand.
3A780 ;ou bitch<
*he charges to(ards Aditi. Aditi is completely ta#en abac#.
A:'T' 3aren.. 3aren #ya hua<=
3A780 Achha< Tum#o to maaloom hee naheein #ya hua<=
*eeing 3aren mo$e $iolently to(ards her" Aditi instincti$ely (ithdra(s to the (all. 3aren-s foot
2uishes some clay sample in the process. *onal and Mrs Daya Malhotra enter the room.
DA;A Arey..
Aditi loo#s at them then as#s 3aren.
A:'T' 3aren.. hua #ya hai..=
3A780 .oho.. 'nnocent.. so innocent.. li#e a baby.. ;ehi maasoom chehra bana #e phansati ho
lad#on #o<=
3aren charges (hile spea#ing. Aditi (ithdra(s.
DA;A Arey ye hai #aun..=
3A780 KGoa ja #e main tum dono #i help #aroongi-
*onal comes to inter$ene.
*10A/ /isten" #ya baat hai..=
3A780 This is the help you did..= .aan..=
*10A/ >loud? .ello..
3A780 >turns to *onal? Mere fiancW #e dimaag mein poison bhar rahi hai ye.. Dis se $o mere ghar
jaaye aur rishta tod de9 >to Aditi? ;ou thought main samajh nahin paoongi..= Main sab
jaanti hoon. Tumhaare #ehne par $o mujhse chip raha hai" phone par nahin aa raha hai.
Aditi does not #no( (hat 3aren is tal#ing about.
A:'T' 3aren..
*10A/ 3aun fiancW<=
3A780 !iren9
DA;A !iren..= &o #ameena.. 1beroi #a beta<=
*onal loo#s at Aditi. Aditi loo#s at Mrs Malhotra.
A:'T' 3uch confusion hai.. 3aren" main sach mein nahin jaanti9
3A780 ,ut this nata#" o#ay..= ' am not a fool. Inderstand that. ehle din se hi main tumhein
samajh gayee thi. 'nsecure bloody9 Mau#a milte hi chipa# gayee tum us#e saath.. aur
saanp #i tarah dheere-dheere use phansa liya. +ut remember" e# baar $o phisal gaya is#a
matlab ye nahin hai #i $o mujhe chhod dega. Tumhaara jo plan hai na" $o #abhi poora
nahin hoga" samjhi..= ;aad ra#hna.. >screams at *onal? /ea$e me<
*onal lea$es her. *he strides out of the room. *onal follo(s her to the door" loo#s at her go. Mrs
Malhotra is left loo#ing at Aditi. Aditi ma#es to spea#. Mrs Malhotra cuts her rapidly..
DA;A Main samajh gayee.. ye lad#i jhooth bol rahee hai" hai na..= Gopal ne jo de#ha (o bhee
jhooth tha.. Goa jaane (aali baat bhi jhooth hai.. *onal bhee jhooth bol rahee thee #i tumne
haath pa#da tha.. *ab jhoothe hain beti" saari duniya jhoothi hai.. +as e# tu hee sachhi hai9
;ehi #ehna chahti hai na tu..= *amajh gayee main. *onal" 3eshu #o bol fauran ja #ar
,ha(la #o yahan laaye..
*10A/ Abhee<=
DA;A .aan abhee< 8#dum abhee< Dahan bhee ho jaise bhee ho bolo maine bulaaya hai9
*onal lea$es.
DA;A +as bahut ho gaya drama.. Aditi hamari beti hai.. 's#o sabse achche ghar bhejenge.. 3ahin
#oi #asar na choot jaye.. Magar beti to tu hai nahin meri.. Tu to e# @immedaari hai na jo
in#i a##al maari gayee thi to inhone apne sar pe le liya.. To thee# hai.. jo bhee pehla lad#a
mila mujhe samjho shadi ho gayee teri< ehla lad#a.. Toone #aha hai na ham jahaan
#ahenge $ahan shaadi #aregi tu. 3aha hai #i nahin..=
A:'T' .aan9
DA;A +as to phir< Ab @ara mein us #ameene 1beroi #i #habar leti hoon<
*he marches out. Aditi closes her eyes" aunt (al#s out of the door in the bac#ground.
43 mins6
Sc # 65 Night, Et & 'nterior!
()eroi-! @orch
1beroi can be seen in the study. !iren (al#s in" follo(ed by *hi$a. There is a ner$ous stiffness in
!iren. .e loo#s at *hi$a.
*.'!A +oss.. ye step paar #ar liya toone to sab control mein hai<
!'780 .mm..
*.'!A *ab #uch bol dena uncle #o.. :arna nahin..
!'780 :aroonga #yon..= :arta nahin hoon yaar.. 7espect #arta hoon.. +aap hai mera..
*.'!A 3arni bhee chaahiye9 Da.. +est of luc#< Main yaheen hoon..

!iren (al#s up.
41)2 min6
Sc # 66 1A2 Night, 'nterior!
()eroi-! Stud%
!iren enters the study. 1beroi is spea#ing in anger on the phone. 0aren is sitting on the side"
surprised at something.
1+871' Mujhe aapse #oi baat nahin #arni hai. 0ahin9 0a #uch sunna hai na #ehna hai" aap phone
ra#hiye. >/oo#ing at !iren? .aan.. $o mere saamne hai.. magar mujhe us se #uch bhi
poochne #i @aroorat nahin hai. hone ra#hiye aap.
!iren loo#s at 0aren" gestures to as# (hat the matter is.
Sc # 67 Night, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! 4edroom
Mrs Daya Malhotra has the recei$er. Gopal is pacing up and do(n in anger. *onal is standing at a
distance" (atching.
DA;A .add ho gayee.. *unne #o taiyyar hi nahin ho tum. .umein #ya shau# hai tumse baat #arne
#a= *uno9 main jald se jald apni bhaanji #i shaadi #ar rahi hoon9 Aur agar tumhaare
bete ne yahan aa #ar #uch gadbad #ee to main (arning de rahi hoon #i $o9
Sc # 66 142
1+871' Mera beta tumhaare ghar thoo#ne bhi nahin jayega.. Aur #habardaar J dobara mere ghar
mein tum logon #a phone nahin aana chahiye" samjhi..=
.e #eeps the phone do(n.
0A780 >intrigued? &hat (as she saying=
1beroi sha#es his head" tries to control his anger.
1+871' ;e @aleel" ma##aar log.. $ahi ratt lagaye hue hain.. #i ye >pointing !iren? Malhotra #i
bhaanji mein interested hai.
!iren is shoc#ed to hear this. 1beroi notices this" thin#s !iren is surprised at the stupidity of the
suggestion. 1beroi smiles.
1+871' +atao..
0A780 .o( ridiculous..
1+871' >to 0aren? Inhein #ya maloom #i bhai sahab ne 3aren #e liye @amaane #i naa# mein dum
#ar diya tha.
0A780 ;e log chahte #ya hain..=
1+871' Apni au#aat di#ha rahe hai. !iren par il@aam lagayenge taa#i #isi bhi tarah se ye un#e
haath lag jaaye. >to !iren? Aur suno..
!'780 Good.. good e$ening dad.
1+871' Good e$ening. Agar $o lad#i tumhein #aheen di#he to us se friendly hone #i #oi @aroorat
nahin hai.
!'780 3aun..=
0A780 Arey same babe yaar.. Malhotra-s niece.
!'780 1h..
1+871' .i hello bhi mat #arna. ;e log #isi bhi le$el ta# gir sa#te hain. /ad#a hai" lad#i hai J ho
sa#ta hai #oi situation create #ar dein aur phir blac#mail #arne lagein" you ne$er #no(.
!iren nods.
0A780 +y the (ay" 3aren ayee thi..
!iren turns and loo#s at 0aren.
0A780 Around e# ghante pehle..
!'780 >trying to be casual? 3ya #eh rahi thi=
0A780 Tumhein dhoondh rahi thi. +aahar se hi chali gayee. 3eh rahi thi #ahin jaana hai.
!iren understands. .e does not #no( (hat to do. 1beroi loo#s at him.
1+871' *uno idhar aao. Achcha hua tum abhi aa gaye. +aitho.. .am log soch rahe the #i 2F
*eptember achha din hai.. tumhaari shaadi #e liye9
!'780 :ad9
1beroi loo#s up to him.
1+871' .mm..=
!iren does not spea#" is trying to muster guts.
1+871' 3ya baat hai..= *eptember bahut jaldi hai=
!'780 0ahin9
1beroi smiles.
1+871' To phir bahut door hai *eptember..=
!iren loo#s at his father" sees the smile. .e smiles too. 1beroi turns to 0aren.
1+871' +ig brother9.< *ambhalo apne #id brother #o9..<
0aren puts his hand on !iren-s shoulder.
0A780 *amhal jao #id brother. Dab teen saal himmat ra#hee hai to teen maheene aur sahee<
1+871' Any(ay" #oi problem hai to bolo9 Abhee taree#h pa##ee naheein #ee hai hamne9
+oth 0aren and 1beroi loo# at !iren. !iren ma#es an effort again.
1+871' Arey #uch to #aho..
!'780 >smiling? 3uchh naheein9
1+871' To phir 2F *eptember pa##a=
!'780 Di..
1+871' ;e aap#a final ja$aab hai..=
!'780 Di.. final ja$aab..
!iren pretends to join in the mood of the situation.
42 O mins6)120 mins)
;ading +ope 3ontage
*hi$a is sitting in the porch of 1beroi-s house. !iren comes out. *hi$a gets up to as# (hat happened"
but reali@es from !iren-s hea$y stride that things ha$e gone (rong. !iren comes to a pillar" bangs his fist on
it. uts his head on his fist and thin#s. Aditi is in the hall" clearing the dinner plates. *he is a(are that behind
her in the $erandah" Daya" Mandira" and grandmother are spea#ing to ,ha(la. *he mo$es to(ards the stairs.
The phone rings. *he stops and loo#s. *onal pic#s up the phone (ith great irritation. 0o response. 8$idently"
this has been happening for a (hile. Aditi loo#s do(n" climbs up the stairs. !iren cuts the cellular phone"
(onders (hat to do. Aditi comes to her balcony. *he loo#s out.
41)2 min6
Sc # 69 E@art (neF Night, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +ou!e
Aditi" on her balcony" sees that someone is trying to scale the boundary (all of her house. *he
reali@es it is !iren. *he is aghast. !iren loo#s up to(ards her. *he is terrified. *he indicates to him to go. .e
indicates that he is coming to her. *he loo#s do(n to(ards the open $erandah in the garden. There is some
mo$ement there. Mrs Malhotra" grandmother" *onal and Mandira are sitting (ith 1m ,ha(la. 'f they loo#
to(ards the (all" they (ill see !iren. Aditi ma#es another attempt to ma#e !iren lea$e. +ut !iren is insistent.
.e has to meet her. *o Aditi says that she (ill come out" he should get do(n. !iren gets do(n. Aditi is $ery
ner$ous. *he turns and (al#s out.
Sc # 69 E@art T>oF Night, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +ou!e
Aditi (al#s into the garden. *he has a small torch in her hand. *he (al#s to(ards the (all. *he is
pretending to loo# for something. *he can hear !iren calling.
!'780 >1ff ,amera? Aditi9 Aditi9
A:'T' .aan..
!iren is on the other side of the (all.
!'780 Than# God.. Maine bees baar phone try #iya tumhare ghar mein.. 3aren yahan aayee thi
A:'T' *uno !iren9 .o sa#ta hai ham log aa#hri baar baat #ar rahe hain9 'sliye dhyaan se
suno9 Main9
!'780 >cutting? Aditi.. aise #yon bol rahi ho tum=
A:'T' !iren.. tumhari shaadi fiG ho chu#i hai.. andar meri shaadi #i baat chal rahi hai. .amaara
faisla ho chu#a hai.
!'780 &hat do you mean faisla ho chu#a hai..= .amara faisla hum #arenge ya doosre #arenge..=
Pindagi hamaari hai.. hum decide #arenge humein #ya #arna hai.. aur #oi humein ro# nahin
A:'T' Meri situation #o samjho tum. Incle auntie ne saat saal mujhe ra#ha hai.. bahut #uch #iya
hai mere liye..
!'780 Mere daddy mummy ne bhi mere liye bahut #uch #iya hai.. so (hat..=
A:'T' !o tumhaare daddy mummy hain. In#e saath tum @idd #ar sa#te ho. 'n logon #e saath
main @idd nahin #ar sa#ti. Ab #oi raasta nahin hai !iren.
!'780 Ab tum hamesha negati$e sochogi to ob$iously #oi raasta nahin di#hega..
A:'T' Aur tum..= Tum #aise samjhaoge sab #o #i 3aren ab tumhein pasand nahin..= !ohi 3aren
jis#e liye tumne sab se ladai #i.. jis#e tumne sapne de#he the..=
!'780 ;e sapne sach #yon ho jaate hain yaar..= Aur agar hone the to maine tumhara sapna #yon
nahin de#ha..=
A:'T' Mein sapna nahin thi !iren9 Mere liye to tumhein bas e# baar haan #ehni thee<
!'780 To mein haan hee to #eh raha hoon Aditi< Mein haan hee to #eh raha hoon<
A:'T' >game sho(? *orry9 Aapne nirdhaarit samay mein uttar nahin diya. Aap#i a$adhi samapt
ho chu#i hai.
!'780 0ahin your honour< Abhi maine #isi #e saath phere naheein liye9 3isee #ee maang mein
sindoor naheein bhara.. Abhi (a2t hai Aditi.. belie$e me..
A:'T' !iren" apni aan#hein #holo yaar.. Aor god-s sa#e be practical.. Aur pata hai #ya..= Abhi
impossible lag raha hai par dheere-dheere sab thee# ho jayega.. aadat ho jayegi hum#o..
Aisa hi hota hai.. 8# doosre #e bina mar nahin jayenge hum..
!'780 ;e #ya ba#(aas #ar rahi ho tum" haan..= Pyaada smart banane #ee #oshish mat #aro< Ab
hum alag nahin reh sa#te.. ab possible nahin hai.. Tum bolo tum reh sa#ti ho mere bina<=
*onal is seen (al#ing to(ards Aditi.
A:'T' *a#ti #a sa(al naheein hai !iren9 mujhe rehna padega..
!'780 Aditi9
A:'T' >continues? Tumhein bhi rehna padega. Do chahiye hota hai $o hamesha mil nahin jaata..
Aditi notices *onal.
!'780 /isten to me.. Main 3aren #e father se mila tha..
A:'T' >cutting? 3oi aa raha hai.. +ye !iren..
!'780 Thee# hai9 Main yaheen (ait #arta hoon. Tum jaldi $apas aa jaana" phir decide #arenge
#ya #arna hai..
A:'T' Ab #uch nahin #arna hai. Main $aapas nahin aaoongi9
!'780 Aditi listen to me" tum haar mat maano.. *un rahi ho..=
A:'T' !iren ab #uch mat #arna" main bata rahi hoon.. Ab #uch naheein ho sa#ta9
!'780 .oga Aditi9 Tum taiyyar rehna..
A:'T' 0ahin !iren9 Ab #uch mat bolna. +ye..
*onal is $ery close. Aditi (ithdra(s.
*10A/ Tum yahan #ya #ar rahi ho..=
A:'T' :idi" shaam #o meri ear-ring shayad yahan gir gayee thi..
Aditi pretends to loo# for the ear-ring.
*10A/ Mili..=
A:'T' 0ahin..
*10A/ /e#in lad#a shayad mil gaya hai tumhare liye..
Aditi loo#s at her.
*10A/ Mahesh #o jaanti ho=
A:'T' >(ondering? Mahesh..=
*10A/ :o saal pehle..
A:'T' >surprised? Mahesh..
*10A/ Tumhaara affair tha us#e saath..=
A:'T' Affair nahin.. 3uch dinon ta# milte the hum aur..
*10A/ And you ne$er told us. 'tne din (ait nahin #arna hota. ,ome9 Mummy bula rahi hain9
*onal mo$es. Aditi turns and loo#s to(ards the (all. *he #no(s it is the end of the road. 1n the
other side" !iren is standing (ith *hi$a. Aditi turns and lea$es. !iren turns a(ay from the (all" trying to
thin#. *hi$a mo$es.
*.'!A ,hal9
.e sits in the car. !iren stands" thin#ing.
43 O mins6
Sc # 7: Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
Terrace & "iren-! .oom & ()eroi-! Drive>a% & +all
The sun rises. 1beroi-s .ouse. The door opens and !iren leads 0amita to the terrace.
0AM'TA +aat #ya hai..=
!'780 +aitho na9
.e ma#es her sit on the settee" sits on the floor.
!'780 +habi.. pata hai" main #uch dinon se soch raha hoon.. :e#ho.. shuru mein saare log 3aren
#e against the" right..= In#a e# logic tha. Aaj humne sab #o mana to liya hai.. Magar #ya
un#a logic ghalat saabit ho gaya..=
0amita is intrigued.
!'780 3ehte the na sab J #i hamaare ghar #a e# taur-taree#a hai.. .amaare samaaj #i lad#i hogi to
is#o maintain #ar payegi.. Daise tumne #iya hai. :oosre dharm #i lad#i #aise adjust #aregi..=
*amajh rahi ho na..=
0amita is silent.
!'780 :e#ho bhabi" main selfish nahin hona chahta.. *irf apni @idd poori #arne #e liye main is
ghar mein tension bhar doon J ye mujhse nahin hoga.
0amita is loo#ing at him incisi$ely.
!'780 &hat do you say=
*he spea#s after a pause.
0AM'TA ;e $ahi lad#i hai na..=
!'780 3aun..=
0AM'TA Aditi..=
!iren loo#s do(n. 0amita completely understands. *ilence.
0AM'TA Tum ho #ya..= .aan..= Tumne hum sab #a jeena haraam #ar diya.. is shaadi #e liye.. Aur
aaj jab sab #uch fiG ho gaya hai.. to tum #ehte ho tumhein ye nahin chahiye.. tumhein lagta
hai tumhein Aditi chahiye.. Tum.. tumhein #oi mental beemaari hai !iren..=
!'780 .aan bhabhi main beemar hoon9 '-m in lo$e.
0AM'TA 8# jhaanpad maarongi na to ye saare filmi dialouges ha$a ho jayenge.. samjhe tum=
!'780 Tum samjho mujhe bhabi.. Mujhe ismein #oi ma@a nahin aa raha hai
0AM'TA To phir #yon #ar rahe ho ye sab..= 3yon..=
!'780 >desperate? 3yon#i main aur #uch nahin #ar sa#ta.. Mere paas aur #oi raasta nahin hai..
3uch hai.. #oi force hai.. jo Aditi aur mujhe e# saath baandhti hai.. Main chahoon bhi to is
se nahin ni#al sa#ta.. Mujhe aisa pehle #abhi nahin laga hai bhabi.. Mujhe maloom bhi
nahin tha #i aisa hota hai.. Maine ghalati #ee hai.. daddy chahte the #i main Aditi se shaadi
#aroon" magar maine na #eh diya.. To ab main #ya #aroon..= Is ghalati par aur bhi ghalati
#arta jaoon..= ;a $o #aroon jo sahi hai..= +habi main jaanta hoon #i Aditi sahi hai.. Mere
liye" is ghar #e liye.. tumhaare liye..
0amita ma#es to lea$e.
!'780 Aditi bahut achchi hai bhabi9 Mujhe pata hai tumhein bahut pasand aayegi..
0amita turns to him. .er eyes are moist.
0AM'TA 0ahin !iren.. !o mujhe pasand nahin aayegi.. 3yon#i jab bhi main use de#hoongi to
mujhe ye dho#a yaad aayega jo aaj tumne mujhe diya hai.. .o sa#ta hai #i tumhaare daddy"
mummy.. tumhara bhai #isi din Aditi #o apna bhi lein.. Magar main use #abhi accept nahin
#aroongi.. 3abhi nahin..
*he turns and (al#s out. .e closes his eyes. .e had a good chance (ith 0amita" but he has lost it. .e
turns and puts his head on the railing. .e hears the gate opening and a car dri$ing into the dri$e(ay. .e loo#s
do(n. 't is Mr Aernande@. &ith 3aren. !iren bac#s a(ay. Then loo#s to(ards the garden. Mr 1beroi is sitting
there. 0aren is there too" getting ready to lea$e. They loo# to(ards the Aernande@-s. The ine$itable has
happened. !iren-s mind is (hirring. &hat should he do= :issol$e. .e is thin#ing. There seems to be some
agitation in the group no(. 1beroi seems to be pacifying Aernande@. They loo# up to(ards !iren-s terrace.
!iren is standing hidden from their $ie(. 0aren mo$es to come to his room. !iren is thin#ing. :issol$e
thin#ing. The door is flung open. 0aren enters the room in great agitation. The room is empty. *ome clothes
and things are scattered in the room.
0A780 !iren.. !iren.. 3ahan ho tum..=
0o response. The bathroom door is open. The terrace is empty.
0A780 !iren..
!iren loo#s at the mess of clothes and things on the bed and floor. &hat could this mean=
45 mins6
Sc # 71 Da%, Eterior!
(ut!ide ()eroi +ou!e & Street
The bungalo( stands. The boundary (all is high. *uddenly" a bag is thro(n outside. Then !iren
emerges from behind the (all. .e jumps across. .e lands on the ground" loo#s bac# at the house" gets up"
pic#s up his bag and runs do(n the road. .e is running a(ay from his house" his family" that (hole (orld. .e
runs as fast as he can. !ehicles (hi@@ past" ha(#ers brace their (are from him. *ound of a shaadi-baraat.
!iren runs around a curb and finds himself just in front of the baraat.
41)2 min6
Song # 5
!iren free@es as the baraat pours to(ards him. *oon he is in the fold of musicians and horses and
$arious people (ho are dancing. .e tries to ma#e his (ay through them. .e loo#s up after a (hile and stops.
.e has seen something. 't is Aditi. *he is co$ering herself (ith the baraat and (al#ing up. *he sees !iren.
They mo$e to(ards one another passing the $arious dancers and musicians. They reach each other and stop.
Aditi has a bag in her hand. *he lets the bag drop on the ground. *he embraces !iren. The dancers of the
baraat begin to dance around them. !iren loo#s around" he sees Gopal in his car" e$idently loo#ing for Aditi.
*o Aditi and !iren mingle in the baraat. They enter the marriage pandaal (ith the baraat. A train chugs along
the countryside. The baraat is returning (ith the bride in the train. !iren and Aditi are there (ith the baraat.
The lyrics of the song begins no(. Aditi and !iren sing this song. They are going to the (orld that is theirs"
that is (aiting for them. They shall decorate their home (ith lo$e. !iren and Aditi tra$el on the foot-board of
the train" sing in deserted station platforms. 'n the last part of the song" they are in a small cottage in some
small to(n. 't is their home. They are decorating their home. Aditi ta#es out the green flo(er pot" (hich
!iren had bro#en" and (hich she has no( taped" onto a side-table. !iren comes and holds her and in the
mo$ement" his elbo( hits the flo(erpot and it falls. 't falls and it free@es in mid air.
45 O mins6
Sc # 70 Da%, Eterior!
Aditi-! 4alcon%
The green flo(er pot is fro@en in mid air. resently" it releases from the free@e and crashes on the
floor. &e reali@e that !iren-s elbo( had hit it as he (as trying to jump into Aditi-s balcony. ;es" the song (as
in !iren-s imagination. .e is (or#ed up" dangling on the balcony. The stout (atchman shouts.
&M 3aun hai..= 3aun hai udhar..= Ae< Ae< 0eeche utar< 0eeche utar<<
&e can see the baraat going a(ay in the distance. !iren clambers up a(#(ardly.
41)2 min6
)133 O mins)
Sc # 7$ Da%, Et & 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
The curtains of the balcony are shut. The (atchman can be heard.
& M >sound off? ,hor.. chor..
Aditi comes in" mo$ing to the curtains. +ut before she reaches" the curtains part and !iren emerges.
Aditi is shoc#ed. !iren is panting.
!'780 Tum sahi thi9 Magar ghalat main bhi nahin tha.. ;e duniya humein saath nahin rehne
degi.. ar rehna #is#o hai is duniya mein..= .um#o apni duniya dhoondhni hai Aditi..
.e loo#s up. .e sees a man standing at a distance" near the sofa set of the room. Tea and snac#s are
#ept at the table. The man is (earing a suit. !iren loo#s at Aditi. *he is (earing the same hea$y dress that she
(as (earing (hen he had come to see her for marriage.
!'780 3ya ye..= >!iren can not resist a smile? Achcha.. ye $o hai.. KAditi" lad#e #o apna #amra
di#hao..- ' see.. >loo#s at the man" tells him? Mujhe bhi e# baar ye room di#haya gaya
!iren mo$es to the man" his hand outstretched.
!'780 .i.. !iren..
+ehind Mahesh the door opens suddenly and Gopal rushes in (ith the t(o (atchmen. Gopal sees
G1A/ Achcha..=
!iren immediately turns and rushes to Aditi. .e ta#es her to the curtains.
!'780 Mein sab #uchh chhod #e aaya hoon Aditi. Apna ghar9 mummy-daddy 9 sab< Mujhe
un#e aur tumhaare beech #isi e# #o chunna tha.. Maine tumhein chuna.. ,halo..
Gopal (al#s up to hold !iren.
!'780 ;e log #uch nahin #ar sa#te Aditi. .um dono adults hain.. >.e pushes Gopal a(ay? Tum
bas chalo mere saath" baa#i sab main samhaal loonga.. *amajh rahi ho..=
Gopal is infuriated" but he loo#s at the suitor and controls himself. The suitor is completely ta#en
abac# at the proceedings. Gopal turns to the guards.
G1A/ :e#h #ya rahe ho= /e chalo ise..
The guards apprehend !iren. !iren is struggling" not coimng under control.
!'780 Aditi" tumhein maloom hai sach #ya hai.. +aa#i #isi chee@ #i #oi $alue nahin hai..
G1A/ Main #eh raha hoon tumhein.. >to the guards? /e chalo..
!iren pushes again. Gopal catches !iren-s nec#.
A:'T' 8# minute.. e# minute bhaiya9 ,hhod do use9
Gopal loo#s at Aditi" loo#s at the confidence (ith (hich she spea#s. .e loo#s at Mahesh" then
releases !iren. Aditi loo#s at !iren. Then ta#es his arm" (al#s him to the other man.
A:'T' !iren9 ye Mahesh hai. ;aad hai meine bataya tha tumhein9 mera boyfriend9 (o jo
mein balcony se #ood #ar jaati thee..= ;e $ohi hai.. Is (a2t ham logon #e beech e#
misunderstanding ho gayee thee9
!iren gapes at her.
A:'T' Mein to Mahesh #e baare mein ummeed hi chhod chu#i thi9 magar auntie #o is#e baare
mein pata chala" unhone is#e ghar (aalon #o #habar bheji and than#s to her" jo main #ayee
saal se chahti thi" $o ab poora ho raha hai..
!iren understands her intention. .e sha#es his head.
!'780 >smiles? ;e #ya #ar rahi ho tum..= Aditi..= Maine #aha tha na tum#o #i haar mat maano..
A:'T' >formidable? Aur maine #ya #aha tha= Meine #aha tha #i sapnon #ee dunia se baahar ni#lo
!'780 +a#(aas mat #aro. :e#ho.. ye hamaari @indagi #a e# bahut important moment hai.. ;ahan
ghalati mat #arna9
A:'T' Maine faisla..
!'780 /isten to me..
A:'T' >$ehement? Maine apna faisla #ar liya hai. Main $ohi #ar rahi hoon jo main #arna chahti
hoon. *amajh rahe ho tum..= ;e meri @indagi hai.. mera faisla hai..
.e loo#s at her. *he endures his loo#.
A:'T' Maine #itni baar tumhein samjhaane #i #oshish #ee.. magar tum samjhe nahin. Gro( up
!iren. Aur de#ho #i sach #ya hai< ;e hai sach.
!iren loo#s at her" s(armed by this turn of fate. Aditi loo#s sternly at him. Then she loo#s at Gopal.
Gopal ta#es the cue and indicates to the (atchmen. The (atchmen ta#e him out of the room. !iren is staring
at Aditi through the open door. Aditi is loo#ing bac#. Mean(hile" Gopal addresses Mahesh.
G1A/ '-m sorry" haan..
MA.8*. ;e sab hai #ya=
G1A/ Arey ye jo hai" ye paagal hai saala.. :imaag #harab #ar #e ra#h diya hai< ar no problem..
Aaj #e baad is#a tanta hi #hatam ho jaayega9 1#ay..= *orry9
Gopal loo#s at Aditi.
G1A/ Aditi..
Aditi loo#s at Gopal. .e gestures to her to ta#e care of Mahesh. Then (al#s out" shutting the door
bet(een Aditi and !iren. Aditi loo#s do(n. Mahesh turns to Aditi.
MA.8*. ;e #aun hai..=
A:'T' +haiya ne bola na..
MA.8*. ;e to di(aana ho gaya hai tumhaare liye.. +ahut dinon se tang #ar raha hai #ya..=
A:'T' .mm..
MA.8*. ,halo.. Gopal aaj thee# #ar dega use..
Aditi loo#s at Mahesh.
43 mins6
Sc # 7, 1A2 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all
Malhotra dials a number on the phone. .e is (aiting for it to connect. 'n the bac#ground" (e see the
guards bring !iren do(n. Gopal is (al#ing (ith them. 'n one part of the hall Daya Malhotra and Mandira are
sitting (ith the relati$es of Mahesh. They loo# at !iren. 1m ,ha(la is there too. .e hides his face from
!iren. Gopal leads the guards and !iren to the section of the hall (here Malhotra is at the phone. The rings
can be heard on the spea#er phone. The phone connects.
1+871' >sound off? .ello9
!iren is brought in front of Malhotra. Malhotra tal#s into the phone.
MA/.1T7A Good morning Mr. 1beroi9 Mujhe yaad hai badi badi baatein #arte the aap.. apne bete #e
baare mein. 3i aap#o us par bahut bharosa hai.. $aghairah.. Magar aaj" jab meri bhanji #o
de#hane lad#e (aale aaye hue hain to aap#a (ahee beta" choron #ee tarah us#e room mein
ghus gaya.. aur mein thoda confuse ho gaya.. #i us#a #ya #aroon..= olice mein A'7
li#h(aoon.. ya apne aadmiyon se #ahoon #i is#ee taangein tod dein9 To meine socha aap
to bade sayaane aadmi hain.. aap#i raay lete hain..
Sc # 7/ Da%, 'nterior!
()eroi-! +all
Mr 1beroi is sitting in his hall. 0aren" *hiela and Mr Aernande@ are seen in the bac#ground. .e
spea#s into the recei$er.
1+871' 0ahin Mr. Malhotra9 Aaj ye to saabit ho hee gaya #i meri baaton #a #oi mol naheein
hai9 Main to duniya #a sabse bada be(a#oof hoon. Meri raay mat leejiye.. Aap#o jo thee#
lage aap $o #eejiye us#e saath.. !o aap#a gunehgaar hai.. Dahaan ta# mera sa(al hai to aaj
se mere liye (o #oi naheein hai9

Sc # 7, 142 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all & <ompound
The sound of 1beroi #eeping the phone do(n. !iren is loo#ing do(n. Gopal and Mr. Malhotra are
loo#ing at him.
MA/.1T7A 3ya #arein is#a=
G1A/ 'se yahan se hata deejiye papa. !arna pata nahin main #ya #ar doonga is#e saath.
!iren loo#s at Gopal.
G1A/ Do ise sunna tha $o Aditi ne #eh diya ise..
!iren loo#s do(n
MA/.1T7A >to the guards? eeche se le jao ise.
The guards ma#e to mo$e. Gopal steps up to !iren.
G1A/ Agli baar tu mujhe di#h ja.. Mujhe #asam hai.. @inda nahin bachega tu.. >to the guards?
hen# do baahar saale #o<
A guard ta#es his shoulder. !iren loo#s at the hand on his shoulder" loo#s at the guard. .e is ta#en
a(ay. .umiliation is (ritten large on his face. .e is ta#en out.
42 min6
Sc # 70 Da%, Et & 'nterior!
3alhotra-! <ompound & Aditi-! 4alcon%
The gate is opened" !iren is brought by the three guards to the gate. !iren pauses" loo#s up to(ards
Aditi-s balcony. Aditi is standing there. Their eyes meet. *lo( $ersion of the lo$e theme plays in the
bac#ground. Aditi turns a(ay. !iren is left outside the gate. A guard indicates him to go a(ay. !iren (al#s
do(n the road. Aditi loo#s at him. Mahesh comes in" loo#s at !iren. Aditi bends and pic#s up the pieces of
the flo(er-pot that !iren had bro#en yet again. Aditi loo#s at the pieces in her hand.
41)2 mins6
Sc # 75 Da% & Night, Eterior!
4om)a% Street!, <it%!cape
!iren is (al#ing on a pa$ement. There is noise and traffic all around. .is mind is (hirring because
of the recent re$elation. 0ight. Glitter of the city. !iren is lying at a $antage point. *omething comes to his
mind. .e gets up" decides" then lea$es.
Sc # 76 Night, Et & 'nterior!
;ernandeB- <ompound
.eadlights of a car turn and stop at the gate. The light falls on !iren" (ho is sitting on the steps of
the porch. .e loo#s to(ards the car. Aernande@ is in the dri$er-s seat" neGt to him is Mrs *tella Aernande@. 'n
the rear are 3aren and her aunt from Australia. Aernande@ sees !iren.
A-:8P &hat the hell<
The others loo# up. 3aren sees !iren.
A-:8P 7ascal.. .o( dare he9=
:espite her father-s rage" 3aren gets out of the car and rushes to !iren. *he reaches him bustling
(ith 2uestions.
3A780 &hat the hell.. haan..= &hat-s happening..= Tum#o #ya ho gaya hai..= :addy #uchh bol
rahe hain9 tumhare father #uchh bol rahe hain9 ' tried to spea# to you.. milne bhee gayee
tumse.. you sa( me.. aur tum bhaag gaye.. 3yon..= 3ahan gaye the tum= &hat happened..=
Tumne mujhe #uch bataya nahin. 3al raat se maaloom hai #ya haal hai mera.<=
'n the mean time" Aernande@ gets off the car in absolute rage. Mrs Aernande@ gets off in a hurry to
restrain him. The aunt is follo(ing them. Aernande@ reaches !iren.
A-:8P ;ou bloody rascal.. itna himmat hai tumhaare mein..=
3aren stops Aernande@.
3A780 apa please.. ;ou go inside<
A-:8P ;ou go inside< 's #o mein de#hta hoon9 ;ahan aa gaya hai na.. ' s(ear ab ye apne pair se
chal #e $aapas nahin jayega..
3A780 apa.. let me tal# to him.. apa..
*T8//A /isten" !incy.. ,ontrol yourself.
3aren is trying to #eep him physically a(ay from !iren. *tella and her sister-in-la( hold him no(
and pull him a(ay from !iren" (ho is standing" loo#ing do(n. Aernande@ is ta#en at a distance.
A-:8P Daan se maar doonga ise< ' (ill #ill this bastard<
3aren spea#s to !iren (ith determination.
3A780 /isten.. listen.. idhar de#ho.. Ab bhee sab #uch thee# ho jayega.. nothing is lost.. o#ay..=
Tum.. tum ho yahaan.. mein hoon9 sab thee# ho jaayega.. Mein daddy se baat #aroongi9
(o maan jaayenge.. belie$e me (o maan jaayenge9 Mein tumhare daddy se bhi baat #ar
loongi.. sab thee# ho jaayega9 sab bhool jaayenge is baat #o.. sab #uch pehle jaisa ho
jayega.. haan !iren 9 haan9=
!iren has been loo#ing at her. .e holds her hands. *he smiles.
!'780 3aren" ' don-t lo$e you yaar9
There is a pause. 3aren-s fren@ied mo$ements stop. 'n the bac#ground" Aernande@ stops struggling.
The (omen stop controlling him. 3aren stares at !iren as her entire (orld changes.
!'780 Main jaanta hoon #i agar main haan bol doon to sab #uch $apas aa jayega.. Magar $o jhoot
hoga.. Main #ya #aroon 3aren" main tumse pyaar nahin #arta.
3aren is staring at his face. .e turns and loo#s at Aernande@. .e goes to him.
!'780 Mr. Aernande@9 maine aap logon #e saath bahut bura #iya hai9 bahut bura.. ar maine jo
#ar diya.. $o ab #aise badloon main..= 0ahin badal sa#ta9 To main aap#e saamne #hada
hoon9 Aap#o jaisa lage" mere saath $aisa hi #eejiye..
Aernande@ loo#s at !iren" mo$es for(ard in anger and holds his collar. 3aren rushes to(ards them.
Aernande@ loo#s at 3aren. .e stops" stares at !iren. !iren is loo#ing do(n. Aernande@ pushes him a(ay.
Then turns a(ay (al#s inside. 3aren-s aunt follo(s him. !iren turns to 3aren. They loo# at each other.
!'780 Main jaanta hoon 3aren9 is (a2t tum #ya feel #ar rahi ho.. Main bhi $ohi feel #ar raha
hoon9 Isne faisla #ar liya hai.. $o us se shaadi #aregi.. us#e saath rahegi $o.. Main jaanta
hoon tumhein #aisa lag raha hai..
3aren is still transfiGed. *he is loo#ing at !iren. *he does not #no( (hether to be angry and
shout at him or fall do(n on her #nees and beg. *he is just loo#ing at him as he tal#s.
!'780 ata hai 3aren..= Tum aur main.. hum e# doosre #e liye nahin bane hain.. Agar hamaari
shaadi ho jaati na.. to mere saath tumhaari @indagi bhi barbaad ho jaati.. and you don-t
deser$e that. Tum 3aren ho. 3aren sab #o achhi lagti hai.. ata hai #itne log jealous the
mujhse..= Tumhein to #oi bhi mil jayega 3aren. Mujhse bahut achcha9
*omething connects to 3aren-s mind.
3A780 Tum taras #ha rahe ho mujhpar=
!iren is silent.
3A780 Tum samajhte #ya ho mujhe= .aan..= *uno9 main apni life mein9 #abhi bhi itna neeche
nahin gir sa#ti.. #i mujhe tumhaare jaise aadmi #i taras #i @aroorat pade. *amjhe tum=
Taras #haana hai na" to apne oopar taras #hao9 :e#ho apne aap #o.. 3ya ban gaye ho
tum. !iren 1beroi..
*he loo#s at him for a (hile" then turns a(ay. .e is loo#ing do(n. *he goes to *tella.
3A780 ,ome mama..
Mrs. Aernande@ loo#s at her daughter (ith tears in her eyes.
3A780 ,ome..
3aren loo#s a(ay and herds her inside. !iren turns and loo#s at her. 3aren closes the door. !iren
loo#s do(n.
43 O mins6
Sc # 77 Da%, Eterior!
()eroi-! #ate
The sun rises in the city. 1beroi-s house in the morning. The gate opens and a car dri$es out. 1beroi
is in the rear. The car stops for traffic. 1beroi sees something. .e opens the door of his car and half steps out.
't is !iren" in an un#empt condition. .e had been (aiting there.
!'780 Good.. good morning..
1beroi says nothing" just stares at !iren.
!'780 Main hamesha aapse darta raha hoon9 par aaj pehli baar mujhe aapse dar nahin lag raha
hai9 Mujhe afsos ho raha hai aap#e oopar. 3i aap#o mere jaisa beta mila. *aari @indagi
aap mujhe samjhaate rahe" par main #abhee nahin samjha9 Aur #al.. e# din mein" main
sab #uchh samajh gaya9
0amita rushes in. *omeone must ha$e told her. *he stops at a distance" (al#s up.
!'780 Maine jo #iya.. >pause? Any(ay.. sab #hatam ho gaya..
0aren comes out. 0amita holds his arm.
!'780 Thee# hua.. mere saath yahee hona chaahiye tha9 Magar aap#e saath jo hua.. aap#o jo
sunna pada.. you don-t deser$e that. Meri $ajah se.. '-m sorry. '-m $ery sorry. ;ehi bolne
aaya tha main.. Main jaanta hoon #i aap #e saath mera.. Any(ay.. Main jahaan bhee
jaoonga9 #oshish #aroonga #i apne aap #o badal doon9
.e ma#es to turn.
1+871' *uno..
!iren stops" loo#s do(n.
1+871' 'dhar de#ho9
!iren loo#s at him. 1beroi loo#s into his eyes. ause. 1beroi hugs !iren. !iren brea#s do(n.
!'780 '-m sorry dad.. main 9
1+871' Ghalati #abhi bachchon #i nahin hoti beta. Ghalati hamesha badon #i hoti hai.
0amita has tears in her eyes. *he is holding 0aren-s arm.
!'780 Mein bahut tha# gaya hoon dad9 jhooth bolte bolte9 har @immedaari se bhaagte
bhaagte9 ata nahin aisa #yon ho gaya main.. Main hamesha aap#e jaisa banna chahta
tha" magar #abhi ban nahin sa#a. '-m sorry dad" '-m sorry9
!iren cries on his father-s shoulder. 0amita loo#s at them" then she mo$es to(ards them and ta#es
!iren-s hand.
0AM'TA >hurry? ,halo" andar chalo9
!iren loo#s at her.
!'780 +habi..
0AM'TA Aaiye daddy.. 3amal" gaadi andar le lo..
*he herds !iren to(ards the house.
!'780 +habi..
0AM'TA *h9 andar chalo..
!'780 +habi '-m sorry..
0AM'TA *h..
*he leads him inside the house.
42 O mins6
Song # 6
!iren is sitting on a chair in the centre of his room. .e is in contemplation. All the doors and
(indo(s and cupboards are open. .e is at crossroads. .e has come to the position (here he has to start a fresh
life. !arious thoughts are crossing his mind. .e is trying to hold his head and decide.
Mo$e for(ards" the lyrics of the song say. ;ou might ha$e a load in your heart. *till mo$e for(ards.
The tune of the song is inspiring. There is the presence of melancholy" but the song as#s you to laugh at it.
The (orld (ill not stop. And you (ill ha$e to go along. There is no option. *o find pleasure (here you can.
8njoy the ride. /oo# brightly at the (orld" the (orld (ill become bright.
'n the song (e see !iren decidedly going to(ards (or#. .e does not (ant a moment of rest because
it is at such moments that the feeling of loss comes to him. Aditi is getting ready to marry Mahesh. *he is
reali@ing all that (ill happen after marriage. *he is trying to control the flutter and gi$e herself to the
sacrifice. The atmosphere of marriage is building all around her. &e also see that 3aren and !iren meet
again. 1n $arious occasions. The load of anguish seems to breathe easier on the three of them (ith the passage
of time. They laugh" they entertain. &e get intrigued by 3aren by the end of the song. *he is spending time
(ith !iren. *he is loo#ing at !iren" then thin#ing about him. T(o months pass in the song. &hen the song
ends" (e get the feeling that anything can happen no(.
43 mins6
)15H mins)
Sc # 79 1A2 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all
The hall is decorated. eople mo$e around. Ainal bits of preparation are under(ay. *onal is
super$ising the placement of the sofas. Mandira is placing decorated s(eet bas#ets and thaalis on one side.
The bell rings. 7ings again. The young maid neGt to Mandira (al#s across to the door. *he opens it. 't is
3aren. The music stops.
3A780 Aditi hai..=
MA': Di..
3aren (al#s in. *he sees the preparation going on. Mandira sees her. *he turns to(ards *onal. *onal
is loo#ing at 3aren in 2uestion. 3aren notices *onal" turns and (al#s to(ards Aditi-s room.
Sc # 9: 1A2 Da%, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
Aditi is sitting at the mirror" (earing a dressy costume. A girl is doing her hair. The door opens. Aditi
leans to her left and loo#s. *he sees 3aren standing there. *he narro(s her eyes. 't is 3aren. Aditi stands.
3aren loo#s at her.
3A780 .i Aditi..
A:'T' .i..
3aren (al#s in" pretending to be nochalant. *he loo#s around.
3A780 8ngagement hai aaj..=
A:'T' .aan..
3A780 /o$ely..
A:'T' >to the hair-dresser? Main tumhein bulaati hoon..
The hair-dresser (al#s out.
3A780 >mean(hile? Mahesh naam hai na..=
A:'T' .aan..
3A780 !iren ne bataya. Aur shaadi #ab hai=
A:'T' Agle maheene.
3A780 'tni jaldi..= Great.. *o.. Tum #hush ho..=
3aren loo#s at Aditi. There is something teasing about the (ay 3aren is spea#ing.
3A780 Are you happy..=
A:'T' .aan..
3A780 *trange.. Tum#o de#h #ar lagta nahin hai #i tum #hush ho.. ata nahin #yon..
They are loo#ing at one another. There are no secrets bet(een them.
A:'T' 3aren.. please.. Ab in baaton se #ya fayda= Do hona tha $o ho gaya hai.
3A780 0ahin Aditi.. Do hua hai $o apne aap nahin ho gaya hai. Tumne #iya hai $o. ehle to sab
#uch thee# tha.. $aise hi rehne deti9 Magar nahin.. tumhein beech mein aana tha" sab #uch
destroy #arna tha. !iren mujhse alag ho gaya. 3hatam ho gaya sab #uch J tumhaari $ajah
se. Aur ab tum #isi aur se shaadi #ar rahi ho..= ' mean (hat the hell is going on..=
Aditi can not say anything. *onal is coming up to Aditi-s room. 3aren continues J
3A780 Main jaanti hoon #aise maine apne aap #o samjhaya hai.. 3i yehi hona tha. Main jo us#e
liye feel #arti hoon" $o mere baare main $aisa nahin sochta hai.. Aur main is#a #uch nahin
#ar sa#ti. 3oi #uch nahin #ar sa#ta. 3yon#i $o tumse pyaar #arta hai. !o tumse pyaar #arta
hai aur tum us se.
*onal stops at the door as she hears.
3A780 That-s ho( it is. To phir tum dono saath #yon nahin ho= Tumhaari jagah main hoti to
chaahe #oi bhi problem hoti.. #uch bhi #arna padta mujhe.. magar main us#e saath hoti.
+ut dammit.. main tumhaari jagah nahin hoon. Tumhaari jagah tum ho.. Aur tum J
yahan #hadi ho J brocade #a #apda pehen #ar" haath mein mehndi laga #ar.. it-s ridiculous.
A:'T' 3aren please.. 's#e baare mein baat nahin #arte hain..
3A780 Aditi.. Tum aur main aur #is#e baare mein baat #ar sa#te hain= Main janna chaahti hoon #i
tum aisa #yon #ar rahi ho. 3uch to reason hoga.. pagal to ho nahin tum. 3ya baat hai..
batao..= Tell me..
A:'T' 3aren..
3A780 0o" ' ha$e to #no( this.. +atao..
A:'T' Maine uncle se $aada #iya tha9 3i $o log jis se #ahenge" main shaadi #ar loongi..
ause. 3aren stares at Aditi.
3A780 +as..= Tumne $aada #iya tha..= That-s all= >ause? Tum#o maloom hai !iren #is haal mein
hai= +aahar se #isi #o pata nahin chalne deta hai.. logon #o yehi lagta hai #i $o sab #uch
bhool gaya" bil#ul thee# hai" #hush hai.. Magar main us#o jaanti hoon. Tumse bhi @yada
main us#o jaanti hoon.. Andar se ro raha hai $o.. chilla raha hai.. Aur us#i ta#leef #abhi
#hatam nahin hogi" $o #abhi thee# nahin hoga.. Is#e andar e# aag hai" jo use jala rahi hai..
aur $o aise hi jalta rahega.. Pindagi bhar aise hi jalta rahega J !o thee# hai tumhaare liye.
Magar uncle auntie #o tumne promise #iya hai J $o promise tum nahin tod sa#ti.. >ause?
Tum ho #ya..= .aan..= :o you ha$e a heart..= 3uch feelings hain tumhaare andar..=
Aditi (as controlling herself. At this point" she bursts.
A:'T' 0ahin.. mujh mein #oi feelings nahin hai.. main #uch feel nahin #arti.. '-m heartless.. Main
sirf apni @indagi barbaad #arna chahti hoon..
3A780 >relentless? Mujhe tumhaari @indagi mein #oi interest nahin hai..
A:'T' >cuts? 3isi #o nahin hai.. ata hai mujhe.. Tum aayee #yon ho mere paas..= ,hali jao yahan
se.. /ea$e me alone..
*onal had been listening at the door. resently" she (al#s in. Aditi is crying. *he loo#s at *onal"
reali@es that she has heard. *he closes her eyes and sha#es her head. *onal loo#s at 3aren. Aditi spea#s
through her (eeping.
A:'T' Tum jao 3aren..
3A780 ;e baat tum..
A:'T' >cuts? lease 3aren9 ' beg of you. lease9
3A780 >pointing Aditi? Aise hi tadap raha hai $o bhi.. >pause? ;ehi tumhein bataana tha. Ab tum
#isi aur se shaadi #ar #e apni @indagi barbaad #arna chahti ho to #aro.. but remember.. apne
saath tum !iren #i @indagi bhi barbaad #ar rahi ho. And you ha$e no right to do that.
7estlessness has sie@ed Aditi. *he is crying. 3aren loo#s at her. Then turns and (al#s out.
Sc # 79 142 Da%, 'nterior!
3alhotra-! +all
3aren comes out of the room and (al#s do(n the stairs. *he mo$es through the hall as the dhola#
plays and girls sing. *he (al#s out.
41)2 min6
Sc # 9: 142 Da%, 'nterior!
Aditi-! .oom
*onal is loo#ing at Aditi. Aditi is on the floor" her palms outstretched to pre$ent the mehndi from
smudging. *he is sniffing" trying to control and (ipe her tears. After a (hile J
*10A/ +ahut der ho gayee hai Aditi. >(al#s to bed? Tumhaari shaadi #e cards bant gaye hain. !o
$apas nahin liye ja sa#te. Ab #oi tumhaari madad nahin #ar sa#ta. >sits? Do bhi #arna hai"
tumhein #hud #arna hoga.
Aditi turns to loo# at *onal. &hat does she mean=
*10A/ >thin#ing aloud? Tum sacrifice de rahi ho.. Mahesh se shaadi #ar #e.. Magar e# baat batao..
's sacrifice se #is#o faayda hai= >pause? Aur agar tumhaari shaadi toot gayee" jis#a ab
mujhe ya#een hai" tab #ya hoga= apa mummy #e sar #e oopar main pehle se hi baithi hui
hoon" apni shaadi tod #ar.. tum bhi $aapas aa jaogi tab unpar #ya gu@regi..= Aur tumhaara
#ya hoga= *haadi toote ya na toote" jitne din tum @inda rahogi tumhein yehi e# #hayaal tang
#arta rahega #i #aash maine shaadi nahin #ee hoti.. #aash maine ghalat" sahi.. #oi bhi
#adam utha liya hota magar shaadi nahin #ee hoti.. >pause? Mujhe tumse @yada lagaa$
nahin hai Aditi. Magar main ye #abhi nahin chahoongi #i @indagi tumein bhi meri tarah
bana de. Tumhaare paas time. Tum bahut luc#y ho Aditi. Tumhaare paas ye choice hai. Mat
#aro ye shaadi. Mat #aro.
A:'T' To phir..=
*10A/ !iren naam hai na us#a..=
A:'T' .aan9
*10A/ Ghar mein bahut hungama hoga.. tension hogi #uch dinon ta#. Magar pehle to sab log yehi
chahte the na #i tumhaari shaadi !iren se ho jaaye= To ho sa#ta hai baad mein sab #ehne
lagein #i achcha hi #iya Aditi ne.
Aditi can not belie$e the suggestion that *onal is ma#ing.
A:'T' Matlab.. main..= Main #ya #aroon..=
*10A/ !o tum batao mujhe. 3ya #arna chahti ho= Ghar mein mehmaan aa chu#e hain. 3isi bhi
(a2t Mahesh aur us#i family aa jayegi. hir tumhein neeche bulaya jaayega" aur
engagement #i rasm shuroo hogi. To #ya #arna chahti ho tum= Tumhaara dil #ya #ehta hai=
Aditi is speechless. .er heart is pounding on her chest. .er mind is racing. .er face is blan# (ith
ner$ousness. 't seems she has (itnessed a murder. *he is thin#ing. Then J
A:'T' >gibberish? Main $ahan aap actually $o9
*he stops. *he closes her eyes and places her palm on her chest to control her this hurry thing inside.
Then she gets up and points to(ards the balcony.
A:'T' ;e jo balcony hai na" is se neeche utar #ar.. #ayee baar main utar chu#i hoon.. chup#e se..

*10A/ >stands? 's balcony se..=
A:'T' .aan..
*10A/ Abhi jaogi..=
A:'T' .aan..=
There is a small silence. Aditi suddenly embraces *onal. .e body is sha#ing. They part.
*10A/ ;ou-ll be fine na..=
Aditi nods $igorously. .er heart is in panic no(. *he hugs *onal again.
*10A/ Achcha ab @yada time nahin hai..
Aditi releases" hurries to the (riting table" her legs sha#ing. *he ma#es to get paper and pen. *he
reali@es there is still mehndi on her palm. *he (ipes it on the curtain. &e stay at the mehndi stain as Aditi
recedes in the out-focus region to collect her things. +ehind the curtain is the balcony. 1n the side of (hich
are pipes. &hich can be held for support (hile climbing do(n the railing till the foot rests on the roof of the
bird house. Then the (all can be grabbed on the (ay to the ground. The sound of dhola# and singing in the
hall is increasing.
4C mins6
Sc # 91 Da%, 'nterior!
@re!entation +all
Architectural model of the multipleG. 0irmal 1beroi is leading the in$estors into the hall" ushers are
placing them. 0aren (al#s up. &e find !iren standing neGt to the model" loo#ing at it.
0A780 This is it brother. Tum taiyyar ho..=
!iren nods.
0A780 7emember !iren. ;e dad #a dream project hai. Agar ye financers maan gaye to hamaari
company #ahan pahunch jayegi tum soch bhi nahin sa#te.
1beroi (al#s up to them.
1+871' >ner$ous? !iren beta" ab sab #uch tumhaare oopar hai. +est of luc#. Dust do your best. hir
jo bhi hoga" de#ha jayega.
!iren is loo#ing at 1beroi. .e is nodding.
41)2 min6
Sc # 9$ Da%, Eterior!
A lane in the mar#etplace. Aditi is mo$ing through it as fast as she can. .a(#ers brace their (ares"
cars (hi@@ past. *he is (earing the same engagement dress but is (earing snea#ers belo(. The ornaments are
out" the ma#e-up is on. There is an airbag on her shoulder. *he rushes. A taGi @ips through the streets. Aditi
sitting in the rear. .er hair is flying. *he is tense.
Sc # 9, Da%, 'nterior!
<orridor!, .eception
Aditi rushes into the office building. The taGi lea$es from the porch in the bac#ground. eople loo#
at Aditi strangely. &ith her engagement costume" snea#ers and airbag" she is a strange sight in a corporate
office. *he comes to the receptionist" panting.
A:'T' !iren..=
78,8T-*T Aap=
A:'T' 3ahan hai $o..=
78,8T-*T :o you ha$e an appointment=
A:'T' 3ahan hai $o..=
41)2 min6
Sc # 9/ Da%, 'nterior!
<orporate ;loor & <orridor & @re!entation +all
Aditi rushes into the corporate floor of the office in the strange attire and the airbag. *he sees a
(oman at a computer" a fe( peons. *he hurries through the corridor and comes to a door. /oo#s through the
glass slab. !iren. *he has found him. .e is standing there" dra(ing on the board. *he barges into the room.
!iren turns" continues to spea# (ith great confidence J
!'780 Aur ye floor plan jo maine banaya hai.. .a@aaron saal pehle 'ndus !alley ,i$ili@ation mein
is principle #a istemaal #iya jaata tha. Modern architecture mein9
A:'T' !iren..
!iren hears the sound of the door. .e hears his name. .e sees Aditi rushing to(ards him. .e is
stunned. Aditi has been loo#ing only at him. 0o( she loo#s on the other side. *he stops" shoc#ed. There are
thirty people sitting there" listening to the presentation. A $ery high le$el presentation. *he loo#s at !iren.
!iren is loo#ing at her. 0o( he loo#s to(ards the audience. *he loo#s. 0irmal 1beroi is there" loo#ing at her.
0aren 1beroi is there" loo#ing at her. 8$eryone is loo#ing at her. *ilence. *he loo#s bac# at !iren. .e loo#s
at her. Then turns and continues the presentation.
!'780 Aisa hi hota hai. Apni puraani #no(ledge hum bhool jaate hain" aur phir $ohi #no(ledge
!aastu aur Aeng *hui ban #ar $aapas aa jaati hai. Main jaanta hoon #i is multipleG #a
(eight distrubution e# bahut bada challenge hai. Magar as a modern architect" mere paas
#ayee naaye gadgets hain" aur puraani #no(ledge bhi.. /et-s ta#e these eGterior steel
columns. Their role is not just aesthetic. +uilding #o ye $aise hi support #arenge jaise andar
$aale columns. 's tarah se is structure #o double stability milti hai.
Aditi loo#s at him. 7emains static for a moment" then loo#s at Mr 1beroi. *he loo#s do(n" retraces
her step. *he goes out of the door. 1beroi loo#s at her go. .e loo#s at !iren. !iren has not left the thread of
the tas# at hand. Although his mind must be (hirring (ith Aditi-s arri$al. Aditi shuts the door. *he stares at
the door for a (hile" then loo#s left" loo#s right. *he is restless" but she has to (ait. *he paces up to the (all
and stops. !iren continues inside. 1beroi loo#s at him. .e is assessing his son.
!'780 's design #a sabse @aroori aspect hai stability. *tability #i $ajah se hi aap log pehle #ayee
architects #e designs reject #ar chu#e hain. Mush#il hai J ye building hai hi itni badi.
Magar 7ed Aort se @yada badi nahin hai" naahin yramids ya ,hina &all se @yada badi hai.
Agar $o log us @amaane mein" bina #isi technology #e aisi buildings banaane mein
#amyaab hue the.. to sochiye.. is @amaane mein" modern technology #e saath" hum #ya
nahin #ar sa#te hain..
Aditi outside. *tanding (ith her bac# to the (all" ner$ous. There is muffled sounds of clapping. A
door opens in the corridor" clapping resounds. 'nside" the entire audience is standing in applause. !iren is
bo(ing. T(o people come to sha#e his hand. RMar$ellousS" R+rilliantS and such-li#e phrases abound. The
financers neGt to 1beroi spea# to him.
A'0A0,87 1 1beroi sahab" #ahan chipa #e ra#ha tha aapne ise= /ad#a to genius hai.
A'0A0,87 2 Ab to aap apni terms bataiye. ;ahan #oi mana nahin #arega.
1beroi-s face is flushed (ith this uneGpected success" the success of his dar# horse. .e loo#s at
!iren. !iren is accepting the congratulations politely" but bris#ly. .e is thin#ing about Aditi-s arri$al. .e
(ants to find out. 8$eryone comes to congratulate 1beroi too" but 1beroi eGcuses himself" ma#es (ay
through them and comes to !iren. 0aren is embracing !iren.
0A780 Mar$ellous #id brother. Absolutely mar$ellous.
!iren loo#s at 1beroi. 1beroi embraces him. Then parts and loo#s at him.
1+871' Mr !iren 1beroi.
1beroi loo#s at him (ith pride and trust and lo$e and confidence. Then he turns to 0aren.
1+871' ,halo 0aren" conference hall mein terms and conditions discuss #ar lete hain.
0A780 Di..
1+871' >to others? Aaiye ji.. this (ay.
0aren loo#s at !iren" then lea$es (ith the others. !iren loo#s at them lea$e. Then turns and (al#s
to(ards the other door" the door Aditi had come by. .e sees her. *he is loo#ing the other (ay" loo#ing for
him" tense. .e pauses" loo#s at her. Then mo$es bris#ly to her. *he turns and loo#s to(ards him.
!iren &hat..=
Aditi loo#s at him.
Aditi !iren..
!iren >hurry? 3ya baat hai..= Tum.. suddenly.. Tum yahan #yon ayee ho..= &hat-s (rong..= 3oi
problem hai #ya= &hat-s the matter..=
Aditi Tum sa(aal hi poochte rahoge ya mujhe ja(aab bhi dene doge..=
!iren *uno.. 0irmal ne tumhein de#h liya hai..
Aditi ' #no(..
!iren ' #no( to phir tum jao yahan se..
Aditi Meri baat suno..
!iren :e#ho" hum yahan" aise baat nahin #ar sa#te hain.. understand.
Aditi Tum suno to..
!iren ;ou-re the limit yaar.. tumhein maloom hai situation #ya hai9 ata nahin dad #aise react
#arenge. 3uch bhi #ar sa#te hain $o. ' can-t belie$e that tum yahan aa gayee.. office mein..
jahan tumhein maloom hai #i..
!iren notices Aditi-s bag. .e loo#s up at her face. .e is reali@ing.
!iren 0ahin9 0ahin.
.e ta#es her arm and (al#s out to the lobby.
43 mins6
)1CF O mins)
Sc # 90 E@art (neF Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
()eroi-! (ffice & <ompound
!iren brings Aditi to the lobby" releases her" is loo#ing at her. A 2uaint smile comes to his face. .e is
sha#ing his head.
!'780 :on-t tell me that tum.. tum bhaag #e aayee ho..= Tum ghar se bhaag gayee.. aur yahan aa
gayee" meri office mein.. #i hum dono.. bhaag jayein..= Aditi..= Tumhara dimagh #haraab
ho gaya hai..= .aan9= &hat is (rong (ith you..=
A:'T' Achcha..= Mera dimagh #haraab ho gaya hai= Aur us din jo tum mere #amre mein ghus
aaye the aur mujhe apne saath bhaag jaane #o #eh rahe the.. sab #e saamne..=
!'780 .aan to tumne mujhe ghar #e baahar phen#$a diya..
A:'T' Thee# hai.. Tum bhi mujhe baahar phen#$a do. >loud? +ulao guards #o... bulao.. Guards..
!'780 *huh..
A:'T' 0ahin tum badla lena chahte ho na..=
!'780 >irritated? :on-t be stupid..
A:'T' >confronting? Main hoon stupid..
!'780 ata hai mujhe..
A:'T' ata hai to #ya #ar loge=
!'780 0obel ri@e doonga tumhein.. is brilliant plan #e liye.. ' mean.. '-m shoc#ed.. 3oi itna
be(a#oof #aise ho sa#ta hai..= Tumne socha #i tum yahan aa jaaogi aur main bas #hada ho
#ar tumhaare saath chal doonga..=
A:'T' .aan.. ;ehi socha tha maine. Ghalat socha tha=
!'780 1f course ghalat socha tha. 't-s ridiculous..
Aditi loo#s at him. Then she turns and (al#s to(ards the lifts.
!'780 Aditi..
Aditi does not reply. !iren loo#s to(ards the office" goes up to her.

!'780 Tumhein #ya lagta hai #i ye possible hai..=
Aditi turns and (al#s to(ards the stairs. .e follo(s her.
!'780 >continuing? 3i tum aur main yahan hain.. abhi.. aur hum aise hi ni#al jayein..= Aisa ho
sa#ta hai..= +olo..=
Aditi does not reply" starts climbing do(n the stairs. .e holds her arm and turns her around.
!'780 Main tumse baat #ar raha hoon..
A:'T' 3yon baat #ar rahe ho mujhse..=
They loo# at one another in anger. .e is holding her arm" he can feel her breath. *he can feel the
proGimity. There is nothing more they (ould both (ant than to be (ith one another. They ha$e al(ays #no(n
that. They #no( that no(. !iren spea#s (ithout thin#ing.
!'780 +haag jaana #oi taree#a nahin hai..
A:'T' ;ehi to main #ehti thi..
*he releases herself and continues to (al# do(n. .e follo(s her.
!'780 .aan but.. Aditi9ab sab #uch badal gaya hai.. *amajhne #i #oshish #aro.. Is sab #e baad
un logon ne mujhe accept #ar liya9 Ab dad #o9 bhabi #o9 itna confidence hai mujh
par9 Aur ab main sab #o chhod #e ni#al jaoon..= 0o (ay.. Aditi" meri baat mano.. tum
$aapas apne ghar chali jao.
Aditi stops and turns to him in anger.
A:'T' Mujhe @indagi mein #abhi bhi salaah #i @aroorat padegi na" to tum aa#hri aadmi hoge jis se
main poochoongi.
!'780 >incited? 3yon..= .ar (a2t har aadmi yehi baat #yon bolta hai mujhse= Maine #aha ghar
chali jao" to #ya ghalat #aha=

A:'T' Ghar mein meri engagement ho rahi hai.
!'780 >ne( surprise? 8ngagement.. Tum engagement se..= In logon #o maloom hai #i tum bhaag
gayee ho9=
A:'T' ata nahin..
!'780 In#o pata nahin ya tumhein nahin pata #i un#o pata hai #i nahin..= 1ho.. Any(ay" ab tum
#ya #arogi..=

A:'T' ata nahin..
*he starts (al#ing. .e starts follo(ing.
!'780 ;e #ya ba#(aas hai..= ata nahin hai to pata #aro9
A:'T' >confronting? Tumhein #ya padi hai #i main #ya #aroongi..=
!'780 Tum itna bhaa$ #yon #ha rahi ho yaar..=
A:'T' Tum itna bhaa$ de #yon rahe ho mujhe= !apas jao na.. apne dad #e paas.. !o la denge
$aisi (aali" jis#o bhaa$ nahin dena padega..
!'780 Ab main dad #i choice par #aise bharosa #ar sa#ta hoon= In#i pehli pasand to tum thi..
And loo# at you J engagement se bhaag #e yahan aa gayee9
A:'T' >had enough? *uno9 Mera jo dil chaha" maine #iya" o#ay=
!'780 .aan9 magar9
*he turns and (al#s out.
!'780 Aditi" listen9
.e follo(s her.
43 mins6
Sc # 90 E@art T>oF Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
.eception Area & <ompound & Street! & Tai
Aditi enters the reception area. !iren hurries in after her. .e is conscious of the many staff members
and $isitors in the reception area as he spea#s to Aditi.
!'780 Aditi9 Aor God-s sa#e" suno9 Main ye nahin #eh raha hoon #i tumne jo #iya $o ghalat
hai9 Inderstand9
Aditi comes out to the compound" starts climbing do(n the stairs. !iren is follo(ing her.
!'780 Magar aise chal #e baahar ni#al jaana.. aur ghayab ho jaana.. it-s ridiculous9 3oi #apda
nahin.. inhein chhod #ar.. aise bhi thode se hi hain.. it-s" it-s9 ajeeb. Aisa nahin hota hai
yaar life mein9
A:'T' To tum #yon aa rahe ho mere peeche..=
!'780 Tumhein maloom hai #yon aa raha hoon..
A:'T' >stops? 0ahin maloom hai. +atao..
!'780 'sliye.. #yon#i main tumhein.. samjhaana chahta hoon #i..
Aditi turns and stops a passing cab.
!'780 >continues? ..#i bhaag jaana #oi solution thodi hai..
The taGi stops. !iren puts her bag in front (hile tal#ing. The dri$er puts the meter do(n.
!'780 ' understand #i abhi9 aur #oi raasta nahin di#h raha hai.. Magar bhaag jaana..= Achcha tell
me9 *unne mein #aisa lagta hai..= +haag gaye.. ' mean..
A:'T' 1ho.. samajh gayee main..
*he sits itn the cab.
!'780 Good.
.e circles the cab" gi$ing the office building a furti$e loo#" and sits.
!'780 +ahut achchi baat hai #i tum samajh rahi ho.. ractical hona bahut @aroori hai" #yon#i..
.e loo#s at the dri$er in front.
!'780 ,halo..
:7'!87 3ahan..=
!iren loo#s at Aditi. Aditi is loo#ing at !iren.
!'780 >to dri$er? Abhi tum seedhe chalo" phir main batata hoon9
The taGi mo$es.
!'780 >to Aditi? ,ool decision lena chahiye life mein9 Aaraam se" baat #ar #e9 Aur ye bahut
achchi jagah hai baat #arne #e liye.. ye taGi.. ;ahan #oi humein disturb nahin #arega.. To
baat #arte hain.. bina #isi disturbance #e.. aur #isi result par pahunchte hain.. *aare options
discuss #arte hain.. saare options.. 3yon#i Aditi" fran#ly spea#ing" bhaag jaana J is not an
option at all. Is#a to sa$aal hi nahin hai.. 'mpossible.. ' mean9 let-s be realistic o$er here
41 O mins6
Sc # 95 Da%, 'nt & Eterior!
"antage @oint
The traffic on the street. A taGi going on the street. 1beroi is standing at the balcony" loo#ing do(n.
0aren comes up from behind.
0A780 They are ready dad9
1beroi does not reply. 0aren loo#s do(n to see (hat 1beroi is loo#ing at. .e understands.
0A780 ;e !iren nahin aaya ab ta#.
1+871' !o itni jaldi nahin aayega. &a2t lagega. 3uch din9 .afte9 hir dono aa jayenge.
0A780 :ono9=
1+871' Achche lagte hai dono saath mein9 &hat do you thin#=
0A780 &hat do you mean= :ad9=
0aren mo$es for(ards to stare at his father-s face.
1+871' >preoccupied? 8# baat batao9 ;e jo Malhotra hai9 aur jo Mrs Malhotra hain9 agar main
un#e saamne ja #ar is lad#i #a haath maangoon9 itna #uch ho jaane #e baad9 0ahin"
nahin9 Apni naa# #at jayegi yaar9
0A780 :ad9=
1+871' Magar ye dono aaj #uch #ar jaayein9 hir #oi #ya #ar sa#ta hai= hir to sab #o accept
#arna hi padega. To main bhi accept #ar loonga9
0aren is nodding" (ith an impish smile on his face.
0A780 Ab mujhe samajh mein aaya #i !iren mein #is#e gun aaye hain9
1+871' 3yon= 3uch ghalat #aha maine=
0A780 >smiling? Aaj to aap mujhe aadmi hi ghalat lag rahe hain9
1+871' Tamee@ se baat #aro. +aap hoon tumhaara9
0A780 Mere hi nahin" aap saari duniya #e baap hain dad9
0aren embraces his father. +oth are $ery happy.
41)2 min6
Sc # 96 Da%, Eterior!
+igh>a% Dha)a
:haba on the outs#irts of +ombay. *ome truc#s are par#ed. *ome string cots are put out. Aditi and
!iren are sitting on a cot. Their taGi is standing at a distance. A truc# door opens and the dri$er of the truc#
comes out. .e is a sardar" in good spirits" humming a song. .e is loo#ing at !iren and Aditi.
!'780 :e#ho" paanch options hain hamaare paas" right= 1ne t(o three four fi$e. Tum batao" #aun
sa choose #arna chahiye9=
A:'T' Do tum #aho !iren.
!'780 Arey9= *ab #uch main hi #ahoon #ya= 'tni der se baat #ar raha hoon main. Tum #oi
interest hi nahin di#ha rahi ho.
A:'T' Thee# hai" main apne ghar chali jaati hoon9
!'780 aagal ho #ya= .aan9=
A:'T' To phir tumhaare ghar chalte hain9
!'780 Aditi" yahan ma@aa# nahin chal raha hai" o#ay9= +e serious.
A:'T' Arey magar yehi sab options hain na tumhaare paas9=
!'780 Thee# hai. To tum #oi option do9 Thin#9
A:'T' !iren9
!'780 0o" no9 thin#9
The truc# dri$er has (al#ed up in the mean time. .e is still humming the song. .e sits do(n on
a cot near them and spea#s.
:7'!87 *unna j$aan..
!iren and Aditi turn and loo# at him.
:7'!87 Tum log ghar se bhaag rahe ho9=

!'780 >$ehemently? Di nahin.. >ause? Aap#o aisa #yon laga #i bhaag rahe hain hum log..
:7'!87 1 ji puraani aan#hein hain9 pehchaan leti hain9 To bhai.. mush#il #ya thi..=
Ma@hab alag hain tumhaare=
!'780 0ahin ji ma@hab e# hi hai9
:7'!87 To phir jaat alag-alag hogi9
!'780 Di jaat bhee e# hai9
A:'T' +al#i jaat #e andar $aali jaat bhi e# hai..
:7'!87 *amajh gaya.. .asiyaat #a far# raha hoga #handaanon mein..
A:'T' 0ahin ji" e# jaise hi hain dono..
:7'!87 1ho.. to na#shattar" #undli milne-mulne #a cha##ar hoga..
A:'T' >giggles? +il#ul nahin.. .amaare to chaattis mein se paintis gun milte hai..
:7'!87 .aan to thee# hai.. #isi bhi $ajah se tumhaare maa-baap nahin chahte the #i ye shaadi ho..
!'780 >smiles? ;e bhi ghalat hai.. Ma-baap hi to chahte the #i ye shaadi ho..
A:'T' !ohi hi to le#e aaye the is#o.. Tab hi to hum mile pehli baar..
:7'!87 Ma-baap raa@i the..=
!'780 !o to force #ar rahe the humein shaadi #arne #e liye..

!iren and Aditi are giggling by no(. The dri$er is loo#ing at them. .e is a bit irritated.
:7'!87 Tab to e# hi baat ho sa#ti hai" hain ji.. 3i pagal ho tum log.. ;ehi hoga na phir..=
!iren loo#s at him seriously.
!'780 .aan" ye.. ye pagal (aala option right lag raha hai mujhe.. >to Aditi? 3yon.=
A:'T' ,orrect9
!'780 ;ehi baat hai paaji... Tab hi sab thee# hone #e ba(ajood hum log ghar se bhaag gaye..
!iren and Aditi laugh" thin#ing about the full circle they ha$e come. The dri$er loo#s at them in
surprise. Music of song from aying Guest J ,hodh do aanchal" @amaana #ya #ahega" is playing in the dhaba.
42 O mins6
Sc V 97 Da%, Et & 'nterior!
3oving TrucG on +igh>a%
The sardar is dri$ing" singing along (ith Asha +honsle as the song plays in the transistor.
KMain chali ab #hoob chedo pyaar #e afsaane"
#uch mausam hai dee(aana" #uch tum bhi ho dee(ane.-
The truc# is mo$ing on the high(ay. 'n the bac# of the truc#" there are a lot of gunny bags and dried
hay bundles. +et(een them" Aditi and !iren are play-acting the song.
KMain chali ab #hoob chedo pyaar #e afsaane"
#uch mausam hai dee(aana" #uch tum bhi ho dee(ane.-
Aji aana" dil mein samaana" aji aana" dil mein samaana"
8# dil e# jaan hain hum tum" @amana #ya #ahega..=
They ha$e climbed on top of the dri$ers cabin. They continue the play-acting. The song continues to
play" the truc# dri$es a(ay.
K.o" ho ho" chodh do aanchal" @amaana #ya #ahega..=
.a" ha" ha" in adaon #a" @amana bhi hai dee(ana..
:i(ana #ya #ahega..=-
41 O mins6
)1EE O mins)
42 hrs 5E O mins6

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