This document is a letter from an alien researcher named Exilon who is studying human culture and music on Earth. Some of the key points are:
1) Exilon attended a concert but was confused by the sounds of the instruments and saw no meaning in the noises.
2) Exilon then spoke to a little girl who provided a profound explanation of how music moves the soul and can convey emotions.
3) Exilon's perspective changed after experiencing an opera performance, realizing the power of the human voice to express depth of feeling.
4) Exilon concluded that humans value music more than material resources and it is an important part of cultural life.
This document is a letter from an alien researcher named Exilon who is studying human culture and music on Earth. Some of the key points are:
1) Exilon attended a concert but was confused by the sounds of the instruments and saw no meaning in the noises.
2) Exilon then spoke to a little girl who provided a profound explanation of how music moves the soul and can convey emotions.
3) Exilon's perspective changed after experiencing an opera performance, realizing the power of the human voice to express depth of feeling.
4) Exilon concluded that humans value music more than material resources and it is an important part of cultural life.
This document is a letter from an alien researcher named Exilon who is studying human culture and music on Earth. Some of the key points are:
1) Exilon attended a concert but was confused by the sounds of the instruments and saw no meaning in the noises.
2) Exilon then spoke to a little girl who provided a profound explanation of how music moves the soul and can convey emotions.
3) Exilon's perspective changed after experiencing an opera performance, realizing the power of the human voice to express depth of feeling.
4) Exilon concluded that humans value music more than material resources and it is an important part of cultural life.
This document is a letter from an alien researcher named Exilon who is studying human culture and music on Earth. Some of the key points are:
1) Exilon attended a concert but was confused by the sounds of the instruments and saw no meaning in the noises.
2) Exilon then spoke to a little girl who provided a profound explanation of how music moves the soul and can convey emotions.
3) Exilon's perspective changed after experiencing an opera performance, realizing the power of the human voice to express depth of feeling.
4) Exilon concluded that humans value music more than material resources and it is an important part of cultural life.
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Competition for the most beautiful letter in 2014
How music can touch our lives
Dear Earthlings, After a long study of your society, we have come to some rather interesting conclusions. As a researcher in the Department of culture and art, I would like to single out the music. I recently landed on your planet to study your cultural life. Do you know what astonished me? One morning I received an order to examine the concerts and music. Of course, as a resident of the planet Ef, where we do not have art like yours, I did not know what it is all aout. !o I went to the concert expecting something spectacular, and what have I found? On the stage were the people who were doing something completely insane" one was twitching wires stretched over some wooden ox, other was ruing the same kind of wires with a wooden stick, women were lowing into a hollow metal tues, penguin like man was dragging his fingers across the lack and white keys, a group of small fellows was eating the skin taut over a frame ... In the end, they all cheered# $ig deal % running riot over thins &ust ecause they produce sound. I wondered, 'Is it so that the vaunted civili(ation is inspired y ordinary sounds?' )o me, however, that was *uite disappointing. $ut I could not help noticing that everyone around was happy and smiling. One little girl even cried. According to the rules of the human rain, you should cry when you are sad. !o I thought that this crying was for the same reason as for me" she did not like it. And when I asked her was it so, she seemed *uite offended and told me that I have no rain, even asked which planet I came from. I+m glad I did not get a chance to answer, ecause I later reali(ed that this was in fact a covert operation. ,ater that day, I filed a report, and my next task was to find out why people are so attached to music. After all, these are &ust common energy waves, like everything else. I have decided it would e est to reach that little girl- she somehow seemed the right choice and the most suitale one to answer that *uestion. )wo hours later I have found her and decided to meet her. And please, do not ask me to explain how I have found her, not even I need to know everything# Anyway, we have met, talked for a while and then I raised the *uestion. .rankly, her response left me reathless. )his is how she responded" '/ou really don0t understand a thing# It+s not aout the means- the music &ust has that certain something. 1usic is a kind of hypnosis ... .or example, when I listen to some energetic music and high ass, my heart starts eating at exactly the same oom % oom%$OO1 eat. And then, it is as it shapes the rain" it gives me some confidence, and I can feel the speed, it is so exciting ... It+s really a good thing to listen to music while you0re roller%skating % fear of falling completely disappears. And allads, instrumentals % it+s so fantastic. /ou melt into the music, music accompanies everything you do. And everything you do can e descried y music. .or every sound carries an emotion, and &ust think that+s the difference etween noise and sound. 2oise is empty, randomly created, and with the sound, it+s all like a sentence. )his is proaly a way to send hidden messages, and that0s &ust the way I feel music. As if musicians are telling me something. As if they are saying it to all of us# If you0re a human, you can communicate through the music. .or everyone has a feeling to manifest in music. 1aye I sound like a spoiled rat, ut that is what music means to me ... I can ... I see and hear and feel % everything# ' )here she stopped % shuddered and *uickly left. 1aye she was emarrassed ecause she held a very profound speech, not *uite valued at the time like this. Of course, I remained *uiet, &ust doing my work of gathering information. !ome steps away from me she stopped, turned to me and pointed out that the only real instrument is the human voice. !o, I decided to research further and I got ticket for the opera. )hey told me" +Opera is like a voice gym, ut for the voice well developed it is like a dance floor.' I sat down, dra as ever, and I regret it now ecause I failed to show respect to the voice. A woman came out onto the stage and egan to sing. Ah, what a delight# I literally fell in love with a voice" such a power and grandeur. )he voice went right through my ears and reached the rain 3not the heart, as it only serves to pump lood, it is not for the senses4# !o many emotions and amiguity, personal touch of the singer. I heard the sentence, I felt it# As if I died and was reorn, and in the process reached a paradise full of sounds and voices. 5ith this letter I would like to point out that you guys have things much more valuale than aluminum, oil and coal. 6egards, 7xilon from Ef